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25.01.2022 wondering what I actually need to eat get the benefits of the Mediterranean diet?
24.01.2022 POO NUMBER 2 (after Number 1) Last time we found out what a good poo is like. Today we are going to share ways on getting there. Get the foundations right. The 3 F’s.... Fluid: considering poo is 75% water drinking enough water is essential 2 litres will do the job. Fibre: the average Aussie only eats about 20 grams fibre daily the target is 30 grams. Fibre is only found in plant-based foods. Meat and dairy have none. The less processed food is, the more likely it will have more fibre. For example: 1 cup of wholemeal pasta has nearly 4x the fibre of regular pasta. cup of all bran has 12.6g and cup nutrigrain has 1g (12 times!) Fitness: regular movement activates the muscles in bowel, called peristalsis. So remember the 3 F’s to keep your business running smooth.
23.01.2022 15 years marriage hanging out at our local beach, North Burleigh. Thanks Chi for the photos!
16.01.2022 Poo Part One. What provides more grossness and funniness than talking about poo? Yet without it we are in deep doo doo. I’m going to provide a brief discussion around this toilet topic as I believe we need to be more aware of such an important part of our daily routine. Due to its gross factor, our bowel habits are often kept secret, even when we may actually need to be addressing a poo problem.... Let’s go back to the start, what is poo? 75% water & 25% solids. The solids are made up of 30% dead bacteria, 30% fibre, 15% cholesterol/fats, 10% minerals/cell debris. These numbers are only averages. The softer the motion, the higher percentage of water present. How to rate your Bowel Motion 1. Size Matters. The average Australian adult daily bowel motion is only 120grams. The bigger the size of your business, the better. In rural Africa where bowel diseases are relatively non-existent they poo on average 400grams a day. 2. Texture Matters. The ‘Bristol Stool Chart’ is a validated tool to help us aim for the perfect poop. Think of chocolate Maltesers constipated, Picnic too firm, Mars bar perfect, chocolate fondue too soft 3. Colour Matters. Brown is best. If yours is a different colour, this guide maybe helpful 4. Timing Matters. Just because you don’t go every day doesn’t mean there’s something wrong. The time range of every second day to three times a day is a suitable. If you’re not going more than three times a week too slow or more than three times a day too fast.
15.01.2022 Bacon causes Caner Sorry about the scary Headline, I don’t really intend to create fear with your food choices. My intention is simply to inform. The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) has classified over 1000 agents into 4 categories. Group 1 agents are carcinogenic to humans, group 2A and 2B are probably and possibly carcinogenic to humans respectively. Group 3 is essentially not carcinogenic. See: Along with 119 other agents identified, consumption of processed meats is a Class one carcinogen. This may come as a shock to many of us, considering how enjoyable bacon and eggs are for weekend breakfasts. It is in the same classification as alcohol, tobacco and ultraviolet radiation. As depressing as this sounds it is not all doom and gloom. The cancer council of Australia identifies an 18% increase in risk of bowel cancer if you eat 50grams of processed meats daily. They have recommendations of not eating more than 100grams of red meat daily (which includes beef, lamb and pork). So just as there are foods to increase risk of cancer, there is an arsenal of foods to reduce the risk. Bring in the calvary 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables daily reduces risk of bowel cancer by 17%. So next Saturday morning, include some baked beans, tomato and mushrooms with your bacon and eggs! See more
14.01.2022 LEGUMES... Defined as a seed, pod, or other edible part of a leguminous (pea family) plant, legumes are a must for anyone interested in health. Legumes have an excellent nutrient profile. Yes they have carbs, but don't fret if you are an anti-carb believer, for they have an extremely low GI. They are very high in both soluble and insoluble fibre. They are also the plant based protein powerhouses.... Unfortunately a random cardiologist blamed legumes for the demise of our health, but fortunately there was no evidence to his claims. Also for a while Soy was a worry for blokes who thought their phyto-estrogens would do funny things to male bodies. And there was concern that soy may be contributing to hormone related cancers. Fortunately studies has confirmed the benefit of soy for both scenarios. Legumes are not our first go to protein in Australia. How can I eat them? It's surprisingly easy! Home made baked beans for breakfast. Some tin tuna and 4 beans salad for lunch and a chick pea curry for dinner will do the trick. Even fancy products are popping up to help us sneak them in. A favourite is Roasted Fava Beans from the happy snack company.
