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22.01.2022 If I could show you a way to lose 4 to 7kg during the month of September with:- FREE Support, Coaching and Accountability. FREE Meal Plans. FREE Healthly Meal & Snack Lessons... Simple & Conivient 30 Day Nutrition system delivered to your door (No diet or Counting Calories) Would you be keen to know more? #30daytransformation
21.01.2022 A good walk can do wonders for your mental wellbeing. But it's not just about the occasional one-off feel good factor. Being active has a whole range of benefits when it comes to mental wellbeing. It improves self-perception and self-esteem, mood and sleep quality, and it reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue. Physically active people have up to a 30% reduced risk of becoming depressed, and staying active helps those who are depressed recover.... In older people, staying active can improve cognitive function, memory, attention and processing speed, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. The physical improvements you gain by walking can help to improve your mental health too. If you feel fitter and feel in control of your weight, your body image and confidence can increase - so it's not just the physical benefits that you'll notice when you start walking. Walk regularly. Invest in your long-term health now and you’ll see the difference that walking can make to your mind, your body and your social life. Walking with someone else is a great way to get started and stay motivated. Where will you walk to today?
19.01.2022 Lets celebrate Diana!!! I LOVE celebrating people. And I LOVE what Diana says about how she felt from the INSIDE out. ... it’s such a good reminder that it’s not always about the number on the scale...and way more about confidence and wellness. Although these results came within months, I have always been timid of showing my before picture. Not that I am ashamed of my post baby body as I made two humans in two years! I am proud of what I have accomplished. However after I had my daughter I knew I needed to be healthy. I knew I wanted to feel better about myself and that I needed to be healthy for them. I did think about the physical transformation first. It was immediate. Weight fell off and I was happy. But what was much more important is that I developed a happiness inside myself, a calming and sense of peace. What happened inside is so much more important than the physical change. This is our one life. A life to do everything we possibly can with no regrets. I refused to let myself sit in a body and mind that I did not like. I ultimately changed because my desire to do so was that strong. This nutrition is for weight loss, is for energy, is to enhance performance, is for healthy aging and financial freedom. GROWTH is what keeps me going. Continued growth in personal development and my ability to help others find confidence and peace the way I did. And let’s be honest this is the easiest lifestyle in the world! No brainer! Diana was brave enough to share her story knowing it may impact one lifeand give someone that confidence and health that they’re searching to find...for that I’m forever grateful
16.01.2022 http:/// ONLINE WELLNESS HOUR /// August is here and so is winter For us in Melbourne it has been been a roller coaster but staying connected has helped us through... If you’d like to look better, feel better, eat better and live better, join us tomorrow evening 20th August for our wellness hour Zoom call at 8:30pm to find out how. ... Hear stories from those that have had massive changes and have been amazed at how easy it is to follow.. Please download ZOOM on your phone or device via your App store or Play Store and message me for the link.
14.01.2022 Did you know 8 out of 10 strokes happen when fatty deposits in arteries break off and travel to the brain or when poor blood flow from irregular heartbeat forms a blood clot. Visceral fat can start causing health problems immediately. It can increase insulin resistance, even if you’ve never had diabetes or prediabetes. Visceral fat can also raise blood pressure quickly. Most importantly, carrying excess visceral fat increases your risk for developing several serious long-term..., life-threatening medical conditions. These include: heart attacks and heart disease type 2 diabetes stroke breast cancer colorectal cancer Alzheimer’s disease How to get rid of visceral fat....one amazing way is .. My Nutrition!! Fortunately, visceral fat is extremely receptive to exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes. With each kg you lose, you lose some visceral fat. The stress hormone cortisol can actually increase how much visceral fat your body stores, so reducing the stress in your life will make it easier to lose it. My program lowers stress and attacks visceral fat-the most dangerous fat! A recent clinical study performed by Dr. Varady UIC concluded that those who participated on this program lost 33% more visceral fat on their 30 day program than did those using other diets, such as the doctor recommended Heart Healthy Diet. Our system does so much more than change the outside view of our bodies. Look what happens on the inside. Not just weight loss ....healthy living at its best!
12.01.2022 Check out Christine's transformation. She is 51 and wouldn’t you agree that she looks incredible!!!! Guess what? She Feels even Better & Healthier!!... Here’s what Christine has to say: Don’t fall for your own BS. You get to create & choose your own limits AND your own excuses. I know I did...for YEARS!! I fought hard for my limits! These were a few of mine: "It’s too expensive. I already eat healthy. I could never do that." "That's way too hard." "I don't have time." "I couldn't give up carbs/sugar/dairy..." "It’s too late for me to change." I’m too old to start something like this. And you know what, I was right...because I believed those limitations. So they came true. Then one day I saw through my own bullshit and used the same energy, strength & tenacity to choose to change, and I DESTROYED those old limits. So the choice is really truly YOURS to make. I haven’t regretted it for a single minute!! It’s all about getting the proper nutrition!!" Hands up if any of what Christine shared resonates with you.
10.01.2022 If you were to continuously put take away, processed, deep fried unhealthy food in your mouth, then most likely you will be feeling sluggish, tired and hungry all the time. Sugars go up and down hense mood swings. You will get bloated easily and the chance of your body feeling like its swimming in muddy pool water is most likely. If you were to add great nutrition and cleanse days to your lifestyle, then most likely you will feel on top of your game, not sluggish, not tired and able to jump out of bed. You won’t have sugar cravings or want a nap in the afternoons because cleansing gives your vital organs a rest day and is filled with important herbs that the body relies on to run at its peak condition. Which pool are you swimming in
10.01.2022 I am thankful today and everyday for our lifestyle solutions that really are for every body and everybody Can you imagine having a transformation like this?! Well done Jennifer you look amazing
08.01.2022 100% hands down the truth! It drives me crazy when I see people cutting calories and starving themselves in order to get healthy or lose weight. Our incredible bodies NEED food to flourish. ... So stop with the deprivation, and fill it worth goodness.
07.01.2022 These are the four pillars of health I like to incorporate into my life to optimise a healthy lifestyle and ultimately age well! Healthy Eating - Good nutrition improves well being and reduces the risk of diet related chronic illnesses. It enables the body to function at its maximum capacity. Drinking Water - and plenty of it! Our bodies are made up of 60% water therefore it is essential to keep hydrated. Water is necessary for all body functions. ... Sleeping Well - and enough of it helps in many ways such as reducing stress, improving memory, lowering blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight, fighting illness and heart health. All of these lead to good physical health and emotional wellbeing. Working Out - Important for both physical and mental health. Exercising regularly assists with healthy weight maintenance and lowers the risk of disease and illness.
07.01.2022 Our bodies are made from the nutrients we extract from foods (without resembling those foods). The nutritional content of what we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, and hormones. Our bodies are literally manufactured out of the food we consume. Are you feeding your body enough of the right nutrients? What is your body made of #nutritionalcleansing #health #cleaneating
04.01.2022 Choose your hard!
03.01.2022 Hollie’s story I loved my body. Honestly I did.... And this was a spiritual journey for me But the more I give myself the power it really needs, the more my physical body transforms as well. I’ve been enjoying my gluten frizzle botanicals and nutrient rich products for a while now. And I can’t imagine a day without them. I believe in a body positive image. But I never showed my body before. Now I’m posing in my crop in front of mountains I love my spirit and my body that came with it Get started NOW....... message me how
01.01.2022 You are what you eat. Chose wisely!
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