Healthy happy you with loreen | Personal blog
Healthy happy you with loreen
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24.01.2022 Out to dinner with this hottie
23.01.2022 THE ADRENAL/THYROID/HORMONE CONNECTION Feeling tired? Unmotivated?Like you CAN NOT, for the life of you, lose any weight?Tired but wired at night? Craving sugars, salty foods, carbs?Like your brain just isn’t working right? You’re not alone! These problems, and so many more, are all linked to hormonal imbalances. Your adrenal gland and thyroid glands product hormones responsible for the regulation of so many processes in your body and when those are out of balance,... you feel dozens of vague symptoms and just can’t put your finger on what it is and it’s so frustrating! Did you know 121 MILLION Americans fill a prescription for thyroid meds each year? That’s 1/3 of all Americans! If that’s not you, guaranteed it’s your mom, sister, or best friend and that’s a lot of people with a LOW functioning thyroid! People with adrenal fatigue has poor functioning adrenal glands and out of balance cortisol levels. This tends to lead to sugar/salt/caffeine cravings, weight gain in the mid-section, trouble sleeping, and anxiety and stress. Both conditions need to be monitored by a healthcare provider with routine labs. Thankfully supplementation can help both adrenal and thyroid function by supporting and enhancing the body’s processes. METABURN is actually incredibly supportive and helpful for both adrenal and thyroid issues! Let’s take a look in this amazing video by expert Rachael Neagle: Supplementing is like a gift to your body. When you give the body the nutrients it needs it starts functioning 10x better! Your body is always trying to return to homeostasis (that baseline place of balance) and Plexus can help it do just that. The triplex combo, Xfactor Plus, and Ease are foundational for thyroid and adrenal issues but now METABURN provides the perfect compliment to these!
22.01.2022 This is Deanna. She recently shared her story of using 55 units of insulin daily to control blood sugars. Today she is using 30% less!!!! Here’s her journey:... As a Type 1 diabetic for 23+ years, blood sugar regulation is a huge issue.I have always tried to eat right and exercise regularly but even with my efforts, I was tired, sluggish, forgetful & moody! I wasn’t ever a ‘supplement’ girl because I thought that diet & exercise were the only things that would help my body balance & stay healthy. HOWEVER, even though I exercised regularly and tried to eat healthy, I couldn’t kick my sugar cravings.I was bloated & ‘fluffy’ despite efforts to slim down. Constipation was a constant companion. I was always sick with a cold, sinus infections, chronic yeast infections and when the flu came around, forget it!! HOWEVER, I would power through with antibiotics & medicine because there is no time to be sick right? Ugh! That was MISERABLE! 3 years ago, I decided to try supplements & put it to the test. My friend shared Plexus & I honestly thought I would give it the 60 days and get my money back. I did not understand that GUT HEALTH was my missing link!** That first month, I noticed a marked difference in how I felt. More energy Level blood sugars (I have decreased my daily insulin usage by OVER 30%!!) Better sleep Cravings GONE Regularity & fabulous digestion As I have continued my health journey, there have been even more compounding health benefits: Acid Reflux meds gone NO MORE yeast infections!! Less aches & pains Diabetic neuropathy symptoms are non-existent in feet & fingers Happier moods Focus Bloating and weight loss, woot! I am healthier and happier than ever! I have energy to spare, sugar cravings are gone, my blood sugar is under control, my overall mood has improved & I can handle life now! THIS COULD BE YOUR STORY!! Healthier and Happier!! Consistency is KEYour body needs nourished every day!!
