Heimdal Brisbane in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Restaurant
Heimdal Brisbane
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 437 612 913
Address: 36 Austin Street 4006 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.danishclubbrisbane.org
Likes: 339
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25.01.2022 Koldt vejr i Danmark https://www.dr.dk///fantastiske-isbilleder-fra-hele-landet
25.01.2022 Fødselaren medbragte selv gave. Museets formand markerede i lørdags sin 75 års fødselsdag med et åbent hus-arrangement på Radiomuseet. Her gav han museet en he...lt unik radio: En Marconiphone V2 fra 1922, som vi glæder os meget til at vise frem for museets gæster. Datidens pris på 24 må have været en mindre formue på daværende tidspunkt.
23.01.2022 Caf Danmark - Friday 28 Sept 2018 from 6 pm Come in and say "hej", have a look around, book a table with Lone.Caf Danmark - Friday 28 Sept 2018 from 6 pm Come in and say "hej", have a look around, book a table with Lone.
23.01.2022 Cafe last night and our nice front wall.
20.01.2022 Så er det snart tid til at tilmelde sig konfirmationsundervisning! Læs mere på kirkens hjemmeside: http://www.danishchurch.org.au/kirkelige-hand/konfirmation/
20.01.2022 Som barn blev Lars Larsen drillet, nr han blev sendt til slagteren efter magert brystflsk for to kroner. I dag sov han stille ind og efterlader sig et stort sengetjsimperium og en formue p omkring 35 milliarder
20.01.2022 The Danish Clubs new decorative courtyard screen with iconic images from around Denmark.
19.01.2022 The Danish Club's new decorative courtyard screen with iconic images from around Denmark.
18.01.2022 Cafe Danmark is all thanks to our volunteers! Look at that concentration .... If youd like to lend a hand at the next cafe night on March 27th wed love to h...ear from you! Were looking for help with table setup 4-5pm, smrrebrd prep 3-5pm, food service 6-8pm, pack down 8-9pm. Email [email protected] See more
17.01.2022 Scandinavian festival now in Perry park around the corner from Heimdal. The Danish club volunteers have lots of fun. Contact Lone & Søren, if you don't want to miss out.
17.01.2022 Invitation to members to attend the Danish Club Brisbane 2020 Annual General Meetingon 13 September 2020 To help ensure there is enough food for everyone at the AGM, we kindly ask you to let us know if you will be attending. We will be serving hotdogs and cake! Unless you have signed up, we cannot guarantee there will be a hotdog for you. Due to covid19 restrictions, clubhouse capacity is also limited. To ensure your spot we advise you sign up. However, walk-ins are also welc...ome until capacity is reached. To sign up, email [email protected] by September 6th. Your July 2020 - August 2021 MEMBERSHIP MUST BE UP TO DATE. Application and payments for membership can be made online. For more information visit the following link http://www.danishclubbrisbane.org/members01.htm NOTE: If you are unable to attend, you may nominate another member (who will be in attendance) as your proxy. Complete proxy form for nominated member to bring to the meeting. Please email the President if you can volunteer for the following TASKS TO DO PRIOR TO AGM: -- Pick up sausages from Adams Continental Smallgoods in Carole Park. -- Bake a Danish cake (The more cakes the merrier) -- Do general shopping - List will be provided when final numbers are known. JOBS ON THE DAY: 10.30-11.15 Setup of tables (Two people) 9-11.30 Four people in the kitchen to prepare 1) remoulade, 2) onions, 3) pickled cucumbers 4) cut cheese. 11.15 -13 Two people at the door for sign in, Reminding COVID19 conditions 11.30-13 Two people to serve hotdogs. 11-13 One person in the bar. (Must have RSA Certificate) Members in the current Committee are Madeleine Dahl Hansen (President), Alan Przybylak (Vice President), Anita Dombernowsky (Treasurer), Julie Winther (Secretary), Peter Wagner Hansen (Webmaster/ordinaire member) and Imogen White (ordinaire member).
17.01.2022 Og det regner så meget nu i Danmark, her er det fladvande ved Ribe
17.01.2022 https://www.dr.dk//rejsen-til-amerika-de-danske-udvandrere
17.01.2022 The Danish Folkdance Group Heimdal We are a group of people who like to interact with other dance and cultural groups and we love to share our joy of dancing ...at festivals and other events. At the same time we enjoy and preserve the Danish folk dance tradition. Once again we look forward to performing at the Buddha Birthday Festival .
