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Francoise Alloin Monnereau at Heart Space Cooran

Locality: Cooran, Queensland

Phone: +61 409 069 782

Address: HeArt Space 42 Mahers Road 4569 Cooran, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 AQUARIUS NEW MOON - I EXPRESS MY UNIQUE SELF WITH TOTAL FREEDOM - This Aquarius New Moon happens on Saturday 25th January 2020 at 4 degrees 21’ of Aquarius, a...t 7:41 AM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise /Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour everyone, welcome to the first New Moon of the year, the Aquarius New Moon, announcing the beginning of the Chinese New Year of the Metal Rat. This year 2020, we are going to feel more and more of the energy of Aquarius. We will gradually breaking away from the Capricorn energy, bit by bit, slowly, and moving to this energy of air. We are going from this earth Capricorn energy, that has been quite heavy, very industrialand we are going to be moving towards getting resources out of the air, out of the space, between objects, rather than from the objects themselves. So it is a very different kind of frequency that we are moving into. This New Moon happens when the Sun and Moon are conjunct together in the sign of Aquarius. This is the Yin and the Yang, the Feminine and the Masculine united, and beginning a new cycle together. The New Moon is when the sky is the darkest, when the seeds of intention are planted, and with the Aquarius flavour, we are looking at things that are beyond the everyday it is about where you are going, about what the future new possibilities are. There is an electricity energy with Aquarius, there is excitement, there is a sense of possibility, a sense of fresh air, fresh ideas, a fresh sense of who you are now, and what you need to do. Aquarius is an air sign, and it is all about thoughts, ideas, it is very creative energy, it has a lot of social stimuli interactions ideas. Aquarius is also about friendships, networks, and the Tribe, the Ohana and on the other side of that spectrum, Aquarius is about the individual, who you are with, who you are within the group, the tribe, the Ohana dynamic. So a sense of self can be developed with this New Moon, a sense of individuation, a sense of This is how I am different, and that difference is my strength, and that is what I offer to my community, to the collective (Uranus). So this energy is quite dynamic, and Mercury is also in Aquarius, he is not part of Sun-Moon conjunction though, but he is still in the air element, keeping things interesting, new, fresh, and have you think beyond what you have thought before. So at this New Moon time, there is a lot of mind opening energy, because Aquarius is where you get a new understanding, a new breakthrough, a new genius energy. And this energy is meant to be different, it is meant to have something unique and special to offer, back to the collective. At this Aquarius New Moon time, we still have this huge bunching of planets in Capricorn, (South Node-Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn). The South Node in Capricorn is very much connected to how you have used your power as an individual, how leaders and governments have used their power, if they used it with integrity, accountability, transparency or if not, they will be found accountable, and more secrets and corruptions will be revealed in 2020, as part of the process of deconstruction of the old order. Capricorn is the sign connected to density, permanence, slowness, long-term commitment With Saturn in Capricorn, there is a sense of territory, Capricorn rules borders, boundaries, walls (Mexico wall), and Saturn promotes division, and therefore polarity, groups of people being different from one another such as in colours, religion, status, classes, genderthat is going to shift as we get into Aquarius energy, when Saturn and Jupiter will move into that sign, on the 21st of December 2020. So this Aquarius New Moon gives you a glimpse of the future. Aquarius is the sign that governs the New Age, and we are all moving into the Age of Aquarius now, so this is an important New Moon, especially because it involves Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. Of course you don’t have to be an Aquarius to benefit from this New Moon energy, you do have the sign of Aquarius somewhere in your chart. So check where 4 degrees of Aquarius sits in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life, to see where this New Moon is impacting you, and what kind of intention you can express at this time. Capricorn is about the past, and Aquarius is about the future So with this Aquarius New Moon, the big shift of energy is continuing. You are acclimating now to the paradigm shift, and you are going to be able to break free. Aquarius is the freedom sign, and it is going to help you to let go of those things that you need to, in order to move forward. This Aquarius New Moon is sitting at 4 degrees, and we just started a 4 Universal Year 2020, so let’s look at this number 4. 4 is aligned with the planet Saturn, and it is aligned with Earth. Saturn is about order, planning, work and concentration and that resonates with 4, which is about work, finances, building, and practicality. 4 brings the need to define and order things. So this New Moon is a time to measure, classify, record, regulate, and compose yourself, as well as your affairs and your environment. You must attend to everyday matters, and handle them through your own efforts and actions. This is a productive period, in which the creative drive can be controlled and directed. Controlling your daily activities, will allow you to reap material rewards. It is a time to be economical and practical, in terms of your money and finances. So set up a budget, and pay debts on all levels, materially, physically, mentally and spiritually. There may be obstacles that must be solved with patience and determination, but if you have the courage to go through all oppositions, you can make great progresses. During this New Moon time, reason reigns, and you must trust your insights and analysis, because you are able to see into the heart of any situation. The number 4 implies the door of opportunity through which you can pass into a new life. And 4’ also rules the physical aspects of living, so sensual pleasures are available to you now, and you can have a physically rewarding relationship with someone. So this is a time for work and accomplishment, a time to make solid foundations - financial, physical or mental - for your life. A time to exercise and take care of your body, your physical home. So this 4’ energy is taking place in the sign of Aquarius, during a 4 Universal Year, but in fact Aquarius is almost quite the opposite, because Aquarius is like the number 5, which is about freedom. So at this New Moon time, we have this juxtaposition of building a foundation, but it needs to be built on the whole exploration of freedom. Aquarius governs breakthroughs, it governs your inner genius, what makes you unique, the respect that everybody has their own life to live, everybody has walked a different path. So this Aquarius New moon is about uncharted territories, it is about INSPIRATION, Uranus is such a planet of intuition and inspiration. So Aquarius and Uranus like to go out of bounds, they like to explore beyond the 3D experience, into other dimensions That is how you leave the old paradigms behind, because you are set free to explore. Aquarius governs the higher mind, higher consciousness, looking at new pathways, new angles, new ways of being. So this Aquarius New Moon is a great time to know how you are set up to create a life of the most JOY, the most service, the most fulfilling. Aquarius also governs Astrology, so an astrology reading is the perfect tool to discover your unique Star-Blueprint, your Rising Sign, your lights and Shades, your purpose and directions, your challenges and gifts, your relationshipsso feel free to contact me if you want to explore your self. This Aquarius New Moon is a time to go with your intuition, to seek knowledge, to seek truth, to seek freedom. Aquarius is the sign of the Water Bearer, disseminating a very special water, the Water Of Knowledge. So knowledge is important here, but the way it is taught in the current educational system, it is a knowledge based on obedience. For example memorising tests based on somebody else idea of what you should be learning, that is being very obedient for the current educational system, that is very measured, very linear. And Uranus and Aquarius are saying absolutely No, there are many ways to explore truth, everybody has their own way of experiencing it, so you have to be flexible, and practice to be PONO. And the shadow side of Aquarius is inflexibility, or being aloof, standing aside, not engaging so practice flexibility because the whole point of living is about TOTAL ENGAGEMENT. At this New Moon time, Sun-Moon in Aquarius are in a very tight Square conversation with Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, therefore Uranus is the ruler of this New Moon. This is about sudden, unforeseen, breakthroughs, discoveries, revolution, and also internal revolution, surprises, readjustments YOU ARE CHANGING, so adjustments will need to be made. So first of all, your openness and again your flexibility is absolutely necessary, in order to upgrade to the new vibrational shift, that is taking place now, and in order for those new paradigms to take root in your life. And at the time of this New Moon, the energy is electric and unexpected, so the Square to Uranus is disruptive, shocking, did not see that coming. It is a sense of also breaking out of what has been stagnant or stuck, and that is especially strong, because of how Taurus (Uranus in Taurus) is a Fixed sign, Aquarius is a Fixed sign as well, so these are the energies that like stability, reliability, I don’t want change. So the New Moon-Uranus Square conversation brings a very disruptive, changing dynamic energy at this time, and it has a shock factor to it, and there is something that needs to shift, there is something that has to change. And you are going to know about it, perhaps a few days before the New Moon, it can be a shock, and at the New Moon time, you get new understanding of what to do, going forward, new possibilities, new solutions, new insights. Uranus is a game changing energy, to help you see what can be used for your best and highest good. And with the Moon involved in this Square conversation to Uranus, you may feel very excitable, and so you need to guard against being impulsive, or reacting, you want to immerse yourself in activities that take advantage of the influx of inspiration, and trust them. Because if you listen closely, and you take that time, to how can you approach a situation in a new way by listening to guidance, when you do that, your life moves very quickly. So it is a great time to make a radical new beginning in your life, because Aquarius, if it does anything, it sets you free And if you are a seeker, what you seek the most is freedom, you want to be free from any attachments, from any bondage, from any resistance Whether it is unconscious or conscious, freedom is fundamental to any spiritual seeker. With the Sun involved in the Square conversation to Uranus, it just opens you up to new ideas. You are making new plans, but you need to guard against making radical shifts, based on a reactionary impulse. So again, you need to guard against being impatient, or doing something just as a reaction, as opposed to an inspiration. At this New Moon time, you want to express who you are with total freedom, with no restrictions. So conversations will become very interesting, as well as your internal dialogues. Because you may sense that sometimes you rebel, or are impulsive, instead of just not being aggressive, remember to breathe deeply when you are activated, or fearful, or feel attacked in any way. So at this New Moon time, you want to be pro-active by listening to that positive feedback that is always there for you, but it means taking that extra breath, that air, breathing it in, remember Aquarius is an air sign and wants you to breathe. And it is through the breath that you are in tune with that incredible insight that is always available to you. This New Moon-Uranus Square conversation also suggests that it might be uncomfortable to have to break through something. Maybe you have got some habit patterns, because Taurus rules your habit patterns, what you do regularly to feel secure. So maybe for example, you have got a certain ritual that you do in the morning, when you wake up. You do certain things, you make a cup of coffee, you stretch, you pray, salute the Sun whatever it is that you do you are quite attached to that way of doing things. And if somebody were to come in, and have you do it differently, you would not be very happy. This Square conversation to Uranus, is an energy of breaking out of certain rituals that you have, that might not be very productive for you, that might keeping you asleep, or stagnant. So this Aquarius New Moon is a WAKE UP call that is asking youWhat are my important values? What is important to me? What matters to me?And for those things to happen, what would you have to change? So it is a really good time to reinvent yourself, to often add something new to what you are doing, with your music, with your bodywork style, your art, your technique try always to bring a new idea, something different to what you are doing. So this year you might not like having to learn more technology, but chances are with this Square conversation to Uranus, you might have to learn more technology, (Uranus rules computer, technology, science), and it might just be a necessary part of your growth. But this year you have no excuses, you have to breakthrough, whatever stagnancy, lethargy, you have got going on. With this Aquarius New Moon, this is the opportunity to just literally break out of the shell. And once you pop out of the shell, it is like WOW, there is a huge wide world out there, that you did not know existed, and that is the energy of this New Moon seeing your world from a completely new perspective. At this New Moon time, we still have the conjunction Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn going on. This is about the dying of the old systemthe death of all things that does not work for you. Globally we are certainly seeing that, with the death of certain governments, economies, banks systems certain physical things that just need to go, especially anything that lacks integrity, that is dishonest this can come out at this time. And it is the same in your personal life, what do you need to just let go of? Saturn here wants to hang on to the status quo, but don’t hang on to itand Pluto wants to dissolve all, so you can start fresh. This is very much the process of death, transformation and rebirth so this Aquarius New Moon is a Moon of REBIRTH. Creativity is emphasised at this New Moon time, with Venus being in conjunction with Neptune in Piscesand in extra, that Venus-Neptune conjunction is also in a Square conversation with Mars in Sagittarius. Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is about altered states, beauty, creativity and Mars squaring that, is about putting energy into a daily spiritual practice. Venus and Mars are on different pages now. Mars is strong in his Masculine Sagittarius, Venus is strong in her Feminine Pisces, but the Square conversation creates tension. So tension in relationships, tension in the Masculine and Feminine desires and needs. Mars is fiery and quite independent in Sagittarius, and Venus-Neptune in Pisces wants to be alone. Neptune in her own sign of Pisces is very powerful, and she is slowing down Mars, she will take the speed and energy out of Mars. This slow down can be felt to the Ego, so look after your body, because Neptune in Square with Mars can trigger a sickness. On another level, Venus-Neptune conversation is sayingI need a break I need a vacation Pisces is about escapism, Venus is about pleasure, so I suppose that you know yourself well, and you know what takes you out of the intensity of the real world, and what gives you something enjoyable. And there is definitively a need for it at this time, and don’t forget to indulge in lot of sleeps, naps, and meditations. Venus in Pisces is in her strength, so you feel much more intuitive, emotional, private, romantic, and you are looking for something that is lovely, and calm, and soothing. That is really important at this time, so follow anything that is connected to spirit, to your higher self, to your Aumakua, to expand your spiritual growth. So this Aquarius New Moon is a time for a slowdown, for a break, for deep rejuvenating sleeps, which frankly it is needed, after the big energies we have had throughout the month of January. We also have Mercury in Aquarius in a friendly Sextile conversation with Mars in Sagittarius. That dissipates the Venus Square Mars in a beautiful way, because it allows you to really understand where your inspirations are coming from, and to be practical about using energy to move forward. So at the time of this New Moon, you have the energy to achieve a lot, to propel yourself forward. There is another conversation, at this New Moon time, that is Venus in Pisces in a friendly Sextile conversation with Jupiter in Capricorn. This is a stabilising Jupiter in Capricorn here, very practical, very clear, decisive, do what you need to do, and it is connecting you with the long-term planning, because in Capricorn, it is always about the commitments you make, how you show up in the world, what you are choosing, what you are deciding. And this Sextile conversation is asking you to do what you need to do, for the long term. This can be inspired plans as well, and whatever the inspirations are, Jupiter in Capricorn brings in the practicality, brings in the solution Hey I know what to do so that is a very nice energy. Venus and Jupiter are the two Benefits in Astrology, so when they are in an harmonious conversation, like Sextile, Trine, or conjunction, it just feels like you have a lucky streak, and you may feel just blessed, generous, optimistic, and it really favours financial growth, romance and dating. On another level, Venus-Jupiter conversation also favours dealing with any disharmony, that you may have had in any relationship. Any disharmony that you felt can be brought into harmony with this conversation, because Venus governs Love, and Jupiter governs Gratitude and Joy. So with those qualities, you can really address any disharmony, plus your financial flow is enhanced. You can attract LOVE and ABUNDANCE in an easier way during this New Moon time, so it is a really good time to make investments. Venus-Jupiter Sextile conversation also helps you to understand that life is a miracle, and the greatest miracle you can experience, is to live your life confidently, and you are facing your walk through life untouched by challenges, and free to explore, free from the attachments to that very thing that is happening to you. So these two Sextile conversations, Mercury-Mars and Venus-Jupiter, are helping to dissipate that tense energy of Uranus in Square to the Sun and Moon, so you can handle that energy, and you have an outlet for that energy. And it basically allows you to take care of all your needs, so that whoever or whatever comes up in your life, you can stay balanced and calm, unaffected by whatever challenge comes your way. This Aquarius New Moon is showing you how to only embrace what is truly important to you, what is truly resonating with your unique you, what is PONO for you The last Hawaiian principle of PONO : Effectiveness is the measure of truth, is saying that what is effective just for you, is YOUR TRUTH. Ultimately, the shocks or the surprises, the epiphanies that you might get at this New Moon time, they are meant to lead you on a healing path, because the Sun-Moon conjunction in Aquarius, is also in a supportive Sextile conversation with Chiron, the Sacred Healer, in Aries. So at this New Moon time, there is a healing in yourself, something you are meant to see within yourself, that is ready to be brought to the light, expressed and understood. This New Moon is actually inviting you to direct the energy towards this Chiron, to look at what fears or wounds are triggered, and then you are meant to work through, and find a new sense of self. There is a leadership energy with Chiron in Aries, there is a sense of figuring it out on your own, so there is a lot of independence energy at this New Moon time. But you have to be very responsible at this time, as to how you are bringing your heart of compassion, because Aquarius can be quite aloof, emotionally disconnected, cold, Aquarius has a cold robotic side to it. So when it comes to emotions, when it comes to loving, and when it comes to connecting, when it comes to compassion, this is an area that you are going to have to get in tune with the opposite end of Aquarius, which is the sign of Leo. In astrology, signs work in pairs, the signs opposite to each others always play together, and Leo is the heart. So you must no forget to bring your heart into everything that you do. So at this New Moon time, you want to look at what you want for the road ahead, what you want to manifest and create in 2020 WHAT MATTERS TO ME NOW? so keep going, and as long as you are aware of who you are, you are going to navigate through 2020 beautifully. This year 2020, this beginning of the new Decade, you have to learn how to go into a certain flow of energy, and Uranus and Aquarius is all about ME BEING MY UNIQUE ME so what makes YOU stand out? And you are not afraid to share it. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

24.01.2022 ARIES NEW MOON - I SAVE LIVES, I STAY AT HOME - This Aries New Moon happens on Tuesday 24th of March 2020 at 4 degrees 12’ Aries, at 7:27 PM Queensland time Au...stralia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Welcome beautiful stars seekers, to this Aries New Moon. Every New moon is when the Sun and the Moon meet up at the exact same degree and minute, and they are conjunct. The Feminine and the Masculine are giving each other a hug, they are getting on the same page as to what the intention is in this new cycle. Aries is the beginning of the zodiac, it is the first sign, and it is when we begin the whole Astrological Year. So at this Aries New Moon time, it is basically to set a New Year intention, what do you wish to create in the next 12 months. So this is a bigger New Moon energy we have here, when you really look at What am I here to develop, grow and expand, over the course of 2020, and also into 2021? It is a big question indeed. So it is a great time to set a new intention for what you want to manifest in the House or area of life, where 4 degrees of Aries falls into your natal chart. Aries energy is initiatory, it is pioneering, it is entrepreneurial, it can go solo, so there is a kind of surge of fresh new energy, that can create a new start for you, in the area of life in your birth that is impacted by this New Moon. This is really a lovely New Moon, we still have a lot of Cardinal energy here, South Node-Jupiter-Pluto-Mars in Capricorn, and Moon-Sun-Chiron in Aries, and North Node in Cancer. Cardinal signs (Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn) get the show on the road, making things happen energy. This Aries New Moon happens at 4 degrees, and it is the final of six consecutive New Moons at 4 degrees. So again number 4 resonates so high at this time, and is the number of order, of the Earth, the four side of a house, which is your security... And since Aries represents new beginnings, and this New Moon is the final of six New Moons at 4 degrees, there is a changing of the guards here, and at the same time we are at the Fall Equinox... so it is a change, it is a reboot, a very important time indeed. So this Aries New Moon marks so much reset, renewal, coming right after the Autumn Equinox for us down under, and the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere. So this Aries New Moon combined with the Equinox, is a wonderful opportunity for a fresh start. When we have the Equinox, the hours of daylight and darkness are equal, so we are made aware of any current balances/imbalances as we look ahead to days of decreasing light for us down under. If something is out of balance, it can be corrected with the application of action and forward movement. Whenever we have an Equinox or a Solstice, it is like striking a tuning fork, and it sets up certain themes for the following 3 months. One of the big theme is about the right use or abuse of power, the top-down power, and we are seeing more extreme leadership in many countries at this time. This year’s Equinox is loaded due to the Coronavirus, so what might this Aries ingress bring in that context? This is an important turning point it will accelerate things, but it will also bring new reasons to feel alive. Aries lives for a challenge, and these are challenging times. The energy of the crisis is what makes Aries feel vital, so apply that in whatever way feels right to your situation. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Mars, planet of action, anger, passion. This will be a moment when things surge ahead, for better or worse. And I think that is better than stagnation we certainly don’t want to remain stuck. I find it encouraging that we are at a starting point (Aries) rather than an end. Other 4 vibrations are found looking at the date of this New Moon 24th March 2020, 2+4+0+3+2+0+2+0, that adds up to 13, and 1+3 = 4. So this Aries New Moon is really strongly vibrating with the number 4. And then of course, the year 2020 is a 4 Universal Year. And 4 is about the four seasons that shows us that there is a spring, and there is a winter at the end, when things dies and are reborn again, which is the cycle of life. So we are being shown at this time that it is natural for certain times in life, to be renewal time and for us all, this is RENEWAL TIME. So we have this ability now, with the number 4 vibration, of putting everything in its place, because 4 represents order, and it is like a box with four sides, and you can create a border, you can contain things, put them in their place, so that there is discernment of where to put your energy, so you don’t dissipate your energy by putting it everywhere. What is very important at this New Moon time, is that the Sun and Moon are tightly conjunct Chiron the Sacred Healer, and this is really emphasising this Chiron healing theme. With Chiron in Aries, you are healing parts of yourself, your self-identity. Chiron moved into Aries only last year, and it is the first time that WE, as a human race, are experiencing Chiron in Aries consciously, because we did not know about Chiron, when Chiron was last in Aries 50 years ago, because Chiron had only been discovered in 1977. So with Chiron the Sacred Healer in Aries, what is being healed? Well it is about your ability to tap into confidence, into courage. So you need to open up at this time, and invest your emotional health, and then understand that yes you are highly sensitive, and that you have to just have tremendous compassion and the connection and vibration to life, to others, is there, and you need to know that you can move that energy and heal it. It brings tremendous healing when this New Moon in Aries is conjunct Chiron. It allows your inner Light TO BE INFUSED WITH LOVE, because that is what Chiron truly stands for, is HEALING THROUGH LOVE. So at the time of this Aries New Moon, you have the possibility to bring to life this incredible healthy balance and now you are focusing more on hygiene, more on cleanliness, more on eating healthfully, more on building up your immune system this is all Chiron energy, this inner need of significant healing, and uplifting energy in your life which is part of healing, because you cannot heal when you are in a negative energy, it is because your immune system is focused on being down, and you don’t want that. You want to focus on the positive expression of healing at this time, and feel that calm steadiness, and the drive that goes with Aries as well, and to make sure that you have those boundaries. So at the time of this New Moon don’t listen to negativity, get the news when you need to, stay away from mainstream media, as there is a lot out there that you need to be aware of, that is controlling. You want to be choosing wisely where you get your information, especially now. Chiron view in a different angle, is the Wounded Healer, it is where you feel vulnerable, and that vulnerability is meant to be a catalyst into deeper Soul healing. Chiron is often considered as a bridge, it is a bridge to healing, a bridge to more self-knowing, this is an opening to more of your gifts and abilities. So this is a strong catalyst energy for deeper healing, that is working with you at this time. The Sun conjunct Chiron is about what your Soul has been carrying for lifetimes, part of your self-identity, part of your self-understanding, that now you are being asked to look at, and to own with greater confidence and this will be part of the theme for the next 12 months. That is why you want to be very clear around what is calling to you, within the Aries energies in your natal chart, that are here for your Soul expansion, Soul healing, and deeper Soul knowingness. Some other things that can come up with this energy, is that Aries is associated with your Masculine, your Yang energy, with your ego, your desires, it is the energy of a beginning point, of an initiation, of something new and fresh. Aries is the energy of how you can understand more of who you are, but in the lower expression of Aries, it could be healing anger, healing impatience, healing immaturity, healing where you have not believed in yourself, healing where you lacked courage to be who you truly are. So those themes are coming strongly at the time of this New Moon. Aries is ruled by planet Mars, and therefore, Mars is the ruler of this New Moon. And Mars is in a very intense energy at this time, as he is part of a triple conjunction with Pluto and Jupiter, and about to exactly conjunct Saturn. So this Mars is powered up, and he is related to what you want in the world, in your world how you show up in the world, how you are going after your dreams, your desires, your ambitions, how your career is changing. Mars is in a very intense placement at this time, because Mars-Pluto conjunction is life changing, is transformative, and there is no going back. Every time a planet is conjunct Pluto, Pluto changes the energy of that area of yourself permanently, and it could be destruction or transformation, but the Soul evolution as well. Mars is also an activator and a trigger, so there is a lot of intensity happening at this time in the world ( which is Capricorn), and Mars is about to exactly conjunct Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius, on March 31st. That is going to be a standstill, a stop, a taking a breath and checking in. So Mars is going through a very big journey right now, and now you are looking at What do I want now? and what do I want next? Where am I headed now? Aries is ruling the head, so it is about living with your head, leading with being brave, with being courageous. With Aries, you are the warrior, and sayyes I am going to fight this, I am going to come through it, I am going to come through stronger than ever... So we are all facing a lot of challenges right now, in the global world, and as a reflection, you are experiencing difficulties and challenges in our personal world. And these challenges are reflected at this New Moon time, with the triple conjunction in Capricorn, Jupiter-Pluto-Mars, being in conjunction with Saturn as well. Saturn has just entered Aquarius on the 21st of March, and will stay there until the beginning of July. So we are going to have a taste of Saturn in Aquarius, and Saturn is the old ruler of Aquarius, as well as the ruler of Capricorn. So the triple conjunction in Capricorn, represents a very strong energy of what is right, what is real, what is honest, what has integrity... and at the same time, it is about what needs to go, what is outdated... there are huge changes happening in structures around the world at this time, and therefore in your personal world. Structures politically, educationally, healthily, financially...everything is up for huge change. And this Aries New Moon is a catalyst to really push that change along... Where do I need to go?... and it is an opportunity for some strong leadership as well. Are you willing to make your own decisions, and stand by them? Do what you feel in your heart, and it does not matter if you are criticised, do it anyway. So what frequency do you want to resonate with now? Aries is about...Who am I?... So what are the new things that you want to bring into your world, with this Aries New Moon?... Where do you need to be just a little more courageous, a little braver?... So try new things, see what it feels like. Aries is the Fire energy, and we all need that Fire with all the earth energy going on ( Jupiter-Pluto-Mars-South Node in Capricorn, and Uranus-Venus in Taurus). The Jupiter-Pluto combination is the most fortunate combination you can have for wealth and wellbeing. Jupiter expands ABUNDANCE and JOY, Pluto empowers through transformation, and together they are focus on manifesting success. So if you are passionate about something, this is a strong fortunate time for FAITH and TRUST and TRANSFORMATION and SURRENDER and then happening in Capricorn means it is rebooting your career somehow. There is something going on, and you are doing something differently. Maybe you are allowing yourself to be more transparent, or more public in some way. You are definitively focusing on the extraordinary resources you have, to move your intentions forward at this time, because you have all the support, you have the vigorous ambition of Mars, and the incredible joy and expansion and wealth and wisdom of Jupiter, and then you have the empowerment and transformation of Pluto. Pluto goes straight to the core of everything, and you are bringing that into what it is you are here to do. Now Mars conjunct Pluto makes your goal-directed energy very strong, so it brings tremendous results. So your assertiveness, your ability to just go deeply into the sensual side of life because Mars and Pluto both are the co-rulers of Scorpio, and Scorpio governs the taboo subjects, including sexuality, it also governs life and death, money owed to you through partnership or otherwise so Mars-Pluto conjunction is really about uncovering secrets in your life, and setting the record straight, and tuning into that primal energy, and using that primal energy to draw on your inner warrior, your strength, that is truly Mars And Pluto is the leader, he does not fear anything, because he is about change. Pluto embodies transformation, so there is no fear of change, and Pluto likes to dive down into the truth, and then it just becomes incredibly transformational and exciting, and it boosts your self-confidence because the truth sets you free. And if you are open, and surrender to that, you have the confidence to move forward. At this New Moon time, we have got a lot of earth and water energy, but there is no air energy. So with no air, you are dealing with issues with the lungs, with the breath, with communication and there could be an overcompensation for that, or you become the best communicator. With no air, what is the common language? Well for some high spiritual beings, even from different belief systems, the common language is silence, when you are quiet, when you are not arguing... and then you can hear the birds singing, and notice more things. And when we are silent with one another, we can connect with our humanity. So when you start talking and disagreeing, you get into the past energy, shown by this Aries New Moon in a challenging Square conversation with the North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn. Now this Square is about not knowing where to go, or not knowing what is a home, or what does home look like, it is about the shifting dynamics of where you feel safe in the world, in your world because this North Node in Cancer has been teaching you to trust yourself, trust your heart, trust your needs, trust what is in you, that maybe gets overpowered. The North Node in Cancer is about a very feminine energy, and Sun-Moon-Chiron in Aries is a very masculine energy. So the masculine energies are quite strong at this time, not because of this New Moon in Aries, but also with its ruler, Mars, being really revved up. And at this time, with this Square conversation to the Cancer North Node, it could feel where am I safe? What can I trust in myself? what is right for my own needs? Cancer is about the family, the home base, where you go at the end of the day and then it is like you could feel overrun, by the strong energies of things being new and changing, it feel like they taking over what you thought was safe But that is only an illusion, because the truth is, you always travel with your safety, you always travel with what you need within you. So this North Node Square conversation is about going into your heart, nurturing yourself there, feeling safe, feeling comforted there And knowing that this North Node at 3 degrees of Cancer, is about to change in Gemini later on, on May 4th, so it is finishing up its journey in Cancer, it is returning you back to a zero point of innocence and purity, that you can absolutely trust yourself even more now. The South Node represents our collective past, and in Capricorn, can be quite harsh. It is about going back to old behaviour patterns of separation. And you can see that with the Coronavirus, there are no borders, it is in Italy, in France, in Germany, in Iran, in Singapore, in Australia, there is no respect for borders. So here is the question ...Where do we need borders? Which borders do we need to adapt and change? And with the Capricorn flavour so predominant at this New Moon time, the feelings of separation and isolation are quite strong. At this time, there are many people in isolation, in quarantine, again because of the Coronavirus. It can be very frightening to be in isolation, no contact with friends or family or anybody, scary... so with the North Node in Cancer, how can we nurture one another through these difficult times? There is a shared key phrase, that comes from countries that are on lockdown, because of the Coronavirus pandemic - France, America, Italy, China, Germany, Denmark, El Salvador, Ireland, New Zealand, Poland,, and Spain - I SAVE LIVES, I STAY AT HOME. With the Capricorn flavour, there is also a huge turbulence in the countries economy, and at the same time, it is about reevaluating now. Capricorn always encourages you to get back to basis... What is really important, and what is extraneous?... So what can you let go of?... What can you release? Because with the Capricorn energy, you can make the decision to play it safe. It is important to know where to take the risk, with the Aries New Moon, where you need to be brave ... and where you can make a sensible decision. So this Aries New Moon is a good time for action, it is a good time for ideas to become reality, with the strong Capricorn energyand It is important with this Aries energy to look ways that you can lead... How can I lead?...How can I encourage other people to stand strong and lead their lives? And with the triple conjunction, Mars-Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn, this is bringing a lot of confidence, and the ability to break free from the fear side, which of course depresses your immune system. So you definitively want to not get into that fear mode. You want to be in touch with the information, without getting pulled into the vortex of it. So this is a time to figure out what you are afraid of, face the truth Whatever it may be, look at that fear, allow it to emerge, acknowledge it, confront it, feel it, and then see how you can adjust, be positive, and then look for the solution What can I do? there is always something you can do, no matter what predicament you are in. And Aries is that original idea that you need, that original source of I am actually in control of this, and I am not allowing my life to be consumed by an outside force I am doing everything in my power to stay positive, to smile through this time. And even if you don’t feel like smiling, make sure that you rest, or take time to meditate, or talk to a friend, or a counsellor, or a psychologist, or have your chart read by an astrologer You don’t sit around feeling badyou actually surrender to what is going on, and then allow yourself to be inspired, and follow your instinct of what to do, to be proactive. Because this is the time to heal that fear, and remember, you are helped at this time, with the Aries New Moon in conjunction with Chiron the Sacred Healer. Another great thing is that this Aries New Moon, the Sun and Moon, is in a beautiful Sextile conversation with Saturn in Aquarius. That means that you are really taking your feelings seriously. You are in control, self-control is huge, the sense of duty, the sense of responsibility is so much easier at this time, as is the emotional commitment, and being protective of your loved ones. It is being more patient as well, not feeling like you need to rush into things Of course we have this Aries energy, and Aries loves to go fast, and can be impatient, because of its ruler, the Mars energy but the Saturn-New Moon Sextile conversation tempers that, and brings the patience in place. So it is a beautiful juxtaposition here, of making gradual, lasting progress at this time, and use this transformational energy on Mother Earth right now, this moving stream of frequency that is sweeping over the Earth. There is so much to learn and understand, and to grow from this, bringing people closer together, understanding that WE ARE ALL ONE, that there is no such thing as putting up barriers, when it comes to frequency and energy That teaches you that what you put out reaches everywhere. This is an important lesson, and this is key in so many ways, because you are turning back to what makes you feel good, what makes you healthy, what is it that you need in your life. and you appreciate your loved ones even more, and you are just cherish what is important at this time. Aries and Mars are very resolute and the opening up of letting go of fear, comes when you understand that an accidental life is an anxiety ridden life. What I mean by that is, if you do not discern, and if you just live by accident, life happens to you, meaning that you are out of control, and you don’t commit to certain priorities, and set those priorities, and set those boundaries you are not participating, then you will be stressed out, you will be filled with anxiety. So the point is, with Aries and Mars, is that you need to live consciously, and conscious living brings confidence. Resoluteness about what it is that you feel that you intuit, will set you free, and the thing that you want to be set free of right now is FEAR. So only when your attention, and your involvement are discerning and definite, that the universe opens up its bounty to you, you need to get out of the way, and at the same time you need to set your priorities. So you need to understand that the priorities, that you set, need to come from your intuition and you want to move away from needing to belong, or needing to identify with the status quo, with the culture, with whatever it isit is like going with an external force, and you need to instead be engaged with the moment. So be engaged with the moment, your playground is in the NOW, in the MANAWA. MANAWA - Now is the moment of power-I am here NOW. You will not feel like playing, if you just rely on past ways, or past ideologies. So this means What do you put your devotion on? How do you set your priorities? What makes you happy? What allows you to feel like you are surfing the wave of life? What allows you to feel unimpeded by external distractions and dramas? these can be huge questions for you and everyone, because you surround yourself with people, with projects, with ideas, with thoughts, with expectations for your futureand at this time there is so much with news, with information, that is constantly distracting you from BLISS, from HAPPINESS, and from PEACE. The month of March is a game-changer month, because there are so much happening astrology wise. Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, and they will conjunct again three times during this year, so the energies have not peaked, and global energies are still growing, developing, changing, transforming it is not over yetlike you have not reached a peaking point. And the healing that is needed (New Moon conjunct Chiron), is coming through, and it is speaking to each of us in its own way. And with Mercury in Pisces now going Direct, it feel like you are being intuitively guided during this time Of course in Pisces, the information is not quite clear, but you are sensing what is happening, or what you need to do for yourself, especially during this new beginning point of the Aries New Moon. So this month of March is where we are all changing things in our lives, and it is really setting the stage for the next 6 months or so. So whatever is beginning right now, whatever is changing in your life, whatever is new and coming forward you are going to be working on it into November. So that can help with preparing in doing what you need to do for the short and long run. We are seeing the world change in very big huge way now, and we are a part of that change. We are here with the Light, we are here with consciousness, with awareness, and the more you show up with the ability to do your own healing work, and to be strong in who you are, the more powerful you are going to feel, and the more powerful you are going to show up during these big global changes. So this is a big ARIES AWAKENING, to be clear, to be simple, to be open to rebirth, to be resolute, and to feel that inner confidence again, and to practice MANAWA every moment to renew. Our environment, the stars, the galaxy, is constantly going through bursts of new energy, and in a way, what is happening now, is like a SuperNova that we need on Earth, for us to just appreciate life to the fullest extent possible, to only move forward, when we are filled with JOY, with LOVE, with LIGHT, the Light of Wisdomand to let go of everything else. So I wish you a wonderful Aries New Moon experience, and a happy Fall/Spring Equinox. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

21.01.2022 Driven by my need to help, I use my bright mind to become a source of boundless knowledge It is really resonating with me Try it it is also fun... Thank You Melanie Hughes for this playful find

20.01.2022 CAPRICORN NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE - I WALK AS MYSELF EMBRACING NEW BEGINNINGS AND BIG ENDINGS - This Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse happens on Thursday 26th De...cember 2019 at 4 degrees 6’ of Capricorn, at 3:12 PM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise /Frankie Alloin Monnereau Merry Christmas everyone, and welcome to the very important New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn.This is a big Eclipse for a few reasons. First of all we have the Sun and Moon conjunct at 4 degrees of Capricorn. Every time they connect, it is the feminine and the masculine, coming together in union, and it is a time of planting intentions together. So there can be a sense of wholeness with a New Moon. There can be a sense of the possibilities and what new beginnings are ready to be started. The New Moon happens once a month, but this one is a Solar Eclipse as well, given it extra power, extra boost. So there is an extra sense of beginnings that start at this time. And they are significant new beginnings, not only because of the Eclipse, but also because the Sun and Moon are conjunct Jupiter and the South Node. So at the time of this New Moon, you have a sense of a BIG LETTING GO. It is time to release, because there are new energies coming through, and coming in. This powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse, is ending not only this year 2019, but also the decade, and it also previews 2020, because Capricorn is the predominant flavour of the year 2020. Of course you don’t have to be a Capricorn to benefit from this New Moon Solar Eclipse. You have this Eclipse in Capricorn happening somewhere in your natal chart, so knowing where about it is is important, because it helps you understand what area of your life is going to be impacted by this event. We have a good sense of momentum moving into January 2020, because, apart from Uranus, all the planets are moving in Direct mode, and so we have this sense of propulsion. And now you can feel the intensity in the air, with the Eclipse season starting, but another major shift of energy at this time, was the Capricorn Solstice on the 21st of the month. Whenever we have Solstices and Equinoxes, the ancient people were very connected to Mother Earth, so they understood that the veil between ourselves and the subtle realms, thinned around Solstices and Equinoxes times, and they were more easily able to access information on these auspicious days. This is why they were having great ceremonies at that special time. So we are now in Eclipse time, and it is very much time of quantum jumps. Eclipses are well known to be like wild card or pivot point, they inspire you to do quantum jumps, and you jump forwards on your path of destiny, especially if you are a little bit scattered, it will jump you back to your path of growth. Eclipses are really super big Full or New Moons, so an Eclipse represents a very powerful new beginning. So the axis Capricorn-Cancer has a strong influence on your life right now, and what makes this so important, is that we are building into the huge lineup of planets going to be conjunct in Capricorn (South Node-Jupiter-Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Pluto) on January 12th 2020. So the impact this New Moon Solar Eclipse has on you, being a new beginning for the decade moment, is very strong. And also the impact of the number 4, this Eclipse is at 4 degrees of Capricorn, is to be noticed. 4 has a strong resonance with Saturn in Capricorn, and this energy helps you understand how to integrate the incredible shift that is happening now, and especially in January 2020. 4 is about work, structure, discipline, integrity, honesty, practical solutions, security everything that Saturn also stands for 4 builds and lays down the foundation. And 2020 is going to be a 4 Universal year, (2+0+2+0=4) so you can see this Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse is forecasting, in so many ways, not just through the sign of Capricorn, but also through the 4 degrees number, what we will be expecting in 2020. A New Moon Solar Eclipse brings a really deep fresh start, where you are looking in this case, at Capricorn issues, which are all about dedication. So this is the birth of inner dedication, so you want to look at what are you dedicating your energy to. This is really the ultimate question right now, because being the final Eclipse of the decade, bridging the 2010s with 2020s, showing the way for the next 10 years so you want to take time, during these Christmas holidays, to just look at What am I dedicating my life to? What am I dedicating my most precious resource, my energy towards?. At this New Moon Solar Eclipse time, there is a huge concentration of planets in Capricorn, and in earth signs in general. In total, 6 planets in earth ( Moon-Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus) This enormous focus on earth suggests that Mother Earth, the environment, or business, finance, money in some way is going to come to get prominence around this time We did not have this grouping of planets for 735 years, since the year 1285, so this is one of the reasons that this time you are moving through, is so extraordinary, it is very rare. The last time Saturn and Pluto were in conjunction in the sign of Capricorn was 500 years ago, in the year 1517. And through the conjunction Saturn-Pluto there is often the theme of the ‘abuse of power. Look at now how the governments are corrupted, with their despotic leaders. 2020 will be a bigger year than 2019, in terms of corruption being revealed, and that will accelerate the collapse of the patriarchy, the collapse of the old order, old power structure, the leadership structure and this collapse is meant to happen, so let’s move with this flow, because it is only through the collapse of that side of the life, that you can move on to something very different. The Capricorn New Moon in conjunction with Jupiter and South Node, is having a supportive Trine conversation with Uranus in Taurus. Taurus and Capricorn are both earth signs, and they are very grounding, secure energetically. Uranus though, is an air sign planet, being the ruler of Aquarius, and so Uranus is able to liberate and free you, and brings a revolution, an internal revolution that creates breakthroughs. And that is where this greater awareness, that is so necessary now, is going to happen. This Trine conversation will enhance positive changes, surprises that feel good, encounters with others that feel lucky, happy or beneficial. Uranus governs the higher mind, so awareness is very much broadened, in terms of your greater journey why am I here? it is going to give you the intuition to get incredible downloads, or ingenious insights. Uranus in Taurus is an earth-shaking energy, that is stirring you up to think differently, to think outside of the box, look at something in a whole new way, be willing to open up to change, to understand the bigger cycles. This is an exciting energy that can be very much about quick, fast revelations, awakenings sometimes it is chaos and drama, it is disruptive but this Eclipse is very supportive with this Uranus Trine conversation, and the changes that are underway are important. So this Uranus energy is definitively keeping you on your toes, but it is a liberation as well, from what you thought you had to do. This New Moon Solar Eclipse can give you that burst forward, and then the Uranus in Taurus brings in the resources, and what you need in practical terms, to connect the dots and make something happen. The Capricorn flavour of this New Moon Solar Eclipse, gives you the ability to instill greater self-confidence, because you are owning who you are as an individual, as a free, independent person, walking the Earth, and not trying to please anyone but yourself. It is interesting to see that, Uranus the inventor, the adventurer, is making his third contact with the New Moons. In October, Uranus was in opposition conversation with the New Moon In November, Uranus was in Quincunx (150 degrees) conversation with the New Moon And now he is in a Trine conversation with this New Moon Solar Eclipse. So Uranus, over the last few months, has already prepared you for change. And of all conversations, the Trine is the most harmonious, and so you are coming into this holiday season, and you will be able to take advantage of listening, because you need quiet time and serenity, to listen to those inspirational downloads. Allow the New Moon-Uranus Trine conversation, to take you to new territory, especially as we end the decade, and we are all preparing for the new, and it is a New Moon time so be open to encounters that come out of nowhere, be open to be creative, in terms of the changes that are coming into your life. A wonderful thing about this New Moon Solar Eclipse, is that is conjunct Jupiter, as I mentioned before. This is so amazing Jupiter just moved into Capricorn, on December 2nd, and this conjunction, Jupiter-New Moon, is just very fortunate, it is all about good luck. So this makes you feel good, grateful, blessed, abundant, expansive it is just a fantastic, optimistic energy. So your relationship to financial flow, to prosperity, to feeling like you can prosper in all ways, is absolutely excellent. The Moon-Jupiter conjunction brings a lot of lucky breaks. It makes you feel like you have a lot of advantages now, and it encourages you to take risks, without feeling like you have to push really hard instead you are trusting your intuitive awareness to move forward naturally, when the timing is right, and Capricorn and Saturn are all about correct timing. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction means that there are opportunities for growth. And just keep in mind, because it is an Eclipse, it may take a little bit of time for you to feel these. Because it is dark during an Eclipse, and the darkness has to evolve into becoming visible, so give it a little bit of time. The South Node -Jupiter conjunction expresses what you have completed, what you have mastered, what you have learned, and this is the end of certain Soul’s contracts. This is the end of a chapter, because now you need to move forward, into a new area of mastery, and even professional knowledge. So on the overall, the Sun-Moon-Jupiter-South Node conjunction in Capricorn is about a huge completion, because the new is coming in, and it can come in very strongly and you might know what it is, because it is something you have been working through for the past number of years. The Saturn energy is very strong right now, because Saturn rules this New Moon Solar Eclipse. Saturn is the time it takes to move through something, the time is takes to learn, to master, the energy you must put forth. Saturn is at home in Capricorn, approaching the exact conjunction to Pluto (exact on January 12th), and this conjunction unfolds over two to three weeks in January. So the Capricorn area of your life has been very full, very busy, very intense, and it is asking you to look at your commitments, to look at how you are respecting yourself, respecting your energy, who you are nowand when you are in this place of self-respect, it is easier to let go of what has expired, what has served his purpose, and what you no longer need energetically to connect with. So this is a very dynamic, powerful, big Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse indeed!!! She brings you the awareness that you have learned a lot, and that you are letting go at a very big level. People are going to be changing jobs, certainly making announcements, many people will depart and rejoin the Oneness of All it is going to be a big time in the world. We are going to see that through governments, politics, big businesses, the Reserve Bank lot of structures and institutions are going to be undergoing significant and permanent changes. This is the end of structures, institutions, people in power, or loss of power. All this year, many truths have been revealed, about what was happening behind the scenes. Many people’s power were removed, they were stripped those are strong themes of these next few months, throughout 2020. Something interesting to know, is that this same Eclipse, at 4 degrees of Capricorn, happened for you, at the same place in your chart, 19 years ago, December 26th 2000. So think back on what transpired for you, at the end of 2000 into 2001 it is the same energy themes, but this time it is more intense, it is serious, it is like something has permanently shifted for you. And it is meant to be this rising consciousness of how you are here to show up in the world, and how you are here to be in your strength, and to stand strong, and be powerful. This is a turning over Eclipse, with new beginnings and big endingsAnd there is the sense that you are ready for more, you are ready for that next chapter. With Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, you have the power of rising above, the power of taking that high road these are the rising energies that you are in, they are very serious, Capricorn is about serious responsibilities, serious use of power, serious sense of what is right for you and what is not, and to allow that energy to grow. A great metaphor for this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, is to imagine a skyscraper, and understand that in oder to build a skyscraper you have to dig about one third of the height of the building into the ground, in order to establish a secure foundation That is the essence of Capricorn and Saturn, the building of the security. Plumbing the depths and discovering what is there, is Pluto territory. So you are literally, in this metaphor, understanding Pluto’s ability to just take authority of your life, to be fearless, to uncover and deal with what comes up, in terms of what you are digging out, of what you are seeing, of what is being revealed, the darkness being brought into light, not judging it, not ignoring it, just confronting it, and moving on. That is being in total authority of your life, which is Pluto. The effort that it takes to actually do the digging is very Capricornian-Saturnian, and it allows to build that strong initial structure, that can withstand anything and takes a committed effort, again a Capricorn trait. Capricorn helps you to handle responsibilities, and keeping commitments to yourself and others, and using time to your advantage as well, because Saturn in mythology is represented by Cronos the Lord of Time. It is not only to understand the value of time and not wasting it, but also the value of timing, being patient, allowing the universe to evolve in a natural way, it is basically placing your trust in the universal law and rhythm. Capricorn is also about the leadership, the responsiveness, the working diligently on your dreams, and also to have a sense of mentorship in your life, either you are a mentor to others, and helping them through guidance, through maintaining direction and discipline, so they can fulfil their dreams or you having that mentorship in your life, so that you have that wonderful sense of being supported, being given tools by people, who walked the path already, who are not telling you to follow them, but are showing you how best to use your gifts, in order to fulfil your own destiny. With the shadow side of Capricorn, you want to be in power over others. Also not to be too serious, to have fun, to play, to enjoy the pleasures of life, to guard yourself against being rigid, negative and pessimisticthat inflexibility is the shadow side of Capricorn. Another interesting conversation at this New Moon Solar Eclipse, is that Sun-Moon-Jupiter in Capricorn, are in Square to Chiron in Aries. It is good that Jupiter is part of this Square, because Jupiter brings this very joyful expansive wise energy to Chiron the great Healer. A Square conversation is an energy that means you need to get up and act. This Square causes tension, this is just like in music, the tension in a chord that is discordant has to resolve into harmony. So at this New Moon time, this Square asks you to get up and get something done, in order to bring balance and harmony into your life. And Jupiter is adding this joy to the healing process, and since Jupiter governs faith and the belief system, you are asking Why am I placing my faith in this situation, or in this person?and you want to redirect your faith to what actually feels good. So with this Square conversation, you are upgrading your belief system, and you are going towards those things that allow you to be open, feel loving, feel lightful, feel joyful. This Square to Chiron is allowing you to reorient your beliefs, and that results in a lot of healing. Because your beliefs are unconsciously created by your programming, your conditioning, by what is coming in from outside from day one. So there is going to be a lot of fear that is let go of as a result. This Square conversation is really wonderful, because when you have belief systems that are driven by Love and by wisdom, they interpret events and you are going to start to hear and see differently, your perspective on life will change. At this New Moon Solar Eclipse time, Mars at 24 degrees of Scorpio is in a supportive Sextile conversation to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. Mars in Scorpio is a dynamic, forceful energy. This is a passionate drive, and it gives you the energy and the momentum, to work on what you have been wanting to create or build this year. With Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn, there may have been delays, things may have been held off, and it feels likeyou know how to play, you are ready to play, but you are not part of the game yet and you are like When can I get out there and play? This Eclipse is saying It’s time to go, because Mars represents your masculine energies, your Drive, it is how you assert yourself, it is how you move in the world. And at this New Moon time, Mars in the late degrees of Scorpio is looking back on his journey, on what has passed away, what has died, what has been transformed. And this Sextile conversation supports Mars to put his effort into the building and the direction that is needed now. However with Mars, it may feel like a forceful push into the new year, into the next decade. Now it feels like you can’t deny who you are anymore, you come too far, you have learned too much, there is no going back, you would not want to, and you are ready. Another component of Capricorn, which is beautiful, is that being an earth sign, it really values silence and serenity. So at this New Moon Solar Eclipse, if you spend time in quietude, your awareness will evolve rapidly, because your sense of wanting life to be complex will dissipate in silence You are just being who you are, and you are immersing yourself in stillness, and that does not allow for complexity and disruption then you receive an incredible wisdom, and you able to take charge of the creativity in your life, and create a sanctuary of silence. So as we end this decade and enter a new year, I encourage you to create that sanctuary of silence in your life, and how can you partake in it everyday. This Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse is saying It is about time to just be yourself, without any interruption, any distraction. And that inner serenity guides you on how to proceed next, no matter what the decision is. So make this sanctuary of silence part of your life, and it will allow you to take charge of your destiny in a very peaceful way, and with a clear vision. And remember we are moving to 2020, so it is about the 2020 perfect vision, so keep in mind that every result, every positive opportunity, that unfolds and manifests, takes time and you will reap the results undoubtedly, if you apply yourself in a steady, responsible way that is the key. This is a powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse, it is a surge of power, (with Pluto conjunct Saturn), with a sense of you are ready for the unexpected. This New Moon Solar Eclipse, is a time to lay out the map, get clear on the strategy, determine the new direction it is like you see the next mountain, so you are ready to climb it, this is what you are committing to for the long term. So as long as you are in alignment with who you are now, and you are allowing endings to occur, you are going to move through this faster and easier. That is part of the benefit of Jupiter in Capricorn, you get support, you can have a mentor, an advisor, a guide Jupiter in Capricorn has been around the town, the country, the globe, through many events, and he is here to help you with what you are ready to do next, and where you are ready to go, to help you to solidify your plan, and you are going to move it forward. So keep in mind that this New Moon Solar Eclipse is a very big energy. It is allowing you to complete some lessons, some things that you have learned and earned, because now you are ready for the new assignments, and to move into the Soul Mission and Soul Work that you came in here for. As we enter the new decade, and go into the 2020s, which are about peace, which is about connection within and connection with others, I encourage you to take time in silence and create that relationship to your heart, to Divine Source, so that you know that you are always in partnership with Spirit. To be immersed in responsiveness and responsibility is the key, and remember that you are a Star Being, and your responsibility is to shine your Light, to be a Being of Love in every way, at any time. Yes this is a BIG TIME, so get ready for 2020, the world is changing, and you are, and we are all a part of it. So I wish you a beautiful Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse, beautiful holidays, a Merry Christmas and an Amazing New Year 2020. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected] And also feel free to share this on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui

