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25.01.2022 This Saturday 10 October is World Mental Health Day with the month of October dedicated to mental health. The day aims to raises public awareness of mental health issues across the globe and to encourage us all to take care of our mental health. With 1 in 5 Australians experiencing a mental illness during their lifetime and with a global pandemic in tow, it’s a timely reminder now more than ever that we take some positive action to improve our mental health. ... We all have a role to play in our own health and wellbeing, so start by making a Mental Health Promise to yourself today. I have! :) As part of World Mental Health Day, I’ve made a promise to myself to Keep smiling and to find joy in the little things in life (even when I’m having a bad hair day!). Will you do the same? What's your personal mental health promise? #MentalHealthPromise #mentalhealth #WMHD2020

24.01.2022 Hows your health fairing at the moment during the pandemic? Eating a healthy nutritious diet and drinking plenty of water? Good nutrition plays a key role in the health and wellbeing of individuals. A healthy diet reduces the risk of premature death and chronic ill-health, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers and also plays an important role in protecting our mental health and improving our mood. Want to incorporate more veggies into your diet? Then take a look at LiveLighters eat brighter resources and reflect on how much fruit and vegetables you and your family eat. Not sure? Take their fruit and veggie quiz to see if youre on the right track and reflect on what you could do today to incorporate more veggies into your meals

23.01.2022 Still smoking? This may just encourage you to quit! Did you know that almost 80% of cancers of the voice box are caused by smoking? Take a look at this new campaign developed in WA which focuses on the removal of an extremely large tumor from a smoker’s throat. The campaign highlights what life will be like for smokers who have to have their voice box removed because of cancer. It is an important reminder to reflect on your own smoking behaviour and to think about your reason...s and the benefits that quitting will bring for you and your family Stopping smoking is possible and achievable. Will you think about quitting today?

23.01.2022 Today is World Health Day. This years theme celebrates the wonderful work of nurses and midwives, and the critical role they play in keeping us healthy. With the current pandemic, nurses and other health care workers are at the forefront of COVID-19 providing essential treatment and care, as well as alleviating the fears and many questions of those affected.... Lets all stand united, and appreciate the care that they provide. We would like to sincerely thank all the nurses and health professionals both working on the front line of COVID-19 and behind the scenes for their tireless and amazing efforts to keep us safe and healthy. If you would like further information about World Health Day, visit

22.01.2022 Do you smoke and think youre not addicted? Most smokers believe that their smoking is just a habit and that theyre not addicted, and that they can quit at any time. The power of nicotine addiction however, is often underestimated. This short video highlights the power of the little green monster, that is, nicotine and how it works by hijacking the brains reward pathway. It also highlights how one puff on a cigarette (after quitting) can awaken the green monster and ...take you back to full time smoking. Take a look and let us know what you think of the little green monster

22.01.2022 Today is International Nurses Day. This years theme focuses on nursing the world to health which is evident in our current times, in the midst of a global pandemic where nurses and other health care staff are providing high quality care and treatment to patients affected by COVID-19. This year, we're also being encouraged to honour the memory of nurses and health workers who have sadly died during the pandemic. We would like to thank all the nurses both working on the f...ront line of COVID-19, as well as behind the scenes in other health care areas providing essential care and treatment when we're at our most vulnerable. Thank you for your tireless and incredible efforts to keep us well and healthy. If you would like further information about International Nurses Day, visit

22.01.2022 Excited to share that a project we were working on at Monash University has now been published in the Journal of Teaching in Higher Education! :) The article focuses on the collaborations amongst the various faculties of Education, Arts and Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, and in partnership with Monash Abroad focused on developing a practical e-resource to help staff lead international mobility experiences/faculty led programs or overseas study tours. The article high...lights the challenges faced when working with staff from various faculties with different perspectives and beliefs, and emphasises how a reflective writing retreat could be so rewarding, productive and powerful in moving the project forward in a positive and successful way. To read the full article with all the details, visit

