Health At Newton in Adelaide, South Australia | Medical centre
Health At Newton
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8337 6888
Address: 8 Stradbroke Road, Newton 5074 Adelaide, SA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Im very very blessed to work with some very awesome colleagues! Feeling very grateful for their thoughtfulness and concern for me whilst Im recuperating from neck neurosurgery! Thanks team! You guys are the best!
24.01.2022 Hi everyone, our phone lines are currently experiencing a higher demand. We are doing our best in the current climate to answer all calls. Thank you
24.01.2022 Did you know you can request repeat prescriptions online via our website Payment is made via PayPal and you will receive an SMS or email of an escript QR token which you can then take to your preferred pharmacy. If attending a consultation in rooms, you can also elect to have your escript instead of a paper copy. Please speak to your doctor if you want an escript instead of a paper printed script. At this most of the pharmacies (with the exception of 2) in and around Campbelltown and Newton, Rostrevor, Athelstone and Hectorville have the ability to dispense an escript.
21.01.2022 Wishing all our patients and their families a very safe and Happy Easter! It's a little different this year with COVID19 and social distancing! Whilst the surgeries are closed over the Easter weekend, if you need a telephone consultation, you can ring 81214006. Meanwhile, here's brilliant video from a bored family in the UK and their take on lockdown! Enjoy!
21.01.2022 TL;DR - if you have returned from overseas and have any symptoms that could indicate COVID19 infection, please present yourself to SA Health run Fever clinic at the RAH! DO NOT come into your GP as we have no masks and are NOT able to perform testing safely for the coronavirus and do not want to risk cross infection to our more vulnerable patients, staff and doctors!
20.01.2022 OH MY GOLLY GOODNESS ME!!!!!! We have hit just over $15,600!!! WOOHOOOOO!!! HUGE THANK YOU to Dr Alvin Chua and the incredible team @ Health at Newton/Campbel...ltown for your generous $1000 donation!!!! Then another AWESOME donation from Sandra!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! Im in tears I am SO grateful for your support!!!!!! Thank you for partnering with us to bring practical help and HOPE where its needed most!!!!!!! 2 hours to go!!!! WOOHOO!!
20.01.2022 With LOVE from Campbelltown This afternoon we handed over the One Voice Mobile Shower. The new lead service provider for South Australia is One Life Church in Salisbury. We couldn't send the van off without a farewell gift from Campbelltown. Senior Pastor Jeff Marshall is pictured here receiving hand knitted scarves, beanies and slipper socks to give directly to people in need of warmth and encouragement. ...These beautiful items were made with LOVE by the Knit4Charities Adelaide Knit and Natter members who meet locally at the Campbelltown Arthouse Inc. and Lochiel Park Golf. Nothing can be accomplished without helpful people! Let's also thank Mark Ferguson who at very short notice safely moved the mobile shower to it's temporary location in Campbelltown. Also Dr Alvin Chua and staff at Health At Campbelltown who have looked after the van throughout the entire period of service disruption due to Covid-19. What WE do makes a difference. Thank you for your service to community. LOVE Campbelltown #makeadifference #bethechange #thekindnesspandemic #nostringsattached #leavenoonebehind #worktogether #volunteersofcampbelltownsa
19.01.2022 Have you had your flu vaccine yet this year? We have both the government funded as well as the private funded flu vaxes in stock! Please book in on 83658111
19.01.2022 NEW OPENING HOURS!! From Monday the 16th of March Dental at Campbelltown will be open more often to be able to be more accessible to our patients in providing q...uality dental care: Monday 9am - 5pm Tuesday 9am - 5pm Wednesday 2pm - 7pm Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am -5pm Please call us on 08 8365 8111 if you would like to book a time to come in Visit our website for more information
19.01.2022 Did you know you can book your next Doctor’s appointment at any time online? We will be using HotDoc for all our online appointments and you can set this up using your mobile phone via the HotDoc app (via the Google PlayStore or Apple Store) Please speak with our friendly reception staff should you like some help setting this up on your mobile device.... Please note: We will no longer be using Health Engine as an online booking system and kindly ask you transition to HotDoc for your ongoing online booking needs.
