Healing Source in Greater Geelong (C) | Local business
Healing Source
Locality: Greater Geelong (C)
Phone: +61 413 273 651
Address: 5/164 High St 3216 Greater Geelong, VIC, Australia
Website: http://HealingSource.com.au/
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21.01.2022 A worth listening to testimonial about the Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy.
21.01.2022 This is a letter I got this week from a client who had one session with me about 2 months ago. His session was on the Ajna Light and the PEMF which I almost always use them together because I find they augment each other so beautifully. The change in him is really as radical as he describes; I would consider it a Spiritual Awakening.
20.01.2022 Room's set up now just waiting for the clients.
20.01.2022 Pricing discount to help people through the COVID crisis.
18.01.2022 "In patients who experience anxiety, emotional stress, panic, fear, and/or symptoms of autonomic dystonia, including headaches, cardiac palpitations, and dizziness, grounding could be a very realistic therapy. These patients may see positive effects most likely within 20 to 30 minutes and in almost all cases in 40 minutes."
17.01.2022 Group sessions can be done sitting or lying.
13.01.2022 This is long but has some very interesting information on health, water and frequency (vibration).
12.01.2022 Tried my first Forest Bathing with Ajna today and it was a very interesting experience. I love the Japanese practice of forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku and I've had this idea for a while that I could use the Ajna to put people into a Theta State before forest bathing and thereby make the experience a deeper, stronger and more meaningful. My partner Jackie and myself had our first go at it today and I can definitely say that it was an interesting experience, I do a lot of fore...st bathing type walking in nature and the Ajna allowed me to enter the state much more quickly and easily and experience it more deeply (it was a bit like I remember walking in the forest on mushrooms many years ago). I've set up so that I can run the Ajna away from home with 2X Solar Panels, a deep cycle battery, inverter, and the battery backup for power failures so I can take it into the forest or down to the beach, or anywhere in nature. After today I think I need to set up a shade area above the Light and a few other things to tinker around the edges but the concept appears to work. A significant motivator for me with the Ajna Light is the fact that it can open people to the Spirituality of the world around them. As an old Greenie I see re-engaging Spiritually with the earth as central to meaningful change, it is when we see the real value and meaning of what is around us that the care level skyrockets and the Ajna is a shortcut for people to find this place. In my work as a mental health nurse I tried and tried to get people to practice meditation and again and again I got the response "How long will it take" and when my response was "I don't know" their answer was mostly "I can't wait, just give me the pills". Unfortunately too many people will not learn how to enter these states the old fashioned way and with the mess the environment is in we don't have time for them to decide to do it. In the meantime the environment degrades, the stress levels go up and up and with them the need for meditation and those other states of consciousness the Ajna can provide. To me the Ajna is a key to open people to their real selves and the reality of the world around them so Forest Bathing or Forest Immersion fits in perfectly.
12.01.2022 This is a sample video of the Ajna Light on Theta, the meditation frequency and is ideal for Lockdown Blues. Note that it is not as effective as the real thing ...but it's the best I can do. To use: Dim the lights, put on your headphones, turn the screen brightness up, CLOSE YOUR EYES AND KEEP THEM CLOSED, sit back and enjoy. Don't use this if you have a history of epilepsy, are drunk, have taken hallucinogens or any of those really crappy new-fangled drugs they sell these days (amphetamines). See more
10.01.2022 The function of the Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field Generator.
09.01.2022 Is the government suppressing the Pineal? I don't know, but I do know that many of the things in modern society do suppress our Pineal and therefore our awareness and in particular our Spiritual awareness. This is one of the reasons why I love the Ajna Light, its ability to effect and eventually re-activate the Pineal Gland. Apart from it uses in relaxation, meditation and their well proven benefits for mental health the fact that the Ajna can also guide people into the Lambd...a brainwave state which some people see as hallucinogenic but I find to be much more of a Psycho-Spiritual place. While 'hallucinations' or visions do occur in this state they are more in line with the traditional use of hallucinogens which was to aid in the exploration of the Spiritual and our reason and place in the Universe. In the past I have used plant medicine hallucinogens and I always found their effect to be Spiritual and thought provoking; unfortunately because of the illegality of their use I stopped in my early twenties; the Ajna light has allowed me to re-start that Journey I was on over forty years ago without any of the risks of rightly or wrongly being declared a criminal by my society. That criminality is, to me, the biggest thing supporting Heather's hypothesis - why was a plant that had shown huge potential in research and when used with reasonable common sense declared to have no possible therapeutic value and suddenly criminalised? After many years as a mental health nurse I am well aware of the tsunami of quality research that is coming through today on the mental health value of the hallucinatory state and I see the Ajna as a simple and safe way to access these benefits and that is one of the reasons why I decided to leave nursing and set out on this new Journey of self discovery and a new career path. The Light works on mind and Spirit, and the Pulsed Electro-magnetic field therapy I utilise heals the bodies own Electro-magnetic field and through that impacts beautifully on the whole person.
09.01.2022 Simple questions often provoke complex responses. Where do we go and what do we do if the answer isn't what we hoped.
09.01.2022 While the Ajna Light is excellent for relaxation and meditation, at the other end of the spectrum it can also do this.
