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25.01.2022 #boundaries.. We all need them
25.01.2022 Do you have Anxiety? Read on: The Parasympathetic Nervous System is key in managing Anxiety! Autonomic nervous system has two modes... SNS... Sympathetic nervous system =STRESS.. fight or flight, when faced with danger/stress:heart rate increased, pupils dilate, muscles tense up, we breathe rapidly, digestion closes, immune system switches off .. It’s time to run or fight... real danger but also occurs in imagined danger PNS.. Parasympathetic nervous system=PEACE... also called ‘rest and digest’.. heart rate slows, digestion resumes, immune comes back online. We tend to feel calmer and happier in this mode .. after threat is extinguished.. Here’s the important stuff .. most people with anxiety are super efficient at switching on SNS in the absence of real threat.. tiger is in their mind.. ‘imagined threat’.. To combat anxiety most people think we need to restructure thoughts .. only 50% of the work here When we become anxious, the brain is accessing the primitive part of the brain.. ‘amygdala’.. this part needs to activate in dangerous situations but evolved before humans had language.. Early humans were constantly exposed to threat. Fight/flight is an automatic stress response to physical danger that allows you to react without thinking... bingo .. When you feel anxious, the amygdala sends signals to the brain to release stress hormones.. mainly Adrenaline .. which activates ? .. .. fight or flight response.. .. Now in present day how likely is it that humans encounter threat in the environment .. highly unlikely .. In pathological anxiety, the ‘tiger’ is in our minds .. fear of anxious symptoms? Stress? Am I having a heart attack? Do I look like a fool? What if? Start point is initiating the PNS.. the calming part of our nervous system to manage anxious symptoms.. Start with deep, calming breaths.. I like the ‘4, 7, 8’ breathing & mindfulness.. Sit in a comfortable position, inhale slow smooth breaths in (breaths from tummy) to the count of 4.. hold for 7 counts and breathe out to the count of 8 or longer .. purse lips and breathe all the air out of your lungs.. if attention wanders bring it back to the breath.. Practice using SmilingMind APP.. It’s free and super easy ..
24.01.2022 #boundaries ..
16.01.2022 Spirituality and hate don’t mix ..
11.01.2022 One year to the day that these precious little souls were called to heaven. Their faces.. their smiles.. their short lives have touched every ounce of my being and that of countless people around the globe.. Not a week goes by without me thinking and reflecting on these angels and their families.. Rest in sweet everlasting peace. May God ease the pain of your families and grant them peace and serenity in moving forward with their lives.. i4Giveday #restinpeace#sydney#australia
08.01.2022 Have more than you show .. speak less than you know
07.01.2022 Happy Australia Day.. #australiaday
02.01.2022 Hmm.. What’s that saying .. ‘Don’t judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes’.. .. We can’t ever really know what it’s like to live in someone else’s reality.. Can we? #judgement