The Heart of Motherhood in Mackay, Queensland | Photographer
The Heart of Motherhood
Locality: Mackay, Queensland
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25.01.2022 He was so loving. So tender. He wore his heart on his sleeve.... She needed him. And he was there. Always.
25.01.2022 To the women who have wanted children and yet their wombs and arms are empty, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women who haven't wanted children and have had motherhood thrust upon them, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women who desperately wish for more children but for whatever reason cannot receive that wish, I see your pain and I am sorry.... To the women who have had their children removed from them, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women whose births have caused them trauma and suffering, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women who have lost babies to stillbirth, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women who have lost babies to miscarriage, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women who have lost babies or children at any age, after they've been with you here on earth, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women who have struggled with postnatal depression or other mental illness, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women who desperately wanted to breastfeed and couldn't/didn't, for whatever reason, I see your pain and I am sorry. To the women who have had difficult pregnancies, physically and/or emotionally, I see your pain and I am sorry. To any woman, anywhere in the world, who is suffering for any reason, I see your pain and I am sorry. Our pain and suffering is not a competition. Grief is not a competition. Whatever you are feeling - it is yours, it is valid and it is okay. We all walk different paths, we all have different burdens to carry, but in my mind, the world would be a better place if we could all have empathy and compassion for all suffering, not just those who have it "worse." There is space for all of us.
24.01.2022 I saw her become a mother for the first time. I saw him become a father. I have watched their beautiful little girl grow.... Almost two years later, I'd moved 1000km when she asked me if I'd return to capture the birth of their second child. I wanted to make it happen, and knew that if the universe decided it was meant to be, it was meant to be. I nervously waited until my client up here in Mackay 41 weeks, and just two days before this mama's due date. I got home from that birth, packed the car, packed up the kids and left at 1am for the 1000km road trip down south, after a few hours' sleep. We took maternity pictures, and felt much relief that I'd made it down and she was still in one piece! Less than 48 hours after, Kitzi was earthside, and I got to witness their family grow once more. If there was one word I could use to describe this labour and birth, it would be POWERFUL. Eternal thanks to this family for allowing me to share their special, intimate memories of the day Kitzi was born with you all (Also, I must note Kitzi's namesake, Sheila Kitzinger, whose work I am also eternally grateful for. It was her work that I first discovered after a birth that left me knowing, somewhere deep inside, that birth wasn't meant to be how I'd experienced it, but something far more beautiful and sacred, and, well, the rest is history...)
24.01.2022 Couldn’t help but share this one that gave me a giggle
21.01.2022 Just be grateful you got a healthy baby. Just be thankful you’ve had the opportunity to give birth. There’s so many things that could be said about how damaging statements like this are, and why, but I’ll just say two things.... 1) Being grateful to have a healthy baby and being upset about how that baby came into the world are not mutually exclusive. You can actually feel both grateful to have your baby AND upset about how they arrived. Not to mention that this can be a complicated and sensitive statement if your baby is NOT healthy - and what about the mum’s health? Is simply being alive our benchmark? Can we not do better than alive? Getting out and being treated with dignity and respect are also not mutually exclusive, no matter the circumstances of the birth. All it takes is kindness. 2) Let me ask a question. If you were in a third world country, watching people drink filthy water that you knew could impact greatly on their health and wellbeing, would you walk up and say to them, just be thankful you’ve got water to drink! Or, would you advocate for better access to clean drinking water because it is what every human being DESERVES? When we can do better in birth, simply by listening to women, respecting their choices and treating them with true care and dignity (regardless of the actual outcome and path the birth takes), why would we not? So no, we should not just be grateful for the substandard care many of us receive. We deserve better than getting out alive.
20.01.2022 Early labour, and feeding her toddler How precious is this moment? Handy hint - Nipple stimulation, whether it be by breastfeeding, expressing or a little bit of help from your partner can stimulate or strengthen contractions by releasing oxytocin!
20.01.2022 Oh gosh, this one hit me right in the feels! How true is it that we are so much more unkind to ourselves than we'd ever dream of being to others? So, here is your reminder to be kind to yourself, mama!
