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24.01.2022 Confidence in Alternative Health In this climate of health and economic uncertainty, people are looking for more job-security in self-employment options rather than as a traditional company employee - and especially so in the realm of alternative healing practices. One thing I've noticed over the years in myself, friends, acquaintances and students trying to 'make a go' as an alternative health practitioner is the roadblocks encountered around confidence as a start-up heale...Continue reading

22.01.2022 "Today was a Difficult Day," said Pooh. There was a pause. "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Piglet.... "No," said Pooh after a bit. "No, I don't think I do." "That's okay," said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend. "What are you doing?" asked Pooh. "Nothing, really," said Piglet. "Only, I know what Difficult Days are like. I quite often don't feel like talking about it on my Difficult Days either. "But goodness," continued Piglet, "Difficult Days are so much easier when you know you've got someone there for you. And I'll always be here for you, Pooh." And as Pooh sat there, working through in his head his Difficult Day, while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs...he thought that his best friend had never been more right." - A.A. Milne Sending thoughts to those having a Difficult Day today and hope you have your own Piglet to sit beside you

21.01.2022 A friend of mine, Will, has just launched a new start-up called Willy’s Chilly. My review below: ‘Willy’s Chilly is a thicker-styled, chipotle sauce which packs a little more punch than your average chilli sauce. So, if you prefer more of a grenade type experience with your chilli, with a slight delay before the flavour hits your lips - then Willy’s Chilli could be the sauce for you’... IG: willyschilli It’s an interesting time for men in a post-covid Australia when the pillars of Australian healthy male role models have traditionally been sports idols. Now, when I see a family-man like Will turning a passion project into a small business start-up, it turns my head. A King effort. Simon A long time ago, when I was having a rough time, Will said to me: Keep that chin of yours up...I’d hit it!. And those words helped me a lot

20.01.2022 Heartschool will now be operating as a Non-for-Profit this next financial year under the model of a secular Church. This is exciting for us as it will make our offerings more affordable and accessible to everyone. And will change our relationship with you from teacher & student to simply friends, being in it with you to practice & grow the techniques together.... It’s a little scary to let go of the financial gain I could have received from Heartschool, after building it up these past few years. However am fortunate to have found some success in Freo private-practice recently, allowing us the confidence to free this baby up to community. Plus I know there is a much higher precedence to profit which these circles will bring to our life. So, in our own little world, the heart is now officially -out of transaction - making love; simply; a gift. Which feels much better moving forward. Simon & Team Photo: Hamersley Gorge

19.01.2022 If If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,... But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dreamand not make dreams your master; If you can thinkand not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triumph and disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: Hold on; If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kingsnor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, Andwhich is moreyou’ll be a Man, my son! Words by Rudyard Kipling Popeye image by Lee Romao

13.01.2022 Such a compelling image Artist: Kevin Carden Photography

09.01.2022 Image Artist : J.A. Katzenstein (2018). Publication - The New Yorker

08.01.2022 Psychedelics & Heartschool Psychedelics are coming mainstream and they are coming fast. Late last year, a group of private donors gave 17 million dollars to start the ‘Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research' with John Hopkins Medicine. This is not the first research centre to open investigating psychedelics, but it is the largest, and will be looking at many psychedelic interventions including the treatment addictions, PTSD, depression, eating disorders, alzheimers...Continue reading

07.01.2022 These are my brothers and together we are the team @heartschool... #perthtrainings2020

07.01.2022 Photographer: Unknown

04.01.2022 My friend Johann has some good advice for small business owners

04.01.2022 OPENMIND. by extraweg

02.01.2022 Remembering how special the bond is between a parent & child on Australia’s National Day of Healing today

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