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Love Wellness with Kimberley
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25.01.2022 9 months ago a lung infection caused my heart to stop as I ran along Whites beach in Torquay. I was kept alive for 40 minutes by 10+ highly skilled strangers vi...a CPR, before a defibrillator was sourced and started my heart again. 10 minutes later the paramedics arrived and I was air lifted to the Geelong Hospital. I was placed in a coma for 5 days and my wife and family were told that 'if' I woke up, I would be suffering high end brain damage. It's now 9 months on and I have made a full recovery, I have 100% brain function, I am training again and working full time in a job that I love. Experts have told me that the chances of a person surviving a cardiac arrest, experiencing cardiac death and being revived via CPR are less than 3%. To the people on the beach that morning: you saved my life, and I wake every single day and thank god that you were there for me. I have not met any of you and I want to. I understand your reluctance to step forward, but I would like to thank you face to face for changing the coarse of my families lives as a result of your selfless act. Because of you my children still have their Dad, my parents still have their son and my wife still has her husband. Please inbox me, call me or email me if this message finds you. Please forward this message if you feel it will help me find the strangers on the beach that saved my life that morning. Thank you. Sean Purcell / [email protected] See more
23.01.2022 HEALTH ALERT: A measles case has been confirmed today in a 15-year-old girl who visited a number of north-east locations while infectious. The teenager acquired... measles while in South East Asia. Measles is highly contagious among people who are not fully immunised, and can be contracted by other people up to 30 minutes after an infected person has left the area. Anyone who isn’t fully immunised or who was in the locations at the times listed in the image below should be alert for symptoms over the next few weeks and see a doctor if they become ill. People with measles are infectious for several days before they develop symptoms. If you believe you have measles symptoms, contact your doctor before you visit so precautions can be taken to avoid spreading disease to others. More information about measles: More health alerts: See more
23.01.2022 Have you joined my Parentmedic Educator Page yet? It’s now a public page keeping you updated on everything Infant and Child First Aid
22.01.2022 This is beautifully said
22.01.2022 Hi all YES, I'm back and in full flight post baby (note the baby spam for attention below!) to offer you guys some more health info and also to announce something super exciting regarding first aid training here in Adelaide!!! I've mentioned previously it's something I wanted to gain interest on and have had some great feedback so please STAY TUNED as I'll be launching something really exciting in the coming weeks! So super excited.
22.01.2022 I felt it necessary to share a very interesting fact re first aid and our own education ...
22.01.2022 It's National Asthma Week: did you know there is a dedicated Asthma helpline?
21.01.2022 Thankyou as always Aberfoyle Community Centre Inc.
21.01.2022 Last Parentmedic Public Session for the year at Aberfoyle Community Centre Inc. thanks for having me the last 6 months! Big thanks for The Baby Cino Club for your support and am looking forward to more education in the new year!!!! Don’t forget I host private sessions in your own home for friends and family so send me a PM for more details!
21.01.2022 To round out National Asthma week ...
20.01.2022 So excited to be attending this expo this weekend representing The Parentmedic Movement, if your due for a bubs or have a family come and say hi!
18.01.2022 So important any time of the year but always a good reminder in summer too! Get in touch if your keen on learning these life saving and simple skills in your own home with some family and friends
18.01.2022 Adelaide parents have told of the terrifying moment their baby son suddenly stopped breathing and the remarkable act that saved his life. #9News |
18.01.2022 We are not only advocates for our kids health but we are their teachers ... amazing heartwarming story
17.01.2022 I'm so proud to now offer this course to Adelaide Families for $45pp!
16.01.2022 Did you miss out on one of my previous sessions?!? Did you attend one and would love to recommend it to someone else? I’m excited to have partnered with Aberfoyle Community Centre Inc. once more and host Parentmedic Baby and Child First Aid public sessions! Available to anyone so book your place for my upcoming Feb event on Friday 22nd Feb 10am-12pm. First in best dressed at the public rate of $30pp so excited to be bringing this to the community again in 2019
16.01.2022 Today is World No Tobacco Day! Tobacco kills 8 million people worldwide, including 1 million from the second-hand smoke exposure. Find out how to protect yourself from this killer. Join our conversation and ask your questions!
16.01.2022 Hi all!!! Did you all make it through the ridiculous summer heat we had here??!! I hope this finds you well and healthy! Have you been wondering what I’ve been up to?! I have promoted my venture of teaching Baby and Child First Aid in the recent posts but I’m excited to officially promote The PARENTMEDIC Movement of which I am one of Adelaide’s only educators!!! As a thank you for your interest I am giving away this little gem of a kit for anyone who makes a booking for the... months of March and April! * Baby and Child First Aid in your home! * 2 hours of child friendly education (as in your children are welcome!!) about first aid and child safety in the home * Ongoing support via email and a Facebook group. * Only $45pp (min 5 per booking) Jump on this website for more info or shoot me a message.
