Heart Conscious Living in Broome, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Heart Conscious Living
Locality: Broome, Western Australia
Phone: +61 400 621 557
Address: Broome 6725 Broome, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 10th/11th Full Moon Lunar eclipse in 20 degrees of Cancer OPENING YOUR HEART TO THE HOLY MOTHERS EMBRACE! As I sit in my room bathing and connecting to the frequencies of the up and coming Lunar eclipse, and pluto and Saturn conjunction in 22 degrees of Capricorn on the 12th January. The humbling opportunity at this time to connect too, and open our hearts to the crystalline Christ frequencies of the Holy Mothers love and light that are infiltrating Mother Earth at this tim...e. I can feel the Holy frequencies of the Angelic realms assisting, and supporting the light codes of the Holy Mother to integrate into the gridlines of Mother Earth to assist and awaken the Christ Child, Christ Consciousness within us all. To awaken more of our IAM presence, our divine nature. As these higher light codes of the Holy Mother are infiltrating into Mother Earth at this time, it can create a deep purification within ourselves, and within the Earth plane, as the disconnection from the Great Mother within the Earth and cosmos starts to heal and purify, to make a deeper connection back to our Mother Source within and without. You may be feeling emotional at this time, inner child mother issues, feeling extra sensitive, vulnerable, feeling more than usual, opening up psychic perception, grief arising, and vivid dreams. This is all part of the purging and healing to integrate more of the feminine principal and make a deeper connection to our Great Mother Source who birthed us all! The Holy light that is infiltrating into humanity, and Mother Earth at this time is Divine, assisting a great time of purging and rebirth of reclaiming the divine feminine aspect of self to balance with the divine masculine. To come into partnership with each other. This lunar eclipse and conjunction between Saturn and pluto set the stage for the New way, showing us the way forward to create a more harmonious, loving, compassionate and peaceful existence on earth, breaking down old archetypes and old ways of being of how humanity have been running their consciousness for the last thousands of years! Its time now beloveds to step forth in the new way, as it will become harder to stay in the old way of being - the old patriarchal way of being. A MESSAGE FROM THE HOLY MOTHER MARY: REMEMBER THE GREAT MOTHER REMEMBER WHERE YOU CAME FROM FROM THE COSMOS AND THE STARS REMEMBER THERE IS A DIVINE LIGHT THAT EMANATES SO BRIGHT WITHIN THEE AWAKEN TO THE TRUTH THAT YOU ARE A BELOVED CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE EMBRACED AND HELD IN THE GREAT MOTHERS ARM REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE DEAR ONE THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE MADE FROM THE EARTH, COSMOS AND STARS YOU ARE A BELOVED CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE A BELOVED CHILD OF THE GREAT MOTHER YOU ARE HELD DEARLY IN OUR HEARTS AWAKEN DEAR HEART TO THE TRUTH THAT YOU ARE ALLOW YOUR HEART TO OPEN TO THEE RECONNECT BACK TO THE CHRIST-CHILD THAT YOU ARE FOR YOU ARE HER CHILD WITHIN THE GREAT MOTHERS EYES A CHRIST CHILD FOREVER HELD AND LOVED HOLY MOTHER MARY
23.01.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhYrOVYiBZg MUSIC TO ASSIST YOU TO CONNECT TO THE INNER REALM OF MOTHER GAIA
23.01.2022 In this video I explain why I was guided to create the 555 Cosmic Light Coding Event Gillian is a certified Transference Healing practitioner/teacher and Global grid/family of light channel
22.01.2022 WALK THE LURUJARRI SONGLINE TO AWAKEN YOUR SPIRIT Through the Mystical Pearl Creation portal in the kimberley we will be connecting into the Ancient Aboriginal Songline Lurujarri to connect more deeply to the ancient spirit force, the creative principle that flows through all. Event held on 21st July 7pm AWST. Pls click on the link below for more details, and payment https://www.trybooking.com/BKKHP Blessings... Gillian See more
22.01.2022 New Moon In Aries 2020 FIRST MESSAGE FORM THE YAWURU ABORIGINAL GRANMOTHERS FOR EONS We the Grandmothers of the Yawuru clan have gathered at this time through the Kimberley Creation portal to assist the awakening of the children of Gaia, of the dreamtime of where all of creation started from - the heart of the creation source Each one of us holds different keys and codes, and we unite as one through the ONE To bring the wisdom of the stars into the hearts of humanity... remembering their true call from deep within their hearts "YARRWA WU-JARRWA-GIGANU" The truth of you lies in your hearts Begin each day a new Slowing down to see and hear the flowers bloom and all the beauty Mother earth offers you Look to the stars, the plants, and the trees for they hold the wisdom keys Feel the spirit of the land move through you awakening the truth of you We the Grandmothers of the Yawuru clan are in service to the Great Plan If you choose to open your hearts to us, so the spirit of the land can move through you "WARANY-JARRI-LIYAN-YARGARRGI" Meaning- To AGREE with ONE SPIRIT, ONE FEELING, and ONE MIND Hold the feeling of spirit always within your hearts Channelled from the Yawuru Grandmothers (Guardians of the Kimberley Creation Portal) **Gillian with assistance and permission from the Yawuru Grandmothers will be holding a gridding event in May from the Kimberley Creation Portal. Information regarding this event will be posted soon**
