Healthy You Nutrition & Kinesiology in Leongatha, Victoria | Nutritionist
Healthy You Nutrition & Kinesiology
Locality: Leongatha, Victoria
Phone: +61 408 039 079
Address: Shop C, 36 Bair Street 3953 Leongatha, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 This happen to anyone else over covid lockdown?
25.01.2022 Food/Nutrients and movement are very much linked to mental health... Food is Medicine is not just a saying, it’s a reality Try eating a diet clean of packaged foods, along with daily exercise for a month and see how your mood, attitude and overall vitally feels... ... It’s just 30 days peeps, you can do it and you won’t regret it
25.01.2022 Autoimmune Disease and COVID-19 If you have an autoimmune condition and you would like some more information on how it could effect you this is a good article to read
25.01.2022 Spring is here, which means new beginnings What are you going to clean out, cleanse, begin? When we clean/cleanse we create room for the new ... What is your first project going to be for spring? A new you, a less cluttered house, maybe some study? Maybe you’ve got that one room/cupboard in the house that you’ve been putting off cleaning? DO IT NOW... you’ll feel amazing
24.01.2022 One of the beautiful products Fettle & Joy stock Smells delicious
21.01.2022 What an AMAZING giveaway! Get on it
21.01.2022 A Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year to everyone! I will be back on deck on 7th January and look forward to supporting you in your health journeys through 2020. Wishing you all great health and happiness to come!
20.01.2022 Wow! I didn’t realise my last post was in April... whoops I have been practising some self care and a break from social media just felt right for a time The slowing down with work due to covid has allowed me to energise myself and I am feeling physically and mentally fabulous ... For those that don’t know, I am providing phone consultations if anyone is wanting/needing an appointment and I will be back in the office as soon as we come out of stage 3 restrictions Over the next few weeks I will let you know what I’ve been up to and what is coming up But for now I just wanted to say hi
19.01.2022 COMING SOON So excited to let you know my daughter Remi is opening her own beauty salon She is going to be joining me and sharing my clinic space and will be offering organic and toxic free treatments and products. ... I’m so very proud and can’t wait to share her vision with you all soon
19.01.2022 Healthy nuts Hubby likes salted nuts but most commercial brands have table salt and hydrogenized oils in them So to make a healthy version, I quickly fried up some raw nuts in beautiful coconut oil and sprinkled them with Celtic Sea salt... ... So very very easy to make healthy salted nuts... and he loves them
19.01.2022 ONLINE APPOINTMENTS All appointments will now be conducted via phone or online. If you currently have an appointment booked you should have received an email from me, if you haven’t please let me know. If you would like to book an online appointment please don’t hesitate to reach out
18.01.2022 Social distancing is real, don’t take it for granted
17.01.2022 water This time of year reminds me how important it is to drink water and hydrate our bodies, as we are so busy and also possibly having some extra cheer than we would normally have Water is one of the most important nutrients you consume, after all our bodies are made up of approximately 55-60% of it ... What are SOME of the roles water plays in the body: ** transport nutrients ** hydrate our cells ** helps cushion our bones/joints ** lubricate our joints ** helps remove waste ** regulates body temperature But how much water should we drink? Rule of thumb is your body weight in kg’s divided by 30. For example if you’re 80kg you would need 2.6 litres a day, on average. Now of course this depends on your movement throughout the day, the weather, and also the amount of caffeinated drinks you may consume. For example, if you drank 1 cup of coffee you would need to add in another 1.5 cups of water. Also remember not all water is equal. Where are you getting it from? Town water has loads of chemicals, tank water may be contaminated with bacteria’s, filtered water may take out the natural minerals. So much to think about Personally I use a Zazen water filter which not only filters the bad stuff out but also remineralises my water. I would love to hear what filters you use. Here are some tips to get enough daily water: > fill a jug and put it on the kitchen bench and have a glass every time you walk past > have a water bottle on your desk at work > put lemons, limes, mint, cucumber etc in your water to make it more enticing > set reminders in your phone > download apps to help remind you (yes there are loads of them) I would also love to hear if you have your own tips to get your daily quota of water So enjoy this time of year, but remember that all important nutrient, it’s more important than you think
12.01.2022 Got a little wet on our walk this morning! However beautiful rain that is much needed And Barry certainly didn’t care
10.01.2022 What’s good for the immune system? Bone broth Made and packaged up for the freezer in one cup serves. Ready to have a cup a day