15.01.2022 Tickets still available for this session tomorrow :)
14.01.2022 Early statistics have shown that cases of Measles has gone up by 300% in 2019 alone! I
11.01.2022 Do you know which car restraint to use for your child?
11.01.2022 Spent a glorious afternoon down at Aldinga Beach teaching
10.01.2022 Thanks Mitcham Community Centre for the support! Places still avail for next weeks course
10.01.2022 Would you know what to do if someone’s heart stops?
09.01.2022 [ Health Alert ] People with asthma and other respiratory or cardiac conditions are advised that tomorrow’s expected strong northerly winds have potential to ra...ise levels of dust across large areas of South Australia, and could exacerbate their condition. While all people may feel discomfort, people with these conditions are advised to: - Avoid exposure to dust - Stay indoors - Take medication as usual - Activate their asthma management plan - Avoid exercise in high areas of dust For more information about ways to protect yourself:
08.01.2022 What an amazing opportunity for new parents! On behalf of The PARENTMEDIC Movement ..
08.01.2022 Another fantastic session with 2 expectant families and the step children were there too! They want to know how to help their little brother or sister in a First Aid situation! Now taking bookings for the new year ... it’s time for a few weeks off! Do you know any families who might be interested in Baby and Child First Aid in their own home? Feel free to invite them to this page!
08.01.2022 EVENT!! I'm so excited to announce I will be educating about kids first aid representing WWC Education and Mama Tribe! Do you have kids as part of your life? Have you been thinking about doing a First Aid course for what seems like forever but perhaps it was the cost or flexibility stalling you? Please see this event!! I am thrilled to have partnered with WWC Education to be a Kids First Aid educator here in Adelaide! Stay tuned for more specific details in the coming days
08.01.2022 Adelaide PARENTMEDIC WEEK EVENT ... SOLD OUT!!
07.01.2022 A feel good story about the importance of knowing how to do CPR and use a defibrillator
06.01.2022 This week I have been showing this video to my groups. Released by the Australian Resusciatiation Council it shows how every person can attempt CPR because any attempt is better than no attempt at all. Please watch and see how easy it is to do COMPRESSION ONLY CPR
06.01.2022 Today is Hand Washing Day. DYK: By washing your hands you can prevent infections (and avoid the need for antibiotics).
06.01.2022 I have just had the pleasure this afternoon of teaching and empowering a family of parents and grandparents and a cutie patootie 11month old and have filled their world with knowledge about how to handle emergencies at home #firstaid #savealife #knowledgeiskey #parentmedic #theparentmedicmovement
05.01.2022 Australians parents are being warned to no longer use teething gels on infants, amid concerns they could make children sick. #9News |
05.01.2022 So a little while ago I hinted at my new project ... and you may have seen bits and bobs shared here and there ... I am so excited to say I am open to taking bookings for Nov/Dec for BABY AND CHILD FIRST AID EDUCATION here in Adelaide!!! As the sole ambassador for the #parentmedicmovement in Adelaide I am thrilled to launch this more accessible and affordable programme! Give me a call, send me a txt, comment below or send me a Facebook message. ... #parentmedic #handleitathome #wwced
04.01.2022 I’m so happy to have teamed up with Goodstart Early Learning to offer the Parentmedic First Aid course to their families. This is an open session however so if you or anyone you know is interested please share this post to spread the word. Let’s educate and save lives.
04.01.2022 I am so pumped and inspired to be part of this education movement. We only have the 1 event in Adelaide this year (sold out BTW!) but I hope to host a few more next year!
04.01.2022 #parentmedicmoment In my sessions I talk about following your mummy or daddy instincts ... mine ended up in trip the ED, even if it is for a second opinion and reassurance it's always better to follow instincts. Mine were true PS two sleeping children ... say what?!?
03.01.2022 So FIRST AID .... yadayadayada right?! Nope! Prevention and immediate management goes such a long way. Fun fact: BURNS: Do you know how long to cool a burn for if you (or your child!) sustains a burn?... 20 minutes ... yep, 20 mins and no less. That’s with cool, running water.... A finishing thought for you ... do you know what could cause a burn in and around your home? Brainstorm to ensure the safety and prevention for you and your loved ones
03.01.2022 Time out ... I have the dreaded Flu!! Although I had my vaccination unfortunately the mild case (no fevers or body aches) has unfortunately set my asthma into f...ull force. So I would love to remind you all that if you or someone you know are at risk of complications due to other illnesses then to be aware of the signs of illness and please seek some medical advice. Big shout out to MY mum who encouraged me to present to ED! I had a little worried helper also along for the ride. I’ll be back in time for the next public session on May 24, no doubt this flu season and preventative measurements and also signs and symptoms for your little ones will be discussed! Stay warm and remember hand hygiene is an essential part of prevention. See more
02.01.2022 Do you know how to help someone stung by a jellyfish? Over 5,000 people were stung by bluebottles along Queensland’s coastline this past weekend Make sure you’re familiar with what steps you should take and stay safe on the beaches this summer!
02.01.2022 Currently babies are immunised against meningococcal strain C from 12 months but there are actually 5 other stains found in Australia - scary right? The good is the Therapeutic Goods Administration has just approved a new combination vaccine that protects against 4 other strains! Cases of meningococcal Y & W have actually doubled in the past 3 years but up until now a vaccine hasn't been available. Check with your GP to see if they have the combination vaccine in stock.
01.01.2022 I’m so proud to be part of this organisation offering this to families in S.A.
01.01.2022 Tickets still available for this session tomorrow
01.01.2022 Wowsers! Mitch and Mark, better known as our household favourites on THE BLOCK not only know how to make a good looking room, they also know how to SAVE A LIFE! Check them out doing a Parentmedic First Aid session a few weeks ago! SUPER HERO GRANDADS!
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