19.01.2022 SCORPIO NEW MOON - I LIVE IN A PLACE OF LOVE - This Scorpio New Moon happens on Sunday 15th November 2020 at 23 degrees 17’ Scorpio, at 3:07 PM Queensland time ...Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour my Stars Lovers, welcome to this New Moon in Scorpio. This Scorpio New Moon is a big energy moment, and even if you are not a Scorpio, this Lunation impacts you as well, because you have Scorpio somewhere in your Birth chart. This time, the Sun and Moon are together united at 23 degrees of Scorpio So check where 23 degrees of Scorpio falls in your Natal chart, and which House or area of life has Scorpio on its cusp, and this is where the energy of this New Moon strongly supports what you are passionate about. At New Moon time, Sun and Moon represent the Masculine and the Feminine in union, to create a new energy together. And every New moon is a time of INTENTION, a seeding time, and birthing something into your life, into your energy or into your world. So don’t forget to set an intention for yourself and for Mother Earth as well. So what Scorpio stands for? Scorpio uncovers the truth, it purges the depths in order for you to see what is actually real, and so there is a great sense of observation at this time, observing everything, everyone and Scorpio is about intuiting as well, and more understanding. Scorpio can disempower or empower, and it brings up any control issues that may be there in any relationship, where you are acting from either a place of Love and compassion, or you are acting in a self-centered way. So with Scorpio, there is a great sense of bringing things to light and it is strange, because New Moons are about the absence of Light that is when the sky is the darkest, you can see the bright stars, the Milky Way, and so it brings the Light of the Universe into your heart. Whereas at Full Moons, the night sky is not as readily available, so the Full Moons bring more the human experience to Light. Scorpio is a water sign, and it is about connection, because water is the most amazing connector that we have, in terms of reaching each other through our heart center, which water governs Mother Earth is mostly water as well, and we as human being are about 80% water so we all communicate through water. So this is a very intense New Moon, not only because it is in Scorpio, which is to do with intensity and passion, but also because at this time, Mars is Direct at 15 degrees of Aries, and Mars is the initial ruler of Scorpio, so he is really emphasised at this time. Mars was Stationary-Direct on November 13th, few days before this New Moon, so he is still very slow in his Direct motion. But now Mars is revving his engine, feeling up his tanks to go forward, with a new understanding of what he really wants, and needs, and how he is motivated to go after something, that has been calling to him. The modern ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, and Pluto is about Life-Death-Transformation, about change and empowerment. So this Scorpio New Moon, wants you to find the power to raise the energy of Mars to a higher level, and bring it inward, to become more coherent and less scattered so then this becomes your warrior courage, your conviction, your hero energy, in what you want to achieve. With Mars in Aries, there is a lot of focus here, and intense drive, and Mars as the initial ruler of Scorpio, represents the scorpio symbol of Scorpio, the animal instinct, the gut reaction, it is where you feel those primal urges, or anger, aggression, impulsivity Whereas Pluto the modern ruler of Scorpio, is related to spiritual transformation. He represents the Phoenix symbol of Scorpio, the ability to rise above the chaos, and volatility, and all that you are going to be seeing unfolding in your world and get to the Phoenix perch of neutrality, of objectivity, knowing where you are putting your energy, and what you are creating. So that Phoenix perch gives you this opportunity to break the old patterns and get something better. Mars in Aries has been meeting up with the Capricorn team, Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, through a dynamic Square conversation. And this creates frustration, delays, challenges, a slow down but ultimately, asking you to realign yourself with something tangible, concrete, responsible, committed, full of integrity and self-respect. Now with Mars in Direct motion, the wind is at your back, and you are wiser, more mature, and able to move ahead, with a higher consciousness. Mars does stay in Aries until the first week in January 2021, so keep that in mind, that there is still a long time with Mars in Aries, and this will put you in alignment for the fresh starts that are coming in 2021. So you have matured this year, and you are meant to make a new start, with the support of the Capricorn team, Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn. So trust that at this time, this new start is really supported, it is powerful, and it could feel like it is clearer to you now what you need to do, what you want to do, what honours you, what direction, ambition, achievement you are ready to move towards, where you are meant to rise in a sense of power, like the Phoenix, the highest symbol of Scorpio. This Scorpio New Moon is a time of support for moving ahead into the next chapter of your life. And it could also be about a higher understanding of your next goals and ambitions and where you need to go in your life, to feel like you are really living a powerful and passionate life. Scorpio being a water sign, is aligned with intuition and the Divine Feminine, and the number 23 vibration at this time, is about freedom, confidence, strength, courage, and the Sacred Masculine so this Feminine/Masculine blend creates supreme balance, so everything that you are doing at this time is about REBALANCING energy. What helping this Rebalancing process is a beautiful connection, that is the New Moon, in a lovely Sextile conversation with the Capricorn team, Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn. And within this conversation the New Moon-Jupiter Sextile is the strongest connection because it is exact, as Jupiter-Sun-Moon are all sitting on 23 degrees of their respective signs. This conversation is about expansion and enhancing life, and fortunate events, and wisdom, so this is feel good energy, that brings so many advantages in this mid-November, to just allowing LOVE TO FLOOD YOUR HEART. Pluto-New Moon Sextile is also powerful, as Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio, and it is about unseen energy coming to surface, just like things you were not conscious of, is now coming really clear. So what is under the surface is calling for attention, and this is about power, this is about where the flow of energy is coming from. With Saturn-New Moon Sextile you are taking your feelings seriously, you have more self-control, and you understand the value of duty, and having a plan that you can implement with flexibility of course because everything is water, and is very much a fluid experience. And Saturn also gives patience and perseverance, and so there is a quietude and a serenity at this time, that can be taken advantage of, when Saturn is in play. So there is a lot of good things to focus on at this time, including having some kind of structures about where you are heading, in terms of your goals, because there is a lot of magnetism and mysterious attraction at this time. The energy of the Capricorn team has been highlighted all year long, and you can see that at this time, Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn are all in Direct mode, moving forward, and they really add a seriousness to this New Moon. A seriousness based on what you have changed, and discovered about your life and your world, through 2020 what you have transformed, the fears you have faced, what has changed for you at a very deep level of your being. So be aware that around this Scorpio New Moon time, there is an overall change of energy, things move forward, there is a deeper transformation. So this Scorpio New Moon-Capricorn team Sextile conversation is supportive, giving you new energy to move forward and yet with this Scorpio New Moon, you have to let things go as well. Pluto is very powerful at this Scorpio New Moon time, and you are really meant to look at what you have learned, even if you feel like you have lost a lot this year. Scorpio is also about what you let go of, and then allow an opening for a new opportunity, a new potential, a new energy to come forward, that you merge with but there can be loss with Scorpio. And this Pluto energy being so strong, reminds you of your Soul’s ongoing journey, and that the Soul never loses anything at a Soul level it is like the law of the French chemist Lavoisier saying nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed So the sense of REBIRTH is very strong at this time, and this Rebirth happens at a pace, on a timeline that can feel inconvenient, or uncomfortable for your human self, but this is like a resurgence of your Soul energy. So have a way to open your mind to new ways of feeling and healing body-mind-spirit, because it really begins within you, the abundant sense of what is possible, your potential. So at the time of this New Moon, just tune into the expansive Jupiterian positive outlook, which will empower you to move forward, and take away all those false beliefs about what it means to be abundant. There is a strong IKE calling here IKE the first Hawaiian Principle of Huna - IKE: the world is what you think it isWhat you think, your ideas, create your reality. The world is exactly what you think it is. And IKE is a particularly important principle for healing as well, as it is known that spontaneous remission can occur by changing your outlook, or belief, of transforming illness to health. So think for a moment of important changes that you have made through becoming aware of other options in your life IKE means vision, sight, foresight, and a way of seeing the World and yourself so with IKE think positive. This New Moon is about powerful life changes, powerful releases, things that were not even in your control, and you can feel very powerless. So the feeling of POWERLESSNESS can be very strong at this time but it is time to change that, because you are never truly a victim, never at a Soul level, never at an energetic level it is what you choose to work with, it is what you choose to believe, and how those beliefs then energise the energy going forward again there is a strong IKE flavour here. IKE refers to the importance of belief. Whatever you believe in, you will manifest. If you believe the world is a place full of struggle and hardship, then surely hardship and struggle will come your way. So there is a strong urge to dig deep at this New Moon time, and that is really emphasised by Mercury at 5 degrees Scorpio, in a third and final opposition to Uranus Retrograde at 8 degrees of Taurus. This final Mercury-Uranus opposition will be exact on November 17th, just few days after this New Moon, and it is about a revelation, an understanding, about whatever have been bothering you down mentally, that has felt fearful, heavy, challenging, discouraging anything that has really triggered a deeper emotional process in you. This opposition has had different energies of clearing, throughout October and into November. This energy was strong during the last Taurus Full Moon, and it is now back, and it has the potential, depending of your willingness and your intention, to break you free to break you free of the mental fears. And it is wise to honour your fears, to see them as messengers, to understand them as a part of your experience, that is warning you of potential danger they want to keep you safe. So the Scorpio New Moon and Mercury-Uranus opposition, is about breakout energy, because Uranus in Taurus is the stronger energy at work. Mercury and Uranus a very related, they really are like two brothers. Mercury being the younger brother, the lower octave, he is about the human mind whereas Uranus is the big brother, the higher octave, he is about the universal intelligence, the cosmic wisdom, that we don’t always see in our humanness. So breakout energy is very strong between Mercury and Uranus. Mercury in Scorpio is digging deep into the secrets, and Uranus in Taurus is about clarity, truth and awakening so this Mercury-Uranus conversation is very much connected to disclosure. A lot is going to come to light at this time, and with Mercury-Uranus opposition, you can get downloads of information, you could even get galactic news a this time. Another conversation at this New Moon time, is Venus at 22 degrees of Libra, in an exact challenging Square conversation with Pluto at 22 degrees of Capricorn. That can impact your intimate relationships, understanding the values in your life, and managing any control issues. If you feel like you are not of value in a relationship, and if you continue the relationship, you are going to be attracting people who don’t value you. You need to observe whether you have been fearful, or feeling unloved, because you don’t want to get into that dangerous cycle of manipulation, and possessiveness. So the focus at this time is on healthy relationships, and if you are in a healthy relationship, and surrounded by people who truly support you in a positively way, then the attraction between you two, is very magnetic and powerful at this New Moon time. A very beautiful conversation at this time, is the Scorpio New Moon in a lovely Trine with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. Neptune is a water planet, and Neptune is in her own sign of Pisces, another water sign. So it is a very affectionate, sensitive, compassionate energy hereso LET YOUR LOVE FLOW. Just let your love flow like a mountain stream And let your love grow with the smallest of dreams And let your love show and you'll know what I mean It's the season Scorpio and Pisces as water signs are always in motion, it is fluid energy, it is a wave, and the wave symbol is the symbol of the sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. So you are becoming more fluid in these time of tremendous change, you are able to move energy more quickly, and you see energy in motion in everything that is happening in your life, and in general. So this Scorpio New Moon reminds you of that water is always flowing, and that life therefore is always in a place of expansion, that life is a process, the act of living is literally the engagement in a process that is wave like IT IS A FLOW. So in that sense, when you look at how you have put an emphasis on WHAT you are doing, instead of HOW you are doing things this is the big shift at this time WHAT you are doing is very linear, but have you ever considered you don’t even ask yourself HOW you are doing it? and it is HOW that really is coming into play at this time. So you don’t want to put as much emphasis on the outcome, which is the WHAT You want to allow it to unfold, it is the process itself, the HOW, that matters. Because when it comes down to it is HOW you treat people, it is HOW you do things that what will be remembered, it is HOW YOU MAKE PEOPLE FEEL. And be aware of the shadow side of Scorpio it is to be secretive, to hide the truth for fear of coming out as vulnerable, and so you need to overcome that fear. And instead of going into a linear way, choose the energy of the SPIRAL, and never doing something for the sake of reaching a specific goal but just enjoying the process itself. So at this New Moon time, watch that linear thinking, and be aware that multi-dimensions are opening up, and be water because we are moving into time that is flowing it is about the Aquarian Water Bearer flowing air sign, it is very fast, it is instant and telepathic, it is about frequencies, and it is actually timeless in the multi-dimensional reality. So when you step out of your fears, and you just do your sacred work, the work that is committed to Love and Light, you can access this incredible TIMELESSNESS. So it is important at this time, to just fully accept the soothing sense of belonging to a global human family, a galactic family, and to release your fear of commitment to the old way. So that means make this New Moon a profound new beginning to welcome self-mastery, to listen to your intuition on HOW to do things, HOW to act. And to TAKE THE HIGHEST VIBRATIONAL ROAD and remember, you came here to Love, you came here to experience Love, to share Love, and to create Love in every waking moment that you have. There is just LIVING IN A PLACE OF LOVE. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

19.01.2022 GEMINI NEW MOON - I AM TUNED IN - I AM SO IN MY HEAD - This Gemini New Moon happens on Saturday 23rd May 2020 at 2 degrees 4’ Gemini, at 3:38 AM Queensland time... Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Welcome my beautiful Stars Seekers to the New Moon in Gemini. This is a new reunion of the Sun and Moon, representing a renewal of energy, a new force, a new alignment between the Feminine and the Masculine. So see where 2 degrees of Gemini is falling in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life, and it is where a sense of a new beginning is for you. And the flavour of the House-Area of life where the New Moon sits in, will help you to set a new intention for the new monthly cycle that begins, and to manifest something in that particular area of your life. So here we are with Sun and Moon conjunct at 2 degrees of Gemini, and if you look around the chart of this New Moon, you notice that there is a strong 2 vibration. Sun and Moon at 2 degrees Gemini, Venus and Mercury at 20 degrees Gemini, Neptune at 20 degrees of Pisces, and we are in the year 2020 this New Moon happens on May 22nd in the Northern hemisphere, and very early on the 23rd for us Down Under so there is significance to this 2 vibration, because Gemini is one of the sign about DUALITY, and 2 is the Duo, the pair. So there is a strong theme of Duality at this time, which is about doing something twice, looking at it from two sides, or two angles, be aware of Duplicity, (which is someone saying one thing and doing the other), that could be also playing both sidesThe energy of the 2 is that you receive and then you give, you sit with something and then you decide what to do. Gemini rules the fingers, hands, arms, lungs, as well as the two sides of the brain. So at this New Moon, you want to give yourself time to make decisions, and to sit with something. And that is how you can operate from a place of higher consciousness. Gemini is typically fast moving, it wants a lot of things going on. It can be restless, it likes possibilities, choices, but in this time of transition and big changes, this Gemini New Moon wants you to be more intentional with what you do and say. That could require you to write a rough draft of a text message, to think about it, what it says, and then decide if you need to make some changes to it before you send it. 2 has lot to do with TEAMWORK as well, it is changeable and adaptable, but can also be indecisive. It is also about going in between, to be the peacemaker. 2 represents the Feminine principle of receptivity, the Yin, which seeks the union of two distinct entities. Therefore 2 seeks balance between opposing forces, and then represents COLLABORATION, partnership because UNION is its goal. So at the time of this New Moon, the 2 vibration represents a period of cooperation, diplomacy and self-knowledge, as well as gestation you are in a gestation mode, in which you must not assert yourself, but rather must await results. And collectively we are all going through a time of Cosmic Review, a time of RECONSIDERATION, to collect and assimilate the experiences of the past. So this is a secretive period, in which your affairs, situations and relationships are operating under an element of the unknown. Therefore you must MAINTAIN BALANCE So at this time, remain poised, be patient, and considerate and receptive to other people’s ideas. Practice CONCILIATION, but not to the expense of your integrity. This is a passive, receptive time in which to reflect and listen to the voice of your subconscious mind. The future may seem unclear during this period, because hidden energies are working that will surface later. And since choices are difficult under a 2, it is wiser to postpone important moves until your mind is more decisive. At this New Moon time, there is a lot of Mutability, meaning that there are lots of planets or points in Mutable signs, Moon-Sun-Mercury-Venus in Gemini, the North Node in Gemini as well, and Mars and Neptune in Pisces. The Mutable signs, they are chameleon like, they are adaptable, changeable, versatile, and they are very creative. Even with the confinement easing now, we are still in a kind of lockdown mode, we can’t hug yet, and Gemini here represents the communication through the internet, socialising online, and how we have had to adapt our businesses to that and how we have had to become more versatile in what we offer, more flexible, having several strings to our bow so it is very positive for that. But a very challenging example of this Mutability, is with the Covid19 mutating and changing continually, in order to survive. So ask your self where do I need to change in order to survive? Where do I need to be more adaptable? Where do I need to learn how to be more flexible? At this New Moon time, we also have 5 planets in air signs, Moon-Sun-Venus-Mercury in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. So the predominance of this Mutable-air combination can be quite I am so in my Head, not really focused and grounded as earth is, it is very moveable here. And this Mutable-air signature can be about the big storms of information that may be coming in to you, because the Gemini New moon has an urge for a lot of mental nourishment, being very quick at picking up information but you may feel like you are flooded, overwhelmed as well at this time, with so much, so much information coming in to you in your world. This Gemini New Moon is a time to learn how to communicate in a very light and gentle way, because Venus Retrograde in Gemini has everything to do with how kindly you speak to other people, but mostly how you speak to yourself. So it is a time to watch about your personal Mantras, and practice positive and loving thoughts to yourself and to others. . Venus Retrograde in Gemini is asking you to go inside, doing inner work, and look at ways in which you love, and create loving thoughts in your life. So this is the auguring time of WHY Gemini is the WHY signbeing curious, asking many questions, looking at different perspectives, but not fighting one another for having those different perspectives. And you might ask more questions, because at the time of this New Moon, Mars in Pisces is in a dynamic Square conversation with the Sun and Moon in Gemini. That can make you quite assertive about your communication, and with Gemini being known to be quite nonconformist, you may want to find alternative media platforms, because you want to keep freedom of thought, freedom of words. On an another side, with Mars in Pisces you might be confused as to which action to take, because one government may do one thing, and another government doing another thing so you may find yourself saying what is true / what is not true? This Square conversation is about plans are changing. So again, be open, stay flexible, people are changing, your daily life is changing, and it can still be confusing, so keep in mind too that the Neptune Pisces energy so strong at this time, is actually the COVID19 situation. And with Mars now in Pisces as well, we are not done, there is still things to be sorted out through May and into June. So that is going certainly to affect the opening of businesses, the return to school, Gemini being schools, it is still going to be very hazy and uncertain. But you can navigate this period by trusting what is right for you. And with Mars in Pisces, it is about trusting what you feel, and this is the best way to take care of yourself and your family. And Mars does not necessarily work very well in Pisces. Because with Mars you set your goals, and you want to get there very quickly, and you are very focused but Mars in Pisces can get a little bit dreamy, feeling not to sure, or wants to take some time off, or maybe not so sure about the goals anymore, wants to escape Mars can have that kind of underflow of confusion in Pisces. However, you can choose the blessings of Mars in Pisces, and you might be inspired to practice a regular spiritual action, such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, active Hakalau meditation So it becomes very positive, when you start to express Mars in Pisces using the evolved side of Neptune. Something very interesting at this New Moon time, is that Mercury is exactly conjunct to Venus at 20 degrees of Gemini, and they are in an exact Square conversation with Neptune at 20 degrees of Pisces. This is the strongest conversation of this New Moon, because Mercury is the ruler of this New Moon So let’s decorticate this triangle conversation between Venus, Mercury and Neptune. Venus in Gemini is Retrograde from May 13th until June 25th, and wants you to go back over, to RE-evaluate, to RE-assess your self values ( REmember we are in the RE mode, the Retrograde Mode, using a lot of words starting by RE, and practicing activities starting by RE such as REtreat, REstart, REview, REactivate, REwind, REpair, REdo, REboot, REdiscover, REconnect, REgroup, REmember. So this is a time for Reassessing what you want, and with Venus, it is very much about what you want in a kind of pleasure sense. This can also make you REassess your relationships as well so WHAT DO YOU WANT? When Venus is in Retrograde, she can make you go through several waves of RE-evaluation, to be sure of what you want so immerse your self in the RE flowand LET IT GO. At the lower expression of Neptune, the challenge of this Square conversation can be an underflow in action, that brings confusion and uncertainty I am not so sure of what I wantSo you may have this kind of doubt again. But at the higher level of expression of Neptune, this dynamic Square conversation inspires you to be a spiritual seeker, in search of the Love of Source, that divine connection to Unconditional Love, that beautiful vibration of ALOHA The fifth Hawaiian Principle ALOHA: to love is to be happy. This New Moon is strongly flavoured with the ALOHA spirit, that is to share the breath of life and the spirit of happiness, and each of us must think and exhale good feelings to others. ALOHA is to appreciate and praise more, while being connected to Unconditional Love or to Source. However, with this challenging Square within Gemini-Pisces flavour, the Gemini rational mind can clash the deeply sensitive Pisces, a clash between the head and the heart, and this can create a little bit of churn about I think one thing, and I kind of feel another. But remember that with Neptune energy, it is about your spiritual guides, your angels, your higher spirit or your Aumakua. Neptune in Pisces allows Spirit to keep working at this time on your behalf. So with this dynamic conversation Mercury-Venus Square to Neptune, there is a lot of change at this time, a lot of restlessness. And with the Mutable signs so highlighted, (and they are the signs of change, and things shifting, and having choices and movement) you are maybe not feeling firm on your feet. One of the best expression of this Square conversation is the ALOHA COMMUNICATION, a Divine Communication of Unconditional Love and a great way for each of us to express this, is through participation to Global Mass Meditations Online. The latest mass meditations online have been immensely powerfully positive in shifting the energy in the magnetic field. And with Saturn moving into Aquarius, we can now build a strong sense of community for the long term. And with Venus in retrograde, and with many planets going in Retrograde as well, it is a time to tune in, and trusting, and asking for Divine guidance, listening to your inner voice that says this is really where I need to be this is really what I need to be doing?. So the most important thing with the New Moon in Gemini, is to really look at the words that you are using, when you speak to others, and most of all when you speak to yourself or about yourself, as well as what you are listening, what you are nourishing your mind with. This Gemini New Moon is triggering new thoughts, new ideas, and it is in a supportive Trine conversation with Saturn in Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of freedom, and it is where you are building something for the long term. And Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is very linked to the internet. So there is a strong sense here of, the collective, the community (Aquarius), people of like-mind coming together, and building something for the long term, that maybe even more alternative than we have right now. So it is a wonderful time for coming up with new possibilities, new ways in which we can organise our new social structures, the way we create our new financial systems. So this is a very supportive Trine here, that is helping with what you can commit to (Saturn), to what you know is true. It provides solid energy, so check where this transiting Saturn at 2 degrees of Aquarius, sits in your natal chart, in which House-Area of lifeand this is supporting the new ideas of this New Moon, the new possibilities, what you want to try at this time. So this New Moon is a time to practice FLEXIBILITY in any way physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and remember Gemini is about EXPLORING CHOICES So look at choices choices of your thoughts, choices of your emotions, choices of where you put your focus in every moment because where you put your focus, you put your attention, and you put your energy. Humm! Here is the sound of MAKIA. The third Hawaiian Principle MAKIA : Energy flows where attention goes - I am focused. Everything is energy, and you get what you focus on. All things are connected and you have the ability to communicate with them. The practice of MAKIA helps you to undertake the dialogue with all things, because your thoughts are harnessed and directed by your ability to focus. So at this Gemini New Moon time, and with Venus Retrograde in Gemini, whatever or whoever you put your focus on focus on what makes you happy, what you love. In fact at this time, it is like we are in a Global Chrysalis, weaving a pair of collective wings to be set free. So if your point of reference is external, meaning looking, listening to lots of information, sometimes very contradictory, some are not so clear and there are lots of actions happening in the streets as well, to accelerate the collapse of that old paradigm, old order it is sometimes overwhelming for sure But if you turn your focus inwards, (and the impact of the Retrograde planets are inspiring you to do that), until the end of the year and you can turn inwards any time, and anywhere, alone or with a Ohana of your choice, a group with whom you resonate, online and it is free Just shut your eyes and turn your focus to your breath, and imagine that you are breathing in and out of your Heartjust stay focused on doing just that, and nothing else it drops you deeper and deeper into STILLNESS, into the MANAWA moment, the present moment, the moment of power. Practice this regularly, and it brings an absolute anchor in your Center, in your Core Of course you can practice to be in MANAWA in so many ways, such as walking in Nature, in Hakalau mode, in oneness with Nature and being highly alert to her wonders so just find that spiritual practice that resonates with you. And hold your frequencies high, frequencies of gratitude, appreciation, Self Love, and Love for Mother Earth and you will step into your power, and have a much greater sense of being an empowered creator, rather than being troubled, moment by moment by what is happening in the world. The old has to crumble before the new can begin it is a process in Nature. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

18.01.2022 TAURUS PONO NEW SUPERMOON - I AM IN SACRED SOLITUDE - I STAND IN LOVE OF MY SELF - This Taurus New Moon happens on Thursday 23rd of April 2020 at 3 degrees 24’ ...Taurus, at 12:25 PM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour my Star Lovers and Happy Easter to youand welcome to the exploration of the New Moon in Taurus. This is another SuperMoon, because still very close to Earth, and she is occurring at 3 degrees of Taurus, where the Sun and the Moon are in togetherness, blending the Yin and the Yang, the Anima-Animus, the Feminine-Masculine And every time they are making this conjunction, once a month, you are being asked to seed an intention, to bring together your own Feminine and Masculine, unified them, and solidify what is ready to be planted at this time. So what are you ready to put energy towards, so that it will grow and develop over the next Lunar cycle? So check where 3 degrees of Taurus falls in your birth chart, in which House-Area of life it impacts you, and the flavour of this House will help you to set your intention. Taurus is the sign most connected to the Earth, our Mother Earth, and what Taurus energy does, it heightened all the senses. We are all multi sensorial Beings, so this is a time to enjoy, your sense of touch, and smell, and colour, taste, hearing, balance, movement everything becomes heightened with the Taurus energy. So can you imagine that you are standing, or sitting, or walking, completely in ONENESS connection with the everythingness? This reminds me of the HAKALAU Hawaiian active meditation, also called the peripheral vision Meditation, that I really love to practice regularly. HAKALAU "To stare at as in meditation and to allow to spread out. HAKALAU is the means, for entering a rapid trance state at will. So if you practice it regularly, the connection to Divine ONENESS becomes automatic. And as you do it more and more, you will also find that it is impossible to hold a negative state in consciousness, when you are in the HAKALAU peripheral vision. So this New SuperMoon time is to love Mother Earth, loving all that she offers you, loving to be on Earth, loving all sentient beings around you, the birds, the beesloving people in your life, because with Uranus conjunct this New SuperMoon, and because of the Global Confinement, we have now a COLLECTIVE VISION of our Global Village. We know that we are intimately connected to the frequencies of the cosmos, and the way the planets move, and converse between themselves, reflects what is happening in the world at this time, and in your personal life as well of course. So with this Taurus New SuperMoon, you want to focus on Mother Nature, her natural cycles, the Moon’s cycles, gardening, planting greens, practice GROUNDING, to radiate with a loving Green Light, expressed from your Heart Chakra. GROUNDING is a practice it is about absorbing energy through your bare feet, the electromagnetic charge of the Earth, and It allows you to pay tribute to Mother Earth, while reaping some very real, tangible health benefits. Instantly, with your bare feet on the ground, you start to suck up very healing ions from the Earth, and this creates an instant purifying, healing flow in your blood. Taurus wants to keep things as they are, it wants to keep things steady, it is very contented with what is, so it can catch the feeling of STILLNESS very easily, being in nature. You are inspired to just tuning in into the simple rhythms of Mother Earth. This Taurus New SuperMoon message here is that we all need to go back to basics, and to drop into the EVER PRESENT NOW. there is a strong MANAWA resonance here! MANAWA, the 4th Hawaiian principle is about Now is the moment of power. But how do you define this Now? Well with this beautiful Taurus New SuperMoon, your power increases with your sensorial awareness, so this time, it is a matter of becoming aware of this sensorial awareness while practicing Stillness. So by just dropping into the Ever Present Now, dropping into Stillness, by being in nature, or imagining that you are in nature, in your favourite place this can do wonderful things for the healing of your body-mind-spirit systems, for your Aura, and also for the energy that you are emitting. This Taurus New SuperMoon is the perfect time to do that, it is so valuable for all of us, and for our Global Village. This Taurus New SuperMoon is very special. Already special because it is a SuperMoon, but also because she is in a conjunction with genius Uranus, and then this trio conjunction of Moon-Sun-Uranus is also in a challenging Square conversation with Saturn in Aquarius. So this may feel a little bit uncomfortable. This Square conversation creates a Turning Point, and it shows what is not working, what is not in alignment, what needs to change or shift. This Square conversation is about your commitment for the future, what you need in your world, in your space, in your visions for developing and growing. Saturn will always bring a test or a challenge, to have you look at what is worth keeping, and what needs to go. And because both Saturn and the trio Moon-Sun-Uranus are in the Fixed signs of Aquarius and Taurus, and that means they prefer stability, reliability, they don’t want change. So something about this New SuperMoon has a stopping point, that is really a PAUSE, to slow you down, and be very intentional with WHAT YOU WANT. Taurus is linked to money, the economy, wealth, currenciesand this Square conversation is the signature of an economical and financial instability, financial crises, and brings a glimpse of what may be coming for us financially, more fully in 2021. After this New SuperMoon, the Square conversation between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, will remain active, all through 2021. So just be aware about glimpses of any changes that are happening, quite suddenly, around monetary matters, because we are at the start of a significant economic or financial RESET. Saturn is the planet of limitation, constriction, contraction, and he is in Aquarius, the sign of Freedom And he is in Square conversation with Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, the planet of freedom. So there is a clear symbolism here, with Uranus energy all around that urge for freedom, as a rebellious, eruptive energy coming in whereas Saturn is the Lockdown. This Lockdown we are in, is such a clear manifestation of this Saturn-Uranus square conversation. We may witness more and more people that are getting very agro or depressed with this kind of constraint over the long term. Taurus is about what you value, what you desire, what you own, it is about financial energy, what you possess, what you accumulate and ultimately, all of these is based on the deeper energy of your SELF-WORTH, what you believe is important to you, how you value yourself. So this New SuperMoon in Taurus is a checking in point with what matters to you in your life, and so it can show up as certainly money and finances, something you want to sell or to buy, and the Square conversation to Saturn is like a reality check of what does serves you for the future, what you need to say goodbye to. So at this time you are receiving a new awareness around what no longer fits your value systems (New Moon in Taurus). And with the predominance of the Taurus flavour, it is also a time to explore where you are being very realistic, or unrealistic, where you can be lazy, or over indulgent, or where are you stuck, what stops you, or impedes you in becoming a free spirit, where are you not trusting? At this time, you are very much in your physical reality, because of the confinement imposed, and you could really feel the constraints ( with the Saturn Square), about what you can or can’t do, what you can or can’t plan so feeling stuck could be very real during this time Many people in confinement don’t know where to go, don’t know what the future holds, they can’t understand it right now. So the energy of Saturn and Uranus Square can be uncomfortable because of incompatibility, so watch for volcanic-eruptive energy at the time of this New SuperMoon. And in extra, Uranus in Taurus is in a Square conversation with Mars, and Mars is in Aquarius, so Mars is energising this volcanic-eruptive energy, that you can find in your personal life. And on the mundane level, it could be seen as political volcanic eruptions, or shocks and surprises in the news. But this Saturn-Uranus Square conversation, could go in a completely different way, and then it becomes a very different story, because as well as Taurus represents the physical Earth, it also represents your physical body. Uranus is the planet of Light, of awakening, the planet of the channeller, the planet of electricity, the Chi or Qi in your body, so he represents very high frequency. That means that you can experience at this time, a very exciting, energetic and physical upgrade, as there is more Light coming into our Mother Earth plane, and Light carries information. So can you pause at this time, quietly meditating, can you imagine that column of white sparkly Light, coming down into your Crown Chakra? and this Sacred Light is just bringing more information for you, for your upgrade? So enjoy this PAUSE TIME. It is about breathing deeply, to connect with what is inside of you at a deeper level, then this triggers a new awakening that brings LIBERATION. This New SuperMoon conjunct to Uranus is about a Collective Awakening, a Collective Liberation, and Sun conjunct Uranus, represents a strong, rebellious freedom energy. So the New SuperMoon and Uranus conjunction, feels like there is a COLLECTIVE RESET, like you have new understanding of what is important in your life. And that is what is going to set you free, and be empowered, and be invigorating. For me, Uranus resonates with PONO, it is about a rise of a new understanding of what matters to you alone PONO the last of the 7 Hawaiian Principles, Effectiveness is the measure of truth, so whatever resonates with you, spaces, people, situations, belief systems is the TRUTH FOR YOU. So at the time of this New SuperMoon, listen to your emotions, listen to your heart, listen to your intuitionto check whether what you have chosen is right for you alone. Do you feel Joy, Love, Happiness, Peace while doing it? or does it feels like hard work? then you might look out for better, and look for other possibilities. Ultimately, this New SuperMoon conjunct Uranus is a time to CELEBRATE YOUR DIFFERENCE. Saturn the planet of the past, has just entered Aquarius, the sign of the future, so it is about facing the fear, Saturn is about fear, and daring to show your difference Saturn in Aquarius is your COMING OUT TIME, to show your unique style, to find your Ohana, your kindred spirit circle. Uranus is about to be true to yourself, and to be with people and situations that are in tune with who you are. Uranus is about the internet connection, the Big Brother eye. And we are all using our phones, our computers, meeting on social media, online, more and more during this confinement time. There is a lot of collective interchange, explorations, and sharing values online at this time. And this triggers a Collective Awakening, a Collective Vision, regarding the bounty of our Mother Earth. So this is a time to be collectively connected, but keeping your individual difference. So with our Individual Difference, we can make a Collective Difference. So this Taurus New SuperMoon in conjunction to Uranus, is a time of renaissance, of reset, or reboot, to finally show your true colours, your rainbow colours. Now let’s look at the ruler of this Taurus New SuperMoon, which is Venus . Venus is at this time in Gemini and she is going to Retrograde. She goes Retrograde from May 13th to June 25thHowever, her Shadow Zone, meaning we can feel her retrograde energy, from April 10th to July 28th. Venus in Gemini, brings about many options, many possibilities, choices, the ability to adapt and to be flexible, and to stay mentally aware of what is important to you. So you are inspired at this time to practice internal conversation, to listen to the voices that you normally are not listening to, and ultimately to voice your unique values. And Venus in Gemini likes to write, to speak out, to read so it is a great time to write down in your dream journal, to practice writing your 3 morning pages, an exercise from the book, the Artist Way, from Julia Cameron, an exercise to purify your mind. Venus in Gemini helps you to see things differently, and open up to some new things, and she he is going to do that into August. This Taurus New SuperMoon feels so fixed, just like sitting, not willing to change, but with Venus in Gemini energy, you can breathe through it, ALLOW YOURSELF SPACE AND TIME, to alleviate any pressure. Because this New SuperMoon in conjunction with Uranus, brings a feeling of FREEDOM, of BREAKING OUT. Uranus in Taurus wants you to use your intuition, your channeling powers and trusting them. Now Venus in Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who is in Aries at this New SuperMoon time. So it is a very fast talking, fast moving Mercury. And Mercury in Aries is about what matters to you, what do you want, who are you now, what interests do you have now that you did not have before. And Mercury is in a challenging Square conversation with Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. So this feels like the pressure to birth something, and this could be quite strong, because Pluto is Stationary-Retrograde at the time of this New SuperMoon.. Whenever planets are stationary, whichever direction they are moving in, their symbolism is magnified. So around this New SuperMoon time, we are likely to see more power (Pluto) exerted, more control, more manipulation, strong words spoken or written (Mercury in Aries), and perhaps greater restrictions. And Mercury in Aries is ruled by Mars in Aquarius. With Mars in Aquarius, you are driven to show your individual self, showing your free spirit, and you praise your DIFFERENCE. Mars in Aquarius is about the new vision for the future, your New You, what you want, where you are going, and what is keeping you focused on the long term picture. And Mercury in Aries is in a friendly Sextile with Mars in Aquarius so this is giving you a great motivation to move on. And Mars in Aquarius is in a supportive Trine conversation with Venus in Gemini as well. So this time of confinement is a perfect time to meet and acknowledge your unique self, your Difference in its full kaleidoscope colours. The Feminine and the Masculine are talking here, and it is a welcome relief now in April, because we have been in lot of tension, since January, February and March. So this Mars-Venus Trine brings new ideas, new topics, new things are coming up, it could be that sense of a new relationship forming between the Feminine and the Masculine. And if you want to focus on relationships, it could be that there is new value systems in relationships at this time, that are emerging, that elevating your relationships, taking them to a new place of self-expression, freedom, and consciousness it is an opportunity to better understand where you are going together. So it is a good energy that you feel throughout April. And it is noticeable that, the last Full Moon in Libra on April 8th, and this New Moon in Taurus, are both ruled by Venus, and she is in Gemini for both of those Lunations. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and Taurus rules the Throat Chakra, so Venus is reworking your Vishuddha Throat Chakra, a powerful centre of etherial energy, creativity, expression, purification. As the center of communication and creativity, the Vishuddha focus allows you to express who you are, but also listen deeply to others. When your Vishuddha Chakra is balanced, it gives you the ability to be inspired, to project your ideas, and to align your vision with reality. So it is a good time now to cleanse your throat Chakra, using its Bija Mantra HAM, that you can chant while you are breathing, and while you are visioning a light blue wheel turning clockwise this is a beautiful active meditation indeed! So Venus in Gemini, by reworking, purifying your throat Chakra, wants you to express your truth, to rework your communication patterns, what you are here to say, and do, and speak, and to face your fear of expressing yourself but also how you stand IN LOVE of yourself for your truth, and for what you need to say so this is a very strong energy at this time, around personal expression based in your heart, and based in the Feminine expressions, but supported by the Masculine (Mars in Aquarius). Now is the time to express who you are, being proud of embodying and expressing your DIFFERENCE. So looking at those previous conversations, it feels like we have done a loop. We started with Venus in Gemini, and then everything comes back to Venus in Gemini, and what she is teaching us. So what are you learning at this time? Stay open to new information, new understanding, new concepts, to what you did not know before. Venus in Gemini is about, to stay open to understanding new ways to communicate and to express yourself, and we have her energy throughout August. So if you have the feeling to break that stagnation and stuckness, that routine, if you are ready for the liberation, ready for the revolution, or the freedom that is to come this Taurus New SuperMoon advises you to talk it out, to communicate, and to share what you want for the future, to stay focus on the long term vision, and to know that you can get there. And this Taurus New SuperMoon feels like a necessary PAUSE now, that is really needed, and that can help with your expectations of yourself. So definitively TRUST IT. Finally, another thing to look at is that Pluto in Capricorn is going very slow right now, as he is Stationary-Retrograde on April 25th-26th. This highlight the fact that all planets are in Direct mode for this New SuperMoon, and then that we are going to have Pluto going Retrograde two days later. So there is movement into this new future, and the new reality, and the new values, that you are beginning to see in a fresh way, in a new way, so give yourself breathing room. Give yourself time to just sit, and go within, and listen to your own messages, and I feel that this is one of the best ways to navigate this New SuperMoon. And because Taurus is the sign mostly link to Mother Earth, this is also a perfect time to set a new intention for Mother Earth. So what kind of Earth do you want? Because clearly we have been and are going through some catastrophic changes in the last few weeks, unimaginable changes, and we are in shock, we are in grief, the whole way of life that we know is gone irreversibly and so it is extremely understandable for many of us, to feel some degree of fear. But because we are weaving our future into being in every moment, whatever energy you are broadcasting, you are attracting a frequency match to that, as you step into your future. So if you are broadcasting fear, you are likely to attract more fearful experiences and events into your life. So during this Taurus New SuperMoon time, go to your favourite place in nature, and if you are totally confined in your apartment, and I know that many of you are in extreme Lockdown mode, if you can just go to that favourite place in your mind, sit and meditate, close your eyes, and go to that place of Solace, of SACRED SOLITUDE, go to this place where it feels like a SANCTUARY, totally peaceful for you. I personally practice CHI GONG, and my favourite Chi Gong expression is to plant myself strongly in Mother Earth, as a mature wise tree, with my canopy connected to our luminous Father Sky and I STAY STILL , fully relax in and out, as longer as I can this Chi Gong practice is really PONO for me. So just find what resonates with you alone, to access your place of Solace, and witness yourself loving Mother Earth. Uranus in Conjunction to this New SuperMoon reminds you that this year is a bridge year, it is a transitional year, we will definitively step in the New Age energy, when both Saturn and Jupiter, will enter Aquarius in December 2020. We are all in this TOGETHER, we are all in a collective momentum, collectively creating our new world together, so stay focus on the highest possible vibrations, the highest possible outcomes, turn your radio dial to the positive frequencies and that will put you in alignment with the abundance, and the happiness that is really is your birthright. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

