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Heidi Hodge Photography


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25.01.2022 Long post warning: The Aussies amongst us will likely suspect this image ain't in Kansas anymore, & you'd be right. This isn't exactly one of my typical rural wedding shots...! My Jnr. apprentice and I *may* have recently run away to the Swedish Outback for several weeks. We are back, and the brutal jetlag has (thankfully) buggered off. There's something to be said for basing yourself in one spot for the duration, instead of running yourself ragged trying to tick off all the... touristy boxes. It was ahmazing. This is the third time residing in the little rural village of Åskilje, and we love reconnecting with both our longer-term, and newer friends from across the globe. Proper rural village life, lived as is, and not for show. We didn't get out adventuring so much this time (I was there to put words on a page, not galavant!), but we couldn't stay away from Wild Lapland again. We again did the Blueberry tour, dogsledding on a sleigh across frozen lakes, having traditional fika (morning tea, with coffee brewed over a fire, warm blueberry juice, cinnamon crispbread, blueberry chocolate, and dried reindeer meat) in a lavvu (Sami-style tent), feeling the sun on our cheeks about as close to the Arctic Circle as we managed this trip. Morgan and Lina run an amazing enterprise, and I'll be saving the husky puppy shots for another post soon. Until then, be jealous :) H x

23.01.2022 Two vastly different ANZAC skies and remembrances. The first was my backyard sunrise this morning (rural South Australia). The second was ANZAC day sunset last year in the Swedish sub Arctic. Could not possibly have imagined how much would change in that time. Equally thankful. We will remember them.

21.01.2022 I don't know who needs to see this today...who'm I kidding? Anyone in southern Straya, you're welcome. Dreaming of that one time we got to play in the largest snowfalls in 30 years in the subarctic, and pretending we're there today... Stay safe, m'lovelies. I wish you all a boring and non-eventful afternoon.

21.01.2022 TBT to last week, when I was throwing myself into this paradise and remembering how much I love snorkelling. But alas, aircon for days will have to suffice this week. How's your January panning out? Beating the heat, or surviving the Big Freeze (for my Northern hemi pals...)?

20.01.2022 Canadian Outback in peak fall is one sexy beast I've missed my favourite season here in Oz for the last 3 or so years, while we've run off to the Swedish Outback for work (I know, first world problems, right?!). My last couple of weeks have more than given me my fix, in all its spectacular deciduousness The light was so ridiculous, that I don't even know how to edit these landscapes! They're pretty much as is. The bigger challenge however, was how to get these shots without the eleventy quadsquillion tourists who were actually there doing the same thing

18.01.2022 Ermagerd, we had SO much fun yesterday that I don't know even where to start. This was always gonna be a good one! Nicole and Robert, and their families made me feel so welcome at their celebrations yesterday. Bridal party location shoot far too much fun! Congratulations lovelies, and am sure you partied your way into the wee small hours x

16.01.2022 Completely devastating news last night, after the sudden loss of one of Australia's most amazing landscape photographers. While I didn't know him personally, I've followed Dale's work for a while & have been dreaming about one of their Northern Lights w/shops. I had been most recently enjoying his current US storm-chasing adventures when this happened yesterday. Much love to his partner (also a talented photographer) and daughter, and the photographic community

15.01.2022 *So* much goodness. Dale & Ali recently wed on Dale's family farm and were joined by their nearest and dearest, with a stunning rural backdrop in every direction. The WeatherGods held steady (although noone would have dared complained if we got drenched, given the season...). We had far too much fun for the location shoot before arriving back at the Saddleworth Pavilion, which has NEVER looked so good thanks to Dale and Ali's vision and hard work. I was also completely gobsma...cked to discover they'd not only insisted on feeding me (thanks Auburn Smoke House - 'ASH Catering'!), but seated me at Dale's parents' table. Above and beyond, and this is the kind of surprise that happens when you accept gigs with people you've known to be Very Good Eggs for a long while. Oh, then you get to hang out with the guests - many of whom are also your mates! Heart is full, and you two are a match made in heaven. Much love, H x See more

13.01.2022 Time for a cheeky sneaky! These two beautiful humans tied the knot almost two weeks ago, and have been waiting ever so patiently for a glimpse at their photos. This is just a teaser, and will upload more very shortly. And, sorry Ali...but you still managed to make this angle look glam!

