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22.01.2022 Role of Bones in the Body You may have heard that without your bones, youd be a puddle of flesh and blood. And its true.... The skeleton provides the framework and supports your body needs to stay rigid and upright. Bones serve as attachments for muscle groups. They act like levers and allow for muscle flexing and extension. These important muscle attachments help us to walk, run, sit, and stand. Your bones also protect your vital organs from harm. They can absorb the impact of injuries and shield the organs underneath them. Think of all the vital organs your rib cage protects. Your skull is a case for your invaluable brain. And you would be unrecognizable without your bones. While the muscles in your face and neck are responsible for facial expressions, the bones underneath give your face shape. The position of your cheeks, your chin, and nose are all determined by your skeleton. Advanced Bone Anatomy: Lengthening and Strengthening You try to avoid stress, pressure, and tension as much as possible. But these three forces compel your bones to grow and develop. Your bone anatomy makes this possible. Mechanical stimulation triggers osteoblasts and osteoclasts to reinforce the bones in your body. This kind of stress is good, it makes bones stronger. To lengthen, bones need to be pulled on by the muscle groups attached to them. Regions of bone called growth plates are near the ends of the long bones in your body. Growth plates are sections of active bone tissue. When your muscles tug on the ends of long bones, they provide the necessary stress to encourage bone growth. Osteocytes sense the tension in the growth plate and direct osteoblasts to lay down new bone tissue. When this happens too quickly in children, it can lead to nagging, dull pain. This constant discomfort is often referred to as growing pains. Bones grow in length, but they also increase in thickness. Exercise thickens bones, making them stronger and harder to break. Athletes have often been recognized for having longer than average leg bones. Longer legs, especially thighs, may be seen in athletes because they constantly apply pressure to their bones from frequent exercise. Eventually, our bones stop growing in length when growth plates slow down their activity. For women, this occurs around age 16. For men, its about age 19. Between ages 25 and 30, most people will reach their peak bone mass. Maintaining bone mass after age 40 is important and part of a healthy lifestyle. Bone Health Maintenance The best way to protect your bones is to fortify them with healthy habits. Diet and exercise are two of the best ways to help maintain your bone health. By far the most valuable mineral to your bones is calcium. When calcium stores are lacking, your body pulls it from your bones to use elsewhere. To safeguard your bones, eat a diet rich in calcium. This essential mineral is found in milk, yogurt, and cheese, but also in green leafy vegetables and soft-bone fish. Some foods make it difficult for your body to absorb calcium. Soda and carbonated beverages decrease the amount of calcium absorbed by the intestines. Evaluate your diet and see if you can include more calcium. When in doubt, taking a multi-mineral or another supplement with a calcium component is always a great idea.* Another critical component to your bone health is magnesium. Besides being one of the minerals found in bone, magnesium stimulates the thyroid to secrete calcitonin. Calcitonin is a hormone that helps preserve bone strength by channelling calcium from your bloodstream to your bones. Not only does magnesium help strengthen your bones, but this key mineral can help maintain healthy muscle function. * Vitamin D is also a critical player in bone health. Vitamin D allows our bodies to absorb the calcium in our diets. Your body can make its own vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun. And some foods and dairy products are fortified with vitamin D. They can help you get what your body needs. But those still falling short should consider taking a supplement with vitamin D.* Next Time: Bone Health Throughout the Lifespan #GoHealth #GoHealthPerth #MoodFood #USANAPerth #ColinJames #D32 #Nutrition #Wellbeing #Supplements #Vitamins #GutHealth #MentalHealth #FreeRadicals #Antioxidants #MensHealth #WomansHealth #Athletes #Beauty #Health #SkinCare #Weightloss #sugar #sugardetox #energy
