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Helen Betz | Public figure

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Helen Betz


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to load big map

24.01.2022 Not happy Jan! This phrase became an Australian expression after a TV advertisement depicts an employer who berates her employee for forgetting to do a task. Jan knows she has upset her boss and runs off with the manager yelling at her from the office window. Not happy Jan! Recently I offended someone and knew they were not happy! I replayed the scene over in mind wishing I had gone about it in the right way. Or perhaps even just a different way! Mulling on it for some time... and concerned for my dismeanour, God gently intruded. Quietly He asked why I was not as mindful about my earlier offence with Him. Pointing out an embellishment I had added to a statement, I realised I had not even blanched at my white lie. It was small, but in God’s eyes a lie nevertheless! Sadly, I realised I can often be more concerned with hurting or annoying another person than with sinning against God and offending Him. How tragic when we spend more time thinking of how others view us rather than how God of all creation sees us! Taking some time to pause, pray and repent I pushed the lesser incident aside and instead worshipped my Jesus who has paid the price for every grievance I ever made, both against Him and others. Jesus is Lord of All! He knows all and sees all! Oh how I must always seek to honour and keep short accounts with Him first. When I do His peace and forgiveness freely flows. Is there something you need to bring to Jesus today? #helenbetzheartfeltsounds : Giuseppe Argenziano

23.01.2022 From an early age I learnt the song; "Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me!" This seemed a curious response to school yard bullies, for somewhere within I felt the names and labels we gave others did indeed hurt. In fact my own experience was names, words and labels wounded deeply. Over the years not only was I the recipient of hurtful words, at times I was also the giver. I had learnt the hard way words have the capacity for life or death. Regret...tably on occasion I misused that information to strike out. Later in the game, I also realised some labels are hard to remove. Once spoken they can stick. In fact sometimes it feels as if those names have become etched on our soul, changing the way we think, act and respond all because of one word or phrase. Yet I love that when we come to Jesus He can remove every sticky, stubborn label and has a combative truth to every lie! His words have far more power than that of the enemy, others or even ourselves! His words are a wellspring of hope! In Zeph 3:14-20 we have this beautiful imagery of God taking away our judgment by rejoicing over us in song! Not only that but God says He will gather up the outcasts and give them praise in the very place they have suffered shame. This means: You are no longer cursed but totally blessed. You are no longer weak but unbelievably strong. You are no longer disabled but incredibly able. You are no longer ugly but uniquely beautiful. You are no longer rejected by man but profoundly accepted by Jesus, Lord of Heaven and Earth. God wants to gather His Sons and His Daughters to Himself and remove every hurtful false label so He can present you with His truth, empower you with His Spirit, sing over you and set you free. Why not come to Him now and listen to His serenade?

21.01.2022 Artists have the capacity to deeply connect to peoples hearts. With words, fibre, paint, fabric, music or stone they can stir the soul and breath life. Dying embers, imprisoned pain and consuming grief can be set free by the creations of the artisan. This is especially true of the artist who has based their life in Christ. Over the centuries the best artists and their artworks have often been found in churches. God bought poets, musicians and painters into His house to declar...e His praises and stir peoples faith. Yet as much as God delights in His artisans, the enemy wants to lock them away and keep them captive. The enemy has also misplaced passion so it is no longer grounded and established in the pursuit of God. In 2 Kings 24:14 we read: Nebuchadnezzar carried all Jerusalem into exile: all the officers and fighting men, and all the skilled workers and artisans. Special reference is made to the skilled workers and artists being captured because Nebuchadnezzar knew artisans bring life, hope and freedom. By taking the craftsmen and women out of action, he demoralised both the individual and a whole nation. God wants His creatives to be set free. I believe He is bringing in a new era of creations inspired by Holy Spirit. God wants to restore what the enemy has stolen. Gifts, opportunities, confidence and physical ability need to be restored. The mute bard will find their voice, the depressed painter will receive new joy, the ostracised artist will be embraced and the melodious prophet will again burst forth in song. I believe God is bringing His artists out of exile to speak His truth, stir hearts and declare His praises in all its forms. I believe God is ushering in a new season of Christ centred comfort and hope. My prayer is may the breath of God fall on all those who seek to honour Him. May His Spirit of revival break out. May a fresh wave of Godly creativity flood in. May the best artists and passionate followers again be found in God’s House. Helen Betz - Heartfelt Sounds Photo Credit: Caleb Salomons

