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25.01.2022 Greg Emerson (holistic medically trained brainiac), clues us up on how to zinc into our cells where it can help repell or kill the covid-monster. the anti-malarial Chloroquine does this (it's how it works), but so too do two natural substances - resveratrol and quercetin - this video is a valuable knowledge burst that is protective and remedial.
25.01.2022 "Bottle-fed babies are swallowing millions of microplastic particles a day, according to research described as a milestone in the understanding of human exposure to tiny plastics." Add to this microwaving - irradiating and killing - the milk and we are looking at a real cocktail of problems....
24.01.2022 Recently I finished writing my Bachelor's thesis about the portrayal of Menstruation in media and society - a real taboo topic. So taboo in fact, that the coord...inator of my German university not only refused to help me but actively discouraged me from formulating this topic in a way to find a supervisor. (She told me that I would never find a professor who would approve this topic. To paraphrase what they said in English, there is no scientific bases for this topic and the reason for that: it's a taboo). Now that I've successfully completed my bachelor thesis and defended it before a panel of professors in my final presentation, everybody involved has recognized the importance of this topic since ignorance surrounding menstruation has wide reaching consequences for the environment, the economy and financial and social gender equality. I'm not trying to convince you to throw a "period party", neither am I going to wave a used tampon underneath your nose. I just want people to be aware of some important facts: Half of the population of the world loses approximately a 30-50 milliliters of blood every month (for approximately 40 years of their live time - this makes up six and a half years in total). Although this process is crucial for the origin of every single human being, menstruating people have been heavily discriminated in many major religious texts and even scientific medical consensus up to the middle of the 20th century. The connotation of menstruating women evokes images of poisonous monsters, the devil, psychological and physical deficits and above all, in the vast majority of cases, being depicted as unclean and inferior. (This is part of the old testament: "When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening." To sum up the entire text, menstruating women should be completely excluded from society and live like a hermit for seven days.After which, in order to return to civilization they are also required to bring two doves to a priest who will sacrifice them in a ceremony to "purify" the woman. If people don't guard against this "uncleanliness" the whole society will collapse. [Leviticus 15:19-33]. No bullshit.) Ofcourse, you can say that as a society we have developed past such extreme views, but in fact this attitude still presents itself in more subtle ways. Nowadays women are still being stigmatized (She´s just grumpy because she's on her period. We can't have a female leader - what if she starts a war when she gets her period!!??) and portrayed as hysterical, over emotional and not being able to make clear decisions. (Remembering Trump's comment about Fox moderator Megyn Kelly....) As a consequence women and girls feel ashamed and uncomfortable, whisper to each other like criminals when they need a tampon because of their "biological weakness" and are not taken seriously when they have ailments related to their period. Worldwide, every day, women and girls are being held back in social situations, education and work, don't have access to sanitary products or are being excluded from society due to lack of education and are being declared as unclean and inferior. In India 20 percent of girls drop out of school with the beginning of their menstruation. In many other countries women are socially prohibited from leaving the house during their menstruation due to a fear that they are contagious and could spread diseases like cancer. Even in Germany, half of the women say that they feel uncomfortable in social situations while menstruating. 16 percent of them have described missing school, work or other engagmentents because they are afraid (!!) that others might notice that they are on their period. So in fact, this social stigma is so strong that people will remove themselves from society during their period! Many women feel shame when buying tampons in a supermarket (in Germany, this is reported as one out of five) and on top of that, it costs them an arm and a leg! Pads and tampons are taxed heavily almost everywhere. In Germany, they are taxed 19 % which is the highest possible for general goods (higher than totally necessary items like salmon caviar or cut flowers). If you ask yourself "who would make up such a rule?" it doesn't take long to realize: People who don't menstruate. Over a lifetime, women pay on average a four-digit number just for their period (according to 8600 Euro including almost 1650 in taxes).* This reinforces gender and economic inequality, while there is already a gender pay-gap in Germany and on top of that women are required to pay an extra cost every month for their essential needs. Btw for everybody who hasn't heard of it before, there is a reusable, hygienic alternative to tampons called the menstrual cup (or moon cup) which is of course not made of ceramic but medical silicon . Not only is this a lot cheaper because you buy it once for around 20 Euros, and it lasts for years but it is also a better option for the environment because it prevents thousands of tonnes of disposed tampons and pads ending up in landfill. Luckily, in recent years there is movement starting to grow in order to change the attitude towards periods. In some countries the "tampon tax" has been abolished or lowered. Even on the day I presented my thesis, Scotland decided to give sanitary products away for free to low income