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25.01.2022 Hey Guys, as requested by you, here is my recipe for the banana muffins I posted pictures of few weeks ago. These muffins are great to eat for breakfast or as a... snack in between, Much healthier than your regular wheat based muffins or the store bought ones. The recipe is super easy and even your kids can try making these at home, just like my 9 year old is doing here.These are paleo and free of any processed sugars, they freeze really well and you can make couple of batches and freeze if you like. Hope you enjoy the recipe, written recipe coming soon on the blog See more
24.01.2022 Why Organic food is not always the best choice Hey guys just sharing my thoughts on situations when organic food might not be best for you. I still think we sh...ould eat organic food but most importantly it should be fresh and local. Also showing how you can wash your fresh produce by either using a fruit and vegie wash from Shopnaturally or apple cider vinegar from @braggs See more
22.01.2022 Does ghee really make us fat? Is this a fact or a misconception? Growing up I heard from adults all around me that ghee makes you fat and I had this belief for ...a long time until I switched to a healthier lifestyle. In this video I want to break this misconception and hopefully help you understand that ghee is actually a super food that should be part of everyone's diet. #ghee #superfoods#grassfedghee #grassfed #grassfinished #healthylife #traditionalfoods #ayurvedalifestyle #guthealing #guthealingfood #gheebenefits #healgutinflammation #mindbodynutrition #healthcoach #fatlossfoods #weightloss #loseweight #fatdoesnotmakeyoufat See more
21.01.2022 Just some quick tips on how to best manage the symptoms of #hayfever and #allergies #naturally. If you'd like to contact me for a personalised health plan for... improving your immunity please DM me or email [email protected]. If you'd like to get in touch with the homeopath I use please contact Dr Raj Kothuru, Aura Health Concepts See more
21.01.2022 Whether its single use plastics, non-biodegradable items, plastics that cant be recycled, polyester clothing, toxic beauty products, gmo and nonorganic foods, w...e are ultimately the ones who make a difference with what gets sold. Consumer behaviour drives the supply of things and if we choose the right products, we can make a change in this world. Each and every one of us collectively. #togetherwecanmakeadifference #nomoresingleuseplastic #saynotoplastic #toxicproducts #nongmo #organic #healthy #betterplanet #betterhealth #greenplanet #chemicalfree #consumercanbringchange See more
21.01.2022 Does this shock you a little bit? Let me know in the comments. I was def shocked to find out about this few days ago while watching "Hugh's war on Plastic", th...ank you for this amazing show for creating awareness about hidden plastics in everyday products It's hard to imagine our life without wet wipes especially if you have little kids at home but think about the impact you're having on the environment and the long term health of your loved ones. Will you continue to use them as generously after knowing this? I know I wouldn't. Most big brands of wipes that we have gotten used to are using plastics and the worst part is that they only have to declare what's in the wipes, not what the wipe Is made of. #anotherplastictogiveup #minimiseuseofplastic #zerowaste #saynotoplastic #harmful #sustainableliving #noplastic #babywipes #motherandbaby #wetwipes #makeupwipes #makeuolovers #facialwipes #cleansingwipes See more
20.01.2022 LOVE YOUR BODY. There is never going to be a day when it will look perfect enough for you to start loving it. So dont deprive it of the love it deserves today... #loveyourbodynow #loveyourself #liveahealthylife #eatrealfoods #nomorebodyimageissues #lovetheskinyourein #selfconfidence #youarebeautifull #selflovefirst
