Hearing Business Alliance | Organisation
Hearing Business Alliance
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25.01.2022 Registrations are open for our seminar in Melbourne next month. Come along to learn about the significant changes facing the hearing health sector and how your business can combat these.
23.01.2022 Following the 3 HBA small business seminars held in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne last week, HBA will continue this week with seminars in both Adelaide and Perth on Wednesday 1st August and Thursday 2nd August respectively. HBA is a recognised small business body in hearing and HBA is very focused and committed on supporting all small business owners in hearing. This current series of HBA Seminars are being held across the country to update our Members, and all other small... business owners on both the Challenges and Opportunities that we face in todays market. If you are a small business owner in the hearing sector and would like to attend either the Adelaide or Perth seminars this week, then please email HBA at [email protected] to secure your seat. We look forward to welcoming you to the events. HBA Board
22.01.2022 The preliminary Program is now available for our 28th & 29th February 2020 seminar. Registrations are now open and can be accessed on the HBA website: https://www.hearbusiness.com.au/
21.01.2022 The HBA Business seminars commence this week in Brisbane on 24th July, followed by Sydney and Melbourne over the next 2 evenings respectively. If you are a small business owner and have not reserved your seat for the Seminars this week, then there are still some seats available at Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Please email [email protected] to reserve your seats. If you are not able to attend these events, but would like to have more information, then please ema...il HBA to request an update after the Seminars. On behalf of the HBA Board, we look forward to welcoming all HBA members and all small business owners to the Seminars this week. HBA Board
21.01.2022 It's been a busy day in Canberra on World Hearing Day. I've been talking to Politicians tonight at Parliament House about members of HBA, and how important it is to have a healthy and robust small business representation in the hearing health sector. I also spoke with the Hon. Mark Coulton MP, Minister with responsibility for the Hearing Services Program. It was a privilege to represent HBA tonight at the launch of the Parliamentary Friends of Hearing Health and Deafness. ...Jane MacDonald Executive Officer See more
21.01.2022 ACAud Conference Day 2 in Brisbane Friday 3rd May 2019. Thank you to all members and other small business owners who have come to the HBA Stand on the first Day of the ACAud conference. If you are a small business owner, and have not spoken with us, then we would like to invite you to come and speak with HBA today. The Hearing Business Alliance (HBA) is focused on supporting the business needs of all small business owners in the hearing sector. As the recognised small bus...iness body for all hearing business owners, HBA continues to engage all industry stakeholders, including both Government and non-Government organisations, with the aim of protecting the viability of small business in the hearing sector. So, if you are attending the ACAud Conference today and would like to know more about the changes within the hearing market, HBA activities to support small business owners and other potential benefits of HBA membership, please come and speak to us at to our ACAud Conference stand, 2 4th May 2019. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer
20.01.2022 Why attend HBAs business seminar on Friday 28th February and Saturday 29 February at Sofitel Melbourne on Collins? Check out our website for details on speakers, topics and learning objectives. The seminar is open to HBA members and non-members. Come along and hear the opening address by Ms Kate Carnell AO, Small Business Ombudsman. Hear from Government representatives. Will you be compliant with the changes to the Hearing Services Program by 1 April 2020? Are you aware of,... and prepared for, changes occurring to hearing services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme, as of 1 July 2020? Are you thinking of becoming a business owner, operating in the hearing health sector? We have a panel of business and legal experts speaking about opportunities brought about by changes to our industry. This seminar runs from lunch-time Friday 28 February until 5pm Saturday 29 February, so there is minimal down-time in absence from work. Come along for the opportunity to speak with all our corporate sponsors, who will each have a display throughout the seminar. Come to our Gala Dinner- sponsored by GN - which is included in the full registration. This provides a great opportunity to interact with our sponsors and to network with other business-owners. (Extra tickets can also be purchased for the dinner if you would like to bring a friend or partner). All three Professional Bodies have approved our seminar for endorsed CPD points: ACAud: Approved for up to 9.25 points (Approval Number 202007) AudA: Approved for up to 9.25 points (Endorsement No: CPD 1920054, Friday: Category 1.1 - 3.5 points, Saturday: Category 1.1 - 5.75 points) HAASA: Approved for up to 4.75 points (Approval Number CPED 2018-2020/ 2020-006) For more information, or to register, visit www.hearbusiness.com.au or phone Jane MacDonald, Executive Officer, on 0419 524 574
