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Hebersham Stake in Sydney, Australia | Community organisation

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Hebersham Stake

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Address: 64-66 Pringle Road, Plumpton 2770 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Our Stake is a member of the Blacktown Network of Faith Communities (NOFC), our local Interfaith group, and the group has been working for some time to produce a COVID friendly event where some of the group member faiths will present talent items and messages. The Zoom link is below, and the plan is also to post a link on the NOFC Facebook page, so that we can watch it at other times, especially if not able to make it on the day. We are members in a great community and it's w...onderful to be able to share our talents and support with each other. If you are able, a small donation to a local charity is invited also. Let's please take every opportunity to participate in, and support, our community. Zoom details for this event are : The Blacktown Network of Faith Communities (NOFC) Facebook page is :

23.01.2022 Here is the latest Multi Stake Temple and Family History Newsletter. Please read it and see some examples of success from working with Temple and Family History

23.01.2022 There wil be a Pathway Devotional via Zoom for the Area tomorrow morning (see poster). If you are interested in enrolling in Pathway for this next semester, please do join in. Please note that there is a limit to the number of connections to Zoom, so hopefully you will be able to connect ok.

23.01.2022 Hi everyone, Here is the latest update on the Sydney Temple.

22.01.2022 Phase 3 update - Temple baptisms are now available to book for sessions Tue to Fri at 7pm and Saturdays at 8am. A maximum of 16 patrons with the sessions 1 hour. 5 - 7 family file name are permitted per person. Endowment sessions available Tuesday - Saturday. Sessions as early as next week available. Check the church website for dates & times for available. The dark blue colour represents available spots on the given day. Click on the date to find more details about the session times.

20.01.2022 This announcement is for all parents with seminary children, seminary students, teachers, and leaders. There are two criteria that must be met by the student in order to be eligible for graduation,. 1. Complete 75% in attendance. 2. Pass a worthiness interview with your Bishop.... if one of these two criteria is not met then you are not eligible to graduate on the night of our stake seminary graduation. Today the 8/11/2020 is the due date for all makeup work to be submitted in order for year 12 students to graduate on the 15th of November 2020 at our Stake Seminary Graduation. Any student with outstanding work that will be submitted after today will have their graduation diploma or certificate of completion presented at your ward by your Bishop. Anyone with any concerns regarding this announcement, please contact President Purcell.

19.01.2022 Inviting all to consider attending any workshops you feel that will bless you and your family. Please know that "this isn't about just formal education. This is about education for life. There are workshops around finance, diet, emotional resilience, pornograhpy prevention, stress, anger management, and more. We have great speakers/presenters including Elder Leota, Brad Wilcox, Kristen Jenson (author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures)". All workshops are online and can be accessed through zoom. Meeting details and links are on the website.

19.01.2022 Hope that you are excited about the upcoming General Conference. This General Conference will be like no other, as the Sunday Morning session is a session for our friends. There will not be any Church jargon, but rather messages celebrating the living Christ, praising Him for the peace and light He offers all. This Easter, you can reconnect with people around the world and virtually gather to worship Jesus Christ - the one source of hope.... We are asked as members to invite at least one person to watch Sunday morning session with them, in person or virtually when we watch it on the second Sunday, 11th April. May we indeed help to make this General Conference a great celebration of Him, even our Saviour Jesus Christ.

18.01.2022 UPDATE 2: In case you haven't seen the post on our stake page, other family members and friends can view our graduation night "live" on this site... Webcast URL: Event Code: 1 8 6 2 2 - - - - - - Announcing that our Stake Graduation Ceremony will go ahead on the 15 Nov 7PM at the Stake Centre. This will be for all the graduates of seminary, institute and BYU pathway from our stake only. Graduates are allowed to come wit...h two others of the same household only. Note that attendees are subject to change. Update 1: All Seminary and Institute Teachers are invited to attend (just by themselves). All Bishops are also invited.

16.01.2022 Hi, Our Stake Graduation Night this Sunday will be webcast on this URL. You will need to have a Church account and this "event code" to view it. Webcast URL: Event Code: 1 8 6 2 2

16.01.2022 Dear Members of the Hebersham Stake, This message was received this afternoon from Church offices: Effective immediately, all Church Buildings including Chapels and the grounds are closed. No one is to enter the Chapels from this moment on.... Interviews, meetings etc. can no longer be conducted at the Chapel and will need to be done in homes or using technology. Please arrange to immediately distribute this message to all members of your respective Wards. Sincerely The Hebersham Stake Presidency

14.01.2022 Hello everyone! The Australia Sydney Missionaries made a Facebook page to help individuals (members and those not of our faith) draw closer to the Savior. It is also now an important finding tool for us! We would love for you to like the page to receive daily uplifting, spiritual content as well as invite friends to like the page, encouraging them to immerse in the joy that they may feel through the Gospel of Jesus Christ We love you heaps and hope you have a great evening...!