20.01.2022 Yesterday, this beautiful baby girl entered the world, upside down (breech) And even after 100+ births, it still always feels like magic, and takes my breath away! This was literally the second her whole body had emerged, with her head coming out last!... Plus, I got to do something I've never done before, and stand BEHIND the drape with operating staff (instead of my usual position next to mum and dad) so I could capture all the details of her emergence, moments that her mum and dad couldn't see with their own eyes! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Thank you T&J for asking me to be there and create these forever memories for your family! After a baby boom in August and September, I still have Spring availability and am able to attend births at both Mackay hospitals, so get in touch if you want to look back on your baby's first moments earthside forever! Jen x P: 0423 004 946 E: [email protected]
20.01.2022 The big sisters' faces I especially love the side eye - I wonder what she was thinking about her new little brother?
19.01.2022 From that fateful "I'm not even pregnant yet but I want to know more" meeting all those years ago, to a pregnancy, birth and one year milestone journey, and now a celebration of TWO (and a bit - thanks, COVID) years, I have loved every minute spent with this family. I love walking into their home and seeing images I've taken all over their home - I think it brings me as much joy as it brings them! And this video just encompasses the love they have for each other even more. If you'd love to have this kind of time capsule of your family, get in touch! You can message me, call/text me (0423 004 946) or email [email protected] <3
18.01.2022 So, I have ONE spare ticket to the movie premiere of Birth Time here in Mackay on Wednesday (6:30pm) - who wants it? My shout! First to comment gets it! And just because, here's a photo of my first 2021 birth <3 It was certainly quite the journey, that's for sure!
17.01.2022 Every time I see this, the power of it just takes my breath away
16.01.2022 What do you think?
14.01.2022 Wow! Definitely something to consider! My babies weren’t fans of things on their head anyway, but I still didn’t know about this risk and I have 3 pretty big kids!
14.01.2022 This photo is not even in focus, but I had to include it in their gallery anyway. Sometimes, it's not about perfection, it's about the moment. I had just turned around and saw dad wiping the tears from his eyes, minutes after their baby was born.... It was the very briefest of moments, hence me only getting one frame, but it tells such a story. And that's what I do. I tell stories. The most magical stories of all.
13.01.2022 "It is said that women in labour leave their bodies...they travel to the stars to collect the souls of their babies, and return to this world together." ~ Anonymous It is beautiful when you bear witness to these moments, but what I want to talk about is how crucial it is for those who work in birth to ALLOW this to happen. Sometimes, just walking into the hospital is enough to bring this journey to the stars to a screeching halt.... Sometimes, the poking and prodding and testing and machines and beeps and wires and doors slamming can be enough to bring a mama out of that other realm (aka "labour-land"). Sometimes, the threat of intervention and interference in this journey is enough to stop a woman from surrendering to it. Sometimes, the presence of others, even those with the most supportive and positive intentions, can be a distraction. As a birth photographer, I am ever conscious of this, as every birth photographer and birth professional should be. It's so important to ask ourselves, how can we ensure that women are feeling safe enough to surrender and go inwards? Sometimes, it means everyone turning around and going home for a while (and assuring the mama that it's totally okay and that there are no time limits on birth and that you will be there whenever she needs, no matter how long it takes). Sometimes, it means leaving the room and having a nap on the couch in the waiting room. Sometimes, it means sitting quietly in a corner and choosing moments very carefully to take photos, if at all. It may mean delivering a slightly smaller gallery of images, but still one that tells the whole story. Sometimes, it means turning off the lights and the camera flash and embracing the quiet, dark space, even if the images aren't quite as sharp and have a bit of extra grain, because you are pushing your camera to its limits in the near-complete-dark (thankfully it's awesome!). Sometimes, it means switching to video even when you've been hired for photos only, because you sense that even the sound of the shutter clicking is bringing the woman closer to earth and further from meeting her baby (and video doesn't make sound, so is less intrusive). It always means being aware of your impact, and tuning into the needs of each individual woman and family. It means knowing that these moments are moments a family can never, ever get back - and that everyone in the space needs to respect that the most important thing is the needs of the mother to bring her baby safely earthside. These things are the difference between a "photographer at a birth" and a "birth photographer." These things are why it's important to carefully choose the people who will share the space with you, who understand and respect what an incredibly life-changing experience it is and who put the needs of women first, always.