17.01.2022 CANCER NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE - I AM ALOHA, CONNECTED TO MY WITH IN - This Cancer New Moon happens on Sunday 21st of June 2020 at 0 degrees 21’ Cancer, at 4:41 ...PM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour beautiful Stars Seekers and welcome to the most important, and intense Eclipse of this season, the Annular New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Annular means a ring. So what is happening here is because the Moon is currently very far away from Mother Earth, the disk of the Moon, at Eclipse time, does not fully cover the Sun disk, so the rays of the Sun still appear around the perimeter of the Moon disk and it looks like a ring of fire. On June 21st, the day of this New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Sun enters Cancer, and it is the Solstice day. The day of a Solstice in either hemisphere has either the most sunlight of the year (Summer Solstice) or the least sunlight of the year (Winter Solstice), depending in which hemisphere of Mother Earth you are living. So for us in beautiful OZ land, it is the Winter Solstice. This Solstice Day is really a powerful day, because the magnetic field of the Earth drops at this time, and the ancient people had the knowledge of that, and they were holding ceremonies at that time, because they were aware they could get high level information more easily. So this Annular Eclipse is very powerful indeed, because it is firstly happening on the Solstice Day, and the closest an Eclipse is from the Solstice, the stronger it is secondly it is tightly conjunct to the North Node in Gemini, again the closer to the Nodal Axis the more powerful the Eclipse and thirdly it is sitting at 0 degree, right on the World Axis. The World Axis is 0 degrees of the Cardinal signs, that is 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, and is considered a powerful position. So when planets move through this area, astrologers pay attention. So this powerful transition time gives you a great impetus to create something new for yourself and for the world. And with the number 0, you know that you are on a new chapter of your life, a new adventure, you are going and creating new things for yourself and for the world. but you don’t have a map yet.. you can only trust. So be aware this Eclipse can be very intense, and if you have any planets or points sitting between 25 degrees of the Mutable signs, Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces, and 5 degrees of the Cardinal signs, Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn, you are going to feel this strongly personally, and it is potentially a big new beginning for you. This is a super big New Moon Eclipse, so see where 0 degrees Cancer falls in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life and set a new intention for yourself, in the flavour of that House-Area of life that receives this Eclipse And don’t forget to set a new intention for the world too. When we look at where the path of the Eclipse is, often the path of the Eclipse will show which countries, will be likely to manifest the symbolism of the Eclipse, strongly over the coming months. So the Eclipse path falls across Central Africa, Saudi Arabia, a lot of Asia, Hong Kong, China, India and Pakistan. So let’s watch over the next 6 months the impact of this powerful Eclipse. This Eclipse occurs in Cancer, and Cancer is the sign to do with the home, the family, emotional security, your roots, your ancestors, your Ohana, your tribe, and a strong sense of nationhood, which country you belong. Cancer is a water sign, so it is very sensitive, it is to do with nurturing, the need to be nurtured, or you feel the need to nurture other people, knowing what they need to feel nurtured so there is a great empathy at this time, a strong compassion for others. However, because of its sensitivity, this Cancer Eclipse can also be quite of a reactive one, because there is a challenging Square conversation from Sun-Moon in Cancer to Mars in Pisces. This conversation can make you kind of trigger reactive and we can witness this aggressive triggering around the world at this time but this does not help at all, because the collective task of this moment it to COME TOGETHER. We are moving towards more Aquarius energy, more into the Aquarius Age, this is about the power of the people, a great collaboration that is operating with One mind, and very much operating with One heart. The most important theme of Aquarius is EQUALITY we are all equal, it does not matter what colour you are, what race, what nationality, what gender we are equal humans, and everyone of us is a Divine spark in this Collaboration to form a new world that is so important for us. In this Square conversation, Mars, the action factor, is very strong, and you really have to channel your Mars energy into a PROACTIVE direction now, instead of the aggression and the impatience. Because if you get into that place of rashness, virulent, reactionary energythen the positive surge of Mars cannot be utilised. So be aware that at this time, you will feel very energised to act, with this Square conversation to Mars. But as Mars in Pisces also conjunct Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, this raises your ability to be hugely creative and innovative. Mars is extremely interested in doing everything a new way, so you can use that heat of Mars, and that ambition, and that drive, to move forward and be very creative with how you live your life now. Mars-Neptune conjunction is really excellent for spiritual actions in the world, but also spiritual actions at home, such as doing yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, active meditations to keep your frequency hight. Neptune is very strong at this time, because she is Stationary, growing deep roots on the 20 degrees of Pisces for the whole month. She is going into Retrograde mode on June 23rd. Neptune highest idealism is about dreams, so at this time be aware of your dreams, they are talking to you, tune in into your dreams, tune in into your favourite meditation, be connected to your WITH IN. Neptune is also about compassion, unconditional Love, the ALOHA frequency. The fifth Hawaiian Huna Principle is ALOHA : to love is to be happy Aloha is an attitude. To be in Aloha is to be in the presence of life, to share your inner-most essence, being open and honest with humility, accepting others for who they are and showing dignity to what they have to offer. So at this Eclipse time you are ALOHA, and you enjoy this very fine connection with people, that you can feel how they are feeling it is a really beautiful energy, and it is like you have spiritual connection with your surrounding. At the lower level of Neptune it can be deception, what is true - what is not, scandals, leaks it can also be feelings of overwhelmed, confusion, despair, victimisation, escapism through alcohol or drugs but the more you can use the up side of Neptune, her higher level of expression, the less energy she has to manifest at the lower level. So choose to live this Neptune Stationary-Retrograde at her highest level, and don’t be too attached to the externals, keep your anchor, your focus, your centre internal, your radio dial turn to Aloha that is where you find truth. At this Eclipse time, the most potent conversation is Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius, in an exact Quincunx (150 degrees) to the New Moon Solar Eclipse, Sun-Moon at 0 degrees of Cancer. So here this is really about focus on being responsible. A Quincunx is about ingenuity, and using that ingenuity to really address tension. There is a way to use your intuition and inspiration, and your psychic abilities through intense listening, to solve any kind of conflict So in this transition time, you need to think in new ways about responsibilities to what you are here to do and to family especially, because this is an Eclipse in Cancer, your immediate family, your spiritual family, your ancestor family. And looking at Saturn, we are actually witnessing the dance of Saturn in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn left Capricorn and entered Aquarius on March 22nd, then went in Retrograde on May 11th. He will RE-enter Capricorn on July 2nd, then will go Direct on Sep 29th, and RE-enter Aquarius on December 17th what a dance! Saturn in Aquarius symbolically represents the construction of a new society, in the wake of the breakdown of the old society this is the transition we are now. And the breakdown of the old order is embodies by the conjunction Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn, still going on in the background. So as Saturn moves into Aquarius, on the heels of Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that was exact on Jan 12th it is no doubt that we are emerging into a new order, as a collective human Tribe, or Global community It is WE who will decide the version of reality, and of the frequency WE want to be attuned to It is WE who will decide the nature of the new oder And this TOGETHERNESS started with the confinement, the lockdown of the COVID19. In fact this confinement is like the seed point, from which various versions of reality emerge, and they are like tributaries of the larger stream. So on which tributary are WE going to flow now? So let’s listen to the answer of the Collective, our Global Community that is so loudly expressing now. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is coming to a head now, and it really brings a positive outlook onto the understanding of ABUNDANCE, what abundance truly iswhich is a life of well-being. It is not about money, it truly is about living well, feeling well, and being connected to friends, and to activities, and to environments and nature that sustain you. That is true abundance! This is a strong message of this New Moon Solar Eclipse, because the empowerment that you have when you live naturally, and honour the natural laws, the natural cycles, and beauty in your lifeis very important at this time. At this Eclipse time, we still have in the background, a heavy flavour of Retrograde planets. We have Mercury Retrograde in Cancer from June 18th, Neptune goes Retrograde on June 23rd, Venus is still Retrograde and goes Direct on June 25th, we still have Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Retrograde. The lockdown mode we are currently living in, is symbolised by this predominance of Retrograde energy, asking you to turn inward, to be in your Chrysalis, and using this precious time to its best and most positive, keep your focus inside, IN SIGHT and stay connected with the world spiritually and digitally. This Chrysalis or transition time, is about the coming together, the power of the people, with ONE HEART- ONE MIND, because we are all equal. Of all of the Retrogrades planets, the focus is more on Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, because it enhances strongly the theme of Cancer, which is about home, security, everything that is Love and nurturing, your family, your roots, your past, your lineage, your ancestors And there is another strong focus on Venus Retrograde in Gemini, which is about beauty and Love and relationships, abundance, your values, and restructuring your values. So in this time of Retrograde, there is a major transformation going on as you look within. What is happening is that you are changing design, changing pattern, sequence, frequency this is part of the co-liberation wave that is flowing now. With Venus Retrograde in Gemini, you create value where you place your intention Oh there is a strong resonance here, with the third Hawaiian Huna Principle of MAKIA: energy flows where attention goes. So be purposeful with where you put your energy. If you put your attention on negative things, you may spiral down in a negative swirl. So the message of Venus Retrograde in Gemini is to focus on positive thoughts, that put you into a carefree state of mind. And a good way to welcome positive thoughts, is through the practice of meditation, active or passive, to take time to purposefully be aware of your thoughts, and that helps you control where your thoughts take you. And with the Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, the words and the language you choose to use is so powerful. You need to pay attention and make it loving, empowering and beautiful. So this period of time is about you rising up like the Phoenix, this is a whole restructuring of who you are as a person, and it does not mean you change your personality, it just means the way you express yourself is undergoing a wonderful shading skin process remember you are changing the pattern, the sequence, and you are simplifying, and you are looking at what truly is important and in alignment with you. Basically, you just want to listen and honour your gut instincts at this time. The sign of Cancer is also to be aware of childhood conditioning, because Cancer governs that whole pattern of conditioning, that is part of your upbringing, your DNA family. So this time is an opportunity to be free from those patterns, you are undoing those patterns, changing the sequences, because those patterns have been sabotaging the decision-making process in your life, so you can break those very easily now. So in fact, you are at a very positive RESTART time in your life, so it is very important for you to honour what you truly value. So be aware that through this process of being in your Chrysalis, you are actually using the time to hatch something new, to create a whole new world for yourself, that will start to concretise and move forwards at the end of this year, and into 2021. So whatever you are doing now, in your thinking mode, in your emotional frequency, you are creating the vibration for that new world, as you emerge from your Chrysalis. And this Chrysalis time is perfect for meditations and spiritual practices, such as the practice of IKE, IKE the first of the Hawaiian Huna Principle The world is what you think it is It is about looking at the glass half-full or half-empty whatever you believe in now, you will manifest. So always remember that you have the power to change, first your perceived experience, and then through this your actual future so practice POSITIVITY and choose the glass half-full. This Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse is reminding us that the ancient cultures were living in balance with the energies of the Sacred Feminine. We are in the dawn of the Aquarius Age, and we are tapping into the consciousness of how to work with the energies of light and vibration and sound and developing technologies that are far beyond anything we know on this Earth now. The ancient cultures knew of technologies that did not cause the destruction and pollution, that all of our technologies, other than the green technologies, are causing now on Mother Earth. In this transition time, the planets are guiding us to transform and move through a Death-Rebirth, and then like a Phoenix, we can rise from the darkness in a new way, empowered and transformed, individually and collectively. So settle yourself comfortably in your Chrysalis, to be in a very powerful incubation period of creation and to witness the collapse of the old, and the beginning of the new and you are not alone, because we are all co-creating in our individual Chrysalis at this time. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

17.01.2022 VIRGO FULL SUPERMOON - I AM IKE, I AM SELF-AWARE - I AM A STANDOUT - This Virgo Full Moon happens on Tuesday 10th of March 2020 at 19 degrees 37’ Virgo, at 3:48... AM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour everyone welcome to the amazing Virgo Full Moon in her Sacred Dance Before starting, I want to remind you that this year 2020 is going to be a really powerful transformational and transitional year, because of the big shift we have got from Capricorn to Aquarius. The first planet to cross the cusp is Saturn, entering Aquarius on the 23rd of March, just for a little while because then he will go in Retrograde, will move back to Capricorn on June 16th, and on December 18th, he will definitively move in Aquarius. And 2 days later, on December 20th, Jupiter will move in Aquarius as well, and will be in an exact conjunction with Saturn, and this Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is about a new world view. So this explain the big shift from Capricorn to Aquarius. And here come our Virgo Full Moon, and she is a SuperMoon, the first of a series of three SuperMoons. A SuperMoon means that the Moon is much closer to the Earth in her orbit. Now a Full Moon is already the peak of the Moon cycle, so it is a time of closure or completion, or culmination, or you could see the fruits of your labour. It is often a time when feelings and emotions run very high, because the Moon represents your emotional state, and she is coming to her peak but this time, you might feel that even more strongly, because this Moon is a SuperMoon, so close to the Earth. That very much has strong effect on the tides, on Mother Earth ’s tectonic plates, and also on your own emotional tides because we are made of 80% of water. This Full SuperMoon happens at 19 degrees of Virgo, and for you who have your birth chart done, you want to look at where 19 degrees of Virgo falls in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life and then you can see which life area is being triggered by this Full SuperMoon. In numerology, the vibration of 19 represents Life, Love, Marriage, Overcome, Light, Awakening, New Beginnings So you are being invited now, after the Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, ending on the same day of this SuperMoon, to focus on JOY. Because sometimes, when we are in the Piscean energy, we can get into the illusion, a kind of nebulousness, and that is a focus on misery, feeling miserable so you want to make the conscious decision, because it is up to you where do you want to place your attention, on Joy or on misery. And you are being shown, and being helped now through this Lunation, to place that attention on what is the solution?what brings Joy?What is my dream?what do I want to give birth to? Number 19 is made up of numbers 1 and 9. Number 1 signifies a beginning and 9 signifies an end, which makes number 19 a message that indicates you're set for the next stage in life. The number 19 is 1+9= 10, and 10 is 1+0= 1 so it all about YOU, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE, new Beginnings, new Life, new Light. Virgo is the sign of anxiety and worry, and often you can give yourself a very hard time if you have planets in Virgo. Virgo is also linked to details, tiny things, like microbes, and health and hygiene, so it is possible that there is still a lot of concern about the Corona virus. So perhaps the SuperMoon could represent a peak, not necessarily the peak in the virus evolution, but because Virgo is a Mutable sign, meaning it has no boundaries, and also because at this Full SuperMoon time, the Sun is tightly conjunct to Neptune, and Neptune represents a kind of mutation, this Virgo SuperMoon is associated to the chameleon that can turn into anything it likes, so it is possible that we could see a peak at the Corona virus numbers. Virgo is a sign of service, using the resources we have, to help each other, so Virgo is a very helpful influence right now. Virgo governs things like structures and tasks, critical thinking, discernment and focus and the shadow side would be if you get too perfectionist, or if you get into blame and judgment, or you are a workaholic, working too hard, worrying, being self-critical, because Virgo likes everything in its place. So at this SuperMoon time, watch for the perfectionist tendencies. Virgo brings order out of what seems like chaos, by seeing how the pieces fit together, and by creating healing as a result. So this is a big time right now on Earth, and for everyone of us, to incorporate a very healing attitude, and regimen into our lives. And you need to understand who you are, both outside, in terms of physically, but also inside, in terms of spiritually, how you are made up. And a wonderful way to know your tendencies, and know your personality, is to understand your star blueprint, that is your astrology birth chart, and you can discover all of that in having an astrology reading with me, or another astrologer of your liking. But this Full SuperMoon is very dynamic as well, because we have five planets in Cardinal signsMars-Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn, and Chiron in Aries. And we have seven planets out of ten, in earth signsMars-Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus-Venus in Taurus, and the Moon in Virgo. That is a lot of earth energy! So it is about anything that you can do, that connects you with reality, the truth, the physical Earth, nature, appreciating the rhythms of our planet, being aware of those rhythms and respecting them, respecting the rhythms of your body. So the three earth signs are connected at this time, and this is creating a wide earth Grand trine, which is the most fortunate sacred geometric shape that we have in astrology. Symbolically, this is the Trine of Mother-Father-Child, it is the Trine of creativity, good things come in threes that is basically what the Trine represents. So this earth Grand Trine means that your are able to feel more grounded, like you have a real sense of stability and security. And Virgo loves logic, Virgo loves analysis, so you can edit, you can get things to run smoothly and more efficiently. Virgo of course governs crystals, anything earth related, anything health and healing related, like herbs, diet, fasting, the origins of your food and water and Virgo is about hygiene and purification, knowing that the air you are breathing is pure. this is all Virgo territory. So Virgo really encapsulates and cleanses, and it is connected to being more efficient with your energy, so that allows you to plan and organise, and be practical. So at this SuperMoon time, there is a sense of you wanting to put more focus on your physical body, your physical home. Virgo rules the 6th House in astrology, which is all about your physical home, how you are living your daily life, is it healthy? Does it generate healing? Do you have an environment where you can heal, where you can relax, and allow energy and frequency to just bring healthy vibes into your life? Another aspect of Virgo is efficiency. Virgo is very methodical, organised energy, it likes to get everything running like clockwork, and it is the sign linked to Feng Shui, where you declutter. So it is a great time to declutter your home, but because Virgo is ruled by Mercury, it is also about decluttering your mind, your thinking. So it is a very good time to observe your self-talk, your thinking patterns, and practice positive thoughts because in Virgo the typical thought pattern is I am not good enough. A great supportive idea is to stick post-it notes around your house, on your bathroom mirror, on your fridge, to say what you are thinking about right now, what is your frequencybecause that is a way that you can, in a very practical sense, start to become conscious of your thinking, and you can start to thinkhow can I change my thinking to something more positive and productive?. Mercury is not only the ruler of this Full SuperMoon, but he is also incredibly strong at this time, because he is Stationary-Direct, at 28 degrees of Aquarius. When planets are Stationary, they are incredibly strong, and they are quite dominant. At this SuperMoon time, Mercury is Stationary-Direct in Aquarius, and this can bring up original, brilliant, genius, out-of-the-box thinking, a super fast thinking and processing. So you must always remember to be anchored in your heart, not just your head. This is a great time to understand the power of your mind, your genius high-level thinking, in a much bigger way. This Mercury Retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius, has been huge. And Mercury moving Direct is wonderful for forward momentum, and he will really take off from mid-March, and accelerate healing. He changes direction at 28 degrees of Aquarius, which is the sign that governs the New Age we are moving into at this time, the Age of Aquarius, and then he moves into Pisces again, and you will have moments of intense spiritual awakening. It will just feel like your mind will turn from inward focus, to outward focus, and allow your messaging and languaging, to be infused with that Piscean spiritual sense. So in fact, this is really an IKE FULL SUPERMOON, so practice to see the glass half-full instead of half-empty. IKE is the first of the seven Principles, born from the Hawaiian Huna philosophy of life. IKE - The world is what you think it is - I am aware. It means that you create your own personal experience of reality through your beliefs, expectations, attitudes, desires, fears, judgements, feelings and consistent or persistent thoughts and actions. This principle also contains the idea that by changing your thinking you can change your world. So, if you feel negative and fearful then your experience will bring more negative and fearful experiences. On the other hand, if you feel positive and happy, then your experience will bring more happy and positive experiences. So check in with yourself how you are feeling, and if you find yourself looking at the glass half-empty, find ways to change your feelings to attract different positive experiences. So in order to manifest what you want the most important factor is your belief. And at this Full SuperMoon time you could feel like you have clarity, you are flowing effortlessly, or you may feel confused, lost, sad, miserable, very tired, in addictions, depressed because Pisces is also governing that. Pisces is also about moving into another dimension, or bridging realities, and you do need more sleep at this time so just know that yes during the Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, and with the Sun-conjunction Neptune at this Full Moon, you do need more rest, or maybe you are recovering from something, and you just want to take it easy, not move ahead super fast, but start getting things done, and it may take about a week or so, as Mercury moves forward, to get back in synch, again with the energy, and the healing, and the health. At this Full SuperMoon time, we also have a very practical focus, as we have a series of three Trine conversations, between the Moon in Virgo in Trine to Mars-Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. This is so exciting, because it gives you emotional focus and direction (with Mars), it makes your instincts very strong, it gives you a lot of passion and ambition and direction and enthusiasm (Jupiter and Pluto). This is so much about allowing that emotional impact, to fuel your intentions with enthusiasm. So it is a great time for small, and big, and enterprising successes, feeling independent. This is again about making something practical. You have something that you want to achieve, and that is relatively easy for you to manifest. So these Trine conversations are very powerful help to whatever you want to actually, practically bring into manifestation in your life. Whenever Virgo is highlighted, there is always a sense of raising standards. Often you hear about Virgo being very critical, and yes indeed, it is a critical sign by archetype, because it is always trying to be the best that it can be. Virgo is never satisfied with just sitting back for too long, sayingHow can I become more? How can I improve myself? Virgo is the typical perfectionist, wanting to improve its standards, constantly striving to get better. And I think that we all are, I think there is a desire in the human psyche, and that is this archetype of Virgo, to be the best you can be. Virgo wants to be completely used up, to be useful, to make a contribution, to use every bit of potential that you possibly could use. That is what this SuperMoon energy is all about, so it is a great time for planning, for setting a standard for yourself, and for thinking What do I want to improve in my life? Among the triple Trine conversations, the Moon-Jupiter Trine is so beautiful, because there is so much happiness, and effortlessness, and freedom, and wisdom, generosity and gratitude, and you feel the gifts and the advantages coming your way. And you want to share those feeling with others as well. And then the Moon-Pluto Trine gives you deep emotional insights, and purges, so that you can empower yourself. It gives you great power of assertion for example, and it goes deep into the truth, and that generates healing. Your intuition is so heightened when Pluto and the Moon are in Trine, there is a sense of psychic perception, and being deeply moved by what it is you discover at this time. It is also about being in touch with the subconscious, and allowing the truth of the matter to infuse you, getting to the root of the matter to profoundly heal, and stir those deeper feelings, that then bring new life to everything you are doing because your heart is now engaged, it is now merged with your Soul, giving you so much confidence and strength. So this triple Trine conversations from the Moon to Mars-Jupiter-Pluto, is just a really empowering, boosting time. At this SuperMoon time, the Sun is in a tight conjunction to Neptune in Pisces.So Neptune figures greatly in this Lunation. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, where the Sun is, so this means we have an intense cleansing process, a watery element that is so purifying, and healing. It is about the SPREADING OF LOVE, the spreading of energy, connection, compassion, anything that connects you to your brothers and sisters worldwide So this SuperMoon is a moment of intense spirituality, and since Mercury, the ruler of this SuperMoon, is also Station-Direct, we have this stunning moment now, where we can get some very clear insights, Mercury governing how we communicate, our messaging, and how we connect with each other. So this is a great time to realise, and be grateful for all those connections. So first you have a vision, because Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is great for visualising what it is you want, seeing that big picture, and at the same time with the predominance of earth energy, it is time to take action. With Sun-Neptune conjunction, it is also wonderful to find a great role model, to have somebody who inspires you, somebody who helps you in an area that you may be struggling with, that you really want to improve. This Full SuperMoon, together with the Stationary Mercury in Aquarius, is also suggesting a telepathic ability that you can rediscover. Human beings were able to operate telepathically in civilisations in the past, and I believe that it is going to come back in, and without the technology, we can communicate with each other. Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces really enhances your vivid imagination, it allows you to be very receptive, and impressionable as well. So just be aware of that, you know you want to always take that practicality as well, and not be taken away on a situation, where you are not understanding the core concept, where it is deception in other words. With Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, you want to understand that there is mysticism, but there is a difference between being spiritually connected, and hearing Source move through you.. and being in a place of illusion. If you feel mystified by something or someone, then turn into your heart, turn into empathy, make it a time to explore the esoteric, and explore yourself, your star blueprint for example, or look more into the arts and sciences that are connected to the esoteric arts and at the same time you want to set boundaries, because Neptune has no boundaries, and Neptune embraces everything and everyone. So you have to have both, you have the idea that you are connected intimately to everything and everyone, that your thoughts create your reality, and impact your environment, and thus flow out to others, and impact other and at the same time, you need to protect yourself from those energies, and vibrations, that you really know are not healthy for you they are low vibrations. So this Sun-Neptune association can really bring up this intuitive, mystical, visionary quality, where it is very easy to access Source, and a sense of Oneness, and a sense of divinity it is really beautiful because it is a very fine perception. At this Full SuperMoon time, the Virgo Moon is opposite Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. The Moon opposite Neptune brings your head and heart into balance, Moon being feeling, and Virgo, being governed by Mercury, is about a very practical perspective. So the opposition to Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, carries a sense of bringing energy into harmony, between your natural inclination, to be practical and hands on, and your intuitive heart centred space, that downloads from the Divine, without research. Virgo likes to research, and at this Full SuperMoon time. you are being asked to do both, you can do your research, but you will have to intuit as well. You have to understand the basics, the bullet points, and then you have to let go and surrender, and receive the answer. So you want to trust and be methodical at the same time. And keep it simple, because simplicity is very important for Virgo, keeping it clear and tidy in your space. Understand that your psychic awareness really increases with Neptune being so much part of this Full Moon, so pay attention to your dreams, to the insights that come to you, it is such a delicate time. Now a conjunction that stands out at this Full SuperMoon time, is the conjunction of Venus and Uranus in Taurus. And that will help you take advantage of this Virgo Full Moon, in a bigger way, because Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and Aquarius is the sign Mercury stopped his Retrograde mode (at 28 degrees of Aquarius), and then he starts moving forward again. So Venus conjunct Uranus, exactly at the same time Mercury stations direct in the sign Uranus rules, is very good news, because Venus brings many blessings of abundance and Love and pleasure. And Uranus adds exploring new options, connecting with others in a fun way, when he is with Venus. So it is a great time to start a new creative project, to be open to experiment with that, welcome financial windfalls that are of a different kind, and of course, honouring your uniqueness, your specialness, and the specialness in others. So this Full SuperMoon is also about the specialness of who you are, the liberation from conformity is happening with the Aquarian Age that we are entering into. You are being asked to step away from everything that has been top-down input you have to be like this you have to follow this pathall those things, people or situations that have been controlling you, all of that now is shifting, and in order to have the confidence to break away from those paradigms, you want to know who you are at Soul level so again discover that, look at your birth chart, your star blueprint, or look at yourself using other tools that resonate with you. You want to do that to really embrace who you are in a very positive way. And then another theme at this SuperMoon time, we have Chiron at 4 degrees of Aries in a Square conversation to the Nodal Axis, North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn. The North Node is where we are evolving to collectively, and where Chiron sits is where there is a wound. Chiron in Aries is about I amI exist Do I have the right to exist? And when you look at where Chiron sits in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life, is where you are born with a weakness, but you are meant to turn it into a strength, and in this case, at this SuperMoon time, Chiron in Aries is about Leadership. So at this Full SuperMoon time, how can you be the best you can be? What can you do to become a standout, exceptionally good, to be different, and maybe go against what everybody else is saying, that is perhaps one of the more difficult thing about this SuperMoon in Virgo. And remember to praise yourself for the things you have done, because with Virgo flavour, there is a tendency sometimes to be a little judgmental. So at this time, look at the progress you have made, as well as the things that you want to improve. And remember that 19, the degrees of this SuperMoon, ignites the Light, your internal spiritual force, and brings new beginnings of healing and moving ahead, so it is a major big thank you to life, a gratitude-blessing that you feel for your life. And this Full SuperMoon happens on the Virgo-Pisces Axis, that represents sense and sensitivity Virgo is the sense, and Pisces is the sensitivity. And sense is not only about common sense, it is about sensing the pulse, the temperature, sensing during your decision-making process. So while you are being practical, and making sense of it all, you are sensing the barometer. And when you sense, while making sense of things, you are in the present moment, in the Manawa. MANAWA - Now is the moment of power - I am here NOW. While the past and the future hold powerful lessons, there can be little doubt that the power of the NOW, and the current moment holds the greatest key to self-fulfillment and success. So ask yourself are you willing to live in the stress and fears of the past or future, or are you willing to cast them aside and take meaningful action in the current moment? In the Manawa, you are not in a place of illusion, because being fully engaged, fully present, is being sensible, and sensing the frequency of the moment. So at this Full Moon time, make sure that you are making plans based on taking the barometer of your life at this very time, and that is all you can do. You want to focus on NOW, and Virgo is so good at that, making sense of it all through being in a sensible place, and sensing the moment. So Virgo is about hands-on connection, and Pisces is the sensitivity, the inspirational, galactic, intuitive, spiritual expansion and connection. Another thing about Virgo that is so important, is that your environment is having such an impact on you, so you will become the environment that you spend time in, that you hang with, whether it is people or places. So you need to choose your surroundings, and you need to choose the people you spend time with well, because the conversations you have, the actual literal place you are in, it has a huge impact on you. So Virgo is about aligning yourself with the environment of people, consciously and wisely, and using respect as well Are you respecting yourself? And with Virgo you want to also eat healthily, and drink water that is rich in minerals, use crystals (make sure you put them outside bathing in the SuperMoon light), use essential oils, investigate and try new healing modalities, especially ones that are connected to frequency and Light, or frequency and sound. Just make sure that the frequency that you partake in, no matter what it is you are doing or thinking, your physical well-being is directly connected to how you think about your well-being. This IKE Virgo SuperMoon is very much about the spiritual and emotional and mental connection body-mind-spirit connection. So at this time, place yourself in a place where you can embrace high vibrational living and then you will become the best of everything you will become the conduit of Love, and Light, and Healing, and Joy and that is the evolved way of Virgo, to feel incredibly blessed and grateful, and share, because Virgo is also about to be of service and most of all, Virgo loves the mastery of self-awareness. This Full SuperMoon is your time to just get your inner healer going, and to just be the healer in your life. So what all the conversations of this IKE Full SuperMoon in Virgo are teaching you now, and very much through 2020, is that THE WORK IS INNER. You have to awaken the understanding that your reference point for reality is inner, that your reality is created from inside of you, from your radio dial, from your Centre, rather than your reaction to outer events WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU IS HOW YOU REACT TO WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU. So if you can keep and cultivate a sense of calmness or composure, especially in a difficult situation, then you are truly in a state of peace, that is all loving, always there for you, and will enable healing. So this is this kind of dropping into STILLNESS, that is inner, that you really have to work on, not only in March, but all the way through 2020. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

14.01.2022 TAURUS FULL MOON - I AM FREE TO CHOOSE TO MOVE IN A NEW DIRECTION - This Taurus Full Moon happens on Sunday 1st November 2020 at 8 degrees 38’ Taurus, at 12:50 ...AM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour Stars Lovers, and welcome to the Full Moon in Taurus. This Full Moon is super action packed, because we have Uranus, the planet of change and shifts and breakthroughs, merged exactly with the Moon, only 3’ apart, and both conjunct at 8 degrees of Taurus. So the first thing to do is to check where 8 degrees of Taurus sits in your Natal chart, and which House or area of life is impacted by this Full Moon. And of course you don’t need to be a Taurus to benefit from this Full Moon, because we all have Taurus somewhere in our Birth chart. And don’t forget to check where 8 degrees of Scorpio sits in your birth chart it is where the Sun sits as this describes another area of your life that is also impacted at this time. Full Moons tend to shine a light on secrets of what you have not known, and Uranus is linked to truth, the piercing sword of clarity, truth coming to light so be prepared at this time, for seeing more sudden truths, shocking surprises coming to light, which can change your trajectory, going forwards. Feelings and emotions tend to come to our head at Full Moon time, and during the two extreme months of October and November, we have a crescendo of energy, we have a whole series of peaks, so this Taurus Full Moon is going to be another peak of energy. The Uranus energy moves quickly, it is about breaking free of where you have felt caged or stuck, it is an electrical surge of energy, and with the Moon in Taurusthe Moon being your emotional self, your emotional body, where you have perhaps stabilised yourself, that is the Taurus energy, it likes reliability, security, what it can count on so this Moon-Uranus conjunction is about a breaking free of something within you, that has actually been holding you back. There is something about this Full Moon, that is really asking you to allow this surge of energy to come through, and even though it can feel out of your control, it is on your side. And if you choose that perspective, that will help you see more of what you want, and how you are ready to transform something that has been maybe stuck, that has been in a place of uncertainty or fear. So this Full Moon conjunct Uranus is shining a light on all things that are Uranian. Uranus energy has an eruptive, explosive, volatile quality, it is about demands for freedom, and independence and individuality, and it is quite rebellious people taking to the streets and demanding more quality of life, demanding to be heard, demanding their freedom. So in that sense, it is reinforcing the long-term messages of Mars in Aries, that are much linked to individual rights and freedom, in a very assertive way. Uranus, particularly when he is in Taurus, and he will there until 2026, is very linked to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, extreme weather, extreme earth events and it can be political earthquakes as well, shocks, surprises, unexpected news, bizarre events, galactic news so be aware that around this Full Moon time, there are very volatile energies. This Taurus Full Moon in shining a light on the polarity and the contradiction of Uranus and Taurus because Uranus and Taurus are not easily connected to each other. Taurus is all about permanence, stability, feelings of safety, security, things for the long-term, does not like sudden change and Uranus is really the opposite. Uranus is the maverick, individualist, non-conformist, free spirit he wants to break up anything that is stale, and routine and predictable it is about a feeling of breaking down, in order to break through. Now at Full Moon there is always the theme of BALANCE very strong, bringing your life into a sense of order, and with Uranus exactly conjunct this Full Moon, the theme of Balance is juxtaposed to the theme of FREEDOM, upheaval and change. And with this blended themes, what is happening is that you are being liberated from your old sense of putting things into boxes, having things go a certain way to the new kind of ordering your life, in terms of always having THE VALUE OF FREEDOM in the forefront of all your decision-making processes so the theme of freedom is extremely strong, and it is being ingrained now. And why this Uranus-Moon conjunction is also so important, because it defines the next 2600 years, because Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and we are in the process of entering the Aquarian Age now. And by the Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice for Northern Hemisphere) on December 21st of 2020, an incredible conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter happens in Aquarius, and we are going to literally feel that Aquarian Age beginning. And right now is the turmoil, and the surprises, and the unexpected, churning up of what was suppressed up until now, in order to make room, for this New Age to be able to flower and flourish. So Uranus is the planet of sudden shifts, breakthroughs, taking risks, change, the future, revolutionary adjustments, inventions, multi-dimensional consciousness, frequency, collective and people power and Uranus is the higher mind, so he governs inspiration, channeling, and at this time, with Uranus just blended with the Moon, the unpredictability of this Full Moon will electrify things, in every way possible. So that process of sending in surprises and outstanding things, is freeing you up from being stagnant. Any stagnant situations that you may find yourself in, decisions that you have not been able to make, they are being brought to the surface now. And the number 8 so highlighted at this time, empowers you to this process. In fact at this Full Moon time we have a triple 8 activation, as the Sun, Moon, Uranus are all sitting at 8 degrees of their signs. This is really empowering 8 is the infinity number of eternal life, it is about internal courage, the ability to overcome obstacles, and gain strength as a result so it is truly about the visionary leader. With 8 you have the ability to channel your energies in order to alter any given situation, so you will ultimately be a leader, the big boss type with executive abilities, and you can manage and organise efficiently and 8 knows no half-way measures, it is either personal limitations or spiritual freedom you must accept responsibility, and handle it as well as you can. And be aware that 8 is connected to Karma, therefore As you sow, so shall you reap you will receive exactly what you deserve during this karmic time. So during this time, especially in the few weeks following this Full Moon, you are going to see events that seem destined, and seem fateful so prepare for more turbulences, more surprises. The Moon is your sensitive nature, how you feel, your heart center and Uranus in Taurus is saying Where have my feelings gotten into a routine? Where am I emotionally repressed? And Uranus wants you to go beyond your comfort zone, in a really big way. So this Taurus Full Moon is really breaking through these comfortable habitsTaurus like comfort, and to feel pleasure, and beauty, and abundance, and it is very secureand at this time, Uranus is sayingWhat is the security that you are feeling, is it a false sense of security? At this Full Moon time, something is telling you to follow your instincts, and do things differently, and surprise yourself. So anything you have been holding back on, a decision to move because Uranus is electrical, it moves, it makes quick decisions so anything that you have suppressed is being awakened. And remember that this year 2020 is giving us the perfect vision to see, and what you see is not necessarily always going to be pretty, it is going to be whatever it is, the truth And the truth shall set you free and Uranus in Taurus stands for that, he is shaking you awake, and since Taurus is an earth sign, you can feel the earthy ground that you are standing on, being moved, asking you TO MOVE INTO A NEW DIRECTION. So if there is anything that you know, that you have been wanting to do, but have not had the courage to move forward on, or have suppressed, this desire is going to emerge now, it is going to come out in the open. But keep in mind, if you are not being proactive at this time, you will feel the external force wake you up, and that is sort of a hard way to wake up. When the external force comes around, and creates the necessary internal shift in you, it is better to be proactive, and just act on those prompts, before the external force comes because the shift has to happen one way or another. The Full Moon is in Taurus, an earth sign, and at this time, we have 5 planets in earth signs, so this has to do with our Mother Earth, a big awakening as to what we have been doing to her. According to records, since 1970, 60% of the world population of vertebrates, from fish to birds to mammals, have been wiped out, so now is the time to really look at what do we need to do, to correct all the pain and suffering that we have been inflicting on our beautiful home planet Mother Earth. Now we realise that we must make some significant changes, and that what this Taurus Full Moon merged with Uranus is all about. I have enjoyed watching lately several documentaries explaining our wrong doings on Mother Earth, and how to re-establish a beautiful balance. Documentaries such as The biggest Little Farm David Attenborough: A life On Our Planet and Kiss The Ground they are testaments to the immense complexity of Nature, they are about the grieving of the loss of wild places, and offer a vision for the futurebut on the overall, they are very uplifting and all optimistic. Venus the ruler of this Taurus Full Moon is at 4 degrees of Libra, where she is lovely, and strong, and supported, because she also the ruler of Libra. She is able to consider what others need, she wants to work well with others. And we also have Mercury in Retrograde mode at this time, and back to 26 degrees of Libra, and he will continue his Retrograde phase until November 3rd. So Venus and Mercury both in Libra, are providing a balance point and objectivity, around what is changing, and what needs to change. It is giving you the ability to think it through, to talk it out, to have conversations but also hear yourself, to make sure that you are listening to what you need, and what is correct for you. And Venus at 4 degrees of Libra, is opposite to Chiron Retrograde at 5 degrees of Aries this is almost an exact opposition. With this conversation, you are bringing the spiritualisation process, the receptivity to a higher Divine Understanding, into focus. It is like informing you, so it is giving you stability, it is giving you order. With Venus, there is a sense of responding to a life in general, through creativity and beauty, being very creative, harmonising energy, as opposed to dissecting energy, or getting too analytical (with Mercury Retrograde), or having confronting energy (with Mars Retrograde). So this Venus-Chiron opposition is really asking you to balance energy, so you can open up a sacred space, and this is a space that you will be valuing for a long time, because everything is undergoing this shift towards embracing spiritual values. And this opposition of Venus-ChironVenus ruler of this Taurus Full Moon, and Chiron in Aries the sign of new beginning is signalling that shift, where you basically create everything with your spirit, in spirit, with inspiration inspiration informs it all. This Venus-Chiron opposition is also about not feeling worthy, and you may feel an internal vulnerability at this time. And once Venus moves away from that opposition to Chiron, she is going to have a little bit more breathing room. And then she is going to have in middle of November, an opposition to Mars, but what is really lovely, is that Mars is in his home sign of Aries, so this is the Sacred Masculine and Venus in her own sign of Libra is the Divine Feminine and they are going to be having a conversation, that is about understanding each other more, getting clearer in the others intentions, and even understanding more about relationship dynamics what works, what does not work, what you are ready to change, what you want to shift, what you don’t like, what you do like etc Venus and Taurus they govern your values, beauty, artistic expression so you will definitively be attracted to beauty, and art, and pleasure so at this Full Moon time, just follow that thread of creativity, because Taurus is a very calm, a grounding sign to begin with. It calms you down through being in a place of beauty and pleasure, and how important it is to just take that time to nurture yourself So during this Taurus Full Moon, just take that time to nurture yourself through the beauty of Nature. Taurus, as an earth sign, wants you to appreciate the Nature on Mother Earth. Taurus also governs productivity, self-esteem, security, financial security, your money, your financial investments how do you create financial flow, using your talents in a way that gives you a lot of satisfaction and fulfilment. Taurus also governs the voice, the throat, the Throat Fifth Chakra also called the Vishuddha Chakra. This is your source of verbal expression and the ability to speak your highest truth. Taurus is also about LOVE, because Venus its ruler, is the planet of Love so this is a really lovely time for you to maybe unplug from the social media, and focus on your personal life, and see how you are using a very patient, steady growth, with a lot of perseverance, to create sensual pleasure, sensual beauty, contentment, and peace. The shadow side of the Taurus energy is resistance to change so the Uranus-Moon conjunction is again bringing the balance, so you have this sense of not wanting to change, not wanting to move, with Taurus being very rooted, stubborn in a way, with attachments to your possessions but Uranus is saying NO you have to change, you have got to focus on your inner life now. And with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, and Mars Retrograde in Aries, it is also about focusing on your inner life, to listen to what really is of value to you. So it is about looking at what brings you excitement and enjoyment, feeling a sense of appreciation for what is beautiful, but not allowing the current attachment to whatever it is that gives you pleasure, to keep you from discovering new ways. So at this Full Moon time, you may have unusual experiences, you may feel I like where I am now, I like the career I am pursuing now, however it is not fulfilling me, I don’t feel the joy and bliss, so I am going to expand, I am going to make a change or I am going to move, because I have been feeling a sense of -I don’t know why - but I am going to trust that anyway. At this Full Moon time, Mercury Retrograde at 26 degrees of Libra is in a wide opposition with Mars in Aries, and both are in Square conversations with the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn and this creates a T-Square triangle pattern. This T-Square pattern is about running up against the rules and regulations, so there could be angry words at this time. So what are those angry words about while Mercury is in Libra? Well it could be angry words about fairness, justice, equality, relationship all Libran qualities. Within this T-Square pattern, the Mercury-Saturn Square conversation is exact, as they are both at 26 degrees of their signs, and this really emphasises the fact that people are not going to agree, your opinions are running up against the opinions of other people this is about differences of view, fuelling the very strong Mars in Aries energy in the world. Now in Numerology, 26 reduces to 8, so we have this powerful number again, the number of giving you confidence and strength, the courage to overcome any obstacles, the sense that you are invincible and YOU ARE INVINCIBLE, because your Soul is immortal. So this Mercury-Saturn Square conversation gives you a lot of concentration to get to work, to get things done, but it also requires intense mental focus. And if you apply that focus onto whatever project you are working on, you can get a super amount accomplished. So at this time, be very diligent about details and with Mercury retrograde, this is not necessarily a time to enter negotiations, instead, listen closely, be patient, allow yourself to move out of any rigid negative thinking. This Mercury-Saturn conversation is asking you to extricate yourself from that, because you are supposed to be in a spiral flow, moving into spiral living this is not about one linear direction anymore. The only way to move forward now, is definitively about LETTING GO, of those guilt trips, of competitiveness, of I am not good as. This Mercury-Saturn Square conversation is really lifting up the last vestiges, if you still have those feelings, and we all do of course, because we were raised in this old paradigm, but this is really a great time to just say NO, I am not going there anymore. At this time, Mercury Retrograde is also in a Square conversation with Pluto and Jupiter. So you are turning your thoughts inwards, and remember the Sun is in Scorpio during this Full Moon time, and Pluto rules Scorpio. So interactions with others can be very intense with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, his Square conversation to Pluto in Capricorn, and with the Sun in Scorpio it is super intense indeed ! So you want to guard against expressing yourself with overpowering ways it is literally like controlling the narrative, with no other views being heard. So be aware that there can be very aggressive conversations at this time, remember that Mars is still Retrograde in Aries so you are being asked, with the Pluto experience, to dig very deeply, to discover the truth, and to HOLD YOUR TONGUE. Remember that Taurus governs the Throat, this is about speaking, so before you speak, allow Pluto energy to dig in deeper realms, and get into the mysteries behind things. So at this time, investigate what the whole shift is about, and don’t get into the aggressiveness, the separation, the divisiveness, the fighting So this is a very good time to dive into your Star Blueprint, and to book an astrology reading for example, for a deep exploration of where you are up to now. And it is a good time to keep your mind very open and flexible, and understand that you can refrain from entering any conflicts, that is totally your choice. You can make a lot of empowering discoveries by just observing, Pluto loves to observe, so this Mercury-Pluto Square conversation is extremely powerful, and it actually will help you to get to the bottom of things, and then reorganise, get inspired, and take the lead. And what you have been moving through, deciding, gaining clarity on throughout October, is going to feel stronger the middle of November, because by then, Mercury will be Direct and back to Scorpio. And Mercury will make his last opposition to Uranus on November 17th, and Mars will be Stationary-Direct November 14th-15th. So there is a lot moving at this time, around what is next in your life, the next chapter of what you want to manifest, create, move towards that is being energetically re-configured. So definitively, the middle of November has a surge of movement forward. And on the 3rd of November, the day of the US election, Mercury becomes Stationary Direct. Oh la laWell let’s see what will happen to these election, it can have some issues and whoever wins, clearly with all this volatile energy around, there is likely to be some social disruptions around these election. Be aware that we are still in time of transition, where the two timelines of 3D and 5D are happening at the same time. The 3D timeline is the kind of thing you see on the news, the day to day chaos, dysfunction, things are not working properly, we feel very constrained, our foundations are collapsing and this is very messy. But at the higher level of 5D, we are actually entering a whole new episode in our human evolution. So at this time, we are at a fork in the road, and that fork is getting wider, and we can still jump from 3D to 5D, but it gets trickier now, because chemically we become addicted to our thought patterns and our emotions. So if you are addicted to those 3D low frequency emotions of fear, anxiety, panic, anger, all of those things you are actually creating a kind of chemical addiction. But equally, at the 5D level, the emotions are to do with Joy, laughter, compassion, peace, gratitude, appreciation and equally you can become chemically addicted to those emotions. So the sooner you can get to the 5D timeline, the easier is going to be for each of us, and it is going to bring in that new world faster, which is going to be so much better than what we currently have. To help you in this transition, use techniques such as sticking notes around your house, about your thoughts, about where is your focus so of course you want to choose to turn the spotlight on those 5D thought forms. So at this Full Moon time, it is all to do with where you put your focus on and this makes the MAKIA principle resonate strongly here. MAKIA the third Hawaiian Principle of Huna MAKIA: energy flows where attention goes Whatever you spend most of your conscious and unconscious time thinking of, will grow in your reality. So If you focus the majority of your attention on why things are not working out the way you want them to, then your struggles will grow and become more concrete through time. If you aren’t clear about your goals and direction, then the fuzziness will grow within your life. So at this Full Moon time, you ask yourself: Where is my point of awareness now What am I focusing on right now? and Is my focus empowering or disempowering me right now?. Therefore in practicing MAKIA, you are all powerful in the sense that, it is you who give or not power to the things and people in your life, and this help you navigate where you are going. Thinking about the 3D and the 5D, we are entering the Scorpio phase of the year now the Sun is in Scorpio, right from the beginning of November, and Mercury re-enters Scorpio on November 11th. Scorpio is the sign of spiritual transformation, it is ruled by Mars and Pluto, and Scorpio has two symbols. It has the scorpio symbol, and this is about the lower expression of Scorpio, which it can be, it is primal, it is animal instinct, it is rage, envy, jealousy, animal sexuality but the other symbol for Scorpio is the Phoenix, who rises from the ashes and the duality of scorpio/Phoenix is a reflection of the 3D/5D. So if you can rise from the ashes, and get onto that Phoenix perch, this is the much higher level of the observer, the witness, seeing everything that is unfolding as energetic So practice to see everything energetically, step back, so you are not just caught up, because it is going to be very colourful, very dramatic, there is going to be a lot to catch your interest at the 3D level, but it won’t help you moving forwards What will help you, is to just be able to pull yourself to a higher level of being, the 5D level, so step back, and if you can do that, you start to create a much greater sense of peace, and calmness, and confidence, and trust in the invisible, and trust in your ability as a creator for a new world. And remember, Full Moons are great times to release, to let things go so start to consider, not just what you want to create, but WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LET GO, as we move into this new chapter of human evolution, for all of us it may be physical things you want to let go, and it may also be behavioural patterns, thought patterns, that have not been serving you well. So at this Full moon time, you need to be ready to adapt to new, unforeseen circumstances. And if you resist those changes, initially you will go into fear, but you need to see your way forward now, through just going for it, just allowing that flow to take you beyond being dominated by fear, or dominated by others. Whatever it may be, you want to just take that restlessness, that is inevitably coming up, that sort of nervous energy, and get to the bottom of the reason for it, that is the key here Why am I feeling this way? and how can I be proactive and open to address this?. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, so the changes that have been sweeping the Earth have been felt for a while. However, this Taurus Full Moon is releasing a lot of pressure, and that deepen the awakening process. So at this time, you are taking the revelations, the changes, and you are taking them to a much bigger step further now, in the evolution of human consciousness. But at this time, because of Mars and Mercury in Retrograde, the shift feels very personal, and it encompasses how you think (Mercury), what you are communicating, what communication and media you are engaging with but also where you choose to use your energy (Mars), and also the direction of your goals, the overall direction. So this is all about personal stuff Full Moon-Uranus conjunction, Mercury-Saturn Square conversation, and Mercury and Mars both Retrograde can create a sense of why are things not shifting? there can be a sense of impatience here, and so it is very important at this time, to listen carefully to your intuition, and to pay attention to those details, and also to sleep on any important decisions that you are making. With the Taurus Full Moon exactly conjunct to Uranus, there is a lot of movement, and they are electrical surges that are breaking through energy, so be aware of emotional extremes. So these emotional extremes, even if they may not show up in your life, because you have a way of meditating, and allowing the feelings to flow through, you allow the feelings to come up but they may come up in the middle of nowhere, in a middle of a dream, or in a middle of a conversation, or it could be somebody else feeling those, and then you have to respond in a certain way so take those timeouts to breathe. And if you find yourself in situations that are confronting, which inevitably can happen during this time, they are triggering you, they are taking you out of that calm Taurus space, so look closely at what you truly value is it peace or is it strife? What is it that truly brings you fulfilment? Is it arguing a point, or is it staying in a place of inner calm at all times? So ask yourself questions when these crazy moments come up, and allow your mind then to be productive, and solution oriented, because you are asking questions, and that will get you out of the panic and fear mode. This Full Moon conjunct to Uranus is connecting you into the truth of what you want that feels good, of what is in your heart, and what you know you are worthy of the Moon is about the feelings and where you are resonating with something, in a whole new way. And Uranus is bringing in higher energies from the cosmic Source of energy, directly to your heart. So at this Full Moon time, there is a deep reprogramming, that could put you at odds, with a part of yourself, that does not want to lose control, or feels like there is a lot of risks (Sun Scorpio). But there is so much about 2020 that has been really bringing up imminent big changes. This is about the re-establishment of your life, and where you want to live a good life, a healthy life, with a sense of meaning and value in your life (Moon Taurus). So this Full Moon conjunct Uranus is very dynamic indeed! And it could even feel stressful, especially mentally, with Mercury-Saturn Square conversation But the feelings are gaining clarity, because the Uranus energy at this time, is going to break away some of the fears, or some of the areas of uncertainty.for you to know how to move forward, to move through this. So there is going to be some interesting energies at work, as we move through November, and they are based on the realisations, that you have come to understand and move through in October. But be careful of any impatience at this time, know how to work with the restlessness (Moon-Uranus conjunction), know how to understand what you are feeling, and definitively MOVE, because this Moon-Uranus conjunction is like an electrical pulse, coming through at a higher level, to help you be in alignment with what you want, to open up to it, to be able to manage the fears, or manage the reservations, or lower perceptions. So during this Taurus Full Moon time, and beyond for the rest of the year, it is really important to be fearless, and if there are doubts that creep into your mind, those old records that keep playing the old programming do it anyways, go anyways, make the change. Uranus is saying CHANGING NOW IS GOOD, the old patterns need to be dissolved. This Taurus Full Moon merged with Uranus is an incredible time to be passionate, to let it all out Uranus is saying just go and fearlessly move forward Just do it, stand up, be the leader, don’t listen to the external, trust your instinct and be thankful that you can make this huge shift in your life and be aware that you are impacting others as well, because the more you adhere to that inner calm, the more you are impacting the whole world, the galaxy because we are all working together, this is a whole big unification theme that is going on we are reflections of each other, so the way we treat each other is reflected in the world. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