21.01.2022 Healthy mom, healthy baby. Give your baby the nutrients they need to thrive from the very beginning!
17.01.2022 When you see the term "Organic" on a food or food product label, what does that mean? Amidst nutrition facts, ingredients lists, and dietary claims on food pack...ages, organic might appear as one more piece of information to decipher when shopping for foods. Understanding what organic actually means can help you make informed and smart choices on the food they purchase. Certified organic foods are grown and processed according to federal guidelines addressing many different factors and can be broken into a few different categories (the following is based on U.S. guidelines, so different countries may have unique rules. However, the basic principles would be similar). Produce can be called organic if its certified to have produced without excluded methods (ie. genetic engineering or ionizing radiation) or grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Prohibited substances include most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organic meat regulations require that animals are raised in living conditions accommodating their natural behaviors (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones. The meaning of 100 percent organic, organic, and made with organic on a food label Products in the 100 percent organic category must meet the following criteria: - All ingredients must be certified organic - Any processing aids must be organic - Product labels must state the name of the certifying agent Products in the organic category must meet these criteria: - All agricultural ingredients must be certified organic, except where specified on National List. - Can contain up to 5% non-organic content - Label must state the name of the certifying agent Made with organic category must meet the following: - At least 70% of the product must be certified organic ingredients - Any remaining agricultural products must be produced without excluded methods - Non-agricultural products must be allowed on the National List - Must state the name of the certifying agent - These products must identify organic ingredients with an asterisk or another mark, and cannot include USDA organic seal anywhere, represent finished product as organic, or state made with organic ingredients. While there are many marketing claims that suggest organic food products contain more nutritional value than conventionally farmed foods, this has not actually been scientifically proven. Consumers can be assured, however, that their food products are verified organic at all steps between the farm and the store. Final thoughts about foods and food products labeled organic All farmers use pesticides no matter how they farm. Pests (insects and disease) follow the plant material, not the production method. Organic produce DOES have residues (and, like conventionally produced food, this will be at very safe levels --- well below regulated limits) The scientific evidence does not support the idea that organics are always safer, more nutritious, or more environmentally-friendly than food produced in other ways. Wash your fruits and vegetables. Always. No matter how they are produced.
15.01.2022 It is officially your LAST CHANCE to buy the commemorative Spartan HealthPak and receive 20% off your first US Spartan Race. What are you waiting for? Get them before they're gone!
15.01.2022 Your Immune System is your first line of Defence, so we need to look after it. Eat lots of Fruit, Vegetables and Fiber. Take Medical Grade Probiotic and ...Vitamins. Wash your hands with soap and warm water. Order your Immune System Booster Now 0447448667 [email protected] #GoHealth #GoHealthPerth #MoodFood #ColinJames #Nutrition #Wellbeing #Supplements #Vitamins #GutHealth #MentalHealth #FreeRadicals #Antioxidants #MensHealth #WomansHealth #Athletes #Beauty #Health #SkinCare #Weightloss #sugar #sugardetox #energy #coronavirus
15.01.2022 Six Ways Yoga is Good for Your Mental Health The practice of yoga has become more popular than ever in recent years. And theres good reason. Done consistently can have a profound impact on physical, mental, and emotional health. Here are six ways the practice of yoga can help support your mental health. Practicing yoga can help: Lower Anxiety Reduce Stress Improve Sleep Promote Mindfulness Reduce Feelings of Anger Elevate Mood Support Self-Awareness and Compassion Whether you are looking to start a fitness regimen, improve meditation, bend and touch your toes, or simply gain a better sense of well-being, yoga may be the perfect solution.
14.01.2022 MolybdenumHard to Pronounce, Essential for Health Molydenum is a relatively recent addition to the list of essential minerals. Its certainly less familiar to ...most people than the other M mineralsmagnesium and manganese. See how molybdenum relates to detoxification and why certain enzymes depend on it to function optimally.
14.01.2022 No one likes to see their children stressed out, confused, and frustrated. If your kids have been feeling this way lately, try out some of these tips when they come home from school tonight!
