Heart Reach Australia | Non-profit organisation
Heart Reach Australia
Phone: +61 7 5476 9444
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25.01.2022 It has happened. Over a year in becoming reality.. but when we finally, finally got going.. a few weeks saw it done! The wreck of a shack given to a family with no where else to go.. has been transformed into a new, well appointed, comfortable home! Power, toilet, shower, lighting, kitchen, sinks, basin, tiles floors, ceilings, windows and doors... all done lovingly by people who cared. They were locals. They know Quyen and Quynh's situation. They wanted to help. New World Sa...igon Hotel gave the materials.. Heart Reach Australia, through charity fundraising, paid the many labourers. Today the furniture went back. Today the smiles replaced the folorn expressions so often seen in this country. Thank you is what they said.. but teas were there as they spoke. I can only say 'same same'.. to you who have ben part of this journey. When you visit Vietnam.. this place is 50 metres off the main Hanoi Highway, in Dong Ha. You will be welcome. Whatever the season or weather, it glows with the warmth of love and gratitude. If you helped in making this a rteality, then share the glow. It keeps me grounded in reality.. it is not expensive lavish living, fame or recognition.. it is seeing lives changed forever! That is better than any gong the Queen can give, eh! Quyen and Quynh.. we wish you a happy life and a wonderful future! See more
25.01.2022 Heart Reach Australia is maintaining a commitment to so many vulnerable kids in Vietnam... despite the fears and media hype that is not making their life any easier! The virus that is now global, is currently not heavily impacting the Mekong or central old border region.. where most of the kids we assist mostly live.. but things can change. We are ensuring funds reach families and the kids who are suffering not just from extreme poverty but also the fears and social reaction...s to all that is going on. Sponsors and those who donate funds can know we have taught well the hygiene and health practices so essential currently.. especially hand washing and personal cleanliness. Schools are still largely in recess.. extended.. but many have home study and using their time well. We work through both the schools and our people on the ground to maintain both support and oversight of each child and families situation. We can assist as required, and they are still so happy and encouraged by the people who care and sponsor them. I am like many others.. and have had to delay the normal trips to Vietnam.. and use both social media and emails to maintain communication. It is amazing how happy and excited the kids are when contact is made.. always positive and always big smiles!! Hopefully A bit later in the year travel will be open. We also are so aware of all of our HRA family in Australia and Vietnam. Please stay safe and healthy.. panic solves nothing.. and washing hands is worth more than face masks for most people who are not infected! A lot of the poor kids who have access to social media.. they all seem able to get that.. send love and good wishes! They have nothing, but wish us everything! Poverty gives a great perspective on life! Thank you all for your support. We were asked to add a Paypal tab to our website.. this is currently being done in the Donate section. www.heartreachaustralia.com We will try to keep everyone updated, but at this stage we are seeing all the kids happy and healthy, continuing their life and very thankful. It is why we keep on doing this. 30 years this month! Amazing where God takes us eh! So many lives changed and so many stories.. Chris See more
24.01.2022 Poverty never removes the smiles of the kids! It does not take away their shy Hello.. or happy laughter as they play with better off kids who don’t differentiate! But neither does it allow for daily food.. soap or toothpaste or many so common items they desperately need.. and we can only give them when we get sponsors! So this trip just past is another example of amazing kids.. but desperately poor. The pics I took here were just before a thief in a motorbike ride past and lifted it from my hands as I was texting a reply for a meeting! The photo with my phone was the last I would use it. My interpreter sent the pic from her phone. This is the poverty environment surrounding such young lives! Check our website and sponsor a child.. these kids need your help! Together.. we can make a difference! Thank you all who help us help them!
24.01.2022 Peter Brock.. Aussie Holden icon and racing car legend! Till his tragic death in 2006, Peter was Patron of Heart Reach Australia. An old school mate of HRA founder and director, Chris was present at many races and has some rare signed and signature embroidered items to auction at the Charity Golf Day in HCMC on Jan. 26. There are no more.. this is a chance to not just have fun but buy a piece of history.. and help Vietnam’s poor kids and families in the process! Be at the golf day to grab one of these last items of PB’s history! Also up for grabs.. the Aussie girls league playing top from tests in Newcastle 2026. Donated to help our programs. More history here!! Wear this with pride!!