14.01.2022 PISCES FULL MOON - I LIGHT TOMORROW WITH TODAY - This Pisces Full Moon happens on Wednesday 2nd of September 2020 at 10 degrees 12’ Pisces, at 3:22 PM Queensla...nd time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour my Stars Lovers, welcome to the magic Full Moon in Pisces. Even if you are not a Pisces, this Lunation applies to you because you have Pisces somewhere in your birth chart, governing one of your House or Area of life, and you have Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, somewhere in your birth chart as well so everyone is impacted by this Lunation. So check where 10 degrees of Pisces falls in your Birth Chart ( and also 10 degrees of Virgo), and which Houses areas of life are impacted. With the Full Moon happening on September 2nd 2020, you can see there are a lot of 2 here, and 2 is the number of Harmony and Peace, and Pisces is the sign of Peace. Pisces is the sign of imagination, intuition, the dreamer, spirituality, merging all energy into ONE it is a water sign and water is an element that goes everywhere. So there are no boundaries with Pisces, and that means that there is no boundaries on your creative imagination, and so you will feel this expansive limitlessness, when it comes to exploring what is unseen, exploring multi-dimensions and galactic dimensions, and connecting to Source, and realising that we are all in this together. Pisces is opening the gateway to unity and Love in a beautiful way. It is also the final sign of the zodiac, so it bridges reality, it bridges life and death, what is seen and what is unseen, the conscious and the unconscious. Pisces governs psychic abilities, intuition, psychology, prisons, hospitals and the shadow side of Pisces is about the things that you suppress, and that then create an urge to replace that energy, and that results in addiction so Pisces governs addiction, drugs, epidemics, like viruses, disease, illusions, deception, confusion, feeling helpless, feeling victimised. So during this time of transition but also a time of awakening, you need to be extra vigilant, and use the positive side of Pisces intuition, inspiration, unconditional Love, compassion, and tuning into the truth. Whenever we have a Full Moon, it indicates some kind of closure or culmination, or completion, in that House-area of life where 10 degrees of Pisces falls in your birth Chart. A full Moon is also a time when you can get revelations of things you did not know before. Full Moon shines a light into dark corners, and Neptune has a lot to do with secrets, or things not being as they seem, or deception and a Full Moon can shine a light on those secrets so you may have more revelations or disclosures at this time. Whatever they are, this is the Truth coming out, and the truth is part of the collapse of the old paradigm that we are experiencing at this time. Pisces energy is incredibly sensitive, incredibly compassionate, so with this Pisces Full moon, feelings tend to come to a head. So there is going to be a lot of emotion happening at this time, a lot of compassion for people in the world. At a lower level, this Pisces energy can express as overwhelm or confusion with everything that is going on. Every Full Moon is an opposition between Sun and Moon energies, when you come into greater balance. And this Pisces Full Moon takes you away from the physical reality of your life, and she reminds you that you are more than just this moment in time, you are more than just this incarnation. This Pisces Full Moon is more about what needs to be completed and released, what needs to be forgiven, what needs to be unraveled, and where you can step away from an ego attachment. Pisces is often where you surrender something in your human experience up to Spirit, to your Aumakua you let it go, so it can be released from you. So this Full Moon is a wonderful time to look at what you have been carrying or holding. Perhaps what you have been focusing on, that has been very specific (Sun Virgo), or something you really thought you had to manage, this Pisces Full Moon reminds you that you can partner with Spirit, your Aumakua, you can work with bigger energies. And at this Full Moon time, the Moon is in a wide conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, and that is an opening into what is spiritually correct for you now where you can work with a trusting process, where you can open to Spirit, and know that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. The Pisces Full Moon is celebrating the end of a cycle, so it is always a good time of the year to take stock and take inventory, of what is in front of you, what you have been organising, improving, managing and healing and then look at what you can surrender, what you can release, so that it does not bog you down, or confine your energy. Neptune the ruler of Pisces, therefore the ruler of this Full Moon, is opposing Mercury at 24 degrees of Virgo. This Mercury in Virgo is very clear, decisive, smart, aware of what he needs to do everyday, and actually Mercury in Virgo has a lot of strength because he is ruling this sign. This Mercury-Neptune opposition can also be confusion and just feeling tired, feeling mentally drained but this Mercury in Virgo is also in a Trine conversation with Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. This earthy conversation means that something has been formulating, and it gets a concrete understanding, so there is something coming together about next steps, that will feel solid. So with this energy at work, make a list, write down priorities, write down what you need to do, so that you will not forget. Because the ideas that are happening right now can really serve you, and they can solve some problems, they can give you some solutions, they can be very insightful about what you want to do next. At this Full Moon time the major conversation is Uranus at 10 degrees of Taurus in an exact beautiful Sextile conversation with the Moon at 10 degrees of Pisces, and also in a beautiful exact Trine conversation with the Sun at 10 degrees of Virgo. So Sun, Moon, and Uranus are all at 10 degrees of their signs, and 10 reduces to 1, so there is a lot of new beginnings energy there. This opens a triple 10 manifestation Portal, and that is creating a rapid awakening through Love and Light that is what the number 10 represents, it is like the god number. The vibration of 10 is about intuition, fortune, luck, a turn for the better, the start of something new. This represents an initiation period in which you may be required to stand alone and make decisions. Progress, improvement and advancement are yours. Taurus and Virgo are both earth signs, so at this Full Moon time, there is a nice sense of grounding energy, an earth-centred energy that allows you to really assimilate in a very practical way, a sense of freedom and release, that we are all experiencing, as we up level into this new paradigm, this new way of life, and release all those patriarchal structures from our existence. Uranus, which is so connected to this Pisces Full Moon, is very positively expressed, and the ultimate expression of Uranus is freedom and because Pisces is now allowing you to see what is hidden, and revealing the truth, you can see that the truth shall set you free is very much active during this Full Moon time. Everybody is on their journey, and choosing how to express freedom for themselves, and that individual choice is very much the Uranus theme. So upholding that freedom of choice is the most basic human right that we have, and when that right is removed, we know that the old paradigm is trying to exert control. And the old paradigm is now called old, because it is on the way out. We are now welcoming the New Earth so if you are feeling that you have been holding yourself down from expressing yourself the way you feel is from your highest good then this Uranus and Taurus experience, with the Pisces Full Moon, is helping that process tremendously. So Uranus in Taurus is building a new foundation for freedom, and you build this freedom through your thoughts, and the energy that you put out into the world. And the tool you have that will help you in an instant every time, is your intuition, your Third Eye you want to see through your Third Eye what you are intending to create with Source. Through your Third Eye, your heart and your mind are coming together to be open to see everything, not just what you want to see, what you have been trained to see, what you have been shown by those in control but what truly is happening. And at this Full time, Pisces allows you that stillness, Pisces allows you to listen, because Pisces reveals the Truth through stillness and listening. Then you surrender to the Divine Truth, and you stop to analyse, you stop using just your mind and you stop to try explain yourself to others, because it does not even matter. So it is really transformational to use that Third Eye as your navigation tool, and that is really the spiritual awakening of freedom of this Pisces Full Moon. Because Uranus governs higher intelligence, the higher mind, your genius, your intuition, seeing beyond the norm, breaking free from the confines of restriction so you are discovering now how to activate from your heart space, and connecting your heart to your mind as one unit, that is aligned with Source and that is really what intuition is, it is the ultimate divine intelligence that you have. However, since you have been bred and taught under the old system, which is very much connected to the mind and disconnected from the heart, it is like you are now moving into a new paradigm where you got to learn the new rope, and the new rope is intuition. So at the time of this Pisces Full Moon, your intuitive senses are on very high alert, because they have been awakened. You need them, and that is a good thing, because the old playbook is gone, so your intuition is the only thing that is going to carry you through, and be able to navigate. Intuition is both common sense and high vibrational intention, so now you are becoming holistic in your approach, using your practical side and your intuitive side all together. Uranus is also about technological innovation of many kinds, so he wants you to be very aware and alert of magnetism and frequencies. We are hearing an awful lot about magnetic technology at this time, there are plenty new technologies connected to magnetism, which is life supportive and life enhancing, as well as life destroying. So have your antenna out for that, because Uranus is in Taurus, and Taurus is the earth, and Taurus is also your physical body so remember that you are an electromagnetic being. And with Uranus in Taurus, our values are going to be changing a lot, because Uranus is going to stay in Taurus until 2026. We can already see how the values of everybody have changed since the beginning of this year. The Sun-Uranus Trine is a very dynamic and energising conversation, and it is opening you up to some new possibilities and new solutions, that were not available before and September is the time, there is something connecting, clicking, and coming through, to support your life, your physical world, where you are going next, what matters to you. So there is something about September, that is bringing in these new energies, these new dynamics, and it is going to build through Virgo season, until the Virgo New Moon on September 17th. So this Pisces Full Moon is showing you that yes there are completions, revelations, and higher awareness from Spirit, your Aumakua (Moon Pisces) but then there is something in the physical world, that you are going to be carrying forward, developing, building, growing, throughout September (Sun Virgo), that is going to be clear by that Virgo New Moon on September 17th. So September has an important story, there is something coming through from Spirit, from Aumakua, and it is trying to land in your brain, and saying hold on to this, understand this, know that what you are working with is supporting you. Some things need to be cleared out, you need to surrender, your sense of control of it all, and to know that what is going to move through in September, is meant to set you up in a more solid way, to end 2020 but also to begin the next year. So what in your life are you changing in September, that is going to serve you serve you in your highest and best way, that maybe you was not ready to make the changes before? During this Pisces Full Moon, Venus at 25 degrees of Cancer, is in an exact opposition with Saturn at 25 degrees of Capricorn and both are in a challenging Square conversation to Mars in Aries, creating a powerful Cardinal T-Square triangle pattern and Mars is about to go Retrograde on September 9th So this is very very powerful energy that we have here indeed! This cardinal T-Square wants you to begin, to initiate or start something and this is where you could feel a big frustration. Venus in Cancer is sensitive and she has been moving through the feelings of what she wants, and what matters to her, and as she opposes Saturn, she has a bumpy ride, because Saturn is telling her NO So there is a tension here, perhaps in where you want to go, what you want to do next. Mars is fuelling that energy of being very passionate, excited, acting on what it is you discover and Venus-Saturn opposition means you need to spend some time alone, to get really purely connected to Source, not worry about any delays that may come your way, and focus on practical matters. Venus-Saturn opposition can be portrayed as a conflict between the need for security and safety and coziness (Venus Cancer), and a strong sense of control and dominance, perhaps coming from you or your partner, because Venus rules relationships. So it may be quite a push-pull with this opposition conversation, whether you stay within the security of that relationship despite that. So Venus-Saturn opposition is very much about self-awareness and growth, and focusing also on paying off debts, because Venus governs money, organising your finances and Venus governs Love, so it is about bringing Love, harmony and beauty into your life, to help you feel that inner peace. And then we have Mars-Saturn Square conversation, that does make energy feel a little bit more restricted. And because Mars is slowing down right now, as he is going in Retrograde on September 9th, that Mars-Saturn Square conversation is going to last all month of September. It does not seem like it is time to take some actions, because of this frustrated Mars, who has to wait, and Mars in Aries does not want to wait, he wants to head off on his own adventure, do it his own way, be very independent, but he is being tied up by the Capricorn Saturn-Pluto energies in Capricorn, that say IT IS NOT TIMEyou can’t have that, you have to think beyond yourself, you have to think of the bigger picture. So in order to bypass any frustration or energetic suppression that you may feel at this time, focus on your creativity and any pending responsibilities. So don’t start anything new, it is better to concentrate your passion on something you already have, or started. And it is very important that you express yourself of course, but do so in way that is very steady, one step at a time, be very patient at this time. And if you feel yourself get frustrated, or pushed to take a risk, then practice those creating exercises, or breathe from your heart, and get calm and centered, before you move forward. So at this Pisces Full Moon time, make sure that you are in alignment with Source, and whatever feels like it is taking you away from your sense of BALANCE, let that go, and ask for support with Spirit. At the time of this Full Moon, Mercury is in his own sign at 24 degrees of Virgo, and he is in a supportive trine conversation with Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and he is also opposing Neptune in Pisces. Virgo and Capricorn are earth sign, so it is great for manifesting, and the opposition to Neptune is great for imagination so on the overall, these conversations are really about bringing your thoughts into reality, into manifestation. So at this time you can manifest, you can be the architect, or the artist, and ground your dreams on paper or canvas, or write them down in a book. With this Mercury-Saturn-Pluto-Neptune conversation, become more aware of the freedom of your thoughts, the freedom of your choices, even if you are living in a constrained environment. So instead of doing everything in a blur through the day, such as with routine and habits, become more conscious that you have the freedom in that choice, and be grateful for that freedom-choice-gratitude this is the frequency you choose to live with everyday, instead of constraint, and that would really help you, and help us all, because you are broadcasting this to the Oneness of All and that becomes infectious for everybody. So September is going to focus on personal freedom and fortunate shifts, positive breakthroughs, exciting developments, because of the beautiful impact of Uranus. We are in the midst of allowing a new way of life to unfold, and this Pisces Full Moon, because of the vibration of the number 10, and the liberation theme with Uranus, and with the T-Square pattern with Mars is facilitating this time of great awakening, great unveiling and once you see the Light you are set free. Pisces allows you to acknowledge energy that is sourced from unconditional Love. Pisces is very idealistic, and it is incredibly powerful in terms of bringing us together. And the Sun in Virgo, opposite the Moon in Pisces, is allowing you to be very practical, in putting that idealism, that love, that Joy, that Peace into reality. And what we are starting to notice now, is which tactics are causing SEPARATION, which is the old way of gaining power is to separate because when we feel separate from, we compete, we defend, we react, we certainly don’t extend our hand with Love because we have been made to feel like we are better or worse than something, this is comparison and the result is separation. So at this time, we look at which strategies separate us, and which strategies bring us together, this is what this Pisces Full Moon is asking you to do the unification theme, the loving unity theme. Pisces is the sign of compassion, and connecting to the Oneness of All, we all come from One Source. This Pisces Full Moon begins the final third of 2020, and so it is a fantastic time to just see that BALANCE is one of the key words to your liberation, to your vibrational uplifting of energy on Mother Earth the Balance of male and female, of masculine and feminine, of intuition and intelligence, of the unseen and the seen, of the mind and the heart So now you need to put on your 2020 vision glasses, and make sure that your foundations and your intentions are all built on Love, and Trust, and Compassion, and Joy rather then the old paradigm of greed, competition, fear, and separation. And this will bring you into Balance, so if you can see anything that is using still the old paradigm strategies of separation, and fear, and greed, and competition, this is where you have to, if you want TO STAY IN BALANCE, say NO and put up those boundaries. This Pisces Full Moon brings a strong Yin energy, that is so different from the actual Yang kind of more masculine manifesting energy in the world, because Pisces is to do with unconditional Love, it is Yin receptive, it is to do with meditation, altered states, chanting, sacred music, sitting in Nature, being in silence ( perfect for a Vipassana meditation time) Pisces is sooo fine in its perception, and ultimately, it is really MAGICALit is shape-shifting, and when you are in that Piscean, altered, high vibration state, according to Quantum physic, you are less particle and you become more wave, and that is a much more powerful place to co-create from. So at this Full Moon time, think of this magical dreamy quality, really get into thatgo and sit in the Moon light, and dream under the stars, where you can merge with the Oneness of all, because Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, goes beyond polarities, beyond yes-good-bad-right-wrongPisces can be the most egoless sign, and don’t get into the fight very often so this Pisces Full Moon wants you to practice LET IT GO, because with Pisces, everything is connected to Source, everything and everyone is just a Divine Spark in Oneness and if you can get more to that place on an ongoing basis, that is a beautiful antidote to all the Yang energy that we are going through at this time it instantly gets you to a place where you are aware of becoming a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL LIGHT BEING And keep in mind that whatever is your frequency today is your manifestation tomorrow it is same like the saying Your thoughts today, create your world tomorrow remember that negative thinking can destroy your life SO LIGHT TOMORROW WITH TODAY. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

14.01.2022 LIBRA NEW MOON - IN A POISED MANAWA I FOLLOW THE PROMPTINGS OF MY HEART - This Libra New Moon happens on Saturday 17th October 2020 at 23 degrees 53’ of Libra,... at 5:30 AM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour Stars Lovers, welcome to this Libra New Moon, the second of three Lunation in October, one of those rare months when we have two Full Moons and one New Moon. This does not happen often, maybe every three years. So October is a very intense month to begin with, it resonates with the number 5 (10-2020), therefore it is about CHANGE. This New Moon is showing that your foundation, which is the whole Capricorn experience we have been going through, is changing, and the change is so powerful at this point it is just sweeping the Earth, and you can witness that on the news, with all the extremes human, environment and political events happening now. And of course you don’t need to be a Libra to benefit from this Lunation, because you have Libra somewhere in your Birth chart, So check where 23 degrees of Libra falls in your Birth chart, and which House or area of life is impacted by this New Moon and plant a new seed, set a new intention for yourself and for Mother Earth as well. October is the month that we realise that we have arrived at the point of no return, because at this time, we are giving birth to the New Earth, the New Age, and there is no turning back. And you, individually, you are taking part in this birth process, and it is not to be fearful of it, because it is what it is. So you step up, and you participate, and you do all you can to make the most out of a very powerful birth experience. It is all good, because we all need to play our part, in holding a higher vibration, and you do that when you acknowledge when challenges arise, when anger arises, you need to be present, so you don’t get trapped into that fear, that can hold you hostage emotionally. You need to be very conscious of when it happens, and live totally moment by moment, and stand for the truth of the intuition, that is coming through the actual feeling of being at peace and harmony. And that gives you the compass as to how to navigate through all the challenges that are appearing. Libra is the sign of harmony, the sign of balance, it is about the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine COMING INTO EQUILIBRIUM. Libra is ruled by Venus, and Venus is the planet of the Divine Feminine. Mars is the ruler of the Sacred Masculine, and at this time, Mars is currently in Retrograde in his own sign of Aries. And this Retrograde is literally bringing out the fact that the Sacred Masculine has not been very sacred, to say the least. So during this Libra New Moon, there is an incredible dynamic between Venus and Mars, between Libra and Aries. When we look at this New Moon, there are many planets in opposition, so it almost feel like a Full Moon. This New Moon is full of surprises, changes, and every energetic particle on Earth is being brought into balance as a result, even though it seems like chaotic, it is truly not, it is readjustment, realignment, recalibration be aware that at this time, Mercury is Retrograde in Scorpio, Mars is Retrograde in Aries, WE ARE RECALIBRATING in so many ways energy, how to move forward, how you use your natural desire for new beginnings and change (Mars retrograde) and then we have Mercury Retrograde, the mind, the communicator, Mercury in Scorpio the sign of secrets Mercury is about how you exchange information, and that includes the media, the internet, anything that resonates to vibrational exchange. And in Scorpio, that exchange is deepening, it is bringing up things that were unseen, that were put into secret compartment, that now need to unveil, and look at, and deal with So this New Moon time is an incredible moment, because in order to navigate all of these change, this requires a balance of the Divine Feminine, finally coming into alignment with the Sacred Masculine. New Moons begin a new cycle every month, and at this New Moon time, the Sun and Moon are at 23 degrees of Libra. In numerology, 23, which comes to 5, is about protection, contracts and travel So at this time, there are powerful protective forces around you, to guide you into safe ports. 23’ is about the heart ’s desire, it means that you yearn for circumstances that would permit the freedom you need, you feel a need to express. 23 is a strong number in numerology, it stands for courage, strength, leadership, the lion king of the jungle, freedom, being adventurous, fearless, resilient, flexible and also, in being the Lion’s energy, it is about roaring, proclaiming, being in the sun, being the protective lioness and having fun and proclaiming your inner Light. The sign of Libra, where this New Moon is taking place, is about harmony, equality, fairness, justice, Love, caring, relationship, diplomacy, and peace And at this time, we have this Libra New Moon opposite Mars Retrograde in Aries. This opposition is really showing us that the dynamic that is the most important to look at, is how we, as a collective, are changing from a Masculine paradigm, that is now done with, to a new paradigm that has both the Feminine and the Masculine in equal representation. So vibrationally we feel that harmony within, because we are all made up of both, masculine and feminine. Many of us might already be feeling a sense of things are different such as I feel lighter, or I feel like I am evolving, I feel like floating whatever the case may be, you are experiencing something, and the growth is happening rapidly now. Mars Retrograde in Aries is the new beginning of the internalisation of everything, meaning that evolution takes place within you first, and then it unfolds for all of us. How you are communicating is evolving with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, that started on October 13th. How you see reality is totally shifting, because we are moving from the very basic, practical 3D reality, a reality full of restrictions, into a multi-dimensional experience now and in that multi-dimensional experience, you will be much more free to explore who you are. So at this time, you just need to be into a place of surrender and balance, and acknowledge that we are all an equal blend of Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. We have been raised culturally to think that men are stronger, and women are weaker. The Sacred Masculine is not stronger than the Divine Feminine, and in fact the Divine Feminine is actually stronger now, in order to realign with the Sacred Masculine, so the balance is being restored, and this allows the Divine Feminine to take on a stronger role, which means you need to truly tune into what you feel is right in any moment. You need to actually follow those intuitive hunches, those inspirations. The Divine Feminine resides in each of us, whether you are a male or female. The current patriarchal hierarchy that we are in, that we are purging at this time, those systems have been dominating the world for so long, that we have a very twisted and low experience of what the Sacred Masculine actually is it was not actually Sacred. The Sacred in Masculine is not aggressive, it is assertive, there is a big difference it is not about controlling others, but supporting others, by contributing something. So this Libra New Moon is an incredible moment of seeing clearly that the lower masculine energy is everywhere, it is making itself extremely visible and that is necessary in 2020 perfect vision, because it needs to be unveiled, so we can see the truth, and we can see actually what we have been dealing with for thousands of years. This Libra New Moon, with the opposition to Mars Retrograde in Aries, representing the Masculine, this is literally a call to purge the old, going within, creating structures within that are balanced, and then reflecting those, and celebrating the marriage of Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine in the outer world. So this is a whole process that we are experiencing now, it does not just happen in a month, or in a New Moon or Full Moon time. So you need to now really tune in to what the Divine Feminine truly is, and see the power of that experience. That means being truly generous with people, not because you have to, or because you are manipulating a situation, and you are expecting something in return on the other side but because you are happy to be generous. This is not about being competitive, and getting ahead at the expense of somebody else this is about being discerning as well, and not judgmental. So you need to start feeling in a way, and thinking in a way that allows your heart to sing, and feel happy. So once you acknowledge the Divine Feminine in yourself, it is represented by Venus, once it is honoured and balanced with the Sacred Masculine, you will reflect that harmony in everything that you do. This is where the New Earth, the New Age, the New Human is born, when you welcome the Divine Feminine back in all ways, by being kind and generous, and nurturing, and compassionate, and protective, and stand for justice, for truth. So you need to understand that it is very important to only engage in the present moment for every choice that you make, otherwise you will repeat the same patterns over and over again, if you turn to the past because the past cannot actually inspire, it can only inform you and inspiration is to be in spirit, it is the key to navigating these times right now. I really feel the power of MANAWA strongly here. MANAWA the fourth Hawaiian Principle of HunaNow is the moment of powerI am here now. The definition of Now being The area of current awareness, whatever the length of time you stay aware, it is always beneficial to continue the practice of it. When you are in the NOW, you are present to your divine guidance and inner wisdom, because from that place of silence, you are tuned into your own wisdom, intuition, higher self, Soul your guidance system. And this is like to be with your Divine Feminine, and then it is followed by taking real action NOW, and here you are with your Sacred Masculine. You manifest your dreams by combining your Sacred Masculine and your Divine feminine, from the NOW MANAWA moment. So how do we get into the NOW MANAWA moment? Well, there are lots of techniques to help to get the mind out of the way, it depends what you love doing and that is crucial, you want to enjoy the moment. So choose a practice you enjoy doing such as breathing exercises, meditations, yoga, tai chi, chi kung, Hakalau active meditation all sorts of things which are specifically designed with that in mind. So in the present moment, the NOW MANAWA moment, you make your choice, so your future is determined by the individual choices that you make. The Libra New Moon is opposing Mars retrograde in Aries, and both are in a challenging Square conversation with the triple conjunction Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn and this 3 ways conversation creates a Cardinal T-Square pattern, as it involves the 3 cardinal signs of Libra- Aries-Capricorn . Cardinal signs are the 'initiators' of the zodiac," they represent action, a spark, an idea, and they also signify the beginning of a season. At this time, they represent the birth of a New Age, and we are in the midst of it, we are literally in that birth canal right now. The whole message of this Cardinal T-Square conversation is about that Divine Feminine energy (Libra New Moon), Sacred Masculine energy (Mars Retrograde in Aries), both realigning, striping down the old structures, the old orders, represented by the triple conjunction Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn and that magnetises the intensity of the great awakening that we are currently experiencing. Capricorn is the sign that governs the old paradigm of the patriarchy, and it will also be the sign that is helping to push in a new Sacred Masculine energy, because this is why this triple conjunction is happening in Capricorn. The Square conversation between Mars Retrograde in Aries and the triple conjunction Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn, is quite challenging, and is about the urge for individual rights, the freedom, running up against rules, regulations, constraints. Within the triple conjunction, Jupiter intensifies whatever he touches, so it is expanding this sort of intensity of power and control, coming from governments but at the same time, Pluto in Capricorn is about the deconstruction of the old order so it is a particularly strong and tense challenge happening at this time, especially because of this Cardinal T-Square pattern created by these conversations. And to add more to this, Venus in Virgo is in a supportive Trine conversation with the triple conjunction Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn. Venus is the ruler of Libra, therefore the ruler of this New Moon. And Venus the Divine Feminine is saying Let’s bring harmony to this powerful birth of our new relationship, our new marriage of Divine Feminine-Sacred Masculine let’s infuse this new marriage with nurturing Love. Venus at 16 degrees of Virgo is a Goddess of Purification, and the number 16 is connected to AWAKENINGS. The unforeseen and sudden events of this time, are intended to overthrow existing conditions, especially in the material sense. Some of your habits need to be altered, changed, and sometimes this had to be done in a forceful manner. You can also use the number 16 energy during this New Moon time, to plan wisely for the future. You are in touch with your intuition now, and if you listen to the generous advice of your inner self, you can map out plans to be implemented in the next cycle of your life. This New Moon is full of illuminating insights, that spark your creative talents to work toward a future goal, and she is imploring you to listen to your Third Eye, your intuitive inspiration, for everything. We are on an incredible ride at this time, this is a very intense time and we can all feel it indeed! because Pluto is part of this powerful T-Square conversation. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, where Mercury is currently Retrograding in, so this is important because Pluto purges, and Pluto empowers, and those two things are all part of REBIRTH. Pluto represents rebirth, so this is super important at this time, to channel the intensity of the moment an INTENSE MANAWA moment indeed, because Jupiter is part of the conversation as well and magnifies it. And the conjunction Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn is a Wow factor on its own, because it is the first time in thousands years, that Saturn and Pluto join in Capricorn. The last time they crossed paths in Capricorn was January 1518, a time when the African slave trade began, and now in our modern 2020, we are more aware of human trafficking and slavery. But regardless of the sign they meet into, when Saturn and Pluto come together, is always a time of great upheaval on our Mother Earth. In 1914 they conjunct in Cancer, and the World War 1 began. In 1947, they conjunct in Leo, and it was about the reshaping of many parts of the world, a New World Order, with the formation of Israel, and the breaking up of India and Pakistan, and the cold war between the Soviet Union and the US. In 1982, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction happened in Libra, and saw a reset in the financial markets, and also Canada gaining full political independence from the UK. So this Saturn-Pluto conjunction is an historical moment indeed! And during 2020, Jupiter joins this Saturn-Pluto conjunction, so at this New Moon time, allow the optimism of Jupiter to carry you through this challenging time. Jupiter and Saturn are going to enter the Aquarius sign on the Summer Solstice this year December (Winter Solstice for Northern hemisphere), so start from now to tune into the energy of Jupiter, trust it, and go with that expansive, joyful energy of just pure positivity, opportunities, growth, abundance just sharing all these and being GRATEFUL. At this New Moon time, Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus. This is the first of three opposition Mercury makes to Uranus Ideas and perceptions are being dissected. The clarity of Uranus, delivered unexpectedly, will pierce the shadow of Scorpio, and reveal secrets or unconscious issues. This could be a piece of juicy gossip that ends up being much more, or a result, or an answer that drills down into the heart of the matter. This opposition suggests an external source of clarity or an ending. The clarity of Uranus is only possible due to the detachment it triggers, and that detachment comes from the initial shock you are forcefully pushed back from what you have been clinging to (an idea, a secret or a repression) and detachment allows you to see the full truth. The next two oppositions (Oct 19th and Nov 17th) ensure that this matter will not be a one-time deal. Even more will come to light over the next month. So at this New Moon time, you are definitively needing to not be impatient with your conversations, because the pace of life is very much quicker now, so you want to listen instead of to react emotionally. Mercury is Retrograde in Scorpio so you can imagine what topics might come up in conversations and in media lots of big news, unexpected news, surprises, unexpected change in nature Uranus is the planet of freedom, of truth, the planet of the piercing sword of clarity so whatever Mercury is digging up from the Scorpio depths, it is going to become quite big and shocking, shaking the old paradigms in many ways. But Uranus is also the planet of AWAKENING, of freedom, so be aware that the unpredictability of Uranus is absolutely major this month, and it is going to get bigger and bigger as we go towards the Taurus Full Moon on October 31st, that is the third Lunation of the month. So just be very open and calm. breathe before you communicate. The Intuition is strong at this time, because Uranus is very intuitive, and has so many flashes of insight, that will help expand your awareness. So whatever is emerging at this time into your life, into the collective, it may shock you, it may create even more social troubles, because Uranus is also the planet of rebellion and revolution, and protest but that is part in itself of the awakening process. And also at the end of October, Uranus is at his closest point to Mother Earth all year, so that is also emphasising that Uranian symbolism. So through this month, we may see many disclosures, very strong earth events, such as earthquakes, floods, draughts , seismic events, volcanoes eruptions, even galactic newsor they could be political volcanoes, especially with the American election on the 3rd of November. So prepare to be shocked, going through some head spinning revelations. This is a very strong Uranian theme running through October. Another conversation is Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. Venus the ruler of this New Moon is bringing your spiritual values into focus it is about trusting your Divine inspiration, allowing Love to take the lead, allowing you to search beyond the ordinary, multi-dimensionally, because Neptune reaches everywhere, and she governs unconditional Love. So take that time to see the potential of people, and feel the unification aspect of We are all One. Venus in Virgo is also in a lovely Trine conversation with Jupiter in Capricorn. The Venus-Jupiter conversation is always beautiful, positive, optimistic, cheerful, very expansive it is about having a positive outlook on life energy, so you can heal disharmony. And Venus governs Love, so romance is heightened too during this time and Jupiter governs fortunate outcomes, so this conversation is such a beautiful energy, for just FEELING ABUNDANCE AND JOY. This New Moon is also the time for the final of three connections during 2020, of the lovely Sextile conversation between Jupiter in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. It is a great time to see what you have learned about being spiritually connected, having a spiritual line of work, rapid personal growth, dreams coming true, having a joyful approach to how you see the world, that we are all One you feel this incredible inner expansion, that you may not be able to define, because Neptune does not define, she just is an experience of multi-dimensions. So at this Libra New Moon time, choose to nurture yourself, and choose to nurture others with caring words, with compassion, with kindness, and be very conscious that you do not react emotionally stand back and calmly listen, and FOLLOW THE PROMPTINGS OF YOUR HEART. And remember to set your intention in the present tense, because you are practicing MANAWA Now is the moment of power. And don’t forget to set an intention for humanity at this time as well. And also remember that Libra is about Love and relationships, Libra is about celebrating people who have filled your life with Joy, and appreciating them, bringing energy into harmony, that beautiful diplomacy that exists when we accept each other so send Love to everyone, send Love wherever you can, in doing that you are enhancing and facilitating the evolution of Mother Earth at this time. So everything you say and do, must be for everyone highest good starting with YOU of course You are a living breathing example of Love and Light. and you are shining that Love and Light. This Libra New Moon is about BALANCE, the Balance of the Divine feminine and the Sacred Masculine, and Balance is truly everything when your life is in Balance, and you feel in Balance, you are in a blissful state of Peace. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