20.01.2022 Hey guys following on from my recent post about the negative impact of antibiotics on kids especially under the age of 1. As mentioned in my post, kids exposed antibiotics in the first year of life, have a higher chance of developing allergies, sensitivities and autoimmune disease. More and more research is showing this to be true. I have experienced this myself with my daughter who was treated several times with antibiotics for ear infections. Her immunity was pretty low for several years and continues to have allergy and food sensitivity issues. My son who will turn 6 soon, has never had antibiotics and does not have any such issues. In the last 6 years my daughter has also not had antibiotics. Its not that they havent had infections in the last few years, they have and our GP prescribed antibiotics each time but we made an informed decision and chose to use alternative treatment instead. I like to use homeopathy treatments for my kids, my local homeopath is Raj Kothuru from Aura Health Concepts. We treat all viral or bacterial infections, cold, cough or flus using his remedies which are tailored to suit our children. See more
20.01.2022 Couldn't agree more with this. As I have included more healthy fats in my diet I've seem a positive dofference in my health #Repost @westonaprice
19.01.2022 We should be grateful for every experience that has shaped the person we are today, whether it's a positive or a negative one. Forgiving yourself and accepting ...the truth, no matter how harsh it is, is the first step towards Loving yourself unconditionally. If you think about it, this applies to every aspect of who you are physically, mentally and spiritually. #loveyourbody #loveyourselfunconditionally #begratefuleveryday See more
19.01.2022 Most of our ideas about beauty come from the images we are shown in the media. From a very young age women are conditioned to believe that if they look a certai...n way, only then they will be considered beautiful. We start doubting our own beauty because we compare ourselves to unrealistic standards of beauty. You are beautiful no matter what you look like, you just have to believe it and embrace it. This quote from @marcdavid_ipe is such a great reminder of that. #youarebeautifull #sizedoesntmatter #besexytoday #feelbeautiful #realbeauty #realwomen #beconfident #beyou See more
19.01.2022 Every mistake is a learning experience...if we start believing in this, we would never be afraid of failure and start doing the things we stop ourselves from #believeinyourself #followyourheart #followyourpassioninlife #dontbeafraidtofail #failureissuccess #failureteachesyou #fightyourfear #diveindeep See more
19.01.2022 Quarantine Work from home makeup look
18.01.2022 How do you speak to your body?? Its high time we start giving our bodies the due they deserve....the love they so desperately need....after all they help us be this human experience #positivebodyimage #imperfectbodiesrock #bodyshamingsucks #bodyshamingiswrong #nomorebodyshaming #curvygirlsrock #loveyourbody #takecareofyourself #youarebeautifull #sizedoesntmatter #besexytoday #feelbeautiful #realbeauty #realwomen #beconfident #beyou #healthybodyimage #healthwellnesscoach #healthylife #selflove #selfrespect #bodylove
18.01.2022 #Repost @stephaniechinnart I am coming up to a year since I created this illustration. I have created so much since then, but there was something sp...ecial about this piece. . At the time, I was illustrating mainly on all the different emotions I was experiencing after no longer suppressing them with adderall. In that internal quest I discovered how I not only used adderall to not feel, but I also used it to suppress my appetite. And in that, the unraveling began. The unraveling of all I have been taught to believe about my body and its purpose. This piece was born from that discovery and in me finally pushing back against a system that has conditioned me, and you to believe otherwise. It was the first time I gave myself the respect to believe this was true. . In the last year, my work has grown but still remained the same. As I have dug up all the shameful parts of myself and hesitantly brought them to the surface I have allowed myself to fully see, love and believe in myself. I have also had the honor of seeing all of you. I was not aware so many people would see themselves in this illustration, and in my work overall. Magic happens when you bring a light to your shame. It may not happen immediately, and it will be uncomfortable at first that I know for sure. But if you let it, alchemy will be born of it. Whatever you think you are alone it you are not. You have a world, a space, a room waiting beside you to say, me too. Look for them. I will continue to spread this piece on as many pieces of clothing, paper and hearts as I can thanks to all of you.