21.01.2022 This week (3 9 August) is Sleep Awareness Week with a focus on improving our health and wellbeing by getting a good nights sleep, in addition to consuming a healthy diet and participating in a regular physical activity. Most people though, dont take a lack of sleep too seriously; the research around this however, may just change your mind. A good nights sleep improves your brain functioning, your mood and mental health, and overall helps you to better manage your Did you also know that developing good sleep habits reduce your risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, as well as reduces the likelihood of developing depression? Want to learn more? For further information on the benefits of getting a good nights sleep and some tips to help you achieve it, visit the Sleep Health Foundation. The Foundation also includes some tips on how to improve your sleep habits whilst we're social isolating during a global pandemic...

21.01.2022 This week (31 Aug 6 Sept) is National Stroke Week, with a focus on recognising the signs of stroke. Do you know what the signs are? Remembering the F.A.S.T. acronym can help you. It stands for Face, Arms, Speech, Time. In particular, focus on * Face: Check their face. Has their mouth drooped?... * Arms: Can they lift both arms? * Speech: Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you? * Time: Is critical. If you see these signs call 000 straight away. Did you know however, that more than 80% of strokes can be prevented? There are a number of risk factors that you cannot control like your age, gender, whether you have a family history and whether youve already had a stroke. There are risk factors however, that you CAN control. These include reducing high blood pressure and high cholesterol, quitting smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, reducing excess weight, eating a nutritious diet, and staying active. These factors can all reduce the risk of having a stroke. Could you be at risk? What could you do today to improve your health and wellbeing? For further information, visit

21.01.2022 The Easter long weekend often provides us with a wonderful opportunity to take some time out and to spend some quality time with our family and friends. This year however, due to the novel Coronavirus, Government restrictions are in place to help slow and stop the spread of COVID-19, and as a result, many families will experience Easter in a very different way. Despite these restrictions, we can still celebrate Easter in a meaningful way during this global pandemic. Read our blog post for all the details, including 5 practical tips...

21.01.2022 What are electronic cigarettes and are they safe? An electronic cigarette is a battery-operated device that simulates the act of smoking. It heats a nicotine liquid or juice and converts it into a water vapour. It is the water vapour that smokers inhale and exhale, hence the term vaping. As to whether theyre safe and a better alternative to smoking, read our blog post for all the details.

20.01.2022 Are you feeling less productive in self-isolation? Is this causing you stress? In an instance, our lives changed. One moment, it was business as usual, and in the next instance, we were informed of a highly infectious virus, and that the best line of defence was to stay at home, to wash our hands, to only go out if needed, and if we did go out, to ensure physical distancing was in place! When the stay at home directive was put in place, there was some initial excitement as t...o all the wonderful things we could do to fill in our time, and how we would be super productive whilst in quarantine. For many people (including myself) this proved to be quite the opposite! So what can we do if we feel that we are being less than productive? Read our blog post for 5 tips that can help.

20.01.2022 Today is RUOK? Day. A day which aligns with World Suicide Prevention Day and aims to bring the publics attention to one of the worlds largest causes of premature and unnecessary death suicide. Suicide remains the leading cause of death for Australians aged between 15 and 44. With 1 in 5 Australians also reporting that they have a mental health condition and with the current global pandemic, it's more important than ever to check in and ask our peers and loved ones if they...'re okay. This simple but powerful question can make a big difference to someone who may be struggling with their mental health, and/or may be struggling with their thoughts that their life is not worth living. Meaningfully connecting with the people around us helps to improve our mental health and overall wellbeing, and having open and sincere conversations about how we're truly feeling can help us encourage and support each other in times of need. This helps to build our social connection and strengthens our confidence in encouraging our peers and/or loved ones to seek out professional help when needed. With this in mind, lets all take the time to connect with each other today and every day, and to ask, are you okay? Asking are you okay however, is not just about asking this question on a particular day, like today. It's important that we check in with our peers and loved ones regularly and that we keep the conversation going even when someone says they are okay. But what if you ask the question and they're not okay? What do you say after you ask R U OK? Visit the RUOK? website which shares some practical tips, ideas and videos to help you check in and manage the conversation in a positive and constructive way... For further information, visit