11.01.2022 What’s that you say? Healthy eating appears to influence your hearing! A recent long term study on women in the US found that those who ate ‘healthy’ had a 30% reduced risk of hearing loss. This is one of very few studies looking for a link between diet and hearing loss. Obviously there are many other factors contributing to hearing loss, such as exposure to loud noises over time, disease and medication side effects. However, removing all these variables, there was seen... a definite link between eating well and reduced risk of hearing loss. What was ‘healthy’ eating that they used as the benchmark? There were three dietary standards used. There were: 1. DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) diet, 2. AMED (Mediterranean diet), 3. AHEI-2010 (index of eating in line with dietary guidelines). Essentially, these diets focus on large intakes of vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, whole grains and extra virgin olive oil. Low fat dairy, limited sodium, sugar and animal fats. It is exciting to see that more and more studies on simple healthy eating practices are being shown to improve not just heart disease and cancer risks. Depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and now hearing loss appears to be all impacted by what we eat. References: Adherence to Healthful Dietary Patterns Is Associated with Lower Risk of Hearing Loss in Women. Curhan SG, Wang M, Eavey RD, Stampfer MJ, Curhan GC. J Nutr. 2018 May 11. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy058. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 29757402. See more
11.01.2022 Nutritious Entrees Episode 2 Milks! By Peter St Henry Why are there so many milks to choose from?! Great question! Check out what Peter the Dietitian has to say about the choices of milks available today. From full cream to skim and from nuts to rice there is a milk for every occasion! But which one is the best for you.... Check out the latest utube video from Peter... or find it on his website blog at...
10.01.2022 Peter has recently been asked to be part of the program 'Altogether You'. It is supported by Nuevo Health and sponsored by Novartis. He will providing dietary support for those with conditions including Psoriatic arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis.
10.01.2022 Australia has not updated its National Nutrition Policy in over 26 years! See what the Dietitian Association has to say about this lapse in government focus on health...
09.01.2022 4 Reasons why I'll not go Keto... 1. Raises Inflammation 2. Raises Total and LDL (Bad) Cholesterol 3. Acidic... 4. No better than other diets for weight loss Being the most poplular diet at present, I'd thought it would be an idea to share why I don't think it is worthwhile. Epilepsy is the only condition that appears to have a significant benefit with use of the Ketogenic diet. My concern is the evidence showing significant elevation of CRP. This is a generic measure of systemic inflammation. Most health is achieved through reducing inflammation, so it makes sense to eat in a way that reduces inflammation not raise it! There are many other dietary styles out there to achieve this (eg. Mediterranean, vegetarian...) Cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer and LDL and total cholesterol remain a strong independent risk factor for this. So eating a diet to increase CVD risk is counterintuitive if health is your goal. I'm not necessarily sold on the alkaline/acid story as blood pH is very tightly controlled. But, the food choices on a keto diet is typically acid producing. As measured by urine. Lastly and most importantly for most people going on a diet is the weight loss scenario. It appears that going keto for weight loss compared to other forms of dieting with the same calories doesn't make a significant difference. And considering the strictness of the keto diet, it is unlikely to be sustainable, meaning that you can only eat so many avocadoes and one day that piece of toast is going to disappear down your oesophagus.
09.01.2022 Are eating activated nuts healthier for you? Learn more with Dietitian Peter St Henry and his latest Nutritious Entrees Video. Check out the you tube clip...
07.01.2022 Peter spends a few minutes pouring over the different milks available today. There are quite a few options, but this video simplifies some of the major options. Milk is drunk daily so plays a major impact on our nutritional intake, so it is important you are choosing the right milk for you.
04.01.2022 Blood Pressure, it’s one of those conditions that sits under the radar. But more than 1 in 3 Adult Aussies have it, and when they get diagnosed, they take pills. Stop you can choose another path. Would you believe me that each one of the following steps can seriously drop your blood pressure? 1. Eat more Potassium (up to 5000mg daily). Foods like tomato paste, potato, corn, nectarines, all bran, snapper and coconut water are ridiculously high in potassium. 2. Drop your ...salt intake. Use other flavours from the spice rack, limit eating out and take aways and choose foods with <400mg sodium per 100grams. 3. Weight Loss for every 1kg drop, 1mmHg comes off your blood pressure. 4. Reduce your alcohol up to 2 standard drinks daily is fine, anything more starts spiking your blood pressure. 5. Activity 10 000 steps daily and / or get over 150minutes of moderate exercise weekly. 6. Want to follow a diet plan? check out the ‘DASH’ Diet: 7. Want to take supplements? - check out Aged Kyolic Garlic, Beetroot Juice, Coenzyme Q10. 8. Drop me an email: [email protected] if you want a personalised plan to drop your blood pressure and reduce your risk of stroke, heart and kidney disease.
04.01.2022 Healthy Lifestyle Trumps Dodgy Genes This message is for those who inherited dodgy Genes or have a family history of cancer... There has been a large population based case control study in Germany which separated lifestyle and genetics to see which one had the most influence on cancer, namely colorectal cancer (CRC). The lifestyle measures were smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity and body fatness. They found that those with greater lifestyle factors had in...creasingly lower risks of cancer. This observation is nothing new there have been numerous studies showing the benefits of a ‘healthy’ lifestyle and reducing your risk of cancer. However, what was amazing, was they found no connection between genetics and family history of CRC! I hazard a presumption: if a good lifestyle over rules bad genes, can a bad lifestyle ruin good genes? The take home message is if you have a family history of CRC don’t despair! A healthy lifestyle TRUMPS bad genes! Reference: ‘Healthy lifestyle factors associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer irrespective of genetic risk.’