08.01.2022 Stomach Acid Stomach acid is one of the body’s firsts lines of defence against unwanted guests, and it is critical to our digestive system working optimally. The stomach is meant to have a pH of 1.5-3, which is a very high acid content, yet antacid drugs are one of the highest prescribed medications on the pharmaceutical market. In fact they don’t even need to be prescribed you can easily access them over the counter.... Unknowingly people are likely doing damage rather than good, as they are not properly informed of how the body works. Why do we want to lower our stomach acid when our bodies are designed to have it so high and it is so critical to our health? Chris Kresser explains beautifully how important it is and how much damage we are seeing from these drugs. He has written a 5 part series which is well worth a read. In my practice it is one of the first things I work on with clients because of its important to our health. Hopefully you’ll think differently about antacid drugs after reading these articles and look to other reasons as to why you may be getting discomfort
08.01.2022 At the moment we are all trying to keep up to date with COVID-19 and some may say we are a bit obsessed! I have, for the past week, been listening to and reading information in various forms, including podcasts each morning on my walk. This morning on my walk I went to put one on and stopped and thought No! I’m going to take some time out from this crisis and have some me time! So I listened to the birds and some relaxing music instead. ... Please take some time out for yourselves, especially at the moment. Turn off the news, yours phones, radios etc and just be in the moment, your bodies will thank you for it
08.01.2022 I wanted to touch base with you regarding SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). There is conflicting information about the best way to support your body/immune system to avoid the virus, or at worst get a low dose, so at the moment I’m reluctant to give you information on supplemental recommendations. I will however keep listening and learning and give you information on this should I deem it to be valuable or proven. In the meantime here’s what we do know. About 80% of your immune system ...lives in the small intestine, so looking after gut health is very important. Obviously the healthier you are the better chance you have of not contracting the virus or only having a mild dose of the virus if you contract it. What sort of things can you do... * Eat nutrient dense foods - that means real food (grass fed ethically grown meat, organic fruit and veg where possible, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices), avoid processed foods (the easiest way to do this is make your food from scratch, not from a packet) * Eat a variety of carbohydrates (fruit and veg), animal protein and good healthy fats * Eat the rainbow - have a variety of colour on your plate * Drink plenty of water - our body’s contain around 60% water, lets keep that up * De-stress - this is of upmost importance. Stress can put a lot of pressure on our gut/immune system. Meditate, take a walk in the bush, laugh, create (maybe you’ve been wanting to do something for a long time), speak with friends, sing, listen to music, dance, talk about how you are feeling, don’t bottle it up. * Reports are saying the virus doesn’t like heat so drink hot drinks. Hot water and lemon, herbal teas etc * Keep moving and sweat. * Social connection - go for a walk in the bush/park 2 metres apart with friends or family, play tennis, golf, sit out doors in a park at a distance, talk on the phone, FaceTime... * Consume zinc containing foods- oysters, grass fed red meats, almonds, or good quality zinc supplements * Wash your hands for 20 seconds as much as you can (if you sing happy birthday twice this is about 20 seconds) * Social distancing - one of the most important things you can do - 6 feet or 2 metres away from each other. No kissing or hugging. * Only go out in public places if you need to ie: for food, medical care, work etc We need to do our bit to stop the spread of this virus. We need to respect it and not underestimate its strength. If we don’t our hospitals and medical staff are going to be over run and won’t be able to cope. I will post valuable articles, podcasts etc as they come to hand. Just remember our information is changing daily as the experts get a better understanding of this virus, the best we can do is keep up to date with that information. Again, stay calm, this is not the time to stress, stressing is not going to change ANY situation. Think about your actions and the actions of others. Be kind and look after those that can’t look after themselves
07.01.2022 A favourite haven’t got time to cook meal... Deconstructed sushi ** nori sheets... ** avocado ** cucumber ** salmon (favourite shown in pics) ** mayonnaise (not shown here, couldn’t be bothered whipping some up ) Can add cauliflower rice too Full of omegas, protein, healthy fats and minimal carbs, yum! Just stack and eat
07.01.2022 I can’t wait for everyone to try this beautiful organic range! Hopefully only a couple of weeks until Remi is up and running
06.01.2022 Lockdown again until Thursday 18th! I am available via phone, call if you need me Lockdown again until Thursday 18th! I am available via phone, call if you need me
06.01.2022 FOOD SENSITIVITIES I cannot wait to share these babies with you 150 vials of different foods and food chemicals ... Food sensitivities can cause all sorts of symptoms, here are just a few: ** aching muscles/joints ** digestive upsets - gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramps ** skin rashes ** brain fog ** fatigue/lethargy ** anxiety/depression (big one) ** headaches ** lower back pain - yep you may not need adjustments so often! ** sleep issues ** and many many many more Most recently I’ve been fighting with a pain in my bladder and lower back. As it turns out it was a sensitivity to pork Who would have guessed a food sensitivity would cause bladder pain Food sensitivities are not limited to digestive upsets, they can cause all sorts of weird, and not so wonderful, symptoms If you’d like to find out more about how I can test these little beauties on your body, message below or give me a call 0408039079