18.01.2022 This could quite easily be us here in SA! Please do not be complacent! Wash your hands, cover your cough and keep your social distancing!
18.01.2022 Over the last few years, the ambulance ramping issues have slowly but surely become worse! Whilst it’s not entirely the current government’s fault, fact is with our ageing population, population growth, and reduction in funding over the years proportional to growth needs, this is becoming a growing problem for us all! Medical centres are certainly not immune to having to wait for ambulances to arrive and it is only a matter of time before catastrophe in the form of patient ha...rm and even deaths occur. Nursing, paramedics and medical staff are all under the pump but fact remains the bottleneck of funding remains utmost and forefront the bear in the room that our current politicians refuse to see or perhaps are blinded to! If you feel strongly enough about it, please let your local State MPs know that enough is enough! The profession has tried to raise awareness of this to the deaf ears of politicians over the years and hopefully they will listen to you, the voting public. See more
18.01.2022 [CORONAVIRUS UPDATE 7 APRIL 2020] Sadly, SA Health can confirm a 75-year-old man from metropolitan Adelaide passed away last night from COVID-19 in the Royal Ad...elaide Hospital. The man acquired COVID-19 interstate. His passing is the first death in South Australia from COVID-19. Our condolences are with the family and friends of the man. The family has asked that their privacy is respected at this time.
18.01.2022 Whilst we're relatively blessed here in SA, now is NOT the time to be complacent! Maintain your social distancing, wash your hands and cover your coughs/sneezes!
18.01.2022 Did you know you can book your next Doctors appointment at any time online? We will be using HotDoc for all our online appointments and you can set this up using your mobile phone via the HotDoc app (via the Google PlayStore or Apple Store) Please speak with our friendly reception staff should you like some help setting this up on your mobile device... Please note: We will no longer be using Health Engine as an online booking system and kindly ask you transition to HotDoc for your ongoing online booking needs
18.01.2022 #gpexpertadvice
17.01.2022 Sensible and consistently reproducible public health advice : stay at home if you are sick, wash your hands more regularly and for longer than usual and avoid large public gatherings. Even if you are low risk for serious consequences from COVID19, people in your extended circles may not be and we need to keep the rates of infection under control so healthcare services have the capacity to help those who need it.
16.01.2022 In light of recent worldwide infectious diseases risks, if youve returned from any overseas travel in the last 14 days AND have respiratory symptoms viz cough, sore throat, runny nose etc, please DO NOT come into the clinics without ringing our reception staff on 83658111 first! Our waiting rooms have at risk patients who could potentially become extremely ill if infected including pregnant women, those on immunosuppressants, cancer patients who are on chemotherapy etc. Our clinics will be offering telephone consultations under these circumstances and these telehealth consultations can be organised by ringing 83658111. They will be subject to a charge that is not Medicare rebateable. A Telehealth consultation can assist with triaging and if needed, facilitating a domestic visit for specimen collection.
16.01.2022 Telephone, online and safe in-person consultations available There are now three easy ways to safely consult your GP: by telephone, online video calls, or in person. Ring us on 83658111 to find out more about the best way to speak to your regular GP.
16.01.2022 Health at Newton is still open! Our doctors are also providing phone consultations with the consultation being bulk billed for all eligible Medicare card holders. Please only enter the surgery if you have a pre- arranged appointment. ... For all enquiries please contact our helpful receptionists on 8337 6888.
16.01.2022 Dear patients, in view of the 17 new confirmed covid cases in the last 24 hours, we will be enforcing screening questions as soon as patients arrive. We have to do this in order to protect you, other patients and our staff in view of this latest outbreak.
