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Healing Hooves Inc | Disability service

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Healing Hooves Inc

Phone: +61 466 254 563


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25.01.2022 Donations are always warmly welcomed and we love physical donations of equipment, feed and accessories. We received a lovely donation today consisting of 2 x 20kg bags of Equine Health Lucerne Mineral Pellets. Times have been tough and although we have been very fortunate in receiving grants to complete our HQ, these do not allow any expenditure on the general upkeep of the horses. A few dollars goes a long way so we truly appreciate each and every donation. As an exampl...e: 1 bale of hay cost us between $19 and $23 . We go through 14 bales per week. 1 set of hoof trims cost us $30 per horse. We have 10 horses and trim 6 weekly. 1 x 20kg bag feed costs us between $18 and $36 depending on the feed. 1 4x4 Round Bale cost us $120. We can go through 1 per week.

25.01.2022 Our amazing volunteer Shelly is doing a 220km ride raising funds for Mental Health. To support please follow the links

24.01.2022 This Striated Partalode is our new little tenant at our HQ. We have a small group of 4 or 5 nesting in the tree at out front gate. Such vocal little birds and not at all afraid of us. So pretty

24.01.2022 Piccolo and the herd decided to spend a few hours in the front paddock, filled with rich green, potential belly ache forming grass. I usually allow them an hour supervised in there, but not today. Our wonderful adventurous ( or naughty) herd decided to completely destroy the fence rails, fence posts and flip the gate to get into belly ache bistro. So, banished to the back area to think about their actions they are all hanging out together in one stable nurturing their food comas. . I have been down here for 4 hours and they are finally out and watching the hay truck deliver their tucker.

22.01.2022 The most magical place is home

20.01.2022 What an amazing day we have had. 2 groups running consecutively, in 32 degree heat, but not a frown to be seen. Group 1, CPL features some of our special friends who thoroughly enjoy their time, cuddling and brushing Monty. Laughter and banter is thrown around freely and we just adore each and every one. Group 2, PCCS "Chill Hooves", is our therapeutic equine interaction group. Where we create a safe place to explore emotional healing. Where friendships are formed and we receive the immediate feedback given via the participants to the horses. We "read" the horses and in doing that we are able to get an idea of the general feeling of the participants . Horses are master therapists and they are masters in non verbal communication. Todays chill hooves session ended with an impromptu and hilarious game of paddock charades. It was actually a joy to see and hear so much laughter. One master of games was Angel, a PCCS Chill Hooves participant who is with us for his second term. I snuck a photo of him acting out the TV Show "Arrow" and I just had to share with his permission of course. See more

17.01.2022 Psssst....A little birdie tells me we may have concrete on this slosh pit today

17.01.2022 Many thanks for your support. Another sucessful event.

16.01.2022 Park Visitors and Healing Hooves participant groups please note

16.01.2022 From our herd to yours. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year. See you all soon.

15.01.2022 Supporting Healing Hooves Inc. Today 4pm at Country Paradise Parkland. Aiming for the gurst Sunday of every month, depending on current bookings already in place. Restrictions apply to numbers

15.01.2022 What a fabulous morning. Today our beautiful group of 12 from GCRS enjoyed morning tea in the paddock, had naps in bean bags, ran through the sprinkler, laughed and played. It truly is such a joy for us. We once again give thanks to Volunteers, Beck, Shelly and Sarah and special helper "Meeka' ( Sarahs 8 year old daughter). A story id love to share involving young Meeka.... Last week Meeka on her first week of school holidays came down with her Mum Sarah. It was very apparent she had not experienced being around anyone with special or complex needs. She sat very close to me and she whispered " Marianne, why are they grown up adults but they are doing things like little children? " I paused a moment then I asked her " Have you ever seen the movie Peter Pan?" She replied " Yes" I went on " Well, Peter Pan was a little boy who never grew up, but Peter could fly, and his friends, The Lost Boys were also forever children who all had special talents, gifts and skills. And like our special friends here, they all have their special gifts and skills, yet some live within the mind of a child". As simple as that, she accepted and moved on. But thats not it.... Today Meeka took them by the hand and helped them walk, and play, and laugh, and squeal as they got wet in the sprinkler. No sideways glance, no uncertain awkwardness, just absolute and complete acceptance. Unreal......

15.01.2022 Why the long face? Haha sorry had to say it.

14.01.2022 Awful photos but I didnt want to get in the way while the guys were working so Ill pop back later to get some good ones. BUT we have concrete woo hoo. Cant wait for our special friends to have easy access .

11.01.2022 Another fun morning. A group of 4 from GCRS. Oh gee we laugh. Mr J lay in the beanbag under his parachute watching light filter through its colours. His eyes draw you in and just when you think hes not paying attention, his smile sucks you right back in again. Then there's Mr J who loves a chat and it takes zero convincing to get him drenched under the sprinkler. Mr K is amongst the most polite ive known, and he is quite happy to watch the world go by up on the verandah alone. And then Mr M, Mr Yoo hoo as I call him is the inspector of all the horses , the fences and looks quite official. Hes funny too and we just love him. Hows yoir morning been?