20.01.2022 Christ Consciousness is the highest office of light, accessible to our Earth plane... Ethereally weaving through at present, as a 7th dimensional resonance...... Buddha attained Christ Consciousness through enlightenment... Jesus attained Christ Consciousness as he anchored in his Christ body... Jesus The Christ, gridded in the Christ codes over 2000 years ago, through the trinity of the divine feminine principle with Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene... Activated astrologically within our grid matrix on the 5.5.2020...555 Christ Codes... Feeling the enormity of these frequencies and technologies at present... Transferece Healing holds the healing interconnection to these unique 7th dimensional frequencies and technologies through the practices of Alchemy and Lightbody integration... Picture credits to Transferece Healing Michelle Rayson Certified Transferece Healing Practitioner, Workshop Teacher, Healing Meditation & Mystery School L5 Ascension Facilitator through The Holy Sophia Creation Portal at Crystal Grid Holistic Healing Bendigo... [email protected]
16.01.2022 WALK THE LINES OF THE RAINBOW SERPENT AND UNIFY WITH THE ALL Gillian is facilitating an absentee 555 Cosmic coding gridding event on the 5th of may wit...h the Aboriginal Elders and the Grid Masters through the Kimberley Creation portal, to help assist anyone who joins in, to template into and unify with more ease and grace into the New Earth Frequency and consciousness that is birthing on Mother Gaia now and beyond! For more information pls pm me or click on the link below https://www.facebook.com/events/683290975759711/ Love n light Gillian Gillian lives 5km from the Kimberley Creation portal, and is a certified Transference Healing practitioner and teacher. See more
15.01.2022 31st DEC 2019 - NEW YEAR CARD - CRANE Before the New year begins CRANE is compelling you to take sometime out and meditate! Start a journal and allow your mind to wonder to bring in new ideas, perceptions, and inspirational thoughts to come through for new projects or endeavours! Someting that has remained hidden can be revealed and acted upon now! Time to break through the mind and trust you intuition! GO FOR IT! ... Gillian will be offering one to one absentee Tranference Healing and channelled readings in the New year! Blessings See more
14.01.2022 OPENING TO GRACE 9th/10th Super Full moon 20 degrees of Virgo Beloved Hearts we are Mother Mary that steps forth surrounded by the wings of the Angels To come and touch your heart softly... To awaken the compassionate heart For it is the heart of compassion that humanity is needing at this great time of change To see through anothers eyes and acknowledge both the pain and light that resides For all of humanity carry the light and the dark And its at this pivotal time of humanity that the dark is coming up to be seen by the light of you And it is the compassionate heart that will get you through, for yourself and your fellow brothers and sisters Remembering that you are all one beating the same sound and frequency of the Great Mother and Father As the Blue Ray filters into your heart now Be gentle loving and kind with yourself and each other Connect to the heart as this is where you will find the truth, love, and light of you Remember you are a beloved child of the universe, a beloved child of Gaia, and a beloved child of the one! We Blest and honour you Mother Mary
13.01.2022 5th January 2020 = 1 in numerology ( New Intentions) 2020 A YEAR OF BEING IN INTEGRITY WITH YOUR HIGHER - SELF, YOUR HIGHER REALITY, AND YOUR DESTINY AND PURPOSE! I just created a circle of fire to clear out the energies that no longer serve me to re-align myself to the NEW EARTH FREQUENCY OF THE NEW DECADE As I sit here within my circle of fire, I have been guided to sit near one of the cards in my circle of fire ceremony - PEGASUS! Pegasus is all about intent, and how you a...re using your energy and power! PEGASUS for me sets the theme for January, this year, and the new decade that is beginning! This is what I have channelled from Pegasus, it may resonate with you! Pegasus has flown through to ask you to clear your intent, to become conscious of where your intent is focused on, for your intent creates the energy to birth action, and through your actions creates your reality! Is your intent in alignment with your Higher-self or your lower-self? Are you focusing on the chaos, drama, powerplays around you, or are you focusing on the light, your vision, your highest destination, your higher reality? Your intent is the most important thing that you can become aware of at this time,for it will align you to the NEW EARTH FREQUENCY of 2020 and beyond, or pull you into the chaos, drama and destructive patterning within and without yourself! Pegasus ask you to fly high over all that is occurring to enable you to stay connected to your Higher-self, and the WILL OF THE DIVINE, so you can see into hidden forces at play in your life! Pegasus is also teaching the use and misuse of power, and how you are using your intent and energy in your life. How is your intent and energy impacting yourself, others, and your reality? Is it positive or negative? The universe will respond to the nature of your intent (particularly at this great time of change) - instant karma - good or bad. This whole process is being created so you may become more empowered through your Higher IAM, so you can purify your ego, and power centre, and lead through example in a NEW WAY in alignment with the NEW EARTH FREQUENCY for 2020 and beyond! Much love and blessings Gillian See more