14.01.2022 CANCER FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE - I am breaking through - I am ready for this new cycle, and I have a plan - This Cancer Full Moon happens on Saturday 11th Janua...ry 2020 at exactly 20 degrees of Cancer, at 5:22 AM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise /Frankie Alloin Monnereau Welcome everyone, to the magnificent Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. First of all, you don’t need to be a Cancer, or Capricorn, to benefit from this Full Moon Eclipse, because you have both signs, somewhere in your natal chart, placed in a special House-Area of life. So all of us on Earth is impacted by this Full Moon Eclipse . This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is going to be visible in a lot of places. A lot of Africa,Europe, Asia and Australia, are going to get at least a part of this Lunar Eclipse, and the beauty of it, so that is exciting. At this Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, we are just inundated with powerful surges of energy, and Capricorn is where the majority of the energy has been gathering. The Moon is in Cancer, opposite four planets, all in conjunction, in Capricorn. In astrology, we call this group of planets conjunct, a Stellium, so there is an incredible vibration, that is activated during this Full Moon Eclipse. This is a powerhouse Full Moon, that has several significant astrological energies happening all at the same time. So it is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, sitting at 20 degrees of Cancer, opposing the Sun, and the Sun is exactly conjunct Mercury, the messenger, the communicator at 20 degrees of Capricorn. A lot is happening, announcements, information when Mercury is conjunct the Sun, and in Capricorn, it is serious, it is a reality check, it is about world developments. This is the energy of decisions being made, commitments being announced, what you are doing is going forward. So this Sun-Mercury conjunction is a very big energy, and it enhances even more the Capricorn energy, which has been highlighted for some time already. So not only we have the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, but we also have simultaneously the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees of Capricorn, and it is so amazing because all together, Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Pluto, it is creating a quadruple conjunction, a Stellium, happening during this Lunar Eclipse. Normally, a Full Moon involves only the Sun and the Moon, but this time, it involves all the additional Capricorn players. So when you look at the the Moon alone in Cancer, she looks a bit vulnerable opposing the big Stellium in Capricorn isn’t she? However even alone, the Moon is strong, because at home in Cancer, and this represents the safety zone. The Moon in Cancer is here to help you look for a feeling of emotional safety, and a safe place, it is about trusting your feelings, and accepting them. At this Full Moon, there is a lot of feminine energy, because Cancer is feminine, but so is Capricorn, because it is an earth sign, which is in the feminine realms in astrology. So you are awakening to another level of Divine Feminine energy at this time. The North Node is also in Cancer, showing that you have also been healing unconscious, emotional wounds, so this Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse could be a checking endpoint, on some emotional wounds and patterns that you have been moving through, examining family issues, mother issues, nurturing areas of life. On the other side, the Capricorn represents the reality check, and the turning point energies of what you need to do now in the present. Because Capricorn is the present moment, opposing Cancer, that is the past. So at this Full Moon time, there is a strong focus on all these Capricorn planets, requiring you to be in the world NOW, standing in your MANAWA - Now is the moment of power and yet the world is changing permanently, deeply, and seriously, with all the planets together in Capricorn. The Moon in Cancer, alone, and facing the quadruple conjunction in Capricorn, wants you to take care of your emotional body, to check in with your emotional self, your emotional needs, and the messages of you body. Cancer is a very private sign, it is internal. Whereas Capricorn is external action, Cancer is internal, it is feminine, it gives you a frame of reference that is maternal, caring, vulnerable, intimate Cancer governs your home, how you feel at home, your natural sense of warmth, your sense of heart centered awareness, of kindness Cancer is the crab, so it takes refuge under a shell, so the Cancer energy sometimes, can escape emotional tension, by going into the shell, as opposed to being present So at this Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, there could be a need to find a shell, a sanctuary, to feel nurture in your Ohana, in your family, in your inner home. The planets in Capricorn, placed in a quadruple conjunction, are all in conversation, talking to each other. But among them, Pluto is the most powerful voice, because he is the slowest moving, and he is about evolution, he is about the areas of destruction and power, control, transformation, what is dead, what is ending at a very significant leveland there is a seriousness with Pluto conjunct Saturn, and that is about authority figures, those in charge. Capricorn is business, politics, government, the main players on the world stage, and Pluto is really concerned with truthtruth coming out, truth being seen, and the revelations around that. And Saturn coming in, brings in a seriousness to it. and he is saying IT IS TIME FOR THE TRUTH IT IS TIME FOR THE GREAT AWAKENING. Capricorn is about dignity, and experience, and maturity, and there is a mastery with Capricorn, a spiritual mastery, a sense of being in your spiritual integrity, even if it means that you have to stand alone. And that can feel vulnerable, which this Full Moon in Cancer can feel. In her lower expression, she can feel defensive, sensitive, and reactionary. But that Moon in Cancer opposite to the quadruple conjunction in Capricorn, is being required to mature in the real world, and to understand that what is happening now, is meant to unfold at this time, for the evolution of humanity’s consciousness, for your own evolution, that is why the Great Awakening is happening. And this opposition also resonates with the number 2’, and asks you to harmonise your life. When 2 people get together in a relationship, the whole art is to be interdependent, and yet at peace with each other, respectful of each other. The number 2 energy is also about two sides of the coin, so this is about moving away from the I am right, you are wrong divisions, that are put in place by humans, whether they are political parties, religions, cultural differences, gender differences. The DIVISION is what 2020, this Eclipse, and the Stellium of planets in Capricorn, is melting away, is breaking down. So you can agree to disagree if you need to, that is totally fine. We are all individuals, and so that energetic exchange allows you to think and intuit, and discover new ideas, because the other person has a different way of perceiving the world. That is all good, as long as you don’t become divided, and accusatory. So when life get challenging, which it inevitably does, frustrations come up, difficulties arise see it as an opportunity to shake up energy, and that is what Eclipses tend to do, and this one in particular. This shaking up of the energy allows you to see more clearly, and this is the flavour of this new year 2020TO SEE MORE CLEARLY, to have a 20-20 visionthe seer in you is awakening, and that will bring a certain elevated awareness to your life. You are always adjusting, you are always rebalancing, aligning and it is just natural, that is how nature evolves, it never stays the same, and this is the essence of number 2, always realigning. So this Full Moon time is about going within for answers, and not following dogma, not following outside ideology, false idols, or gurus, which are everywhere So you need to trust that intuition, and if you approach every moment, every conversation, in a joyful way, you will have feedback that replicate that joy. So you can look at life joyfully, or in a state of misery, and just know that, that state of joy, or that state of misery, arises from within you, it is not created by everyone else. So your intuition is your natural navigation system, that is what 20 is all about Humm! Can you see the first Hawaiian principle of IKE rising here? IKE - The world is what you think it is - I am aware. IKE is about to see, to know, to perceive, experience, to be aware, to understand, to receive revelations from the gods, this is the knowledge from you. IKE refers to the importance of belief. Whatever you believe in, you will manifest. So are you believing that the glass is half-full or half-empty? So in using IKE you create your own personal experience of reality through your beliefs, your attitudes, your fears, your desires The principle of IKE also contains the idea that by changing your thinking, you can change your world. So at this Full Moon Eclipse, you are asked to bring all your life into harmony, and that means that you are going to meet and experience conflict, that you need to deal with, and it touches on the themes of Cancer. And this is about your home, where you feel privately taken care of, your family, the mother principle, the feminine, the Divine Feminine cycles those Moon energies are all being awakened. So when you honestly look at how you do feel, you want to feel joy, and to get that joy, you need to be in service to it. So this Lunar Eclipse experience is truly awakening. And the underlying reason that you are here, which is to seek happiness, and to figure out a way to help others, is also to uplift them with JOY. So watch this energy during this Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, because you are coming home to yourself, it is a wonderfull opportunity to feel loved internally, and not to get clingy or possessive, overcautious, and going under the shell because of the fear of rejection. So this Full Moon Eclipse time is about nurturing that inner strength. So TO GET INTO HARMONY is the key theme of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and it is why you also need to be very aware of what gifts you are born with, what talents are natural to you, to engage joyfully in life. Because when you are engaged joyfully in life, that is when energy flows. So if you want to discover more about your birth day, your star-blueprint, an astrology reading is fantastic to explore your unique recipe Let me do that for you. Something interesting to notice, is that this Full Moon Eclipse happens at 20 degrees Cancer, 20 degrees Capricorn, and we have just entered the year 2020, and Mercury conjunct the Sun is also at 20 degrees. There is so much 20 vibration at this Full Moon Eclipse time, that is launched at the onset of the new decade of the 2020s. According to Numerology, the number 20 is about turning points, decisions, awareness, adaptability, reconstruction. Sudden events require you to make a decision, that could be a turning point in your life. A change of location, a new job, or fresh relationships, a death demand new thoughts, new feelings, and new action from you. So at this Full Moon Eclipse time, you need be able to see the alternatives, the pros and cons. In this way, you will learn more about yourself, and how adaptable you are. If you accurately weigh and measure your present situation, or any situations presented to you during this period, you will formulate a profitable plan, that can be implemented in the near future. Unless you act decisively to put your ideas to practical use, the influence of number 20 can make you restless and uneasy. So don’t waste time, you are experiencing a period of growth, and future realisations are now germinating. It is a fine planning period, so do not resist the need for change, remain adaptable, use your common sense, and come to a logical conclusion. So you see, at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the stars and numbers are communicating, they are on the same page. The Number 20 is very similar to Cancer, it is about connection through the heart, the diplomacy, and the Soul conversations that you have, because you are listening intuitively, and you are not reacting. That is what the 2020s are asking you to shift into, which is your internal guiding system, your navigation system. The channel that you are tuned to, is your inner inspiration, your intuition. So we have lots of TURNING POINTS at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, all happening at the same time. So not only do we have this very emotional Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and the simultaneous big conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and the quadruple conjunction or Stellium, but we also have Uranus at 2 degrees of Taurus, ending his Retrograde phase, and stationing, or stopping to go Direct. So this Uranus energy is then of course another layer of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. And Uranus, being the Awakener, the shock, the disruptor, the one who says NOW IS TIME TO MOVE FORWARD and with Uranus it happens quickly, it brings in fast-moving energies to the Taurus Earth realms. And the contribution of the cosmic energy of Uranus in Taurus, is also about lightning fast understandings of what matters, and what is essential. Taurus is about the essentials of life, but it is also the first earth sign, that establishes your reliance on yourself, and your inner strength, and your ability to love yourself, to accept yourself, your self-esteem to stand strong in who you are. And then Capricorn is how you take that out into the world. So there is very strong earth energy at the time of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This is like anything in your physical world and physical life, has been under a deep renovation. This big major renovation, you can really see it happening on the world stage already. So this time is basically about living through a big renovation, and it can be incredibly inconvenient, but you must think about where you are going. Jupiter is in Capricorn as well, at 8 degrees, he conjuncts the South Node, and this is another energy of ‘LETTING GO, of releasing, of really understanding what is completed, what is over, and I say it again, you can find information on that, in looking in where 20 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn fall in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life. At this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse time, there are 3 beautiful Trine conversations happening. First, the Moon in Cancer is in a beautiful Trine conversation with Neptune in Pisces. So in the background of this Full Moon, Neptune is a supportive player. Neptune in her own sign of Pisces is so affectionate, so loving, about humanitarian, unconditional Love, compassion, and dreams, and realising that we are all connected, WE ARE ALL ONE so what you do to yourself, you do to others. Neptune is also about intuition, she is very psychic, and connected to destiny and dreams, so you can bond with your loved ones in a beautiful way, in a caring, tender way, with this Trine conversation. Delicacy and sweetness are honoured at this time, and anything to do with artistic projects, music, beauty, mystical experiences, astrology, numerologythis is a very deep beautiful, refined energy indeed! Another lovely Trine conversation, is Mars in Sagittarius Trine to Chiron in Aries. That is bringing energy into healing. Chiron is the Sacred Healer, it is very love centered, and Mars is more sexual, dynamic, masculine and they are coming together with this Trine conversation, so you are inspired to heal through LOVE. Mars helps you take that initiative, so this is really the birth of that sacred warrior energy, and it is blended with the Divine Feminine, because of the Cancer Full Moon. So you feel naturally independent, courageous, you can accomplish anything so it is a great time to embrace your inner warrior, and blend the opposites, bringing them together. It is your time to make that connection to who you are at Soul Level. It is your time to blend the gifts and talents that you have ( that are described in your natal chart, your star-blueprint). The last Trine conversation, is Jupiter in Sagittarius in Trine to Uranus in Taurus. This fortunate conversation is all about lucky breaks, because Uranus governs breakthroughs, and Jupiter governs fortunate events and expansions, so it is a great time to take a risk, to try a new approach. With this conversation, you feel optimistic, so create those outcomes because they are going to be successful, because you are going into it with this very joyful and expansive energy. And remember when you come to things from joy, you are going to experience joy when you come to things from misery, you are going to experience misery Humm! another IKE resonance here. So take this Jupiter expansive energy and allow it to grow, in unexpected ways, that is how Uranus wants you to live and full of JOY, because Uranus is really the fun, exciting planet, and Jupiter is the humorous, laughter planet. So at this Full Moon Eclipse time, there is a sense of adventure that is being initiated within you, and it is extremely liberating. And you don’t need to ask for permission for you to do this. We often ask for permission unconsciously, this is because of our upbringing, belonging to a group, a family, or a belief, or an organisation even asking your partner the permission to move forward is ridiculous. This is what the Stellium in Capricorn is sayingNon you don’t need an external validation process - You only need an internal one. It is for you to decide what brings joy to your life, nobody else can decide that for you. So at this Full Moon Eclipse time, these three Trine conversations, Moon-Neptune, Mars-Chiron, and Jupiter-Uranus, are all active, and they dissipating the tension of that opposition of the Moon to the quadruple conjunction, or Stellium, in Capricorn. So you can handle whatever comes up, you have the tools, the number 20 vibration gives you two sides to weigh, and you know there is always a way to navigate the Waters of Life, because you have access to both energies, and you are bringing them into one. On the overall, during this Full Moon Eclipse, the strong Capricorn energy is pulling you backwards, because the South Node is conjunct the Sun and Jupiter. So what do you need to grasp from the past, that is still valuable, that is still useful to you? And also, what do you need to release and let go of, so you can move forward? With Uranus moving forward now, it is an opportunity to break through, to find freedom from chains. And all too often, you are the one who put the chains on yourself. Think about the motivational story of the Elephant and the Rope. The Elephant that has been tied up all his life, and knows he can only goes so far, and then all of a sudden, he is released, and he still does not go any further, even though he is free. The Elephant could at any time break free from his bond, but because he believed he couldn’t, he was stuck right where he was. Like the elephant, you may go through life, hanging onto a belief that you cannot do something, simply because you failed at it once before? Failure is part of learning you should never give up the struggle in life. So where are you still tied up in this Capricorn pulling-back energy, playing-safe energy? and where do you need to just risk it, and break out and say: I am going to do this my way, because I can’t stand feeling so confined, and so restricted. When you feel confined and restricted, you are small, and you get smaller and smaller. What you do need to release and let go of, it is in the past, you don’t need to worry about it anymore. It is time now to move on, and to be free, and to experience that freedom. And even when you say the word freedom, there is a sense of opening up, opening out, opening your arms, opening your heart and Uranus is the planet of freedom and independence, and galactic awareness, and your inner genius this is very powerful energy, and the message of this is YOU WILL BE SET FREE. It is not a coincidence that it is all happening at once, and this is what you are being encouraged to do with Uranus going now Direct in Taurus to tangibly find ways to be free, and to enjoy your life within certain frameworks. Because you need some frameworks, it can’t be all going all over the place. There is also a feeling of being uprooted at this Full Moon Eclipse time. Imagine here that you are a plant, and you are uprooted, but you have been put into a bigger pot, where you can grow and thrive in a new environment, where you have got more breathing space So at this Full Moon Eclipse time, you may be changing career, may be finding a new direction in your life. You might be moving, you might be changing a relationship, you might be making some significant changes to your health This is after all, a time for New Year’s Resolutions. So what do you want to change in your life this year? How do you want to be different by the end of the year? What do you want to accomplish? these are all the Capricorn questions. The exact conjunction Mercury-Sun is about communication, thoughts, so your self-talk is very important at this time, because the power of your words shape your results. It is how you energise yourself, the way you talk to yourself, what you write, what you say to others and that would include excuses, gossips, criticismthose three, they diminish who you are as a person, and it is killing your inner magic. So stop listening to people who cut you down, you want to be with people who are also releasing JOY, who are positive and courageous. So at this Full Moon Lunar eclipse time, focus on increasing your strength, your stamina, your energy. Get enough sleep, sleep at the right time, create healthy, balanced home-cooked meals, stay away from processed food It is very important that your physical body, your Soul’s temporary home, and your mindwhich gives you access to your higher mind, your intuition, they function properly. This Cancer Moon is asking you to look at these things. So you want to put into your whole life, this very pleasant, kind, warm, caring, holistic, healing energy into everything you do, you eat, you say. And if you maintain that connection, to what stimulates you in a joyful way, you will be amazed at how abundant you feel, and how much more you love. Laughter is very important, it is a way to heal and dissipate stress. So be in a place where laughter just happens for no reason, that is a sign that you are intimately connected to all that is good, all that is supportive, and that what this Eclipse and the Stellium are awakening in you, is the ability to feel happy, to feel free, to feel joyful, and that laughter is key as well. And finally, on a different point of view, 2020 is the year of the Metal Rat in Chinese astrology, and the Lunar Chinese year starts from January 25th 2020, and ends on February 11th 2021. The Rat is the first in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, and the mood and personality of the Metal Rat is marking the overall mood for 2020. And by the way, 2020 is going to push you out of your comfort zone, so prepare yourself! People born under the sign of the Rat are known for being adaptable, smart, cautious, outgoing, cheerful and positive. They march their own tune, meaning they don’t go along with the crowd. It is interesting, because in many cultures, the rat gets a really bad reputation. Even in the English language, the rat is used as a disrespectful termthis looks like a rat’s nestbeing a rat is not a compliment. So let us be more open-hearted about the rat, because 2020 is the beginning of a new 12 year cycle in Chinese astrology. So what you put in place now, can have a huge impact on the next 12 years! Generally, the Metal Rat is passionate about life, he loves freedom, adventure, and challenge. But he does not like impossible challenges, because a Rat knows his limitations, which is very wise. So you too need to know your own limitations, and to not overextend yourself.The Rat also plans ahead, he think about the bigger picture, and he also think about how his actions are going to impact those closest to him. So think about that when you are setting your goals for this year, and also for the coming years. On the downside, the Rat is the most jealous and domineering of all the Chinese zodiac, so keep this in mind, you need to be on guard against these tendencies. While the Rat is brilliant and ingenious, when it comes to finding solutions to problems, the Rat has a hard time learning from his failures. The Rat also needs company and positive moral support from those around him, but most of all, he needs people that understand him. The Metal Rat often would rather be alone, especially if he is caught in the middle of conflict, he does not like to be caught up in other people’s drama. He is not fond of solitude, but he will pick it over drama. He does not like to be in large groups either, so he prefer to be in a family unit, or a group of close friends. When the Rat is deprived of moral support, he easily become disillusioned and depressed. So during this year 2020, year of the Metal Rat, it is a lot on the personal front that you are going to be tested. It is also worth noting that the Metal Rat is the most generous of all the Rats. So how the element of Metal is going to impact this year 2020? Metal symbolises autumn, or a period of harvest, this is a time when you harvest, or you bring all your plans into fruition. So this is going to be a particularly interesting year. The seeds that you have planted will now be ready to harvest, both good and bad. So in 2020, consider your options, and avoid reckless behaviour, especially with finances and romance. If you have been working behind the scenes, or if you have something that has not been published yet, you will come forward, and you will be rewarded in 2020. That is why it is really important that you know yourself, and that you know what you want, and your life’s plan, because Rat energy urges you to have a Plan in place. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

12.01.2022 PISCES NEW MOON - I STAND STILL IN MY DIVINE PRESENCE - I SHARE MY LOVE WITH THE WORLD - This Pisces New Moon happens on Monday 24th February 2020 at 4 degrees ...28’ Pisces, at 1:31 AM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour my kindred SoulsHere is the Pisces New Moon, a very important lunation in 2020. Of course you don’t need to be a Pisces to benefit from this Lunation, because we all have Pisces somewhere in our birth chart. This New Moon happens on 4 degrees of Pisces, so see where 4 degrees of Pisces falls in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life, and remember this is a New Moon time, so it is about a new seed that you are planting. So it is a perfect time to set a new intention, for what you want this seed to grow into in your life. And try to make your intention conditioned by the meaning of the House-area of life, where 4 degrees of Pisces falls for you in your birth chart. And this New Moon is the fifth consecutive New Moon happening at 4 degrees, and 2020 is a 4 Universal Year. So 4 has a strong resonance at this New Moon time. 4 is a number of planning and concentration, and putting things in order. So this New Moon is a good time to attend to earthly matters, and handle them through your own efforts and actions. 4 vibration is also about responsibility, work and accomplishment, so it is a time to make solid foundations for your life (financial, physical, mental). 4 also vibrates with Feng ShuiFeng Shui, also known as Chinese geomancy, is a traditional practice originating from ancient China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonise individuals with their surrounding environment. Feng Shui is a very meticulous way to heal and clear energy, and 4 is the number of the square, and when you look at a Feng Shui map, it has the four directions, and it is a square map as well 4 covers all of these, it covers anything that stands soundly, well grounded, so it governs your home and security, and determination. So 4’ puts anything in its place, therefore it is a serious number, it likes to get digging in the earth, digging into some project, where you take the imagination and actually make it real. And remember that Capricorn is the sign that began the Decade, and Saturn is its ruler, and Saturn is also about taking responsibility, working, being wise, and not wasting energy so he is strongly related to number 4as well, and Saturn and Capricorn are quite highlighted at this New Moon time. When you look at the chart of this New Moon, it is easy to see that Pisces and Capricorn are the predominant flavours. We have got four planets in Pisces, Moon-Sun-Mercury-Neptune, so we have here the rulership of Neptune energy and we have got four planets in Capricorn, Mars-Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn, so here we have the rulership of Saturn energy. So we have got two very different frequencies, water and earth, going on at this New Moon time. The fact that it is water and earth makes them quite complementary, but we looking at team Neptune, which has to do with dreams, and team Saturn, which has to do with reality. Neptune is about romance, dreaming up how wonderful somebody is, or just about something that might be out of reality. And then Saturn is about your daily life routines, going to work, cooking your food all those tangible things. Neptune is the etherial, and Saturn is the real. Neptune rules your Soul energy, and Saturn rules your physical drives, your animalistic needs for food and shelter and warmth. When you are in your Neptune energy, you could just forget that you need anything at all. When you are in your Saturn energy, you are very rooted to all your needs, your survival needs. I see Neptune as a very high frequency, frequency upwards to the heavens and the stars and I see Saturn as the downward frequency of the ground, our Mother Earth, your responsibilities. So at this New Moon time, we are dealing with Neptune the invisible, and Saturn, that which you can see, it is material. Saturn wants to prove something is true, wants to know it, wants to see it, wants to touch it and Neptune just has faith, that something is. Neptune can bring chaos, you have got things all over the place, and Neptune can bring, addictions, drugs, drinking alcohol, any kind of addiction would be to do with Neptune. And Saturn can bring order, Saturn brings structure, and say No I am not going to give way to that addictive impulse. So you can see that these two energies are very different, but you need both, not one without the other. So this Pisces New Moon is very much giving a focal point for you to look at where am I too weighed down with responsibilities and structures?(Saturn) where am I living in La La Land?(Neptune) where do I need to get real?(Saturn) what part of my life is unreal?(Neptune). So you need the Saturn structure, you need certain rules, and this New Moon is an opportunity for you to look at your life, and to look at what you have been pulled towards, because at this New Moon time, Mars is conjunct the South Node in Capricorn. So you might be pulled back to old habit patterns, old ways of doing things, and with the New Moon, you are being encouraged to do things in a gentle way, because the North Node is in Cancer, and it is in a Trine conversation with the Sun and Moon. So how can you be a little more gentle? How can you be nurturing and kind to others and to yourself? But at the same time, you must know where are your boundaries, what stops where because if you have no boundaries, you are just floating around. So at the New Moon time, can you set a new resolution? Always with a New Moon, it is like a new canvas, and this Pisces New Moon has lot to do with how you set boundaries, and how you know when somebody is overstepping your boundary. But also it is about how do you know when you need to go beyond what is comfortable for you. So what you are looking at this New Moon time is What can you learn from the past? (Saturn has very much to do with the past) and what do you need to release so you can be free? (Neptune). This is a wonderful time to look at what you are visualising what is your vision for yourself? because Neptune has to do with dreams and visions, and remember that dreams are the seeds of reality. So at this New Moon time, ask yourself what are your dreams, and what are you going to do, so take some concrete steps to make those dreams a reality. But at this time, you have got to be very conscious and aware, because Neptune energy can fog you, it can confuse you. The Neptune energy will bring out compassion and Love, Neptune is all about feeling everybody, because there is no boundary ultimately, WE ARE ALL ONE and yet with Saturn energy present, we have got separate lives, and separate Souls, that need to fulfil something on the individual level. So this Pisces New Moon time is about knowing when to give, when you go into the Neptune energy, but also knowing when to pull back, when your job is over, or when you do need to care for yourself, because if you don’t care for your self, then you have not got very much to give to others. Another way of seeing this, would be to see Neptune as flowers growing wild, and wild flowers are so beautiful but also flowers in a vase, or placed in a structured composition, can also be very beautiful. Pisces is imaginative, creative, exquisitely fine, etherial, it is the sign of Mutable water, but Mutable water can flow anywhere that it is directed, and it is highly chameleon-like, because it is Mutable, meaning that it is connected to mutation. Pisces is boundless, Pisces is about Unconditional Love and sharing everything, and brotherhood and sisterhood. The downside of Pisces is to be acknowledged as well, and it is about confusion, misjudgment, chaos, depression, escapism and you could perhaps see that manifesting at this New Moon time. But you have to keep your individual vision high, because that is the way you are going to, not only help your own reality, but send out your highest quality frequency, send out your LOVE to the world. So this time we are entering now, is activating the combination of, being practical, seeing things clearly (Capricorn), and then also using your intuition to direct you to solutions and answers (Pisces). This Pisces New Moon really emphasises an internal spiritual rebirth, as well as a physical rebirth. The external-internal rebirths, they are all interrelated, for the healing, the cleansing, the intuitive understanding, and allowing solutions to come to you, because with the Pisces flavour, you are engaged with the Divine Source YOU ARE LISTENING. Pisces is the dreamer, Pisces is the sign of music, and anything that is unseen and energetically impacts you. At this Pisces New Moon time, the Sun and Moon are in conjunction with Mercury. And this brings the sense of using your ability to think things through, and having the confidence to share and communicate (Mercury being the Messenger) your spiritual insights and your discoveries of the mysterious. So with Mercury so close to the New Moon in Pisces, there will be no boundaries in terms of expressing your creative imagination, using your intuition, and you will feel limitless as you explore the unseen, the mysterious, or other dimensions. And Mercury is in Retrograde mode at the time of this New Moon. Mercury moves Retrograde on February 17th, at 12 degrees of Pisces, and he moves Retrograde back to 28 degrees of Aquarius, on March 10th, that is his retrograde phase. Mercury entered Pisces on February 3rd, and he will stay in Pisces all the way through until the 11th of April. That is a very long stay in Pisces, because of the Retrograde motion of Mercury. So check in your birth chart, if you have any planets or points, between zero and twelve degrees of Pisces, you will really feel this Mercury Retrograde. Mercury in Pisces is very interesting, because Mercury is the planet of the mind, and when he comes into Pisces, there is almost an urge to dive deep, but not so much in a mental way, but in a spiritual way. Mercury Retrograde always wants you to go deeper in your explorations. So this Mercury Retrograde in Pisces is beautiful for your creativity, your imagination, for keeping a dream diary, creative writing, for attending art therapy workshops because Pisces is very linked to dreams, and Mercury linked to writing. So at this New Moon time, just sit down somewhere cosy, with a pen and a piece of paper, and maybe set an intention for an area of life you want information on, and then just wait and see what starts to come through for you, and get some really inspirational information this way. So at this New Moon time, this whole Piscean energy is incredibly intuitive, psychic and inspirational, and it is very helpful for you to connect with Source, to your higher Self, to your own Aumakua. Pisces energy is about Unconditional Love, it is about Source, the sense of Oneness, and it is about a sense of dissolving, or fusion that Pisces has. So how can you get into that altered state? Is there a default method just for you? Whatever that is, whether it is listening to sacred music, whether it is breath work, gazing at a candle, chanting, be in nature, or your own form of meditationI practice the active meditation of the Hakalau, an Hawaiian process that relies on peripheral vision, that allows you to enter a rapid trance state at Will. So during the Hakalau state, you pay more attention to the peripheral than the central part of your vision. You can do it at any moment, as you go from place to place, walking, cycling, doing exercises and as you do it more and more, it becomes automatic, and you will find that it is impossible to hold a negative state in consciousness, when you are in a peripheral vision. And within moments you can shift into that state of stillness, silence, and Divine Presence. That is really what this Mercury Retrograde in Pisces feels like It is to be in an infinite state of being, a permanent stillness of Divine Presence, where your body, your identity dissolves, time dissolves, and you are really connected to Source. The law AS ABOVE SO BELOW is so true, because at any moment, the dance of the planets and their conversations, is a reflection of what is happening in your own world, and in the world around you. So at this time, it is very important to deeply understand Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, and understand Pisces as well. The axis Virgo-Pisces is about health and healing, and in Medical Astrology, Gemini rules the Respiratory System, the lungs, the breath, the hands So at the time of this New Moon, with the combination of flavours, Neptune-Mercury-Pisces-Gemini-Virgo, a good example of this combination, is the actual situation in China with the Corona virus, because in Medical Astrology Pisces rules colds, it rules your feet, it rules the Lymphatic system, it rules what is hidden So it is about a hidden poison, a hidden toxicity, a hidden illness. And every sign has a shadow side ( as well as a positive side), so the shadow side of Pisces is confusion, being in a dream and not seeing clearly, and that create deception and illusion, and helplessness. And Neptune, because she is watery and can reach everywhere, rules viruses. Some other astrologers feel that Pluto rules viruses, but Pluto is also very activated right now, because he is part of the Capricorn Stellium, or group of planets in Capricorn. So either way, these two planets Neptune and Pluto, are very active at this time. I have more affinity with Neptune ruling viruses, because they are there but we can’t see them. Neptune and Pisces are about invisibility, things that are not seen, the unconscious and in the physical realm, Neptune-Pisces governs the hospitals and prisons, psychiatric wards that is where people go and we don’t see them they disappear. And going back to the China Corona virus, the virus is airborne, spreading through breathing and touching. The signs of Pisces and Gemini are placed in the Zodiac, being in Square to each other, so this Square can cause friction. So at the time of this New Moon, Sun and Moon and Mercury in Pisces, they activate the signs of Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. So it feels like this China Corona virus is one of the big events we are going to remember in history, the same way we remember the Plague in the Middle Age. And in fact, the Corona Virus is such a powerful Neptunian example, very mysterious, we really don’t know about it, and even the media expresses so many different stories, regarding how many mortalities they are being, it is all cloaked in kind of mystery. This is the big story of the moment, and it is reflecting the Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, and this Pisces New Moon ruled by Neptune. And on April 4th, Mercury will be exactly conjunct to Neptune in Pisces. So we are now looking at 6 weeks time, so they will have some kind of resolution or unfoldment, by the time we get to the pre-easter period (April). At the time of this New Moon, Jupiter in Capricorn is in a friendly Sextile conversation with Neptune in Pisces, and they are both about EXPANSION. Jupiter is about the joyful expansion, the wisdom, the justice and Neptune expands in terms of reaching and connecting us all into ONENESS = we are all ONEso both reach beyond limits. On the personal level, this means that your dreams (Neptune) are coming through, your vision expands, and you have the energy and the positive direction, to find solutions quickly. Jupiter in Capricorn is seeking solutions, and Capricorn is about getting things done, taking responsibility and leadership. So with Jupiter in Capricorn, and Neptune in her own sign of Pisces, this is a huge time to trust your intuition, and manifest, and go into practical overdrive in terms of rapid growth, and this growth can extend to anything (spiritual, mental, physical). At this New Moon time there is a triangle conversationSun and Moon in Pisces are in a friendly Sextile conversation with Mars in Capricorn, and Mars is also in a beautiful Trine conversation with Uranus in Taurus. Mars-Uranus conversation is very electrical, very stimulating, making you think outside of the box, it is activating your intuition. Uranus is so about your inner genius, he is getting rid of old paradigms, and just forces you to look into the future, and let go of old ways of doing things replacing them with wisdom, with intuitive downloads, newfound understanding (Uranus is the ruler of the higher mind). So at this time, you are making new plans, you are seeing the world, and your own world, in a new way, and you are directing your life in a new way. Your inventiveness and your curiosity is bringing you a lot of answers and solutions, to do with brilliant, original new ideas, doing things in a completely new way. Uranus is very linked to Kundalini energy, so if you can use the Kundalini meditation at this time, combined with strong breath work it gets the energy vortex moving in your body. It is thought that energy at the base of the spine (the Root Chakra), needs to be released through the seven Chakras of the body, and then out through the Crown Chakra above the head. Evoking this energy purifies your system and brings about complete awareness of your body. It gets rid of any mental, spiritual, and physical diseases afflicting your body. So at this New Moon time, you are encouraged to get the energy shifting to a higher place. This combination of Mars-Uranus and Pisces is truly visionary, in terms of what you can create at this time. And because Pisces is highly connected with Light, can you use your meditation to pull more Light into your body, into your heart space, and then expand your heart space to the world? If you do that, the more you can live in your heart, the more you can LIVE IN LOVE, and to live in this higher Pisces vibration energy, is the best possible thing you can do, whatever the outer circumstances. And Mars is really super strong in this triangle conversation, because he is tightly conjunct the South Node in Capricorn, and the South Node in Capricorn is how collectively, power and authority have been used in the past. So be aware of that, because it brings to the Pisces New Moon a different energy. Mars is very Yang, he is initiating, he is assertive, he gives you emotional focus, emotional direction, it lights you up with enthusiasm and warmth, but at times he can even be aggressive. With Mars, you could feel a little more impulsive, so you want to use that creatively, and in an enterprising way. Both Mars and Uranus are about independence, being set free, that means seeing clearly (2020 vision). So at this New Moon time, you feel really energised, and you feel stimulated to take action. With the China Corona virus, so much exposed in the first pages of great newspapers all around the world, it feels like the action that you need to take at this time, is also regarding your health and hygiene. And after this Pisces New Moon, we are aiming to the Virgo Full Moon, in early March, and Virgo governs health and healing and purification, and just to give you a glimpse of this Virgo Full Moon, at the time this Full Moon, Neptune will be almost exactly conjunct the Sun. So just stay healthy okay ! because if your immune system is really doing well, you are taking care of yourself, nothing can grow, that is going to destroy your body. So you want to do what Pisces and Virgo are asking you to do, because these are the two Lunations we are in now, and they are giving you instructions. Neptune in Pisces saysHydrate, hydrate, hydrate, with healthy minerals and lots of vitamin C and D, keep a good cholesterol level, eat clean foods, and sleep well Virgo and Pisces always work together, and Virgo is about organic foods, purification, and the healing bounty of Mother Earth. Virgo is very meticulous, so pay attention to your hygiene, and what you put in your body. And Virgo is also about exercising your mind, your body and your spirit. At this New Moon time, we have Jupiter in Capricorn, in an exact challenging Square conversation with Venus in Aries, both at 18 degrees. This is basically telling you to act on your POSITIVITY. Square conversations are always an invitation to act, and so optimism is so important, finding a joyful place in your life, because JOY is an incredible healer. It changes you internally, it populates you with wonderful internal energy and on the physically level as well. The 18 degrees is also very important here, because 18 governs physical health, and 18 requires that you sleep more and remember that at this New Moon time, Mercury is Retrograde in Pisces, that means you definitively will need extra rest, extra sleep. And also you want to just understand that knowing yourself is the most important thing, letting go of thoughts that are not helping you at all Pisces is about stillness, it is not about thinking so just being in silence, practicing the Hakalau active meditation, allowing the awareness to rise within you, uncovering your true nature, uncovering your intuition, surrendering to the Divine So analysation is not where you want to go at this time, you want to try stopping explaining yourself, you just want TO BE, and there is an unforgettable sense of transformation that happens when you are just at one with Source, with your intuition, with listening and that what Pisces really represents, because the healing that Pisces wants you to experience through Unconditional Love, means you don’t have to do anything to access that. You just need to relax into that immense beauty, that quiet space within you, YOU JUST WANT TO BE, the eternal Love resides in being, and the spiritual awakening that flavours this Pisces New Moon, will activate when you do that. There is an interesting thing happening at this New moon time, in terms of the grouping of the planets. When you look at the chart of this New Moon, you can see that all the planets are bunched in one third of the horoscope, they are all clustered in a tight little frame. This gives a shape to the New Moon chart, a shape that we call in astrology a bundle shape, where we have all these planets grouped in one section of the horoscope. If you are born with this kind of shape in your natal chart, it usually indicates that you are a kind of specialist, someone who like to do things one at a time, to be very focused on what you do, and someone who is not necessarily liking a huge amount of change in life. So broadly speaking, that bundle shape, present at this New Moon time, is the shape of a specialist, and the effect it has on you at the moment, is that a need to apply yourself seriously to a task, to be closely involved with few things you have not wanted to spread yourself out very much. A good example for this bundle shape, that is going on in the world at the moment, is the idea of quarantine. There is a huge amount of people that are in quarantine at this time, on boats, in airports, in hospitals separate from the rest of the world. Pisces is the 12th sign, and the last sign of the Zodiac. Being the last sign, unfairly it is called the dustbin of the Zodiac, because everything gets put in there. Pisces is at the end of a whole cycle of experience. Through the journey of the New and Full Moons, you have been through every sign of the Zodiac, where you have learned things, you have grown through understandings and experiences, and now in Pisces you are at a point of dissolution, you are getting rid of something you don’t want, and you are going to recycle some others. It is like a distillation of information, and what happens at this point, is that the Sun is going to move into Aries towards the end of March. So in this current cycle, from the New Moon on through the Full Moon, to the arrival of the Sun in Aries, you are going to be in some way, doing a lot of that processing we can call that a psychic housekeeping. And there is a reason for this, not just because Pisces itself is a very psychic, intuitive, sensitive, otherworldly sign but because Pisces has an affinity with the 12th House, and the 12th House of the Zodiac, is the seat of the unconscious mind. The 12th House is known as the powerhouse of the Zodiac, because whatever seeds are planted in the unconscious mind, eventually make it out into reality. So at the New Moon time, you are going to be able to process, and shift, doing a kind of housekeeping. And it will come to you in dreams and insights, so it is a very important process. Therefore, this New Moon in Pisces is an opportunity for a psychic reboot. And don’t misuse the word psychic, it is not only being able to see the future, or being in tune with the unseen like a medium, but really your psyche is your powerhouse. And following the idea that you are rebooting it, you are going to have to get rid of a lot things. We are all in a period of dissolution, so let go of some ideas, some feelings in preparation for a new cycle to begin. So we are in a very special moment in time, with this New Moon in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Pisces in conjunction to Neptune, the ruler of this Pisces New Moon. All these things packaged together means that it is indeed a weird time, and over the next couple of weeks, it may seem extra weirdwhether what is happening to you is rather pleasurably weird, something like running into people you have not seen for 20 years, synchronicities, meaningful encounters that feel destiny but also weird in the sense that it may be as though something is going really wrong, it does not feel right, or you might feel as though you have lost the plot, things are slipping away from you, or you are losing a connection with someone Whatever the situation, you have got to remember that this is a passage, it is temporary, you are not going to be stuck with it forever. And there are ways to handle a passage when things are sort of out of your control. So the things to do is not to panic about this, to see it as a process, or something you are working your way through. For me, for my personal support, I like to really practice the Hawaiian Principles, IKE-KALA-MAKIA-MANAWA-ALOHA-MANA-PONO, as they really resonate with me, and will really help me through these next few weeks, which are a little bit slippery and foggy. And if you lose heart and faith, remember that there is a reason for everything. And even though it is sometimes difficult to say that, especially when something happen, and you really don’t like what has happened, but there is a reason for everything. And another thing very important, is to work with what you have got, work with what you know. So don’t work on the principle of if and maybe, whether those are the possibilities that could be fabulous. Ignore these possibilities, and only work with what is absolutely in front of you, and what you know for sure. And in that way, you will get over this rather uncertain sea crossing, where you can’t really control your ship, but you have to trust it to know it is going in the right direction. And remember, Neptune spreads viruses, Neptune is what goes viral so at this time, as we have got this whole Corona virus, possible pandemic, all these things going on, a lot of fear-mongering. for sure some people play dark vaders, and they can send a virus of poison that is toxic around Mother Earth but you can choose to be a LightLoveworker, to send a VIRUS OF LOVE, to send a virus of compassion, to send a virus of caring for one another and yourself. So at this Pisces New Moon time , let’s fuse our Lights and become ONE BEAM OF LOVE that illuminates our beautiful planet Earth. I really encourage you to make the most of this angelic, etherial energy of this Pisces New Moon, that connects you to Unconditional love, to Oneness and to Source. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

11.01.2022 VIRGO NEW MOON - IN MY SACRED SPACE MY HEART IS HEALING - This Virgo New Moon happens on Thursday 17th September 2020 at exactly 25 degrees of Virgo, at 9:00 PM... Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour my Stars Lovers and welcome to the New Moon in Virgo. This Virgo New Moon is a powerful one, therefore the new beginning she represents is bigger and stronger. At this New Moon, the Sun and the Moon, that is the masculine and feminine, the Yang and Yin are united with a new intention together, at 25 degrees of Virgo. So look in your Birth chart where 25 degrees of Virgo is, and notice in which House-Area of life it is placed, and this is where you will be guided to plant a new seed, a new intention, and to begin to see what you are ready to develop and grow. And of course, you don’t need to be a Virgo to benefit from this Lunation, you have Virgo somewhere in your Birth chart, so there is an important part of your Birth chart that is being activated with this Lunation. At this New Moon time, we have 6 planets in earth signs, Sun-Moon in Virgo, Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and this creates a wide earth Grand Trine pattern, which is very calming and comforting in nature. The dynamics of the earth Grand Trine suggests an extra measure of inspiration, insight and visions, and it enable you to visualise perfect or ideal structure and form, using your practical know-how or your common sense. Creative resourcefulness and strong grounding energy are some of the earth Grand Trine special assets. So it is a time to get real, to look at your life situation, looking at the nitty gritty details so let’s go into the details of this Lunation. This Virgo New Moon is asking you to look at what you are ready to heal, solve, resolve, understand, analyse, go into the Virgo energy helps you pinpoint a detail, a specific, it is very particular, and it is a problem solver. So at this New Moon time you are maybe able to see something clearly, or have a new understanding around something that has been happening in your life, and new ways to approach it. Virgo encapsulates and cleanses, and it helps you to clear your mind and your environment, because it is very connected to be efficient, to be able to plan and organise, be practical, and it governs diet, health, habits, physical exercises, anything to do with health and healing. Also Virgo is about being of service, so if you are in a profession that literally serves in the health, or in any area being helpful, being a coach, a counsellor, a facilitator, a nurse, a healer so you may be more needed now. Virgo is an energy that likes everything in its place, so it does focus on perfection, but if you move into the I want to be perfect area of life, you are in the old patriarchal system of the straight line, linear growth, you are not whole so you have to work on being perfect, and there is only one way to do that, and it is to be very competitive, and of course you never get there, because there is no such thing as perfection. because everything is always evolving, everything is a process. So you need to be move into the part of Virgo that brings order out of chaos, seeing how the pieces fit together, and create healing, and know that is a process, there is never the perfect answer there is only the current answer that applies to NOW. One of the great themes of Virgo is to do with the ancient wisdom of the Earth on this Earth we have everything we need to heal us, with herbs, with plants, essential oils, crystals, all of those natural things can really help to boost our health. In Medical Astrology, Virgo has a connection with the gut, the bacteria in your microbiome, and the more diverse the bacteria in your microbiome, the stronger and the healthier you are, and the stronger your immune system is because we depend on a vast army of microbes to stay alive, a microbiome that protects us against germs, breaks down food to release energy, and produces vitamins. So that is another focus you can have at this time, having a new project in your nutrition. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so it is much about the mind, the mental function so if you find yourself into too much thinking, you are getting too much in your head, remember to practice the energy of the opposite sign of Pisces by closing your eyes, to be in Hakalau state, enjoying being part of the Oneness of All that is, watching your breath going in and out of your heart, practicing groundology in being bare feet on the Earth all of those things within minutes will decompress your energy, and make it more coherent, and pull the energy from the mind into the heart, into the body. Virgo is also very associated with discrimination, because it is an extremely discerning sign, remember it is very good with details it can easily spot the flaws. But what discrimination is about?It is really about choice, and being very aware of those micro choices you make through the day such as the freedom to choose to have a cup of tea, to make a phone call because the more you can focus on your freedom to choose, the more you will be conscious of your thinking. So if you are aware of your thinking, you are better able to control it, aware of what is happening in the world, but not so easily getting caught up in the drama, the chaos, the negativity you are CHOOSING YOUR THOUGHTS, and that is a great place to be, particularly through these next few months, when we are going to have a lot of heat, a lot of divisiveness, a lot of turbulence with the collapse of the old order. Virgo is the sign that rules healing, health, well-being, and it is an earth sign, so it it a time to take a serious look at what we are doing to our Mother Earth, and what you are doing to your body-mind-spirit as well. So what little things can you do personally, to nurture Mother Earth and yourself? It can be simple as recycling, appreciating the trees and the flowers, maybe planting a garden, it could be praying, doing rituals of purificationand for your body-mind-spirit, the practice of Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, meditation active or passive is a wonderful way to inject Love and Light in your body-mind-spirit. And now is the time to be productive, because Virgo wants to be productive, and above all, Virgo wants to be of service, wants to help so what do you want to help, what do you want to dedicate your life to? These are the questions that this Virgo New Moon poses. Now the shadow side of Virgo is to be a perfectionist, a blamer, a harsh critic or judge, or to be a workaholic, to worryand Virgo is the sign for OCD , obsessive compulsive disorder, and we are all more or less OCD people, so be aware of this Virgo shadow side as well. At this New Moon time, the number 17 is quite highlighted. because this Virgo New Moon happens on the 17 of September, and Jupiter in Capricorn and Mercury in Libra are both at 17 degrees of their signs. In numerology 17 is a powerful vibration because it is the number of immortality. And this month of September sees Jupiter coming Stationary Direct on the 13th, concentrating his energy on the 17 degrees of Capricorn for the whole month of September. So if you have any planets or points around the 17 degrees of Capricorn, and even in the other earth signs of Taurus and Virgo, you may be seeing some success or recognition, or rewards at this time. Jupiter is really about wisdom, and while he was in Retrograde since May 2020, what wisdom have you accumulated, what have you understood since this time? Maybe it is about a future vision for yourself and for others. So really start to use this because this is going to be a bit of a theme from now on, as we go through these months from September, of creativity and future vision. This Virgo New Moon is so strong, because she can help shift your life and change it into a direction that you are ready to take. And this is especially true because the Sun and the Moon at 25 degrees of Virgo, are in an exact, lovely-supportive Trine conversation with Saturn Retrograde at 25 degrees of Capricorn. And the New Moon is in a beautiful Trine conversation to Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn as well. The New Moon-Saturn Square conversation makes this New Moon a wonderful time for setting some plans, for creating some structures in your life. This is about manifestation, building new but long term plans. It is super positive, because it is about thinking strategically, in terms of what can you build individually, and what can we build collectively. New Moon-Saturn Trine conversation is powerful for looking at what commitments you are ready to undertake, what you are ready to say yes to, what you want to take forward what are you ready to build? It could be about something you have been working all year, because Saturn is now retrograded back to the 25 degrees of Capricorn, and he is staying sitting there, as he prepares to go direct on September 29th. This Virgo New Moon is bringing in new solutions, new ways of approach, the next steps, the right process, what to do about it next. Virgo is the HOW, how you take care of something, how you move forward, how you manifest and these Virgo energies, they work so nicely with Saturn in Capricorn, there is a sense of good timing here. So this Virgo New Moon is stabilised by Saturn in Capricorn, and she is bringing in a new solution, that really was not available earlier in the year. So at this New Moon time, you can have the sense of finally something is connecting something is ready to go something is ready to move forward. The New Moon-Pluto Square is also very powerful. Pluto is such a slow planet, and he is going to be hovering at 22 degrees of Capricorn for a few months. With Pluto in Capricorn, we have all been undergoing a very big life renovation, and it is happening at a deep Soul level. Pluto is that Soul energy of what you are evolving and transforming what you are seeing more deeply what you are feeling intensely. So this lovely New Moon-Pluto Trine conversation helps you to stabilise perhaps what you have been working on energetically how you have been growing what you have had to look at your own dark night of the Soulyour own deeper shadows. And this New Moon in Virgo is bringing in the healing that is necessary at a deeper level. And this can be body healing, because Virgo is associated with the energetics of your physical body, and what you have been moving through, how you have been changing your daily life, your daily routines, your everyday habits The Trine New Moon-Pluto is very supportive about what you can honour in yourself physically, and also it feels like there is something that can give you a new sense of power and strength, around your everyday priorities. And Pluto-New Moon Trine allows you to purge energy, to purge habits, to cleanse whatever is not empowering you anymore, and to have confidence to accept transformation. This positive energy will help whatever changes you are needing to make, and allowing a new sense of life to birth within you. So this Virgo New Moon helps you to establish a new daily devotion, a new ritual, a new habit, even a new relationship with your body, nutrition, healthy lifestyle and with the support of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, you are now able to commit, to self discipline, to engage in what you want. So this New Moon is a really good time to look at what you want from now until mid-January, when the Sun will be at the degrees of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn What commitments are you ready to make to yourself, around health, healing, work, daily life and this is going to change your sense of responsibility, your sense of respect, integrity. In short, this New Moon is showing you where you priorities are, what matters to you. So there is some kind of reality check around this New Moon, but also a commitment to yourself that can be made. So this New Moon in Virgo is a brilliant time to clean out, to declutter, to get rid of things you don’t need, to really clean your space. and also to really clean your body-mind-spirit energetically in and out. Because of the exact Trine conversation between the New Moon at 25 degrees of Virgo and Saturn at 25 degrees of Capricorn, 25 is strongly highlighted and with 25 there is a sense of meditation, because 25 is the number of silence, and peace, and nature, and quietude and it is also the number of Listening. 25 is also very connected to nature, and since Virgo is an earth sign, you want to get out, you want to partake in Mother Earth, take walks, hug a tree, be near mountains or rivers, or whatever it may be that surrounds you you want to practice Groundology, syncing your bare feet on the ground, into grass, dirt, sand, or water. When skin comes into contact with the ground, your body becomes a sponge that soaks up negatively-charged electrons from Mother Earth because our greatest source of electrons is Mother Earth. Grounding neutralises Free radicals, improves sleep, pain, stress, inflammations and immunity. So at the time of this Virgo New Moon, you can focus on achievement, on implementation, taking on new responsibilities, but also clearing out, decluttering your home, your body and your mind. It is a time to enjoy listening to motivational uplifting wise words, that instill you with wisdom. Saturn slows things down, so practice patience to pay attention to details, and know that whatever you focus on, it is going to leave a long-term impact as well. And another important conversation is the New Moon at 25 degrees of Virgo in a square conversation with the North Node at 24 degrees of Gemini. That Square to the North Node is typically a reassessment of where you are going but this is a very strong mental energy, because both Virgo and Gemini are about the details and the specifics, the data it is really linear thinking. So it is about really looking at where your mental energy goes, and if it is excessive, and if it is too much, and what you can do to stay open to an unfolding process. The ruler of this Virgo New Moon is Mercury, and at this time, Mercury is at 17 degrees of Libra, in a challenging Square conversation with the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn and Mercury Square to Jupiter is exact, as both planets are at 17 degrees of their signs. This could be about misunderstandings, miscommunications, so don’t assume that people around you are mind readers, and that they should know what you are feeling you may have to really spell things out at this time, to really clarify your saying, to ask confirmation from the other person, to see if you are on the same wavelength. So at this time you have got to really be gentle in your communication. Any Square to Jupiter is an activation of abundance, of joy, and sharing in a greater capacity, so you feel more optimistic, and you have a great sense of the direction that you want to go. So the things to watch for, is to not be over optimistic, to not overestimate your contribution, and to think through ideas before you engage in that big vision moment that you have. This conversation favours business transactions, as long as you are meticulous, looking at small details ( Virgo New Moon). Mercury in Libra wants you to get the balance between speaking and listening we have got 2 ears and 1 mouth, so at this time really double the listening, and this will improve your communication greatly. Mercury is a conversationalist, a negotiator, and brings a flood of ideas, a flood of possibilities but Mercury in Libra is going to have some increasing tension, as few days after this New Moon, he meets up in Square conversations with first Pluto, and then Saturn in Capricorn, and they really don’t want to negotiate. So at this New Moon time, you will be able to really tune into cooperating, harmonising, being in a place where your communication with others is being very considerate. So your consideration of others, really encourages you to keep that wonderful flow of LOVE, and allow the messages that flow through you to impact everybody in the highest vibrational way. At the time of this New Moon, Sun and Moon in Virgo are opposite Neptune in Pisces. So we have this Virgo-Pisces energy going on you are dealing with the details of your life (Virgo), and also with the Pisces Neptune energy, you are trusting that you are divinely guided so it is important not to get too obsessed with having to know every details, but also not to get lost in confusion and chaos (Pisces). It is a time to bring the two together (Virgo-Pisces),your imagination, your creativity, and your sense of needing some kind of daily routines, daily healthy practices, rituals that keep you grounded, that keep you centered, that keep you in good health. Neptune at 19 degrees of Pisces is also for several months, on a long ongoing Square conversation with the Nodal Axis at 24 degrees of Gemini-Sagittarius. At its lower level of expression this Square conversation can be emotional overwhelm, it can be confusion but at its higher level, it is about secrets being revealed, disclosure, and this is great because it is reinforcing the huge shift from the collapse of the old order to the birth of the new order. At the time of this New Moon, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are in a dynamic Square conversation with Mars Retrograde in Aries. Mars is Retrograde until November 13th, so remember to pace yourself, leave enough time in whatever you do, don’t put yourself under too much pressure, because Mars-Saturn will blow. This Square conversation is a good time to focus your energy on one thing at a time. And because Virgo likes to do lists, so do lists and create priorities, and put your full attention on the first thing to do on your list. With Mars in Aries, this Square conversation is about your sense of individual power, your need for freedom, you need to have your say, your need for independence and with Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn, it is about hitting up against the repression of law and order, the rules and regulations, the lockdown situation, the government power. This Square is ongoing for the next three months, and this may get more intense through October and November, so be aware of that. With Mars-Saturn Square, there is a part of you that wants to move ahead (Mars Aries), but there is a retraction of energy about the timing (Saturn Capricorn), there is a bigger timing. With this Virgo New Moon, there is also an energy of not only refinement, but of keeping it small, keeping things manageable, whatever that might mean for you. This Mars Retrograde in Aries is about a reworking, and a healing of the Root Chakra, fears, you know what you want, and maybe you want to go for it now but it is ensuring that you are on the right track. So at this New Moon time, there is a deeper understanding of what has permanently changed in your world. You can’t do things the way you used to do them, there is something else supporting that root energy of who you are. But be aware that your energy will feel a little bit more restricted with this Square conversation, so you want to focus on your responsibilities, and attending to them in a very creative way. It is definitively not a time to focus on starting something new, even though it is a New Moon, so maybe you wait a few days before you dive in. Mars-Pluto Square fires you up. Pluto and Mars are the co-rulers of Scorpio, so there is a lot of achievement energy in this, but there is also impatience. So at the time of this New Moon, you need to always make sure that you are seeking harmony and balance, and not using the old Mars energy, the old patriarchal energy of Mars, which is to overwhelm, to be aggressive. So you want to make sure that you are open, and not rash in reacting, when something comes up for you. Venus at 12 degrees of Leo is in a dynamic Square conversation with Uranus at 10 degrees of Taurus. It is an important conversation, because Venus rules Taurus. This Venus-Uranus Square conversation could cause some turbulence in the financial world, the currency markets, and in your relationships as wellBecause Uranus is about sudden change, and Venus is about finance and relationship. Venus-Uranus Square is also about focusing on your creativity and ingenuity in a very dedicated way, not going into drama, that is one of the pitfalls, instead act on this very dynamic energy, because it is about freedom, it is about excitement, it is about your ingenuity needing to get expressed, and experimenting, and not resisting change and certainly not getting impulsive either. A very lovely conversation is Venus in Leo in a Trine conversation with Chiron Retrograde in Aries. That helps to spiritualise your values, and be very receptive to your intuition, and helps you to create that sacred space, that Virgo is about to begin with, whether you are at home, or in a studio, or within you, it opens you to be in that sacred space. Finally it is important to mention that Jupiter is now moving Direct, he was stationing Direct on September 13th and Saturn is moving Stationary Direct on September 29th and Pluto is moving Stationary Direct on October 4th so within less than a month these big planets, Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto, all been in Capricorn, are starting to move on, and will continue in Direct mode for the rest of the year. So keep these dates in mind. This Virgo New Moon is a good time to be aware of everything through your days people, situations that make you feel light and expansive, or heavy and contracted. Try to be more aware of your energy now, because if you feel heavy or contracted, there maybe some situations, or people, or thoughts, or anything perhaps you could reduce in your life maybe, and look for those things that make you feel right and expanded. This Virgo New Moon is about body-mind-spirit connection, she wants you to be aware of your energy and your frequency, because this is what the world is made of, this is what you are made of. And more and more we are becoming aware of that, particularly in December when Jupiter and Saturn will move in the air sign of Aquarius, the sign of freedom, of awakening, of people power, the sign of vibration and frequency. It is interesting, because Saturn is where you put responsibility and where you put authority. He has been in Capricorn the last two years and a half, so we have put our responsibility for running society, and our authority in government (Capricorn). But now with Saturn moving in Aquarius in December, that is really about putting the focus of authority and responsibility with the people, with all of humanity. We are awakening to the Aquarius age now, so we can link together energetically and Aquarius is opposite to Leo, which is about the heart so think of coming together with ONE HEART and ONE MIND. Together we are co-creating the Age of Enlightenment. And another thing to watch seriously at the time of this New Moon, is your environment, because you become the environment that you spend time in. So you want to choose your surroundings very well, and your environment includes the people you are with, it includes the activities you partake in. You definitively want to choose the conversations and activities very wisely at this time. Virgo is aligned with frequency, and frequency is energy, so your physical well-being is your body emitting a frequency and that frequency is constantly conversing with the people around you, the environment you are in. And looking at your thoughts as well, since Mercury governs Virgo, Mercury is about what you think about on a practical day-to-day level. And those thoughts are critical to your well-being, and to how you feel in your environment. So this is why it is so important to radiate that JOY and LOVE, and understand that it not just impacts you, but it impacts anyone in your environment, even those who are not in close proximity. So that spiral of waves of energy spirals travel, and this uplifting, happy approach, reaches great distances, way beyond your imagination this resonates with the number 17 again, because 17 speaks to this immortal, eternal energy, so it literally travels forever. You are very enriched with strength during this New Moon, with courage, with inner authority, making you fearless and strong, and very productive and Virgo allows you to be very present, and mindful, and implement things with healing, with a great understanding of how energy can be used to uplift, and to nourish, and generate LOVEso be open to those miracles. And remember, there is no such thing as perfection, there just is the perfect moment, which is NOW. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

11.01.2022 The Art Exhibition will be held at THE ART HUB Gallery 2 Emerald Street Cooroy 4563 You are cordially invited to attend the Open Exhibition and Meet The Artist on Friday 14th February 2020, 5:00PM to 6:30PM Light refreshments will be offered.

