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Outside the Camp

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21.01.2022 Passing the Baton When God is transitioning the great work of His kingdom from one generation to another and from glory to glory, the new move is still His work, but with a different face and taste. Scripture affirms it. Our experience of life in families recognises this. And the prudent discern it to be so. When the new is rising it may not altogether have the advantage that the old does. As Jesus said, "new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking t...he old wants the new, for they say, 'The old is better'" (Luke 5:38-39). It is crucial for that which was, not to become proud over that which now is. The old is good! Nevertheless, the old was once new and uniquely different also. Let the old bask in the rejuvenating new because of love and humility. Let the wisdom of the mature encourage the new where it lacks understanding and experience. The wisdom of the wise teachers and sages who have gone before, along with those now being called to forerun, are called to move together and make room for one another. They each dispense the value of the treasures of what was, what is, and what is to come. "A disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old" (Matthew 13:52). An excerpt from 'Outside the Camp - The Wisdom, Humility and Power of the Church'. Available from Koorong. Photo: Colin in Adelaide in 1982 - 23 years old.

20.01.2022 The Lord's voice - the voice of the Holy Spirit - is distinct from every other spirit. Truly knowing, listening to and following His voice is imperative. "My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27). This is the hour in which, as Christ's church is being shaken, the distinction between the Spirit's voice and all others is becoming sharper.... Everything shakes when the Lord speaks! Most assuredly, when the Lord speaks to His church, everything not founded on the Kingdom, will be shaken. Whenever He speaks "His voice" shakes! "At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised, 'Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens'" (Hebrews 12:26 quoting Haggai 2:6). Take note: Both the earth and the 'atmosphere' - the heavens, naturally and spiritually, shake. It is not incidental that of all the cities and regions in the world, Christchurch (Canterbury) New Zealand, should undergo such unusual, unique and relentless shaking over recent years [in these past 9 years]. The prophetic parallel is this: Christ's church is being shaken and everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Excerpt from the book 'Outside the Camp - The Wisdom, Humility and Power of the Church' available from Koorong. Photos: There are some extraordinary images to be viewed by going to Google Images and typing in Christchurch Earthquake.


16.01.2022 He Makes Winds His Messengers I saw heavy machinery along the shoreline. Men were seeking to return the new landscape of the beach to how it had previously looked. They were working hard at it. The level of activity reflected their determination, yet also matched the sense of just how much they were doing this in their own strength. It was clearly an uphill battle and a fight they could not win with the extent of the change. Their blindness to seeing this was evident in misplaced focus. Their strong preference for what they had only known and become accustomed to with the old landscape, made sense of their restless and insistent actions, given that the beach was still the beach. Different as it was and uncomfortably unfamiliar as it could be seen, it had not lost that unique sense about a beach that draws us and makes us appreciate and value what is so special, life-giving and restful about it. As I observed this scene, I sensed the fear of the Lord come upon me unlike I had known to that point in my life. To describe the sense of it is difficult! Suffice to say that I was deeply and greatly humbledin reverence and awe, overwhelmed by what I knew to be the Sovereign Lord’s presence, the King’s power, holiness, supremacy and authority, both in my spirit and in the atmosphere. I felt irresistibly persuaded to look out to sea and I was stunned by what I saw. The very nature of what had brought about the altered landscape of the beach was obvious. I saw many, many Winds. These whirlwinds were very powerful. They were not a great distance out and were clearly moving towards the beach. I somehow knew that just one of these Winds had been responsible for the changed landscape. Seeing what was yet to come, and knowing this was of God, meant that the change so far had been a small yet significant deposit of what was still coming and had to have good reason and great purpose. Excerpt from ‘Outside the Camp - The Wisdom, Humility and Power of the Church’ (available from Koorong or [email protected]). Photo: After Sunrise...New Years Day 2020, Halls Head Beach [Doddi’s Beach], Mandurah, Western Australia (Sue Buckman).

12.01.2022 Now available from Koorong: Colin’s revised and updated version of his book, ‘Outside the Camp - The Wisdom, Humility and Power of the Church’.

12.01.2022 Where there is an absence of intimate acquaintance with the holiness, power and glory of the Spirit of grace (Hebrews 10:29; see Isaiah 11:1-5), we substitute what can only be accomplished by my Spirit (Zechariah 4:6) with the strength, might and ability of flesh. God’s people down the ages who through the Spirit of wisdom and understanding (Isaiah 11:2) have seen this sin and its resistance in themselves, wisely with deep humility of heart, surrender all such self-effort in exchange for the power of God’s great love, grace and mercy in His Son. This is the wisdom, humility and power of the church. [An Excerpt from 'Outside the Camp'. Available from Koorong.]