20.01.2022 If you are attending the ACAud Congress this week, please come along and say hello to us on the HBA Trade Display Stand. Or better still, meet us for a drink there during the Welcome Function on Thursday (4pm - 6pm). We would love the opportunity to chat with you, face to face, to let you know what we have been doing to represent small business in the Hearing Sector. https://www.acaud.com.au/event/acaud-national-congress-2019
20.01.2022 I was honoured to be invited to represent the Hearing Business Alliance in a collaborative brain-storming day today with Better Hearing Australia (Vic), along with a group of inspirational people. at PwC Riverside Quay
18.01.2022 Still want to attend the HBA Seminar this week in Melbourne but have not registered? The seminar program is on our website. https://www.hearbusiness.com.au/agenda Online registration has closed but it is not too late to register for the seminar. Please email HBAs Executive Officer, Jane MacDonald directly on [email protected] Join other small business owners from across Australia to hear about the industry changes and possible business strategies to help deal with these changes
17.01.2022 ACAud Conference Day 3 in Brisbane Saturday 4th May 2019. If you are attending the ACAud Conference this morning and have been meaning to come to the HBA Stand, then you still have an opportunity this morning. If you need coffee to function we probably can help you as well!... The Hearing Business Alliance (HBA) is focused on supporting the business needs of all small business owners in the hearing sector. So, if you would like to know more about the changes within the hearing market, HBA activities to support small business owners and other potential benefits of HBA membership, please come and speak to us at to our ACAud Conference this morning. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer
16.01.2022 Some HBA members have asked whether the Hearing Services Program will be responding to the recent ACCC announcements. All HSP providers should have received a letter detailing their responsibilities under Australian Consumer Law.
16.01.2022 In response to the ABC AM Radio episode on the 8th February 2019: HBA finds it regrettable that just weeks before the release of the Hon. Minister Wyatts Roadmap for Hearing a negative media campaign regarding our profession has ensued, and this may draw attention away from the positive work being done in our sector. HBA has proudly participated as a Roadmap for Hearing Committee member. This document has strategic implications for consumers and all stakeholders, incl...uding small businesses. It sets out future reform directions and priorities for the hearing sector that will lead to short-, medium and long-term improvements in hearing health for all Australians. HBA welcomed the ACCC Report in 2017 and is of the opinion that the industry has both respected and responded to the findings. HBA accepts the response of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Hearing Health which stated that Government did not intend to pursue regulation of the audiology and audiometry professions under AHPRA. HBA continues to support our members amidst ongoing damaging coverage which could have direct negative consequences on their small hearing businesses.
14.01.2022 The Board of HBA would like to extend best wishes for a safe, happy and restful Christmas break. May 2020 be a great year for all!
14.01.2022 https://audiology.eventsair.com/hba2020seminar/register Registrations are now open for HBAs Business Seminar, 28 & 29 February 2020. Open to members and non-members, spaces are limited. So register early to avoid disappointment!
14.01.2022 The Hearing Services Program has advised that there was an error in their previous advice regarding time frames for sending relocation files. The correct time frame for transferring files is 7 business days. The relocation notification emails will be corrected to return to the original wording of 7 business days. HBA apologises for any confusion this may have caused.
12.01.2022 22nd November 2018 HBA Members Benefit Gain Hearing Network Dear Members,... In line with HBAs Mission Statement to support, protect and promote independent hearing care businesses, so we can deliver the best cost-effective care to our clients, the HBA Board has been focused on ensuring that our membership is fully represented with all stakeholders, including both government and non-government bodies. Recently, the HBA Board has also looked at providing our membership with a range of other potential business benefits that could provide additional assistance to the members business. In line with this, we are pleased to confirm that HBA has entered into a business relationship with a new Industry Buying Group called the Gain Hearing Network (GHN). Through this, should you as an HBA member choose to join the GHN Buying Group, we have negotiated for your business to have a complimentary membership of the GHN Buying Group. We would like to inform you that GHN Buying Group membership is voluntary, and all HBA members need to contact GHN directly if they would like to discuss their potential GHN membership. For your information, HBA has no financial interest in this business relationship with GHN and no commissions will be paid by either organisation as part of the agreement. If you would like to know more about the Gain Hearing Network and what they can offer your business, please contact them on 0417 344 545 or [email protected] Thank you and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer Hearing Business Alliance Ltd.