14.01.2022 **EDIT** Our phones are back up and running- thank you for your patience this morning. We are currently experiencing issues with our phone system. Please go to our website to book an online appointment. The problem will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
14.01.2022 Whilst we are very insulated and fortunate here in South Australia, this article resonates especially with what the citizens of Victoria are going through at the moment!
14.01.2022 This World Family Doctor Day, we celebrate all of our GPs and family doctors. As the first point of call for many, your work keeps our community safe now more than ever. Thank you! #WorldFamilyDoctorDay
14.01.2022 A huge thank you to all our nurses! Happy International Nurses Day!
13.01.2022 Happy Easter to all from the Health at Group! Have a safe and enjoyable long weekend with family and friends! We are closed for the long weekend, reopening on Tuesday 6th April at 8.30am.
13.01.2022 To ensure everyone stays healthy during the pandemic, it is essential people still attend important medical appointments to manage their health conditions. Whet...her you have a chronic health condition or an acute illness, GP practices and Emergency Departments are safe to attend and are still open for those seeking medical help when they need it. Those with chronic conditions should maintain contact with their GP, even if its just for a phone consult If you are concerned about exposure to COVID-19, speak with your healthcare provider about the options available to you, which may include telehealth appointments or home visits. Keep well and keep connected with your GP or treating clinician.
11.01.2022 To all our valued patients, we are open and available for both face to face as well as telephone consultations. Ring 83658111 or book online.
11.01.2022 To all our wonderful patients- 2020 truly has been a year unlike any other! We truly live in a wonderful and safe part of the world and we’ve all learnt to adapt and respond to ever changing goal posts set through the year! We’ve dealt with face masks, hand sanitizing, social distancing, telehealth as well as car park consultations and immunisations. Some of us have coped with illness and bereavement, some have encountered first hand the effects of limitations in number of p...eople allowed at events. Some of us have encountered job uncertainty and/or loss! On a personal level, 2020 has been unprecedented in the amount of time I’ve had to take off work due to urgent neurosurgery, not just once, but twice due to initial surgical failure! I’ve also experienced first hand grief losing my beloved father almost 4 weeks ago! I know I’m certainly not alone in my experiences and if anything the adage what doesn’t break us makes us stronger holds true now more than ever! I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful patients! We also could not have got through to now without our wonderful team of staff, nurses and doctors who’ve been resilient and diligent in their work! As an aside, at least 5 of our doctors have also encountered personal bereavement and the effects of people not being able to attend funerals! Let’s all celebrate life and celebrate with our loved ones and remember and cherish times with those no longer with us! Wishing you all a wonderful and safe Christmas and here’s to a better and brighter 2021 ahead! Dr. Alvin Chua
10.01.2022 Flu clinics are underway! To keep both patients and ourselves as safe as possible, we're doing things a little different this year. We are hosting our flu clinics from our outdoor flu clinic based at Health at Campbelltown. ... Today Dr Schettini and Nurse Sharlene had a great morning both with big smiles under those masks! Please call 8365 8111 to book your appointment.
10.01.2022 Wishing all the wonderful mothers in our community a Happy Mothers Day!
10.01.2022 In response to SA Health directions, Health at Newton and Health at Campbelltown will be changing all appointments to telehealth during the circuit breaker period. If you or a family member has any cold or flu symptoms no matter how mild (e.g. fever, cough, running nose, sore throat, difficulty breathing or loss of sense of smell or taste), has been overseas or interstate or has been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 it is vitally important that you inform us at th...e time of making your booking. For any clinically necessary face to face consults please: Remain in your car and inform the reception staff of your arrival by calling either practice Wear your mask and use the hand sanitizer provided Cover any coughs or sneezes Remain socially distanced, keeping 1.5metres away from other people Limit the number of attendees to only those who are required to be seen by the doctor Please be patient and follow instructions Please note that charges may apply to all telehealth consults. Health at Newton and Health at Campbelltown will continue to provide a high level of care to our patients and community whilst navigating these difficult times.
