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Health Mind Matters | Psychotherapist

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Health Mind Matters

Phone: +61 409 115 100


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23.01.2022 Health. One of the most commonly discussed topics of us as individuals, in the media, workplaces and of course, in our health practitioners office. Mostly, thi...s is about our physical wellbeing but more and more often, we are now sharing and discussing our mental and emotional wellbeing as well. Lynda Morton, local Northern Beaches Psychotherapist and owner of Health Mind Matters is a passionate advocate for discussing matters which were once considered taboo. Lynda offers a safe and non judgemental place to talk, share and go on a journey of self discovery which allows her clients to explore ways in which to reduce stress and anxiety, work through change and often the pain of grief or loss. With the experience gained from working with different age groups, demographics and health concerns, Lynda talks about how many of her clients are able to resolve and work out their problems and challenges, just through talking it through and learning to be comfortable with who we are and how to meet our own needs first. Given we go to our doctors, our chiropractors, our physiotherapists and our dentists for physical health checks and improvements, it really does make sense that we also have a qualified health professional to help us look after our minds - after all, we only have one of them and they need to stay with us for a long time! Don't wait until your stressed and overwhelmed, book in your 2020 mental health check with Lynda and enjoy the benefits of self care across all areas of your life this year. Because, as Lynda says... Healthy Minds Do Matter Do you benefit from talking it out? Show your support for Health Mind Matters and help spread the word Here at The Local Business Network - Northern Beaches, we love to show case all the local business owners in our community and help share their services and products, if you know another local business owner who'd love to be featured, you're welcome to give them a shout out or send me a PM

23.01.2022 Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak I am unable to continue to provide face-to-face counselling at present but I will be conducting all counselling sessions online as from the 26 March until further notice. I am at present offering 1 hour online sessions for $80 instead of my normal fee of $140, for all new and current clients, to help those who are struggling financially and need someone to talk to. This offer will end when the government recommendations on social distancing are relaxed.

22.01.2022 Only one month and winter is gone for another year and what’s the first thing we start panicking about with spring approaching? Yes - the winter kilos we’ve been piling on! This is the time when gym memberships are started, and diets begun! But what about those of us who have tried every gym program and every diet produced? For those who lose weight while committing to these programs but always put all the weight and sometimes more back on afterwards? It’s great to see ...that most gyms and diet regimes do take mindset into consideration - it’s not an easy fix to sort out what goes on in our head. I was that person - I knew that I had to find a way to control my brain hunger, and now I’m able to eat mindfully and recognize the difference between brain and physical hunger. There are times of course that it doesn’t work as planned, we are all human. Ninety percent of the time I eat well and am happier for it. So what are the most common reasons for overeating? For most of us it’s stress we eat when our energy is low, have had a bad day or anything that takes us out of our comfort zone For some it’s more than that years of conditioning or suppressing something that affected us emotionally something we know we need to deal with but its too hard to face? This is where counselling can help I can teach you to ‘rewire your brain’ while helping you to work on what lies behind your eating, preparing a ‘bag of tools’ so you can move forward. Helping you to recognise the difference between brain hunger and physical hunger: Physical signs grumbling stomach, low energy etc. Brain hunger signs feeling tired, stressed, lonely and needing to be ‘cheered up’ Tell yourselves that this brain hunger is not physical hunger, it is nothing but a compulsive urge to eat! Take the time to listen to your body to learn the difference Learning to name brain hunger with calmness and clarity will strengthen your ability to observe it without having to indulge in food. But of course it’s more than just that, if it were that easy you wouldn’t need help! Please contact me if you want to know more See more