20.01.2022 On Saturday 14 November, it was World Diabetes Day, an international event to raise awareness about diabetes. This year’s focus is on the important role that nurses play in supporting people with diabetes, and thanking them for all the wonderful work that they do! Did you know however, that 280 Australians develop diabetes every day? That’s one person every 5 minutes it’s the fastest growing condition in Australia.... Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable. If people knew the warning signs and risk factors they could adopt a healthier lifestyle and reduce their risk. Do you know what the warning signs are? They can include excessive thirst, frequent urination, a lack of energy, blurred vision, slow healing wounds, and numbness in the feet and/or hands. To reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes: - maintain a healthy weight - participate in regular physical activity - make healthy food choices - manage blood pressure - manage cholesterol levels - don’t smoke What could you do today to help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes? For further information, visit

19.01.2022 How are you coping with COVID-19 restrictions in Australia? Want to share your experiences via an anonymous survey? Monash Universitys Global and Womens Health team has created a short 10 minutes, anonymous online survey to measure the ways in which COVID-19 is affecting people.... If you are over 18 and living in Australia, they would like to know about your experiences with COVID-19 restrictions. They will share the results widely to help governments and other organisations understand what people need now and to prepare for the future. Alongside questions about potential negative impacts, they also ask about any benefits youve experienced from the COVID-19 restrictions. Please help out by completing the survey...

17.01.2022 This week (15 21 June) is Mens Health Week, an international event to raise awareness of mens health and to provide important health information to keep them healthy both physically and mentally. Did you know for example, that Australian men are more likely than Australian women to get sick from serious health issues, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancers? Did you also know that men take their own lives at four times the rate of women? That's five men a day, on aver...age! Mens Health Week is encouraging men to take a more active role in maintaining their health, but also that its healthy to talk to have a conversation with someone you can trust. Encourage the men in your life to look after their health, and affirm to them that it's not a sign of weakness to seek help. Maintaining good health and wellbeing is everyones business. For further information, visit and See more

17.01.2022 When faced with a crisis, it is normal to feel fear, anxiety and worry. This video provides us with some practical tips to help individuals effectively deal with COVID-19 through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It focuses on facing COVID-19 via a mnemonic, helping you to remember practical steps to help you manage during this challenging time. The video in particular, encourages you to focus on: - what you can control (in the present moment) - your thoughts and feelings (a...nd to acknowledge them with kindness and curiosity) - to take committed action by being guided by your values and reflecting on the sort of person you want to be as you go through this crisis (that is, how are you treating yourself and others?) and - identifying additional resources to help you during this time. Take a look at the video for all the steps, and reflect on what action you could focus on today to help you face COVID-19

17.01.2022 Its often between meals when we start to look for something to snack on. Sometimes we make healthy choices, such as fruit, and other times we may opt for a naughty treat instead. But what about snack bars or muesli bars? Have you ever wondered whether they are truly a healthier option? Check out this short clip by LiveLighter which highlights how much sugar are in your favourite snack bars, including some of the diet bars. It may just encourage you to rethink what you have as a morning, afternoon or evening snack...

17.01.2022 The winter months often provide us with the perfect opportunity to stay indoors and hibernate. We eat comfort food, we dont exercise (because its too cold and too wet), and overall, we spend most of our days indoors. So how can we keep our health and wellbeing in check during the colder months? These 5 tips can help...

17.01.2022 This week is National Diabetes Week (12 18 July), with a focus on not only raising awareness about the importance of early detection and early treatment for all types of diabetes, but is also focusing on the emotional and mental health impact of people living with diabetes. It is estimated that people with diabetes face multiple decisions every day they can make up to 180 decisions related to their diabetes every single day! As a result, many people experience burnout, an...xiety and psychological distress which can affect their daily life, including their ability to manage their diabetes, as well as their relationships and their interactions at work or school. Dont think its that serious? Read our post for all the details including a short video which highlights a day in the life of someone who has diabetes, and what you can do to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes...