23.01.2022 After the disappointment onMonday of having our donation box at Banjo’s bakery in Maroochydore.. stolen by a couple of young teens.. and especially as it was full and ready to go to childrennin Ben Tre and Dong Ha.. I have amazed at people’s responses. So many share my disgust and sadness at such an act. But today one man came to Banjo’s and gave $100! I was very emotional.. it is not a common reaction. Thank you so much to that man. It will be well used. Thanks to Banjo’s ...who continue to support us and share our vision! Pic is Ben, the manager. Great to give him an appreciation certificate. He handed over the donated money at the same time. Most people are really great.. we just have a bit of work to do with a minority! I look forward to sharing with the kids in Vietnam.. hopefully some more donations.. but they always appreciate anything even small things! Beautiful attitude. Thanks again everyone. Chris See more
19.01.2022 Sometimes I would like to be lucky enough to be in a place at a certain time when I have my hockey stick in one hand! Today I went to Banjo’s bakery and coffee shop in Sunshine a Plaza to collect the charity donation box. It has been filling up for about 4 to 5 months. I. A couple of weeks I will be visiting some of the poorest kids in our sponsorship program, and the funds are planned to bring some life and sunshine into the kids eyes! Were going to.. because last night so...me ‘kids’... hard not to add some descriptive phrases.. stole the container from beside the till when the baker was at the other end of the shop. They were seen and security called but that is totally useless! The pictures are if the other box we have on the Coast, so people know how it was set up showing some of the kids we help! Sadly, even if caught, none of the funds would be recovered and no real punishment could cover the damage.. of fill the void we now have for these kids! Someone will no doubt see kids spending handfuls of coons.. I wonder just where the future lies when this generation is inclined to act in such arrogant and cowardly ways. Fortunately most kids are great! I have lots of ideas how thieving delinquents could be treated if caught.. and one of them would be to drop them naked in a bare hut in the Vietnamese forest and see how they would survive! Probably one of the sponsored kids would give up their food and bed for them! That’s The difference! See more
19.01.2022 The Charity Golf day on Australia Day was not only heaps of fun, but raised around $3000 from the event through player input, post game auction and donations. Thanks to everyone involved, and Craig Brogan the organiser. It was so well done and enjoyed that we have set it as an annual event. Mark the diary for Friday 25 January 2019.. the Heart Reach Australia annual Charity Australia Day Golf event! Players and sponsors spread the word!! We will begin soon the building program for a disabled family in Dong Ha, and continue the First Aid program, using funds from this and other activities.
16.01.2022 Loc is just a quiet young kid... Loc is just a quiet young kid... he did nothing to deserve the hell that enveloped him several weeks ago.. and in some ways will never get over the traumas involved! He was not home.. unclear if at school or out doing what little boys do in free time.. but his estranged father came home seeking his mother, who after 5 years had a new man in her life. The father waited in the house.. his daughter returned and he murdered her and waited longer..... eventually murdering his former wife before unsuccessfully trying to hang himself. Police were alerted and he is now in military prison. Little Loc, one of our sponsored kids from not just poverty but obviously a fragmented family.. so lucky to be elsewhere at the time.. is now far away and safe. Sponsorship is usually such a rewarding and happy part of helping poor kids, it was a shock to be surrounded by the aftermath in Tan Thach town. Thanks to his sponsor, Loc was provided for and his new home will be safe and he can continue to go to school. In time, he should be able to face his life and develop. So many kids in our program still need sponsors. In Australia we have fires, droughts, floods and all the ongoing issues in much of the country.. but usually we have lifelines and support. These kids have nothing. If you can.. check our website, and maybe one more child can have a future. Thank you to all who are involved in this way with us and others.. your love and care are changing not just a life but a future! Blessings for 2020 Chris and Heart Reach Australia team. NB Some have seen this story on my personal pages.. but it bears a wider audience.. especially as it seems we will have lost the support of a hotel that sponsored 20 kids.. with new GM reticent to continue the activities after a year of hotel upgrades. Sadly that means everyone loses.. and with the appeals everywhere for bushfire victims.. this need will not make the news and rightly so. However in a year most herd will be getting re established I hope.. but these kids will still havd nothing, and what they had will still be lost. If is always a challenge to balance priorities. Please support the bush fire victims. Please also, at some point, remember these kids who are all alone now.