12.01.2022 Knowing and Obeying the Spirit - Yielding our Traditions and Structures to His Love, Freedom and Lordship When speaking over the past years, I have at times shared the following vivid example of how the Holy Spirit sought to draw the attention of those gathered on a Sunday morning, away from their usual tradition and structure of service. The One who was jealous for His people’s love more than they held dearly to the form of their worship, overruled everything going smoothly... when the projector for the words on the front screen failed. However, the back screen for the worship team was still working. All that was needed was for the church to turn 180 degrees. That’s where the Lord was and wanted us to be in our worship unto Him. It was as simple as that! In freedom, in the Spirit, we live and move... (Acts 17:28). But it never happened! The ease and simplicity of doing it was hard! Tradition and structure could neither see this nor yield to being at home with the Way Himself being different and coming in another form. Yet, truly knowing Him was the key to our worship. There was a frozen moment in knowing how to respond. But in stumbling haste to fix the embarrassment, the photocopier was hurriedly churning out hard copies of the words for handing out, continuing our unchanging order of service and posture. The calling, personally and collectively, in the beginning of our walk with the Lord, was and remains, Let us, then, go to Him [Jesus] outside the camp, bearing the disgrace that He bore (Hebrews 13:13). To be with the Lord of life calls for humility, born of love for Jesus above all else, including how we’ve always done it. Herein is the wisdom and power of the church, in which we surrender all in order to make God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit known. Photo: Colin at the outset of his calling in March 1996, at 37 years of age, after departing Bendigo where he received his calling. Tassie was the first ‘port of call’ in which to speak and strengthen the church, in order to know the Lord’s voice, hear His heart and be in step with His Spirit, whatever that would take and look like.

09.01.2022 Townsville - Higher Ground

09.01.2022 The following is an excerpt from the timely and insightful book, 'Outside the Camp - The Wisdom, Humility and Power of the Church'. Available from Koorong or [email protected]. A NEW THING The Lord is doing a new thing! It is a new day of His making, moving and awakening. He is pouring new and fresh wine into new and unique wineskins.... The sense of this new lease of life, power and freedom is the same as what was experienced and marvelled at by the disciples when the parameters and constraints they had become so accustomed to yielded. The norm that they had known was no longer the norm. It is where the Spirit is Lord, that we also have what those who walked with Jesus knew. Our eyes will be opened and our hearts will be stretched, to know what this looks like in our context in these days. Before us are the wonders, marvel and freshness of God’s higher thoughts and ways, shifting our ceiling and boundaries of the magnitude of His goodness and greatness. All things are made new and seen so differently when Jesus is the centre and source of our life and peace. Our flesh is exchanged for Spirit. Our weariness is turned to strength. Outside the camp we have moved from where we were in our doing, to where the Son of God is as the Way. We have come to Him who is the way things really are and life itself. It is where the Word becomes flesh in and through us, by His Spirit. This place where He is, where we personally and corporately go to Him, is where, "we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way" (Hebrews 10:19-20). Just as the beach we knew so well is still the beach when its landscape changes, so in this new day for the church nothing is changing about the heart, core and essence of who God is and who we are in His Son. What the Holy Spirit is shifting and raising up that is different to what we have generally been accustomed, remains firmly consistent with the foundation, cornerstone and legacy of our faith in Jesus. In this movement of the Spirit taking place worldwide, the past is to be honoured, even while the Lord is doing something altogether fresh and building something brand new.

08.01.2022 Available at Koorong Outside the Camp - The Wisdom, Humility and Power of the Church - is a unique and encouraging prophetic description of how Winds of the Spirit are changing the landscape and lens of the church. There is an age-old resistance to these Winds. Are you with the Winds or resisting them?... This revised and updated version of Outside the Camp, first published in 2013, is presented now with fresh seasoned insight and clarity.

05.01.2022 What the Holy Spirit is shifting and raising up that is different to what we have generally been accustomed, the heart of things remain firmly consistent with the foundation, cornerstone and legacy of our faith in Jesus. In this movement of the Spirit taking place worldwide, the past is to be honoured, even while the Lord is doing something altogether fresh and building something brand new. A feature of this shift is that for Jesus’ glory to be seen and known more, His Body must be also be seen and known more. If we are to esteem and honour the Lord, all that is of Him is to be recognised. Every part regarded, wherever it is at, in order to reveal a fuller measure of the glory of the Lord through Jesus’ body. No longer will only a comparatively few parts/members be seen and heard, while the rest look on. Instead, the Lord and what is of the Lord will be lifted up as His body is. So, from a prophetic perspective, And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself (John 12:32). It takes the humility of the Lord among us to see and do this. It will be as marked as when Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. In humility value others above yourselvesIn your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesusby taking the very nature of a servant (Philippians 2:3,5,7). The whole Body the priesthood of all believers is coming to the fore. A communion, a common-union, through the sacrifice and blood of our Saviour, in which the Body is discerned. The King seen, heard and known through every member of His body. This wisdom of unity with humility providing a strong net for a great Harvest.

04.01.2022 The wisdom, humility and power of the church, are founded upon and rise where it heeds, "Let us, then, go to Him [Jesus] outside the camp" (Hebrews 13:13).

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