20.01.2022 60 Days!!! Brandy gave our products 60 days!! ... Who wants to put our products to the TEST? I'm looking for 3 more friends to try the same products Brandy used and tell me how many kgs you shed and most importantly how you feel!! With only 15days left of July, now is the time to give Plexus a try, with our amazing offers this month! $9.95 yearly memebership, #saving $53!!! A variety of welcome packs to suit your personal health, lifestyle and weightloss goals!! 30 day supply, $211.85, that's only $7/day!! You also get a free 7day Pink drink pack, valued at $40 You will have daily support and anything you need, me and the Plexus family will be here for you!! We also have 60day money back guarantee!! Who's in?? #doyouwantresultslikebrandy #60daysconsistent #60daymoneybackguarantee #riskfree #makeyourhealthandhappinessapriority
19.01.2022 Andrea Olson Ellenberger shared her journey and I love it! I was so full of inflammation but didn't even realize it. This may be what you need to be reading today so that you can get back to being your best self! Most people aren’t aware of how inflammation damages the body and what that looks like. It’s not something we hear about a lot, but many of us experience inflammation on a chronic level. Things that increase inflammation can be foods we eat, medication, diseases/b...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Sarah shares what a difference a year makes.... For years I struggled with: Hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, cholesterol, pre diabetic, migraines, IBS, trouble sleeping and overall weight. I was distraught to think that my weight gain was inevitable.... In the past year I ditched:... - cholesterol meds - blood pressure meds - monthly migraines (have had 2) - unpleasant abdominal pain - unpleasant trips to the restroom - diagnosis of pre diabetic - sugar and carb cravings - lying awake at night while my entire fam snored away - high sugar, caffeinated soft drink - boob to stomach ratio (haha) In the past year I gained: + Sustained Energy + Way better sleep (my Fitbit confirmed it) + New friends and healthy lifestyle supporters + Confidence that there is something that will work. and keep working + Enough $ to pay for my daughters travel softball + New Pants (size 18 to 14) + Water cravings Not gonna lie... I was skeptical big time If I want a donut... I eat it... I cheat I dont workout regularly but have a high activity job
18.01.2022 Ohh yes! There ain’t no tired like mama tired...right?!? Beautiful Shana shares.... I was tired... ALL. THE. TIME.... If I couldn’t get out of being in pictures, I’d make my kids stand in front of me to avoid any possible proof of how frumpy I looked/felt. Boys, stand over here by me! #soundfamiliar? I chalked my fatigue and lack of metabolism to aging and #momlife. It couldn’t be my thyroid, because they adjusted my meds up and up every few years, and my labs were normal. Normal labs mean everything is fine, right? (WRONG!!) But I didn’t start Plexus because of fatigue. I started because having gestational diabetes scared me, and because I heard it could also help with skin issues. I had itchy, irritated skin on my hands for 10 years. ANY relief from that would be a DREAM come true. #butitprobablywontworkanyway I prepared myself for disappointment. After all, it’s just supplements, right? A few months in and my skin looked great, my labs improved, my meds were reduced, I was AWAKE and felt great, and I wasn’t dealing with seasonal sniffles, stuffiness or an itchy throat. #unexpected The list goes on... GUT HEALTH is where it’s at! Now? I’m not too tired to play with the kids. I can resist the foods that I SWEAR seemed to have the ability to telepathically speak into my mind and convince me that I NEEDED them If you can relate even a LITTLE, and you want to learn more without pressure to buy or join anything, reach out. Education on this holistic approach to wellness is SO important, and I want to help.
17.01.2022 You may think that "weight loss" is what you want, but what you really want is "TOXIN loss." Let me explain... Weight is just that...WEIGHT. Your scale has no idea WHAT it is measuring, it is simply measuring the mass of whatever you are putting on it. If that is your body, your scale will calculate the mass of your body with it's current toxins, water percentage, undigested food, built-up fecal matter etc., and when this number starts going up or down, your scale has ZERO a...bility to tell you what exactly you've lost or gained. But we FLIP OUT if that number reaches a range that we have always told ourselves we wouldn't get to, right? The problem is that our focus is on the wrong area of our body; the OUTSIDE. Society has painted this picture that weight loss should be our general focus when trying to improve our health. 95% of the time, when people reach out to me about Plexus, it is with the primary goal to lose weight but after further conversation, the real desire is to rid the body of toxins and to get their body balanced. In doing this, healthy weight loss can also occur. #LoveTheSkinYoureIn #HealthNotWeight
17.01.2022 So many reasons to Become a Plexus Ambassador!!! Wholesale pricing. Save up to 25% on all future orders! When you become a Plexus Ambassador you can say hello Health and Happiness with our deepest discount available. Our Welcome Packs offer you the best product combinations at the absolute best value.... Our pure, potent, and guaranteed formulas use only the highest-quality ingredients and are backed by our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. I’m passionate about designing products that optimize health over the long-term, rather than hype up the latest ‘magic’ ingredient. I also believe in products that consumers can really get behind. Dr. Jim Logan, Plexus Medical Advisory Board. Supportive One Plexus community. Stay motivated and find success our Ambassador community is here cheering you on! In business for yourself, but never by yourself. Our supportive Ambassador Community helps you move hand-in-hand toward the goals you’ve set. You’re a part of something much bigger than yourself when you become a Plexus Ambassador. Our community is proud to give back. Through our Nourish One Initiative, which supports organisations like Feeding America and Mary's Meals, and Plexus Charities we all band together to make a tangible difference in the world. Exclusive product previews, promotions, and events. Get your hands on new products before anyone else and save big with Ambassador-only deals. Health and Happiness is a language everyone understands. We reach beyond borders to open new doors of opportunity around the world and come together to celebrate our success, our past, and our future endeavors at some of the most spectacular events. Plexus Perks Rewards Program. Earn Perk Credits you can redeem for free products. Set your monthly Subscription Order, and you’ll reap the rewards. Not only will your personal Health and Happiness regimen be shipped straight to your doorstep each month, with Plexus Perks you’ll also earn Credits to redeem free products! Recognition and incentives. Explore and experience life in the ways you’ve always wanted. Don’t take our word for it, check out some of our Ambassadors stories on! Free training, success tools, and resources. Find everything you need in your own Virtual Office! We make sure you always have access to top-of-the-line training tools and resources to build your business and reach your goals. Network marketing is an incredible industry, but Plexus isn’t the average network marketing company. We’ve taken an outstanding business model and made it even better by doing network marketing the way it should be done, but often isn’t.