10.01.2022 LEO NEW MOON - I TAKE HEART AND LET MY LIGHT SHINE - This Leo New Moon happens on Wednesday 19th August 2020 at 26 degrees 35’ Leo, at 12:40 PM Queensland time ...Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour my Stars Lovers, welcome to the Leo New Moon This is actually quite an exciting New Moon, so let’s look at what she is activating in your life. At this New Moon time, both Sun and Moon are at 26 degrees, and they are both conjunct to Mercury at 28 degrees of Leo. This is a very active, invigorating energy, and it is asking you to really feel strong in who you are now, in what that Leo season has brought your way, because the degrees 26 and 28 are at the end of the Leo journey. This means that you are starting something new, based on what you have learned, what has grown, what has developed for you during the Leo season that started on July 22nd. So when we have a New Moon at the end of a zodiac sign, it is often an interesting contrast, because we are finishing an energy, but there is something new coming in, that we are to take forward into the following Virgo season, where we fine tune, simplify, perfect and improve but this New Moon is a time of really looking at what have you created within yourself, what have you decided, what have become clear, what have you playing with, developing, growing because this Leo New Moon is really asking you to strengthen it. The Leo energy is associated with the Solar Plexus, so there has been a strengthening of confidence of self. The Sun is at home in Leo, so the Sun energy is amplified at this time, and we are receiving more energy frequencies from the Sun. So this Moon-Sun-Mercury conjunction is brightening your Light, and you really feel your strength and your new energised sense of self, over what is possible for you and it really activating something in your heart, around Love, healing, relationships, and at this time you can look at how much you have grown and changed in the Leo area of your birth chart. So see where 26 degrees of Leo falls in your birth chart, and which House-Area of life is impacted by this New Moon, to see what that means for you. The New Moon is always a perfect time to set a new intention, so wherever it is falling in your birth chart, set a new intention for what you want to manifest in your life. Remember that you are planting a seed at this point, and about 6 months down the road, there will be a Full Moon in Leo, and you can look back and see if you have manifested the seed you planted at the New Moon. This is a great way to become more aware of the celestial patterns in your life, and start to live with deeper meaning. At the time of the New Moon, Mars at 24 degrees of Aries, is in a beautiful Trine conversation with the New Moon-Mercury conjunction in Leo. Each sign of the zodiac contains 30 degrees, that are divided in 3 parts of 10 degrees, called in astrology decans and the third decan of Leo, where is positioned this New Moon, is ruled by Mars. This decan of Leo with rays from Mars, is one of the most ambitious and chivalrous of all decans so we have a lot of martian energy going on at this time. This Trine conversation involving Mars, brings in more action energy, a strong desire to move forward, and rebalancing the masculine energies within you it is actually a really empowering surge of divine masculine energy, that is a healed masculine, a masculine who has done his work, who understand what he needs, how to be a good partner, what to give, what to offer, what to provide, what to create, where to stand strong this Trine conversation is a very empowering energy at this time. And that masculine energy works within each of us, regardless of gender or sex, it is an energetic frequency that we all hold. So at this New Moon time, you are getting a surge of power, surge of support. So you still have time to take any of your actions, before the 10th of September, when Mars will Retrograde do the things that you know you have been procrastinating about. It is time to be brave, to be courageous, to bring out that warrior inside you, and if you can, wear bright colours to help you, or you want to look at or play with bright colours but do whatever it takes, that gets you UP GOING, and taking action for the things that are important to you, that you are passionate about. This Trine conversation to Mars is a very positive and creative energy so it is a time when you can be extremely creative, and you might be creative personally, you might develop a talent, you might start a business, you might do something that is helpful for others creativelywhatever you do, it needs to be heartfelt, because Leo rules the heart energy so it is about doing things that come from your heart. So we have Sun and Moon in Leo, in a beautiful Trine conversation with Mars in Aries, and they are all in a Trine conversation with the South Node in Sagittarius and this creates an harmonious Grand Trine pattern in Fire. The South Node at 27 degrees of Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center. The Galactic Center is raw creator energy for humanity to use, and Leo is the sign of creativity so this is an incredibly powerful, creative Leo New Moon at this time, so feel the positivity, the power, and the passion given by the Grand Trine in Fire. And to release that creative energy, sit in your Chrysalis to create and produce something new. It is very important that you claim this energy for yourself, because of the other strong conversations going on at the time of the New Moon. Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn may suggest that the control and power of governments is being expanded at the moment, maybe because of people taking to the streets more. It shows that there is external control coming in, because the Sun and Moon in Leo are really exactly in a Quincunx conversation (150 degrees) with Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn is in his own sign of Capricorn, so there is a greater sense of external control coming in. This also means that everything that you are developing, creating, making, you might not know where it fits in the world yet, where it belongs, or what to do with it because that Quincunx conversation has a tension, it has an uncertainty. It also may suggest that it is important to find areas of compromise. Whenever we get a Quincunx (150 degrees), we are dealing with an energy where one party is got to give way... and who is it going to be? And which bit you are willing to compromise or not? There are so much controversy right now with the wear of face masks to wear a face mask or to not wear a face mask which rule are you going to obey? And it is the same scenario with the Covid19 vaccine so what are the things that are okay with you, and what are the things that are not? you are going to use your Mars energy, and you are going to say "No I cannot do that. And few days after this New Moon, the Sun will start its Virgo season, and will bring a solution, something is going to be clear, the way to go will appear, something will make sense because in the earth signs, it needs to make sense, the dots need to connect So there is something about this Leo New Moon, that you are meant to take forward into the Virgo season. This Leo New Moon is quite powerful and dynamic, a very strong New Moon indeed, because there 6 planets in Cardinal signs, and 6 planets and points in Fire signs, so this is strong outward Yang energy. And August is a very powerful and dynamic month, giving the tone for the rest of the year, especially with Mars in Aries in a challenging Square conversation with Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn, but more strongly focused on Pluto. So this Square conversation is really about a clash between, Mars in Aries representing the power of the individual, clashing with the power and control of governments, leaders. This Square conversation is quite combative, very strong both sides, Mars in Aries and Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn, are to do with force. Mars in Aries is very much a believer in independence and in freedom, making his own decisions. And the Square conversation to the Capricorn planets is about NO, there is governmental or state control over that. You are not fully free to make all of those decisions. Because Mars is going to Retrograde from September until November, so there will be big tension between what you want to happen right now and waiting and how you manage Mars in Aries, your own expectations, your impatience, your impulsiveness, your frustration that is going to be a big theme at this time, as we move into the next few months of 2020. So at this time, you want to make thing happen, and you really want to push ityou have a very strong Willpower with Leo, but the strong Capricorn energy says: IT IS NOT TIME. Mars Square Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter is a bit like wanting to move forward, and at the same time having the brakes on so your brakes are on and you try to move forward. What this is asking you to do, is to be very selective about where you need to put your action. What you choose to focus on, you will be able to accomplish things, but you may have to be patient. So there is a timing at this time, that ultimately will work in your favour and ultimately, it is going to take you forward. So at the time of this Leo New Moon, try and aim at a higher goal of Oneness with all, because the lower expression of Mars in Aries, can be gut reaction, very impulsive, overreactive, aggressive in this mode your energy can become very scattered and reactive to outer events you really are giving away your power to the outer situations in fact you are really in kind of victim mode then. So if you can become aware of that, and channel that Mars energy, so it becomes your courage, your inner power, your calm composure, whatever the circumstances, and your HERO energy then you are using this Mars energy really well. This is such an opportunity for all of us at this time, to change these old patterns of duality, polarity, divisions, arguments, wars and go beyond that, and now start to shift towards a goal of unity, Oneness, togetherness, having a sense of living in a global village. We are much more powerful when we come together, as a global community, and this is the essence of Aquarius Aquarius is about humanity as a whole. At the time of this New Moon, Venus at 10 degrees of Cancer is in an exact lovely Sextile conversation with Uranus at 10 degrees of Taurus. This is like a feel good development, and the combination of Taurus and Cancer is about security, peace of mind, nurturing, taking a break, calming down Uranus Taurus-Venus Cancer is a feminine energy that can help with the strong masculine energy of New Moon Leo-Mars Aries conversation So at this time, we have strong masculine energies at work, supported by strong and kind feminine energies. On the 15th of August we have Uranus becoming Stationary Retrograde. Whenever a planet changes direction, the slow moving planets such as Uranus, stay on one particular degrees of the zodiac, drilling down for quite some time, so its energy is very concentrated. So this is going to be a strong Uranian energy on the second half of the month, so think of all the associations with Uranus it is very sudden, eruptive energy, surprising, accidents, shocking, it is very connected to weather events, to earthquakes, volcanoes, political earthquakes, it is not linear, never seen or heard before it is also connected with disclosure, because Uranus and Aquarius energy is to do with Truth, Clarity and also connected with anything to do with the internet, anything galactic. So this is an eruptive, powerful energy that we are feeling around this New Moon. There are big waves of revolts, discords and chaos in so many countries at this timepeople don’t feel heard, they feel insulted, they take to the streets, they discover a new truth Whatever the subject, it is really the expression of that Square conversation between Mars in Aries and Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn (government laws, rules and control). But with Uranus Stationary Retrograde, this can be a time of great disclosures, of awakening, about many things around corruption, long-held secrets, around galactic events, satellites, bombs, explosions never seen this way before. And this may make people more angry, and that will energise them to take to the streets and protest. So be aware that we are in a potentially strong period of awakening at this time. So Uranus Stationary Retrograde is one of the shake ups of this time, you have got to shake things up, and break things down, in order to create the New. So you may well feel suspended between two worlds, as the past is gone, but you are still creating the New in your Chrysalis, and remember in every moment of conscious time, you are creating whether you are aware or not. Leo is the sign associated with leadership, same for Mars in Aries, so we have a strong theme of leadership at this time. So looking at the leaders in the world, how do you feel about them? Are they good leaders?and by the way, what is good leadership? This Leo New Moon is a call for you to be the leader in your life. This is not about to be the leader with that sense of command, telling others what to do, but it is about setting high standards for yourself in right action, in all that you do, having courage, having a strong sense of integrity. Leo is also related to HEART energy. It is known now that the Heart has a huge energy field, and that it sends more information to the brain than the brain does to the Heart. And when you are in negative emotion, whether it is fear, anxiety, panic the Heart rhythms tend to become confused. And because the Heart is sending information to the brain, but also to your entire physiology, therefore all your physical rhythms tend to become confused as well and this does not promote good health. So if you can shift towards clear energy such as feelings of gratitude, appreciation, compassion and Love as soon as you start to feel those, your Heart rhythms start to become more coherent, and that expands your Heart fields, then the brain-Heart field becomes more coherent as well and the Heart sends that coherence to every single cell in your bodyso this promotes health. So at this New Moon time, that is what you are broadcasting to the world, and you know that you are contagious with this loving energy. So if you can do this, then you will be helping the entire Collective, so let’s all broadcast Love and Light. How do you get to this state of coherence is very simple it is just going in your Chrysalis, turning inwards, and imagining that you are breathing in and out through your Heart, as if it was your lung not forcing anything, just relaxing into it. And if you could hold the emotions of gratitude, appreciation, compassion or Love for anyone or anything in your life, you will start to create, within moments really, more coherence in all of your physical systems your heart, your brain, the cells in your body. If we all do that, it is an opportunity to unite millions of people worldwide, in Heart focus care and intention, to help shift global consciousness from instability and discord to balance cooperation and enduring peace. We are really in very strong time, and we are going through this enormous time of transition and transformation this is a Chrysalis time you are all very aware that the past is gone, no going back, because the foundations and the structures of our world are cracking and crumbling. So at this Leo New Moon time, TAKE HEART, because what is inside is the most powerful force in the universe. ... And let your Light shine the way toward a life that feels like it is meant for you. Let’s all move forwards with ONE HEART and ONE MINDSo be it. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

10.01.2022 LEO FULL MOON - I LIVE AND BREATHE THROUGH MY HEART - I SHINE MY LIGHT - I AM LOVE - This Leo Full Moon happens on Sunday 9th February 2020 at 20 degrees Leo, 5:34 PM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour everybody, welcome to this beautiful Full Moon in Leo !!! Leo rules the HEART, the sunshine, Leo is ruled by the Sun, which is our Star, and the Sun is constant, even though it does not look like sometimes you look up and it is grey clouds, or it is raining but above that, the Sun is still shining. This Full Moon in Leo is first of all about your Royal Self, you the Queen or you the King, because in astrology, Leo is what is considered the Royal sign. Leo is what fires you up to explore what inspires you. This is all about your enthusiasm, your internal passion to be creative, and dive into a creative project. Leo is also loyal and kind, it is very encouraging because it governs courage, so it likes to encourage others. And of course, Leo takes the lead, Leo is the Queen or King, the lion is the King of the animal kingdom, so Leo is very proud, resolute, and takes action and don’t forget, Leo can be dramatic as well a typical DRAMA QUEEN. This energy of the Leo Full Moon is about you, finding your eternal Light, the Light inside of you that is always shining, the candle in your heart that is always lit. No matter if you have your odd moods, you are up or down or whatever, there is something that is constant that breathes life into you this is your life energy, your LIFE FORCE. At the time of the Full Moon it may bring to light, the areas of your life that you maybe need to breathe in some more happiness, and some more joy and you may need to do it consciously. So it is really a great time, while we are in this Leo Full Moon period, to discover WHERE YOU ARE LIT UP from within and how you are to take the lead and it is all revealed in your birth chart. The Full Moon is always the peak of the Moon cycle, so that is always a cycle of culmination or closure, or completion, so see where 20 degrees of Leo is falling in your natal chart, in which House -Area of life, and that can give you a good idea of what this is about, and where in your life this Full Moon is impacting you. And of course, everybody is impacted by this Full Moon, because we all have Leo somewhere in our birth chart. So this Full Moon could be about the fruits of your labour, you worked very hard, and now you have got the peak, the culmination or because the Full Moon is shining brightly, it can reveal secrets that you are unaware of, and that can help you modify your direction, going forwards. But on the overall, this Leo Full Moon is a beautiful, creative, exuberant, expressive, warm, radiant energy. It is about I let my unique spark shineletting your Light shine. And it is not just at the lower level of Leo, which is about Ego, about ME, whereas the higher level of Leo is how can you help others let their Light shine? so how can you cultivate and nurture that in others, to let their light shine through? As we enter February, we still have an emphasis of planets lined up in Capricorn South Node-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto. Capricorn is always about vertical top-down energy, to do with governments, leaderships, the way things have always been run, keeping the status quo, law and order. So essentially this Capricorn line up is about the breakdown of the old order, the old power structure such as the patriarchy, to move to something new. However, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn can be a fantastic energy to use, if you work hard and with discipline. So see where 24-25 degrees of Capricorn is falling in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life, because many people are thriving with this energy. With Saturn in particular, you get what you deserve, you get what you have earned, so with Saturn, work hard with discipline, accountability and integrity. This is really a pivotal time for all of us, for Humanity, there are some major paradigms shifts going on for many of us, and just about everybody I know is going to a really major change. And this is to do with, if you can use it positively, to find a sense of deeper personal purpose, to live with a deeper state of meaning in your life. And for some of you, this is maybe that you are moving from not working, or doing very unexciting work, into doing something much more meaningful in your work or you could change your career entirely or from work life, you are now shifting on your spiritual and personal development life. You may just be feeling a lot of overwhelm or confusion right now, so at this Leo Full Moon time, it is almost like starting your life with a blank sheet of paper, it is a superb time to create an entirely new life for yourself and the more you can forget the past, the better. So at this Leo Full Moon time, get that blank piece of paper, meditate, and write down your thoughts, what you would really like to offer to the world, living with a deeper sense of meaning, and a deeper sense of personal purpose. And this Leo Full Moon will help you with this actually. This Leo Full Moon is very connected to HEART energy, because Leo and the Sun rule the Heart. So if you can imagine that you are breathing in and out of your Heart, that slows and deepens your breathing, and within moment, that relaxes your whole Parasympathetic Nervous system. So this is a very good practice to get into, and this really can become your anchor LIVING THROUGH THE HEART and living in Love, living with compassion, and living in this sense of connection to Oneness, and connection to Nature. Do you realise that when you have a daily spiritual practice, the cells in your heart are being upgraded, and that allow you to connect to higher dimensions of being, and to connect to the divine web of Light, which is encircling Mother Earth. So breathe and live via your heart to access that. In the Zodiac circle, Leo is opposite to Aquarius, and you may have learned a lot about Aquarius in my last blog, as we just have had a New Moon in Aquarius. So this year 2020 is about a gradual shift of energy from Capricorn, which is the old order, traditions, density, past, permanence, etc towards planets moving into Aquarius, which is the most futuristic sign. So for few months in the middle of the year, Saturn will move into Aquarius, and then pull back to Capricorn, but then both Saturn and Jupiter will move fully into Aquarius by December 2020 (Pluto is much slower and will move fully into Aquarius by 2024). Aquarius is genius with innovation, brilliant original ideas, innovation medically, technologically, computerisation in all those areas, everything will be moving much faster now. But Aquarius is very related to intellect and rationality on the head as well. And the shadow side of Aquarius can be detachment, can be quite cold, can be cutting off whereas on the other side, Leo is the heart. So this brings you back to the need to balance, to have both the head and the heart operating together. A word that resonates with this Leo Full Moon, is COURAGE, because Leo the Lion is full of courage, and this is a quality very much associated with Leo, and it is emphasised at this Full Moon. So at this Full Moon time, the Moon is at exactly 20 degrees of Leo, opposite the Sun at exactly 20 degrees of Aquarius, and we are in 2020, so the number 20 has a predominant resonance at this time. And 20 was already in favour last month, at the Full Moon Eclipse 20 degrees of Cancer, so this number is being ingrained and assimilated. 20 is about that ability to listen, to relate through acute attention and inner awareness. It governs partnership, and bringing harmony in all areas of your life, because 20 is about that ability TO BRING BALANCE. And the Full Moon, with Sun opposite to Moon, is also about bringing harmony, bringing opposites into a unified energetic vibration. 20 reduces in 2, and the meaning of the number 2, is about that ability to intuit, by taking time and patience, to wait for the call to speak, or to act. 2 is about gestation, cooperation, diplomacy, self-knowledge You are in a gestation period, in which you must not assert yourself, but rather must await results. This is a secretive period in which your affairs, situations, and relationships are operating under an element of the unknown, therefore, you must maintain balance and equilibrium. Be patient, considerate, tactful and receptive to others people’s ideas, practice conciliation, but not at the expense of your integrity. Remain passive and receptive to the present active creative forces, without vacillating or being oversensitive, or withdrawn. Calm, silent contemplation of the creative potential within you, will help you produce exquisitely beautiful art forms, innovative ideas, and unique solutions to your everyday issues. So at the time of this Full Moon, you are moving into what trust and intuition really help you do, LIVE A LIFE OF JOY, because you are not pushing things, and moving things before you are ready. So it is really up to you TO CHOOSE JOY and the difference between living a life of Joy, or a life of Misery, lies in your ability to attune and listen, and that what 20and 2 are aligned with. And at this Full Moon time, the Moon in Leo is in a beautiful Trine conversation with Mars in Sagittarius, and the Sun in Aquarius is in a supportive Sextile conversation with Mars as well. So this is all about COURAGE in a big way, because both Mars and the Full Moon are in fire signs. So can you become more courageous? How can you best use your courage? Can you take more risks? Again, see where the Full Moon at 20 degrees of Leo is, and see where Mars at 25 degrees of Sagittarius is falling in your natal chart as well Can you be brave and take that leap of faith? Because Mars in Sagittarius can take you on a hero’s journey. So this could be physically travelling to somewhere, going to an Indian ashram or it could be some kind of internal hero’s journey, and this can be shamanic, through meditation, it is about accessing greater wisdom. Mars in Sagittarius is about that physical passion, and the Leo Full Moon is about warmth and everything that Leo represents So this Leo Full Moon is a time, for feeling the enthusiasm, the drive, being enterprising and acting on your instincts, and seeking that independent free spirit just stepping up and allowing yourself to feel that Joy, and to feel that sacred warrior spirit, that Mars spirit within you. It really heightens your creative process, and it also makes you a little bit more impulsive and impatient So just channel that into something that slow you down and allow you to breathe, and still feel activated. Mars in Sagittarius is the igniter, and at 25 degrees of Sagittarius, he is approaching the Galactic Center (27 degrees Sagittarius). This means that this Full Moon is in great connection with the Galactic Center as well. And Mars is putting in action what you have been awakening and expanding to, since late November 2019. Because late November was when Jupiter and Venus were conjunct with the Galactic Center, and now Mars comes through, and he is the trigger, and this time, he likes to move forward, to move ahead. And if there is something you have been contemplating, sitting on, looking at, talking about, working on Mars in Sagittarius is a booster, and Mars activates the Cosmic Consciousness of the Galactic Center. Mars also helps you understand that there are so many possibilities in the world, as in the universe, that you don’t always see or know about but now you are trusting what feels right for you, where the energy is rising, and you take action on it, that is when amazing things can line up. Another conversation at this Full Moon, is the Moon in Leo in a Quincunx conversation(150 degrees) with Pluto in Capricorn. Moon Quincunx Pluto means your feelings will be even more intense, because Pluto dives deeply into the truth, and uncovers those deep-seated feelings you may have neglected, and the Full Moon is very much an emotional experience, it gets you in touch with those feelings. So if you have this changeable situation, where your moods might be fluctuating, or you might be overreacting, this Full Moon is meant to bring things into harmony meaning that the Full Moon and Pluto is just showing you something that you may not have seen before, it is uncovering a truth. That may trigger you initially, but you want to channel those deep discoveries and feelings, into something that is creative. The Quincunx can be called the genius conversation, so it wants you to use your intuition, and listen, and breathe, and create something, or say something, or write something, that you have never considered before. With Pluto involved, there is an emotional empowerment theme that is going on. It is strengthening you from the inside, it allowing you to be much more connected psychically, vibrationally, to the people around you. And so at this Full Moon time, feeling your surroundings, feeling your connections, and feeling others, and what vibration they are on, is very much enhanced which allows you also to move that energy in a positive healing way. There is another Quincunx conversation between the Sun in Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces. I think this is very interesting those two slow moving planets, Pluto and Neptune, conversing both with Sun and Moon. Neptune is very refined, very spiritual, musical, she allows you to bond in a loving, caring, sweet tender way, and she also heightens your psychic awareness. So this is a very intuitive, centered Leo Full Moon, because you have the delicacy of this Sun-Neptune conversation, which allows you to feel things between the musical notes you play, between the words you say, you sense what is actually going on and that means that you are in touch with other dimensions, and dreams, and fantasies, and mystical experiences are more available to you at this time So it is a very profound Leo Full Moon, because there is a lot of different aspects to it, that generate an inner awakening, and truly connect you with a joyful existence. Now at this Full Moon, Jupiter in Capricorn is in a lovely Sextile conversation with Neptune in Pisces, and this conversation will happen three time during 2020. This is such a fortunate conversation, because Jupiter is the planet of fortune, of expansion, and wisdom, and truth and then Neptune is the planet of dreams, mysticism, unconditional Love, spirituality, brotherhood, sisterhood. So Jupiter-Neptune conversation is going to last throughout 2020, and means that your dreams are coming true. And since Jupiter is in Capricorn, which is about your career, it means that you are taking the lead in your work environment, you are expanding positively, and spiritually, in that environment of structure. So that means there is a rapid personal and spiritual growth at this time, in all areas of your life. Another fire energy at work at this Leo Full Moon time, is Venus at 1 degrees of Aries, in conjunction to Chiron at 2 degrees of Aries. And because Chiron has been back and forth at 2 degrees of Aries for about a year and a half, where 1 and 2 degrees of Aries falls in your birth chart, is the part of your natal chart that has been doing some deep healing work, around the Aries Ego, the impulse, the anger, the impatience the sense of I WANT TO BE ME. Chiron comes through and looks at what your vulnerabilities are, and in Aries, it can be about being too self-centered, or too fearful to be yourself Chiron is meant to help you develop confidence in who you are, and to heal those parts of yourself that did not get attention. Perhaps if you have always acted out of anger, if you have always been very impulsive, or very impatient this Chiron in Aries is showing you other ways to approach these habits and behaviours. And then Venus comes through, joining Chiron in Aries, and Venus is healing, she is Love, and she is providing something supportive to what Chiron in Aries has been showing you. Venus is helping you gather your strength, and be compassionate with yourself. Venus in Aries is a go-getter, and she is dynamic, she is a leader in Aries. Venus here reminds you that you have always been this powerful, and she is saying Let’s just love you Let’s shine Love on you Venus in Aries is like a strong cheerleader, and she is supportive, in what you have been working with, and healing through. So at this Full Moon time, you could realise something in how you have not been accepting yourself, the truth of who you are, and what you really need. And perhaps this Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries will bring in some perspective around that, and also bring in courage and a confidence, and a strength, to help you to be in your power while you are healing. This Venus-Chiron conjunction in Aries is also an energy of healing masculine programming. We all have Aries in our natal chart, so there is a masculine energy within each of us. Venus-Chiron conjunction, shows you how you are conditioned in our patriarchal societies, to be in your masculine, how you can be powerful and be strong in yourself, while also being in your Feminine. So there is healing at hand, and a deeper re-programming, over this Full Moon time period, because Venus-Chiron in Aries are ruled by Mars (Mars rules Aries), and Mars is getting huge support going across the Galactic Center at this time. It is good to mention that at this Full Moon time, Mercury in Aquarius is slowing down, he is in his shadow zone, as he will Station-Retrograde on February 17th, at 12 degrees of Pisces. So that is interesting, because this is a completing Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. He is completing a cycle, as every planet does as it goes through Pisces, and it seems that he helps you to see where you have limited yourself mentally. So check where you have been stuck in a thought pattern, stuck in a perception of what can happen, stuck in negativity, stuck stuck This Mercury about to go Retrograde, asks you to let go of those fears of where you felt discouraged, or uncertainHe allows you to step into a new level of consciousness, but you have to get clear on what needs to be reworked and reprogrammed. So Mercury is slow during this Full Moon, but with Mars in Sagittarius, and Venus-Chiron in Aries, and the Moon in Leo there is an energy of following the fire signs, on what you want to do next, where you want to go, and where the energy is supporting you to move forward. Of course with Mercury in Pisces going slow, the mental or cerebral energies are not as clear, but the feeling, the intuition could be there for your next steps. So at this Leo Full Moon time, you are focusing on internal awareness, on internal listening, you and your inner voicesbut also you are focusing on your external listening, external awareness, you and another, listening so closely. Leo governs creative Joy, Aquarius governs intuitive freedom, so the Joy to set yourself free, to liberate yourself from misery, is very strong at this time. Leo is a very happy sign, and it wants the light of the Sun ( Sun rules Leo), to light you up from the inside. So this Leo Full Moon is a great time to look atWhy do I feel miserable about this part of my life?and do something about it. As long as your level of Joy is dependent on external feedback, or input, or another person (which is co-dependency), you will always have some kind of unfulfilled desire, or complaint, or challenges whatever the situation is, you need to find creative activities, that stimulate that sense of timelessness, because when you are in an activity that fulfils you, you feel passionate about it, and you loose the sense of time. So passionate engagement or spiritual fulfilment is the theme of this Leo Full Moon. Being with people because of a sense of Love, is much easier when you are already in that place of passionate, joyful engagement, because you are not seeking for the external to fulfil you. And you don’t even engage in codependency at all, because you are fulfilling your internal needs, your sustenance, your Soul centered needs, you are happy inside first. So at this Full Moon time, pay attention to your Internal Happiness, that resonates well with the number 20, and what Leo is asking to do. Leo is asking you to do whatever you do, with pleasure. When you find that internal sense of Happiness, that is Joy and Pleasure, you realise that it does not get better than that. So at this Full Moon time, pleasure, fun, joyful activities, freedomthey are all in play, and they are there for you to explore. And what you want to do, is only indulge in words, in thoughts, in feelings, and in actions that lead to an outcome, that is joyful engagements, joyful interactions with others. Remember the Full Moon means that the Sun and Moon are opposite each other, and they are SEEKING HARMONY, not misery. So if you feel yourself, going to a place where you are seeking joy, but there is confusion about it, because maybe there is a contradiction, so you might feel that a certain aspect of your life let’s say it is a relationship, you love certain things about that person, but there are other things that drive you crazy about that person so that would mean there is some kind of conflict there. And if you don’t address that conflict, then your thoughts and feelings will not be synchronised, and then you will feel restricted. So when you indulge in an approach to that situation with that person, that focuses on the blessings, the gratitude you have, then you ultimately create a solution, instead of focusing on what that person does not provide you. So you don’t seek external validation in any way, and it is hard, because we have all been conditioned, and we do seek validation from very young, and it started from our parents but now you need to move away from that, and understand that seeking external validation is the source of misery. And Leo is all about setting yourself free, and being in a place of Joy, but you cannot be fully joyful, if you are still seeking to be accepted in some way. So the solution here is to be grateful for what the outcome is. And if you don’t have enough sense of I feel so excited, I feel so grateful for so many things, then maybe the relationship needs to be shifted, either changed or let go of. So only focus on what brings greater fulfilment, because you are going to create positive momentum, instead of negative momentum. You are showing the universe clearly what it is you like, as opposed to what it is you don’t like so focus on the positive outcome at all times. What is also interesting about this Leo Full Moon, is how the Moon in Leo is ruled by the Sun. And the Sun is in Aquarius, so it brings that focal point back to what you have been thinking, the intellectual Aquarius energies, where your vision is going forward, what matters to you, where your inspirations are And with the conjunction Saturn-Pluto easing now, but still at work during February, there is still that sense of something ending, dying, completing, and yet you know there is a new vision, a new future, a new path (Sun in Aquarius). Aquarius energy is about how you can accelerate and move ahead, because something clicks, through the element of cosmic timing, divine wisdom, a higher intelligence. Finally, this Leo Full Moon energy inspires you to bring romance into your life, to know how to demand something you want with all your heart So what makes you heart beat that little bit faster? What put a smile on your face? What brings you Joy? Because as we move into the Age of Aquarius, and Aquarius is very much a mental energy, it is very much about using the mind to be able to progress to the future, whereas Leo says Hey what about here and now? What about my heart? I need TO FEEL LOVED I need a hug, somebody to keep me warm on a cold night, or something that is just uplifting me. The fire energy of this Leo Full Moon is bringing out the sunshine within you, that you share to the collective, to this Earth. So at this Leo Full Moon time, see where you can shine, keep the fire going with your internal passion, with THE FUEL OF JOY, with Gratitude, with LOVE and then the Aquarius interdependence-liberation theme, which we are all moving in to now, due to the Aquarian Age, that is so important to just embrace So at this Full Moon time you want to work with the vibration of JOY. Remember that Leo is ruled by our Star the Sun, so LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE, feel free to explore and discover, life is experiential, life is about being the seeker and definitively, the most exciting exploration is to be the SEEKER OF YOURSELF, to discover who you are at Soul level, to look at your own inner recipe, your star blueprint and I can help you exploring that. So it feels like overall, this is a very inspiring Leo Full Moon, that brings about the right action, cosmic action (Mars Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center), bringing you back to your heart, to what matters (Moon in Leo), having you touch bases with the Leo area of your birth chart, where there has not been a lot of energy for a while, and coming back to the Leo energies, that makes you brave and strong, and feel good about who you are as an individual and then how you take these parts of yourself out into the collective, into the world (Sun Aquarius). So enjoy this Heart Full Moon. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