09.01.2022 We love this The way people have come together to support the most vulnerable in our community in the face of COVID-19, give us hope that we will be able to come out of this crisis stronger and better equipped to build a just and sustainable future. Credit: Eco with Em
08.01.2022 Ajna Light group sessions every Tuesday evening.
07.01.2022 I find it amazing the way people sometimes move their bodies under the Light. It seems to be that as they relax into a deep state whatever part of their body people hold their stress in will start to physically move the stress out of there; this is often around the neck and shoulders but for me it is the legs. I had one client who hadn't slept for three days and felt like her whole body was 'vibrating' during her session she was almost contorting her neck and shoulders. After the session told me that this her neck often had pain but felt "really chilled" after the session. I'd put her into deep Theta and she came out feeling really relaxed and went home for a sleep.
07.01.2022 During this trying time of Covid 19 we're all living in our houses with no respite and this can often lead to increased stress levels. One of the frequencies that the Light produces is Theta which is the state you ideally enter in meditation. This is a short (20 minute) session of the Ajna Light set on Theta frequency, It is not as effective as the actual light but should be beneficial in assisting you into a full meditative state.... if you want music during your session; I would suggest some Theta sounds that you can easily find on youtube as these will assist and work with the Light (search for theta frequency youtube). To use the video: While you are using the video treat it as you would a Mindfulness session with your focus on the Light. Sit comfortable in front of your computer with the video turned off but on fullscreen. You need to look at the video through closed eyes and the light will show through your eyelids. Once you start the video you have a couple of seconds to close your eyes, sit back, relax and enjoy
06.01.2022 With the growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating that psychedelic medications can be of huge benefit to people with depression, anxiety, addiction, changing the maladaptive thought patterns that many develop over their lifetimes and much more why isn't it being used more. There is also a lot of evidence that the Lamp improves feeling of connection to the earth and spirituality; these are both things that are an environmental imperative if we are going to see change occur in that field. Healing Source utilises the Ajna Light which can move people into this same brainwave state with no risks, no side effects and is legal.
06.01.2022 This is the frequency the PEMF generates and just one of the frequencies the Ajna can work at. The function of the PEMF is that it generates the same frequency as the earths around your body which acts to undo some of the damage done by the many man made frequencies and in doing so it softens the cell walls and so allows improved cellular transport. This increase in cellular transport facilitates increased nutrient and oxygen flow into the cells and more complete removal of waste products from within the cells; by improving the function of the cells the PEMF assists the cells in healing. It is this effect of the PEMF that allows it to have a beneficial effect in so many conditions and injuries. The PEMF does not 'heal' anything but it assists the body in healing itself.
05.01.2022 I'm looking at doing a form of Forest Bathing with the Light to get people into a full Theta state before they go into the forest; need to do some test runs first though.
05.01.2022 When I opened this page this morning there was a big notice from facebook stating that there are some things I cannot do because I have breached the community standards of facebook. While the only offensive thing I can think of is the picture at the start of the last video where I have my mouth open like a fish, if I have offended anyone I am truly sorry.
04.01.2022 As of Tuesday 19th of May I will be in attendance at Happy Herbs every Tuesday (other day by appointment) offering Ajna Light sessions. As we have now ended the most intense of Lockdown I am able to offer services again. I'm a retired mental health nurse working with other, innovative modalities to assist people on their journey to mental health. For many of us this Lockdown has been extremely stressful period and stress can easily leads to feelings of depression and anxiety.... At last we can all start to relax again and entering a meditative mindstate is one of the best and easiest ways to do this; I utilise an Ajna Light which is a light that assists people to enter a true meditative brainwave state (Theta brainwave state) more easily and this state has been well proven in clinical research to have a positive effect on mental health states including depression and anxiety. Medication works for some and meditation works for many but takes a long time to have an effect and many people find it extremely difficult to ever achieve a true Theta Brainwave state (the meditation state). With no medications or herbs I can help you attain a Theta state in minutes; if you'd like to have a free, introductory try come and see me at the Happy Herbs, 5/164 High St, Belmont any Tuesday between 10am & 6pm." I am able to do home visits by appointment.
04.01.2022 The upside of the virus.
03.01.2022 At Healing Source we pride ourselves on assisting in the healing of body, mind & spirit. The body is aided on it's Journey to heal itself by the amazing effects of the Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field Therapy which works in a unique multi-level way; it Grounds the body, boosts cellular activity and release old trauma. Humanity has spent 200,000 walking on this earth and in constant physical contact with it; our feet touched the soil, the grass, the rock, the sand and the water ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 SHIELDS UP! Raise your Chi/Qi/Prana through Meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, Energy Medicine (like PEMF), etc. This is literally SHIELDS UP like in Star Trek!! If your energy is strong, the viruses will bounce off your Aura of Invincibility!!!!
01.01.2022 This is but one reason why the Ajna Light is such a valuable healing tool.
01.01.2022 I have recently added a few research articles on the health benefits of Grounding or Earthing the human body to the planet's electromagnetic field. Although these use a variety of methods of Grounding they all achieve basically the same result. At Healing Source we use a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field generator for this as it has been well proven to obtain high quality results in a time efficient manner.
01.01.2022 This is the creator of the Ajna Light explaining its contribution.