17.01.2022 Have you ever reflected on the thoughts that run through your head? Are they predominantly negative, positive or neutral? This video highlights the power of negative and positive self-talk and the importance of focusing on what you want in life, instead of focusing on what you dont have. ... Like learning any new skill however, positive self-talk takes practice. Over time, it can be used for greater confidence, adopting a healthier lifestyle and reducing stress. All great reasons to help us work towards greater health and wellbeing. :)

16.01.2022 This week (3 9 August) is Dental Health Week with a focus on keeping your teeth clean and healthy. The obvious ways of course, are to brush and floss your teeth regularly. But did you know that what you eat and drink can also have a detrimental effect on your oral health? This years campaign is focusing on the harm that sugar causes our oral health and is encouraging all Australians to look out for hidden sugars in the foods and drinks they eat. The bacteria in tooth plaq...ue converts starches and sugars into acids. These acids can dissolve the minerals in the enamel and can cause cavities and many other dental problems. With our smile being one of our most important assets, how will you reduce your sugary intake today and every day to help protect your oral health? For further information about Dental Health Week and the effects of sugar in the mouth, visit

16.01.2022 Last week on World Health Day we celebrated the wonderful work of nurses and the critical role they play in keeping us well and healthy. This is evident during our current pandemic more than ever. The current crisis also provides us with a reminder about the importance of taking our own health into our hands, and to reflect on whether we can make any positive lifestyle changes to reduce our risk of developing disease, which will in turn improve our overall health and wellb...eing, including our mental health. With many diseases preventable, could you focus for example on one of the following. Could you: - quit/cut down your smoking? - increase the amount of movement/exercise/physical activity you do every day? - start to track the amount youre currently eating and what youre eating, and could you reflect on whether its nourishing and nutritious? - reduce your alcohol intake? - learn how to manage your stress more effectively? With one in three chronic disease preventable, making a positive lifestyle change can make a big difference to your health and wellbeing. What step will you take today and every day to improve your physical and mental health and overall wellbeing?

14.01.2022 Welcome to 2021! As the New Year celebrations have now settled, it's time to reflect on your goals for 2021. Did you make a New Year’s resolution or two? Is it still on your agenda? If it's dropped off, you’re not alone. Most people will not achieve their new year’s resolution. But this doesn’t have to be you! ... Here are 5 tips that can help you achieve your goals in 2021...

13.01.2022 This Sunday the 31 May, is World No Tobacco Day! It is celebrated across the world raising the profile of the health risks of smoking, and encouraging smokers to go without cigarettes for the day. This years theme focuses on increasing awareness of the manipulative tactics of the tobacco industry to attract children and adolescent to smoke, and in turn, to replace the number of lives lost due to tobacco Are you thinking about quitting? World No Tobacco Day provides the perfect opportunity for you to have a go. You could even begin by practicing not smoking for a few hours or cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke. Want some extra tips? We share some ideas to help you manage your cravings during the pandemic

11.01.2022 Stress we all experience it! A little bit can help motivate us, but too much can harm our health and wellbeing. How are you currently feeling? Stressed and overwhelmed as a result of COVID-19? If yes, it is understandable to feel worried and anxious as a result of a virus that is highly infectious and currently without a vaccine... Managing stress during this uncertain time however, is possible. Weve highlighted some practical tips and ideas in our blog post of what you can do to take control, and to more effectively be able to cope during this unsettling time, including the Mayo Clinics 4As. To find out more about the 4As, read our post:

11.01.2022 Many Australians have a strong love affair with alcohol, and although for the most part, the majority of Australians drink moderately, the over consumption of alcohol continues to cause harm at the individual, family and community level. Is your drinking affecting you and your health? The research has shown that drinking alcohol is a risk factor for cancer and other chronic diseases and the more you drink, the higher that risk. ... Want to take on the challenge and go alcohol-free in July? Or maybe this year, you could have a Dry(ish) July and choose 21 or 14 days dry? In doing so, you will also be helping to raise funds for people affected by cancer. If you would like to Go Dry this July, please visit