14.01.2022 Light the World | Christmas 2020 - When Jesus Christ was born, angels proclaimed, On earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14). This December, the promise remains the same. Hi everyone, we ask that you follow the link & sign up for your daily email, this will start from December 1st. lets all join together, to Light our little part of the World.

14.01.2022 Thank you for your donations to the Mayoress Appeal 2020. Could the Ward please organise to deliver the collected items to the Stake Offices at Hebersham Stake Centre and leave them under the Bulletin Board just outside the Stake wing, between 10.30am and 2.00pm on Sunday 29 November, 2020. Please let us know if you have any trouble in doing so.... Again, thanks so much for your donations. I know that the kids will love it and Mayoress Bleasdale also very much appreciate your continued support.

14.01.2022 President Nelson shares his Easter message of faith, peace and of Jesus Christ to us and the world

13.01.2022 Dear Stake members, please pay attention to these questions & if any of them relate to you we ask that you do not attend any scheduled church meetings. This is for your safety as well as others attending who you will be in contact with. We appreciate the sacrifices that our members have been making & look forward to meeting with you all again soon.

12.01.2022 Hi everyone, Here is a little glimpse of what our missionaries are currently experiencing as they move forward to their new assignments & continue serving the lord.

12.01.2022 Brothers & Sisters, we have one week left to gather any gifts that you may wish to donate to the Mayoress appeal for 2020. The Stake Presidency appreciate your support over many years, and we also recognise that this year may not be the easiest, so anything that you feel that you are able to give, is very much appreciated.

11.01.2022 Dear members of Hebersham Stake. As church and many other 'normal' activities etc are suspended, we have been requested to ask our members' to record and share their experiences & stories of how you and your families : * are living your lives, * are adapting/coping/managing the lifestyle changes, * fulfilling your callings, ... * doing Family History, * keeping in touch with members in your Ward, Stake and other Stakes ? * doing missionary work with your neighbours or friends including on Facebook or other social media ? and * feel home schooling is going & how have your families adapted ? with the changes imposed on us during this COVID-19 time. What experiences, thoughts, images, feelings or advice are there that you would like to share for our church records and possibly for publishing in or as part of Church News or similar publications ? This information can help us, and those who read it in the future, understand the different ways we are each responding to the lifestyle changes imposed on us during this COVID-19 time. By sharing these things, you give the Church consent to use such in Church News or other publications, including in relation to your children who may appear in any associated pictures. Please send them to me, Anna Learmonth, Stake Historian via Facebook Messenger or email [email protected], letting us know which Ward you are from also, so we can ensure that your Ward leaders can receive copies of your submission for the Ward History also. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

11.01.2022 To current and future students: Here are the details for our Term 2 Stake YSA Institute Virtual classes starting 14 May. Please invite and encourage other YSA to participate in either class. NOTE: Students must put in their name, surname, ward to join this class. This info will be used to mark your attendance and will also blocked any unwanted users crashing in the class.

11.01.2022 Hi everyone, Here is the latest update from Carlingford, regarding the retail shop.

10.01.2022 Please listen to Elder Andersen's invitation and suggestions for this coming General Conference.

08.01.2022 More info will follow....

06.01.2022 We commend all those who have participated in our last term's Inistitute classes. We invite you to continue in your progression by enrolling and attending either of these wonderful classes. We also invite others to try and join the classes to see the blessings that are awaiting each of you. I can testify that we will need more, especially these days, "the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost".

05.01.2022 Dear members of the Hebersham Stake, Due to the letter received by the First Presidency this morning regarding church gatherings, the Stake Presidency ask that you take this time to assess the current preparedness & needs of your families. We hope that many of you have had the time to prepare your store cupboards & welfare requirements. We ask that you assess the status of your store cupboards, covering such necessary items as - food, water, medication. ... It is a good idea to have a small amount of money on hand in case of emergencies, just enough to see you through in the event that you cannot get access to your bank. For those of you who may not be in a position to have these items readily available, please make contact with your local ward leaders to see what assistance can be provided. As our loving Prophet has asked, please take this time to minister to those in your care within your personal & ward family. We will keep you updated through your ward leaders & social media. Sincerely, The Hebersham Stake Presidency President Kome Purcell President A.Michael Sierra President David Harper

04.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just a reminder to have your sacrament this coming Sunday, whether from home or at the chapel, and as directed by your bishops. Then on the 10th and 11th of October, we invite all of you to prepare for and watch the General Conference from your home. You may invite your ministering families to watch with you keeping in mind the rules set by NSW. ... Below is the suggested schedule for viewing the sessions. Also note that NO sacrament should be held in any of our chapels nor from our homes during this date. Thank you and may we all hear what the Lord needed us to hear and do at this time, through this conference.

