Health by Bianca in Gold Coast, Queensland | Nutritionist
Health by Bianca
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 424 792 268
Address: 112 West Burleigh Rd, Burleigh Heads 4220 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Love seeing changes in my clients blood after they make positive changes to their diet & lifestyle. Even the white blood cells are happy in this picture Targeted nutrition can help you get through stressful times so you don't burn out. Sometimes all we need is a little support Once you start feeling GOOD it is easier to make healthy choices and keep on track with your goals .... . . #healthcheck #nutrition #methylation #guthealth #detox #weightloss #overwhelm #stresssupport #adrenalfatigue #hashimoto #mthfr #candida #anxiety #depression #moodsupport #hormonebalance #alkaline #acidic #naturopath #herbalmedicine #menshealth #2020 See more
24.01.2022 I always say i just become more 'honest' before my period any emotions simmering underneath can come out to the surface but seriously our hormones can influence not only our MOOD but our overall HEALTH! Hormone balance (or imbalance) affects inflammation in our body, can cause Insomnia, anxiety and depression, fatigue and even contribute to auto immune disease and cancer! Low hormones are a real issue for women who have been on the pill, train a lot, under eat or are i...n their 40's + Men's hormones are important as well! When was the last time you had them TESTED? Testosterone is crucial for Males health & vitality. Low testosterone is related to fatigue, body aches & pains, prostate issues, weight gain, loss of muscle.& libido. Blood tests are not as thorough as Saliva or Urine testing i can do. We need to see how the hormones are broken down - whether you are making 'good' or 'bad' estrogen or as a male converting your testosterone into estrogen. This is picked up by saliva or urine testing which then identifies the type of support you need to correct the pathways. If you are getting symptoms like weight gain, achy body, fatigue, sleep disturbance, forgetfulness, moodiness.... it could well be your HORMONES I can support you in clinic or online... wherever you are in Australia. Testing can be done at home. This could be the perfect time to address your health. Msg me to make an appointment. . . . . #hormonebalance #estrogendominance #liversupport #insomnia #healthyaging #anxiety #depression #moodsupport #nutrition #functionalmedicine #progesterone #cycles #testosterone #menshealth #vitality #libido #online See more
23.01.2022 How fresh are the mornings now! needing my exercise buddy even more now! Who else is losing motivation with home workouts Open up the gyms already! Makes NO SENSE to me why they are still closed Exercise is so important for our health, mood, energy and immunity. As much as i appreciate the beauty of where i live.... i am completely over not being able to train with weights! As a qualified Naturopath, medical Herbalist, and clinical Nutritionist i have stu...died and continue to study the immune system and how to support HEALTH, yet so much of what is happening politically under the quise of protecting our health....makes NO LOGICAL sense to me! What would happen if everyone stood up for their rights instead of going along with the flow to avoid drama Interesting times! . . . . #morningrant #wakeup #moodsupport #community #stayhealthy #exercise #keepfit #anxiety #depression #currumbin #training #homeworkout #immunesupport #immunity #nutrition See more
21.01.2022 School holidays and restrictions are easing Its great enjoying the outdoors and being active with your kids. School holidays can also be a great time to organise your diet and health for the next term. Conditions such as Eczema, Asthma, Acne, even Mood and Concentration can all be helped through diet & nutrition. Get back on track for the rest of the year by coming in for a Naturopathic consultation. As a qualified Nutritionist I can support you with you diet. Find at flannerys Benowa and @zumahealth in Burleigh. I can also consult online. Contact me to make an appointment today . . . . . #outdoors #camping #holidays #nutrition #diet #eczema #asthma #foodintolerance #bloating #IBS #anxiety #adhd #learning #immunesupport #naturopath #goldcoast #kidshealth #okafestival #musicfestival See more
21.01.2022 How do you like to reset & rewind so you feel ready for another week? I work inside so love to get outdoors Remember to do something that brings you joy and nourishes your spirit. Enjoy your Sunday . .... . #happysunday #weekendvibes #nature #nurture #familytime #health #reset #relax #lunchdates #sundayfunday See more
20.01.2022 Men's Health I am so impressed with how many Men i am seeing in clinic these days! Women & children used to be my predominant clients with men getting dragged in by their partners that still happens.... but now more men are coming in on their own and seeking answers through natural medicine Mental Health is an important area i support. After recently having the opportunity to ride a Harley I can totally understand the appeal for many Men (and Women) It really lifted m...y mood riding by the sea or winding through the hinterland Having hobbies or passions away from work & family is so important! We can't all go out & buy a Harley so remember NUTRITION also makes a big impact on your Mood, Energy and Vitalilty If you deplete your nutrients through stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, coffee, or junk food then you won't have the nutrients needed to make Serotonin or Dopamine.... resulting in difficulty with impulse control, addictions, poor concentration, anxiety, depression or aggression. If you can't enjoy your hobby or natural stress release due to lockdown or injury... then it is even MORE important to focus on your nutrition. I am so impressed Men are starting to recognise when they are not feeling 'quite right'. They are not waiting until they get a disease before they seek help (mostly) it makes me so happy when I can help . . . . . . #harleydavidson #fatbob #motorbike #goldcoast #menshealth #mood #mentalhealth #adrenalfatigue #testosterone #rideordie #funtimes #naturopath #anxiety #depression #lockdown #nutrition #guthealth #herbalmedicine #fatigue #immunesupport #freedom #adhd #adventure #addiction #genetics #mthfr #dopamine See more