04.01.2022 I woke up one morning recently with the thought ‘God of all comfort’. (found in the bible at 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verse 3) As it swam around my head, a question was revealed... If God is the God of ALL comfort, comfort cannot come by any other means? Will I really not get comforted by food, entertainment, friends, massage, a good belly laugh...? What is comfort anyways? I gather finding out what comfort actually means is a good idea. The bible has two words for ‘co...mfort’. One word in Hebrew found in Old Testament and the other in Greek found in the New. 1. nâcham, Old Testament. Meaning includes to sigh deeply, in that God sighs deeply with us in our troubles. He weeps with those who weep. 2. paráklsis News Testament. Meaning includes to draw near, exhort and console. A description of the Holy Spirit the comforter. Summarised as a ‘strengthening presence’. His presence in our lives strengthens us. I think most of us can relate to the idea of eating for comfort. I can find myself looking for chocolate to create happy feelings. (I have a sweet tooth). For others, the salty bag of crisps maybe claiming emotional relief once opened. However, from a Christian perspective, only God can provide true comfort. Food maybe a source of pleasure, an opportunity to experience something enjoyable but it lacks the ability to strengthen. Yummy food can be welcome company during a rough patch, but it doesn’t hold the keys to moving forward. It often brings with it other feelings which are not that helpful, including guilt and disappointment of oneself. This doesn’t have to be the case. God didn’t create taste buds just to make us check whether food is safe or not. The incredible olfactory system triggers so many sensations during eating that there has to be a bigger reason. I am sure that God has placed beautifully sweet fruits on this planet for us to enjoy. He also put a heap of salt in our oceans! Don’t let guilt rob you of enjoying the delights provided for us. Pleasure is different from comfort. To my knowledge, there is no biblical command saying eating food for pleasure is wrong. There should be opportunities in our diet that allow us to enjoy indulgent foods. When we compare God to food, I believe God is a much better counsellor, comforter and encourager. He, by His Spirit, comes alongside and sympathises. But more than this, He builds courage and strength. This is where the difference lies, food can nourish our body, but can’t feed our soul. God, I believe, is the best food for our soul. Join me in celebrating the ability to enjoy all foods and the God who comforts all. References: 1. (sourced 8-10-18) 2. New Spirit Filled Life Bible, NKJ version, Nelson Publishing.
04.01.2022 Does Diet Affect Acne?
04.01.2022 The most common question in my practice is about fat, which one and how much? this excellent update from the heart foundation provides an update of the current evidence with a very simple take home message - we don't eat nutrients, we eat food. Swapping food sources of saturated (and trans) fats to food sources of unsaturated fats reduces your risk of heart disease (along with many other chronic conditions). To put into daily life - instead of butter, using avocado or extra virgin olive oil. instead of chocolate, choosing nuts and seeds... Check out the heart foundation website for more updated information...
02.01.2022 Fear Not Thy Food. I’m having ‘smoko’ (morning tea) at our family property. I’ve poured my cup of tea and am putting a heaped teaspoon of raw sugar into it. Suddenly a statement that is spoken with such conviction it just has to be true ‘you know sugar causes cancer.’ I’m cooking a steak on the BBQ and out pops another statement ‘char grilling that steak is going to give you cancer.’ I’m reheating my leftovers in the microwave ‘those microwave radiations are damaging y...our food and causing cancer.’ I’m picking up some tomatoes at the local grocery shop ‘unless it’s organic, you’re going to do more harm than good eating that thing.’ By the sounds of my well-meaning friends and family, it appears to me that everything I put in my mouth is going to hurt me. Why have we become so fearful of food these days? Many people I know have become self-appointed experts in nutrition and are eager as ever to speak evil of anything that we eat. There are elements of truth to most statements. I agree that char coaled meat can increase your risk of colon cancer for example. But what I am trying to say is why focus on the negatives when there are so many beneficial aspects to the foods we eat. Where are the positive and encouraging words celebrating food? Instead of focusing on the char coaled meat, congratulate the rainbow of colours of the salad next to it. Instead of being critical of the sugar in my tea, lets celebrate the benefits of tea. Instead of fearing the pesticide residue on vegies, let’s celebrate the abundance of fruit and veg we have access to in Australia. Instead of fearing microwaves, embrace how they can heat foods without reducing nutrient content. Look what’s on your plate or in your lunch box today and find something beneficial to celebrate.
01.01.2022 Had the privilege of providing a poster at the recent National Dietitians Conference. The poster highlighted the huge scope of diet options to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. There were over 800 delegates and quite a few exciting areas were presented. Including updates on allergy management/prevention, eating from your backyard, impact of sleep deprivation and much more. To find out more about the wonderful world of dietitians, check their website
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