11.01.2022 Flashback to the first time I had a specific "before and after" request It's now something I love to do with everyone!
11.01.2022 {BIRTH AVAILABILITY} YES, I am still photographing births! In our local hospitals, currently two support people are allowed for birth <3 YES, I have a Plan B. If I cannot capture your birth due to COVID restrictions, I have a contingency plan in place that I can discuss with you. ... YES, I still have some availability in 2020/2021, as follows... OCTOBER 2020: 1 space DECEMBER 2020: 3 spaces JANUARY 2021: 2 spaces FEBRUARY 2021: 1 space MARCH 2021: 2 spaces APRIL 2021: 3 spaces MAY 2021: 3 spaces JUNE 2021: 3 spaces Booking in early is the best idea, as it ensures your place in my calendar and allows you more time to spread out the cost (I accept payment plans).
10.01.2022 There's nothing like a bit of daddy skin-to-skin You can practically feel the oxytocin through the screen! This was taken at an in-home Fresh48 session - the perfect way to capture brand new love in the comfort of your own surroundings
09.01.2022 Cannot get enough of these before and afters. I love them. I love imagining families looking back on them in wonder.... I love the idea that one day these tiny babies will be all grown up, and be able to see their very beginning. PS I have maternity + newborn bundled packages, and am now offering bonus {BEFORE + AFTER} prints, on top of your standard inclusions! That's how much I love them - I want them to be proudly displayed in your home!
07.01.2022 If you've done a Hypnobirthing course, chances are you've seen the (full) version of this film, which has been shown at classes all around Australia! This amazing mum, Alecia, is a hypnobirthing instructor herself, now based on the Sunshine Coast. Her birth, from the outside at least, was one of the calmest I've ever seen! Funnily enough, her own experience of it was that it was her most challenging! It's funny how birth can look so different from the outside, to what it feel...s like on the inside. Did you do a Hypnobirthing course with your pregnancy/s?
05.01.2022 "Giving birth should be your greatest accomplishment, not your greatest fear." This is a quote that has always resonated with me. Here's a radical idea.... What if we went into birth with awareness rather than fear? There are times in birth when things go wrong, when mother and/or babies need help - that's life, that's nature, we are not perfect. But these are the minority, and they can be exacerbated by fear, which interrupts the complex hormonal process of labour and birth. Yes, we need to be aware of them, but imagine if doctors, midwives, women, men - everyone in the birth space, everyone in the WORLD - went into birth with awareness, but without fear? I feel that the entire birth culture would change. I often think about it in terms of driving a car. In fact, driving a car is probably far more dangerous. Hundreds of people in Australia lose their lives on the road each year. Every time I get in the car, I am aware (subconsciously, I don't often think about it consciously) that there are risks involved. There is a risk of harm or death to myself and my family. By choosing a safe car, having my children correctly restrained and driving in a safe manner with awareness of the road conditions and people around me, I have done all I can to prevent us being harmed. If I lived in fear of driving, because I know it could cause potential harm or death to myself and my family, it would be debilitating. If I stopped driving because I didn't want to take the risk, my life would be immeasurably different (and in many, many negative ways). There is inherent risk in almost everything we do and everywhere we go. We simply cannot live in fear of what could go wrong, we must have faith in what will go right - and if the shit hits the proverbial fan, we cross that bridge when we come to it. We can't live life in a constant state of fear, or we don't get to embrace it and experience it fully. The same goes for birth. So, there you have my thoughts for the day. What do you think? Were/are you afraid of birth?
