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Health Matters NQ in Townsville, Queensland | Naturopath

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Health Matters NQ

Locality: Townsville, Queensland

Phone: +61 405 537 335

Address: 1/30 Fulham Rd, Pimlico 4810 Townsville, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Seeds that pack a punch to your health!! (in a GOOD way!!) SUNFLOWER SEEDS While they are certainly a beautiful flower, a little fact about sunflower seeds are that they are an excellent source of protein, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, calcium and iron! Add them to your baking, sprinkle on top of salads for some crunch or add some seeds to your nut mix for an extra hit of nutrients!

25.01.2022 In times of stress you may need to boost your nutrient reserves.... here are some key nutrients to help you get through it! Magnesium - so undervalued! Magnesium plays a vital role in the body, its responsible for hundreds of enzymatic reactions which support our stress response - calming the body both physically and mentally. It does so much more but I think you get the drift! You can get Mg from whole grains, green leafy vegetables, quinoa and dark chocolate - yum! B V...itamins - so important for prolonged stress and in getting those neurotransmitters transmitting! Magnesium and B vitamins can generally be found together in a powdered form if you’d prefer therapeutic dosages for when the stress is all too much! Food sources include; eggs, proteins, whole grains, vegetables and fruits - if you increase your plant base foods (i.e lots of colour on your plate) you will naturally increase your antioxidants which are also highly beneficial in times of stress. Zinc- found in meats, shellfish, legumes and eggs. Supports many enzymatic reactions as well as healing the gut. Gut-brain axis So many ways to curve the stress simply by manipulating your diet and nutrient intake! What to know more... #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathtownsville #townsvillenutritionist #healthylifestyle #healthymind #mentalhealthawareness #magnesiumdeficiency #naturalmedicines #stressrelief

24.01.2022 If you are restricting fats in your diet because you think they’re making you fat think again! Well, if you’re eating loads of saturated fats commonly found in fatty meats, fried foods, fatty snacks, processed meats, desserts, fatty salad dressing, animal fats and trans-fats then yes, you will be facing serious health issues if consumed in excess over a period of time. But I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about the good fats, the unsaturated types like polyunsaturat...ed and monounsaturated fats. Fats found in fish, avocado, olives, nuts and seeds Fats that contain omega 3 because these fats are vital for the function of our brain and nervous system, for our hormones (especially in women), in lowering LDL cholesterol, and in the brain development of our children. Another type of polyunsaturated fat is omega-6. These are commonly found in vegetable oils. We tend to obtain these fats easily in our diet from processed foods and takeaways so don’t be too worried about getting your daily quota of these. Like with everything, it’s all about getting a balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids to help regulate inflammatory reactions within the body. So, to make sure you’re getting the right fats in your diet for healthy hormone balance, focus and mood include fats from plants such as nuts and seeds, flaxseeds, oily fish, olive oil, avocados and limit processed and takeaway foods. Let me know if you have any questions about fats below

24.01.2022 Do you know your PRObiotics from your PREbiotics? Both biotics help to improve your gut health by improving the microbiota or good bacteria in the gut. This results in a healthier and stronger gut wall which in turn lowers inflammation throughout the body, supports your immune system, while the bacteria aids digestion. PROBIOTICS Create a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria as well as protect us from unwanted bugs. The best way to get a balance of good bacter...ia’s is through supplementation or you could try fermented foods such as; sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, kefir and natural yoghurts. Remember, start slow and slowly build up. PREBIOTICS These provide food for the good bacteria of the large bowel. You can up your intake by including the following foods; green vegetables, asparagus, artichoke, feel, dandelion greens, chicory, garlic, and broccoli. Resistant starch found in sweet potato, brown rice and unripe banana promotes the production of butyrate, a substance that is the preferred fuel source for gut repair, improving metabolism, reducing inflammation and nourishing the gut lining. Also, it is important to remember is that fibre feeds the bacteria, increasing their numbers and diversity, so just another good reason why to increase your daily intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables!