16.01.2022 Sponsorships are about giving kids a chance.. for education, for quality of life.. for medical access and life needs. Summer holidays means this time of year I can catch up with most of the kids in their homes.. and see how they are going. This packed few weeks has been a whirlwind of trips all over Vietnam and is my favourite time of year. To see the kids.. those in early years of school and those in uni.. chat about their life and hopes.. share with family and as usual give... school fees, some medical costs.. school needs.. gifts and clothes. One little girl we discovered has HIV.. several we took to the dentist.. one as you have seen, we are rebuilding their home . And always, there are smiles and hugs.. meant for the sponsors but I get the privilege! Thank you so much. It is changing these young lives. They know it. What comes out of it can re write the future of these kids, their families and Vietnam! Sponsorship is powerful! Spread the word.. our website is not up to date with the kids in need! See more
16.01.2022 I had seen the house nearly renovated.. the water and shower and toilet.. I had seen a kitchen.. tiled floors and ceilings.. almost completed. But to see if fine and then to see the smiles from Quyen and her daughter, Quynh, was something else. With support from the New World Saigon hotel for materials.. this major project took a dump of a shack and transformed it into a home! Given away because it was unliveable.. it now has proud owners who can live in a degree of comfort regardless of the weather. No more fires under the bed to keep warm.. so many assisted in fundraising. Thank you for your support. The disability remains, but the quality of life is now significantly better! Check: www.heartreachaustralia.com to assist us in these programs.. or sponsor a child!
13.01.2022 Australia Day was the launch of Heart Reach Australi’s Charity Golf Day. The imitative of Craig from Bro Golf.. who did it all and made a fantastic event a great success. Final funds raised from the event, auction and other donations is still being sorted, but it looks like being an event nobody will miss in 2019! Funds for both our First Aid Training program and the rebuilding of a home in Dong Nai for a disabled lady.. will be the outcome from this great fun day out! Thanks Craig and all the players and helpers!
12.01.2022 Heart Reach Australia has had an historic 30 years of operations in Vietnam. No fanfare.. no major parties.. no real recognition.. just as we have done for all this time.. managed the programs to assist poor kids in remote rural and inner city areas, where poverty and health, education and self belief are a major focus. Since being the first foreign NGO to sign an agreement for open program implementation with the Vietnam Health Office, so much has happened, so many thousand...s impacted for good. We have not had any government support. The global funding usually goes to well known organizations.. and much of it is lost in admin and facility costs. So we have done it the hard way.. fundraising, small fundraisers and assistance from Aussies both at home and in Vietnam. The results you can read about. The many young people who confidently work, hold up their education certificates.. assist their poor families.. and put back into their own family and region.. are a testimony to you who have walked this long road in part or entirely over those years. Thank you so much. For others.. to see the amazing results from our medical programs, clinics, ambulance boat, training, scholarships and more.. lives saved, healed, changes.. all share a big 'Thank You' smile in common. It is why we keep doing what we do with so little support. In this Christmas season, I want to personally thank you who sponsor individual kids.. it is life changing! In this Covid year as I have only had one early year trip.. we have seen how our local volunteer people have been able to maintain our support and programs. Add to this people like Craig Brogan, the AusCHAM team, and many who do things for me anytime I ask, and Heart Reach Australia has continued to make sure it is indeed a Happy Christmas for hundreds and thousands we impact daily. Please remember to check our website.. sponsor children.. and perhaps put us on your donation list. We are a registered charity. But we do it for the lives we change, and will keep doing that into 2021 whatever happens.. or does not happen. From all of us here, we wish you a Happy Christmas, a blessed and special reason to celebrate Gods grace and love, and may the coming year see all the borders open, flights return, and people safe, healthy, and appreciative of one another. Chris, Angel and the HRA 'family' in Australia and Vietnam. See more