19.01.2022 Oligoscan testing now measures vitamin absorption - B12, B9, B6, so important for #methylation , cardiovascular health, energy, mood and detoxification I just love this test! it gives important answers to your health questions. Are you absorbing your nutrients? Are heavy metals blocking absorption? These could be the answers to why you feel fatigued, get sick all the time, have sugar cravings, or brain fog. Also great for children are they getting all the nutrients the...y need for healthy development? Heavy metal toxicity in children can cause behaviour problems, mood disorders like anxiety or anger issues. Developmental delays or just general poor health. I only have the Oligoscan in clinic once a month. Next date is at Flannerys Benowa Saturday 5th December - supersaver weekend. There are two spots avail 12.30pm and 4pm. Zuma chiro clinic in Burleigh 12th December - only a few spots remain. Please ring the clinic to book 0755351167 Saturday 2nd January at Flannerys Benowa just in time for New Year Health focus I will be working half a day so get in quick! You need to know your blood type for the test - O, A, AB, B It is $120 for the test (consult is extra) and you get the results straight away I used to do hair testing but it was always a mission cutting hair, then having to wait 2 weeks for the results! Hair testing measures what your body is eliminating. Heavy metals may not show up if you are under stress! Whereas the oligoscan measures what is in your tissue! So how well you are absorbing! Such a great test to support your health let me know if you would like the last remaining consults for the year or ring @flannerysorganic @zumahealth To book your time Lets make HEALTH the focus . . . . #detox #heavymetaltesting #healthcheck #naturopath #goldcoast #energy #fatigue #brainfog #support #focus #health #summer #newyear #sale #discount #kidshealth #holidays #adrenalfatigue
19.01.2022 Nothing worse than not being able to sleep! Insomnia is so common people don't realise it is an important sign that your body is out of balance. Sleep is important for healing, rejuvenating, and detoxifying your body. Without DEEP sleep you have a higher risk of putting on weight, developing anxiety or depression, high blood pressure or a poor immune system. Feeling tired but wired at night and putting off sleep onset is a sign of adrenal fatigue! You are too tired to sl...eep we see this in children....but adults experience it also. When you are too tired you fail to get into the deep healing sleep your body needs to heal. Nutrient support and Herbal medicine can make a big difference to encouraging healthy sleep cycles in Adults and children How is your sleep? Are you feeling well rested when you wake in the morning? If not... you would benefit from some support. . . . . . #nutrition #sleep #insomnia #circadianrhythm #energy #vitality #adrenalfatigue #detox #anxiety #depression #mthfr #methylation #hormonebalance #guthealth #perimenopause #menopause #cortisol #healthcheck See more
18.01.2022 Intermittent Fasting is great for your health & helps with weight loss. I recently discovered i was doing it WRONG It is easy to skip breakfast and eat later in the day. But that is not healthy for your hormones! People have been coming into clinic saying they actually put on weight when they did intermittent fasting! And now i know why! For Healthy Hormones it is best to eat breakfast! The old saying "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a" is better for healthy hormones. YES to intermittent fasting! But stop eating EARLY like 5pm and fast until breakfast - (best to eat before 10am) Harder to do! Dinner is often a social time when you get to sit down with family or friends. And it is so easy to snack late.... but studies show eating early and fasting in the evening supports healthy thyroid and hormone production so IMPORTANT for healthy aging and weight loss I am still working on this How do you think YOU will find it? . . . . #weightloss #healthyhormones #eatbreakfast #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #intermittentfasting #fasting #circadianrhthym #microbiome #guthealth #diet #thyroidsupport #antiaging #mealprep #keto #paleo See more
18.01.2022 Fritters are a great lunch idea. Easy to eat, high protein and #glutenfree #dairyfree These are Spinach & Ham fritters. Packed with veges but the kids LOVED them Recipe: Frozen spinach defrosted and squeezed the water out. Left over meat - we used ham. ... Spring onion, garlic and fresh thyme. 5x eggs Little salt & pepper Mix together & fry in coconut oil. We also love Chicken & Ginger fritters (which can be egg free) Turkey Garlic and bacon fritters or Vege fritters, recipes in previous posts. What do you fuel your body with? Are you eating the same food everyday? Time to mix it up a bit and try something different Enjoy . . . #recipe #lunch #paleo #keto #paleodiet #naturopath #nutrition #schoollunches #mealprep #leftover #diet #eatyourveges #fueluourbody See more