06.01.2022 Perfect day to get some Vitamin D and work in nature at the same time
04.01.2022 More exciting news! I love that Fettle & Joy will be offering so many beautiful organic, toxic free products! Our bodies will be so thankful Hopefully not too long until opening day
04.01.2022 Helloooooo!!! Long time no hear... from me I’m so sorry for the silence, I had a client contact me asking if I was alive and still practicing Yes I am on both accounts. If you are wanting an appointment please don’t hesitate to reach out! The start to this year has been extremely busy for me so posting on social media had to take a back burner. I won’t go into all the boring details but know that in the next two weeks things will quieten down significantly and I will have time to breath and start posting again AND with some new and exciting news! Hang in there, I will be back soon
03.01.2022 We all need a laugh at the moment
03.01.2022 Happy Iso Easter Everyone
02.01.2022 What to have for tea when you’ve got the can’t be bothereds? Left over sausages in lettuce cups what else Topped with cucumber, avocado and tomato relish... I’m sure I could have been more creative and added more but as I said, I just had the lazies (still has all the macros - protein, fats and carbs) ... Stack, wrap and eat
02.01.2022 Lovely weekend in the sunshine! Excited about my first lot of home grown beetroot, roasted and made into hummus Whilst waiting for them to roast, I made up some chia pudding for the week. ... As I always say, preparation is key to a healthy week of eating
02.01.2022 What are you grateful for? Now is the time to remember what we are grateful for. As we move further into this pandemic sadness, anger and lots of other emotions can be experienced. As we go through these emotions it’s really important to remember what we are grateful for, it has certainly helped me this week.... So tonight (and each night) before you go to sleep think about 3 things that you have been grateful for, it will make for a brighter tomorrow Today 3 things I was grateful for: * Telephones so I can talk to my children * The sun shining so I could be in the garden *. That I have animals to cuddle
02.01.2022 Update on Consultstions At this stage it is the advice of my Association that face to face consultstions will not take place until we are in Stage 1 or below. So for the time being telephone consultations (or zoom if you’d prefer) will stay in place until further notice ... Hopefully I’ll get to see your gorgeous faces some time soon
01.01.2022 Facials are back! I’m so excited to announce I can officially begin performing Facials and Facial Waxing again from the 23rd of November. I am taking booking...s right away - you will have to contact me directly for this (call/text/dm) as I have not opened this option up online yet. This is something I’ve been so excited to get back into and it gives everyone the opportunity to try my beautiful organic skincare
01.01.2022 Hormones Yes they can make you feel all kinds of crazy! At the start of the year, just before covid arrived, I finished a specialised course in hormone and adrenal health, which also allows me to do specialised lab testing.... It was amazing and I’m so excited to be able to share my knowledge with my clients. Over the next few weeks I’ll write about some important functions, or more commonly now days, dysfunctions that our hormones are responsible for! Some of the dysfunctions I’ve been working with clients on, or am wanting to work with clients on, are: ** adrenal dysfunction (stress, blood sugar etc) ** peri menopause (5-7 years before menopause) ** menopause and post menopause ** PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome) ** Endometriosis ** Fertility issues If you have, or suspect, any of the above, and are finding the symptoms difficult, please reach out, I’d love to help support your body and to navigate these issues holistically. There ARE other options than being medicated with fake hormones and pharmaceuticals, and I’d love to help We aim for happy hormones
01.01.2022 One of my upcoming ventures to tell you about is my current study of blood chemistry.... Not helpful when Kevin the cat comes for a cuddle and sits right on top of your notes!
01.01.2022 New Year Resolutions Have you made any yet? Or more importantly started implementing one? Mine is a biggy this year. I’d like to go the whole year with no alcohol. Say WHAAAAAAT!!!... Yup, I’m putting myself out there to you all. I do love a wine when I’m out with my buddies, sometimes 2,3 or 4, but for me it is very inflammatory and takes me days and days to repair and I would LOVE to cut it out for good But can I stay strong.... Alcohol is one of those things that people have their own opinions on (I’ve been one ) and think that there must be something wrong with you if you don’t drink and that you can’t be fun to go out with It is my goal this year is to prove that conception wrong (mainly for myself) and that I can be a fun human even when not drinking I’d love to have some New Years resolution buddies to support in our goals for 2021 no matter what they are If you have a goal for the year and would love some support please reach out, I’d love to hear from you
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