12.01.2022 PREPARATION AND TIPS FOR 555 COSMIC LIGHT CODING GRIDDING EVENT Thank you so much for everyone who has heard the calling of their heart and booked into this g...ridding event! The event is absentee, which means you will be called in etherically via your higher self into the Kimberley location here in Broome. A live recording will be created on the time and date as advertised on the Facebook post, which will be 5th May 2020 at 5pm AWST. THIS EVENT IS NOT AN ONLINE LIVE EVENT The live recording will be sent out to you via email to listen too at your own leisure When you receive the recording it will be the same as being at the location on that date and time, as the recording will hold the frequencies of the event flowing through it for you to receive If you feel guided you can create an altar for the event, and create a quiet space to open and receive the frequencies at the time the event is happening. If you can not do this, this is okay, as you will still receive the frequencies of the event regardless of what you are doing Here a times for the different time zones at the time of the event 5pm AWST U.K: 10am Sydney: 7pm Brisbane: 7pm Christchurch: 9pm Bendigo: 7pm Perth 5pm Caitola USA 2am 4th May South Australia 6:30pm Hong Kong 5pm As soon as you book in, the frequencies of the event will be running, and because of this, you may go through a clearing process This clearing process may consist of emotions coming up to be released, feeling tired,feeling low, past memories surfacing, outside circumstances playing out in your life that trigger different thoughts and feelings to come up etc. This is all occurring so you can clear and integrate the frequencies that are coming through which are supporting you to let go of old emotions, ways of being, and perceptions that no longer serve you, so you may step into a higher version of you This is all divinely orchestrated by spirit and the spiritual hierarchy who are over seeing this event Please follow your intuition on how to support yourself through this clearing process. You may need to spend time in nature, have a bath, sleep a lot, change your diet, and if you have been trained in Transference Healing please run the energy on yourself as guided to do so. If you are struggling or can not run Transference Healing on yourself, please contact a Transference Healing practitioner for support or PM or email me at [email protected] for assistance I am so excited to be joining with all of you in this gridding event, for all of us to be uniting as one to be of service to humanity and mother earth at this time of great change! Love n light Gillian Gillian is a certified Transference Healing practitioner and teacher Alexis Cartwright is the founder and channel of Transference Healing See more
12.01.2022 Wishing everyone a Holy Christmas! May the light of this time shine a path so bright for you into 2020! Thank you so much for liking and following my page! Many Blessings Gillian
11.01.2022 ARE YOU AN AQUARIAN AGE NEW WORLD SERVER? Do you feel a calling in your heart to be of service to the one? Do you believe in the unification of all religions..., all races, all colors, all creeds, all philosophies, all sciences, all dimensions? If so, join the Cosmic Aboriginal Grandmothers, the Grid Masters, and the family of light from all dimensions through the Kimberley Creation Portal to be of service to humanity and the earth to anchor the New Aquarian light codes into the grid - lines of Mother Gaia, assisting the templating and coding of the New Aquarian Age Consciousness and reality! The dawning of the Age of Aquarius is here NOW! This is a once in life -time event! The astrological and cosmic alignments that are occurring on the 5th May will not occur again for millenniums For more information on this event pls PM Gillian or click on the link below https://www.facebook.com/events/683290975759711/ Love n light Gillian Gillian lives 5km from the Kimberley Creation Portal and is a certified Transference Healing practitioner and teacher Alexis Cartwright is the founder and channel of Transference Healing See more