18.01.2022 Infrared Sauna is a great way to detox heavy metals I have been taking Niacin before my sauna to increase the detoxification. Niacin is a vasodilator, which increases circulation and flushes out toxins. Another option is making a paste of bentonite clay and rubbing over your body after the sauna. The bentonite clay draws out toxins. Allow the paste to dry then wash off. Because i use the sauna at my gym i haven't tried this yet ... but keen to I am testing heavy metal tox...icity this weekend at @flannerysorganic with the Oligoscan. EVERYONE has some degree of toxicity! we all need to detox on a regular basis! Stress will stop you from detoxing! If you are constantly in flight or flight your body will store toxins. Cellulite is a common way to store toxins infrared sauna helps to sweat away your toxins, reduce cellulite, assist in weightloss and relax your body. I try to get a sauna in once a week Nutrient deficiencies like zinc and magnesium also reduce your ability to detoxify. That's why i LOVE the oligoscan it shows whether you are lacking in nutrients and what your heavy metal toxicity is. Such an easy and informative test i am booked up for December but have added days for January so message me to book! Start your year off on track . . . . #sauna #detox #weightloss #health #healthcheck #goals #naturopath #methylation #fitness #guthealth #mood #stressrelief #moodsupport #relax #support #health See more
17.01.2022 It's been a while.... but i am offering Oligoscan testing this Saturday at @flannerysorganic Benowa Testing for nutrient levels in your tissue. Find out if you are absorbing your nutrients TGA approved heavy metal testing. Heavy metals like Mercury & aluminium can BLOCK the absorption of nutrients and be the underlying cause for many health conditions. Great assessment for preconception care, auto immune or chronic disease support. ... I only work 1x Saturday a month.... which is 20% discount day at Flannerys on all supplements. Spots are limited so msg me or ring Flannerys to make a time. X . . . . . #nutrition #autoimmune #hashimoto #lupus #adrenalfatigue #guthealth #energy #pregnancy #preconception #epigenetics #mthfr #methylation #detox #healthcheck #naturopath #weekend
16.01.2022 Sleep is essential for good health Trouble falling asleep, waking through the night, restless sleep, getting up to go to the toilet, insomnia, night sweats are all signs your health needs support. We are not 'night owls' and we are not meant to be more awake at night. If this is YOU then your chemistry needs balancing. Saying you have 'always been that way' doesnt mean its healthy! 1/3 of our GENES run on a clock and 90% of other genes are related to those so our body... follows a Circadian Rhthym. Everything has a cycle. Poor sleep increases the inflammatory pathways in your body like glutamate and NDMA which is neurotoxic and give that Tired but Wired feeling. People with hormone imbalance like PCOS and Menopause often have a disrupted circadian rhthym - waking at night, groggy in the continuous jet lag. Hormones also influence our sleep. Poor sleep increases the risk of weight gain & insulin resistance. As does high stress and hormone inbalance. It is all connected! If you have sleep issues then come in for a consult. I can show you the connections and put a plan in place towards finding balance. Education and understanding your own unique pathways is key . . . #sleep #circadianrhthym #naturopath #goldcoast #insomnia #nutrition #stresssupport #hormonebalance #menopause #cortisol #weightloss #pcos #anxiety #moodsupport #detox #antiaging
15.01.2022 Blessed to have magical places like this close to home Grateful for being able to get out and enjoy time in nature. Mental health issues such as anxiety & depression have sky-rocketed since Covid. There has been an increase in suicides but we don't hear about it in the news times are tough for many people. I personally find getting outside in nature helps my mood. It reminds me to connect and slow down. Lets check in on each other encourage walks & talks in nature... you never know how healing simple activities like this can be . . . #community #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #covid #covidsupport #naturetime #healing #connect #family #singleparent #naturopath #healthylifestyle #goldcoast See more
14.01.2022 Quote of the day client who has suffered from constipation since 1968 was so relieved to be regular again after her first consult with me Makes me so happy . . .... . . . #guthealth #IBS #naturopath #detox #antiinflammation #healthylifestyle #quote #reference #satisfiedclient #energy #healing #holistichealth #adrenalfatigue #mthfr #diet #foodintolerance #paleo #nutritionist #healthydiet See more
13.01.2022 If you have gastro symptoms such as pain, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion and want to get tested at your Doctors.... you are shit out of luck! Doctor's are not using PCR fecal testing at the moment because the kits are used for Covid testing. Instead the pathologists are visually checking the stool for cysts etc which is obviously not as accurate! A client of mine was recently told she was clear of blastocystis however when I checked the pathology I discovered it wasn't... actually tested!! Blastocystis is quite common in stool samples and doesn't always cause symptoms. One common problem it does cause however is LOW IRON. If you keep getting told your iron or ferritin is low, when your diet is rich in iron foods, you might want to test your gut bacteria. GOOD NEWS! I can order PCR fecal tests during this time only $50 plus postage! So if you have gastro symptoms and need testing come to me. We can organise through an online consult. Message me to make an appointment. . . . . . #gastro #guthealth #blastocystitis #anemia #fatigue #kidshealth #functionalpathology #nutrition #naturopath #goldcoast #covid #adrenalfatigue #detox #healthcheck #diet #sibo #diarrhea See more