13.01.2022 USANA athlete Sara McMann returned to the ring after nearly a 2-year absence, and won her comeback (post-baby) fight! Check out what she had to say... "It's a l...ot easier to enjoy MMA when things go your way. But you know if you really love the sport when things don't go your way. A long lay off, injuries, 2 fight loss streak, getting older, and taking care of an infant are a few of the hurdles I had to navigate. The hardest part for me is my eternal question that's haunted me from day one... "Did I do enough?" You don't find out until you're locked in a cage in front of millions of people. I honestly think many of the challenges I face outside of the sport really sharpened my will and drive inside of the cage. Thanks to everyone who believed in me. It is much more logical to think I was starting a downward spiral. It happens with athletes all the time. Maybe in a few years, but not yet." See more
11.01.2022 Soluble and Insoluble FiberWhats the Difference? Dietary fiber is made of the material (carbohydrates) in plants that are not digested by the small intestine.... There are two major types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. There are differences, but both are beneficial to your health. Insoluble fiber, also known as roughage, is found in wheat bran, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables (especially in the stalk, skin, and seeds). As the name suggests, insoluble fiber doesnt dissolve in water and is not absorbed by the blood stream. It adds bulk to help carry waste through the digestive tract. Soluble fiber is made up of gums and pectins from oat bran, beans, peas, citrus fruits, and some vegetables. Soluble fiber does dissolve, which creates a gel that slows the movement of digested materials. It can aid nutrient absorption, improve satiety, and help support healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels already in the normal range. Adults eating typical diets generally fall far short of the recommended intake of total dietary fiber, which includes both soluble and insoluble types. Those numbers are: 38 grams/day for adult men. 25 grams/day for adult women. To make sure the health benefits of dietary fiber are part of your healthy diet, consume less processed food and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Find more information on the various benefits of dietary fiber:
09.01.2022 Say Hello to My Little CELLS Cells are talked about a lot in nutrition and health. And it makes sense since you cant really be healthy if you dont have strong..., flourishing cells. Understanding basic functions and characteristics of your cells can be a real advantage when you take an interest in your health. Thats especially true with new science and technology emerging all the time. Whether you are just now learning about the basic functions and make-up of the human cell, or need a refresher, this infographic is informative, and easy to understand. Go to the following link for the full-size graphic and article:
06.01.2022 Fun Facts About Your Red Blood Cells Everything you eat and breathe is circulated and delivered to tissues and cells throughout the body by your heart and circu...latory system. A healthy cardiovascular system requires healthy red blood cells. Here are a few fascinating facts about your red blood cells that will earn your respect: The average red blood cell lives for 120 days. Once mature, red blood cells contain no nucleus or DNA, so they can no longer replicate or repair themselves. There are approximately 2.5 trillion red blood cells in your body at any given time. To maintain this number, the body has to produce about 2.5 million red blood cells per second in the bone marrow. That is over 200 billion new red blood cells per day. About 5.6 liters of blood circulate through the body three times every minute. That means a red blood cell can circumnavigate your body in less than 20 seconds. The largest artery in the body, the aorta, is about the diameter of a garden hose. Capillaries, on the other hand, are only 1/10th the diameter of a human hair. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps to squirt blood over 10 meters (30 feet). Keep your cells running longer and stronger by providing them all the right fuel, fluids, and nutrients they need.
06.01.2022 11 Fascinating Facts About Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is associated with numerous health benefits to both baby and mother. There is no question about that. Her...e are some interesting facts about breastfeeding and lactation you may not have heard before. After giving birth, the body gets the final signal to make milk. The breasts usually make more than one newborn can handle at first. Why? The body doesnt know whether there is one, two, three, four, or more babies to feed. The milk supply then adjusts to meet the babys (or babies) needs. Breast milk changes during a feeding session. When the baby first starts to nurse, the milk is a watery, bluish color. Toward the end of the feeding session, the milk gets thicker and fattier to provide the calories needed to grow healthy and strong. And milk changes its nutritional profile as the baby grows (milk made for a 3-month-old is different than for a 9-month-old). Breastfeeding exposes the baby to many different tastes. The baby gets a taste of whatever the mom eats, although not directly. Eating a healthy diet can make introducing solid foods easier when the baby is a few months old. Babies can see mother up close and personal. Babies are born with poor vision, and they can only see about eight to 15 inches away. That also happens to be the distance between mom and baby's face when breastfeeding. So, when baby and mom lock eyes, its a true bonding moment. The baby knows its mothers smell. Newborns have a strong sense of smell and know the unique scent of moms breast milk. That is why babies turn their head to mom when they are hungry. The wealthier the country, the less likely mothers are to breastfeed. That makes breastfeeding one of the few health recommendations in which poorer countries are closer to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines than rich countries. Breastfeeding allows faster recover from pregnancy and childbirth. The hormones released during breastfeeding help the uterus shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size. Feeling drowsy? Lactating releases oxytocin, which causes a relaxing sensation. So, the tired feeling is not always just sleep deprivation. Most moms are right. The right breast makes more milk than the left in 75 percent of breastfeeding moms. What if all children were breastfed? Over 800,000 infant lives could be saved every year and 13 percent of all deaths in children under five could be prevented if all, or nearly all, infants were breastfed. (1) Its exhausting. Producing breast milk burns up 25 percent of the bodys energy. In comparison, the brain uses only 20 percent. Its important to acknowledge that some people can't breastfeed for medical, physical, or comfort reasons. But when possible, breastfeeding is one of the best things a mom can do for the health and well-being of herself and her growing child. 