Healthy Business Finances in Essendon Fields | Business service
Healthy Business Finances
Locality: Essendon Fields
Phone: +6186186804
Address: PO Box 4042 3041 Essendon Fields, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 A reminder about how hard life can really be.. I might be feeling stressed because I have to help my 9 year old write a poem but it is nothing compared to the strength of this Mumma in this story.. Warning - very emotional and will tug on the heart strings but will give you hope for the world too!
25.01.2022 Healthy Business Finances love what we do. We take pride in our work and that means a clean data file and correct lodgements for you! We have a range of packages available to suit all needs. DM us or email our admin superstar Kylie at [email protected] to see what packages are available for you.
25.01.2022 We are month 2 into JobKeeper 2.0 . Knowing what to report is important as the ATO are watching! HBF offers Jobkeeper eligibility testing and reporting as a way to make sure you are compliant and getting the correct entitlements. Shoot us a message to see how we can help you... Say Hi to Kylie while your there! [email protected] See more
25.01.2022 Healthy Business Finances is made up of 4 hard working Mums who now - all of us are navigating children and majority are doing homeschooling. We are great bookkeepers but as for teachers - not really our thing.. But we are making it through. We are sure alot of clients have had phone calls or zoom sessions and have seen our cherubs.. but we keep working! its hard but we do it!...
24.01.2022 Not bad when your bookkeeper means that much to you she becomes your "Work Wife" Love you too honey
24.01.2022 Got the idea Got the product Got the office/ warehouse Got the accounting software Knowing how to use said software? ... We can help! We provide training for all accounting software programs. We can help you get the most our of your program and make your record keeping/ invoicing/ reporting so much easier! Email Stacey at [email protected] to organise a session now - online available during these crazy covid times also.
23.01.2022 At different times for different reasons business owners require a variety of reports. Anything from Profit and Loss to how many sales to a customer to how many coffees brought from one shop.. Most accounting programs have a wide variety of reports - some more and some better than others but the options are always there. Some programs even let you customize reports to how you need them.
23.01.2022 Well makes sense right? Lots of hair but not much storage!
23.01.2022 Todays Covid-19 casualty breaks my heart for all my friends in the travel industry. I once worked as a tour guide overseas and many of that circle of friends still work in travel in some way As someone who is longing for some kind of family holiday and knowing it will be many months before we can take one, this is just devastating.
22.01.2022 This quote really makes you think.. Are you happy with how you are living? Are you doing the best you can? Could you improve? Or are you content?
20.01.2022 In these crazy times, it is even more important to share stories, honest truths and information on what does and what doesnt help you to get on top of your business finances, pricing confidence and all round money mindset. The Becoming Financially Fit podcast will be launching by the end of the month (fingers crossed pending any tech dramas). Super excited to have our first episode ready to launch - and the first episode is me chatting about redundancy, becoming an accountan...t when I didnt even want to study accounting, to now running my own business and having my own staff. Roller coaster journey that is for sure. We will be shouting it from the rooftops when it is live, but if you are keen to be a podcast guest, we would love to have you - and we know you have a story we can share. Just message us, or shoot us an email and we can sort out the finer details.
19.01.2022 The Fairwork Obudsman is a great advocate for the working person.. They conduct surprise audits all the time. Companies in Geelong were on their target list and were found to be underpaying staff. A big no no! Included in this article is a pay calculator for you to work out if you are paying your staff the correct wages....
19.01.2022 We know alot of our followers to this page are entrepreneurs.. we are so proud of you all! and we care about you! This article helps you find the strength to keep going when it can seem overwhelming.. fight on!
18.01.2022 If your anything like me your phone is full of apps you probably dont use.. Well maybe its time to update and download some apps that actually help you! Most our clients use Xero and we know there are alot of helpful apps that collaborate with Xero to just make life easier!
17.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day for Sunday to all the HBF Dads and Husbands! And for the record - I think my Dad laughs out of pity at my jokes..
16.01.2022 The world is a ever changing place. The business world also. You need to stay current - especially if your wanting to get ahead! There is always a way to better yourself - a course or a webinar might help you in propelling forward!
16.01.2022 There is so much to love in this story! To start with her tagline "Because flowers die" Her explanation that you dont need to spend a fortune to start up. Her cautious approach to digital marketing..... A wonderful story of a start up and her achievements!
