h e a r t s p a c e with tarleyrose in Ulverstone, Tasmania | Medical and health
h e a r t s p a c e with tarleyrose
Locality: Ulverstone, Tasmania
Address: SOUTH ROAD, WEST ULVERSTONE 7315 Ulverstone, TAS, Australia
Website: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19573959
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25.01.2022 Bring Loving Awareness to your beautiful body today breathe into her, Smile to her, ... Feel into the pleasure that is always there, swirling, flowing, feeling..... Give yourself permission to feel warm gratitude for all she is, has been and will be
24.01.2022 Free will & manifestation ~ We are constantly sending and receiving energy, information and intelligence from spirit, nature, god, heart, universe, collective consciousness through the energy of free will ~ We are energy ~... Never seperate, Never alone. Never forgotten. Our abandonment, and separation to self, others, nature, can be processed, loved and expressed safely, to let light back in ~ We must seek to learn what triggers us, what disconnects us from our hearts, from our self worth and sense of self ~ We must learn to nurture, soothe and nourish that which is uncomfortable, unseen, un-contained ~ re-parent the inner child We must get clear on what we want in our lives in every moment through awareness of thoughts, intention and desire Recognise what no longer serves us with loving awareness, accept, feel, release ~ Speak clearly to Universe, Nature, God from heart ~ from feeling ~ from truth Ask for what you need, speak your words out loud ~ *Support to let go, financial support, emotional support, community, health, awareness, tribe, healing earth, connection to nature Let it go ~ Be thankful for what you have ~ speak this out loud Commit yourself to staying present in your body, to listen to yourself, to make the best possible choice you can in every moment to move you closer to where/who you want to be Be careful what you ask for See more
22.01.2022 ~ only from your heart can you touch the sky ~ rumi Photo taken on my morning walk a couple of days ago. The sun was kissing me with his fierce presence & nature was LIT.
22.01.2022 ~image, Seren Bertrand. Women & our 3 brains ~ womb, heart, crown. In my sessions, we take a deep dive beyond the monkey mind of our surroundings and programming + reconnect to our true essence. ... We listen, we feel, we allow, we nurture. We learn to hear, we learn to see, beyond the superficial + story. We let the old die + the new to be reborn. We create space for our wisdom to resurface. ~ I am grateful for this work. Please reach out if you feel the pull See more
22.01.2022 ~ to welcome the blossoming spirit of spring, I am giving away a Heart + Womb Awakening Session to a blossoming sister here in Tassie ... If you would like the chance to receive this offering, like + share my page, and tag 3 sisters in the comments Love & pleasure always See more
21.01.2022 Fast paced living is the result of natural evolution + consciousness blasting open & speeding up. We want to feel more, taste more, experience more.... Unless we reign ourselves in we are headed for mass destruction. ... Around the globe - we are made to feel powerless, inferior, trapped. I have always believed we are more than what we have been told. The magic human be_ings create when we are in alignment with nature + each other is phenomenal. There are many ways we can tap back into our unlimited strength and power within; Connecting in Community, being in nature, nourishing food + living water, meditation, dance/movement/singing/sound etc. Over the years I have studied many new age modalities and am now realising we need to strip it all back and just phunking be with ourselves ~ with an open heart and curious mind. My offerings are for you to reconnect with self, on a beautiful, deep, raw level tapping into your own energy + life force. My gift is finding blind spots + energy knots that may be scary or hidden to ego. I gently support you in safe space while you process, unwind and open ~ with emphasis on the Vagus nerve + spine. You are your medicine. Together we weave cosmic light back into the universe ~ tarleyrose See more
20.01.2022 drop into the space in your mind body with breath and presence, put pen to paper & express from your heart without thought. A beautiful practice to check in, feel connection, gratitude and admire presence for what is ~ now