21.01.2022 It’s time! Over the last couple of days God has given me some powerful imagery to pray into. A prayer for revelation, fulfilment, freedom and revival. The following prayer has been in my heart and on my lips. Dear Lord, we need to see your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. We need to see your people walk in the fullness of all that you have destined and called them into. God your people need to have the shackles of fear, sickness, disease, imprisonment, oppression, and corruption broken off their backs. God you promised to pour out your Spirit in the last days. Lord it’s time! It’s time for the Abrahams and Sarahs to give birth to their spiritual inheritance. It’s time for the Josephs to be set free and take up their position of Godly leadership. It’s time for the Gideons to step forward and be victorious in heavenly war. It’s time for the Davids to come out of the caves and claim their Godly appointment. It’s time for the Hezekiahs to get off their sick beds, humble themselves and worship the Lord. It’s time for the Esthers to speak up and reveal hidden truths. It’s time for the Daniels to be rescued from the lions den and God’s protection to be seen. It’s time for the Thomases to lay aside their doubt and be filled with conviction. It’s time for the Lazaruses to be raised from the dead and celebrate new life in Christ. It’s time for the Loises to see faith in their families fanned into a flame. What a formidable army we would be Lord, if everyone who sincerely followed You Jesus walked in the fullness of Your promise and favour with a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit. Without You we simply labour in vain. Lord fill us, refresh us, restore us empower us and equip us to grow Your Kingdom. Lord it’s time! Amen and Amen! : Helen Betz : Denny Muller

20.01.2022 Feeling gutted? Totally smashed? Read on dear one, this may be for you. Today God gave me a confronting vision. I saw someone stumble and trip over an invisible obstacle. Shocked they lurched forward grazing their knees and hands. Dusting themselves off, they began their journey once more only to fall over another unseen hazard. A gash on their shin began to bleed. Resolutely they picked themselves up and began again but more cautiously. This scene of falling and getting back... up was repeated many times, each time a new wound appeared or an old one reopened. I was divided between cheering the traveller back onto their feet or begging them to stay down flat to prevent more injury. I asked God why He had given me such an intense vision. This is what I believe His response was: . . . . . . , & . Honestly, that solution sounds far too simple. Some of you have been hurting for years, decades even. Yet God has called me to pray for you all, so pray I shall. Dear God right now, lift your little ones out of the dust; your fighters, your broken bloodied scarred children who are hurting. God in the name of Jesus reveal every stumbling block and how it can be dissolved, removed and overcome. Lord God remove the obstacles and pour out your healing into every crack, crevice, cut and gaping hole. Jesus restore hope, bring healing and freedom. God turn tragedy into triumph and wounds into worship. Amen Photo credits Unsplashed: Tina Rataj-Berard Thought Catalog Shane

20.01.2022 Why is it creativity is often seen as a constant state of competition, where one is graded to succeed or fail? With so many reality TV shows judging the artistic abilities of others, I think many people are afraid to be creative lest what they create is deemed by a wider audience as unsuitable! How bizarre! For we encourage expressive, creative play in children but often try to restrict it or control it in adults. Yet we should be creative as an expression of who we are and w...hat we love, not because others may or may not delight in it. For the last few months I have wanted to try some new techniques with art. I started some projects but didn’t complete them when I realised I have a whimsy touch to everything I create. This made me become overly self critical and think perhaps my art appears too childish. However, being creative is such an integral part of my being. I reminded myself I should be creative because it is an honest representation of what I like and who I am, not because of others opinions. After all, I also have a whole whimsy garden filled with artistic installations and I love making those! So this week I pulled out my incomplete canvases and completed them. I completed them and am exhibiting them here to encourage you all in your own style and version of making and creating! Let’s put our aside our fears and create in the kitchen, in the garden, with our instruments, on our computers and expressively play! If God is the Creator and we are made in His image, we need to relish in being creative, admiring others abilities and finding ways to express ourselves in whatever form is true to who we are. After all Picasso and Van Gogh were seen as being different in their day but it didn’t stop them being creative and developing their own style. What do you need to create?