13.01.2022 Written on last nights stunning Summer sky End of 2020 coming in hot January already getting booked up with people keen to prioritise HEALTH Having an extra Oligoscan day at @zumahealth my Burleigh clinic Saturday 16th January since the 2nd is already booked up Great way to test nutrients to know exactly what your body needs for optimal health Only a few days left to consult for 2020. Make your booking with me before you miss out! Stay strong and Healthy ... Those who haven't seen me for a while will need to renew scripts in order to buy product follow ups are important to ensure you are on the right plan. It is not good to continue taking the same herbs or supplements for a long time....Best to change it up, encourage optimal absorption and effectiveness. If you are expecting results - check with me and book your consult to discuss only a few spaces left Friday 18th December last day to get tests in! Otherwise labs back open January 4th. Hang in there! I hope you all have time to relax and enjoy the Summer holidays I will be enjoying puppy time with my children . . . #holidates #summer #2020 #healthcheck #stress #focusonhealth #prioritise #goals #newyear #closingdates #functionalpathology #detox #anxiety #support #guthealth #methylation #summerholidays #christmas #schoolholidays
12.01.2022 Low Testosterone in a patient who used to be a body builder. He came to see me to help treat Insomnia, low Mood and over active mind. You can see from this Saliva Hormone test that his cortisol levels were very low. I call it 'flat lining' This shows Adrenal Fatigue which would make you think he would sleep all the time! Instead he fell asleep at 7.30pm then woke between 1-3am and not be able to get back to sleep. That's because we need ENERGY to get into a deep sleep! Insomn...ia is actually a sign of Adrenal Fatigue - being Tired but Wired Saliva testing for hormones is more accurate than bloods as we can see the different metabolites or forms of eatrogen. You can see in this test his Testosterone was very low! And Estrogen was higher which encourages weight gain especially around the breasts or waist. Our hormones are very important for healthy aging Testosterone is needed for bone density, fat distribution, muscle strength and mass, body hair, sperm production, sex drive and red cell production. Nutrients and Herbal medicine can support healthy hormone levels. Testing is important to know exactly what is going on. If you find yourself tired, not sleeping well, not coping with stress as well as you used to, putting on weight, low libido, anxiety or difficulty relaxing then it is worth testing your hormones! . . . . . . #adrenalfatigue #testosterone #bodybuilding #naturopath #nutrition #insomnia #anxiety #menshealth #weightgain #diet #healthyaging #insomnia #adhd #learning #education #herbalmedicine #fatigue #depression #depression #antiaging #hormonebalance #healthyhormones #functionalpathology #holistichealth See more
12.01.2022 Christmas gift idea if you haven't finished your shopping yet, I recommend these products @alliraorganics Organic skincare rich in antioxidants, infused with luscious essential oils and calming herbs act as anti-aging agents. I don't make money or benefit in anyway by promoting this product, I just LOVE them and want to share The anti-aging cream WON best day moisturiser in beauty awards 2019 and was featured in Vogue magazine I love using the ultra nourish body & fac...e oil then anti-aging cream on top. featured in the photo is their travel pack which is a nice gift idea Created by a Naturopath you know these products will have healing properties and nourish your skin deeply! Can buy online @alliraorganics or at @flannerysorganic stores enjoy x . . . #christmas #stockingfillers #organicskincare #health #skinhealth #giftideas #healing #smellsgood #nourish #naturopath #skincare #antiaging #herbalmedicine #glow #cleanse #travelkit See more
12.01.2022 My favourite time of year on the Gold Coast moody skys clear days & perfect temperature . . Positive outcome of self isolation is seeing families exercise together. More people getting outside .... . After this perfect start to my day I will be in clinic at Flannerys Benowa today & tomorrow. 20% off supplements @flannerysorganic . . . #stayhealthy #exercise #morning routine #healthcheck #gratitude #community #stresssupport #immunesupport #naturalmedicine #diet #goals #goldcoast #nutrition #blessed
12.01.2022 Mental health is a serious issue for many people these days. People have lost their jobs and are uncertain of what their future will hold. Many have lost their usual outlets like the gym or social interaction so could be feeling more isolated than others. I feel blessed that I have my girls to keep me company but have heard of many Dad's who haven't been able to see their kids. Families who have been seperated. We need to check in with people around us to see if they are d...oing OK. I am here to support you through these times. I have run workshops on mood support for the past few years and am working to get the videos up for you to watch. Nutrition can make a big difference to your energy levels and mood! When you are down it is hard to make positive lifestyle changes. That's when supplements can help. Herbal medicine and targeted nutrition through supplements can support you through these tough times. Dopamine, Serotonin and Norepineprine are neurotransmitters which influence our mood. They require nutrients to make them! Even if you are on medication for anxiety or depression you can still benefit from nutritional support. I can help If you are struggling financially let me know and we can work something out! If you are working but know others who are struggling, maybe a family member or friend, consider paying it forward by contributing to their consult or paying for their supplements. We are all in this together. My clinic in Burleigh @zumahealth has a paying it forward system in place and financial hardship application you can apply for. We are here, as health professionals to support you during this time. If you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, depressed, emotional, less able to cope with stress, have insomnia, craving alcohol or sex to distract you, making bad choices with your health, feeling sluggish or over tired please contact me. Sometimes all we need is a little support to get out of a negative spiral. I am still working in clinic and can offer Zoom or Telehealth calls to consult if you are staying home. Message me to book or follow the link in my bio to book through my website. . . . . . . #anxiety #depression #support See more
