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The Healing Power of Food


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25.01.2022 OK, due to some comments on a post from earlier, I need to address the presumption that protesting the loss of freedoms equals the lack of care for people's hea...lth, which is actually the opposite. If our government put people's health first: *IV Vitamin C would be the first treatment offered for anyone who presents in hospital or their medical clinic with a respiratory illness. There is a huge body of evidence for this treatment option, yet it is not offered. It would have a huge impact on severity and mortality of respiratory illnesses. *Naturopathy would not have been deliberately and systematically destroyed by the medical and pharmaceutical industries and would be regarded as a valid treatment option for chronic illness and would integrate seamlessly alongside orthodox medicine for optimal patient care. *The government would not have taken away the ability for people to claim for valid natural therapies through private health insurance, making it unaffordable for most to access. *The government would not stand by and allow orthodox medicine to be the 3rd leading cause of death in the Western world and not be held accountable for those deaths. Death by having the correct dosage of the correct drug dispensed - so no errors - is a massive problem that is swept under the carpet, not to mention the slow death by the drugs that treat chronic illness. *Food as medicine, nutrition, herbalism and natural medicine would not be vilified and ridiculed in the media and would hold a respected position in an integrated health model. Our large evidence base and thousands of years of history would hold a valid place in our health care system and would not be labelled as quackery by the medical profession who have everything to gain by keeping people unwell and dependent upon their drugs. *The elderly would not be so over-medicated that they have no immune system left and are increasingly vulnerable to infection and illness due to rampant and excessive reliance on prescribed medication. *Integrated medical practitioners who practice a style of medicine that encompasses a more holistiic approach would not be hounded by the AMA and driven out of the profession when they are spending more time with their patients and getting better results. *Studies of evidence based natural medicine and orthomolecular medicine would be taught to medical practitioners and these proven approaches would be used by medical practitioners for the best outcomes for their patients. "First do no harm" would actually mean something. *Nutrition, food as medicine, and herbalism would be taught in medical school and carry just as much weight, if not more, as their drug models of "one symptom, one drug" which in most cases does not address the underlying health condition and just band-aids or masks the symptoms. *Nutrition and basic herbal knowledge would be taught in schools and children would grow up not being frightened of illness but know they had the tools at hand to keep their immune systems strong, and would have the confidence to know how to treat themselves and support their body at the first sign of illness - and many would heal without the necessity of medical intervention. *People wouldn't be taught in the media to "soldier on" when they are unwell and would have a philosophy that understands that the human body needs rest to heal, and rather than being drugged into suppressing symptoms to enable people to continue working, support is given to a natural healing process. *The elderly and vulnerable wouldn't have to live on below subsistence incomes and the government would support those in society that are most at risk of poor health and ensure that they were able to afford to eat well and look after their health. So if our government was actually interested in putting people's health first, we wouldn't be at this point right now, where the "only" way to protect the vulnerable is to enforce extreme measures onto the entire population which may include mandatory vaccination. To accuse people who are protesting and raising awareness about loss of freedoms, of not caring about people's health, turns a complex situation into a black and white argument that pits people against each other. Buying into that narrative doesn't allow for healthy debate and the raising of serious issues that need questioning. By making those those two trains of thought diametrically opposed "protesting draconian laws" or "putting people's health first" any conversation is immediately shut down. I can hold both those ideas without one canceling out the other - this is called critical thinking and is something more people need to learn how to do.

07.01.2022 Our garlic industry is rallying after cheap imports in the 1990s caused a rapid decline in local production. There are a number of good reasons to BUY AUSSIE G...ARLIC, no reasons not to! #nofarmersnofood Note: we do have some white Australian varieties of garlic that are naturally white and very good, the point is, don't buy the imported Chinese and Mexican stuff.

05.01.2022 Little ideas on how we can grow own vegetables in little space

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