Healthy Party Girl | Public figure
Healthy Party Girl
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25.01.2022 If you’ve met me you may know my relationship with coffee is the strongest one in my life (no offence babe ). I enjoy a cup of coffee as a morning ritual, and have chosen to rely on its stimulation instead of turning to pharmaceuticals as part of my ADHD management strategy. HOWEVER. I know all too well the impact that caffeine has on cortisol, anxiety, sleep, concentration, exhaustion and all of the follow on effects of that.... About 3 years ago I took a week off coffee and I swear my brain departed... I took a couple of days off for a detox a couple of months ago and honestly may as well have stayed asleep, I was that useful. So it’s clear my brain has somewhat of a dependence For my own wellbeing I try to limit coffee to 1-2 cups per day, and definitely consider a few things as part of that; hydration beforehand and afterwards, waiting a little longer before pouring that first cup to allow my cortisol levels to come down a little, ideally having my coffee with breakfast instead of alone (getting better at this but still a WIP), and definitely sticking to the 1 cup at times of high stress and at the start of my cycle where my body benefits from something more like this dark hot chocolate (magnesium) and macadamia milk (good fats) with rose (used in herbal medicine for menstrual pain). As with everything; a little moderation and mindfulness goes a long way. You can pry my coffee from my cold, dead hands.
23.01.2022 I’m super stoked to have been shortlisted for a grant for The Blend by Beam Suntory’s IDEALAB. I created an in-depth 12 week holistic training program aimed at leading bar professionals to create ambassadors of change for a healthier hospitality industry, supported by leading brands consumed and shared responsibly. My vision is to see this rolled out across Australia & New Zealand so that we can improve the mental and physical health, social and emotional wellbeing of bartend...ers across the country. This is the kind of project I’ve been working on for a long time. I need your vote to help get me over the line. You can vote once per person per day, for the next week or so! Thanks for your support.
22.01.2022 This week I ran a training at work on the topic of Vermouth, one of my favourite beverage categories. Some fun facts about vermouth: Artemesia absinthinium is the wormwood used in absinthe and it’s also used in vermouth production Wormwood in wine was used by Hippocrates as a tonic for rheumatism, anaemia, and muscle/period pains as well as digestive complaints... Vermouth as we know it originated in the kingdom of Savoy (Parts of modern France/Italy) Martinis originally used sweet vermouth not dry vermouth, so ordering a dry martini referred to the vermouth type not quantity There is a Spanish phrase fer un vermut meaning to go for a vermouth, a relaxed social occasion (more please!) which was traditionally Sunday after church Australia has been producing vermouth since the mid-1800s and in the 1920s a popular drink was the Gin & French (ie. gin and dry vermouth... sound familiar?) Vermouth is a wine-based product and should be kept in the fridge for up to 1-3 months once opened. Was there anything new there for you? I love drinks that have a cool history, especially medicinal history like amaro and vermouth, and of course I love wine. Let me know if you’d like me to share more educational things like this! Pictured: snacks by @punkendrublic and @casamariolau Vermut Negre (black vermouth from Spain because #Halloween).
19.01.2022 A solid workout on a Friday calls for a solid pre-service sandwich. Toasted rye sourdough with homemade kale pesto, goats cheese for protein, grilled capsicum and zucchini, portobello mushroom, and avocado for good fats. I’m very fortunate to be working tonight and gearing up for a great Friday service. I’ll head in early to go over the wine and sherry pairing we have in store for our incredible set menu, and I look forward to seeing our lovely guests tonight. Nutrition, tick.... Workout, tick. Hydration, tick. Mindset, tick. Happy weekend, everyone!