12.01.2022 The Government commissioned a review of the NDIS. Mr David Tune, AO PSM (who presented at HBAs seminar last year) has finished the review. Please read the attached. Currently NDIS participants with hearing services in their plan receive in-kind services through the Hearing Services Program, with Hearing Australia mostly providing this service. A principle of the NDIS for participants is provider choice. From 1 July NDIS participants who have hearing services included in thei...r plan will cease to receive hearing services through the HSP. Approximately 40,000 clients currently receiving services through the HSP may transition from the HSP Community Services Obligation stream to seek other providers. NDIA is planning that participants over the age of 7 years will also be able to access services from the appropriate NDIS-registered providers. The Government is encouraging hearing providers to register to be a NDIS provider as soon as possible to accommodate these changes. The Government envisages that the provider market will develop. Is your business ready for this? You can learn more about this at our seminar in Melbourne on February 28 & 29 when representatives from the NDIA, the Department of Social Services and the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission will be presenting. You can register on HBAs website. The seminar is open to HBA members and others. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer https://www.nds.org.au//tune-review-maps-positive-path-for
11.01.2022 HBA are holding a series of Business Seminars for small business owners commencing 24th July to update the market on the current challenges that are faced by small business. Please see the attached flyer for specific dates and venues. These seminars are Free Events for all HBA members and their guests, as well as other small business owners. Seats are limited, so if you would like an opportunity to be fully informed on the current small business challenges; HBAs activities ...in supporting small business owners and our business partnership with a New Industry Buying group, please contact us [email protected] or call 0419 524 574 to book your seats. We look forward to welcoming you to the seminars. HBA Board
11.01.2022 Its been a busy day in Canberra on World Hearing Day. Ive been talking to Politicians tonight at Parliament House about members of HBA, and how important it is to have a healthy and robust small business representation in the hearing health sector. I also spoke with the Hon. Mark Coulton MP, Minister with responsibility for the Hearing Services Program. It was a privilege to represent HBA tonight at the launch of the Parliamentary Friends of Hearing Health and Deafness. ...Jane MacDonald Executive Officer See more
10.01.2022 HBA Chair Don MacDonald met last week with Richard Fleming from the ACCC. The ACCC continues to investigate business arrangements between hearing providers and GP clinics which may disrupt referral pathways for Hearing Services Program-eligible patients. HBA members: please check your email, we have sent an update with further information regarding this to you today. https://www.accc.gov.au//leading-australian-hearing-clinic
10.01.2022 The Board of HBA would like to thank all of our sponsors for assisting us to provide our February seminar at a reasonable cost to our members! Jane MacDonald Executive Officer
10.01.2022 The Hearing Health Sector Alliance has had two successful days of meetings in Canberra. We met with the Hon. Minister Mark Coulton, Trent Zimmerman MP, Representatives from the Department of Human Services, Department of Social Services and Department of Health, including Mr Chris Carlile, Assistant Secretary of the Hearing Services Program and Ms Skye Rogers, Director- Hearing Policy Section of the Hearing Services Program. Areas of discussion included: Action priorities u...nder the Roadmap for Hearing Health Recommendations under the Still Waiting to be Heard report Transition of hearing services under the NDIS Paediatric audiology services under the NDIS Changes under the HSP Therapeutic Goods Administration classification of hearing devices Growing the Hearing Health Sector Alliance HICAPS We are pleased that HBA is able to work collaboratively and constructively with governments to implement the Roadmap for Hearing Health, as an Executive Member of the Hearing Health Sector Alliance. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer
10.01.2022 We have finalised our agenda for the seminar on the 28th June. We have secured an interesting panel of speakers. We are looking forward to welcoming our members and guests at the Novotel on Collins. Non-members are welcome to attend and tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/hba-business-seminar-melbou