11.01.2022 *Notice Due to construction works the Beaudesert Nerang Rd entrance to Country Paradise Parklands will be closed off for Thursday and Friday . Please use the Billabirra entry.

10.01.2022 Did you know that horses are constantly observing you and reading your energy and emotions. At Healing Hooves we teach that the horses are often a reflection of you. So you have to be aware that your energy influences the horse and the way he/she behaves. Therefore if you can master your own emotions and energy, so you can always stay in a calm and positive state then the horses too will stay in a calm and positive state. Pretty cool huh!

10.01.2022 Adding a little sunshine and now I just need rainbows and lollipops

09.01.2022 New updated website coming soon.

08.01.2022 This morning we had a mini working bee to get the first coat of white onto our verandah railings. Love it . Thank you Sarah, Mum ( Jan) , Carol and Zai for yoir help.

07.01.2022 We are totally bummed that this Friday's event at the Parklands has been cancelled. Why are we bummed? Well, it is an amazing location, the locals love it and the dynamic Mikky and the other guy were booked to play. Local musicians playing local for locals. We are a little bias of course. Mikky is my son, and The Other Guy none other than Bruce, my husband lol.

07.01.2022 We had a wonderful group of 14 participants today. Words cannot express how spending time with our special friends makes us feel. We have worked really hard to create a space that not only our participants can enjoy, but their support staff and carers. Sally joined us today and showed curiosity with the bean bags, and also Piccolo had a bean bag play. He has also taught himself to move electric wheelchairs by holding the controller in his mouth.

07.01.2022 Starting to settle in adding some furniture. The chooks have discovered how to find me now

06.01.2022 Thankyou Jamie and the team of Easy Lay Concrete . We are so thrilled with the work you have done to create our new and awesome space for our special friends, volunteers and friends .

06.01.2022 Just chillin watching the horses eat and next

06.01.2022 Happy 7th Birthday to PICCOLO, our little Forest Gump. The funniest, cutest little ratbag who defies the odds. He is the King of the herd, nothing phases this little scallywag, and he has a Mum with the patience of a saint. The only pony that gets away with anything and everything within the herd and not a nasty bone in his body. We just love him

05.01.2022 Thank You Christine for taking these

05.01.2022 What an awesome day. Today we had 3 groups. Julie and Shelly took care of the Plus Social "Chill Hooves" program . Last session today for this particular group of people. This has been a very sucessful 10 week program focussed on Mental Health. This will start again with a new group on the 5th October. Previous participants will be welcomed to apply to return. Bruce and I worked with 2 groups . First we enjoyed time with AFFORD. a group of 7 Intellectually and Physically... Impaired participants who enjoy just hanging out in the sunshine, brushing Monty, singing to the music ( We set up a PA system for them) and playing with the few toys we have. Our second group was CPL and this was their first group visit inside the paddock. And what a pleasure and a joy that was. This was one of those magical moments where participants go from being completely afraid to leading a pony, to completely going off on own to spend quiet time with the bigger horses, and lastly using own initiative to hand out and feed the horses their hay. Sometimes you just have to trust in the process, step back and let things happen organically. And finally I was able to decompress a little and was joined by this little Butcher bird who was imitating the calls of Magpie and other birds. So cool.

03.01.2022 Massive thanks to Dr Rhiane and Dr Katie of Gold Coast Equine who came today to do dental work on Tyson, Jimmy and Milly. A couple of weeks ago Rhiane called and offered dental to all 10 horses as a gift to Healing Hooves and as an opportunity for training. I literally put the phone down and cried.( I had a terrible day initially, struck down with panic attacks and then twisting my ankle in a hole in tge paddock) So today we did Jimmy (27), Tyson (17) and Milly (9) who did incredibly well with minimal sedation. Over the next few weeks we will work through the rest .

03.01.2022 Supporting Healing Hooves. First Sunday of every Month. Seriously the most invigorating experience you will ever see. Tomorrow afternoon at Country Paradise Parklands.


02.01.2022 We purchase our hay from a couple of different suppliers. We mainly feed grassy hay as its affordable and doesnt upset sensitive tummies. But sadly when it comes to nutritional value its a little lacking. Affordability is a huge factor for us, as is consistency of quality and when we want to really spoil the herd with the best quality, we can always rely on Gold Coast Hay and Stockfeed to supply us the best. These bales are so heavy I cannot lift one myself. Check them out, they have a large range of feeds, supplements etc and really think outside the box when it comes to horses health.

01.01.2022 Happy Birthday Monty. 6 years old today.

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