05.01.2022 {BIRTH INFO NIGHT} How do you want to feel during and after the birth of your baby? Ignite Your Glow Hypnobirthing and I are running a Positive Birth Info Night THIS FRIDAY at 5:30pm, to help you and your partner prepare for a beautiful, empowering birth experience!... We will share how we can help you achieve a positive birth, and there will be time for you to chat with us and ask any questions you have about hypnobirthing, birth photography or just birth in general! You can book your tickets in the link (in comments). We can't wait to meet you and talk all things birthy, Jen and Kimberly
04.01.2022 I have enquired about hosting a screening for this documentary, because I believe it is so incredibly important. Even the trailer hit me right in the feels. Mackay people, would you come?
04.01.2022 This post has been a long time coming - since I basically disappeared from social media in December. And still, I’m not quite sure what to say. I think the last 12 months or so have been a rollercoaster for so many people...myself included. ... But I want you to know I’m still here. I have still been capturing families’ journeys, including my first bump - birth - baby story of 2021 - all the way out at EMERALD (pretty epic!) I have also been navigating a new part of my own story - as a single mother. A huge adjustment after not being single since I was 17 years old and basically a child myself! Rediscovering myself. Mustering my courage. Finding my feet. Discovering what brings me joy. Sometimes crying and eating Tim Tams and sitting in the bottom of the shower and feeling lonely and binge watching Netflix, because let’s be real here. I am forever grateful for the patience of my clients during this time, when the even crazier juggle has meant I’ve sometimes taken longer to reply to emails and messages, or get galleries out etc. Thank you, thank you! I know that as mothers, we really just do tend to get it - and I’m lucky to have people around me who I know have got my back Why am I telling you all of this? Well, because there has to be some changes here. This work has been my heart and soul work for a decade now. However, I’ve had to take on extra work elsewhere. This means limited availability, especially for birth/being on-call, and also a change in how my birth packages work, which will happen over the next few weeks. In other news, after the huge success of my Christmas minis, I’ve decided to run mini sessions twice a year - so stay tuned for the release of the Autumn/Winter sessions (a great Mother’s Day gift!) Who is keen?! I’m hoping to get back to sharing some of the beautiful families I’ve worked with over the last few months, and am looking forward to photographing over the coming months! But I also need to remember to take my own advice, and know that sometimes it’s ok to slow down and rest, especially when going through huge transitions and/or challenges. I love the saying about when you’re tired, you don’t have to quit, you can just rest Here’s to an amazing 2021 (Can you believe it’s already practically March?! What?!)
02.01.2022 Curious about birth photography? Wanting to experience a calm, informed and empowered birth with Hypnobirthing (however that unfolds)? Have a bit of a skeptical partner? ... Been feeling a bit unsure, lonely or anxious during your pregnancy? Well, here is a wonderful opportunity to come and meet some other pregnant mums/couples, find out all about hypnobirthing and birth photography, and hopefully walk away feeling inspired and excited about your upcoming birth! Kim from Ignite Your Glow and I can't wait to meet you <3
02.01.2022 I love that this first-time mum chose homebirth. Too many women discover and pursue homebirth after having a negative experience (or experiences) through the hospital system. Or perhaps they're a little anxious about the unknown, and don't feel confident at home for their first birth. I don't know if it's maybe my skewed perception because of my field of work, but I actually feel like more first-time mums are looking outside the mainstream box of maternity care, and I hope is an upward trend! I also hope seeing this strong first time mum give birth at home, with amazing support from her midwives, will inspire other soon-to-be mums that they CAN do it and it doesn't have to be scary! Enjoy <3
01.01.2022 To the men who truly listen to and respect their partner’s birth choices. To the men who do the research and understand birthing options and choices. To the men who will ask questions of staff when they feel they haven’t been given enough information.... To the men who will fiercely protect the birth space and advocate for their partner’s wishes. To the men who are there, physically and emotionally, every step of the way through the birthing journey. Thank you for being there. Thank you for caring and respecting our wishes. Thank you for holding us up and keeping us going when it gets overwhelmingly hard. Thank you for protecting our space. Thank you for treating us like the incredible beings we are as we go through this transformative experience.
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