1. The Lancet Breastfeeding: Achieving the New Normal Volume 387, No. 10017, pg 404, 30 January 2016 For more information on nutrition during pregnancy and lactation see the following links:
05.01.2022 What is not to love? Healthiest and happiest family on earth. @MargieBryantGlobal
02.01.2022 Important to have daily time for connections, sharing and, certainly in our family, unbridled hilarity
02.01.2022 Keep the Liver HealthyIt Has a lot of Jobs to do The liver is one of the largest organs in the body, and has many important metabolic functions. The liver is u...sually associated with detoxification, but it is essential for numerous other vital functions. It converts the nutrients in our diet into substances the body can use. It also stores many nutrients (ie. iron, copper, vitamin A) and compounds which are then supplied to the cells of the body when needed. The liver produces proteins that, along with vitamin K, play an important role in blood clotting. The liver is one of the organs that break down old and damaged blood cells. The liver a central role in all metabolic processes in the body. In fat metabolism, the liver cells break down fat to produce energy. It also secretes bile into the small intestine to further aid in the breakdown and absorption of fats. In carbohydrate metabolism, the liver helps regulate blood glucose to keep it constant. After a meal when blood glucose is high, the liver can remove glucose from the blood and store it as as glycogen. When blood glucose begins to decline, the liver can breakdown glycogen into glucose to release into the blood. The liver can also make new glucose from lactic acid and amino acids in a process known as gluconeogenesis. This is especially important in times of prolonged fasting. Hormones in the pancreas, insulin and glucagon, direct these processes in the liver. In protein metabolism, the liver changes amino acids in food so they can be either used as energy, or made into carbohydrates and fats. It converts toxic substances into harmless ones and makes sure they are released from the body detoxification. There are 3 primary pathways by which the liver detoxifies. 1. Filtering the blood to remove large toxins. A healthy liver clears almost 100% of bacteria and other toxins from blood before the blood enters general circulation. 2. Synthesizing and secreting bile for excretion of fat-soluble toxins and cholesterol. Bile serves as a carrier to eliminate toxic substances from the body. It also emulsifies fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the intestine, improving their absorption. When excretion of bile is inhibited (cholestasis), toxins stay in the liver longer, subjecting the liver to damage. 3. Enzymatically breaking down unwanted or toxic chemicals. This usually occurs in two steps, known as Phase I and Phase II. Phase I detoxification involves up to 100 enzymes that detoxify both exogenous (drugs, pesticides) and endogenous (hormones that need to be cleared) compounds. A result of this metabolic activity is the production of free radicals and oxidative compounds. Neutralizing these compounds requires glutathione, the most important antioxidant in both Phase I and Phase II detoxification. If oxidative stress is too high, and there is not enough glutathione present during or after Phase I, Phase II processes that are dependent on glutathione are negatively affected or cease. Build-up of toxic intermediates and severe toxic reactions can occur as a result of this imbalance between Phase I and Phase II. Phase II involves conjugation, or binding a protective compound to a toxin. This process requires many nutrients and metabolic energy to function. In addition to glutathione conjugation, other pathways are amino acid conjugation, methylation, sulfation, sufloxidation, acetylation, and glucuronidation. To summarize, during Phase I chemicals are modified to make them an easier target for the Phase II enzyme systems, and important nutrients and balance are required for healthy function. Therefore, if the liver cells and detoxification systems are not working properly, the toxic intermediates linger and cause damage. Be sure to check out tomorrow's post on Glutathione - The Amazing Detoxification Molecule You Might Not Know About!
01.01.2022 Poor Dental Care Negatively Affects Your Overall Health The connection between poor dental health and a negative impact on health and various diseases is clearer in recent years. Periodontal diseases, which relate to or affect the structures surrounding and supporting the teeth, increase the risk of several other health conditions. Here are just a few ways that poor dental status can negatively affect health: It May Hurt Your Heart People with gum disease are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease compared to those don't have periodontitis. Your Memory May Suffer Some research suggests there may be a tie between poor oral health and an increased risk of dementia. It Might Impact Your Blood Sugar People with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal disease than those without diabetes. Poor dental health makes it more difficult to control blood-glucose levels. It May Affect Your Breathing Gum disease may increase your risk of getting respiratory infections, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia. Prevention and treatment of periodontitis require a healthy, nutrient- and antioxidant-rich diet, good lifestyle habits (no smoking or excessive alcohol consumption), and regular, consistent dental care. More Information about teeth:
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