12.01.2022 *wiggly stick warning - avert your eyes if they freak you out* I've been photobombed by many things during shoots - mostly 2-legged rabbits......but this is a first for a family shoot. Probably surprising because, 'Straya... This is PRECISELY the reason I always assume they're around, wear appropriate attire, do a reccie first, and give people the option to not stand in various spots if they don't feel comfortable. I'm lucky in that they don't bother me, as long as I know ...where they are. Huge respect for my people not freaking out when I told them to stand still (and why...!). Perfect snake response, which meant it predictably did its thing and moved right along without a fuss, or anyone being put in danger. Farmkids raised right - you boys were legends, and we all got straight back on with the job. No fuss, no muss. #wigglysticks #noperopes #ohismallsnek #dangernoodles #justatiddler #everythingtriestokillyouinStraya #notreally #maybesometimes See more

08.01.2022 She’s back! Although, I never really went anywhere; quite literally, given travel restrictions. You’d be forgiven for thinking I’d given this photography malarkey away. But given I’ve had a camera in my hand for most of my life, that ain’t likely anytime soon. I’m working very hard to finish my studies, and combined with 2020 being, well...2020, it’s been a bit of a hard slog at times. However, I am very excited to soon be announcing some new photographic services to HHP. I've also dusted off my poor abandoned Insta page @heidihodge_photography if you're that way inclined. Brightest wishes to you all, lovelies

05.01.2022 Glad midsommar, my northern hemi peeps! 3 years ago, we had just returned home after the MOST amazing adventure to northern Sweden. It was mostly for my rural research work, and Jnr was lucky enough to tag along also. We couldn’t resist a last minute acceptance for a roadtrip with friends into the Artic Circle to visit more small rural communities, toast marshmallows, and do backbends half in and half out of the North Pole. For once in my life, I ignored the ‘I should be sen...sibles’, listened to dear friends, somehow got both of us on a plane, and recognised it for the amazing chance that it was. We’ve been back each year since, but during late winter/spring. Midnight sun is something elsethat sunset shot was taken pretty close to midnight, and that was as low as it dropped! The most stupidly delicious and longest golden hour I’ve ever experienced. A few days after that, we jumped on a scenic train from Jokkmokk and made our way back down south, to fly out. We’ve both been smitten kitten with Sweden ever since, and can’t wait to go back to visit our friends again when we’re able. Here’s to longer and bright days ahead in Straya, and whoever else needs them. Hej då x

04.01.2022 Roses are red, violets are blue... Gin costs much less, than dinner for two. Happy Valentine's Day, lovers and others! x PS and yes, yes that is a heart of stone...

03.01.2022 Current feels. I think it's safe to say the holiday vibe is over...although, it is kind of nice to be back in a slightly more productive routine! Anyone else silly enough to decide they needed a puppy for Christmas?! Introducing Miss Myffie, the most delightful little darling Border Terrier you could meet. Given I'm a big dog kinda gal, she is rekindling my faith that not all small dogs are total jerks, thankfully Good luck to all the two-legged pups starting and returning to school, and shout out to the parents, carers and teachers who give them the gift of education so they may rule the world x

01.01.2022 Current feels I took this photo a few months back in subArctic Swedish Lappland...where it is currently double our temp (okay, so it is their summer, to be fair!). Seemed apt to share, when it's been sitting at 7 degrees here on the opposite side of the world, with a 'feels like' of 2. Stay warm, folks - it's brutal out there!

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