22.01.2022 Immune boosting Anti-inflammatory Superfoods Antioxidants Helps to improve iron absorption ... Supports healthy mood and adrenal function Supports healthy connective tissue So many benefits from eating foods rich in Vitamin C - what are your favourite sources of vitamin C foods? #healtheating #townsvillenaturopath #nutrition #vitamincforgoodhealth #loveyourbody #naturalmedicine #healthychoice #respect

21.01.2022 The facts on Vitamin C When it comes to the common cold, Vitamin C may not be a cure but studies show that it will reduce its duration and severity! Vitamin C has been linked to many impressive health benefits, such as boosting antioxidant levels, reducing blood pressure, reducing heart disease risk, protecting against gout attacks, improving iron absorption, boosting immunity and reducing dementia risk.... Overall, vitamin C supplements are a great and simple way to boost your vitamin C intake if you struggle to get enough from your diet. Foods containing Vitamin C; citrus (lemon, lime, grapefruit, oranges), kiwi fruit, apples, melons, berries, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, dark leafy greens, capsicums and tomatoes. Food for thought...?

18.01.2022 Gut symptoms such as pain, bloating, diarrhoea, and constipation are not normal especially if they are influencing your days! #naturopathtownsville#foodallergytesting

16.01.2022 A real sign of progress is when we no longer punish ourselves for our imperfections - Yung Pueblo We are not made to be perfect all of the time, our imperfections are the quirks that make us unique and loved! #thursdaythoughts

15.01.2022 Dietary fibre comes from plant foods and is essential for your health in so many ways Adequate fibre not only promotes a health gut function but can reduce the risk of a number of chronic diseases including heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes so if you don’t think you’re getting enough fibre in your diet, you may want to rethink your food choices especially if you or your genotype have a predisposition to any of the above conditions? Types of fibre ... SOLUBLE FIBRE: Delays gastric emptying, reduces blood glucose levels and lowers blood cholesterol. Soluble fibre is found in; fruits, vegetables, oats, barley & legumes. INSOLUBLE FIBRE: Increases faecal bulk, absorbs water to soften stool, and acts like a broom sweeping out waste from the digestive tract. Insoluble fibre can be found in your wholegrains, cereals, nuts, seeds, and the skin of fruits and vegetables. RESISTANCE STARCH: Found in sweet potato, brown rice and unripe bananas promotes the production of butyrate, a substance that is the preferred fuel source for gut repair thus improving metabolism, reducing inflammation and nourishing the gut lining. Have you been paying attention to making sure you get adequate fibre in your diet? Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below!

11.01.2022 Do you have an acute condition and would like to see a naturopath? We offer acute consultations which are short consults designed to get you back on your feet.! Acute conditions are things like colds and flu, bacterial and/or viral infections, sinusitis, UTIs, thrush etc. It is not a full consult so only focuses on your presenting symptom to get you back on track quickly. In this consult, we often prescribe nutritional and herbal medicines alongside nutritional support from foods. If it has been a while since you last saw a naturopath you may consider a full consultation once you are feeling better to help reduce the likelihood of recurrent illness. Call to make your booking - 0405537335

10.01.2022 Proteins are essential macronutrient made up of amino acids - otherwise known as the building blocks of the body All together there are 22 amino acids, some are made within the body and are referred to as non-essential amino acids. The rest are essential amino acids, meaning they cannot be manufactured by the body and must be consumed in our diet. Foods that are complete proteins (foods containing all essential amino acids) are commonly found in animal sources. If you are v...egetarian or vegan, it is important to combine protein sources to ensure you are consuming all of the essential amino acids. For example, eating rice with legumes, lentils, or corn. This does not have to be eaten in the same meal but does need to be consumed on the same day. Great vegetarian complete proteins include; Chia seeds, Buckwheat, Tempeh, Tofu, and Quinoa. So, what does protein do for our body? Protein is essential for normal body and brain function and is involved in producing important molecules that: Build muscle and maintains lean body mass Energy production Satiety to assist with weight management Stimulates collagen production to support hair, skin, nails and internal organs Produces neurotransmitters for stress and mood control Transports nutrients like oxygen and waste for optimal body function And is responsible for thousands of chemical reactions that occur daily within the body The body does not store protein as it does fats and carbohydrates, so it will take from other structures or processes if dietary supply is insufficient so make sure you are consuming your daily quota to keep your body happy and healthy. However, be aware. too much protein isn’t good for you either! How much of that information did you already know? There’s much more to come on proteins, including where you get it from and portion control! Stay tuned for our next post

07.01.2022 When your week has been a crazy busy one... give yourself permission this weekend! #relax#unwind#naturopathtownsville#enjoylife#happiness#legsupthewall#mentalhealthawareness

05.01.2022 Fish oils... We know the importance of omega-3 fish oils because the research is in! Omega-3's (found in oily fish) have shown to support our brain function, and development, our mood, and energy, as well as supporting our cardiovascular health. but how do we know what to look for when purchasing a fish oil? A good quality fish oil should be.... 1. Tested for heavy metals and environmental toxins 2. Tested for radiation exposure 3. Fresh An easy way to assess whether your fish oil is fresh, is to bite into it. If the oil smells or tastes strongly of fish and causes reflux or fishy burps, then it is likely to be rancid which could potentially be harmful to your health! Still unsure. Ask your friendly naturopath!