09.01.2022 Dial-A-Doctor: Awesome or Awful? Telehealth is one of the initiatives brought in to support patients over the COVID-19 crisis. In Australia, this means that pat...ients are now able to have a virtual (or a telephone) consultation with their doctor and receive a Medicare rebate for this. In many cases, this means that it costs the patient nothing out of pocket. People are calling this a free service. Now we all know that nothing is free. Medicare is paid for by all of us who pay taxes, and for years doctors have found it increasingly difficult to provide healthcare at the Medicare rebated cost. Many doctors (myself included) find we have to charge our patients more than the Medicare rebate in order to provide the quality of care that we believe our patients deserve. A couple of weeks ago the Australian Government introduced Telehealth item numbers. This initiative was for the protection of all concerned during the COVID-19 pandemic. The original goal was that should someone be experiencing COVID-19 type symptoms, their GP could assess them with a remote consultation, then advise them accordingly. It also protected vulnerable people from coming in to see their GPs if they wanted to avoid waiting rooms. It has since been expanded to enable anyone to have a Telehealth consultation with a GP for most reasons. It is costing us (taxpayers) many millions of dollars. I love Telehealth at the moment. It is providing a helpful stop-gap method of caring for my patients. However, the reason this works well is that I already know them and their medical history. We have a relationship and a level of trust that has been built over years of face to face consultations. Almost all of these are bulk billed although we dont call them free! In fact for many of us it barely covers the cost of the calls. We provide it as a service for our community. I have been disappointed to seen increasing numbers of medical corporations advertise free online GP services to the general public. Perhaps you have seen them too. Promises are made of excellent medical care from the comfort of your home. My concern is that the bottom line for these companies is to make money out of this new Telehealth pathway. This is an industrialised view of healthcare; it sees patients as commodities. The goal is not to link you with a caring GP who will help you over the long term, but to churn you quickly through and provide you with what you want in the short term. It cuts at the heart of what I personally believe healthcare should be about. Patients should be the centre of what we do, not used by medical companies to obtain money. The Telehealth items were not introduced to support entrepreneurial businesses, they were to support patients being able to continue to consult their GPs safely. The problem is that what these corporate practices are doing is not illegal. They are very careful to follow all the rules, and their marketing is deceptively patient-centred (until you stop and think about what they are actually providing for you for free). So I am asking the question of the Australian community: what kind of healthcare do you want at this time? If you want fast, convenient, tick a box and get what I want kind of healthcare then vote with your feet (or your fingers!) and start using those services. If you want more personalised, relationship-based, long term care then please stick with your own GP. The VAST MAJORITY OF LOCAL GPs in Australia offer BOTH face-to-face AND Telehealth options within our practices! And most of us are bulk billing these too. Next time you want to see a GP please think carefully: who are you going to call? #supportlocal Please share this widely for others to consider.
08.01.2022 SHIELDY has been hanging around the City of Campbelltown and he LOVES it here! Who wouldnt?! The 2020 Red Shield Appeal finishes at 11:59pm on Tuesday June 30....... FOUR MORE SLEEPS!! We are currently sitting at just over $13,000!!!! And we really really REALLY want to get to $15,000!!!!!! Spread the word!! Its not too late to give!! Follow this link... Yesterday Paradise Primary School held their Red Day.... and this weekend Norwood Morialta High School are having their Couch Surfing for the Salvos initiative! Not to mention the incredible work of Charles Campbell College R-12, Thorndon Park Primary School, Cafe Settebello, Paradise Mazda, Rotary Club of Campbelltown, Kiwanis Club of Athelstone Inc., James Stevens MP, John Gardner MP, Vincent Tarzia - Member for Hartley, @LOVE Campbelltown, Health At Campbelltown, Health At Newton.... not to mention MANY individuals and community members and other local businesses who have supported in other ways too! I cant wait to do a full list after Tuesday to honour, celebrate and THANK YOU ALL for all of your support!! Theres still time for you to donate online - and youll receive a tax deductable receipt! Tag your friends, family, local business etc in this post so that we can hopefully get to $15,000!!!! WOOOHOOO! Thanks for your support!!!