10.01.2022 Lunar New Year is more than a Chinese invention.. though they may like to claim that.. sorry the ‘made in China’ tag is declined!! To have this Tet celebration in Vietnam is special. Once again, the hospitality, family values and love of sharing a few days visiting and being visited.. underscores just what it means. There is the religious rituals and festival aspects.. but most of all it is about people. Meeting, enjoying, talking.. giving.. in a way even Christmas maybe ha...s not experienced in Western cultures. All that tells me is that we can all learn from each other. But if you want a great place to see this Tet experience then Vietnam is a great place to do that. Generous, honest, happy, gracious and full of fun.. I particularly love seeing the kids and families in our charity programs in their own homes and villages.. and share the laughter and happiness they always seem to have whatever their level of poverty, health, life quality or family situation. It is what makes this country addictive and special! And just another reason to keep on going despite the usual struggles of fundraising and sponsorships.. ! Thank you who help us in this.. hope you can feel the gratefulness and love in the pics we put in these updates! God’s blessing and Happy New Year whatever side of the ocean you live! See more
09.01.2022 Happy New Year.. or Chuc Mung Nam Moi in Vietnam.. has already been an amazing time. The start of 2019 and the usual early years trip began with the Australia Dau golf charity day in Vietnam Golf and Country Club. Craig Brogan arranges this annual event.. but even Craig cannot control Tet.. and the early date meant so many players were not available. Financially a bit of a disaster.. but experientially, awesome! Lots of contacts and hopefully, opportunities to bring First Aid... training into business and work sectors in Vietnam. Then there was the ongoing First Aid Training program at Nguyen Dinh Chieu High School, Ben Tre (Mekong Delta) province. Always so much fun, the students are so responsive, and learn fast. Lunch was their Tet break up celebration.. I was invited, and shared the fun and food! A dinner that evening was preceeded by the Vietnamese Government, (Health and Education Offices) presenting me with a Memorial Medal.. both an honour and a surprise. Of the 62 recipients in the province, I am the only non Vietnamese to have this medal. Thank you Dr Tuan and Ben Tre Health Office for initiating this amazing event! Catching up with the kids is always the best part.. and to see them in their villages or arrange for them to visit the hotel.. is so great. They are all responding to sponsorships incredibly.. even some who dropped out due to family situations.. and we helped into work situations. Othere in universities have again done so well. Today I had to meet one girl at the Hue airport departure gate as she rode a motorcycle two hours but was late because of the Tet traffic. She is hairdressing in Da Nang and we hope she can also help her younger brother in this. He has physical issues preventing normal physical activities. Thanks to everyone who supports these kids. Many of the new kids will have contact with me after Tet.. so more info and pics to follow. So many do so much to help these kids.. it is changing lives and making new futures! See more
08.01.2022 30 years of photographs! Thousands in files.. computer.. various phones and iCloud back up of late. So when asked to give a 2 minute video of Heart Reach Australia.. me as founder.. and all the programs over the years plus goals and needs.. that is a challenge. The link below is what resulted. https://richarddaniel.wetransfer.com//31a8b5d537d44/89bc9d This is safe to open but needs a computer due to file size. ... COVID has impacted every part of the world. It has hit so hard in all our lives. We grow tired of seeing nothing else on the news channels. Hopefully our brief video will give you encouragement, hope and satisfaction in seeing how, with the help of many of you. We have kept on bringing life, hope and a future to hundreds of poor kids in pretty desperate situations. COVID impacts them mainly through a lack of support because it has slowed or stopped. But these kids in our programs.. and the doctors we use and programs we have initiated.. are still operating and effectively changing lives. The video sums it up.. it is all about people. The kids we help. Their chance at life. The amazing glow on through poof families as this happens. So many stories I could not add in 2 minutes! Help us to write some more life stories! See more
08.01.2022 Vietnam in a frenzy!!! Never dull here at the best of times, but landing in HCMC even hours after their U23 football team had an historic win.. clauses chaos and traffic gridlock for 7 or 8 hours... lots of amazing scenes but not good for travel to my hotel from the airport. Or anywhere actually!! What will happen if they win the final on Saturday?? Look out the windows because you will see it from anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere!!! :))))