11.01.2022 27/01/20 - This article brought up so much pain and grief for me! As I went through this process I received a channelled message from the family of light. We gather here today as the family of light in oneness, and love in our hearts To awaken and touch the hearts of humanity to remember the Mother that provides for all The Mother that unconditionally holds, supports and nourish us The Mother that allows our physical body to be here and gives us the air so we may breathe... We speak on behalf of the Great Mother whos heart is bigger and wider than the universe and holds the deepest, infinite compassion and unconditional love for all Without her we would not be here at all Without her we would not be able to experience the glory and beauty of this world She needs your support now To walk in a new way upon her To consciously connect in with her heart deep inside the layers of the earth To remember the very roots you walk upon and bring her loving heart into yours Its time beloved hearts to remember and embrace the Great Mothers Heart Awaken your consciousness to her heart and love Walk upon the earth in a new way with new feet Decide to become one with her not separate from her Allow the pain of reconnecting back to her heart to be released and dissolved Unite your heart to the Great Mothers Heart This is where you will find your reconnection to her and shift your consciousness to the New way of being upon the Great Mother earths body and consciousness Remember your home, and respect every sentient being upon her Think of the greater whole rather than just what is front of you Decide if you will to connect into the light matrix of the world and let go of connecting into the negative matrix Where intention goes action flows Connect to the light and love in each and every moment This is how we can build a more loving and lighter world Be conscious of where your thoughts and actions are flowing Choose to feed the light and build this force field larger and brighter within and out into the world Become that pillar of light upon Mother earth, as she needs you more than ever before Choose to become the light and be the stone thrown into the river that ripples out and touches all Have the courage to stand strong like a tree reaching deep into the core of Mother earth and reaching out to the heaven above like a branch in a tree Be that vessel for the light and love to flow through you Your energy and will has a greater impact on this world, more than you consciously know Open your heart to embrace all and come back to your true core We the Family of light gather with you We are here for you Walking beside you You are not alone Allow yourself to reconnect and anchor deep into Mother Gaias heart Be present Be Here Grounded Anchored on Mother Earth Feeling all that comes to you We come as one The Family of light
10.01.2022 24th/25th January New Moon in 4 degrees of Aquarius ACTIVATING AND GROUNDING THE HEART OF HUMANITY TO THE NEW EARTH FREQUENCY Beloved Hearts we as Merlin steps forth in our light and presence to assist the activation of the New Earth Seed within the core of Mother Gaia This activation is awakening and connecting humanitys heart to the New Earth frequency that is coming into existence of the Age of Aquarius... The activation is encoding the light codes, frequencies and sacred geometries to start to anchor these codes of light into the heart of humanity A new template is forming under your very feet, deep within the core of Mother Earth A New Frequency of Mother Gaia, shifting the consciousness of Humanity It is time now for Humanity to connect deeply to the Heart of Mother Gaia Just by bringing your attention to the Crystalline Heart of Mother Gaia will help this process, and absorb the activation of the New earth Frequency into your feet through out your being (My focus was a lot on my feet - I asked Merlin why this was so - he answered) The feet represent the foundations that you walk upon, and as you connect more into the crystal core of Mother Gaia, the very foundations of your world/reality will also shift and change more into the New Earth Frequency Your feet are also your connection point into the Gridlines of Mother Gaia, which assist you to absorb the New earth frequency So become conscious of walking upon Mother Earth in a New Way, a New frequency way connected to the New Earth, and the Ominverse activating the New DNA Codes within your being Connecting your consciousness to the Crystalline Core of Mother Gaia is the Key to Anchor, Ground and integrate the New Earth Frequency We Bless and Honor you Master Magician Merlin
09.01.2022 4th/5th April GLOBAL MEDITATION - UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS I participated in the Global meditation in the morning of the 5th Western Australia time, and that same night I looked up into the sky to see a mighty ring around the moon!... This symbol that was created by the moon, and the ring around it - represents ONE dimensional consciousness, UNITY consciousness, GOD consciousness. The all knowing, and the all seeing. The creative force that flows through all.The manifested and the unmanifested. As the moon was at the center of this symbol it also represented the source of the goddess, of where we all come from The universe speaks to us through symbols, and this is a sure sign our prayers, and intentions were answered A shift in humanitys consciousness was created today, that will last for eons, and begin a new wave of being on Mother Gaia and towards each other (photo from google images, as a real photo was very hard to capture) See more