12.01.2022 Something you may not know about me is I used to be a massage therapist I was told I had "healing hands" when I was little which inspired me to study physiotherapy. I have always been interested in learning about the body and used to LOVE to massage. These days my girls are the only ones who get massages it seems I have passed my love on to them. Little Jasmin is amazing at ear massages! Have you ever had one of those? Shen-maya got baby massages everyday of her for the first 2 years! Now she has started training again so is a little sore. It's so important to take it slow when you start a new exercise or new fitness regime! Listen to your body and support proper alignment. We get massages, have chiro adjustments from @zumahealth This weekend I have also booked in a Floatation at @freedom_float What do you do for self care? Whatever you do regularly is what is going to make the biggest difference . . . . #selfcare #massagetherapy #relax #recovery #healing #family #naturopath #meditation #whanau #love #timeout #routine #fitness #support #nurture See more
11.01.2022 Cacao Bites for breakfast sure do give you an energy hit No sugar - sweetened with banana High in protein & antioxidants and easy to eat on the run Thanks to @lukehinesonline for the recipe I recommend his books for healthy inspiration. All #glutenfree #dairyfree #paleo Recipe: ... 5x eggs 4x mashed banana 1/3 cup coconut oil 1tsp vanilla 125gm almond butter Blend to combine Then mix 1 cup cacao, 1/2 cup coconut flour, 1tblsp chia seeds, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp baking powder, pinch salt Bake 20min in 180degree oven Enjoy . . . #intermittentfasting #guthealth #diet #breakfast #energy #weightloss #schoollunches #snack #yum
10.01.2022 I like finding out how my body is doing on a regular basis. How about you? When was the last time you had a blood test from your Doctor? I often refer my clients to Doctors for testing, to rule out disease and check nutrient levels like Iron, B12 and folate. Why guess? It's best to know what is happening in your body and therefore how much support you need. Like getting your car serviced, we need regular check ups to keep running optimally It is common for bloods to come b...ack 'normal' even though you may be experiencing symptoms. Bring your results to me so I can check as i have ranges for HEALTH. I have some symptoms i am investigating but all my blood work came back good. Great I have ruled out disease Now I know i have to work on my diet and gut health slack diet over isolation The BEST health support is when you have a Doctor and a Naturopath looking after you! We have so many good Doctors on the Gold Coast that I refer to, who are happy to do more nutritional testing. If you are not getting results with what you are doing then come in for a consult with me. . . . . #naturopath #goldcoast #mthfr #methylation #nutrition #adrenalfatigue #detox #healthcheck #hormonebalance #guthealth #herbalmedicine #nutritionadvice #healthylifestyle #energy #vitality See more
09.01.2022 Crusty Cassava bread from @seedsofliferobina is my new favourite How good does my breakfast look Ingredients = Cassava, lemon juice, linseeds, pepitas, chia seeds, psyllium, bicarb, green banana flour, water How simple! All #organic topped with avocado mashed with garlic, lemon, tahini, salt & pepper, and watercress. So nutritious for my MICROBIOME or gut health. I just love green banana flour as a prebiotic. Being a resistant starch means it gets through the diges...tive track and is able to feed the bacteria in our gut. Diversity of our gut bacteria is what keeps our gut healthy. Which then keeps our IMMUNE system healthy! Healthy digestion and a healthy microbiome is KEY to the health of our WHOLE BODY Of course it is influenced by what we eat Choose food that will feed your good bacteria like this Crusty Cassava bread. Eat a wide range of vegetables, grains and proteins. Don't eat the same food everyday! Don't snack all day... give your gut a rest especially at night. This will help you have a healthy gut. I am so Thankful for @seedsoflifeaustralia for making it easy for us! So nice being able to have TOAST for breakfast! Gluten is an inflammatory food for many people but gluten free breads are not much better, often highly processed and high in sugar which is why i prefer the breads from seeds of life. They tell you EXACTLY what is in their breads! No hidden chemicals or additives. Low in sugar. And so nutritious. Your body will know the difference . . . . #breakfast #nutrition #microbiome #naturopath #goldcoast #glutenfree #dairyfree #paleo #healing #guthealth #immunesupport #diet #healthyeating #easymeals
09.01.2022 Perfect Sunday bike ride to Currumbin @swellsculpture Enjoyed a fresh swim. Feeling Blessed . .... . #Qld #currumbin #beachlife #cruising #sunday #weekendvibes #recharge #vitD #happy #simplethings #gratitude #healthylifestyle #energy #mood See more