10.01.2022 How much time do you spend per day sitting? Eight to 10 hours? Less? More as a result of the current pandemic? Whether were working or studying from home or watching Netflix, Australians spend more than 80% of their day seated, and this isn't good for our health. There is strong evidence that prolonged sitting leads to poorer health outcomes, including the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. Even if you exercise regularly, the negative effec...ts of sitting may still occur. All is not lost however, with new research revealing that we can halve the negative impacts by moving more throughout the day. So if you're currently TV bingeing on Netflix, stand, stretch or walk between the episodes after every 30 minutes or so. By doing so, you will not only improve your physical health, but your mental health too! What can you do today to sit less and move more? :) (Reference: Hallgren et al, 2020)

09.01.2022 Want to live a longer life? Quitting smoking definitely helps to keep you healthy and living long, but so too, is being socially active throughout your older years. New research has revealed that choosing not to smoke and keeping up with your social support group is the best investment you can make to increase your chances of living a longer life. This means interacting with friends and family outside the home, volunteering, or participating in activities such as playing go...lf or attending a concert. Although were currently in the midst of a global pandemic and social distancing measures are in place, maintaining our social networks is more important now than ever. This can include chatting and connecting with our loved ones and friends by phone or video calls to help keep us connected. Like with all relationships however, they need to be developed and nurtured over time - putting in the effort is worth it. What about you? Have you thought about quitting smoking? What about your social networks? What are they like? Who could you connect with today to help build and protect both your physical and mental health and overall improve your quality of life and improve your chances of living a longer life? (REF: Barak et al, 2020)

08.01.2022 On Friday 24 July, its Lifelines Stress Down Day. Lifeline is encouraging you to reflect on your stress levels and to start stressing down... But what causes you stress and how do you cope? The way we experience and manage stress varies from individual to individual. As we are all unique, what may cause stress for one person, may be a mere hiccup for another. And this also applies to what can help - what may work for one person, may not necessarily work for another.... Want some tips to help you manage your stress? Read our post for some practical ideas to help you get started

08.01.2022 Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance. It provides us with the opportunity to reflect on all the Australian service men and women who sacrificed their lives with courage for our freedom. Lest we forget. This important day also provides us with the opportunity to pause and treasure the moments we have with our loved ones. At times however, we can feel that were on auto-pilot, and that life is passing us by too quickly. If this is you, practicing mindfulness can help. What is mindfulness, what are the benefits and how can you practice it? Take a look at our post which provides further information and some examples to help you get started.

07.01.2022 How many vegetables do you eat every day? Do you eat the recommended 5 servings of veggies every day? Did you know that 93% of Australians don’t eat enough vegetables? Is this you? This week is National Nutrition Week and all Australians are encouraged to eat more vegetables every day. ... Why such a focus on vegetables and what can you do to incorporate more veggies into your day? Read our blog for all the details. #NNW2020

07.01.2022 As the colder weather starts to kick in, and with the current stay at home directive, our behaviour changes we retreat, we sleep in, we eat comfort food and we start to reduce our physical activity. We then start to yearn for the summer weather and long for the days where we can once again spend some extended time with our loved ones Regardless of whats happening with the weather, and although we are experiencing a global pandemic right now, what remains the same and true... for us all, is our intrinsic desire to live a life that is meaningful, peaceful and happy. So what can we do? Rather than wishing the days away, try and practice a little mindfulness today. Want some examples on how to be more mindful throughout the day? Read our post for some ideas

07.01.2022 Eating too much take away at the moment? Is this helping you cope during the pandemic? Most take away food is very high in sugar, saturated fat and salt, and as a result is high in energy. For most people, it is therefore very easy to consume a lot of these sugary and salty foods without realising... So how can you know? Check out LiveLighter's junk food calculator which helps identify what's really in the take away food you enjoy consuming, such as burgers, pizza and chips..., as well as sweet treats including sugary drinks. The calculator not only highlights the amount of kilojoules you've consumed, but also how much money you have spent, plus the number of teaspoons and sugar! It is a powerful visual and can be a great motivator to encourage you to start thinking about the foods that you're eating and how it's affecting your health and wellbeing. Why dont you give it a try? You might just be surprised