17.01.2022 Som barn blev Lars Larsen drillet, når han blev sendt til slagteren efter magert brystflæsk for to kroner. I dag sov han stille ind og efterlader sig et stort sengetøjsimperium og en formue på omkring 35 milliarder
16.01.2022 Café Danmark - Friday 28 Sept 2018 from 6 pm Come in and say "hej", have a look around, book a table with Lone.Café Danmark - Friday 28 Sept 2018 from 6 pm Come in and say "hej", have a look around, book a table with Lone.
15.01.2022 Ja bare man var i Næstved i dag! SPANGSBERG FABRIKSUDSALG Hej Næstved... Vi skal have ryddet ud i nogle flødeboller, derfor sælger vi 2 kasser for 100kr (20 stk i en kasse) BEMÆRK at det er datovare! GÆLDER SÅ LÆNGE LAGER HAVES! Vi har åbent onsdag-søndag kl 10-17 Vi ligger i Megacenteret på Vestergårdsvej 24, 4700 Næstved - lige ved siden af Sengespecialisten
14.01.2022 Thank you for joining us at our Christmas in July Market! We hope you all enjoyed a taste of Denmark! Stay up to date with future events by following the Danish Club Brisbane on Facebook or Instagram A big thank you to all our fantastic volunteers for helping put on a great event! Also thank you Sol Threads, Hansen's Aebleskiver and Britts Organic for joining in on the fun!
13.01.2022 Book with Lone by Wednesday 6 Dec, tomorrow!
12.01.2022 Dansk musik fra sommer i Danmark, hrt fra sen. Sommertogtet - lyden af vores land | DRTV https://www.dr.dk/drtv/serie/197720
12.01.2022 Danmark WM gold. Go Danmark
11.01.2022 Ja bare man var i Nstved i dag! SPANGSBERG FABRIKSUDSALG Hej Nstved... Vi skal have ryddet ud i nogle fldeboller, derfor slger vi 2 kasser for 100kr (20 stk i en kasse) BEMRK at det er datovare! GLDER S LNGE LAGER HAVES! Vi har bent onsdag-sndag kl 10-17 Vi ligger i Megacenteret p Vestergrdsvej 24, 4700 Nstved - lige ved siden af Sengespecialisten
10.01.2022 Dansk musik fra sommer i Danmark, hørt fra søen. Sommertogtet - lyden af vores land | DRTV https://www.dr.dk/drtv/serie/197720
10.01.2022 - No need for more help - Our club has been contacted by a volunteer outreach organisation on the Sunshine Coast. An elderly Danish person (near Currimundi) cou...ld benefit from visits by a Danish person. If you or someone you know would want to help please contact the Danish Club here or via email (see web-site) peter See more
09.01.2022 S er der nedtlling til rets Scandinavian Festival, hvor den danske klub serverer hot dogs, med remoulade, importeret dansk l fra Tuborg og Skovlyst og Somersby rabarber cider. Vil du vre med, s send besked til Sren eller via klub page her.
09.01.2022 November Café night ready set go.
09.01.2022 PRESSEMEDDELELSE Odense, 30. september 2018 På vegne af Larsen-familien skal jeg med stor sorg meddele, at Kim Larsen i morges er sovet stille ind efter længer...e tids sygdom. Kim Larsen blev 72 år. Kim Larsen var i sin sidste stund omgivet af sin kone Liselotte samt sine seks børn Pelle, Sylvester, Alice Eva, Molly, Hjalmer og Lui. Bisættelsen vil finde sted i absolut stilhed og helt privat. Jeg henstiller til journalister og medier om at vise stort hensyn til familien i den kommende svære tid. Med venlig hilsen Jørn Jeppesen, impresario