15.01.2022 There are so many factors when it comes to working out wages. Different Tax amounts Different pay rates Holiday pay Leave... JobKeeper (if applicable) All these can make payroll a mine field. Guessing when it comes to wages (They are only working 1 day instead of 2 now.. I will just halve their net pay) doesnt work! It can end up costing you if you get it wrong! Make sure you know what your doing or engage your friendly bookkeeper to make sure all wages are correct.
14.01.2022 Just FYI Stacey Price Im not sure Id get much done if I had a gorgeous puppy like in the picture but willing to try.. Beautiful idea for bosses to pay for adoption fees to enable workers at home to have pets. We love our pets here at HBF - Freddy the office cat and Buddy the office dog are usually "helping" out daily.....
14.01.2022 No, we havent read the fine print of the new legislation yet. We still have lots of questions ourselves, before we can accurately answer your questions. Please know that we have it under control for our clients, and will await guidance from our professional bodies to ensure a smooth transition to JobKeeper 2.0 for those clients who are deemed eligible.... Plus, Stacey is sick and supposed to be taking today off (but we all know she is still working as shit still gotta get done !)
13.01.2022 With many business owners soon to be easing off JobKeeper entitlements, I want you to remember that if you are no longer eligible for JobKeeper it means your business is not currently facing a 30% decline. And that is a bloody good thing. As some of our clients have been fully closed sincce 17th March, and wont reopen this year at all, please be thankful if you can open, can trade and dont need government assistance.... Some more tips for coping post JobKeeper in this SmartCompany article (featuring wise words from Stacey !)
13.01.2022 You pay for what you get in life - how true! Cheaper isnt always better. You are paying for all our knowledge, experience, training and qualifications - all to give you the best outcome we can
13.01.2022 Hard to imagine such a powerhouse failing... But how many games do you think he lost! Its never a easy road to the top.. and if it was you probably wouldnt be as satisfied up there!
12.01.2022 Apart from offering bookkeeping services HBF is also able to offer Financial Coaching! Our highly trained and expert leader Stacey will sit down with you and help you wade through your finances to make sure your getting the most out of your money! Contact us on [email protected] to make an appointment. Appointments are of course offered online during these times.
12.01.2022 Getting new software Understanding new software Navigating said software... Not always easy! Never fear Stacey is here! Stacey can help with training in all programs and help you get maximum benefit!... Email Kylie to make an appointment with Stacey at [email protected]
12.01.2022 There really are 2 types of people in the world.. Those that see the word Christmas and get excited.. and those that would rather crawl into a hole. However being a business owner this should prompt you to start getting your business Christmas crazy ready!... Do your sales normally sky rocket in Nov/Dec? Are you prepared with staff and stock? Do your staff take leave? Have you asked them when they are planning to be off? Do you need to prepare your business to close? Do you need to do payroll over holidays? The list can go on but its important to think about your business closure if applicable and what needs to be done.
12.01.2022 Wishing all the Dads and all the fathers figures in our lives a very Happy Fathers Day. Heres hoping your loved ones lashed out a tenner to get you a mud cake and a block of toblerone!
11.01.2022 There are 2 types of reporting systems for accounting Cash V Accrual Cash is reporting on what you have actually been paid. Accrual is reporting on what you have invoiced even if you havent been paid for them.... Which reporting system suits you and do you know what your are on?
11.01.2022 Dont know about you but the past feels like a distant memory and the future is a hopeful dream at this point! We have learnt so much about living in the current day.. Finding what we can do today to help us. Learn from the past and hope for the future but focus on the task at hand.
11.01.2022 The Government is steadily increasing the superannuation guarantee amount that employers need to pay employees and contractors as of July 1 2021. The guarantee amount will rise to 10% from 9.5% This will steadily increase by 0.5% every financial year until we reach their goal of 12% in 2028.... Be prepared - Make sure your cash flow can keep up. Below is a link to the ATO website showing the rises and when.
10.01.2022 There are so many different aspects to owing a business that it can be overwhelming.. So many reports and requirements that business owners need to adhere too Paying correct wages Paying correct superannuation Reporting wages and super... Completing and paying BAS Completing and paying monthly IAS (if applicable) The list goes on.. Make sure your across all you need to be doing!