07.01.2022 Do you ever think about the health of your lungs? Considering that we take approximately 22,000 breaths per day, protecting our lung health is important. The month of November is Lung Health Awareness and Australians are encouraged to take the health of their lungs seriously. ... Lung disease can affect young and old. It can affect both sexes as well as smokers, ex-smokers and never smokers However, most lung diseases go undiagnosed as people are either not aware of the symptoms, choose to ignore it, or they accept the symptoms as part of ageing. Want to know whether your lungs are healthy?

06.01.2022 How do you look after yourself when youre feeling busy, overwhelmed, stressed or worried? This short video shares 8 relaxation tips that can help us when we're feeling stressed. It not only includes taking regular breaks from your normal routine (and thoughts) and doing something different, such as chopping vegetables or cooking a meal, but it also reinforces the importance of breathing deeply (which we often forget to do when we're feeling stressed). It furthermore highli...ghts the power of visualisation and being mindful when we're listening to our favourite music, as well as being creative and getting out into nature. What could you try when youre next feeling stressed and overwhelmed?

05.01.2022 What's your work-life balance like? Do you finish work on time on most days of the week? Did you know that one in two Australians don't spend as much time with their family as they would like to because of work? On Wednesday 18 November, it was ‘Go Home on Time Day’. The day was created by The Australia Institute to help employees think about their own work-life balance, and in particular, to recognise that life doesn’t need to revolve around work. It also highlights that Aus...tralians work billions of hours for free each year, have unpaid overtime, as well as unused holidays. As a result of the global pandemic, most people are now working from home and the distinction between work and home life can become easily blurred... Do you finish work on time on most days of the week? Are you able to successfully transition between your work 'office' and your home space? Achieving a healthy work-life balance is important for good health and wellbeing. It helps to reduce stress levels as well as improve relationships with loved ones. Want some ideas as to how to integrate work and your personal life harmoniously?

04.01.2022 There is emerging evidence of the benefits of spending time in nature, with many clinicians across the globe now offering their patients 'park' or 'green' prescriptions to help improve their overall health and wellbeing. With the current pandemic and stay at home directive, this provides an opportunity to take a break from the home office or home schooling, and to go for a short walk around the block, a short walk in your local park (with physical distancing in place), or t...o even just step outside in your backyard for a breath of fresh air. Spending some time outside and in nature, can have a positive impact on our health. It not only boosts our immunity, but also helps to relax us and to reduce our stress. It overall improves our physical and mental health, and can help us concentrate, learn and be creative when we return back home. Have you taken a break outside today? What could you do to step outside, incorporate a short walk and spend some time in nature today? REF: Richardson et al, 2016

04.01.2022 The month of November is dedicated to men’s health, with a particular focus on mental health, suicide prevention, prostate and testicular cancer. Did you know that 6 out of 10 suicides across the world are men? And that 1 in 6 Australian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime? In Australia, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men ... But it doesn’t have to be this way. Movember is aiming to raise funding and awareness of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of poor physical and mental health, and encourages men to take a more active role in achieving and maintaining good health. For further information about Movember, visit

03.01.2022 On behalf of Health & Wellbeing Training Consultants, I would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year! May you enjoy the holiday break with your loved ones and may 2021 be what you hope it to be and more. We will be taking a short holiday break and look forward to reconnecting with you in 2021.

03.01.2022 Making positive lifestyle changes can seem like a daunting task! Whether it be wanting to eat a healthier diet, be more active or wishing to quit smoking, its difficult to know where to start. But with some planning and dedication, you can achieve your goals. Want some help with this process? Read our blog post for further details.