19.01.2022 Loss affects us in so many different ways. Often it is in the little unguarded moments we realise afresh our sorrow, and catch ourselves wishing life had been different. We cry out to God, asking why He allowed such heartache, only to find our questions unanswered. Today God gave me a vision of a swing sitting empty under a canopy of green foliage. It’s emptiness creating a stark image of loss. I then noticed a woman looking out her kitchen window at the swing as it gently sw...ayed in the breeze. With dishes stacked up around her, God revealed her painful past. Internal scars of a lost childhood, traumatic secrets and shadowy memories filled with pain. Her tired eyes revealing another story to the one most people know. Slowly the imagery shifted. I saw the woman now being gently led outdoors into the sunshine and despite her hesitation, taken to the swing. Seated she was carefully pushed from behind and with each cycle, her joy began to mount until she tilted her head back and began to laugh. Silvery laughter floated from her lips. Somehow her past had been healed and her joy had been reinstated. Dear friend, if you are feeling overwhelmed by loss and sorrow, if joy and peace seem an unobtainable goal, take the hand of your Heavenly Father and step forward. There is still hope. Your future no longer needs to be dictated by your past. God wants to lead you, nurture you and restore you. Trust Him to calm your storm. Today dear one, God is reminding you of His promise. He has not forgotten you. My soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him. The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD. Lam 3:20-26 Continue to wait. He is coming for you. He will lead you. He will restore you. #helenbetzheartfeltsounds : Birgit Loit

18.01.2022 Half an hour. Sometimes all I need is half an hour of worship music and my chalks to connect with God creatively. Yet all to often I am reluctant to pause because I think I need to surrender hours to worship Him and hear God’s voice. I hold back and stall in spending quality time with God because other matters seem more pressing! Yesterday God gently called me to pray, instead I stubbornly reminded God I needed to finish cleaning my bathroom and toilet! Seriously why would I ...choose that over sitting at the feet of my Jesus? I can become so task focused I forget the importance of resting, listening, praying and responding to Gods call! My bathroom is immaculate but it won’t stay that way! Creating order gives me a sense of accomplishment but the affect on my heart is minimal. In contrast spending time with my Saviour may leave nothing to show but impacts my soul deeply. We need to be able to declare it is well with my soul because we know the importance of soul care and nurturing our faith life in Jesus. How do you need to nurture your faith today?

14.01.2022 Several months ago, as my husband and I were driving back from the coast to our farm, God gave me an intense vision. As we drove through lush green bush and vegetation, in my mind I saw blackened trees and incredible fire damage stretching far into the distance. At the time there were no bushfires in the south coast at all and only a few smaller fires in the far north. The damage and extent of what I saw in the vision seemed unrealistic, even impossible. Yet as I prayed and w...e drove past a lookout point, I again had an image of a wasteland, a burnt out countryside. In that moment I heard God say: As far as the eye can see! At the end of last year, as God had revealed, a massive fire storm did sweep through this stretch of land. The fire raged for weeks. Yesterday, we drove the same route for the first time since the fire tore through the area, showing a completely decimated and ravaged countryside. In some places the fire was so intense, only a few trees remain instead of dense bush. So why am I sharing this? As I wept for our land, as I prayed and worshipped God despite all the destruction, I felt God speak to my heart two things. 1. We don’t always like to receive a hard word from God. We delight in prophecies of praise and blessing but not of trials or hardship. We want to know God’s favour but struggle when God allows hardship instead. This does not mean His discipline or trials should be ignored. Quite the opposite. We need to take heed. 2. It seems to be a Godly principle that God’s joy, His blessings and His inheritance often come out of a season of waiting and pain. The Bible confirms this truth. Joseph, Sarah, David and Paul are just a few examples. Even the gift of eternal life itself is preceded by waiting and pain before we enter the heavenly Promised Land. In other words God often uses the trials in life to bring about His promises. So if you are struggling with a hard word from God, if you are finding yourself in the midst of a battle, know God can turn it into a blessing. If God has given you a vision of a trial, remember God will also be with you every step of the way. Finally, hold onto God’s word for everything works for the good of those who fear the Lord ... even if you can’t see what that good is! Whatever your struggle, may God be with you in the waiting, in the fire and may He birth new life in you out of the ashes.