08.01.2022 What can you do if you get bloating? These are the tests I ordered for a client who suffered from stomach pain, bloating, fatigue, weight gain and a general feeling of not feeling well. Blood tests from the Doctor didnt give any answers. She didn't know which foods were triggers for the bloating. SIBO breath test food intolerance test Both tests gave ANSWERS This can be such a relief when you are told nothing is wrong! Answers give a clear path for treatment. She now... knows which foods she needs to avoid - Dairy not just lactose but casein also (cheese) Gluten, Egg YOLK but whites ok white potato and Candida (yeast overgrowth) also causing a problem. SIBO test was very POSITIVE meaning bacteria in her small intestine are the cause for pain and inflammation. She is already feeling better from the initial treatment plan but true healing of the gut can take MONTHS. It can cost $$ but when you know for SURE what the problem is you can keep focused on the goal I just LOVE helping people understand their body and take control over their health and vitality Often we are used to not feeling good - it becomes our 'normal' and we forget how GOOD we are meant to feel . . . . #guthealth #IBS #SIBO #constipation #healing #microbiome #energy #holistichealth #functionalpathology #nutrition #diet #glutenfree #dairyfree #foodintolerance #mealprep #adrenalfatigue #weightloss #fitness #goals #naturopath #healthbybianca # See more
08.01.2022 Naturopathic consults ONLINE are just as effective as inclinic Collecting a detailed Health History is what I base most of my treatment plan on.... how was your birth? Have you been in hospital? What health conditions run in your family? What recent blood tests have you had? What has happened in your life up until now contributes to what is going on. Disease does not happen overnight! I am like a health detective... connecting the dots to discover the underlying CAUSE of th...e problem. People don't think health conditions are related.... a man complains of low energy and libido but forgets to tell me he has an enlarged prostate. Well low testosterone and high estrogen can contribute to all those symptoms. Another man came to see me because he started getting panic attacks and anxiety. Through collecting his health history I discovered he got his first UTI around the same time.... once I treated the UTI with antimicrobials his anxiety went away! Gut health and our microbiome can affect our MOOD... so you see we need to treat the WHOLE BODY. Online I can send you any TESTS you need to do - stool tests, hormone tests, even pathology tests for QML. I can order supplements to be delivered to your door.... and online I look better with a filter So you can have a Naturopathic consult with me while staying at home. Many people are finding self isolation to be a good time to clean up their diet and do a detox. As a Nutritionist I can support you with this. Might as well make the most of this time if you still prefer meeting in person I am working from @flannerysorganic in Benowa and @zumahealth in Burleigh Message me or book through my website for an appointment. . . . . #naturopath #stayhealthy #detox #holistichealth #support #diet #guthealth #mthfr #methylation #epigenetics #energy #anxiety #depression #moodsupport #healthykids #community #stresssupport #adrenalfatigue #mentalhealth #menshealth #selfisolation #stayhome #herbalist #immunesupport #COVID-19 See more
08.01.2022 I just love how colourful my Sunday brunch was Sweet potato & zucchini fritters with tabouli salad I was in the mood for vegetables These fritters are also good cold, so make extra for lunch the next day Recipe Grate 1x sweet potato and 4x zucchini. Salt and let sit for 10min. Then squeeze excess juice out.... Mix with 6x eggs, crushed garlic, spring onion, fresh thyme, salt & pepper. I also add 2x tblsp green banana flour to bind and for a great PREBIOTIC. Tabouli inspired salad was just diced tomato, chopped parsley & fresh mint with a salad dressing of lemon, olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Give it a try . . . . . #eatyourveges #cleanfood #paleo #paleodiet #recipe #prebiotics #guthealth #foodasmedicine #sundaybrunch #weekendvibes #nutrition #diet #kidshealth #schoolholidays #homecooking #antioxidants #antiaging #intermittentfasting
07.01.2022 Meal prep for school lunches might as well who wants to eat food out of a packet or sandwiches everyday! Especially when you are #glutenfree #dairyfree Their growing bodies need plenty of nutrients. Kids requested marinated chicken, rice and veges again. How are you fueling your body today?... . . . #nutrition #mealprep #naturopath #diet #kidshealth #schoollunches #healthyliving #school #kidsnutrition #health #immunesupport #guthealth #foodintolerance See more
06.01.2022 This is crazy! Hard to believe people still use Round Up when it has been proven to cause cancer.... but i guess we keep getting told it is 'safe'
06.01.2022 For the past few years I have held a Food 4 Mood workshop in July. Covid & social distancing put a halt on my workshops this winter.... but watch this space as i plan to organise online workshops you can join from the comfort of your own homes . Studies have linked low vitamin D levels with low mood in Winter. Make sure you are still spending time outside in the sun whenever you can and consider Cod Liver oil caps for you & your children . .... . . #workshops #food4mood #moodsupport #winterblues #nutrition #diet #herbalist #holistichealth #depression #anxiety #menshealth #kidshealth #happykids #adrenalfatigue #mthfr #dirtygenes #naturopath #goldcoast #awareness #community See more