20.01.2022 I am ~ grateful ~ for the beautiful people I attract into my life S i s t e r s + friends that become family, through love and time F r i e n d s that show up when you need them, and when you don't... Friends that are h o n e s t , even when it's hard ~ How are you showing up for yourself ? + Can you show up for the people you love too? We all crave t r i b e + community L a u g h at the fuck ups and weirdness You're only h u m a n See more
19.01.2022 My Morning Medicine. Golden Elixir. Milk kefir, home brewed daily, I alternate between organic coconut milk & organic cow milk (grains need cow milk to survive... hoping to strengthen them into coconut full time one day!) ... turmerix * powder (blend of turmeric, black pepper, cassia cinnamon, liquorice, kelp, ginger, clove etc ) & one week/month Diatematious earth powder to support a healthy bowel, glowing skin & balance parasites ( we all get parasites if we have pets ) delicious and tangy & always makes me feel light & energised. Safe for pets
19.01.2022 Did You Know ~ relaxation & energy massage can restore balance, harmony and vitality to your nervous system, busy mind and hormones. There is no end to what you can achieve when you give yourself full loving awareness. We make time in our busy lives for all sorts of events and people. It's time to make time for y o u r s e l f
17.01.2022 That feeling you get when your brain says I CANT STUDY ANY MORE! Take a SWEAT break to help re-focus. I've had my face in my laptop alllll day.... this was a nice little 'rest'......... . Swipe for the work out! Have a go! & send me your time! See more
17.01.2022 When I'm feeling tired, grumpy or irritated, I try to remember ~ I have free will. I can choose to step out of my story, out of my emotion, and observe myself from a curious perspective... My free will ~ allows me to choose whether I want to keep looping in the same vibration, affecting myself and those around me,... or I can choose love, patience, compassion. I can choose to breathe, give myself an internal hug, spend some time thinking about why I feel reactive, maybe try to understand where the hurt/pain or feeling comes from, or Have enough awareness to know that my feelings may not be "rational" or make sense and fit into someone els' judgement box. I may have had a busy week, I might be in a particular pHase of my cycle ~ I may be a little run down ~ I may be feeling sensitive because the world is very strange at the moment~ I might be worried about my family or friends~ I might have over committed my energy or put too much pressure on myself. Not every day is comfortable, not every feeling is pleasant. That's OK. This is normal. Our spectrum of feelings/sensations are off this planet - explore that. Learning to meditate, self awareness and mindfulness tools has absolutely changed my life.! My perception of life, and how I fit in it. These skills ripple out into the world, to the people around us and empower us to make better decisions for ourselves, loved ones, community and nature. We always have a choice, whether externally in action, or internally in energy and vibration. We have more impact than we realise ~ Question yourself Question those around you What feels right to you? If you could do something different.. Feel something different... Think more openly.... What would you do? If your mind wasn't in the way.. If you weren't doubting yourself... Who would you want to embody? What qualities do you appreciate in others that you can embody more of in yourself? What change would you like to see in the world today? #globalpandemic #consciousness #uplift #worldpeace #innerpeace #strongwomen #awakening #truth #justice #happiness #freewill #meditation #mindfulness
17.01.2022 "You Are The Sky, Everything Els Is Just The Weather" . . ~ Pema Chodron .... . Go get it. Welcome it, feel it, move with it, let it go. Open ~ again See more
14.01.2022 "The Breeze At Dawn Has its Secrets To Tell You, Don't Go Back To Sleep" . . . ~ Rumi
14.01.2022 Utilise nature for Detoxing your mind, body and spirit Flowers release Oxytocin ~ the bonding hormone/love drug. Place them around your home to enhance joy & gratitude @_stoneandgrove_ olive leaf Detox tea to cleanse and purify your temple ... Breathe ~ Inhale deeply ~ slowly ~ with presence, to nurture & restore your nervous system. Exhale ~ gentle ahhhhhh/ommmmm for soft release, gentle stimulation & gratitude for this moment here & now tarleyrose See more