07.01.2022 A delegation from Government including Mr Chris Carlile, Assistant Secretary of the Hearing Services Program, Ms Skye Rogers, Director- Hearing Policy Section of the Hearing Services Program and Ms Raelene Johnston from the Department of Human Services flew to Mildura yesterday for a day-long meeting with Don MacDonald, Hearing Business Alliance Chair and Jane MacDonald, Hearing Business Alliance Executive Officer. They were interested to see firsthand, and learn more about, ...hearing services delivered in remote rural areas. We were very appreciative of the opportunity to discuss challenges faced by small-medium business hearing service providers delivering hearing services under the HSP and the NDIS, in addition to other paediatric and adult diagnostic and rehabilitative work. We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively and constructively with governments to implement the Roadmap for Hearing Health, as an Executive Member of the Hearing Health Sector Alliance. Thank you to our members who continue to raise issues with us, enabling HBA to represent your business interests. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer
07.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW? Relocation request emails from the Hearing Services Program used to state that you had 7 business working days in which to prepare and send the client file to the new provider and more recent emails state you only have 5 business days. We have queried this with the HSP and have been advised THE 7 DAYS QUOTED EARLIER WAS AN ERROR. As of late September, this has been corrected and now relocation notification emails state you only have 5 business days: Under the He...aring Services Rules of Conduct 2012: Part 3, 12b Part 3 Rules about providing hearing services 12 Voucher holders relocating between contracted service providers (1) A contracted service provider must not request a voucher-holders records from another contracted service provider without written authority from the voucher-holder. (2) If a contracted service provider (old provider) receives from another contracted service provider (new provider): (a) a written request for the records the old provider keeps about a voucher holder; and (b) the voucher holders written authority to hand over the records, the old provider must provide the records to the new provider within 5 business days. (3) When providing records under subrule (2), the old provider must provide: (a) the voucher-holders complete original file (with the exception of original claim forms); and (b) copies of the original claim forms. See more
06.01.2022 Australias peak hearing health sector organisations are joining forces to represent the hearing health sector in Australia to government. As a peak industry body, the Hearing Business Alliance is extremely proud to be a founding member of the Hearing Health Sector Alliance. We are working hard to ensure small business always has a voice.
06.01.2022 Notification of HBA Executive Officer Appointment and HBA Board Changes The Board of Hearing Business Alliance is delighted to announce the appointment of our first Executive Officer, Ms Jane MacDonald. Jane is an experienced Audiologist and business owner, who is a passionate advocate for small business. She will commence her role on the 17th September 2018. Additionally, I would like to announce that Stephen Logan, HBAs Company Secretary, is stepping down from that positio...n, whilst remaining on the HBA Board. This will allow Stephen to concentrate on his new role as General Manager of the Gain Hearing Network. Stephen has kindly agreed to continue as acting Company Secretary until Jane assumes her role. HBA is proud to be partnering with the Gain Hearing Network in their endeavour of bringing an Industry buying group to the small business sector in hearing. Thank you Donald MacDonald HBA Chair
06.01.2022 In todays ever-changing hearing environment, the Hearing Business Alliance (HBA) is focused on supporting the business needs of all small business owners. As the recognised small business body for all hearing business owners, HBA continues to engage all industry stakeholders, including both Government and non-Government organisations, with the aim of protecting the viability of small business in the hearing sector. If you would like to know more about the changes within the... hearing market, HBA activities to support small business and other potential benefits of membership, please come and speak to us at to our ACAud Conference stand 2 4th May 2019. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer
06.01.2022 HBA was proud to partner with Audiology Australia to present a workshop on Friday to provide information about Best Practice Record Keeping, Managing and Mitigating Legal Risk and Compliance Requirements Under the New Hearing Services Program Contract.