10.01.2022 If we all havent done a bit of growing during covid than have we really learnt? The media did its best to install fear into us all but as a greater understanding came about knowledge became more powerful than scare tactics. Listening to experts and not journalists is a always a great place to start.
10.01.2022 Sir Prise! Another terrible Dad joke from Karen
09.01.2022 This one is dedicated to Freddie the office cat - I wonder if this is why Stacey got her?
09.01.2022 In my spare time I like to dream up projects that I will work on. One of those projects has now been on my list for 18 months....and that was to create a podcast. A podcast of tips and tricks to help business owners embrace their inner numbers nerd and to share stories of business owners on their journey to becoming financially fit.... And I dont mean earning millions of dollars and being a global organisation - I mean the first time they become confident around: understanding accounting software breakeven points knowing your profit margins confidence around pricing paying for their first shipment of stock charging what you are worth hiring staff taking on a commercial lease working with an accountant for the first time taking on an investor opening a second store/brand/business We want real stories of those financial fears you have faced, and how you have conquered them. So if you have kicked some big financial goals and overcome some financial hurdles, we would love to have you on our podcast (hopefully launching by the end of September). You can fill in the google sheet below, and we will work our way through the responses to book in a time to record your episode.
09.01.2022 We have an amazing team here at HBF - Looking out for each other (made easier by Christine and Karen being sisters and having that inbuilt) but if we see its getting too much we do something about it.. Sometimes we all need to be told - including and most times especially Stacey! - to have a breather! Take a minute, an afternoon, a day and especially the weekend and recharge!
09.01.2022 Our hearts go out to all those affected by the terrible floods in NSW. This article has some great information in there for financial help for those affected.
07.01.2022 Here is an interesting piece - what's your thoughts on increasing the super guarantee from 9.5% to 12%? I think alot of small business owners recovering from Covid 19 might have a slight panic attack at the idea. What do you think?...
07.01.2022 Maybe go and see the manager? - Karen
07.01.2022 No relief yet for Victorian sole traders without employees (emphasis on yet, we are hoping for more positive news for this group of biz owners this coming week). But there is some more relief on the way for some other groups of Victorian business owners. heavily impacted by Covid-19. We know many of this seems unfair right now, trust me, we are copping the calls and emails from so many of you.... But please know we are here to help you depending on what you are entitled to. Still no bat phone to Dan or Josh or Scott or anyone else - so we are eagerly awaiting support too so that we can keep all of our staff in jobs.
06.01.2022 Honestly we love to help! This is why we do what we do!
05.01.2022 Such a simple great notion.. If you failed yesterday dont give up.. Today is a new day, a new dawn, a chance for a new idea!
05.01.2022 We work hard for all our clients. Ensuring we are up to date with all the latest and making sure we are implementing it to benefit our clients.
05.01.2022 Oh believe it! Getting our clients all we can to help them is our thing! We take payment in all forms - money obviously but Gin, vodka, wine and chocolate also welcomed
04.01.2022 Starting a new job just before Covid really took hold was a life changing experience for these people! Luckily they had great support from their new job to make the transition to working from home easier!
03.01.2022 Why do I invest in images for my business - because they represent me, our team, the way we work, and our personality (yes accountants can have personality). When you find someone who will embrace your "weirdness" and turn that into perfectly curated images....well that is just AMAZING. Giving you a little sneak peak at just some of the images from Sophie form Sister Scout Studio that turned up in my inbox today.... During Covid and uncertain economic times, being able to send Sophie a little package of "things" that hopefully she could turn into images....well first of all it was easy, second of all it was worth every cent. So flipping excited as they are 100000% me :)
02.01.2022 Not sure if this is a joke or a PSA to be honest! Great idea!
02.01.2022 Incase you dont know who Marie Kondo is - She is a perfectionist. She is a organiser. She is a woman who gets it done! It appears we have a team of Maries.. great news for our clients! We love nothing more than a tidy file.
01.01.2022 Outsourcing in business is well known and utilized but never had i considered it for personal life! Aldi have some great bargains but I dont want to fight for them! Problem solved - send an airtasker in to do it for you! Brilliant!
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