16.01.2022 Nikki has shared her story a few time’s. But this If you found something that stopped your sons suffering you would find it hard to shut up too! Everyone has seen me talk about how thankful I am for what these products have done for my family. But for you to truly understand I must start from the beginning.....Pull up a seat...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Katie shares : Is Plexus for men? YES! YES! and YAAASSSSS. ... People have asked me this so many times. It’s seriously for ANYONE AND EVERYONE!!! A huge misconception is that Plexus is meant only for women or for people trying to lose weight. Plexus is about HEALTH & WELLNESS. Things like, gut health, hormone health, blood sugar regulation, inflammation, anger/sadness/moods, sugar cravings, and just helping your body function and thrive the way it was intended. There are ER doctors, Pharmacists, Police officers, MMA fighters, body builders , military men , firefighters , professional athletes, name it! Oh and even the country singer Thomas Rhett and his mum love Plexus. PM me & I'll help choose a pack best suited to you!! #menOfPlexus #healthyhotbod
15.01.2022 Victoria's Secret declared bankruptcy. Zara is closing 1200 stores. Chanel, Hermes and Rolex have stopped production. ... Nike is getting ready for stage two of layoffs. AirBnb founder says that due to the pandemic, 12 years of effort were destroyed in 6 weeks. Starbucks announced the permanent closure of 400 stores. Virgin Australia troubles It’s been 5 months since the pandemic started and it has created huge debts and hundred of thousands in unemployment. If the company you work for continues, no pay reduction or layoffs, then treat it well and have respect for what the owner must be going through to keep it going. 2020 is about survival, change, and unknown If you decided to start being your own boss and work from home during these crazy times, stay CONSISTENT and focused on your goals... dream BIGGER!! We’re in such a powerful time where entrepreneurship is stronger than ever. Now is NOT the time to quit. Now is the time to go ALL IN! Now is the time to show up when no one else is! In July, our Plexus team had over 80 promotions and over 50 bonus earners! In July, there were 40,000 MORE PLEXUS PAYCHECKS earned than in May and June! NOW IS THE TIME! Take a leap of faith and BELIEVE ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE xx
12.01.2022 I love this pack for overall wellness! Stressed? Gut issues? Low immunity and energy? This ones for you xx
12.01.2022 R U OK?? Everyone struggles.. we are all in this thing called "life" together. If you need someone to talk to or a friend, I am here for you!
09.01.2022 Oh friends!!!! My Joyome skincare range is on CRAZY special this month!!! Joyome Beauty Combo!!! Day and Night Serums Collagen Powder ( or as I like to call it, my magical unicorn dust )... Free gift with Purchase!! Or!!! Joyome Active Beauty Combo!!! Three packs of our brand new Active energy drink!!! Collagen Powder!! Gorgeous glass Plexus bottle! I grabbed Combo 2!!! Which one are you grabbing!?!? #Plexusactive #activebeautycombo #collagenpowder #cleanenergy #freeglassbottle #joyomebeautycombo #joyomedayandnightserums #freegift #healthandhapiness
09.01.2022 I’m looking for 6 friends to try my pink drink for 60 days and let me know how many kilos you shed and how amazing you feel!! Right now its on super special! You can grab 30 days of products cheaper than I can!!!! Who is in!?!?!