06.01.2022 Summer holidays is really more for those with money.. certainly in Vietnam. My recent trip was both fun and eye opening.. even though I have seen so much over the past 29 years. To catch up with kids in their homes.. or pay a driver to bring us to a beach.. it was always the same.. they laughed, enjoyed the opportunity.. and said thank you to everyone who helps them have a chance for a future! Some kids I missed.. one 7 year old girl I really wanted to check on was not there.... Her twin brother said she was working!! Doing what?? Stickers on coconuts for the export market. All day.. putting stickers on coconuts. Not sure how her brother escaped!! Every one was enjoying the summer break.. I was able to pass on funds for next semester.. clothes, lego.. (they were so excited with the lego!!) some jewellery, toiletries, toothbrushes and combs etc.. it was like Christmas in July! A lot came to one primary school.. a central meeting place.. and I met and chatted with family as well as kids in many situations. I get the thanks.. but I tell them about their sponsors.. and the gifts come from you.. their eyes shine brightly and they are still smiling! Thank you for being the reason I can help make these things happen! Special people helping special kids!! See more
06.01.2022 Vietnam and Australia share so much in common.. a desire for freedom, a quality of life, opportunity for young people, and care for the older ones who have given so much to make it possible. Today in Australia, we reflect on the costs paid by many to help this dream become reality... thank you to those who paid the ultimate price.. those Aussies who left their homes and families to try and bring a future to others.. the Vietnamese who saw their land torn apart and so many lie... forever marked by simple monuments. It makes what we in Heart Reach Australia do, have so much more value.. we are just in a wAy, building on the foundation of opportunity and freedom laid by friends, family and strangers alike over the years. Thank you for this sacrifice. Seeing the kids happy smiles and knowing they have a future gives some sort of balance to all that history lays bare. We will not forget. See more
05.01.2022 We get excited to help poor families in Vietnam.. but how does that compare to what emotions are involved for them? Quynh sits or lies on her bed that is placed next door to the home we are renovating for her and Quynh her daughter.. she cannot stop talking about the work.. excitement and expectation of a new world.. a new life.. a better future! This is what your funding, donations and support bring. They say over and over..thank you! Nothing else need be said.
02.01.2022 History is not so much what was.. but what we can create.I am disappointed that a 30 year milestone since commencing humanitarian aid charity programs in Vietnam cannot be celebrated there.. but I hope you can share the memories and amazing stories three decades have held. Initially part of a small Christian team entering a closed and desperately poor Vietnam back in 1990, the grace and beauty of the people first caught me attention.. than made me return some months later. T...Continue reading
02.01.2022 People learn to live in their circumstances despite incredible hardship.. and watching Quyen and her daughter survive in a run down shack with little conveniences for many years.. was a struggle hard to accept. Being increasingly bed ridden made that more tragic.. toilet, shower, power and water limited if at all... but it is changing as I write this! Thanks to so many.. New World for the materials.. funds from the last HRA Charity golf day (last Australia Day) at Vietnam Go...lf and Country Club (thanks Craig and players, sponsors etc).. the shack is being transformed. In another week or so, a painted, tiled, fitted out home with ceilings, shutters, electrical points, new bathroom, washing and handwashing basins, shower and toilet.. lights.. a dream that is becoming reality! Walking amongst the debris is a happy place to be.. knowing it changes daily! Quyen and Quynh will have a quality of life never before known. Yes, bed will still be home for Quyen, but now access to a bathroom and around the house will be possible with her wheelchair.. provided earlier. And winter cold will mean no more fires under her bed!!! This is why we do this.. why you help! There are still shortfalls in costs.. but we are doing it anyway. Help if you are able, but whatever happens.. this project is an exciting and amazing transformation that makes all the hard work worth the effort. Thanks everyone! See more