17.01.2022 The last couple of months have been pretty hard, health-wise. Lots of blood tests and scans and even a trip to emergency. Women’s bodies are incredible and complex. I’m happy to say everything is fine now but with an opportunity to focus on my health for a bit I took the chance to get a Metabolic Balance Australia and New Zealand program by my friend Karen at Inspire Wellness that is totally tailored to my blood test results and backed by scientific evidence. The combination ...of general life stress, a pandemic, finishing my last semester of Psychology, work, and all the rest has definitely impacted my health and the way I feel in my body so I’m excited to see how that changes over the next few weeks. This was definitely an investment financially but your health is valuable so sometimes you need to do that. Money is well spent on good quality produce, professional support, and anything that will help you sleep
15.01.2022 It's a weird time for all of us. I've just gone through a week of my friends, colleagues, and even myself losing our jobs and our workplaces closing down. I spent the last few days carefully going out within guidelines to spend the tips I've been putting aside all year at my friends' venues while we waited for the inevitable shutdown. But now, here it is... and isolation can wreak havoc on your mental health, especially if you thrive on being productive and social, like lots ...of hospitality workers, who are also more prone to mental health challenges. What a killer combo. Nice one, rona. This article on discusses how a schedule can help during this time but if it's a bit hectic for you, you might like to try my simpler version: 1. Every day, do some movement: yoga, home workout, run, whatever you want. Have breakfast, shower and get dressed early like you're got something on. 2. Write a list of productive things you could do or give yourself a project to work on. If you don't have uni or some work to focus on or a book to write, maybe you want to smash out the BOTY exam when it happens, or learn about wine, or smash out everything on Ananas, or learn another language. Whatever. Do that for a good part of the day. 3. Do some kind of self-care or maintenance or chores like washing or painting your nails or cleaning your room or food prep or clean out your emails or do your taxes. 4. Connect with someone. Have lunch over Facetime with a mate or jump in a group Skype. Call instead of texting, video call when you can, regularly message colleagues or friends you'd normally just run into. 5. Do something fun. Netflix, true-crime podcasts, playing some music, painting, something that isn't productive. 6. Get some sunshine every day. 7. Take it easy on yourself. Some days you'll get caught up in social media, stay in bed all day, have an attack of loneliness, or feel like you've wasted a bunch of time. Just let yourself feel through the weird unfamiliar time we're having, get back on the horse, and know that it will pass soon. Sooner if we all stay the fuck inside.
11.01.2022 The Health and Wellbeing Queensland Healthy Kids Menu Award recognises and celebrates the efforts of Queensland restaurants and cafes championing healthy food choices for kids. Nominations for cafes or restaurants close August 24th.
11.01.2022 Today’s Lockdown Lowdown is all about Coping with Anxiety & Stress. I’ll be tuning in, will you? 4pm AEST but make sure you register to get the Zoom link! Thanks to Healthy Hospo and Brown Forman for hosting these sessions as we start gearing up to get back to work.
10.01.2022 A great start. But let me add: - take some off drinking or other vices - spend time in nature, no technology - reflect on your achievements + wins - connect with people close to you... - deal with your negative emotions - be kind to yourself See more
10.01.2022 Hello new friends! I’ve been doing a whole bunch of cool things lately so I thought it was probably time to (re)introduce myself. I’m a degree-qualified Clinical Nutritionist, health coach, sommelier and bartender with 18 years in hospitality and a bonus Psych degree plus a few other things...... I’m here for people who are passionate and dedicated to hospitality but need to change how they work before they burn out (or maybe it’s too late). It’s so isolating when you’re trying to be a better version of yourself while surrounded by a toxic industry that is already struggling with alcohol, shit food habits, worse hours and turbulent mental health. I get it. You can create a sustainable lifestyle that supports your health and career longevity without giving up knockoffs or leaving the industry entirely. My mission is to change the health of the hospitality industry, and I’m going to do it with a good drink in my hand.
09.01.2022 Now is the perfect time to get your sleeping habits back into a positive routine before we go full steam ahead again.
09.01.2022 I haven’t been 100% the last couple of days. Normally I would just push through but given how much I have on my plate right now, I can’t risk it. No to the gym and trying to get everything on my list done today and loading up on caffeine and Yes to rest and moving slowly and lots of water and nutrients instead. Self care will be dialled up today. I will head to the shops to stock up on the essentials and then head back to bed for the rest of the day. It feels like a bit of a ...nod to the angel who left her physical form on the weekend but always had incredible boundaries and self-care practices. Thank you for being such a great example Yvette. Post from @frandargaville
09.01.2022 How good is fresh produce? I love fresh food markets. There’s something so much more satisfying about buying fruit and veg there. The markets in Italy are lit but the ones here go alright too. Wherever you get your produce from, make sure you’re getting plenty in your diet every day. At least 1-2 meals should be heavy on a variety of veg, no matter what your roster or staff meal looks like.... Need some help with your nutrition or food ideas? I’m now taking expressions of interest for nutrition consults and coaching while my practitioner registration is pending. Ya girl is now a Bachelor degree certified clinical nutritionist, so get into my DMs if you’re keen
08.01.2022 Feeling like everything is just a bit much right now? Give this a burl. Help bring everything back down to ground level.