07.01.2022 COME AND BE TOUCHED BY THE HOLY GRACE OF THE GODDESS WITHIN THE KIMBERLEY UNITING WITH THE HOLY FAMILY UNIFYING WITH THE RAINBOW SERPENT AND THE CREATIVE FEM...ININE PRINCIPLE OF ALL THAT IS CONNECTING INTO THE CHRIST GRID BIRTHING THE SACRED PEARL WITHIN YOUR HEART THE PICTURES REPRESENT THE SACRED HEART CHURCH, KNOWN AS "THE MOTHER OF PEARL CHURCH" WITHIN THE BEAGLE BAY REGION OF THE KIMBERLEY THE ALTAR IS HANDMADE OUT OF SHELLS AND PEARLS FROM THE KIMBERLEY REGION If your heart is calling for you to unite with the Ancient energy that flows through all, please PM Gillian or click on the link below for the 555 Cosmic light coding event on the 5th May https://www.facebook.com/events/683290975759711/ Gillian is a certified Transference Healing practitioner and teacher Alexis Cartwright is the founder and channel of Transference Healing
06.01.2022 NEW WAVE OF FREQUENCY Beloved Child of the Universe We come as one from the Cosmic stars through the creation portal of the Kimberley to share a message with humanity at this time To assist the consciousness of humanity to shift their vibration and code into the New Frequency as the old code and vibration is breaking down beloveds... We are opening our creation portal to send the New Wave of coding from within the cosmic worlds to flow through the grid lines of the Earth echoing a call from the Great Mother for all of her children to remember who they truly are "crystalline light beings connected to the earth and the stars" "There is a cosmic force that runs through all of us connecting us to the oneness of all through our hearts" Feel the call from deep within your heart to the New wave frequency of light that is being activated at this time on planet Earth It is through the heart dear one that you will receive Close your eyes and allow your mind to go into your heart Feel the frequency open your heart as you connect into the creation flow of the universe pulsing through you as everything else falls away "Have the courage dear hearts to follow the light and love of you" Surrender to this flow Let go of what is wanting to go Be brave to follow your heart and know that all the cleansing that humanity is going through at this time is to shift them into a higher consciousness and reality birthing a new creation of thy self and the world around them Let go of the old dear hearts and as you choose the light in every moment you will be creating a higher world for you For when you choose the light it will assist and support all beings For light and love is the most powerful force in the universe Unify with the light Unify with the love and you will be supported by Mother Gaia and the cosmos Let go of the struggle and choose to surrender to the universal flow Channel from the Aboriginal Elders keepers of the Kimberley creation portal **Gillian will be facilitating with the Aboriginal Elders of the Kimberley and the Grid Masters to bring through the new 555 crystalline coding from the cosmos through the Kimberley Creation portal, to assist humanity to anchor more into the new grid, radically changing their frequency to unify and communicate in a new way, templating a higher conscious reality Information regarding the event will be posted soon! Stay tuned!**
06.01.2022 DIVINE MOTHERS BAPTISM OF FIRE HEART HEALING MEDITATION - 20th June 2020 Are you ready to shift your soul and heart into a higher frequency to birth a new timeline in accordance with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in 0 degrees of cancer, and solstice alignment - connecting into the Super Galactic centre? If so, the Divine Mothers and the emissaries of light invite you to join them to receive the zero heart healing activation meditation. Please click on the link below for more det...ails https://www.trybooking.com/BKARL Love n Light Gillian Gillian is a certified Transference Healing practitioner and Teacher Alexiss Cartwright is the founder and channel of Transference Healing
03.01.2022 THE KIMBERLY SACRED MOTHER LAND! Walking silently along the ancient red path of the Kimberly Connecting to a family of boab trees that hold the wisdom of this land! Magic, mystery and enchantment, opens my heart more deeply!
03.01.2022 CRYSTAL FAIRY came through as one of the cards in the Divine Mothers Baptism of fire Heart Healing meditation today, emanating the frequencies of a new crystalline soul time line, flowing through the heart of the Crystal Fairy, connecting into the New Moon Solar Eclipse and Solistice frequencies at this time! Blessings to everyone who joined in! It was Magical!
01.01.2022 LADY MASTER NADA BECAME ILLUMINATED TODAY! SHE IS ONE OF THE ASCENDED GRID MASTERS OVER SEEING THE 555 COSMIC LIGHT CODING EVENT CLEARING THE WATERWAYS BOTH ...IN THE EARTH AND HUMANITY OPENING THE DEEPER CHAMBERS OF THE HEART TO EMBRACE THE FEMININE CHRIST BLESSINGS TO MASTER LADY NADA If your heart is calling you to step more into a heart base consciousness and reality where magic exists, please PM Gillian or click on the link below to join the 555 Cosmic light coding event on the 5th May https://www.facebook.com/events/683290975759711/ Gillian is a Certified Transference Healing practitioner and teacher Alexis Cartwright is the founder and channel of Transference Healing See more
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