14.01.2022 The words nearly slipped from my mouth. A phrase I don’t like to use was nearly spoken. The beginning of this year has been chaotic and full of unexpected surprises. I have listened to many share their burdened, grieving heart for our nation which is burning. Some have recently lost homes. Some have been relocated in a desire to stay safe. Few people in this country have been unaffected in some way by the fires. For others this year has begun with a different kind of tragedy.... The loss of a loved one. The diagnosis of a disease. Or perhaps simply the realisation the new year still holds its old wounds. Lots of people are hurting. As I listened to yet another tale of sadness, in my frustration I nearly responded with: I just want everything to go back to normal! Back to normal. What an awful phrase, yet I have heard it uttered frequently of late. A desire for everything to be normal. What is normal and why do we long for the ordinary when God is calling us to live extraordinary lives for Him? My heart cry is not for normality but God using the tough seasons in our lives to make us stronger, better, more compassionate and most of all drawing us to a deeper walk with Him. In amongst all the sorrow I am praying for God’s transformation which brings new beauty out of the ashes, a new joy out of the mourning and a fresh outpouring of His Spirit. If everything works for the good of those who fear the Lord then God wants to use the most trying moments in our life to refine us and make us shine. Let God use every situation to bring Godly change. Dear Lord God, pour out Your Spirit on Your people. Let us not be so filled with sorrow and confusion we are satisfied with the normal, everyday scenes. Let us instead draw nearer to You and ask for You to usher in a new season of hope and joy. A season filled with You, so Jesus becomes real and evident in every aspect of our lives. Let us seek You with every fibre of our being so we can be extraordinary Kingdom builders. Amen.

12.01.2022 Have you ever imagined what it might look like if there was some outward sign to show us people were praying? A little while ago I was pondering the verse found in 1 Th 5, to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and to give thanks in all circumstances. Even if we find it hard to rejoice in this season, surely we need to pray without ceasing! There has been a call for those who fear God to praise God and pray constantly. Yet largely the world may be unaware of our pleas and ...not know we praying. So how beautiful would it be, if every time we prayed bubbles came out of our mind and heart and floated up to the heavens? A tangible sign to others and those around we were praising, confessing and interceding with our Saviour! Can you imagine walking in the park and seeing someone with a myriad of bubbles floating above them? Or walking into a hospital ward and seeing a room filled with silent bubbles as a symbol of the prayers of the saints for that patient? Recently at a retreat, I led a session about this very issue! We offered our prayer bubbles to God and also allowed our bubble prayers for each other to float over each one as a gentle blessing. With such a sweet concept let me ask you one question. Would you pray more earnestly, more fervently and more frequently if you knew your prayers could be seen? Or least seen over the people and situations for which you were praying? Would you seek to fill a whole room or cover those you love with your ambient prayers if they were tangible? Your prayers may not be seen but they are powerful so let’s strive to pray more often. Why not breathe some prayer bubbles today?

12.01.2022 For some of us this current season has allowed us time to do some clearing and cleaning. Years of clutter, unfinished tasks, broken or outdated possessions have been mended or restored, cleared or completed. But what about your life? What about your soul? What habits need to be thrown out and what needs to be installed? If this is an opportunity from God to push the reset button, before we rush back into old habits and comfortable routines, we need to pause to take stock of l...ife and make some significant changes. In Hebrew/Jewish culture every 7th year and 50th year was a time of Sabbath rest, appraisals, relieving debts, taking time to clean up and start afresh. I don’t know when you last did a serious personal inventory and assessment of your life and faith journey, but it is a healthy and helpful task for us all to do regularly. In Ecclesiastes 3 we read there is a time for every season and every purpose under heaven. We may not like some of the seasons listed there but they are part of life and an opportune moment to grow and strengthen our faith. For to truly step into a new season we need to let go of the old one and prepare for what lies ahead. I want to actively prepare and be ready for a new season filled with more of Jesus, how about you? #areyouready