09.01.2022 So, if I take Plexus... Do I have to give up ice cream? Do I have to give up Frappuccinos or coffee? Do I have to give up lollies?... Do I have to give up pizza? Do I have to give up soft drink? Do I have to give up nachos or tacos? Do I have to go on a diet? Do I have to give up wine or beer? The answer is nooooo HOWEVERRRRRR Once you get your Glucose Levels a little more balanced, you will find that your cravings for unhealthy foods will CHANGE... It's just the way the body was created to work ! There’s totally PROOF that regulating our blood sugar actually gives our brain self-control over sugar and carb cravings!! (GREAT NEWS for us sugar/carb freaks!!) So maybe you’ll wanna ZAP your cravings by balancing your blood sugar a bit!!! (Btw, other side-effects include: natural energy, leveling your moods, and fat loss) Balancing your body is the most important thing we can do!! Once your glucose levels are more balanced, your cravings are put in CHECK!! And THEN your body sends a message to the brain telling it WHAT it REALLY needs and WHEN!! Such a blessing. Message me with questions and I'll help you to get to feeling your best!!
09.01.2022 I’ve stared my plexus journey today! I’m not yet ready to put my photo on here as I really don’t like myself atm but here goes nothing, so let’s see how I progress over the next 60 days. But I will keep you all up to date on how it’s rolling. I would love some company if anyone would like to have ago with me and remember it’s not all about weight lose your story is different to mine it could be gut health, more energy so hit me up if you want to know more? Here are my measure...ments from today Started my plexus journey today 20th July 2020 Weighing 114.3kg Hips 134cm Waist 117cm Bust 109cm Thighs 70cm Arms 35cm
09.01.2022 The Beautiful Brenda Croft I love hearing your amazing story! Plexus is the real deal guys "WOW, July 2013 and I’m reminded of just how far I have come! 52 years of age and my health was spiralling out of control, blood glucose issues, mobility issues, energy issues, metabolism issues, you name it, I had it going on. Enter a crazy pink drink plus some unique gut health products, fast forward 4 years to 56 years of age and I’m in the best health of my entire life! I have th...e energy of a teenager, I’m training 6 days a day and my body is doing things I never thought possible plus I have a CRACKER BUSINESS that is changing thousands of lives!! And my family's financial story has been changed for generations to come by this once in a lifetime opportunity. This is why I share Plexus. This is why I will never get off my knees. Blessed. Grateful. Excited. Passionate. Thank YOU Lord Jesus! Thank YOU Plexus! xx " See more
08.01.2022 Show me your fun day Sunday!
08.01.2022 FOLATE vs FOLIC ACID So many believe these to be the same, but they are not. Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9 and folic acid is the synthetic form. ... Folic acid was first formulated and introduced into our food source in 1943 and is very common in our processed foods, because in 1998, it became mandatory for our food supply to be fortified with it (think breakfast cereals, bread, and nearly all processed foods that so many people eat on a daily basis!) There are many reasons why putting synthetic chemicals in our bodies are harmful but with folic acid it is especially harmful because our bodies have to work extremely hard to break it down using the enzyme Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase. Those who are healthy even have naturally low levels of this enzyme, but those who are unhealthy or have gene mutations have even lower levels and it is even harder on their bodies. All of that non-metabolized folic acid enters into our circulatory system and becomes toxic. FOLATE on the other hand plays a huge part in the metabolism of many of our hormones, especially thyroid and estrogen hormones. Methylation is a necessary process that our bodies go through to utilize and break down B vitamins. When there is a methylation problem (like people with the MTHFR gene mutation...which affects approximately 50% of the population) We become at risk of a build up of toxic estrogen levels. The build up of "synthetic" folic acid can wreak havoc on our hormones and throw our entire bodies out of balance. This can happen to anyone...MTHFR gene mutation or not. I am so grateful to have found a supplement regimen with methylated vitamins, a variety of essential amino acids, and chelated minerals that my body can absorb and utilize properly at a cellular level.
08.01.2022 HEALTHY GUT MEANS IMPROVED IMMUNE SYSTEM! This is yet another product that makes me SO proud to share Plexus! Let’s get passionate about helping the next generation GET HEALTHY!!!! Gut health is prevention! The stories of the kiddos sleeping better, having better digestion, better moods, and attention spans thanks to their gut health!!! Makes so so happy!!!!! ... Tropical punch flavor Choline = 9oz Canned tuna DHA= 3oz cooked cod Lutein = 1 cup cooked brussels sprouts Prebiotic Fiber = 1/2 cup Jerusalem artichoke : Supports Healthy Brain and Cognitive Development Convenient, Nutritious, and Enjoyable Way to Ensure Your Kid Receives DHA on a Daily Basis Enriched with a Unique Blend of Brain Nurturing Ingredients Nutrients to Support Growing, Healthy Kids Supplements Common Nutrient Gaps in Kids’ Diets Provides Lutein, an Important Nutrient that Helps Support Cognitive Function in Kids Dietary DHA Intake is Associated With Cognitive Function and Behavior in Young Kids Good Source of Choline No Fishy Taste! : 1 gram Gut-Healthy Prebiotic Fiber Per Serving Includes DHA (Omega-3), Choline, and Lutein Provides 50 mg of Sustainably Sourced, Vegetarian DHA (Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acid) Gluten Free, Vegetarian, and Non-GMO No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives : For children 2 years of age and older, tear open stick and mix with 4 fl. oz. of water once or twice daily. Powder can also be mixed with food or drink of choice.