17.01.2022 You can make a healthy version of any food, that way you never have to give up your favourite foods and also manage to eat healthy. Hope you like this base pizza which is suitable for anyone including those on paleo or keto diets. Its Completely grain and gluten free. In the video I forgot to.mention to make sure to squeeze out excess moisture from the grated Cauliflower before preparing the pizza base. Hope you enjoy the recipe See more
17.01.2022 #dontobsessoverweight #thereismoretolife #findyourtruecalling #nomorebodyimageissues #focusonhealthnotweight
15.01.2022 Last weekend I celebrated the festival of lights "Diwali" with my family and friends. Diwali is such an exciting time of the year, its one of the biggest festiv...als in India. So it clearly brings a lot of joy and happiness to every south east Asian household no matter where we are in the world. For last few years though we have been keeping it low key in our family. Even though we make it a point to do all the traditional rituals and prayers, every year we try our best to not go overboard with decorating with lights or wasting/throwing away food or putting waste in the landfill. This year I went a step further and made my own candles out of beeswax. I could not stand the thought of polluting my house and environment by lighting regular parrafin or soy based candles. I not only saved money but made a healthier choice for my family and for the planet. Beeswax candles are the healthiest candles to burn, they burn for longer than regular candles and clean the air we breath. they are great for people who suffer from allergies. Once you try them you will never go back to regular candles. If you would like to try these I will be selling some of my handmade beeswax candles in the upcoming events @zenithwellnessmarket at point cook and Abbotsford. #diwali #diwalilights #diwalicandles #candlesfordiwali #handmadecandles #beeswaxcandles #healthierchoice #pointcookwellness #abbotsfordwellness #healthyplanet #createlesswste #healthierchoice See more
14.01.2022 This frantic mother dog's love of her puppies has her digging with paws, biting at stones and tearing at the rubble to free her buried babies who are trapped af...ter a house collapsed in the rain. When Animal Aid's rescuers arrived, they feared the puppies might not be alive, but their Mama must have been able to hear them or sense that they were still alive and she was determined to tell us so. Every minute was precious and she seemed to realize that they could suffocate at any moment. You'll never forget this incredible portrait of a blissful rescue and a mother's unstoppable love. For a mother, nothing is more important than the safety of her children. Please donate: See more
14.01.2022 If you like this video please like or share If you'd like to contact me for any help in relation to starting your health journey please send me a DM or email [email protected]. I am currently offering free 30 minute sessions to help you get started on your health journey.
14.01.2022 During my health journey my moto has been to "Never give up on my favourite foods". In line with this I am always experimenting and creating recipes which are healthier versions of all the foods I enjoy. Here is one such recipe that I'd like to share with you all. Hope you enjoy it too!
12.01.2022 A little #mondaymotivation for any #momlife comparison struggles
12.01.2022 This is such a great reminder that dcotors/scientists dont always know best. We need to educate ourselves and make an informed decision. #Repost @westonaprice ... This is key. We have the right to ask questions & be the final authority in our childrens health care. Do you believe in parental rights & informed consent when it comes to vaccines? See more
11.01.2022 Hey Everyone This recipe for Granola is slightly different to the usual, making this granola will help you preserve the nutrition in honey by not exposing it t...o high heat. It is also grain/gluten free, uses healthy fat and loaded with fiber. Super healthy and easy at the same time. hope you try it, I'd love to hear your feedback. See more
11.01.2022 Here is a simple way to turn a regular omelette into a power packed super food. the key is to use the best quality ingredients you can find. ENJOY!
11.01.2022 You're doing great.
10.01.2022 I have had the pleasure of trying some of the products from @thenaturalistyou and I must say I was so impressed with not only the line up of products but the exceptional quality they are offering. My very good friend Nid has put in very careful consideration to how she has chosen and sourced the products.Knowing her for a long time I know she goes for nothing but the best. It's clearly reflected in her products which are the highest quality but still offer value for money. And the best thing about them is that they are locally sourced. I highly recommend that you check out their website and take advantage of the 20% discount they are offering.
09.01.2022 Quick and easy pasta recipe for those days when you can't be bothered cooking or are tempted to eat take-out if you don't have enough ingredients to make a proper meal. Hope you try this and if you do let me know or share photos. Enjoy!