09.01.2022 Today is a call out to remember good times! More than that, to remember the God times, those sweet moments when God intervened in your life to protect, provide or perfectly position you as part of His plan! Throughout the Bible God calls His people to remember all He has done! Throughout the Bible God laments at how often His people have forgotten His incredible interventions into their lives. Last night God reminded me He originally established a week long feast every year s...o His people would intentionally reflect on their past and praise Him! This was to end with a great celebration after a week of fostering deep gratitude! So where has God intervened in your life? God called me to look at the word protection, and reflect where God has protected me, where His mighty hand has divinely intervened! The number of times and various ways was staggering! As a small girl there was a time when someone tried to abduct me, get me to hop in their car with complete strangers! By the grace of God that never eventuated! There was the time God audibly told me to stand still in the sea and not move as a large stingray swum around me, his barbed tail swishing close by! There was the time I should have been cleaned up by a semi-trailer but miraculously and mysteriously I ended up unscratched and unscathed neatly parked on the other side of the highway! Drivers came up asking if I was okay and scratching their heads unable to piece together what had happened! There was the time I suddenly became violently ill on a remote island, I was thrown onto the back of a Ute covered in vomit and filth barely conscious! Yet a visiting overseas doctor helped get me back on track and two island women gently stripped, washed and prayed over me staying by my side all night! These are just a few stories! Truly there have been many! Where has God protected you? Can you share and praise God for a moment when He defended you? A moment when God’s presence prevented a disaster? Despite these trying times let’s be grateful and celebrate all those God, good times! Perhaps you can share one of your moments of God’s protection below. Let’s celebrate together! : Helen Betz : Jon Tyson #helenbetzheartfeltsounds

07.01.2022 What a sweet truth God whispered to my heart today. Did you know God designed His creation to not only have a Sabbath day or rest day each week, but also a rest year? As I was pondering the lock down our world is entering due to virus concerns, God reminded me that His outlines for healthy living originally included having every 7th year off. It was to be a year of cancelling debts, forgiving people, letting slaves go free and allowing the land to lie fallow with no planting.... This was to ensure every living creature and person had a whole year of simplified living and rest. From the oxen, to the farmer, to the shop seller, God instructed His people to live off what they had, to not strip the fields and to be generous to the poor. He promised He would provide for everyone if they trusted in Him, followed His ways and cared for those who were struggling. How relevant is that right now? A season of lying fallow can be seen in our culture as shameful, as weak, as unproductive, and because it is not something we do regularly, very worrisome! Yet it was designed to build trust in God, grow a community support network and nurture a deep personal rest for individuals - all by calling people to intentionally choose a year of living with less activities, less chores and less in the pantry. We live in uncertain times and many are concerned about the ongoing implications of closed borders, schools and workplaces - as we should be. However, maybe this is an opportunity in disguise to trust in God for all our needs, to live more simply, to care for the elderly and poor and find ways to deeply refresh our soul. Personally, I wonder if when Jesus was reminding people not to worry about what they would eat, or drink or wear, it was the 7th year and a year of rest? Wouldn’t that add even more impact to His words! A season of lying fallow does not need to be a season of fear it could be a time of renewed trust and love in God as provider, in Jesus as our Saviour and in Holy Spirit as our comforter. What are you going to do with your forced season of rest? #helenbetz #helenbetzheartfeltsounds Photo: Mari Dicu

05.01.2022 Sometimes in our darkest, loneliest hours we can feel God has abandoned us. Sometimes when our world seems to be caving in, we can feel God has forgotten us. In those days, weeks, months, years, and even decades we can question our existence and God’s presence. Yet the truth is God is working in us and around us to bring about His plan. God often allows difficult seasons to bring about beauty and freedom. God often allows great trials and oppression to bring about His purpose... for us. Take a look in the garden. Some seeds or bulbs lie in the soil, in the dark, for years before they burst forth and truly live. A caterpillar is trapped in a cocoon and turns to mush before it emerges a glorious butterfly. So it is with us. God allows these dark times to nurture and nourish something deep inside us to bring transformation. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. because we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. The Bible is full of stories of people who struggled with all God allowed before they emerged victorious. Job, Hannah, Joseph, David, and Mary Magdalene (to name a few) all suffered in various ways before God stepped them into a new chapter. So hold on. There is a new season ahead! Hope is coming! God wants to birth something new in you. No matter where you are at, keep your eyes on Jesus. For God intends to bring us out of the darkness into His glorious light. 2 Cor 4:8&9 Romans 8:28 Photo: Markus Spiske

03.01.2022 We can’t do life without Jesus. It’s that simple. Your life without Him is way down ... with Him it’s right up there.