05.01.2022 The Hearing Health Roadmap has now been published on the Department of Healths website: http://www.health.gov.au//publishin/Content/portal-Hearing HBA is proud to have had the opportunity to represent our members when working cooperatively together with other stakeholders through the Hearing Health Sector Committee to address the six identified domains which will impact the hearing healthcare needs of Australians. ... These are: enhancing awareness and inclusion; closing the gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ear and hearing health; preventing hearing loss; identifying hearing loss; providing support; and enhancing the sectors workforce. Within each domain, the Roadmap sets out future directions and priorities for the hearing sector that will lead to short (next two years), medium (three to five years) and long-term (five to seven years) improvements in hearing health for all people in Australia. Where appropriate, the domains reference particular life-stages, research and monitoring needs, and steps towards closing the gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Why does Australia need a Roadmap for Hearing Health? So that the diverse partners that make up our hearing sector can come together to discuss and agree on the steps to take us towards our destination to equitably support all Australians who are deaf or hard of hearing to live well in the community, and to ensure all Australians value their hearing. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer
04.01.2022 If you are attending the Audiology Australia Sound Exchange in Alice Springs this week, please come along and say hello to us on the HBA Trade Display Stand. We would love the opportunity to chat with you, face to face, to let you know what we have been doing to represent small business in the Hearing Health Sector.
03.01.2022 The Hearing Business Alliance (HBA) is focused on supporting the business needs of all small business owners. As the recognised small business body for all hearing business owners, HBA continues to engage all industry stakeholders, including both Government and non-Government organisations, with the aim of protecting the viability of small business in the hearing sector. If you are attending the ACAud Conference and would like to know more about the changes within the hearing... market, HBA activities to support small business owners and other potential benefits of HBA membership, please come and speak to us at to our ACAud Conference stand 2 4th May 2019. Jane MacDonald Executive Officer
03.01.2022 Were all set up and looking forward to seeing you at the ACAud Congress tomorrow! Come along and meet our Board- theyre all here in Brisbane- and chat to us about how we can support small business in the Hearing Sector.
02.01.2022 My first week as Executive Officer of HBA has been a busy one, having met with Stephen Logan in Melbourne for handover. I would like to thank Stephen for the considerable contribution he has made to HBA to date. I look forward to working with Stephen and the other Members of the HBA Board.
02.01.2022 Hearing Business Alliance Names Jane MacDonald as New Chief Executive Officer Date: Thursday 7th May 2020 The Board of Hearing Business Alliance (HBA) would like to announce that they have appointed Ms Jane MacDonald to the leadership role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO).... With the continued growth of HBA’s role as the Peak Small Business Body within the hearing sector, including HBA’s Executive Role on the Hearing Health Sector Alliance (HHSA), the HBA Board has created this new leadership role to ensure that HBA can continue to serve the membership’s best interests and also to assist in maintaining a strong and financially viable small business sector within hearing. The HBA Board would like to unanimously acknowledge the work that Jane has put into her current role as Executive Officer and believe that we are fortunate to have someone of Jane’s calibre and experience to take on this role. The HBA Board acknowledges that we are at a critical moment within our industry and that this leadership change is a positive step forward to continue to successfully implement our strategy and assist the small business sector to take advantage of the market opportunities ahead. Jane will report directly to the HBA Board and will commence in the CEO role with immediate effect. We would like to congratulate Jane on her appointment and wish her every success in her new leadership role.
01.01.2022 It has been a great privilege to represent the Hearing Business Alliance in Canberra for Hearing Awareness Week and I have taken every opportunity to advocate for equal opportunity and a level playing field for small business providers in the hearing health sector, including conversations with: Hon. Mark Coulton MP, Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government, with responsibility for the Hearing Services Program. Hon. Paul Fletcher MP, Mini...ster for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts. Mr Trent Zimmerman MP, Chair, Parliamentary Inquiry into Hearing Health. Dr Mike Freelander MP, Co-Chair of Parliamentary Friends of Hearing Health and Deafness, and Deputy Chair of Parliamentary Inquiry into Hearing Health. Senator Hollie Hughes, Chair of Select Committee on Autism. Hon. Chris Bowen MP, Shadow Minister for Health. Hon. Bill Shorten MP, Shadow Minister for NDIS and Government Services. Hon. Linda Burney MP, Shadow Minister for Families and Social Services and for Preventing Family Violence. Mr Steve Georganas MP, Committee member of Parliamentary Inquiry into Hearing Health. Ms Zali Steggall OAM MP Dr Fiona Martin MP, Co-Chair of Parliamentary Friends of Hearing Health and Deafness. Mr Chris Carlile, Assistant Secretary, Department of Health, Hearing Services Program. Ms Sarah Hawke, Branch Manager of the Participant Outcomes Branch, Department of Social Services. Representatives of the Hearing Health Sector Alliance, of which HBA is an Executive Member. See more
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