women. (In your face university!!) This is part of the reason why I am posting this and why I wrote this thesis in the first place. To stop period shaming, raise awareness of economic inequality and the mistreatment of women because of this natural bodily function. We have to end this taboo in order to create a more fair and equal society. So I ask you to talk about this issue, raise your voice against this stupid tax, write papers about it and embarrass ignorant professors (my examiners - especially the male ones - were left speechless and had to acknowledge the value of this work) - and everybody calm down. It's just a bit of blood. #bloodyluxurytax #period #menstruation #menstruationmatters #erdbeerwoche #SCA #planinternational #unicef #vivalavulva #pinktax #tamponsteuer This is the original post which I created a few days ago in German:¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1535730007697666 check out my blog: *source: +++Update 2020: I’ve written and published a book about the political dimension of periods in German Periode ist politisch. Ein Manifest gegen das Menstruationstabu. For more info info, follow me on Instagram (@frankafrei) - I’ve been posting a lot in German lately. If you want to get more content about menstruation and menstrual health in English check out Menstrual Health Hub - MH Hub, Chris Bobel, Nadya Okamoto, Chella Quint, Jennifer Weiss-Wolf, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, Lara Briden and Amanda Laird +++
23.01.2022 There is a particular kind of deep debility that can remain after a viral infection, reflecting a need for more resources to help in the recovery process. There are many viral infections that leave people feeling this way, Covid-19 is not 'unprecedented' in this regard, in fact it is people already suffering a chronic infection or post viral syndrome who are likey to suffer the most from Covid. The immune system is already exhausted. Post viral syndrome manifests typically ...with a deep and disabling fatigue, exaccerbated by varying degrees of activity. With a long list of symptoms, everything feels inflamed, notably the brain, making it difficult to function mentally. Medical care tends to be not so helpful by this stage, but Naturopathy provides a rich tapestry of effective resources to help the body recover, naturally. Naturopathic sessions are available online if you are needing health support. Book a 'Free 15' chat to see if Naturopathy can help you -
18.01.2022 Cholesterol is a misunderstood friend, not a foe. The 'shoot the messenger' approach of medicine needs an overhaul. #cholesterol is not the problem, #inflammation and #oxidative #stress is.
18.01.2022 Itchy, scratchy, bloaty, achey... naturopathy can help... 0409188173
18.01.2022 Allergy to meat, anaphylaxis, auto-immunity...or systemic tick toxin reaction? Research is showing that contact with a sugar-complex from ticks switches on allergy reactions - and it is found in all red meats - beef, lamb, pork, venison, rabbit - anything that has been bitten by a tick, and there is a tick explosion along the east coast of Australia. This Catalyst episode teaches you how to deal with tick bites. "Freeze don't squeeze"! As for the allergy info: "Mammalian allergy is on the rise in Australia and the surprising cause - a tick bite. Dr Jonica Newby meets Dr Sheryl van Nunen, the clinician who discovered the link. She found that if the tick had fed off another mammal first, the tick's blood was infected with a sugar called alpha gal. Once bitten by the infected tick some of our immune systems react to alpha gal causing an allergic reaction. This story is a must see if you want the latest tips on how best to remove a tick." Catalyst - See more
17.01.2022 Wow, fascinating - "Get Fit In 6 Minutes" a week. Sounds good > 2x30 second hard sprints 3 times a week ...pretty nice science (28 minute ABC programme 2015) Digging those skin benefits!
15.01.2022 "Based on a broad range of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms, which are herein reviewed, the oral administration of NAC is likely to attenuate the risk of developing COVID-19, as it was previously demonstrated for influenza and influenza-like illnesses."
15.01.2022 Dr Julie Mcredden steps us through understanding electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation, what it means for health, and how to protect ourselves and our children from the highly detrimental health effects. Fascinating point #1 that I did not know - your phone is NEVER OFF - when it is shut down, we just turn off the screen and functionality. The phone's antenna is still communicating with the grid. We need to disable the antenna by turning off location tracking, and keep it... on aeroplane mode, to reduce emissions from the antenna. And #2 - the 5G rollout strategist at Telstra, and the commissioner of AMTA, the peak body for the telecommunications industry who sets RF safety standards, and the head of IEC - International electrotechnical commission - who write the safety standards and advises ACMA (who does the safety research) - IS THE SAME GUY. >.< HOW??!!?? So basically Telstra is writing and directing the 'safety' policy for 5G that our government will accept and implement despite it not being independent or potentially even accurate. Cherry-picked data from 'studies' fully funded and guided by the very industry that stands to profit the most from the rollout. Could all the 'safety' data be fake? How is any of this happing right now. What kind of second rate systems failures have allowed these departments not to be independant from Telstra? Anyway, the webinar is really good. It's a good time to be aware.
15.01.2022 Herbal medicines are amazing! I'm constantly in awe of these gifts from Mother Earth... Drugs don't bolster health like this.
13.01.2022 "The allergic child may suffer from the so-called ‘allergic-tension-fatigue syndrome’ described by Dr. Frederic Speer in 1954 [x], which results in irritability, hyperactivity and impaired concentration, thus adversely affecting school performance."