13.01.2022 celery whole lemon cucumber coriander For cellular hydration + cleansing ~ Coconut oil - optional (deep absorption)
12.01.2022 U N W I N D . . . How does your heart f e e l today? ... Place your hands on your chest, invite a warm smile to yourself, breathe deeply & slowly, feel your hands on your body, Notice your breathe flow into your chest.... How do you feel inside your chest? Warm? Hard? Tight? Compressed? Open? Sharp? Soft? Receive yourself for a moment, in loving presence. No judgement, pure acceptance. . Release your breathe with a sigh, make some sound.... . . What is your heart telling you? #heartmessage #presence #mindfulness #selflove #breathwork #meditation #ritual
12.01.2022 C O F F E E ~ A L T E R N A T I V E Dandelion Tea ~ May help support the body in balancing bloating, digestion, lowering blood pressure, hormonal support for women, and much more! It's loaded full of vitamins and antioxidants.... Ive had three weeks off coffee ~ the first week was full of head aches from CAFFINE withdrawals. My kidneys and adrenals were in much need of a break.! I miss the smell of coffee ~ but I don't miss my addictive mind constantly wondering when it was going to get its next hit!! I brew mine with oat milk for a couple of minutes in a tea strainer + add a touch of local honey as it can be bitter. You can add a pinch of salt if you don't want to use sweetener I highly recommend ~ she tasty!!
12.01.2022 ~ do you meditate? What does your internal world look like? Sound like? Feel like? ... Do you practice curiosity with self? Do you give yourself permission to feel? Surrender? Can you connect to gratitude and appreciation for self? ~ meditation has changed the quality of my life, opened my internal eyes to see, my ears to hear, my body to feel. In a world of over stimulation and desensitisation, it is a must! ~ in my sessions we always incorporate traditional meditation ~ simple tools that you can practice anywhere, any time. Eventually your practice ~ becomes a state of being See more
12.01.2022 A F F I R M A T I O N from Matt Kahn's "where Healing and Realisation meet" https://youtu.be/QLugPHjJ54c... I Absolutely recommend sitting comfortably with a note book and receiving Matt's words with an open heart. You will feel expanded ~
10.01.2022 You don't have to be down, anxious, depressed, off the rails or out of whack to enjoy a session with me ~ In fact ~ I highly recommend coming for a sesh when you are feeling good !... ~ to feel more deeply into your present self ~ & explore the sensational potential of your beautiful self here and now, to drop deeper into gratitude and appreciation Your light shines life on all around you ~ Your light ripples change and growth collectively ~ Your light is c o n t a g i o u s Spread that groovy sh!také ! Booking link here
09.01.2022 Amazing Parhelie .. with a magnificent solar pillar in Norway. Caption? . .... : via Philippe François. Norway 28/11/2020
08.01.2022 Find your own way ~ seek your own answers. ~ together we hold space to allow truth to rise, integrate or fall away. ~ I provide a nurturing, safe and loving environment for your soul to express and flourish. ~ you have everything you need, within. ... ~ I am honoured to share my gifts blessed down from strong women in my family, to work & learn together if you feel the call #selfhealing #selfacceptance #selflove #medicinewoman #truth #meditation #alignment #answers #womenempowerment #radiance #relaxation #cosmicconsciousness
08.01.2022 ..."And so it's strange isn't it? That we've aquired the habit of a constant and chronic effort to see clearly and hear clearly. ... And it is through the condi...tioning of that, through being taught that we must 'try' to see and 'try' to hear in order to have clear sight and clear hearing, that we learn to constantly strain out senses in their use. But as a matter of fact this impedes on the clarity of our senses." ~Alan Watts... AlanWatts.org See more
07.01.2022 Are you feeling the call to connect more deeply to your inner world? To hear your true voice? To experience more pleasure, bliss, inner peace?... To naturally Glow and inspire other women around you? In my heart + womb awakening sessions, we dive deep into self. These practices have helped me feel safe in my body + in the world. Please reach out if you have any questions, or book via the link on my page Loving Gratitude for all beings, Tarley Rose x