08.01.2022 BREAKING: one whole week with ZERO new cases in South Australia. Thank you to everyone who has helped us get this far. If you havent already done so, please d...ownload the COVIDSafe app on your phone. This tool is vital for us to move forward. See more
08.01.2022 If you haven't had your fluvax yet, please book your immunisation appointment on 83658111. We have both the govt funded (for eligible patients) as well as privately funded vaccines in stock.
07.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE As per the new direction announced today by SA Health, all patients attending Health at Newton and Health at Campbelltown will be required to wear a face mask when attending face to face appointments.
06.01.2022 To all our patients, for evening appointments, a doctor will be available for phone consultations only till 8pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please book the appointment online.
04.01.2022 Our very own Dr Alvin Chua featured on 7.30 Report last night doing his best in these challenging times to help the community!
03.01.2022 To all our valued patients. We are still open but are screening patients by conducting Telehealth consultations. If you need to see a doctor, get results, repeat scripts or just get some medical advice, please ring us on 83376888 or book online for a Telehealth consultation. A doctor will then ring you to discuss and conduct a phone consultation. If its determined that theres a need for a face to face consultation, you will be offered an appointment time. When you arrive fo...r your face to face appointment, please ring us from the car park to let us know youve arrived and await a phone call. The doctor will call you when ready and only then come into the building. We are doing this to safeguard you, our patient, our staff as well as other patients from overcrowding in the waiting room in keeping with social distancing principles. We are still conducting flu vaccines but this year have set up an outdoor vaccination drive up clinic from our CAMPBELLTOWN clinic. Ring us on 83376888 to book your appointment. In the meantime stay safe and we are always here if you need us. Staff and doctors of Health at Newton See more
03.01.2022 To all my patients, I thought I'd update you all on my current state and return to work plans. I've been off work since 9 July this year as a result of needing urgent neck neurosurgery to avoid becoming quadriplegic. Unfortunately the first operation failed when check xrays at 6 weeks revealed that the cadaver bone graft implanted in place of the C6 vertebra that had been removed had crushed and the plates for the anterior cage had moved to a precariously dangerous position ...necessitating further surgery and another 6 weeks in a halo brace. Last week, check Xrays revealed that the posterior fusion was stable and I've since been able to remove the halo brace and am in a rigid collar for hopefully another week more. It's been a real lesson to me in humility, patience, independence, the ability to drive, and to value and cherish life as a whole. I'd like to express my gratitude and thanks to first and foremost my wife, Dr. Anna Schettini, who has been my rock, my uber driver, my carer and my sounding board for when I was in despair. I'd also like to thank all our wonderful staff, doctors and also you the patients for all the well wishes. I'm hoping to return to work, initially on a part time basis, commencing 1 Feb 2021 with view to gradually increasing my consulting hours subject to my pain levels and ability to be upright for prolonged periods. I've enclosed some photos - one taken today in the Aspen collar, and another in the halo brace from 6 weeks ago. The xrays also illustrate my metal "jewellery" that's likely to set off airport sensors when we're allowed to travel widely again. Once again, thank you to each and everyone of my patients for your well wishes and your patience over this very difficult year for me. Dr. Alvin Chua See more