22.01.2022 TO TAKE FEMARA OR NOT TO TAKE - THIS IS THE QUESTION! Many postmenopausal women diagnosed with hormone-positive breast cancer are prescribed Letrozole, or as one of the most commonly known brands as Femara. It is taken as a part of the ongoing treatment to reduce the risk of cancer coming back. The ovaries in women who have been through the menopause no longer produce oestrogen, however some is still made in body fat using an enzyme (type of protein) called aromatase. Femar...a stops this enzyme from working so theres less oestrogen in the body for the cancer to feed on. With Femara there are so many side effects listed when reading comments on the Internet - they can sound so horrendous that you wonder whether its worth taking Femara in the first place and suffering these for 5 10 years. Problem is - these comments can be so misleading; they are generally only comments from people who are suffering medium to severe side-effects. So what are the common side-effects? For me it was back to the hot flushes, night sweats, and mood swings! Along with joint aches and stiffness in my hips, knees and hands. But as soon as I started to walk around or use my hands it would wear off. On occasions paracetamol or Ibuprofen would help. I think the worst for me was the weight gain; it has been difficult, but not impossible to control. I found exercising helped to keep my joints from stiffening up and keeping the weight gain to a minimum. Also keeping track of my diet and eating the right food has been a long-term commitment. There are so many who can continue taking Femara in the knowledge that they are reducing the risk of cancer returning. Others will consider changing their hormone therapy or just stop taking it under specialists advice. Taking any form of treatment is a very personal decision for everyone, and the important considerations are the difference that Femara will make to the risk of cancer returning. Unfortunately, it's not possible for any treatment to give a 100% guarantee, but there is evidence that the treatment is a 'risk-reducer'. Believing you have made the right decision for you is what matters most. The most important consideration is obtaining accurate and reliable information from your breast consultant and oncologist, to help you make a decision you are comfortable with. Please contact me if you need to talk about your concerns, I give a safe place for you to come and talk, without judgement, to be listened to with empathy and to help you find a way to manage. See more

21.01.2022 New Years resolutions Are they a good idea? Resolution - a firm decision to do or not to do something. Its New Years Day; youve woken up feeling exhausted! ... Either with a massive headache through drinking too much or just feeling bloated, very sluggish and aching all over from all the festive eating and drinking more alcohol than normal. How many kilos have you put on???? When youre not feeling at your best is it really the right time to make important decisions? Just like many, you may sit down and join millions of other people and write those New Year resolutions. Promising that this time it will be different unlike last year you will keep to them. How you can make a difference this year 1.Instead of resolutions why not think of them as mini goals? 2.Dont think too big make smaller more achievable goals When thinking about your goals for 2020: Be specific; Make it measurable; To be achievable; and lastly Be realistic. Maybe this time you could ask yourself who can help me make the right decisions? If you have some major life changing goals you wish to make, maybe go see a counsellor where you can talk, without judgement, be listened to with empathy and helped to find your own way of reaching goals and facing lifes challenges Go to to read more

20.01.2022 SANDPLAY THERAPY IS FOR EVERYONE! Sandplay therapy is a holistic approach that identifies the unspoken issues and helps to find solutions. It quickly and easily gets to the heart of any issue. It is a creative form of therapy that allows the imagination to create images and scenes with the use of sand, figurines and water. Sandplay therapy forms a relationship between the conscious and the unconscious mind. This then activates the healing process.... By using the sandbox you are able to create a world that corresponds to your inner state. It will allow you to open up and understand the issues and concerns that are not immediately recognised in your conscious. Sandplay can help resolve personal problems and to reclaim individuality. It can help resolve trauma that has been pushed down deep in the unconscious in a safe and healing environment. Through the freedom of play and expression, unconscious thoughts are made visible in a three-dimensional form and create a space to discover who you really are. Sandplay is for everyone children love it and adults are amazed by the experience. The sessions will always come up with what is needed for lifestyle, or any other change. Sandplay is an especially good therapeutic tool for couples who need help in understanding their differences by seeing how each other views their own world the couple can work on how their worlds can come together.

18.01.2022 Setting good personal boundaries is critical to creating healthy relationships, increasing self-esteem and reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Strong self-esteem contributes to our identity as an individual, with the right to make our own choices. I can help you find your own personal boundaries - call me for more information

17.01.2022 Would you be interested in getting more referrals? We are looking for Real Estate Agents - residential sales or management, Motor Mechanic... Painter Handyman Cleaner Domestic/Commercial Pest control IT Consultant to name a few Last year we generated over $2.5m worth of business between us PM me for details if you want to be a part of this dynamic group We meet every Wed on Zoom 6:40 - 8:15 am

14.01.2022 Every Wednesday I have breakfast with over 20 other local business people in the Wakehurst area, with the view of helping each other and referring each other. We are on track this year to pass over $2M between us. Given the current COVID19 situation we have switched our meetings to online. I have visitor places available next week for any local business who want to meet my network. It'll cost you no money and just 90 minutes of your time. My group will welcome any visitors bu...t we are urgently looking for the following (among others) in the Sydney area: Electrician Cleaner Chiropractor Gardener/Landscaper Tiler Painter Real Estate Sales Agent Drafts person PM me if you are interested.