03.01.2022 How many do you have? Don't be shy drop your number!! Here are 15 signs your body NEEDS a #detox or #reset. (Not the kind that makes you run to the loo either ) 1. You have a sweet tooth and can eat sweets all day long. ... 2. You are experiencing #digestive distress. 3. #Allergies are no longer seasonal and happen often. 4. You don’t feel healthy despite eating clean. 5. You have #skin problems. 6. You are always #exhausted. 7. You aren’t as #mentally sharp. 8. Your #joints are always sore. 9. You’re constantly #stressed. 10. You struggle to lose weight and probably don’t lose any. 11. Your #hormones are out of whack. 12. You deal with #bloating. 13. Your sleep patterns are off. 14. You are anxious and depressed. 15. You get #headaches often. These are battles worth fighting! And I’ll be there helping you ring side!
02.01.2022 ADHD, Autism, Xfactor kids Wow...who has kids with ADHD/Autism?As an educator, I have worked with parents who struggled with putting their child on medications when they were so young. My heart would break for them. I knew their child needed something, but...I never had the answer for them, until now. getting to the "root" of your child's problem, and healing their gut just might help these issues. Read this amazing testimony Angie Polk shares; Another encouraging tes...timony for parents of kiddos with special needs! ASPERGERS, AUTISM & ADHD IN CHILDREN From fellow ambassador Bethany McCue: As many of you know, my sweet Brock was diagnosed with Aspergers / Autism a few years ago after a previous diagnosis of severe ADHD along with a list of other disorders that mirrored Autism. He’s very high functioning and smarter than me. Yet he still has his struggles and let’s just say... I’m one tired mother! It’s been a long journey so far with him but we’ve come a long way and learned a lot thru lots of hard work, patience, and support. Our support system includes doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, behavior specialists, family and friends. We wouldn’t be where we are today without any of them. #trustme But one NEW support in our toolbox is Plexus. Yes... Plexus has made a HUGE difference in Brock’s life over the last month already. He takes the Xfactor Kids with Probiotic twice daily. It is a sugar free and yummy chewable vitamin that has helped tremendously with his disgestive system. Bowel issues are highly common in ADHD and Autism children and adults. That’s why GUT HEALTH is even more important for those with ADHD or Autism. To learn more about how a Probiotic can help someone you know with ADHD or Autism, I encourage you to click on the link in the comments about a study done on the issue. #knowledgeispower Y’all, I share this personal information about my family and our journey in hopes to help another mom or dad going thru the same struggle. If I had known about Plexus or even how probiotics could have helped Brock at a younger age I would have done it ages ago!! #thestruggleisreal Did you know... not a single pediatrician or doctor ever suggested a Probiotic to help Brock’s digestive issues? Don’t make the same mistake I did. Educate yourself! #sticktogether
01.01.2022 Sarah Neal shares: I’m not the girl who shares a lot about weight loss because I tend to yo-yo a bit and I have never ever been thin. I represent a wellness company for heavens sake. I know! #skinnydoesntmeanhealthy... I’m not the girl who is afraid to tell you my struggles because it pays be be vulnerable and share my failures and successes. I’ve been #vegan, #plantbased, #paleo, done three #Whole30’s, dabbled in #keto, #lowfat, #caloriecounting, etc. I’m not the girl who has ever thought I was ugly because I know better. There was one boy in the third grade who made fun of me and I thought he was an absolute idiot for being the jerk that he was. #truestory #daughteroftheking #princess But I am the girl who had no idea how puffy I looked. I may never be skinny and that’s a-okay but did you know that I actually weighed less in my picture on the left than I do now? When you address core issues like blood sugar balance, inflammation, and gut health, sometimes the most unexpected things happen 22 versus 39 I’ll take 39 any day. I have eyes now