07.01.2022 My home venue Alba Bar & Deli is hosting a fundraiser for The White Jacket Effect on Monday night and we would love to see you there. The team has put together some great silent auction items and we'll be slinging low ABV drinks and delicious snacks with produce donated from our supporters. Depending on what we raise, White Jacket will be able to provide our staff with mental health training to help support the industry as whole. Get your tickets now and we'll see you then!
07.01.2022 don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it G’day champions. If you’re anything like me, part of your daily isolation routine has including binging Nat's What I Reckon videos and laughing yourself sick. Definitely keeping the spirits high around these parts. Thanks mate.... Two things: 1. #fuckjarsauce. If you’ve picked up the kitchen tools and cooked yourself something because of this legend, you’re also a legend. Encouraging people to cook from scratch is literally a Public Health Service. Fantastic. 2. A lot of people are having a very shit time at the moment because of isolation, major changes to their daily routine, financial insecurity, unemployment, oh and a global fucking pandemic. Understandable. I just listened to Nat’s interview for The Big Anxiety Festival for which he was an ambassador, so you might like to hear it: I’ve been doing mostly alright by having things to keep me productive, exercising most days, cooking, lying on the floor with the dog when it all gets a bit much, listening to excellent music, catching up with people on the phone, and hanging out with my housemates. If it’s all a bit much for you at times, do reach out to a mate or a family member or slide into my DMs. Also, please share your best cooking and comedy delights in the comments. Cheers
07.01.2022 My commitment to the #gothlife extends to black lace and pencil skirts in the bar, and don’t you know it. Real talk: recently I posted a photo that I had taken for my Nanna, by a wonderful photographer in a workplace I am incredibly proud of. I sent it to my Mum for her to arrange it to be printed and framed and... she photoshopped it. A small waist nip she said. Ouch. I’m a size 10, I have a muscular build, I’m a healthy weight, I’m active and I eat well. But I work in... hospitality, have a history of anxiety and depression, hormonal issues, eating disorders and drug use, and I’m in my thirties. None of this sets me up to be super lean without substantial effort, but I’m healthy. Which is the important part. What on earth has society come to that this seemed like an appropriate action to take? I don’t blame her at all but instead question the messages in society that this seemed like a thing to do. I’m hurt and I’m disappointed. I look at this body and struggle to accept it sometimes but for the most part I am proud of what she’s done and proud to be strong and fit and resilient and curvy in all the right places (there are no wrong places imo because women are fire). Don’t give your daughters messages otherwise, ever. It’s taking some effort to shake this one off, to be honest, and I have better things to do with my brain space than worry about whether someone else thinks my waist is small enough
06.01.2022 The anatomy of a salad that doesn’t suck. Green leafies of your choosing - 4 leaf mix. A couple of different colours - carrot, red cabbage. Something roasted with spices - butternut squash. Some blanched cruciferous- broccoli florets.... A bit of of carbohydrate - leftover brown rice (also fibre) Some good fats - walnut pieces (double as crunch) and light sprinkle of olive oil. Flavour bombs - bacon bits and sliced olives. Say no to bland and boring salads. Make something delicious and you’ll be more likely to eat your vegetables. Lots of goodness in this bowl but even I find it hard to convince myself to eat well if it doesn’t taste good too. Have a Great Friday legends
06.01.2022 This year has been a huge year, with or without a pandemic. Big job changes, finishing degrees, moving house, and all the personal projects and social occasions and even some health issues thrown in the mix. It’s enough to leave one feeling quite burned out and fatigued. My love suggested we get out of town and head to Noosa for a quick getaway, so apart from eating some incredible food, we also slept for ten hours, woke up in nature, and got to put our feet in the ocean.... Definitely feeling a little recharged and ready for another big week ahead. So grateful for this human, and the opportunity to take a quick break and nourish my soul.