09.01.2022 Had a great time interacting with this group at a worshop I ran recently to discuss the importance of eating local food vs organic food, So grateful to @solfarm...ersmarket for inviting me. Tomas Cifuentes, you are so talented and doing such a fantastic job at bringing the community together whilst supporting local talent. #supportlocal #eatlocal #localorganicproduce #supportlocalfarmers #betterforeconomy #forbetterhealth #betterforplanet #healthylifestyle #localorganicfood #healthandwellness #farmersmarket #workshop #localvsorganic See more
09.01.2022 Warrior Level - This Kid! Track: Stanton Warriors & Taiki Nulight What You Got Now
08.01.2022 Beauty is already inside you regardless of what you.look like. You just have to embrace it yourself first and it will show off on the outside. #bodyimage #bodyimageissues #beconfident #youarebeautifull
08.01.2022 Love this quote from @livinglyofficial I couldn't agree more, our focus should be on living a healthy life and a great body just comes with it as a bonus. We sh...ouldn't compare our bodies to others and just try to work on improving what we have been blessed with. #loveyourbodynow #loveyourself #liveahealthylife #eatrealfoods #nomorebodyimageissues #lovetheskinyourein #selfconfidence #youarebeautifull #selflovefirst See more
07.01.2022 Which one to choose 'Motherhood or Career?' Like & Follow Sadhguru Yogi and Join Sadhguru Yogi for more updates! Sadhguru Sadhguru Hindi Sadhguru Tamil
05.01.2022 Live your life with confidence everyday....know that everyone is entitled to their opinion....and if they dont like you that is just their does n...ot mean that you are not lovable or unworthy. #selflove #loveyourbody #loveyourselfunconditionally #takeiteasy #mindbodyhealth #mindbodyhealthcoach #eatingpsychologycoach #holistic #holistichealth #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #wellness #wellnesscoach #selfesteem #confidence #selfconfidence #youareworthyoflove #youareworthit #lovable #worthy #healthylifestyle ##naturalliving #bodyimage #narcissist #lackofselflove #selfworth #fitness #fitnessgoals #fitandhealthy #fitbody See more
05.01.2022 You cant fully love others unless you learn to #loveyourself unconditionally. Self Love first. loveyourself #lovetheskinyourein #selfconfidence #youarebeauti...full #selflovefirst #beconfident #youarebeautifull #loveyourbody #lovetheskinyourein #selfconfidence #youarebeautifull #selflovefirst #youarebeautifull #selfworth #loveyourself #selflovefirst #wellness #embraceyourself #embraceyourbody See more
04.01.2022 SCREEN TIME !! But youre on your phone - touché kid !!! #kids #parenting #parentlife #dadlife #mumlife #iso #screentime #ipad
03.01.2022 More than 80% woman in the developed world are unhappy with their bodies. To make it look better they go through endless procedures, surgeries, punishing workou...ts or just deny themselves of wearing what they like. They constantly practice negative self-talk in front the mirror and tell themselves that they dont look good enough . I was one of these people and for many years I hated the way my body looked. I tried so many different things to change it or wore clothes to hide the bits I didnt like. I didnt realise back then that the change needed to be made to the way I looked at my body, not to way my body looked. I worked hard to change my belief over several years. I still believe strongly in taking care of myself, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.But I dont believe in getting obsessed about any of it. Ladies, the change needs to come from the inside and then the outside will automatically seem beautiful. Before you make any physical changes to your body, start with love not hate. Love yourself the way you are today, instead of hating yourself to change what you look like. #bodyimage #bodyimageissue #womenloveyourbody #loveyourbody #loveyourbodynow #loveyourself #liveahealthylife #eatrealfoods #nomorebodyimageissues #selfconfidence #youarebeautifull # See more
01.01.2022 CORRECTION: KIM ULIANA is the true author of this poem. I was just informed this was stolen from her. . So wrong! And then people like me just kept it. The original has her name in it. I am so glad I can edit my post to set the record straight. IT IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ART! Ladys got TALENT!