08.01.2022 GEMINI FULL MOON - I AM IKE - THE WORLD IS WHAT I THINK IT IS - I TURN TO LIGHT AND LOVE - This Gemini Full Moon happens on Thursday 12th December 2019 at 19 de...grees 51’ of Gemini, at 3:12 PM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise /Frankie Alloin Monnereau Welcome to the exciting Gemini Full Moon. This Gemini Full Moon is the last lunation before the season of Eclipses begins at the end of December 2019, and the beginning of the new decade in January 2020. This Full Moon happens at 19 degrees, on the axis Gemini/Sagittarius, so check where 19 degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius sit in your natal chart, in which House-Area of life. This Full Moon is happening on the number 12 resonance, because it is on the 12th of December, December is the 12th month, and the year 2019 is a 12 universal year. 12 is the number of learning, of exploring, of creativity, of expressing the wisdom that you have acquired, of expansion in terms of self-growth and self-awareness. So this Gemini Full Moon is about your creative expression, based on the astral blueprint you are born with, who you are at Soul level. Full Moons always create a monthly, heightening of energy, emotional energy, that brings things to a culmination. And in this case, because it is the final Full Moon of the whole decade, it has a lot of meaning. With the number 12 resonance, that ends in 3, you feel highly creative around this Full Moon, you feel a great desire to express your emotions, your imagination, joy, Love it is about service, about nurturing, and listening to your dreams, and making sure that you go into that wonderful, intuitive imagination place, to activate what your vision is, what your dream is. So your feelings, your Heart center will be really expanded during this Gemini Full Moon. Therefore this is the time to really devote to discover who you are, self-awareness wise, before you turn and step over the threshold into the 2020s. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and they both govern the mind, the message, and also motion, activity, communication skills, facts and information, writing, speaking you look at how you assimilate thoughts and information, how you digest it, and turn it into conversations. Gemini governs movement and curiosity, it is an Air sign, so it is a sign of moving to another level. Gemini is also the sign of effective listening and teaching. So this Gemini Full Moon is about understanding different viewpoints, the Gemini, the Twins, the two different versions, the two different ideas. It is about the awareness of options, (again the Twins), there is two options, it is variety, it is quick thinking it is enjoying the moment and having ingenuity about how you live your life, having that fun, the value of fun. Gemini rules relationships based on proximity, so that would be your siblings, your neighbours, your schoolmates, your roommates, your co-workers anything, anyone that is proximity related. So it is very important during this Full Moon time, to learn to step outside some of the complexity that can happen in those relationships, and also the mind games, because of the impact of Mercury. So whatever you need to do, to not partake in the systems (Saturn-Pluto conjunction) that are governing the world, is important. So however it is that you commit yourself to stepping outside of that Capricornian paradigm those systems that have been in play, and impacted your life all this time, and distracting you from your Soul, and from what you love now you need to step aside, whether it is shutting off your phone, or putting it on airplane mode, or giving yourself just 20’ to be outside in Nature do whatever it takes at this point to step outside that paradigm. And this means also in your language, in your conversation, to not speak unless you are inspired. So at this Full Moon time, you need to step up, to prepare you, because after all you are a living Soul, a living human being, you are full of Light, you are full of love, you are part of this Divine Creation. You are Divine Intelligence, and you were born that way, as an innocent baby, and you have this amazing ability at your disposal at any time. So just remember if you feel darkness in your life, THE DARKNESS ONLY WINS WHEN YOU DON’T SHINE YOUR LIGHT. When you shine your Light, everyone around you, who is masked in the shadows of the paradigm, the old ways, the fears, the guilt they are released from those fears, and they come towards the Light within you. So you need to do that at this Full Moon time, you need to spread Light and Love, you need to let it all flow beyond your wildest imagination, beyond horizons, beyond infinity, and accept these infinite blessings that await you. Now is the time for you to strip away that mental anguish, that anxiety, the mind games, the control that has been imposed on you since day one. You have now the tools and the energy to break free, to strip away, to simplify your life, to embrace only the spiritual essentials. Right during this Full Moon, we have a triple conjunction in Capricorn, happening between Saturn-Venus-Pluto, pre-activating the big conjunction Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn, on January 12th 2020. So this triple conjunction is a very powerful moment, and really makes Capricorn the most potent energy of this Full Moon. And right at this Full Moon, the Gemini Moon connects to this triple conjunction via a Quincunx conversation (150 degrees). A Quincunx is kind of like a meeting of very different flavours, and therefore it is about adjustment, compromise, reconsideration, re-evaluation, negotiationoften seeking something from people who won’t give it. So here it is having to reconcile the two different flavours of Gemini and Capricorn. In this Quincunx conversation between Gemini Moon and the triple conjunction Saturn-Venus-Pluto in Capricorn: Saturn asks you to be mature and take responsibility for your feelings, your emotions, your flow of money and Love, your Love relationships. Pluto transforms your values, and purges unnecessary attachments to the past, such as past paradigms, past structures. Pluto empowers you emotionally from within. And Venus adds Love, creativity and pleasure, and the flow of money. So during this Full Moon time, energy is coming to a head, relationships are being brought to balance, situations are coming to a tipping point, so you can make big and small adjustments at the end of this year, at the end of the decade, before the 2020s begin. The conjunction Venus-Saturn means that any relationships, any companionships, any intimate connections that you have with anyone, is based on a sense of solid trust, solid principles. The idea of true Love between friends or intimate partnerships, will last with the core relationship traits of loyalty, trust, honesty, integrity, commitment, responsibility, sensitivity, and respect. So what you need to do, is to meet your own emotional needs FIRST, and then you will be centered, and able to nurture and understand others, meet their emotional needs as well, so you can be in this wonderful give-and-take mode. That means that you need to not judge how you feel first of all, and not judge how others feelSo refrain from judgement, but also refrain from restriction. Because Saturn can restrict sometimes, and Saturn will come in and try to reduce emotions. So at this Gemini Full Moon time, you have to be very care full to not refrain from expressing yourself, when you have something to say, and do it with maturity (Saturn). Venus wants to create, and so Venus wants you not to suppress your creativity, but have some kind of structures (Saturn), so that you have a plan on how to put it into action. So at this Full Moon time, intimate relationships will take on a more serious tone, which is good if you want secure long-lasting connections. And there is a deeper commitment of course with Saturn conjunct Venus. Now, Venus conjunct Pluto is very much about passionate Love. Your desire for affection really deepens, and you feel very attractive, very magnetic, and you can go into deep personal conversations here, because it is enhanced by the Gemini and Mercury flavour, which governs connection, communication, conversations. So you can really have a major impact on the people in your life, and vice versa, when you share your Love freely and seek out the Venusian beauty and pleasure in your connections. And it also helps with financial flow, because Venus governs abundance and your values, so it deepens those values, and how you are using your energy to enhance abundance in your life. And then we have Pluto conjunct Saturn, that is the big event happening on January 12th where they are exactly conjunct, and here is the number 12 again. So with this last lunation of the decade, you are totally going to be changing how you communicate, how you think, how you have conversations, what words you choose to use, what your vision is. And Mercury will join the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th, so this is why it is important to pay attention, now in December, at this Gemini Full Moon ruled by Mercury. Saturn and Pluto are already very much together, only 2 degrees apart, so already we are truly in the big conjunction, meaning that it is active now. So you are much willing to work to bring your goals to life, reality is clearly visible, and if you are in a relationship, or you have a business plan, or project, or you have a physical item that is not working properly and needs to be fixed this is a time to release it or fix it. So pay attention to all of that, because you are going to be entering a moment here in your life, where things are being readjusted, and things are being released. And that includes your beliefs, because at this point, Jupiter also is in Capricorn, he entered Capricorn on Dec 2nd, and Jupiter governs your beliefs. These months of December and particularly January are truly remarkable months, so you will need patience, determination, this come with Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and this will help you navigate all the shifts, with flexibility and efficiency as well, because there is a powerful urge to change and transform now, and you are being supported to change and transform. Pluto is about leadership and empowerment, so you will feel renewed, and you will see things you have not seen before. Remember we are entering the 2020s, and the 2020 vision is going to be totally, unbelievably freeing, liberating, if you are willing to see the truth. So just be patient, because the transformation is real, and what is helping it is this Quincunx conversation, that the Moon has with the triple conjunction Saturn-Venus-Pluto. And this Quincunx is going to enhance your communication skills tremendously, because Love, compassion, and financial flow, are all in the spotlight, in terms of give-and-take in your relationship. Nourishing your feelings is very important, because the Moon is coming in during this Capricorn experience, so you are going to really be able to nurture, and activate what brings pleasure, what brings beauty, what truly inspires you in terms of Love. So not just in terms of taking the lead, and being in control of your destiny, that is all very powerful energy and play as well, and it is going to be very much the theme for 2020. At this Full Moon time, the Moon is saying I connect with my inner genius, my intuition, I innovate and the Moon in Quincunx conversation to Saturn-Venus-Pluto triple conjunction, means that you are taking your feelings seriously, so you need to release guilt and fears regarding relationships. Basically, you need to step up and take the lead with emotional commitment, because the Moon is saying Your goals will not complete to your own internal satisfaction, if you don’t have full emotional passion and commitment invested otherwise you might get sidetracked, and suffer from a lack of direction, or a lack of commitment and confidence. So at this Full Moon time, your empowerment is fuelled by your passionate engagement, and this is what this Gemini Moon is helping you tap into. The excitement and the drive of your core feelings are the fuel, that actually takes you to the level where you can truly act, confidently and true to who you really are, on whatever projects you are focussing on. So since your responsibilities are really deepening now, you want to understand that your inner authority, that is coming through at this time, in a bigger way than ever before, that inner authority first awaken your heart, it first purges any fears you have makes them visible first of all and then confronting them, because you are receiving feedback, you then can move forward with your quest, for success. With Saturn-Pluto flavour, you basically are not allowing anyone to dominate you. So becoming self-aware is a major component of this Full Moon, and that includes diving into metaphysical, esoteric subject matters, in order to understand who you are at Soul Level. It also means uncovering what was formerly hidden, or a secret unconsciously buried, because Pluto is bringing it all to the surface, and Saturn is saying okay what are you going to do now it is revealed? what structure are you going to build in its place?. So it is another reason to really know who you arewhat Star Blueprint were you born with? So to have a really wonderful self-understanding, I encourage you to have an astrology reading with me or another astrologer indeed!. At this Full Moon time, Mercury is in a Quincunx conversation with Uranus. This is about connecting your mind, and with Mercury-Uranus combination it is a very high level connection, because Uranus is a 4th dimensional planet, it is your super conscious, and he connects you to the Divine Mind. And with Uranus, you get insights, downloads of information, new ideas, and you can’t explain where they came from with Uranus you become an energy Channeller. So this Mercury-Uranus conversation is very helpful at this Full Moon. A wonderful conversation in play at this Full Moon, is a Trine between Jupiter in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter is well known as the Great benefit, so usually he brings a lot of positivity for you, and now he is traveling in Capricorn for the full year 2020. So see where he is moving through now in your natal chart, in which House- Area of Life. If you have a strong Capricorn flavour in your natal chart, you are going to feel a lot of personal positive growth coming up this year 2020. Last time Jupiter was traveling through Capricorn, it was 12 years ago, because Jupiter has a 12 years cycle and therefore, he spends a year in each sign. So last time he was in Capricorn, that was in 2008. So you can look back to whatever was happening for you in 2008, then you tend to get a repeat, or an echo of what was happening for you then. Of course, this time you are different, more mature, experienced, more aware, so the story is different, but the energy is the same. So Jupiter in Trine to Uranus during this Full Moon, is such a fortunate meeting for lucky breaks. It is a great time to take a risk, to feel liberated, to feel optimistic about creating successful outcomes. Your sense of freedom and openness is broader, and you can see beyond the horizon, and that allows you to break through those self-imposed boundaries, to create positive change in your life. Jupiter governs expansion, higher learning, faraway travel so you may delve more deeply, grow in unexpected ways, and learn things very quickly, because that is what Uranus is about, about that intellectual capacity to take in any kind of subject matter, no matter how esoteric it is, new languages, art, music, style, entertainment It is a sense of adventure that helps you acclimate to, and anticipate the great results, beyond that horizon. So this is so beautiful to have this Jupiter-Uranus conversation during the final Full Moon of this decade. Uranus is currently in Taurus, and Taurus is so stable, so this is such a beautiful sign for you to experience freedom, because Taurus governs your values, and honesty, and security, and it governs pleasure as well. It is also very important to know that Jupiter is joining the very big lineup of planets in Capricorn, Jupiter-South Node-Saturn-Venus-Pluto, and from the 21st of December, the big lineup of planets will be joined by the Sun as he moves in the Capricorn Solstice. Solstices and Equinoxes are all power days, where the veil to the subtle-etherial energies is thinner, so you can access more information on those days. So this big lineup of planets is like the balance of the Zodiac is completely tilted on one side, the Capricorn side. and the last time Saturn and Pluto were together in Capricorn, was around the year 1285, 700 years ago, so it is a big deal indeed! The influence of this important lineup has been in preparation all through 2019, and 2020 will be even stronger than 2019, so all of the themes about any abuse of power, or the collapse of the old order, the old political and social structures, any chaos or disruption, or lack of trust in the government institutionsthat is what is meant to be happening now. And Jupiter now in Capricorn is probably expanding that process, and in conjunction with Pluto and Saturn, this Trio could expand, it could bring about excessive power. And Jupiter is going to be in conjunction to Saturn-Pluto on and off all through year 2020. Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is about integrity, accountability, walking your talk, talking your truth, Jupiter is about the truth and the law. It starts off the new world view essentially. So at the end of this decade, you really are seeing the collapse of the old paradigm. As we move through the next few years, into the mid-20s, we are witnessing the collapse of the 3D paradigm, just like an old three that falls in the wood, that dies and rots down to produce a completely new life form in the wood, through all that fertility in the soil, (that is the process of Pluto in Capricorn), so Jupiter can expand those two processes of both Saturn and Pluto. During Full Moons, the Sun and Moon are always in opposition to each other. And at this Full Moon time, Neptune in Pisces is in a tight T-Square conversation, which means that Neptune is squaring both the Sagittarius Sun and the Gemini Moon. Gemini and Neptune, at a lower level of expression, is about a lower mind, it is about your day-to-day chatter, shopping lists, it is about your monkey mind. Often your unconscious self-talk just automatically runs in the background mainly it is about I am not good enough not smart enoughnot young enough not rich enough this negative thinking. This kind of grunge going on in the background does not help you, and this Gemini Full Moon can shine a light on that side of you. So this Gemini Full Moon has got lots of IKE musical tones to it. IKE - The world is what you think it is. You become what you think. If you believe that the world is a great place for adventure and happiness, that you will surely experience much more of those than the person believing in the world of struggle. So always remember that through IKE you have the power to change, first your perceived experience, and then through this your actual future. If you want to become good at something and become successful, you have to put in hard work and practice for a while, until it gets deep and becomes a part of who you are. So if you are running on that kind of negative grunge, it is not going to help you. This IKE-Gemini Full Moon, wants you to practice to be the creator of your world, and help how the world manifests as well. So change your frequency, by going from this self-defeating grunge into something more positive, such as gratitude, appreciation, joy, bliss, and the highest vibration of Love so when you catch yourself being in the negative grunge, just flick the emotion and instantly change your focus, look at the trees, the birds, the clouds, think of someone you love, just anything that will shift you to a higher level of being. Because the higher expression of this Gemini Full Moon, is to live out that best level of Neptune. And Neptune is about shifting from mind, that so often chatters, and get in your way to the heart. If you can imagine that your heart is your lung, you are breathing in and out through your heart, that instantly slows and deepens your breathing The higher expression of Neptune is connection to Source, connection to Divinity, how ever you described that in your life. Feeling that All is One and you are One with All, this is what the practice of the Hakalau meditation is excellent for. The Hakalau meditation comes from Hawaii, and is an incredible process to place yourself in a state where there are no negative emotions, and you have complete awareness. And this technique is probably one of the most powerful to get you into the present tense as well! The trick with Hakalau (also called the learning state or peripheral vision) is that all of your awareness in on the outside, and no rattling thoughts left inside to distract you. So in Hakalau mode, you are blending with everything, you are One, totally interconnected with Nature. So I really encourage you to try and live that higher expression of Neptune at this Full Moon. In the background the Full Moon, we have Mars in Scorpio in an exact Trine conversation with Neptune in Pisces. Mars is all about driving, and he is at home in Scorpio, so he is feeling pretty powerful and intense, with very clear sight and focus. And he is conversing with dreamy Neptune. It is important to pay attention to this energy, because you are in a time of committing to new things, and committing to them more deeply, so you want to make sure that you are committing to things, and thoughts, and visions of value in yourself, and in your relationships, and your lifestyle Things, people, situations that feel good to you. All that drive, and that vision, and that ambition that is in the sky with Gemini energy, Sagittarius energy, Scorpio and Pisces energy, these are all visionary energies getting lit up and the grounded Capricorn energy at this time is saying How are you going to bring that vision into life? Around this Gemini Full Moon, at the end of this decade, it is a time of big realisation, that you are not walking your life like onto a movie set non, you are dreaming it into reality, at every moment. So practice to set very clear intentions, to keep your consciousness high, and to manifest a more beautiful, a more loving world. This Gemini Full Moon is asking you to shift your frequency to that clear level of consciousness, for our beautiful Mother Earth, which is full of biodiversity, forms of life, abundance, fertility, respect and Love for all sentient beings, care for everyone, living from a heart based reality, very much a spiritual based community this can exists right now. This can be your courageous focus going forward, and this can occur when you shift your frequency, when we all shift our frequency on positive vibrations, that is our challenge as a global community. So this Gemini Full Moon invites you TURN TO THE LIGHT, TURN TO THE LOVE, to shine your integrity with joy. And remember that the darkness will only win when you shine your Light, but it will never ever be able to take over, when you reveal your beauty, your joy, your incredible Divine Intelligence and Divine Love, which is in you, and always has been. When you do that, there is nothing that will stop you. So I wish you only the best, and lots of Love and Light. A New Year begins, let us pray that it will be a year with New Peace, New Happiness and abundance of new friends, so I wish you to be blessed through out the New Year 2020. I wish you Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected] And also feel free to share this on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui

06.01.2022 CANCER NEW MOON - I FIND SOLACE IN SOLITUDE - This Cancer New Moon happens on Tuesday 21st of July 2020 at 28 degrees 26’ Capricorn, at 3:32 AM Queensland time ...Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour StarsLovers welcome to this new Lunation, the New Moon in Cancer. This is the second New Moon in Cancer this year, because on June 21st, we had the Solstice New Moon at 0 degrees of Cancer, and here we are a month later with this second New Moon in Cancer. It is a rare event when this happens, and because it is highlighting the Cancer flavour here, this is an activation of the archetype of the Mother, the nurturing, heart, Love, and of the Moon, because the Moon is the ruler of Cancer. And you don’t have to be a Cancer to benefit from this Lunation, you have the sign of Cancer somewhere in your chart, so it does impact you in some area of your life indeed. This New Moon happens at 28 degrees of Cancer, so check where 28 degrees of Cancer falls in your Birth chart, in which House-Area of life. New Moon is always about a new beginning, a time of renewal, of checking in and also of sitting in the darkness, and allowing yourself to open up, and initiate in some new wisdom. And often, we associate the new beginnings with lights and shows and fanfares, but it is when you sit in the dark, in the quiet, in the not knowing, that is really the new beginning. So it is a very good time to set a new intention, in resonance with the House-Area of life, where this New Moon is falling in your Birth chart. You are planting a new seed at this time, for what you want to manifest in that particular area of life in your Birth chart. And can you also set a new intention for your emotional frequency, because Cancer is all about sensitivity, about feeling, about emotion and it is about open-heartedness, because Cancer through its compassion helps you open your heart field. Cancer has to do with family, with home, with emotional security, stability, nurturing Cancer represents the crab. So sometimes Cancer can hide inside a shell to avoid conflict. The shadow side of Cancer is to dig your head into the sand, and not to deal with what is in front of you. But the main archetype of Cancer, and of the Moon, is the nurturing mother, the bringer of Love, the Divine Feminine. So for the second time, we have this beautiful moment here in Cancer, for this new beginning, with Love and sweetness, and kindness, and joy. And this New Moon in Cancer is at 28 degrees, and 28 reduces to 1, and 1 is also about new beginning so this Cancer New Moon is really asking you to take responsibility for creating that new life for yourself. And that theme of responsibility is echoed in Saturn, because Saturn is the planet of taking responsibility for your life. And Saturn is strongly highlighted at this New moon time, because he is at 28 degrees of Capricorn, exactly opposite to the Sun and Moon, and this is the strongest conversation at this New Moon time. Saturn rules Capricorn and the Moon rules Cancer, so here we have this interplay between Cancer and Capricorn again, and this polarity between these two signs, I have been writing about it a lot throughout 2019 and 2020, because the Nodal Axis was for the last 18 months in Cancer-Capricorn signs. Saturn recently moved back to his own sign of Capricorn, and he will stay there until December and at that point Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius for around 3 years and that is going to be a huge shift of energy. Because the conversation is an opposition, Sun-Moon in Cancer and Saturn in Capricorn are trying to find a balance point. In this opposition, we are dealing with these two different frequencies, Cancer is an energy of loving kindness to who ever it might be, and on the other side, the Saturn energy is about discipline, form and structure and we need both. We need to have order in our world, because there are certain things we need to come in alignment with. So at this New Moon time, this opposition Saturn-New Moon, is a balancing of these energies, a balancing of knowing that you need some structure, knowing that you need some discipline, it is a part of life and at the same time, making sure that you are still coming from that gentle, loving, caring energy (Cancer). So you can say NO to somebody, gently, kindly, but firmly, and that is the energy of this opposition Saturn-New Moon. The Moon alone represents your feelings, and she is in her own sign of Cancer, that rules emotional sensitivityso at this New Moon time, you can be feeling a little bit more intensely, a bit more touchy. And on the other side, the heaviness of Saturn can weigh on your heart, and it can lead to feelings on the negative side, feelings of loneliness, of depression, sorrow that is the downs side of this conversation Saturn opposition New Moon. But on the up side, you can have some emotional resolve, you can have some self-discipline, you can be focus and diligent, tending to your own needs, because this New Moon in Cancer is about self-nurturing. And you need self-nurturing, especially if you are this kind of person who gives too much up of yourselfyou are always tending to the needs of other people, and not yourself. Saturn in Capricorn represents more self-sufficiency, so tending to your own needs, licking your own wounds, instead of other people. And Saturn is also known as the Lord of Solitude, so at the time of this New Moon, a great way to heal yourself, a great way to come back home to yourself, is to find some solitude, finding some mountain top time, where you can breathe in , breathe out, quiet the mind, and just go within TO FIND SOLACE IN SOLITUDE. Finding solace in solitude is one of the greatest lessons you can learn in life. Enjoying your alone time creates space in your mind, heart, and soul thus freeing your creativity, mending your heart, and nourishing your soul. Some of the biggest emotional and creative breakthroughs have been achieved by people spending time in solitude. Solitude is not the same as loneliness, you can be lonely while connecting with people, solitude is the intentional cut off of all communication. So at this New Moon time, put your phone on airplane mode, and let your brain have a break from the endless online chatter. Finding solace in solitude is important at this time, it teaches you how to be a resource for yourself. Learning to be alone with your own thoughts can be a truly magical experience, but it’s not always easy to learn in this fast-paced modern world. One the best ways to get in touch with yourself, is to take yourself on an outdoor adventure. It has been found that spending time outside is crucial to your health and happiness, so get out there and soak up some vitamin D, and let nature boost your self-esteem and mood! And be aware that finding new parts of yourself, and decompressing, can take time. So of course one hour or one day of solitude is not life changing however, with repetition changes will start to occur. So instead of surrounding yourself with people at all times, or finding yourself on your phone 24/7, how about taking some time to find solace in solitude wherever you may be. So this New Moon in Cancer is emotionally heavy, and it is even stronger with Mercury in Cancer, in a challenging Square conversation with Mars-Chiron conjunction in Aries. So Mercury the planet of words, communication, thoughts and perception, is conversing with Chiron the healer, as well as Mars the warrior. With Mercury in Cancer Square Mars in Aries Mars the war godMars the war god has entered your mouth. People can be volatile with their mouths, people can attack other people, be overly defensive, be overly reactive so you are going to see and experience or initiate a lot of war of words at this time. War on your perception and this sense of perception, is what we as a collective, are going to explore, for the next year and a half, as the Nodal Axis is transiting the Gemini-Sagittarius signs North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius So on the collective level, these wars of words, and war on perception, could be used as control mechanisms, to keep us in servitude to a certain degree. And at the same time Mercury in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries Chiron the Wounded Healer and here because we have Chiron conjunct Mars, this is about the Wounded Warrior. So this can be a challenging time where you go a little bit crazy, not knowing where you are at, feeling lost, being incredibly reactive instead of actively engaged and focused, being a mess, and therefore you are not a good team player. Mars rules Aries so he is very strong in this conversation, and he is really highlighted for the next 6 months. We have entered into the season of the warrior, and now with the Cancer energy, the mother energy, the healer nurturer this is the season of the warrior protector of the weak for the next 6 months. Mars entered his warrior sign of Aries on the 28th of June, and he is going to stay in Aries for a very unusual 6 months, until the 6th of January 2021, because he is going to go Retrograde usually he stays in a sign for only 6 weeks. So this is an important energy to be aware of. In his journey through Aries, Mars is going to have repeatedly, a square conversation with the triple conjunction Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn, during this second half of the year. So what Mars is going to do, he is going to energise the awakening of many people and there are going to be lot of anger, lot of angry words, because Mars is in a Square conversation with Mercury in Cancer as well. Yes in his dark side, Mars can express as anger, aggression, impulsivity, violence but the most positive expression of Mars in Aries, is courage, passion, resilience, focus, a sense of mission, and a very strong sense of self not in an ego way, but in an empowered way I know who I am, and what I can do to help the world. And when you are in that very strong Mars in Aries energy, it strengthen your aura, your energy field this is the HERO energy. So while Mars is in Aries for the next 6 months, it is about finding the HERO within yourself. So a good practice, is to turn inwards to your inner radio dial, and choose a high frequency of positive emotion, of peace, compassion, Love, gratitude, appreciation and you can choose to practice to stay on that frequency, as an experiment, for the next 6 months, or even better, as a life long practice. Doing this way, you are actually helping to raise collective consciousness as well, to create a different future So during this next 6 months, really commit and use the courage of commitment of Mars in Aries, and keep your frequency very positive, to help accelerate the arrival of a better world for all of us. So this New Moon, invites you to be like a Samurai, who has discipline and honour, and a strong focus. And if you are a warrior type already, an action oriented person, you are good under pressure, you jump into battle well for sure you don’t need more fire at this time. So in that case, as the war god is entering your mouth, I would suggest caution, patience, discipline, use deep breathsso you don’t become reactive with fiery retaliation, sharp tongue, or being more irritable. And a good way to channel the fire energy, is to increase your dose of exercise, to sweat it, as the same time trying to relax your temperament a little bit. Conversely, if you are a very watery person, you are just a sweet heart, with passive-aggressive behaviour so as the war god enters your mouth, it is time for you to be more assertive, to defend yourself, to say NO, to learn to expand your comfort zones, to try to use the right use of force. So this is the time to set stronger boundaries, a time for you to leverage this war god in your mouth so you can grow, you can expand your consciousness. This New Moon in Cancer is really about coming home to yourself, awakening to YOUR HEART IS YOUR HOME, and that nothing is an accident, everything serves a purpose that accepting yourself without judgement means that you accept everyone else without judgement that self acceptance is what brings you inner peace. So when you are at peace with yourself, others will be drawn to your energy, because high vibration living is very contagious. So remember everyday to take that quiet time, that alone time, to find that inner peace, that solace Peace and Love choose you when you make room for them. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

05.01.2022 ARIES FULL MOON - I AM A DIVINE LIGHT BEARER - This Aries Full Moon happens on Friday 2nd October 2020 at 9 degrees 08’ Aries, at 7:06 AM Queensland time Austra...lia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour beautiful Stars Lovers, welcome to the Aries Full Moon. Full Moons are always times when feelings, emotions, come to a head, and in Aries, the sign of the warrior, you could be feeling very assertive or very aggressive, or very angry at that time. With this Lunation, we are going really deeply into one of the most profound Full Moons of the year, and it may be the most important one, because this one is happening at a very pivotal time in 2020. This is the Aries Full Moon, and Mars the ruler of Aries is in Retrograde in Aries, for the first time since 1988. So Mars is very activated at this time, as he is having important conversations with other planets. Of course, even if you are not an Aries, this Lunation impacts you, because you have Aries somewhere in your Birth chart so everyone is impacted. So first of all check where 9 degrees of Aries falls in your Birth chart, and which House-area of life is impacted at this Full Moon it is also interesting to check which House-area of life contains the sign of Libra where the Sun is at 9 degrees. At this time the Sun is in Libra, which is the sign of Balance, of harmony, of Love, of cooperation, of reaching out to one anotherand there is the Moon opposite in Aries, the sign of the warrior, of courage, and also the sign of ME, MYSELF What I want? What I like? ..What I dislike? So there is this pull between the Sun and the Moon, between What I want, what I want to do, and my Ego energy and how much I really want to connect with others, and feel that Love feeling, that cooperation, and wonderful emotions that come up when we have positive interactions with each other. So at this Full Moon, Moon Aries is about fire and Sun Libra is about equilibrium. Libra is balance, so we do have an inborn sense of the individual (Aries), and the relationship and balance with Libra so that means that you are initiating a new way of being, a new way of looking at the world, and it is helping to bring your life into balance and that is happening obviously around the world as well. So when you look at this Aries Full Moon with the Sun in Libra, you are being invited to look consciously at inner polarities, and to purge what it is you don’t want anymore, and replace it with high vibrational choices. This Aries Full Moon is bringing up something very profound, because Aries goes for it, Aries does not hold back, Aries is about being free to choose, being independent, being sovereign, being strong Aries is the first sign, and this Full Moon is a powerful moment of breaking negative habits and setting yourself free to birth a new life. This Aries Full Moon is about getting out of codependency into interdependencies, so that the freedom of Aries is in play, while the balance is energetically in harmony. So when you are in high vibration, you can take that bird’s eye view, you can still be in relationship to everything around you, be connected, but you are not pulled into the drama, which is where the polarities start. The drama is the I am right - you are wrong kind of thing, and that is the shadow side of planet Mars. At the time of this Aries Full Moon, its ruler Mars is in Retrograde mode at 25 degrees of Aries. Mars went on Retrograde on September 9th and will stay Retrograde until November 13th. When Mars is Retrograde, in many ways he is more intense, because he is closer to Mother Earth If we look to what happened on September 9th, in California and Oregon states of America, there were horrific and destructive wildfires, exactly when Mars went retrograde. So Mars retrograde is closer to the Earth and he is very hot, in terms of fires, but in terms of behaviours as well. And from now and through October and November, Mars in Aries is in a dynamic Square conversation with the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn but particularly the Square to Saturn is the most potent, because it is exact. Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn conjunction is about government, institutions, so there might be conflicts against the status quo. So looking at Mars-Saturn Square only, Mars at 25 degrees of Aries and Saturn at 25 degrees of Capricorn, that is huge because they are both in their own sign, so this makes them much stronger. And on this Full Moon day, as well, Saturn becomes Stationary-Direct ready to change direction, and whenever a planet becomes Stationary to change direction, its symbolism becomes magnified. So at this time, your energy may feel more restricted, and you definitively want to concentrate on pouring your energy into releasing what is frustrating you. Here Mars is pushing you to take a risk, but the risk is to go within, because Mars is Retrograde, so the meditation aspect, the breathing deeply aspect, the breathing in general is so important, to not move forward until you actually take that time and breathe and also have the patience to listen for what is called for right now, because Saturn is Lord Kronos, Saturn is timing, and the timing of this moment is not lost on anyone, it is a huge moment in human history. So with this Mars-Saturn Square conversation, it feels like running into a wall, because Mars in Aries is about being impatient, impulsive, it is about I am, I exist, individual rights, freedom, autonomy running into an amplified Saturn in Capricorn, that rules regulations, constrictions, government authorities You know this, this is all the things that we have seen already this year, and this is going to be repeated really through October and November very strongly. So we all need to create space to not rush into things, and it is very important to stay calm, to meditate, to trust, to allow the breathing to bring in the inspiration that allows you to say everything is going to be fine, and I am going to trust and stay in the moment. Mars in Aries is you the individual, and Saturn in Capricorn represents authority, so when you take the combination of this intensity, you know that the weeks and months ahead, to the rest of this year, will be extraordinary active, making this time a great PIVOTAL time, a reset time. The universe wants us to reset our lives, so you need to transform personally, and collectively as well. We need to transform our governments, our institutions, everything is being asked to grow and evolve. So personallywhere do you need to make a fresh start? And it is better to take the initiative and move on on your own, than to be pushed out by the energy of the planets. During this Aries Full Moon time, it is very important to understand the difference between aggression and assertiveness. And at this time, you feel the intensity, the quickening, it is like a volcano with the lava coming up, and you know something is going to happen as to when, the exact timing, it is not sure yet, but it is definitively certain that this volcano is going to release steam, and going to create a brand new beginning. This triple conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn is a very very powerful moment here, because Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn have not been in a conjunction in Capricorn for thousands of years and for Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn alone, the last time was 500 years ago. Having now Jupiter part of this huge conjunction means that there is Joy on the other side and we are going to see that after Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius, and that happens around the Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice on the Northern hemisphere), December 21st. So after that time, we are going to start seeing clearly the Aquarian Age emerge, the age of freedom, but right now we are still in the struggle to set ourselves free from the Capricorn patriarchy. So this Square conversation from Mars Retrograde to the triple conjunction Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn, is extremely important, because it is motivating you not to be aggressive externally, but to go within, because of the Retrograde, and find a new way to set yourself free from the shackles that are holding you captured there is going to be tension for sure. So as a result of all this tension, there may be of course a lot of anger and aggression, and that is the shadow side of Mars. However, the high vibrational expression of Mars, the sacred masculine, is not to be aggressive, but to be assertive, positively confident. Aggression is about anger and violence, it hurts others whereas assertion is only connected to your inner confidence, being self-assured, being bold, it has nothing to do with damaging another energy or another person. Remember that this is a Full Moon, and we are all bringing energy into balance so you don’t want to allow those old patterns of anger to rise again. And now you have the choice to move away from those old patterns. And we should be all grateful for Mars being in Retrograde during this Aries Full Moon, because it is unveiling what was hidden, the hidden aggression is being unveiled, the hidden tactics for being aggressive they are coming out and it is not for you to judge, it is just for you to see and be in a state of receptivity, so that you can stay unified and calm, peaceful, while the volcano erupts. And to remember that volcanic eruption are actually natural, we don’t want to keep Mother Earth from evolving, and from continents forming, and everything that happens on Earth geologically. So we have to see this eruption as a moment of birth, and not to judge it and not to take sides just to be there with a high vibrational presence. So at the time of this Full Moon, focus on what is playing out inside of YOU? Mars is your energy of initiative, so where do you need to just push through your own limitations? The Moon is the internal emotional You, so where are you stopping yourself from being brave, from having an adventure? where do you need to break out your old robotic life, of the limitations that you have set upon yourself? So at the time of this Aries Full Moon, what could you learn, what could you study that will stretch your perspective, so that it is wider and not limited? In this Square conversation, the Capricorn energy always want to bring something into orderliness, and Mars in Aries says no way so it is about finding a balance, because you need some structures of course, but where do you need to step out of your limitations? On its own, the Mars-Jupiter Square conversation is wonderful energy for positive decisions, positive transactions, using your energy wisely, again meditation and rest are highlighted. You have the courage to confront anything that comes your way, because you are just tuning into what is for your highest good. This Full Moon brings an extraordinary, evolutionary opportunity for change, it is really that pivotal. And so to fulfil your divine mission, you need to do the work you are here to do, even though the challenges are great. So be assertive, stand up for the truth, join together in Love and Light, and remember that Jupiter is part of this big conversation, and Jupiter is Joy, and expansion and abundance and wisdom are in play. And when Jupiter moves into Aquarius (December 20th), we are going to start seeing the fruits, it is going to be amazing in 2021 2021 THE YEAR OF FREEDOM. At this Full Moon, the Moon at 9 degrees of Aries is tightly conjunct Chiron Retrograde at 7 degrees of Aries. Chiron the Sacred Healer, in your Birth chart, represents your original wound if you like it is where you are born with a weakness that you are meant to turn into a strength. And now with Chiron in Aries, there is the essence of I am, I exist, I have strong sense of self. When people are born with Chiron in Aries, in their early years there is often a sense of do I have a right to exist? but that is meant to be turned into leadership. So for all of us, this Full Moon is highlighting Chiron in Aries, and this may be time when we may be feeling do I exist in this society? maybe bringing up the whole theme of individual rights in a stronger way at this time. This Moon-Chiron conjunction will very much intensify your feelings, make you very sensitive, because the Moon is in Aries, there is a desire for freedom, and rebelling against any kind of emotional restriction and it also enhances the ability to heal yourself, and your heart is just so open to that emotional health, the loving healing that happens with Chiron conjunct to the Moon it is a very beautiful energy indeed. Another conversation is, Mars at 24 degrees of Aries in a conjunction with the Black Moon Lilith at 27 degrees of Aries. Now Black Moon Lilith is a powerful point in space, very linked to Mother Earth’s orbit. Essentially, the symbolism of the Black Moon Lilith is raw, untamed, wild, primitive, instinctive feminine that is the quality of Lilith. SHE WILL NOT ABIDE BY THE RULES. So at this Full Moon time, we have in Aries this pretty unruly trio, Lilith-Mars-Chiron, operating very powerfully, and assertively so we are going to see a lot of heat in the world indeed, a lot of drama, a lot more social unrest in the coming weeks. So prepare yourself for this extreme time, this strong Yang energy in the world. At this Full Moon time, Uranus Retrograde at 9 degrees of Taurus is in an exact Quincunx (150 degrees) conversation with the Sun at 9 degrees of Libra. Uranus is about freedom, individuality, it is the planet of awakening, and the planet of rebellion, of revolution. Perhaps, as people are awakening, that is making them want to rebel And the Sun is in Libra, that is about justice, fairness and equality in society. And maybe those are going to be additional issues during this time as well. So on the overall, this conversation is just totally about setting yourself free. It invites you to open up your intuition, to receive sudden inspiration that shifts your life, and it can create a sense of nervousness as well so it is important to stay in meditation in general, during this Aries Full Moon because if you resist the change that is very much in play, there is so much shifting right now, so much in play that is taking you to a quickening pace, so it is really important to be open to approaching situations from a new angle, seeing things in a new way, making adjustments, making those changes, looking at alternatives. In addition, Uranus at 9 degrees of Taurus opposes Mercury at 4 degrees of Scorpio, and this opposition will be exact later in October. Mercury and Uranus are planets of communication and media, so there could be some significant news around late September and all of October. This is a very important moment indeed, because what happens in the middle of October, we have Mercury stations Retrograde in Scorpio, Scorpio the sign of secrets. So there could be significant news unveiling secrets, that have never before been unveiled. And Mercury stays in Retrograde until November 3rd, an important date because this is the date of the US presidential election. So at this time, there could be some surprising or shocking news, or some disclosures coming out there is a tremendous amount of energy here, that needs you to be flexible, and open, regarding everything that is going on. Because this energy could make you feel a little bit scattered, undisciplined and nervous. On the positive side, this opposition acts like a stimulant upon the brain. Uranus is jolting, and you seem to understand ideas faster, perceive what is happening very quickly, and have strong intuitive insights, that seem first unattainable, but allow for the test of time to prove what is true. Mars in Aries is also in a lovely Trine conversation with Venus in Leo. This is so beautiful! Venus is playing a huge role at this time. Venus-Mars Trine is just heightening positive energy, Love, affection, passion, resolving personal issues, resolving any tension into harmony this is wonderful for any Love, any romance, and being creatively engaged so a beautiful conversation that is helping you through this times. At the time of this Full Moon, Neptune Retrograde at 19 degrees of Pisces, is in a challenging Square conversation with the Nodal Axis, North Node at 22 degrees of Gemini and South Node at 22 degrees of Sagittarius. At its lower level of expression, this conversation is about What is true and what is not you are feeling overwhelmed with drama and Mercury going Retrograde in Scorpio may well feed into that. However, at its higher level of expression, this Neptune-Nodal Axis Square is about our future collective evolution, infused with the highest octave of Neptune, which is about spirituality, unconditional Love, healing, the artist way, the higher perspective on all of this. So at this time, check where your focus is. It is an ideal time to practice MAKIA the third Hawaiian Principle MAKIA : energy flows where attention goes. MAKIA is about focus and concentration. When you focus your physical, mental and emotional attention, not only does all of your energy channel into what you are focusing on, but you will also attract energy from the world around you, which increases the effect of whatever you are focusing on. So at this time, if your focus is on the drama and the polarity, and the duality, the right versus the wrong, black versus white and so on you are going to be vibrationally recreating your past and your present into your future, individually and collectively as well. So at this Aries Full Moon, that inaugurates a brand new beginning, check where do you put your focus? Where do you put your energy? WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR LIGHT? Because we know that we are vehicles of Light, we are vibrating energy, and if we are at high FREQUENCY OF LOVE, gratitude, appreciation, Joy we are going to be at a high level of Light. So at this Full Moon time, I choose to receive more Divine Light. And if you can make that your focus, and trusting in the ethereal, in the invisible, you will be creating a very different future, that you know is a strong contender for where you are goingbecause you always have infinite possibilities in your world, and there are multiple timelines happening at any moment. Essentially at the moment, there are two very big timelines, it feels like coming to a fork in the road, so it is very important for you to know where you are putting your energy are you putting your energy on the 3D drama, listening too much to the social media? or are you putting your energy on something much higher, much more loving, much kinder, much more abundant, much more beautiful for you remember it is all about your frequency, and that we are moving into very fast and exciting times over these coming weeks. Your individual responsibility is to choose your frequency on a moment by moment basis, to practice to live from your heart rather than all the information coming in from your head. Something important to mention, is that 2 days after this Aries Full Moon, Pluto becomes Stationary-Direct. So within 3 weeks, from September 13th we have Jupiter moving Direct, on September 29th the day of this Full Moon, we have Saturn moving Direct, and on October 4th Pluto is moving Direct. So around this Full Moon time, we are seeing Plutonian issues amplified because Pluto is Stationary-Direct and this is about power, control, about anyone who has power over you. So at this time check where you are running into power and control issues in your life. So at this Aries Full Moon time, there is just so much incredible opportunity here to move to another level of understanding, and relating, and just being present in a way that is high vibrational, HOLDING THE LIGHT, as opposed to getting engaged in conflict and aggression. We are literally all moving away from that dark energy of Mars, that has been present with us for so long, the Patriarchal Masculine that is trying to dominate, versus the Sacred Masculine that is about courage, and passion, and assertiveness. So this Aries Full Moon, Sun opposite Moon, is giving you a choice why not create what is happening within you the way you want it? Because if you have a choice, you have the opportunity to choose Light or Dark, misery or Joy, peace or anger, cold or warm this is really about moving away from hatred and aggression towards Love and acceptance. So this Aries Full Moon is an opportunity for you to reclaim your life, in going within like Mars Retrograde in Aries, you want to start fresh, you are in a new beginning stage so focus on your inner well-being, focus on creating, focus on anything that allows you to be your full potential, and in a positive way, without hurting anybody else in the process you change frustration into trust and assertiveness you move away from low vibrational choices, people and your old habits. As soon as you are frustrated you catch your breath, you breathe, and you allow the Divine to inspire you to stay calm. Because when you feel that sense of peace and bliss, you are in the Light, you are truly walking the path of the Light Bearer AND THAT WHERE WE ARE ALL HEADING. Because we are all a family, and we understand that there is life way beyond what is going on now on Earth and that life is the birth of a new humanity and this is really around the corner. The time has come for this new birth, so be with others who are in a place of Love, come together in Love and Light, and remember that you are a Divine Being of Light, holding the torch of the Aquarius New Age, for others to see the Truth and Light and Love. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

05.01.2022 SCORPIO FULL SUPERMOON - I AM WEAVING A NEW DREAM - I RISE IN MY POWER - This Scorpio Full Moon happens on Thursday 7th of May 2020 at 17degrees 20’ Scorpio, at... 8:46 PM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Welcome my Celestial Lovers We are in such a transformational time, not only with this Scorpio Full SuperMoon, but there are other big celestial events, happening during this month of May, that create all together combined, a really powerful impact on you, on your life, and on the collective. As above, so below is astrology favourite expression so let’s look at how can the wisdom of the stars and planets, give us some guidance in this time of transition. This is the third Full SuperMoon in a row, because the Moon is still very closed to Mother Earth in her orbit, and there is a feeling of build-up with it. Full Moons are always periods of emotional intensity, where the Moon is at the peak of her cycle, and this is emphasised here, because she is in Scorpio, a water sign that represents deep intense emotions. This Scorpio Full SuperMoon happens at 17 degrees, so see where 17 degrees of Scorpio fall in your birth chart, in which House-Area of life, and you will get an understanding of how this Full SuperMoon is impacting you. Scorpio is the sign of mysteries, secrets, and the sign of digging deep. So at this time, for all of us, there is an urge to dig deeply, to get to the bottom, it is like forensic, it is penetrating, to get to the truth. This Full SuperMoon highlights the axis Scorpio-Taurus, which is about trust. So we are going to see a lot of that at this time, and issues of trust and betrayal can come up very often, with the revelation of secrets, with lot of things being revealed. Now the Moon at 17 degrees of Scorpio, is opposing the Sun at 17 degrees of Taurus, and the Sun is conjunct to Mercury at 20 degrees of Taurus. So we have an interesting opposition here, because the Taurus energy is very practical, realistic, it is about your senses, what you see, touch, taste, hear, smell therefore it is very much about WHAT IS. Every earth sign (Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn) is about the physical, the tangible areas of your life, that you experience. So with the Mercury-Sun conjunction in Taurus, there is more a sense of what you see is what you believe, this is your reality. Mercury-Sun conjunction also means that at this time, there is a lot of information coming up and coming forward. This is a very active mind space period. It could even feel like there is more movement. And here we are coming gradually out of the confinement mode, allowed to move more freely. The Taurus energy, being an earth sign, is about what you see around youand then on the opposite, we look at the Scorpio energy. And the Scorpio energy is what is under the Earth, what is underneath the surface, looking at the foundations, the roots, and here everything is happening behind the scenes, or out of sight mysteries, secrets, psyche, esoteric, penetrating The Scorpio energy, being a water sign, is very intuitive and emotional, so it brings a focus point to the emotions that drive you, the emotions under the surface, how you really feel. So with this Full SuperMoon, there could be a split between what you feel and what you think. So the mind and the heart (Mercury-Sun) are in different spaces at this time, and this is probably how you show up. This is what people are seeing, and what maybe you are really focused on. And the Moon in Scorpio, the sign of transformation, wants you to rise back up, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, rising up with new levels of consciousness, awareness and with emotional power, emotional strength. This is essentially looking at fear, or something that you have been really sitting with in your own underworld, and now you are ready to look at it, in the light of this Full SuperMoon. So it is a beautiful time for raising your own consciousness, around something that maybe has felt powerless, or overwhelming. This Scorpio Full SuperMoon is asking you to go deeper into how you really feel about something, that is different than what your mind has told you. So at this time, it is not about the stories of the mind, it is about the intuitive emotional responses, that perhaps you have been traveling with for lifetimes. Because Scorpio represents the energy of what you have accumulated through multiple lifetimes, especially from other people. And Scorpio is where you share your energy with others you share resources, finances, your thoughts, your value systems, you share sexually and physically. Scorpio is the merging of energies. So at this time, there is something that comes to your awareness, about maybe what you have been carrying, that is not resonating anymore with your actual truth. So this Full SuperMoon is an invitation to claim more of your power, in whichever House-Area of life, where 17 degrees of Scorpio sits in your natal chart. But be aware that, with Scorpio, it is always a process of Transformation and Rebirth you are moving through, and the only way to do so, with the energy of this Full SuperMoon, is to get out of the mind, and to get out of what you see (Mercury-Sun in Taurus) and instead, to be very willing to tap in what you feel (Moon Scorpio), because that is what is really going to guide you. So there is a lot of mental energy at this time, with Mercury-Sun conjunction, so do what you need, to redirect your mind and that can be through books, anything mentally stimulating, puzzles, craft, a project something where you can go, to get away from anything that mentally shrinks you. And also being in a place of allowance, acceptance and detachment, as you undergo some very deep emotional Reprogramming, that is really helping you rise up, to a very powerful new understanding of your Mastery and choices, in your actual life. This Full SuperMoon has other powerful conversations indeed! The Moon in Scorpio is in a supportive Trine conversation with Neptune in Pisces. This is about this feeling that everyone is connected to the ONENESS OF ALL, connected to Source a great feeling of compassion and unconditional Love coming strongly this is truly a beautiful side of this Full SuperMoon. This also adds another layer of intuitive information, deeper understanding, and this brings a bigger picture, around what your Soul has been carrying for lifetimes. This conversation is about a LETTING GO, that is a huge TURNING POINT. It is a RElease of something, that maybe you have been feeling in the background of your life something you knew was coming, something you saw unfolding or something within yourself you have been sitting with. So this Moon-Neptune Trine conversation is a great support at this time, for trusting a very deep process, that is going to set you free. It is going to feel like you just kind of know what needs to shift. Very magical indeed. And with Mercury-Sun conjunction, it is about a story, or stories that you have played out in your mind, perhaps for many lifetimes, something that has been on repeat, that you have been learning from. So now, you have an opportunity to be in a place of higher consciousness, and rewrite the stories of your mind. So this Full SuperMoon in Scorpio is actually asking you to illuminate the stories in your mind, and to bring them into greater balance and harmony, for your own well-being, your own power, and your own strength. Now Neptune in Pisces is also in a beautiful Sextile conversation with Mercury-Sun conjunction in Taurus. So here there is spiritual support for these transitions you are going through, and for letting go of what was stuck in you such as a deep Soul story that is no longer a true reflection of your choices and options in your life now. So this Full SuperMoon is a beautiful time for any kind of energy work, healing work, anything that supports moving through, and going forward. As part of the celestial dance of this Full SuperMoon, we still have the strong conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn going on. It is really a big deal here, because you need to understand that in what you are doing or choosing right now, understand that this is emotionally REPROGRAMMING you. And it is emotionally REprogramming you around a story, an event, an experience, a relationship, a situation And with Scorpio energy you can have the perception of what other people think, what other people choose, other people’s energies and Scorpio is also related to abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, mental abuse, so be aware of that as wellScorpio is where you have unconsciously absorbed other people’s energies. On the overall, this Full SuperMoon in Scorpio is about a strong PURGE. And there could be a realisation, around where you kept yourself small, or held yourself back, or did not fully claim all of your choices. So this Scorpio Moon is calling you to rise in your power, in your sense of self, to explore your resources, your options and helping you to sense that I am ready now, I can do this in a whole new way. This Scorpio Full SuperMoon period, really brings in a new level of your Soul’s Force, and she is pushing you forward. Of course it can bring up fears, but trust that you are supported, and that it is a very KEY TIME for accepting yourself, what you have been through, what you have healed, and what you have understood. And you are really supported at this time, so step into the new, go with it, and keep your mind out of it as much as possible and you are going to have better developments and manifestations, and transitions because remember, 2020 is a transitional year. And one of the best ways you can pass through this, is to practice inner voice dialogue, to speak to yourself, and also listen to the messages coming in, during this Key Transformation Time. And remember you are not doing this alone, this is a collective transition. At the time of this Full SuperMoon, Venus in Gemini is in a challenging Square conversation with Neptune in Pisces. Gemini is about information, and Pisces, on the downside, can be about confusion, fog, lack of clarity, being unfocused so this Venus-Neptune conversation can be about what is true and what is not, and this is really a strong theme for this year 2020, but particularly more effective during the month of May, because Venus is going to Retrograde and there is a sense here of Can I do this? Is it possible? Am I worth it? Do I have what I need? The Venus-Neptune conversation can be about a surrender, a lack of clarity, a perception of loss, and this Square conversation is going to be active May-June-July. But remember that you are supported at this time, that with Neptune in Pisces, the universe steps in with your angels, your guides, this is the Divine Source of Oneness, working on your behalf. So at this time, there could be removals, and there could be a sense of I don’t know what is going on and what your responsibility is, is to tend to the mind, and stabilise yourself into a very deep place of trust. Trust that something is removed because there is going to be something else, more fitting, more effective, to come. This Venus Retrograde in Gemini is a time to release the paradigms of the past, and to open to new creative ways of being. And the Scorpio Full SuperMoon reminds you that this is a TRANSITION time, and you can use a myriad of words that start by RE, to express your VENUS RETROGRADE feelings in whichever way is effective for you It is a time to REtreat -REwind -REgroup -REcharge -REturn -REconnect -REvisit This is about the REunion with your Soul through RElease, to REmember who you are at the SourceSo be open to that transition and transformation, and honor releasing the paradigms of the past. And yes it is not always an easy flow, because you are leaving a known life situation, and have to be in the not knowing for a certain time, not knowing of how all of these new forms and paradigms, will fully take shape and form. Venus in Gemini is in the sign ruled by Mercury, and Mercury in Taurus is in the sign of Venus. In astrology, we say that they are in Mutual Reception with each other, meaning they are great friendsso we have great synergy here. So this Venus-Neptune Square conversation, is reminding you to get out of your head, to get out of what you think it is going to be, to open up to be receptive, to listen, and to not be attached to any outcome, to not be attached to anything that is going to keep shifting and changing anyway (Venus in Gemini). This Venus-Neptune Square conversation is also about a big YEARNING FOR LOVE . And with the lockdown still very present, many people have been separated, forced to confinement, so we are missing the hugs, the touch, the embraces and for some it can feel really like a torture. Another side of this Full SuperMoon, is that the ancient ruler of Scorpio is Mars. And Mars is at 26 degrees of Aquarius at this time. Mars is known for his courage and bravery, and with Mars, you learn to conquer your fears, you dare to challenge, and you grow as a result. So this Mars energy can give you great strength in your physical lockdown, because you are co-creating in every moment, from your thoughts and emotions, that you are broadcasting all the time. This is really important to realise that you have an impact, not only on the people you are close to in proximity, but you have an impact on the world as well. And we have seen this in action, with the April 4th-5th worldwide mass meditation, when people came together to use their power of co-creativity, and to laser beam their focus on global peace and healing, and making positive changes. And this is about creating a whole new era for humanity. So with this worldwide mass meditation, we as a collective, we have made a significant difference to the energy of Mother Earth. And since April 4th-5th, there has been a peak in the Earth’s geomagnetic field, increasing the power of the Schumann Resonance to the highest point of 76. The Schumann’s Resonance is the basic electromagnetic frequency of our planet Earth. And each of us, we also have a magnetic field, the heart being our body’s strongest source for electromagnetic activity, and when we come together in a high vibration, like with this global meditation, using the power of the people in togetherness, coming together collectively through social media, we raised the energy of the collective for the long term. This kind of collaboration gives us the sense of being in the Aquarius New Age. And over the coming years, in this Aquarius Age, it is about a kind of spiritual activism about what you want more in your life. Do you want more freedom in your life, more high vibration Love, do you want people to be treated more equally, with more respect, with the feeling that everyone is sharing in this earth? all these represent the energy of the Egalitarian Aquarius Way. We are going through strong transformative time, where it is important to have sources of inspiration, such as listening to guided meditations, walking in nature, practicing Yoga or QI Gong So go and find which is your own source of inspiration. And we are still in a lockdown mode, even if it is easing at this time, and it feels like we are in individual cocoon. So imagine that you are in a chrysalis, and you are spinning and weaving in every moment, the beautiful butterfly that you are going to become So what do you want your butterfly to look like? Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