13.01.2022 'According to Mary Hardy, MD, director of integrative medicine at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, food intolerance may be far more intimately entwined witH seasonal allergies than we realize. "You have to really look at your diet and cut out any foods that seem to provoke even a mild sensitivity, such as occasional hives or stomach upset, " says Hardy. In doing so, she says, you can literally lighten the burden on your immune system, which in turn may help reduce the impact of seasonal allergic reactions.' From
12.01.2022 Mould management is on my mind! Mouldy living and sleeping spaces drive and sustain illness, so making sure the air is dry (particularly on humid days or in closed spaces) is a good way to reduce inhalant allergens related to mould. As this planet heats up, mould will become more of an issue. Mould also accelerates in the presence of WIFI and phone radiation, so good to switch these off as often as possible, especially at night. Choice gives us the rundown on what to look for.... Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air. Ideal relative humidity for human comfort is in the 4060% range, but you might try as low as 30% if you prefer a dryer feeling, or up to 70% for more humidity. Melbourne humidity can get to 75-80% commonly. February is the most humid month on the east coast of Australia. Many reverse cycle air conditioners have this built-in, but not many people know to put it on. (**Important to make sure air conditioners and heaters are cleaned regularly to reduce dust, dander and mould spores circulating in the room.)
10.01.2022 What a great opportunity to put health and wellbeing front and centre. Let lockdown work for you. Naturopathy can help you become healthiest you, you can be. #healthierbychoice #lockdown #hormonebalance #immunesupport #energy #guthealth #skin #fertilityawareness #weightlossjourney
08.01.2022 'Long-covid' is a severe post-viral syndrome that needs Naturopathic strategies. Western medicine is poorly equipped to support functional health if they aren't able to use herbal medicines and key functional nutritionals. (I feel for the doctors of this world.) If you know someone with this debilitating condition, you may want to get them to a Naturopath.
08.01.2022 When I see people for weight loss, food sensitivity testing and a gut health assessment is an important part of the process. It is remarkable how much weight people can lose just by removing the foods they are not tolerating, and sorting out gut health.
08.01.2022 Now that we are out of lockdown and making forward plans we are all sensitive about unexpected and sudden lockdowns hitting us again. All lockdown plans are made based on assumptions about the PCR test and how it relates to viral infectiousness. This is a study review of data. Appears we still have a long way to go in preventing, protecting, and planning going forward. Much of it is out of our hands, but personal health resiliency is definitely a worthwhile focus. Review fi...ndings: "Complete live viruses are necessary for transmission, not the fragments identified by PCR. Prospective routine testing of reference and culture specimens and their relationship to symptoms, signs and patient co-factors should be used to define the reliability of PCR for assessing infectious potential. Those with high cycle threshold are unlikely to have infectious potential." See more
06.01.2022 I may have a scammer promoting products on my page - just for clarity, I will never promote branded products on this page, PM me if you are ever wondering. Monica
06.01.2022 There is so much information in a blood review of a single drop of fresh living blood under a darkfield microscope. Looking at the blood this way is like having a "slice of the pie' view of how the body is tracking inside health-wise. The quality of your blood reflects the quality of your health. Oh the things you can never ceases to amaze me. I really love my job.
06.01.2022 Sleep - so vital, yet sometimes so elusive. Insomnia, poor sleep, frequent waking, sleep apnoea, early waking, restless sleep - it all takes the juice out of life. Here are some tips from our blog, to help you reset your body-clock naturally.
05.01.2022 It's not just COVID that is on the rise. Tummy trouble and stealth infections seem to be more prevalent lately also. I am seeing so many more people with small intestine bacterial overgrowth, chronic infections, and microbiome disruption. Any issues with microbial balance in the gut can impact the whole system, and getting it sorted is important for everything - from immunity and hormone balance to energy and weight loss. Getting the gut right helps the whole body. When pathogens move in, health can certainly move out, if not caught early. #SIBO #microbiome #GORD #parasites #tummytrouble #COVID # postviralfatigue #chronicinfection #CFS
03.01.2022 If I could tell all my clients just one thing, it would be "Keep your mobile phone as far away from your body as you can." Pockets and phones are a nightmare for health. With increases in cancer of the bowel, ovaries, testes, and bone density depletion occurring as a direct driver of this darn device, it is a sad thing that we will never hear this inforamtion from the media. I die a little inside when I see children with phones, tablets or laptops in their laps. Girls are born with a lifetime of their eggs in their ovaries. I wonder how they will fare after a lifetime of device use beaming radiofrequency microwave radiation through them. And don't get me started on mobile phones over the heart ... argh, the pain and the pleasure of this dastardly device era.
02.01.2022 The first affordable mobile phone hit the market in 1994. This is the graph of glioma brain cancer regions since 1995 ... mobile phones are completely safe though...?
01.01.2022 Disturbances in the microbiome of the body appears at the seat of most health problems, from anxiety to cancer. Our essential microbial biome is disturbed from early life in so many now. Cesarean birth and early antibiotics can set this disturbance up for life. This looks like it could be a boon for cesarean babies, potentially confering life long long as the mum's gut is super healthy! (Another benefit of preconception & pregnancy Naturopathy. )
01.01.2022 We don't tend to think of immune cells when we think of cardiovascular risk... but Naturopaths do...
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