14.01.2022 I can imagine right now many people are spending a great deal of effort trying to avoid unavoidable changes. It is hard for a lot of people to know what to do, especially when it has been a forced change. What you can do is work on your priorities. What are your needs are right now? How can you best satisfy them?... If you are someone who needs help, to find strategies moving forward give me a call on 0409 115 100

12.01.2022 Come and learn everything you need to know about boundary setting! Bring your friends and relatives - especially if you think they need to know more about not saying Yes when they want to say No

10.01.2022 Only one month and winter is gone for another year and whats the first thing we start panicking about with spring approaching? Yes - the winter kilos weve been piling on! This is the time when gym memberships are started, and diets begun! But what about those of us who have tried every gym program and every diet produced? For those who lose weight while committing to these programs but always put all the weight and sometimes more back on afterwards? Its great to see ...that most gyms and diet regimes do take mindset into consideration - its not an easy fix to sort out what goes on in our head. I was that person - I knew that I had to find a way to control my brain hunger, and now Im able to eat mindfully and recognize the difference between brain and physical hunger. There are times of course that it doesnt work as planned, we are all human. Ninety percent of the time I eat well and am happier for it. So what are the most common reasons for overeating? For most of us its stress we eat when our energy is low, have had a bad day or anything that takes us out of our comfort zone For some its more than that years of conditioning or suppressing something that affected us emotionally something we know we need to deal with but its too hard to face? This is where counselling can help I can teach you to rewire your brain while helping you to work on what lies behind your eating, preparing a bag of tools so you can move forward. Helping you to recognise the difference between brain hunger and physical hunger: Physical signs grumbling stomach, low energy etc. Brain hunger signs feeling tired, stressed, lonely and needing to be cheered up Tell yourselves that this brain hunger is not physical hunger, it is nothing but a compulsive urge to eat! Take the time to listen to your body to learn the difference Learning to name brain hunger with calmness and clarity will strengthen your ability to observe it without having to indulge in food. But of course its more than just that, if it were that easy you wouldnt need help! Please contact me if you want to know more See more

09.01.2022 Today I had a tarot card reading with Lynda via ZOOM! I can’t believe how well it worked! Lynda went through the same process, and asked me to come up with some... questions that I needed clarity on. The cards help the discussion, to identify/ or move through any obstacles or opportunities bringing clarity to my present situation/ or concerns. I highly recommend Lynda. With a psychotherapy background Lynda is professional, non-judgemental and holds the space well. And on top of that Lynda is highly intuitive! If you are stuck in a space with decisions to make or internal conflict, a session with Lynda will help bring clarity and lift that weight off your shoulders! See more

09.01.2022 Hello calling all Landscapers and Gardeners we need you you are invited to a virtual landscapers and gardeners day on Wed 27 May Every Wednesday I have breakfast with over 20 other local business people in the Northern Beaches area, with the view of helping each other and referring each other. We are on track this year to pass over $1.5M between us.... Given the current COVID19 situation we have switched our meetings to online. It's free and only 90 minutes of your time. And easy to get to - just walk to you computer! PM me for details and I'll send you the link

08.01.2022 CHRISTMAS STRESS: COPING WITH THE SEASONAL PRESSURE Christmas for many is a happy time with good food, parties and family gatherings or at least thats the idea! Below are 10 Commandments to Reduce Stress at Christmas time that you could use as your mantra when it gets tough and you need to be strong!... (from 1. Thou shalt not be perfect or even try 2. Thou shalt not try to be all things to all people 3. Thou shalt leave undone things that ought to be done 4. Thou shalt not spread thyself too thin 5. Thou shalt learn to say NO 6. Thou shalt make time for thyself 7. Thou shalt learn to switch off and do nothing regularly 8. Thou shalt be boring, untidy and unattractive at times 9. Thou shalt not feel guilty 10.Thou shalt not be thine own enemy View the rest of the blog on Come and have a chat if you would like help and strategies to negotiate the festive season minefield.