06.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago we went on excursion to @thefallsfarm to pick snow peas and Warragul greens and learn where some of our most interesting produce comes from that gets used in the kitchen at @albabaranddeli. A couple of things it reminded me of: How good it is to get into nature and connect to the earth, especially when it comes to our food supply. It’s so easy to forget that there are farmers and growers producing these fresh, nutritious, and interesting things that end ...up on our plates. It also reminded me of the pure joy of harvesting straight from the tree/bush/vine, how kids can be our greatest teachers (look how excited this little one is about choosing veg for dinner), and why switching off to go road tripping with friends to get into the dirt should be part of everyone’s regular plans. More please. @ The Falls Farm
05.01.2022 What are you avoiding that would actually make a positive impact on your life? Mine was cleaning my room. Now that it’s tidy and organised and vacuumed (I imagine a chorus of angels and rays of holy light shining from the heavens) I feel much better about my space, my life, my capacity to adult in general... Do the thing. It’s probably not that bad and you’ll feel heaps better for it. Promise.
04.01.2022 Normally I think trends are a crock but these ones hold up. Less faddy and more based on balance and moderation, and things which are pleasurable in a context of wellbeing. What do you think?
04.01.2022 One of my intentions this year was to cook more; I used to cook most nights and loved it. Some of my more long-term followers will be familiar with my meal plans and basically full-time feeding of an athlete. Last night I cooked a whole Parrot fish with garlic, ginger, chilli, bamboo, lime, fish sauce, and a little coconut sugar, dressed it with spring onion and coriander, served it with coconut rice and Chinese broccoli. And a vegan, gluten-free chocolate and ginger tart mad...e on coconut milk to finish. I love baking, I just don’t have a sweet tooth so I need to push it on other people! This is rich and delicious though. Not shown: pork and chive, and shiitake and vegetable dumplings made by hand. Eaten immediately. No time for photos. Real food, delicious things, good company, that’s what dining is all about. @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
03.01.2022 I’m making a concerted effort to eat more vegetables lately, so tonight dinner was soba noodle soup with miso and a bonito and chicken broth, shiitake, pak choy, broccolini, and nori. Miso is rich in vitamins and minerals, beneficial bacteria for the gut, and packs an umami flavour punch. Bonito contains a high percentage of protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.... Nori is a powerhouse of nutrients including essential and trace minerals, vitamins and chlorophyll. Actually a superfood. I probably don’t need to tell you about the benefits of eating your vegetables, but shiitake is amazing for your immune system, and they have anti-aging effects and potent antioxidant qualities. Not quite #meatfreemonday but definitely upping the vegetable intake for today. It’s much easier when things are delicious.
03.01.2022 Bar babes! Get amongst this Diageo Bar Academy session on Wellbeing this week. Thanks team for including these great initiatives while we’re stuck at home.
02.01.2022 A timely post for those in the industry. It’s been one hell of a ride this year and I think a lot of people are feeling the impact at the moment. Look after yourself, and if you’re feeling tip-top, reach out to your circle and make sure no one is left behind
02.01.2022 Sundays are for smoothie bowls. In the warmer weather, the food that I reach for intuitively changes. More fruit, cooling foods like salads, smoothies, rice paper rolls, sushi... and lighter foods like fish and salad vegetables instead of meats and starchy veg. Eating seasonally is a great way to get the most flavour out of your produce, ensure you’re eating more locally and more nutritious foods, and not spending precious carbon miles for food stagnating in cargo holds an...d cool rooms. It’s also a great way to tune in to what your body is craving with different seasons and sunlight hours. Today’s smoothie bowl: açai, mixed berries and coconut (all 3 frozen ones from Creative Gourmet - I just bought them at Coles, no need for expensive ingredients), and banana blended with almond milk and topped with fresh blueberries, mango, nuts and seeds. Full of nutrients after a huge week and fuelling me up for a whole day of sweet FA. You’ll find me by the pool with my book
02.01.2022 A mental health reality check from Daniel Noble of Old Mate's Place thanks to Australian Bartender magazine
02.01.2022 For those of us who are starting to return to the bar, I’m sure I’m not the only one who is finding it a small adjustment after a couple of months off I found these Diageo Bar Academy tips really helpful so I hope you do too. I’m so grateful to be back at work and I hope it’s not long for the rest of you!
02.01.2022 My friends at Healthy Hospo are launching a fantastic new thing. The novelty of isolation is wearing off and now is a great time to set yourself up with some healthy habits for when it’s time to get back to work. Join in these sessions and let me know what you think! I’ll be tuning in too
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