05.01.2022 Constipation is a common theme lately with my clients If you are not having a bowel movement EVERYDAY then like this stream your bowel will be stagnant! A slow transition through your bowel means less healthy gut bacteria & increased toxicity. This can affect your mood, concentration, hormone balance, energy, and immunity. During a Naturopathic consult I look at a drop of your blood under a dark field microscope. This lets us see the health of your cells and helps to... assess your gut health. Stool testing can also be ordered to analyse your your gut bacteria or microbiome further. Bad bacteria can cause problems but so can not enough Good bacteria. The microbiome test shows us the balance. If we measured all the DNA in our body.... we are 99% bacteria and only 1% HUMAN So the right balance of good bacteria is very important for our health! This is not just about taking a probiotic! Diet, hydration, exercise, stress, thyroid, hormones, supplements all need to be evaluated. . Constipation is a sign your gut is unhealthy. Don't wait for a bigger sign! Don't wait for a disease before you take notice if your health! Come in for a Naturopathic consult so you can stay healthy . . . . . #guthealth #nutrition #functionalmedicine #anxiety #depression #thyroidhealth #hashimoto #stayhealthy #moodsupport #constipation #microbiome #naturopath #diet #paleo #keto #antiiflammatory #immunesupport See more
04.01.2022 Imagine finding out which foods are causing INFLAMMATION in your body! Not guessing for weeks... but getting the facts straight away so you know which changes to make I guessed Dairy was not good for this person because he has blocked sinuses. He didn't want to believe me because he was brought up on a dairy farm. So we tested. I could have guessed Gluten because many people are intolerant but imagine if i put him on a dairy free, gluten free, paleo or keto diet so he star...ted eating eggs for breakfast everyday. Check out how strong the reaction is to EGGS That is why i now encourage testing. It is worth every penny If your body is reacting this strongly to these foods imagine how GOOD you would feel not eating them? This test proves these foods are causing inflammation - which affects ENERGY, concentration, mood, contributes to INJURIES, pain, hormone issues.... because Inflammation is the cause of ALL CHRONIC HEALTH conditions. I am just so excited to see the positive changes in this person This food intolerance test covers 22 foods. It is $169 for the test which is a fingerprick done at home. The results take 4 weeks which get sent to me and are discussed during a consult. Usually you need a consult BEFORE getting sent the test, but i will run a special for a month Message me your details and you can do the test THEN come in for the consult to discuss the results. . . . . . #foodintolerance #diet #keto #ketodiet #paleo #menshealth #sportsnutrition #injuryprevention #nutrition #naturopath #guthealth #IBS #allergies #inflammation #wellness #preventdisease #moodsupport #energy #vitality See more
04.01.2022 Once a month I work Saturday for those who are working full time and need support @flannerysorganic has 20% DISCOUNT this weekend on all supplements so its the perfect time to have a consult Message me to make a time. Xx. . .... . . . . #discount #savings #healthcheck #stayhealthy #moodsupport #methylation #immunesupport #anxiety #kidshealth #depression #nutrition #diet #guthealth See more
03.01.2022 Oligoscan testing at @flannerysorganic today only 1xspot available due to cancellation Test your nutrient absorption and heavy metal toxicity. Are you taking the right supplements? Do you have enough Iodine & Selenium for Thyroid health? Are heavy metals the underlining cause for your dis-ease? NEW Oligoscan now tests B12, folate, Vit D and vit A levels It's my favourite test! Such a great way to find out what's going on. Ring Flannerys Benowa to book or message Next date Saturday 3rd October. Book for that now as it gets sold out early. . . . #healthcheck #springclean #guthealth #heavymetal #detox #toxicity #mentalhealth #kidshealth #adrenalfatigue #stresssupport #naturopath #goldcoast #mthfr #menshealth #nutrition #diet See more
03.01.2022 I got you girl Easter bunny still came The world is in chaos but we get to spend time together. I promise to always keep you safe .... . . . . . #singleparent #easterholidays #familytime #igotyou #love #kidslife #healthykids #together #blessed #healthylifestyle #goldcoast #holidays #gratitude See more
03.01.2022 Another year around the sun I am so grateful for my life, my health, my job, my community, where I live and of course my children who give my life so much meaning I pray my children get to grow up with as much freedom of choice, travel and personal rights that I have had . . .... . . . #health #birthday #blessed #geminidragon #funtimes #goldcoast #newnormal #socialdistancing #travel #nutrition #kidshealth #family #community #grateful #surf #parenting #2020 See more
03.01.2022 How to survive the silly season... beer and wine are a common cause of inflammation and food intolerance. If you are gluten intolerant then it is best to drink a gluten free / low carb beer like Hahns ultra crisp. Feedback from clients tells me this beer causes less bloating or 'FULL' feeling If you get a flushed face when drinking red wine, this is due to a histamine reaction. Stuffed noses or sinuses are also signs of high histamine and intolerance when drinking red or w...hite wine. Spirits like Vodka, tequila and gin are lower in histamines and therefore can be better tolerated by people with allergies. Just be careful of how much you drink! My favourite's @ink_gin because its just so pretty and festive yet to get to @huskdistillers because i am crap at booking and they always book out! But it is on the list to do this summer Careful of what you mix your drinks with. Soft drinks dehydrate even further and cause worse hangovers in my experience stick to soda or tonic water, or fruit juice. If you know you are going to drink, best to line your stomach with a gut healing formula like the one i have in the picture. Something with slippery elm to line your gut and help protect you. At bedtime take activated charcoal with a couple of glasses of water to absorb toxins and reduce hangover effects I am a realistic Naturopath if you are going to do something that you know isn't healthy, then support your body so you heal well, and detox well from it. After all life is all about balance Enjoy . . . #enjoy #balance #festiveseason #christmas #2020 #holidayseason #summer #festive #ginandtonic #healthyliving #guthealing #detox #support #healing #familytime #parties See more