08.01.2022 Every Wednesday I have breakfast with over 20 other local business people in the Wakehurst/Frenchs Forest/Northern Beaches area, with the view of helping each other and referring each other. We are on track this year to pass near $1.5M between us. Given the current COVID19 situation we have switched our meetings to online. I have visitor places available next week for any local business who want to meet my network. It'll cost you no money and only 60 - 90 minutes of your tim...e. My group will welcome any visitors but we are urgently looking for the following (among others) in the Sydney area: Electrician Gardener/Landscaper Handyman Painter Real Estate Agent See more

07.01.2022 New Year’s resolutions Are they a good idea? Resolution - a firm decision to do or not to do something. Its New Year’s Day; you’ve woken up feeling exhausted! ... Either with a massive headache through drinking too much or just feeling bloated, very sluggish and aching all over from all the festive eating and drinking more alcohol than normal. How many kilos have you put on???? When you’re not feeling at your best is it really the right time to make important decisions? Just like many, you may sit down and join millions of other people and write those New Year resolutions. Promising that this time it will be different unlike last year you will keep to them. How you can make a difference this year 1.Instead of resolutions why not think of them as mini goals? 2.Don’t think too big make smaller more achievable goals When thinking about your goals for 2020: Be specific; Make it measurable; To be achievable; and lastly Be realistic. Maybe this time you could ask yourself who can help me make the right decisions? If you have some major life changing goals you wish to make, maybe go see a counsellor where you can talk, without judgement, be listened to with empathy and helped to find your own way of reaching goals and facing life’s challenges Go to to read more


06.01.2022 October is breast cancer awareness month. I thought I would share my own story, which started seven years ago in October. Click on the click if you are interested If you or anyone else you know is struggling with cancer, I can help

06.01.2022 Today I had a tarot card reading with Lynda via ZOOM! I cant believe how well it worked! Lynda went through the same process, and asked me to come up with some... questions that I needed clarity on. The cards help the discussion, to identify/ or move through any obstacles or opportunities bringing clarity to my present situation/ or concerns. I highly recommend Lynda. With a psychotherapy background Lynda is professional, non-judgemental and holds the space well. And on top of that Lynda is highly intuitive! If you are stuck in a space with decisions to make or internal conflict, a session with Lynda will help bring clarity and lift that weight off your shoulders! See more

05.01.2022 I'm pleased to announce that I will be back conducting sessions at the Lotus Centre from the 1st June I will be available on Monday and Thursday as well as Tuesday and Friday for Zoom consultations A warm welcome back to all my clients old and new. Looking forward to helping you with all your needs I can help with the challenges that have been presented to you by Covid-19 Im offering a free 20-minute consultation to see how I can help... Give me a call today See more

04.01.2022 GENOGRAMS WHAT ARE THEY AND HOW CAN THEY HELP YOU IN THERAPY? Genograms are a graphic way of putting together all the information relating to family dynamics during the assessment stage of therapy. They are set out like a family tree; however, they go far beyond that, allowing the therapist to see patterns and psychological factors that have affected the relationships. Genograms use shapes to convey meaning - just as in family trees: squares are males, circles are females ...and triangles are pregnancy-related. A cross through the shape means a death. The genogram will indicate who is in the family and their gender; names, dates of birth and deaths, miscarriages and any other personal information can be added Lines are drawn to connect the people together; for example: marriage is shown as a solid line, two strokes through the line to show divorce, dating as a dotted line. When all this information is put in place in the genogram, the emotional nature of the relationships can be shown: zig zag lines depict hostility, two straight lines for close or broken lines describe distant relationships. A family feud or secret can be shown: has there been some hostility or emotional abuse; maybe a spiritual connection? There is so much more to understand about genograms. The keys used to show the relationships are quite extensive. Use of colour also helps to quickly see differences. Just for fun, if you are a Star Wars fan click on the link below to see an example of a genogram. There are also other examples for you to see on this site for example Albert Einstein. Select this link Click here to find out more about Genograms

01.01.2022 Every Wednesday I have breakfast with over 20 other local business people in the Northern Beaches area, dedicated to find business for each other more so at this time support is crucial. Last year we passed over $3M between us and despite the current situation we are still successful Given the current Covid-19 situation we have switched our meetings to online. Its free to attend and only takes 90 mins of your time and all you have to do is walk to your computer! Our group w...elcomes all visitors but is actively looking for the following to join Handyman Electrician Digital Marketer Chiropractor Painter Gardener Real Estate Property Manager Rubbish Removal Domestic Cleaning Services IT Professional Please message me if youre interested

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