03.01.2022 Often in April, were encouraged to move more and sit less, by aiming to do some form of physical activity for 30 minutes every day, as part of the Premiers Active April campaign. As a result of the pandemic and stay at home directives however, we may not be so inclined. Nevertheless, this current crisis provides an important opportunity to keep healthy by sitting less and moving more throughout the day. There are many proven benefits of moving our bodies on a regular basis..., including a lower risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Increasing our movement throughout the day also increases our energy levels, improves our overall mood and relieves depression and anxiety. So what can we do at home to ensure we move more and sit less? We can make a few simple changes such as: - standing during phone calls or video meetings and catch ups - taking a break from our home desk every 30 - 45 minutes - walking outside to the front and/or backyard, or going for a quick walk around the block - using the stairs in the home if we have them - eating lunch away from the desk and away from the couch - jumping for a couple of minutes on your childrens trampoline - watching a couple of yoga, stretching or other online exercise videos to help keep us moving and energised throughout the day So what will you do today to sit less and move more? For further information about Active April, visit

02.01.2022 On the 20th of March, it was World Oral Health Day, which aims to raise awareness about the importance of oral health and how it can impact our general health and wellbeing. Did you know for example that: - oral disease and major chronic diseases share common risk factors? - bacteria from the mouth can cause infection in other parts of the body?... - a healthy mouth enhances social interaction, self-esteem and wellbeing? What can you do to improve your oral health? There are many ways we can keep our mouths healthy, including brushing our teeth twice a day, flossing regularly, reducing our sugary treats and drinks intake and drinking more water, as well as not smoking, eating a nutritious diet that includes fruit and vegetables, and reducing our alcohol intake. What one step could you take today and every day to take better care of your oral health, which in turn will improve your overall health and wellbeing? For further information about World Oral Health Day, visit Video:

02.01.2022 Hows your health tracking at the moment? Are you feeling good? Or are you feeling that you could take some positive steps to improve your health and wellbeing? A report on Australia's Health 2020 has recently been released and highlights that many health issues, including chronic diseases are related to lifestyle factors. Did you know that the 5 risk factors that caused the most disease burden in Australia were as follows?... 1. tobacco use (9.3% of total burden) 2. overweight and obesity (8.4%) 3. dietary risks (7.3%) 4. high blood pressure (5.8%) 5. high blood plasma glucose (including diabetes) (4.7%) One in 5 Australians also report having a mental health condition, which is expected to be higher due to the current pandemic... This information provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our own health and to reflect on whether we can make any positive lifestyle changes to reduce our risk of developing chronic disease, which will in turn improve our overall health and wellbeing, including our mental health. For example: - Could you have a go at quitting smoking? - Could you start to increase the amount of physical activity you do every day? - Could you start reflecting on the amount you eat and what you eat, and whether this is nourishing and nutritious? How many veggies do you eat per day for example? - Are you within a healthy weight range? - Could you reduce your alcohol intake? - Could you learn to manage your stress better? With one in three chronic disease preventable, making a positive lifestyle change can make a big difference. What step will you take today and every day to improve your physical and mental health and overall wellbeing? For further information on Australia's Health 2020, visit

01.01.2022 This week is Womens Health Week, a week dedicated to all women across Australia to make good health a priority. Women however, are leading busier lives than ever before and have a tendency to let themselves slip low on their priority lists. Yet the health of those we love starts with us. By investing more time in oneself, were better able to look after the ones we love and care about. All women are encouraged to start making positive changes to their health and wellbeing t...hat can last a lifetime. The week is focusing on the health of your heart and blood vessels, bowel health, how to improve your mental health as well as the importance of financial health. What will you focus on today to improve your health and wellbeing? For further information about Women's Health Week, visit

01.01.2022 What makes us happy and healthy? Apart from the obvious ones of looking after our physical and mental health, as well as fostering supportive relationships, did you know that gratitude also plays an important role in improving our health and wellbeing? It helps to reduce our stress and build our resilience. Check out this infographic which highlights all the benefits of a daily gratitude practice. Even during a crisis and when we've been asked to self-isolate, think about what youre grateful today and how you could incorporate more gratitude into your day

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