03.01.2022 Best lunch I had this week #glutenfree wrap with organic lamb bites from @flannerysorganic with #dairyfree pesto, humus, and salad Gluten, dairy & eggs are coming up a LOT when i test for food intolerances. These foods commonly cause inflammation & bloating. People often don't want to hear that but it is not so difficult to be gluten & dairy free . . .... #backtoschool #lunch #diet #IBS #kidshealth #healthy #antiinflammatory #moodsupport #detox #weightloss #eatyourveges #naturopath #nutrition #foodintolerance #guthealth #microbiome See more
02.01.2022 Is your weight getting you down? Are you struggling with the motivation to eat healthy while stuck in the house in self isolation? #stayhome Gyms are closed and I know many people have lost their usual routine many have struggled to get back into exercise after the Easter weekend. I know weight issues cause a lot of anxiety and stress for people but I am here to help As a qualified Nutritionist I can support you on a diet plan which will support weight loss even w...hen you are not able to exercise a lot. You can have access to regular online support to keep you on track As a qualified Naturopath I can support your weight loss journey HOLISTICALLY by finding out the root cause of the problem. Many people eat well, exercise and yet STILL have trouble with their weight! This can be due to HORMONE imbalance such as high estrogen, high cortisol, or slow THYROID function. I can test these for you and look at any previous tests you have had done. Doctors may NOT have picked up issues if they were subclinical (still normal range but not optimal) As a qualified HERBALIST I can support these systems in your body to allow for more successful weightloss Don't let your weight cause you more stress! You can get the support you need to stay motivated and on track with eating healthy while stuck at home I am doing online consults via Zoom or Telehealth so you don't even have to leave your house. I can order supplements to be delivered to your door Keeping on track with your health while in self isolation will also support your energy levels, focus, motivation and immune system. Let's get it done Message me or follow link in Bio to book a consultation #stayhealthy . . . . #weightloss #detox #hormonebalance #stresssupport #estrogendominance #anxiety #depression #moodsupport #motivation #focus #goals #routine #support #diet #paleo #keto #vegan #vegetarian #nutritonist #herbalist #naturopath #hypothyroid #functionalmedicine #dietplan #mealplan #foodprep See more
02.01.2022 Super proud of my girl! She planned her own 10th Birthday party. Chose reptiles as the theme & found creative food to make. We all worked on it together with lists schedules and late night decorating she wouldn't let me do anything without her. It may not have been our most healthy party but sure was fun . . .... . #party #birthday #fun #ten #reptile #australia #partyplanner #create #cakedecorating #methylation #girls #kidshealth #turtlecake #spidercupcakes #cupcake #dessert #snakes See more
02.01.2022 Sunset workout after school & work no filter needed. . . . I am working... and promise to put up more posts about health but nature time seems to be the best medicine for me at the moment. How about you? ... . . . . #sunset #local #4221 #palmbeach #naturetime #beachworkout #familytime #kidsworkout #health #staypositive #uplifted #vibes #blessed #keepmoving #healthyliving #consciousliving #healing See more
02.01.2022 Learning you react to foods like Gluten, Dairy & Eggs can be overwhelming. These are common foods in our western diet and often you have to throw out most of your pantry It can take a while to learn which foods have these ingredients in them. Often they are hidden in chips, takeaway foods, sauces, even salads have cheese or croutons added to them It becomes obvious that preparing your own food, making your lunches, meal planning and food prep is the way forward. This ...can be time consuming. Thank GOODNESS for places like @seedsofliferobina a bakery that provides bread, lunches, sweet treats for any diet plan they have done the hard work for you so you can grab a quick meal anytime! I ALWAYS have a sliced loaf of bread in my freezer so I have something nutritous to eat. in my stories you often see what I have prepared for school lunches.... but usually i don't make enough for myself (any other Mum's relate ) or can't eat as many carbs as my children. So i take some rainbow bread - #grainfree #organic and great for my digestion topped with nutramite (iodine for thyroid function) avocado or sardines (high in omega 3 and vit D) and some greens for lunch You can order seedsoflife products online Add my name under coupon code - biancabawden to receive 15% DISCOUNT Choose Practitioner- client delivery and get your products delivered to your door so EASY . . . . #diet #foodintolerance #paleo #keto #weightloss #mealprep #nutrition #naturopath #discount #savings #fastfood #lunch @ Seedsoflife Organic; Paleo, Vegan, Breads, Cookies & Premixes See more
01.01.2022 Best way to start the day So happy the gyms are open again but keeping up the morning walk/runs because it is so nice to be outside How do you start your day? . .... . . . . . #morningroutine #naturetime #exercise #mood #healthylifestyle #energy #focus #detox #goldcoast #moodsupport #mentalhealth See more
01.01.2022 They drive me crazy some days but they are my . . . #parentinglife #fullmoon #blessed #summerwalks #sunday #singleparent #balance #love #family #girls
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