06.01.2022 I am feeling the warm sun on my skin today, With thanks and appreciation for it's tender presence. I sit in loving awareness to all brothers and sisters, in these times of unrest and lockdown.... I am open and ready for change to flow through humanity and light up our path. Together we belong. Never apart, never seperate. Our dedication to truth keeps us spinning and vibrating high. Look out for each other, support each other. Ask uncomfortable questions. Listen to each other, from beneath our ears and deep into our earth. ~ with endless flowing love, tarleyrose
05.01.2022 u n w i n d e m o t i o n a l r e l e a s e a l i g n m e n t c l a r i t y no matter where you are on your self care journey... we will re~connect to the most authentic version of yourself present, clear, peaceful and loving feel into your heart, your body & allow your creative energy to flow abundantly into the areas in life you wish to flourish make time for yourself & the rest will follow ~ sessions include ~ intuitive massage/energy/bodywork + reflexology h e a r t s p a c e welcomes you with an open heart and mind. i wish you a pleasurable, mindful, focused and flowing 2021 tarleyrose xo
05.01.2022 "Let it hurt, then let it go" This is one of the most powerful healing practices you can gift yourself. This healing energy is extremely contagious so use it liberally!! "Letting Go" was something I used to struggle... With. For me, I would suppress and ignore my pain. I would hold bitterness, resentment, jealousy and build strong walls to "protect" myself. I felt constantly angry, unheard, unseen, unappreciated etc. My inner child was screaming for attention and I didn't have the tools to listen to her wisdom. Learning to Receive myself with loving presence + awareness has shifted my energy + life in so many ways. I am truly grateful for this practice. I have realised we don't always let go in the physical sense. We can never erase moments in time or memories, but we can expand our awareness. We can look beyond ourselves and into the hearts of others. We can forgive. We can learn better boundaries, we can learn self worth. We can learn to connect to our true sense of self so as to create and attract the life and relationships that are aligned with our hearts. Holding onto emotional stress, trauma or old belief systems that no longer serve you can look like ; Irrational/erratic emotions reactive/defensive behaviour constantly tired, aching or sore vacant dismissive empty lost depressed anxious addictive behaviours loss of/extreme increase in appetite etc. To learn radical self acceptance, develop a warm, nurturing presence with yourself for true inner peace, radiance and self connection, get in touch
04.01.2022 By @sun_keep Simple wisdom that can change the world, open you up to infinite possibilities and the life and love you deserve Cowabunga duuuuuuudeees
02.01.2022 P E R C E P T I O N noun ~ the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.... "the normal limits to human perception" ~ our perception, when living in our heads or fight/flight/programming, can be clouded with fear, judgement, reactivity, obsession, jealousy etc Be mindful of perception Question perception Is this perception coming from Love Or Fear ? photograph by me - no filter - King Island Magic #perception #kingisland #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #presence #selflove #awareness
02.01.2022 ~ r e f l e c t i o n stop. How are you, really? Are you making time to feel into your truth? Are you prioritising your true yearning? When you look around, are you pointing blame or feeling irritation? Is it everyone els' fault? Are you finding excuses? ... Are you putting something off? Stop. Bring yourself back. Make the time, do the work. Get up earlier, say no. Say yes. Eat better, pull yourself up on bad habits, be accountable for negative thoughts or judgements. Be kind. Keep trying. Forgive yourself. You have time embody the person you want to be around book in for a session with me to reconnect, witness your blocks and give them love. It's time to let go. Let the old die and new be reborn it is the cycle of life after all
01.01.2022 With words, play, quality time, presence, self care sessions with tarleyrose.... good tukker & company..... Bit of gardening.... wallllahhhhh! Sparkle!!!!
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