04.01.2022 It’s been a while since I’ve said hi to you all, and many might not know the face behind the business, so I thought I would say hi and introduce myself for those people! My name is Karen Mason, I hold a Bachelor of Health Science Naturopathy, Advanced Diploma in Nutrition and in Western Herbal Medicine, Diploma of Remedial Massage, an Emmett & Bowen Practitioner, and a Member of Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS). I am also a registered provider with Austral...ia’s major private health funds. I believe in traditional naturopathic medicine, with a strong focus on evidence-based practice for the best long-term health outcome for my clients. As a mother to a teenage son, I understand the importance of good health and vitality in order to keep up with the ever-changing pressures of work, family, and lifestyle commitments. My vision is to support my clients through better health with natural health-care solutions. Our mission is to make a real difference to your health by providing a high-quality service that empowers you to make achievable goals that set you up for long term better health management. See more

02.01.2022 You know when you follow a recipe and it turns out nothing like it should? Well, this lovely Salted Macadamia Slice recipe has come from Changing Habits and while I did modify it just a little, the end result was delicious! I love raw desserts as they are high in protein, good healthy fats and wholesome goodness! BUT remember, while they’re super yummy and a healthy treat - moderation is key, you will experience weight gain if over indulged! A small piece will satis...fy, so spread the love around and share with your friends, family and work colleagues you will be the most popular person ever! You can find this little gem and much more Changing Habits Enjoy x

01.01.2022 In a world full of crazy, I’m all about keeping it simple. So, let’s talk about carbohydrates! It would seem that low carb diets are all the rage but are carbs really the enemy? Fact is, carbs are a major source of our energy fuel and our body loves them! Carbs help to regulate our metabolism which is important for the health and function of our thyroid and reproductive system.... Carbohydrates are used by the brain in times of stress, by releasing our feel-good hormones keeping us calmer and happier.Adequate carbs in our diet prevent muscle breakdown, as it spares protein from being used for energy. Carbs are full of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Some colourful carbs are rich is polyphenols which cultivate good bacteria to grow in our large bowel thus supporting a healthy microbiome. There are two types of carbohydrates simple and complex which are made up of starch, fibre and sugar. Simple carbohydrates are quick to digest and can be found in our fruits and vegetables. Simple carbs can also be refined or processed found in breads, pasta, pastries, cakes and biscuits refined carbs are addictive, hold little to no nutritional value and overtime will mess with your blood sugar levels, rob you of your energy, and make you FAT stay away from them! Complex Carbs on the other take longer to break down, providing longer lasting and more sustainable energy. Complex carbs include wholegrains, starchy root vegetables, beans and legumes. At the end of the day both simple and complex carbs turn into glucose (blood sugar) in the body and are used for energy but it’s important to know which carbs are having a positive impact on you and your health, so listen to what your body is telling you! Plant based carbohydrates are nutrient dense so you may want to think twice before cutting all carbs out of your diet long term! Let me know below if you have any questions on carbs

01.01.2022 Have you considered seeing a Naturopath but just weren’t sure what to expect? We always start with an initial consult which are structured around you and your current health, factors that have influenced your health and where you would like to see your health in the future. This is the perfect time to ask any questions you might have too. If you are interested in seeing a Naturopath or would like to know more about what we can do and/or treat? Please feel free to DM me or... email; [email protected]. Health Matters NQ A natural approach to healthcare

01.01.2022 Gain control of your allergies and intolerances... We are constantly exposed to foreign bodies from our environment, with our respiratory system, digestive system and skin all providing a barrier to protect us from the outside world. For the most part our immune system does an amazing job detecting these foreign bodies and neutralizing them so that they do not cause harm to our body but sometimes our immune system can have an abnormal response causing unwanted symptoms such as itchy skin, rashes, sinus, congestion, sneezing, digestive complaints such as diarrhoea, constipation, pain, bloating and reflux or mood changes, restlessness, headaches, foggy head and/or interrupted sleep. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms let us help you to identify and reduce these inappropriate immune responses called allergies!

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