04.01.2022 We invite our members and friends to join us in this great cause.

02.01.2022 Hi everyone, The Stake Family History Centre is now closed, we ask that you contact your ward's Family History & Temple consultant or Elders Quorum President for assistance, if you would like to attend the Family History Centre it will be by appointment only, please contact brother West on 0425 307 582 for more information.

02.01.2022 Brothers and Sisters, the First Presidency recently requested Stake Presidents to counsel with Bishops as to the next phase of return to Church for each Stake. After the Hebersham Stake Presidency followed this request and counselled with our Bishops, it was decided that from 6 December, 2020, all Wards in the Hebersham Stake will : hold Sacrament meeting for one (1) hour weekly,... meet on the same day in their respective chapels, attend in part of that Ward one week, and the balance of the Ward on the following week, ie: on a similar basis as current. From Sunday 6 December, the schedule for one (1) hour Sacrament meetings held across the Stake will be: Doonside chapel : 9.00am Blacktown Ward 12 noon Mt Druitt Ward Hebersham chapel : 9.00am - Ropes Crossing Ward 12 noon Popondetta Ward 3.00pm Oakhurst Ward Please continue to apply the law of the land with regards distancing, and ensure that each Ward must organise to promptly and fully clean the chapel each week after it has finished its Sacrament meeting. As we approach the New Year, the Bishoprics in each chapel will discuss any rotation of the times for the 2021 year. We are pleased to increase the regularity of Sacrament meeting in our Wards and pray that the increased opportunity will help all to feel the Spirit. Hebersham Stake Presidency 30 November, 2020

01.01.2022 Here's a recorded copy for those who missed the opportunity to watch this "live".

01.01.2022 Updated Announcement : Our Stake is a member of the Blacktown Network of Faith Communities (NOFC), our local Interfaith group, and the group has been working for some time to produce a COVID friendly event where some of the group member faiths will present talent items and messages. The Zoom link is below, and the plan is also to post a link on the NOFC Facebook page, so that we can watch it at other times, especially if not able to make it on the day.... We are members in a great community and it's wonderful to be able to share our talents and support with each other. If you are able, a small donation to a local charity is invited also. Let's please take every opportunity to participate in, and support, our community. Zoom details for this event are : The Blacktown Network of Faith Communities (NOFC) Facebook page is :

01.01.2022 The Hebersham Stake Presidency invite you to support the Mayoress Christmas Gift Appeal for 2020.

01.01.2022 The following has been received by the Stake Presidency from Church leaders. Please use wisdom and understanding as you apply these recommendations. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policies and Guidelines As concerns regarding the coronavirus continue to increase, we should remember to not react out of fear, but use our faith, wisdom, and common sense to help the work of the Lord continue during these challenging times.... In that spirit, and under the direction of the Brethren, the following policies and guidelines are being implemented to help keep you and others healthy and safe: Hygiene You should take primary responsibility for protecting yourself and others against the coronavirus by doing the following: Wash your hands frequently Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If hand washing is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Maintain social distancing Maintain at least 2 meters (6 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Minimize direct physical contact with others, including shaking hands. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and make you sick. Practice respiratory hygiene Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and wash your hands. Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early. Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, call to make an appointment with your primary health provider or urgent care clinic to be seen. Follow the directions of your local health authority. ________________________________________ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q: What are the symptoms of the novel coronavirus? A: The symptoms of the coronavirus are similar to other common cold and flu viruses: Fever Cough Shortness of breath Headache Runny nose Sore throat Q: How is the coronavirus spread? A: The novel coronavirus spreads in a manner similar to other common cold and flu viruses: Through the air by coughing and sneezing Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands Fecal contamination Kind regards, Updates can be found at the following Church website.

01.01.2022 Hi everyone, Daylight savings ends this weekend, so don't forget to set your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday evening, especially if you plan to be an early bird to watch the Saturday sessions of General Conference live on Sunday morning.

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