02.01.2022 I say thank you to all of our health care heroes. Thank you to our nurses, our doctors, our allied health, our paramedics, our scientists, our cleaners,, security and more. You serve the state with distinction. You have responded to COVID19 cases so far, and ready to respond if we face a second wave. I stand with you and will continue to advocate for your jobs, your conditions and your protection. Advocating for security for staff, for PPE to protect them, against staff car park fee hikes and on behalf of the many casual nurses who lost shifts. And today strongly advocating against the job cuts in hospitals that the Government is now rolling out despite the pandemic. Fewer nurses and other staff in our hospitals will increase the pressure and workload on those who remain. It will put our state at greater risk from a second wave of coronavirus. It will mean there's less people to care for our patients. And fewer staff means a less safe working environment. I strongly believe the Government can't call nurses heroes on one hand, and then cut their jobs on the other. I ask you to join me in saying "thank you", #KeepThemSafe and #StopTheCuts #ANMFSA Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation SA Branch
02.01.2022 COVID-19 Health Alert 16 November 2020 (2.44pm) Please visit for the latest COVID-19 health alerts. Advice: Ne...w locations added If you visited any of the below locations duration the listed times, you do not need to self-quarantine but you should monitor for symptoms and get tested immediately if symptoms appear: Adelaide - It's Convenient, 63 Waymouth St (updated) Saturday 14 November 6.00pm 6.15pm Ingle Farm - Coles South, Ingle Farm Shopping Centre Thursday 12 November 11.00am 11.30am Mawson Lakes - Mint Leaf Lounge, 6/121-131 Mawson Lakes Blvd Thursday 12/11/20 5:30pm 6:30pm Pooraka - On The Run (OTR) Pooraka, 126 Bridge Rd Thursday 12 November 11.45am 12.00pm Salisbury Salisbury City Fruit Bowl, 50 John St Friday 13 November 10.00am 10.15am Salisbury Downs - Hollywood Plaza Surgery, Winzor Street Friday 13 November 7.15 am to 7.20am Saturday 14 November 10.00am to 11.00am Salisbury Downs - Star Discount Chemist, Hollywood Plaza Saturday 14 November 10.00am 11.00am Woodville South - Woodville Pizza Bar, 1/58 Woodville Rd Saturday 14 November 6.30pm 8.30pm Friday 13 November 6.30pm 8.30pm To find a location to get a COVID-19 test visit
01.01.2022 To all patients, whilst the last 48 hours have undoubtedly been intrusive for us, now it’s certainly NOT the time to be complacent. I was driving down to the hospital to visit my dad this morning. Cyclists everywhere. Lots families exercising! 95% without any face masks! Have the last 48 hours not served as enough of a lesson in complacency? If you do have to go out, consider protecting yourself, your family, your loved ones and the elderly in our commu...nity. Whilst the virulity of this strain of COVID-19 has fortunately been confirmed to be less severe, there are still 4000 people in quarantine and 40 close contacts unaccounted for. Dr. Alvin Chua
01.01.2022 To our valued patients, As of today 1st of Oct, the Government has removed and reduced your BulkBilling incentives related to the Covid19 pandemic. It has been a great support for the practice to support you during this difficult period. As a result of this change to Medicare, we will return to our usual billing policy as of today. We will continue to BulkBill children who are 15 and under, and those who have a Health Care Card or Pension Card within our published bulk hours. If you have any concerns about the above Medicare changes, please contact your Federal local MP. We thank you for your understanding and support, and please continue to take care. The Management and staff of Health At Campbelltown and Health At Newton.
01.01.2022 You would have heard on the news that The COVID19 Vaccine is available for distribution from the week beginning 22 March 2021. We are pleased to announce Health at Campbelltown has been approved as a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic. The aim is to vaccinate as many people as possible, in a short period of time.... We will only vaccinate you once you are certain you want to have the vaccine. Only book when you are ready to have the vaccine. If you are unsure or have questions about the vaccine, you should visit: for more information or speak to your usual GP. Vaccinations will be offered in a separate dedicated Covid vaccine clinic based on groups as defined by the Government. To determine your eligibility, you can visit: We will keep you posted when bookings can be made for the Covid 19 Vaccine clinic. Please do NOT ring our clinics yet as we will be updating this information as soon as we have it. We will be giving vaccines as quick and efficiently as we can. That means we will give vaccines in a group setting. Please arrive on time for your appointment. It will be fast moving so we can help protect the community as quickly as possible.
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