04.01.2022 SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE - I SURRENDER TO THE UNCERTAINTY AND ALLOW THE MAGIC TO UNFOLD _ This Sagittarius Full Moon happ...ens on Saturday 6th of June 2020 at 15 degrees 34’ Sagittarius, at 5:13 AM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Welcome my lovely Stars seekers to the first Eclipse of the year 2020. This is the first Eclipse of threethere is a super powerful Eclipse coming on June 21st, and another one on July 5th and this first Eclipse, is a Partial Lunar Eclipse, also called a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, and if you are in Asia, Australia, Europe, or Africa, you might see the Moon only turn a shade darker, because Partial or Penumbral Lunar Eclipses are hard to distinguish from a normal Full Moon. When we have Eclipses, the evolution of humanity tends to be accelerated, and intensity is a word that comes up with Eclipses. So we have this Full Moon Partial Eclipse in Sagittarius, and it is happening as we get used to the Sagittarius South Node energy, that we are working with for the next year and a half. And this South Node in Sagittarius is going to help you to release ideas and paradigms about yourself, and your role in the world, that are not serving you anymore. And it is going to be a consistent thing that you work through, and this Sagittarius Full Moon is kind of working in tandem with this Eclipse energy, to help you feel a little bit freer. There is this kind of cathartic release going on with this Full Moon, it is a really powerful energy, so I highly recommend that you take care of yourself, and slow down if you need to. In this Eclipse season, we are in the second half of Venus Retrograde, and we are starting a Mercury Retrograde and a Neptune Retrograde this month of June, so there is a lot going on. June is a month of real honesty, a month of clarifying what it is that really matters to you, and it is a month to get familiar with who you are NOW. So this is a really useful time in any ways, because the energy has been so heavy hitting the first part of this year 2020. Sagittarius is a fire energy that is about philosophy, ideas, and the big picture. It is ruled by Jupiter, so it is all about expansion and JOY, and what you want to grow, and what you want to see grow in the world, in your world. And it is also a really blunt, clear, opinionated energy as well. And this Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius, is about transformation, this is Mutable energy, (Sagittarius is a Mutable sign) an energy that wants you to shift gears, to explore, to experiment with yourself, and not get rigid and stuck in a box. Eclipses already do this, but in the Sagittarius fire Mutable energy, it is really asking this of you. However, at this Eclipse time, we are navigating the softer side of Sagittarius, a side that is not often highlighted in discussions about the Sagittarius energy. It is about your sensitivity and the soft kind of creative core that you have working within you, and actually, lot of the energy this month of June, is going to be asking you to do that work from that vantage point, rather than from when you are more performative, outgoing, enthusiastic self, that you always feel you need to bring to the table. There is this other side of Sagittarius, that you can leverage your energy, and this month is really leaning into that reasoning. So as always, every Full Moon is where the Moon is opposing the Sun, and at this time, with the Sagittarius energy, it is about learning and growth. So where are you ready to learn and grow, based on an energy much bigger than yourself? So see where you have 15 degrees of Sagittarius, and in which House or life area it is sitting in your natal chart, and this House is where this energy will be showing you the area of life where the growth is occurring. Sagittarius governs the higher wisdom and spirituality, and since its ruler Jupiter is moving through Capricorn for most of 2020, new structures will be built, and as he is in Retrograde and in conjunction with Pluto, he is digging beneath the surface to restructure and reevaluate, in oder to let go. Something really interesting, is that this entire Eclipse season is happening during Venus Retrograde, so it is bringing up this idea of the pastwhat is the past? How does it affect you?Is it serving you, and where can you release it? so the message here is about LETTING GO OF THE PAST. You may have been having visitations of the past, whether literally from people reaching out and contacting you, to having dreams, to just going down memory lane and feeling emotions about that, or coming to terms with things around that. This has been a really powerful first few weeks of Venus Retrograde for that. But one of the first lessons that come up at this time, is that this Sagittarius Moon is going to asking you to acknowledge the past, yes, but not to objectify it, and make it into this thing that determines who you are today, and who you are going to be, in this big expansive next stage of life. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is asking you to look at what you want to expand, what you want to step into, how you can imagine past your usual limits of perception, and part of that is going to have to agree, that the past is not an object, or a being that holds you, and tells you who you need to be. But you can acknowledge it, and also know that it is irretrievable, which means that you have to choose NOW. And that can work on a lot of different levels, with any type of healing around relationship and worthiness in your life with family, with lovers, with money, with self-Love depending on what is going on, any of those themes could be coming up. On the collective level, this also helps us, because there are lot of really tough things happening NOW, we have a lot of really horrific, violent things going on in our world right now, that need to be addressed, and this Moon want us to acknowledge that. But if we let that be the measuring stick, or the container through which we can see the world, then we are no longer growing, we are no longer experiencing something different, we are just experiencing the same thing. So at this Eclipse time, there is an invitation, both in the collective and personal evolution, to say to acknowledge the past, and knowing that it can no longer contain you, that it can no longer be the guiding point, from which you do work. So this is a time to notice what you think, is still dictating who you are today, and who you will be in the future, but it is a reminder that in fact it is the past, and it cannot be the thing that owns you. At this Full Moon Eclipse time, Venus is conjunct the Sun, and the opposition of Sun-Venus to the Moon creates some tension, and asks you to find the truth about what you value in your life. So what is it you truly want in your life? And also what is it you don’t want in your life? How do you want to live your life? with beauty, with Love, with other people who vibrationally align with you. Venus governs those incredibly close relationships, romantic and friendships, it is very social. So at this time you are integrating who to invite into your sacred spacewho do you want to create spiritual alchemy with? And Venus Retrograde, in opposition to Moon in Sagittarius, is asking you to focus on values that brings JOY, that expand you. To connect to people who allow you to expand without judgment. You really, with Venus, want to look at reorienting your life, based on what you truly love, and in doing so, you are reclaiming your true values. A lot of your values are not yours, they are still based on those expectations that you grew up with, so they became part of your belief system, but they are not actually values that you created yourself, so they are masking who you actually are and now you want to discard that belief systems, that mask, and really create a new one, that truly is who you are, a belief system of Love and Beauty. So Venus is playing a big role at this time, because she is in Retrograde, and she conjuncts the Sun, and here she represents the reviewing stories in your head, that have animated your life, how you have moved through the world, what you have understood, what you have assumed, what you took as information, data, details and you created a story. And this Eclipse asks you to step away from the mind, and go up higher into a whole new activation point, that is going to expand you. And it is like a burst, and then you open into some new understandings of what is possible, that you did not know you had access to. So at this Eclipse time, you have access to new information, and it is a higher understandings that are here to support you moving forward. The Moon in Sagittarius at 15 degrees, opposing the Sun in Gemini at 15 degrees, are both in an exact Square to Mars at 15 degrees of Pisces. So we have the three Mutable signs, Sagittarius-Gemini-Pisces, lit up and squaring. This 3 ways conversation creates a pattern, called in astrology a T-Square, and this is about challenge and growth, when we have a square off like this. This is asking you to do EMOTIONS, and to take action in the world in a different way. This Sagittarius Moon is very honest and wants you to see beyond the limits of your perception, and to not let the limitation of the past, dictate what you experience during this Eclipse, and what you experience in the coming months and years. With Mars in Pisces being the apex of this Mutable T-Square, you are asking yourself why you feel you need to get into battle mode, and earn your existence. It is about this idea, this conditioning, that you have to earn, and spend, and buy your way into existence, and into lovability. It is a cultural message that you received from very early age, even from those who love you I received this message in my upbringing from my family, and I grew up with a lot of anxiety, anxiety about keeping me safe and making sure I was okay,,, so for sure it came from a loving place, but there was the fear that if I was not very careful, if I was not very armoured, if I was not constantly looking around for getting caught, I would have been in trouble. So this messaging comes in many different formats, from consumerism, from the media, from lived experiences of pain or trauma that you have been through, it comes from the past, it comes from a lot of different places. But this idea of having to be in battle in order to exist is getting challenged at this time, and this affects everything, this affects how you love yourself, how you allow yourself to truly show up, the way you want to show up in what you do, it affects how you love and how you let others love you, and also how you give of your vulnerability, how you set your boundaries. This Sagittarius Full Moon is asking you to look at how you are letting go of this idea of being battle ready. And if you can do that, it actually allows you to have an expanded view of how you can step up, and how you can participate to make this world a better place. So this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a great time to think about where that paradigm of I am not worthy to exist unless I am battle ready, I am in some kind of conflict or struggle How can you release that? How can you follow your dreams, or be a little bit more open, or make a shift in life? There is a huge invitation with this Full Moon Eclipse to do just that, and to notice where that voice, whether it is your inner critic, or somebody from your past, who told you a part of your mythology you think you have to follow, this is a great invitation to let that free to acknowledge it and see clearly that it does not dictate who you are today. And when you let go of that confining constricting box, you are so much better able to show up as a really beautiful person to those around you, and to yourself. Now it is worth to consider that this fiery Moon has little bit of aggravated energy to it, because Sagittarian energy tends to be very blunt, and whatever it is that is changed inside of you, that is screaming and longing to change, is going to be bubbling up so it is a great time to observe yourself, to witness all your emotions, from frustration, to grieving, to joyfulness and optimism, and you may feel all of those at this time. So let yourself be relaxed into it, let yourself be frustrated and angry, have deep dark emotions, and find ways to express that, that are healthy art therapy, writing a journal, meditations active or passive, are very good channels for thatAnd sometimes, aggravation and anger, and frustration, don’t always mean that you are doing something wrong, sometimes when you are feeling that kind of bubbling, irritable sense of desire for change, it is a really great indicator of where you realise that it is just time to step up in a totally different way. So at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, there is this huge invitation to be curious about a different way to be yourself. Mars in Pisces is very connected to magical alchemy, that happens when you are tune with Source, with your higher spirit Aumakua, your guides, so you are going to feel fired up to create things. And with Mars it is very important to move, and with this T-Square conversation, it is even more important to move, because the Square energy is about action, therefore making choices, decisions, between what you like and what you don’t like. You can’t just sit around and let things happen, that era has ended, to allow the outside make the decisions for you you don’t want that anymore. So at this Eclipse time, the way to respond after the initial burst of tense energy from Mars, that takes you to an emotional elevation, sometimes it can be an outburst of energy, and then you calm down, and come to a place of peace, and then you breathe calmly this is through the breath that you flow this intense energy, so do some breathing activities at this time. And since Mars is in Pisces, a water sign, very intuitive, you can now navigate every decision-making totally from the heart. So it is a time to be very conscious about breathing deeply until you are at peace, and only deciding after that point, and then moving forward. It is going to be very important that you move through that process at this Eclipse time. So keep that in mind, because this T-Square will ask you to step up, and Mars is instilling this sacred warrior spirit, to help you to move into that multi-dimensional awareness. With this challenging T-Square pointing to Mars in Pisces, there is going to be disrupting patterns of course, as new possibilities are emerging. So if you consciously interrupt what you know has gotten stale, it is important to be conscious about that, because it does not have to happen to you externally, like out of the blue, because now you are taking control. So Mars in this T-Square conversation is really the disrupter of old patterns, and the Mutable signs here are allowing the changes and the healing to happen much more easily. The Moon in Sagittarius ensures that you see the big picture, and knows that you can accomplish the things that previously seemed unreachable, impossible. Sagittarius and its ruler Jupiter instil a lot of confidence and joy and a higher wisdom. So this Eclipse wants you to be engaged in your new future, and it resonates with the North Node that represents where you are heading, and the North Node has just moved into Gemini, where Venus is retrograding at this time. That brings a lot of excitement into your life, and new adventures, and Love, and abundance in pleasure. So take those new adventures, pleasures, take the Love, take the new friendships or deepening friendships, the social interactions be very alert, learn to trust your intuition, truly tuning to your instincts, LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. Because when you become curious about things and investigate things, the change that occurs afterwards is going to bring power to move forward, because it is new ground. So at this Eclipse time your intuition is going to be your partner, your co-creator, so it is really important that you trust those intuitive insights, they are there for youIN SIGHT is looking within. So listen to that inner voice, because it is going definitively always help you with the choices that you are making, and help you intuit what is a NO and what is a YES. That is going to make your life much more smoothly, making a decision after a deep breath. The Mutable T-Square makes things wobbly and very uncertain. There is an uncertainty with this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, because as energies are closing out, you are clearing out space in your belief system, to allow new awareness, some new spiritual wisdom to come through. Mars moving through Pisces is shaking off your Ego. And he is conjunct with Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, the full surrender", so there is a lot of surrender happening at this time, and it feels like, just letting yourself float on your ocean of life, trusting the process, not knowing where you are going and that means there is spiritual growth happening at the time, but you are not going to have clarity, or see where it is going yet. This Eclipse is about the ending and the clearing out, to allow room for the new to come in. But it is a slow process, and it is happening through a spiritual cycle, because both Sagittarius Moon and Pisces Mars and Pisces Neptune, are very spiritual in their intentions, of what they are developing and understanding. So all together they take you out of your Gemini mind, and take you away from tending to details, taking care of your Gemini daily matters. But there is a bigger story unfolding, opening you up to energies you did not have access to before. And Neptune in this T-Square conversation, diffuses energy, and brings in a kind of deflation, and you are looking at ways of how you can relax and surrender, how you can give up your expectations, give up your Ego attachments. Neptune is a reminder TO STAY DETACHED, to be in the observer mode. Neptune is your higher self, your Aumakua, that aspect of yourself that is the viewer of your own life. So the more you can do that, and access that potential, the more you are going to feel less attached. On an other part of this T-Square conversation, the Moon Sagittarius has expectations, has assumptions and opinions, and a sense of right and wrong, about how something should happen and this Eclipse says just take all that out, because it could actually be better if you get out of your own way, and if you just ALLOW THE MAGIC TO UNFOLD. So this T-Square conversation is such a big trusting process, and the way to be active with it, is to really examine your belief systems, and what you have built your life on so far, because now with what is happening in the world, impacting your personal life, everything is changing, because the ruler of this Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Jupiter, is Retrograde and conjunct to Pluto in Capricorn. And this conjunction Jupiter-Pluto is transforming our lives permanently, asking us all to go deeper into the Soul growth of this time, the understanding of where we are here to be in mastery. This Eclipse is full of uncertainty with the T-square pointing to Mars in Pisces. However, this is a beneficial uncertainty because you are literally sailing across new seas, you are going to a new place, a new land, that you are ready for, and you don’t know what is going to come up along the way. You might have all the navigational tools, but there is still uncertainty. So you are really working with your TRUST during this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and you are looking at what you are willing to release So the more you can let go, the more you can release those parts of yourself that you were attached to, the better it is going to serve you, as you move through 2020. So stay mindful of that. This Eclipse a time of REMOVAL, removing what is not you, what you don’t want, what is not right anymore. It is a removing of what you were, to help continually develop the bigger potentials of who you really are. As we move through this Gemini season, and with Venus Retrograde, we move through a mirror season, where you really get to see yourself clearly. We also move into a really powerful part of the year, because the last 10 days of this months are just wild we have Mercury goes Retrograde in Cancer on June 18th, we have the Solstice on June 21st, when the Sun moves into Cancer, and on the same time, there is the New Moon in Cancer, that is a super powerful Solar Eclipse, and then Neptune goes Retrograde on June 23rd, and then Venus goes Direct on June 25th, and Mars enters Aries, its home sign, on June 29th Oh la la it is like a big storm coming !!! So all of these happens the last third of the month, and this is very transformative, and it may feel like a skin shading process you are going through the portal that allows you to let go of a skin that is no longer serving. And my advice is to not run away from this storm, because it is not really about lighting strike and disaster, despite the power of Eclipses, and despite the kind of foggy mysteriousness of Retrogrades,. all these energies are not here to tear you apart. At this Eclipse time, your assignment is to just look at what needs to be taken out, it is a time of removal, of clearing out, so let’s get rid of things. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

02.01.2022 CAPRICORN FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE - I AM A BEING OF LIGHT & I LISTEN TO MY HEART - This Capricorn Full Moon happens on Sunday 5th of July 2020 at 13 degrees 37’... Capricorn, at 2:44 PM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Welcome StarLovers to the powerful Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This is the last Capricorn Eclipse until 2028, the final of three Eclipses. Of course you don’t need to be a Capricorn to benefit from this Eclipse, because you have Capricorn somewhere in your Birth chart, and Saturn the ruler of Capricorn is in your Birth Chart as well. There is a need for balance between Sun and Moon during this Full Moon Eclipse, and you are completing a very powerful period, that is very significant for the next 6 months, which is the length of time that Eclipses impact us. This Eclipse happens at 13 degrees of Capricorn, and 13 represents the Divine Feminine, that is symbolised by the spiral energy. The Capricornian patriarchal system made you feel like you had to follow the line the line isfrom birth, to school, to be married, have kids etc you follow a line. So there is a line that has been created, and you are following the rules for But a spiral is very different, it leaves you very opened to an experiential appreciation of life, that is cyclical, and is not based on some artificial lines that are created by humans. SPIRAL is fully part of Nature, this is about witnessing the Fibonacci code, and it is everywhere. And ’13 adds to 4, so it is very much part of the life-death-transformation of the 4 seasons, meaning that there is transformation, there is upheaval, and that leads to a death of something, so that there can be a birth again. So we need to just honour those natural cycles. We are now moving in time of COLLABORATION and CARING for others, and these Divine Feminine qualities have been forgotten for a long time, because they were eliminated, in order for the patriarchal system to be put in place, for control reason. So the Divine Feminine spiral is very much about being in harmony with Nature, and seeing Nature as our guide, because we live on Mother Earth and we come from Nature and when we pass away, we go back to the Earth. So at this Eclipse time, the Moon is in Capricorn, and she is opposing the Sun in Cancer, and the Sun is widely conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Cancer as well. Every Full Moon is an opposition where the energies are asking to come into balance, to bring consciousness to both areas of your Birth chart, where you find the 13 degrees of Capricorn and Cancer, as well as the Houses-areas of life that receive this Eclipse, the Sun and Moon dialogue. And in this conversation Moon in Capricorn is the biggest, especially because she is Full Moon, so Capricorn energy is obviously very strong at this time. This Capricorn Eclipse is about breaking something up, closing out, ending, asking you to shift and change it is a completion Eclipse. It is a time to honour your new power, and your new sense of life direction, or mastery and this Eclipse is going to illuminate something you did not see before. And the Capricorn flavour is really emphasised by the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn, all in Retrograde mode in this sign. Saturn is the ruler of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, he is currently Retrograde at 29 degrees of Capricorn, and 29 is also a powerful completion degree. So it looks like Saturn is taking care of this Transition time, your Chrysalis time, this completion time, time to explore what needs to be taking care of, your responsibilities, your commitments. With Saturn, you may be feeling lonely, in separation, in a negative world or you can take this Chrysalis time, to redirect yourself onto a new path, to something that is true and more authentic for you. This Chrysalis time is an in between stage, a kind of Push and Pull energy of change there is an urge to grow, along with the fear of living behind a comfort zone. It is a time of moving forward and moving on indeed, and that will be different for each of us for sure. And in December 2020 Saturn moves into Aquarius. So there is roughly 5 months to go, where something is being completed and ended, around your responsibilities, career, profession, parental issues, life direction anything that is related the the Houses in your birth chart that receive the 13 degrees of Capricorn and Cancer. And with Saturn taking care of this Transition time, be aware if you need to make contracts, this can be something that you agreed to, that you need to see through, you can’t rush through it. This Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn asks you to be in a work to do mode, about what you have to take care of, what you are responsible for, you have to show up, to get things done. However it is softened by the Sun-Mercury Cancer energies, they are bringing you into how you really feel. So at this time, it is very appropriate to say I am really tiredI am exhaustedI am feeling emotionally drained because this Cancer Sun energy needs downtime you need to rest, shut the door, it is pyjama time, you are going into your cocoon this Cancer energy is balancing your needs, because you do so much on the work to do mode. The Sun-Mercury conjunction wants you to come back to your heart, and to make sure that you are listening to what you need, how to take care of yourself So what is best for you right now? The message of this Eclipse is about the balancing of who you are now, how you feel your emotional truth, you may need time to sit with something, and to be in a space without an agenda, because the opposing Capricorn Moon is all about agenda time, and things to be done and taking care of and the Sun-Mercury Cancer energy is about..I just want to turn off my phone, don’t talk to me, I need time with myself so don’t give everything to the world, or to your career, to whatever the Capricorn energies have been requiring of you. The Sun-Mercury Cancer energy is also related to family and children, to whom you live with, anything around your personal world, your personal environment. Mercury is Retrograde until July 12th, so he is moving very slow at this time. And he is in a water sign, so just FLOW, just SURRENDER, and allow yourself to be in the float. That can help with releasing the pressure on yourself. And Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is great for journaling, creative writing, writing your 3 morning pages doing a lot of deep introspective work through the pen, the computer, or the paint brush, or a musical instrument. Because Cancer is a water-emotional sign, what is also helping a lot during this time of Transition is MEDITATION. So meditate in your Chrysalis, in deepening your relationship with the Divine Source, whatever that means to you, deepening your relationship with your own Soul Aumakua, your own inner world. A very strong conversation at this Eclipse time is that the Moon in Capricorn is in opposition to Mercury in Cancer, and they are both having a Square conversation with the conjunction Mars-Chiron in Aries, creating a challenging T-Square. There is friction here between the Warrior and the Messenger of the Gods, an information war between Mercury of words, and Mars the warrior, so there is opportunities for interpretations, but also conflict, like verbal quarrels, and we might see more of that now with this Mars-Mercury Square conversation. But working with this Eclipse energy proactively, assertively, working with your own Mercury thoughts, perceptions, going inward through the Retrogradation, to assertively engage like an inner warrior, like a spiritual warrior, with the goal of healing, to heal your self and the focus of the healing is how you think. Mars-Chiron conjunction in Aries is where you are ready to start, you want to get on with your new life, you are sick of the isolation, the separation imposed by the confinement, sick of going slow, sick of being restricted it is like Mars is ready to go now but Chiron wants to go slow, it is not quite the time, and if you go too fast, you will get hurt unfortunately. So Mars-Chiron conjunction is like a tempo at this time, meaning there is a pace to respect. With the signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries so much highlighted, with 8 planets in those signs, there is a strong Cardinal energy at this Eclipse time. And these planets act as initiators let’s start, let’s go, GO GO GO but there is tension, there is pressure, because it is not quite the right time. But few hours after the Eclipse time, the Moon will reach 20 degrees of Capricorn, and then she will be in a very supportive Sextile conversation with Neptune at 20 degrees of Pisces. Neptune is in her own sign of Pisces, and has been in Pisces since 2012, and she continues to be there until 2026. This brings a kind of spiritual renaissance, Neptune here in her own sign is for us to be rapidly moving up, and growing closer to Source. As a consequence, the majority of the human beings is waking up, and you can feel the pre 2012 and the post 2012, in terms of how awake you are as to what is going on in the world it is like night and day. So at this Eclipse time, Neptune in Pisces is going to support you dealing with the tension, with the pressure, with this intensity of Capricorn. Neptune is going to take you to other places within yourself, whether that is creativity, inspiration, spiritual perspective, detaching from it all, giving yourself a break, some downtime So allow this Neptune in Pisces to carry you, allow her to be a deeper connection to your Higher Self Aumakua, Again meditation, active or passive, is a great mean to move through this dynamic Eclipse. At the time of this Eclipse, the Moon in Capricorn is in a beautiful Trine conversation with Uranus in Taurus. This very exciting, because Uranus is aligned to upheaval, to change, to liberation, which is the key theme at this time. So the changes that began in the last 6 months, especially the period in January, regarding the dismantling of the patriarchy structures, looking deeply at how things are run, and the value system that runs these structures, that has experienced a huge tumultuous shift in the last 6 months. And Uranus in this Trine conversation is saying that it is time for liberation, so that you can use this revolutionary energy to create breakthroughs that lead to greater awareness. And so there is a huge positive energy with this Trine conversation, that brings surprising events, but those surprising events are shaking the foundation of what needs to be shifted to begin with, and stimulating new situations and encounters. So Uranus, governing the Higher Mind, the intuitive mind, your Aumakua, the mind of the inventor brings that awareness and connection to a greater journey. So at this Eclipse time, you will notice increased situation, wonderful spiritual insights, that come to you, and that instill a lot more confidence in you, since you are owning who you are as an individual, who is part of the greater human race, and also has his own version of expressing him/herself No two people are alike, but yet WE ARE ALL ONE. So at this time, you want to explore that new territory, you want to be opened to encounters that bring you out of the box, where you are listening to the signs, you are channelling Chi energy, and you integrate what you are feeling Because Uranus is part of the change, he is asking you to use your intuition to navigate these challenging times, to be innovative, and to break things up to unpattern yourself, and move away from thinking, and information and datas, that are coming to your belief system, pretending to be the truth. So go to your feeling centre, and see how you really feel, go to the place of healing and feeling, and that is where Chiron lives. And of course Chiron is very much part of this Eclipse, because of his T-Square conversation to the Sun and Moon. That means that you are upgrading your belief system to be one of LOVE, and that all healing comes from that liberation, that you extend through LOVE, through loving others and loving your life. This T-Square conversation allows you to reorient your beliefs, and that creates a lot of healing because your beliefs are created unconsciously, they are due to external programming, and they begin from when you are born, and also can be brought with you from past lives even. So there is a lot of fear that you can let go of at this time, and Uranus contribution at this Eclipse time, helps stimulate that liberation theme. At this Eclipse time, Jupiter and Pluto are exactly conjunct in Capricorn, and that indicates tremendous expansion regarding abundance, not necessarily financial abundance, but it is actually also about your well being, how you feel, and surrounding yourself with friends and environments, that really mean something to you. This is about the way you approach everything. Jupiter in this conversation, reminds you that you are fortunate, you can be grateful for what you have, and if you step into that feeling of being lucky, and fortunate and grateful, the opportunity will naturally come your way, and appear everywhere There is a strong resonance here with MAKIA, the third Hawaiian Principle of Huna. MAKIA : Energy flows where attention goesIndeed in your life things have power over you because you give them this power. Everything is energy and your mind is the instrument able to direct its flow. By focusing your mind on one aspect of a situation, you reinforce its power. Therefore you are powerful in the sense that it is you who give or not power to the things, and people in your life. So if you send out positive abundant thoughts that is what you get back, if you send out negative fearful thoughts then you will get that instead. So at this Eclipse time, you can choose to send positive energy in the form of healing, prayers or just happy smiley thoughts and have a beneficial effect on yourself and others. Just beautiful. Saturn is now back in Capricorn until December, he is widely in conjunction to Jupiter and Pluto, so it is the time to create new foundations in your life. So what are you going to find when you dig down to create new foundations? and how are you going to take authority and find inner peace through the new foundations you are building? So don’t be afraid by what you find, just deal with the truth as it appears, don’t judge it, and allow yourself to experience it. So use time to your best advantage, because Saturn the planet that rules Capricorn is Lord Cronos, the Lord of Time so this Eclipse time is about understanding the timing of events, and it is about leadership as well, because Capricorn is also about leadership and responsibility. Now, the shadow side of Capricorn is to have the compulsive need to be in control, and be too serious, and not having fun, not enjoying the pleasures of life so you want to guard against that negativity, that dark energy of pessimism, and being inflexible. There is a sense of solitude with Capricorn that is necessary, so you want to spend time in quietude, to sit with your Higher Self Aumakua, to tap into your self awareness, into a meditation, and release and heal in that stillness, and then listen to the messages of your inner voice. So this Capricorn Full Moon Lunar eclipse is a time to take charge of your destiny. Remember the Sun is in Cancer, and Cancer is about to love, to nurture, to heal, to feel and Mercury is Retrograde through Cancer right now, so there is a huge Cancer energy to include as well, opposite the Capricorn energy. And that Cancer energy is where we are heading, it is also about the Divine Feminine, so you want to be in that caring place, in that kind place, in that place of generosity, sharing your heart, and building new structures that are based on INCLUSION, and LOVE, and heart-centred engagement, and GRATITUDE. So when we are aligned with the natural cycles, with Nature, not against Nature, that is when all good things happen, that is when we are aligned with healing, because we are actually flowing with the cyclical part of life, and all life is cyclical. This Full Moon Eclipse is signifying the end of an era, and the beginning of a new era she represents a Turning Point in your life, in the life of our Collective. And in balancing the Capricorn and Cancer energies, she reminds you to work on your HOME, your literal home, your family, your body, the place that you live, and the structures that you work in, and frequent and also to work on our Mother Earth who is our HOME. And understand that everything that is falling apart now, is falling apart for a reason, it is not to cause chaos, it is to cause a dismantling that is freeing you to be the Star Being, A BEING OF LIGHT. So as you cocoon in your Chrysalis, feel from the HEART, move from the HEART, engage from the HEART. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

01.01.2022 THE SLEEPING FOREST... I really love flowing and playing, using cold wax and oil paint...

01.01.2022 LIBRA MANAWA FULL SUPERMOON - I LIVE DAY TO DAY - IN THE NOW I DIG DEEP - I STAY IN THE TRUST, I STAY IN THE FLOW - This Libra Full SuperMoon happens on Wednesd...ay 8 April 2020 at 18 degrees 43’ of Libra, at 12:35 PM Queensland time Australia. By Francoise-Frankie Alloin Monnereau Bonjour Celestial Lovers, welcome to this very powerful Libra Full Moon, another SuperMoon, just like last month with the Virgo Full SuperMoon. This Full SuperMoon means the Moon is very close to the Earth, and in fact, this Libra SuperMoon is the closest Full SuperMoon we will have in 2020 ever so strong! Remember Full Moons have a stronger pull on the tides, the tectonic plates, your emotional state, the fluids in your body-mind-spirit, meridian flow, spinal flow, your Life Force flow, your CHI flow This Full SuperMoon is happening at 18 degrees of Libra, so check where 18 degrees of Libra falls in your birth chart, and the House-Area of life she is illuminating, is showing you where you need to consider others, consider what is happening from their perspective, here at this time, objectivity is a strength of this Libra energy. 18 governs Health in numerology, healing, getting rest. It reduces to 9, and that means that it is connected to the collective. 9 is the final single digit number, it holds all the wisdom of the previous eight numbers, it is about unconditional Love that we can with each other experience collectively. So 18 is asking you to get more rest, to stay healthy with very healthy food, with exercises, and connection to Mother Earth is really key here. So at this Full SuperMoon the Moon inLibra, is opposing the Sun in Aries. So you have a new illumination, a new awareness. At this time, you step out of the subjective nature of Aries, which is MEmy worldwhat I am doing? How I am defining myself?. This Sun in Aries is also the energy of new beginnings, and at this Full SuperMoon time, you check in with the objective Libra energy, which reminds you that there is always another side of the story, there is other people to consider, and also you don’t have to figure it all out on your own (that is the Aries independence). This Libra Moon energy is saying well there is other people who can help you. So what are the relationships that support you at this time? Libra is about how you give and receive, it is sharing and cooperation. Now with Libra you have to ensure that you are not doing everything for the relationship, that you are receiving for what you are giving. You want to make sure that you are emotionally balanced, and you have a sense of equilibrium. Of course, that can be hard at this time, because of the big developments that are unfolding in our lives, and how the world is changing permanently, but this Libra Full SuperMoon brings you back to understanding what you are in charge of. The Moon is about your emotional self, your emotional needs, and how to be aware of what is happening outside of you, and how to detach, and to keep a conversation going. There is strong air energy at this Full SuperMoon time (Gemini-Libra-Aquarius). The Libra Moon is ruled by Venus, and we find Venus in Gemini. And It is important to note that Venus will be in Gemini until August 7th, that would be for 4 months, due to her upcoming Retrograde phase. Venus in Gemini is in a place of openness, open consideration What am I thinking? What are my thoughts?What do I need to understand?. This is a very curious Venus that we have here, she wants books, magazines, she wants to write, to talk, she likes social media, she is a very social butterfly so this strong air energy brings up your desire to connect to other people, and the Venus focus is asking you to be aware of where your mind is going at this time. So bring your consciousness to your thoughts, and ensure that you are following the Venus energy signature of WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY?Venus is of course about relationships, and she is also about that giving and receiving, but in Gemini, it is through conversation. The Geminian energy is about seeking information, wanting to understand, wanting to learn. So Venus in Gemini represents a strong energy of your mind, and that can be good or bad, because that can be that sense of staying open, staying aware of new information, new data but also ensuring that you are not going into too much anxiety, or too much mental worry, and negative thinking. So there is strong energy at this Full SuperMoon time around how you are caring for your mind. And Venus in Gemini is receiving a very supportive Trine conversation from Saturn-Mars conjunction in Aquarius. If you think of Venus as the energy of a sister, of the feminine, of how energy can be shared with others, you can see how she is receiving support through this Trine conversation, from the Masculine energy of Mars and the father archetype of Saturn. Mars-Saturn conjunction represents a stability energy at this Full SuperMoon time. Mars was exactly conjunct Saturn on April 1st, at 0 degrees of Aquarius, and represents some kind of stop, shutdown, closure and of course we look at the many countries in lockdown mode. But now Mars is moving away from Saturn, and in Aquarius, he is seeking freedom, seeking the ability to keep moving into the future, to keep going and to find new inspiration and motivation as he goes. Consider Mars to be an accelerator - watch for public anger, courage and action to be stepped up even more. This transit can bring the lone warriors to the front, the individuals fighting their own battles within society. Aquarius is also a Fixed sign, which suggests formidable actions that are a mix of rebellious and stubborn - if someone says do this you can bet the reaction will be to do the exact opposite. So this is a contradictory influence to be aware of at this time. On a more personal note, Mars will activate the house in your chart that hold the sign of Aquarius. This is an awakening and motivating influence, consider how your actions can detach you from the past or from your limits. You want now to focus on how you can move towards the future, or towards something that strengthens your independence. And Mars in Aquarius represents the new dreams, the new visions, the new desires you have for what you want to do next, because of course our world is changing permanently, we are seeing that, we are living it at this time. Venus-Saturn Trine conversation is so exciting. Saturn just moved into Aquarius on March 31st, and he will be there for about three months, until early July, and then retrograde back into Capricorn, and then move back into Aquarius on December 17th, at the same time with Jupiter. So now Saturn is giving us a preview of his journey in Aquarius, and when Venus and Saturn get together, the meaning of Venus, which is about Love in terms of Libra, and in terms of Taurus (which is the other sign Venus rules), it is about Love of abundance and values, so with Saturn involved, those become more serious. You have to take responsibility now, because Saturn always ask you to step up and be responsible, and honour your commitments. Saturn in Aquarius is about SET YOURSELF FREE through work, through discipline. It is basically taking your mind off the fear and worry, and putting your incredible energy resources, your intuition, your creative, amazing power, to use that imagination, and to manifest something very positive in your life. So this will be a key activity in April. And Venus-Mars Trine conversation is wonderful as well. Venus in Gemini loves writing, and reading, speaking, and creating something that uses your voice, or uses your writing gifts, and expressing your vision, using your message to uplift. YOU ARE A CREATIVE BEING OF LIGHT, and you can break through any limitations, using your creativity, that is what Aquarius is helping you to do, it is about thinking out of the box and moving beyond the confines. So we really are tuning in to change now, there is so much change going on, and we just have a change of seasons, and so it is a very big indicator that the change is continuing, especially with the Sun and Moon, opposite each other in Aries and Libra, and both in a Square conversation to the Pluto-Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn. And in extra, this is creating a challenging Cardinal T-Square pattern. The Pluto-Jupiter conjunction is about the big world changes that are happening, the economic reset, and this is how our world is being changed permanently and forever. This Pluto-Jupiter conjunction is also about self-mastery, so it is about you focusing on your own self-mastery and Soul growth at this time. So when the Moon squares this Pluto-Jupiter conjunction, there could be power struggle, emotional tension, frustration so just keep that in mind, especially if you have any planets or points at 24-25 degrees of the Cardinal signs of Aries-Libra-Cancer-Capricorn. Any Full Moon is about equilibrium and balance, and the Cardinal T-Square is saying okay you have got to empower yourself and it is through you saying NO to things that are taking you down, and YES to things that are uplifting you, that you are creating this harmony. And remember that Libra is the balances, and Libra is also not attached, because it is an air sign. So at this Full SuperMoon time, it is about non-attachment, and be more of the observer. The shadow side of Pluto is to purge, so he can exterminate, he can disempower, he can take total control, he is a totalitarian, a tyrannical energy and so Jupiter conjunct Pluto would exaggerate that. The shadow side of Jupiter is to exaggerate situations in a negative way, so you want to be conscious of that. Now you have the Jupiter-Pluto empowerment, to actually move from anxiety, and step up. What you are doing, is that you use your ability to transcend the fear and in fact, the FEAR is the real pandemic that we are really dealing with at this time. And Pluto is very psychic, and can navigate you through that, by giving you signs, but showing you that it is all okay, you just need to stay in a high vibrational perspective. This is really a pivotal time for each of us individually, not to mention collectively, and there is something coming to your awareness, that you are really meant to understand about yourself and your life direction. And because Pluto and Jupiter are in Capricorn, it is about your profession, career, your vocation, your calling, what you do in the world, how you want to be seen, your reputation, your recognition. And to transmute the fear that you may be feeling, you listen more intensely to Source than ever, you listen to your guides, to your inner voice, because Libra is about listening. Libra liberates when you listen the connection, the balance that is your intuition, so be very present and practice to be in the MANAWA. MANAWA is the fourth Hawaiian Principle -Now is the moment of Power: I am here NOW. In the language of Ancient Hawaii, they were so attuned to this principle that they don’t have a past or future in the ancient Hawaiian language.So be aware of your present moment instead of losing yourself in worry and anxiety about the past or future. MANAWA is also about being present to your divine guidance and inner wisdom. From that place of silence, you are tuned into your own wisdom, intuition, higher self, soul your guidance system. So the Capricorn energies are very strong, and they basically connecting you to more of your Soul mission and your Soul work at this time, through a beautiful Sextile conversation between Pluto-Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn and Mercury in Pisces. Intuitively you are going to hear and feel more of what you are here to do in the world, what you are about, what is your Soul mission, what matters to you, what changes you need to make in your life this year. Mercury in Pisces is very receptive and intuitive, so the information could come through the dream state, through meditation, but ultimately it is through being receptive, and being outside of your human mind. So this Sextile conversation is about intuitive knowingness that is very strong at this time. Planet Mars is the co-ruler of this Full SuperMoon, because he rules Aries, and the Sun is in Aries, opposing the Moon in Libra. And Mars in Aquarius is making sure that you don’t feel impotent during these times of change, that you use your vulnerability to surrender, but not abdicate your power. Basically Mars is saying Don’t abdicate your responsibilities you do everything in your power to fulfil your agreements, which is the Saturn part of the equation, whether they are financial, personal business, relationships agreements Mars is instilling in you the courage to uphold that part to be honourable, and stay in integrity, and not give your power away. Giving your power away is the past, that is the paradigm you are moving away from, you are liberating yourself from that. And Mars wants you to act quickly, to be in the moment, again another MANAWA calling here. There is an instant energy with Mars that invigorates you, so the goals that you have can be accomplished easily. With Mars conjunct to Saturn at the very beginning of Aquarius, the pandemic Corona virus situation could become quite militaristic in controlling us, and in many countries we now see the police, and the Army being called out to enforce the Lockdowns. At the time of this Full SuperMoon, Mars at 5 degrees of Aquarius, is in an exact Square conversation with Uranus at 5 degrees of Taurus. 5 in numerology is the number of freedom, and Uranus and Aquarius are also about freedom. So this SuperMoon is blowing up, exaggerating even more the themes of power, of control, of deconstruction, of systems collapse but of opportunities too. So this Mars-Uranus Square is saying I WANT TO BE FREE. Yes it can be expressed in that way, but you will certainly feel a great deal of frustration as well. So this conversation is about a message of freedom, and it is the biggest message at this time, because with Uranus, the ruler of the New Age, the Aquarian Age, having this exact Square conversation with Mars, your vigour is shifting your perspective, and you are in synch to the changes that are happening now, and you are moving forward, because Mars, the ruler of the first sign Aries does not look back. This is powerful energy, and it means that you need to stand up for yourself with conviction and courage. And around us, around you, at this time, there is this energy of destruction. The destruction is very much based on creating fear and division, so you want to watch those situations, that you may be partaking in, the people you may be connecting with, that seek to divide instead of unite. Libra is about uniting opposites, the left and right, the masculine-feminine now take this a step further, the energy of destruction conquers through fear and division, and if you fix that problem, this energy has no reason, no fuel to exist. The key here is you want to plug in to those situations and people, and thoughts, that are all, about finding solutions. Are they making a difference? Or are they undermining, manipulating, dividing? Don’t be succumbed, meaning be a slave to the system that divides, to the people who want you to feel aggressive, and either this side or that side. You want to liberate yourself from that paradigm, and this is what we are doing as a collective, because the collaboration, is going to help us to grow free together, so that we can transcend the destructive energy, that has been sent to Earth. The awareness of this fact, allows us to evolve, and the liberation comes, as long as it is unified, and the collaboration becomes the co-liberation. The co-liberation is about everyone collectively agreeing to it, rather than that social sense of despair that allows the destruction to be part of our life. With the actual pandemic, we have come together, we have come One, all of us, the opposites have united, and with this Libra Full SuperMoon, it is time to bring all that energy into balance, cooperation, collaboration, co-creation, coexistence now you don’t plug into that Good versus Evil, into that dichotomy, that opposition, you transcend that. So do not partake in any energy that is bringing you down, because this then results in you making powerful negative choices. Another interesting thing at the time of this Full SuperMoon, is that the Moon in Libra is having an uneasy Quincunx conversation (150 degrees) with Neptune in Pisces. The Moon in Libra is where you want to talk it out, think it through, work with others, using that Libra cooperation, wanting to find balance and peace in the moment, and receiving a Quincunx from the more powerful energy of Neptune in Pisces (Neptune rules Pisces), and Pisces is the huge surrender, you don’t know everything yet, there is no way to know, so STAY IN THE TRUST, STAY IN THE FLOW,. But a Quincunx conversation is aboutdiscomfort, a discomfort that can be hard to resolve, so just accept not having all the answers, or all the information that you want. And Neptune in Pisces is saying Go to your Aumakua, your Higher Self, for understanding of what you need right now, and that where you will find peace. One last thing to look at this Full SuperMoon time, is its ruler Venus in Gemini, we already explored her supportive Trine conversation with both Mars and Saturn in Aquarius, but all of them (Venus-Mars-Saturn) are in lovely Sextile conversations with Chiron in Aries. Chiron represents the Soul’s wound in your lifetime, and in Aries it is about understanding more of your true self identity, on the parts of you that are developing courage. There is something new coming through, that you are meant to understand, and Chiron is about alternative-healing paths. outside of the norm, what you did not consider, what you did not see it is like something on the sidelines, or in your peripheral view. And then you connect with it, and it creates a bridge ( Chiron is often referred as a Bridge), to a new consciousness. So at the time of this Full SuperMoon, this Chiron energy being in Aries, signifies that pieces are coming together, a bridge is being built, it is still under construction, it is coming together to help you connect with more of your Soul mission and Soul work at this lifetime. And if you could see this year 2020 as a BRIDGE, it is a transitional year indeed, to your new reality, your new destination, your new dream it is going to help you with the day to day tasks, it is going to help you remain mentally strong (Venus in Gemini) it is going to help you stay focused on the long-term growth and vision ( Mars-Saturn in Aquarius), and it is going to help you love and accept yourself even more (Chiron in Aries: I AM ALOHA). This Full SuperMoon in Libra represents a catalyst point, that helps you understand more about what you need, where you are going, what you are healing on your own mission work. So all in all, this Full SuperMoon is very powerful and challenging indeed, but also quite lovely as well, and we can all use that at this time on Mother Earth. Please remember TO STAY EMOTIONALLY BALANCED during this time Don’t get swept up into any of the bigger fear cycles energies Please REMAIN IN YOUR PLACE OF POWER AND OWNERSHIP of all your energy, and what you know is true for you and that is how we can all maintain the Light on Mother Earth at this time. Aloha to You all and thank You for reading And feel free to share this blog on your Time Line, it would be very much appreciated. Mahalo Nui Francoise/Frankie PS: Now if you want to know more about your birth code and how your stars line up, and what your life purpose and destiny is, and how it unfolds into the future through your cycles that got activated at the moment of your birth feel free to contact me for the reading of your celestial map, face to face or on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time even simply in telephone conversation. I think you would really enjoy it if you want to go deeper into your own star-blueprint. [email protected]

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