08.01.2022 Tidligere DR-radiovært og folketingspolitiker Jimmy Stahr er død, 82 år. Hvil i fred.
08.01.2022 Are you good at engelsk? Eller kan du kende et par af fejlene i wi ... videoen?
08.01.2022 Tidligere DR-radiovrt og folketingspolitiker Jimmy Stahr er dd, 82 r. Hvil i fred.
07.01.2022 PRESSEMEDDELELSE Odense, 30. september 2018 P vegne af Larsen-familien skal jeg med stor sorg meddele, at Kim Larsen i morges er sovet stille ind efter lnger...e tids sygdom. Kim Larsen blev 72 r. Kim Larsen var i sin sidste stund omgivet af sin kone Liselotte samt sine seks brn Pelle, Sylvester, Alice Eva, Molly, Hjalmer og Lui. Bisttelsen vil finde sted i absolut stilhed og helt privat. Jeg henstiller til journalister og medier om at vise stort hensyn til familien i den kommende svre tid. Med venlig hilsen Jrn Jeppesen, impresario
07.01.2022 This Saturday bonfire with the Saga Vikings at Petri find details on our web-site. http://www.danishclubbrisbane.org/
06.01.2022 Operation Vikingo
05.01.2022 We are moving to a new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/The-Danish-Club-Newstead-138663976204307/
05.01.2022 Og det regner s meget nu i Danmark, her er det fladvande ved Ribe
05.01.2022 Nu er det Jul igen! It's time for a Christmas market at the Danish Club! Pre-order Smørrebrød, Licorice, Lollies, Æbleskiver, Risalamande and Baked Goods to enj...oy with your friends and family! The Market will be held on Sunday November 15th, 11am - 1pm. Doors open at 11am. We will have your orders ready for collection. Due to COVID19 restrictions we are unable to offer dine-in at this event. Please bring carry bags to transport your purchases and an umbrella to shelter you as you await entry into the market. PRE-ORDERs must be placed to Julie, Hansen's and Britt's by the following dates: Wednesday November 11th Place all fresh food orders * Pre-order cheese by Tuesday November 10th Danish Club Brisbane Pre-order SMØRREBRØD and CHEESE* At your earliest convenience: Pre-order LICORICE, LOLLIES, HERRING AND DRINKS so we can get it ready for your arrival. If you don’t see an item on the order form that has been on offer before, just ask Julie. Email your order form to Julie at [email protected] Hansen's Æbleskiver Pre-order traditional Danish ÆBLESKIVER (Fresh or Frozen), RISALAMANDE and HONEY. Place your order on the website https://hansensaebleskiver.square.site/ Questions: email Madeleine and Paul at [email protected] Britt's Organic Bakery Pre-order Danish baked goods for Christmas Send your order form to [email protected] Traditional Danish Christmas decorations, beautiful embroidery pieces and jewellery will be available for purchase on the day! You can download order forms and learn more about the event on our website http://www.danishclubbrisbane.org/ If you are interested in volunteering please email [email protected]
04.01.2022 Here are our lucky raffle winners!
03.01.2022 Fdselaren medbragte selv gave. Museets formand markerede i lrdags sin 75 rs fdselsdag med et bent hus-arrangement p Radiomuseet. Her gav han museet en he...lt unik radio: En Marconiphone V2 fra 1922, som vi glder os meget til at vise frem for museets gster. Datidens pris p 24 m have vret en mindre formue p davrende tidspunkt.
03.01.2022 November Caf night ready set go.
03.01.2022 July 1st marked the start of the new club year and the time to renew your annual Danish Club membership. For more info visit http://www.danishclubbrisbane.org/m...embers01.htm Check out this stunning photo by John McGrath of our clubhouse in Newstead! We are very happy to have such a 'hyggelig' (cozy) place to connect with the community!
03.01.2022 Så er der nedtælling til årets Scandinavian Festival, hvor den danske klub serverer hot dogs, med remoulade, importeret dansk øl fra Tuborg og Skovlyst og Somersby rabarber cider. Vil du være med, så send besked til Søren eller via klub page her.
03.01.2022 S er det snart tid til at tilmelde sig konfirmationsundervisning! Ls mere p kirkens hjemmeside: http://www.danishchurch.org.au/kirkelige-hand/konfirmation/
02.01.2022 Cafe Danmark is all thanks to our volunteers! Look at that concentration .... If you'd like to lend a hand at the next cafe night on March 27th we'd love to h...ear from you! We're looking for help with table setup 4-5pm, smørrebrød prep 3-5pm, food service 6-8pm, pack down 8-9pm. Email [email protected] See more
02.01.2022 Get ready kids, fastelavns fest at the Danish club in Brisbane is just around the corner. Contact our president for bookings or Britt the Baker if you want to order "take home" boller
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