03.01.2022 Growing up I delighted in reading many books. Amongst my favourites were the Narnia chronicles, Lord of the Rings and many old fashioned fairytales. In these stories good always overcomes evil and often difficult situations change in a blink of an eye, with a little bit of magic and perhaps a sprinkling of fairy dust! Sometimes I want Jesus to usher in His healing, His peace and His presence in the same way! Suddenly in an unexplainable fashion, God will turn up and turn ever...ything around. How I long for some Cinderella miracles right now! Where my Jesus turns all that is ugly and tattered into glittering gold. Where all that is broken and torn becomes bright and shining new. Now I know that will happen at some stage, because I know the end of God’s story, at least in part anyway! There will be a new heaven and a new earth but what about now when everything is so messy? Why is Jesus waiting to deliver miracles when we could use some extraordinary moves of God now? Yesterday I was pondering this question and God directed me to a specific story and verse in the Bible. In the passage where Jesus is asked to come to Lazarus because he is sick it says this: . , . John 11:5-6 Jesus loved them so much, He didn’t rush to their side... He waited! He lingered so long Lazarus died! He loved them so much He allowed Lazarus to become rotten! Yet He did this so a greater good would unfold! Perhaps in the waiting, in the lingering and in the rotting, God is revealing His love for us knowing something greater will unfold. He knows somewhere in our story there will be a move of God which brings new life. There won’t be any glitter or fairy dust or glass slippers but instead there will be something more profound! Jesus will reveal the depth of His love either through an action here on earth or in our heavenly home! I don’t know about you, but oh how my soul longs for that moment! Photo credit: Park Troopers

02.01.2022 Have you ever wandered around with a camera lens to your eye or accidentally put on someone else’s glasses? If so, you will know how much it can change your perspective. Your vision can seem completely skewed and it is easy to fall. When life seems crazy and our world has been turned upside down, it’s important we look at the big picture, keep our eyes on Jesus and focus on the truth. History books tell us of plagues, wars and earthquakes which have killed millions. Even many... of our parents and grandparents share stories of having lived through great trials played out on a world map. The Bible reminds us, we will remain in a fairly constant state of chaos until Jesus comes again. So until that great and glorious day, let us keep our eyes on Jesus, be kind, be grateful and be people of prayer. Despite all the uncertainty and inconveniences, this is a perfect time to slow down, simplify life, get creative and rest! Turn this saga into a season of going deeper with Jesus and trusting Him every day for all your needs in every way. Psalm 121 calls us to lift our eyes upwards and off ourselves because our help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth. So make a decision to lift your gaze, see clearly and look for the big God picture. Oh, and if you want a laugh look up binocular soccer, that’s what happens when our perspective shifts and our vision is distorted! Photo: Nadine Shaabana

02.01.2022 Parcels in the mail are such a joy! Even during this season, when mail orders and postal deliveries seem to be understandably slow, the anticipation of receiving a package is special! Today God reminded me His promises may at times also be slow in being delivered, (at least by our standards), but we should still have a hopeful joy concerning them. But often as time stretches on, I begin to doubt God’s Word and what He has spoken over me. If that’s you too, read on!... Imagine you made an overseas purchase. The gift has been paid for, your delivery details have been given, now all that is needed is for you to wait for its arrival. And let’s be honest, ordering anything online from overseas is unpredictable in its expected arrival date! Yet you have a quiet knowledge it will arrive in its own sweet time. The same is true of God’s promises for us! They have been purchased. They have been paid for in full. There is a written record of them in the Bible. God knows who they are for and He knows when they will unfold. We must simply wait with expectant hearts. Even those special, unique promises God has given just for you must be waited for. In faith we must wait, with the assurance no matter what our world may look like, God will deliver! How many times do you think David doubted his appointment as King? He was living in a cave instead of a palace. He was surrounded by soldiers and body guards instead of servants. He had to hide away instead of being acknowledged as a public figure. Yet none of that changed what God had spoken and promised over David’s life. Your promise may seem a long way off! It may even seem impossible! But God has not forgotten you. Neither has He abandoned His promises to you. He is just waiting for the right time to bring it to fruition. The Lord of Heaven delights in fulfilling what He has spoken over His children. Keep waiting! God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change his mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19 : Reuben Rohard #helenbetz

02.01.2022 I recently received a beautiful testimony from a young man regarding my music. The number of people God uses me to impact for Him may be small in number, but I am so blessed to know I continue to be a heartfelt sound for Him. So I have uploaded some of my sermons, object lessons, dramas and music onto a YouTube channel. If you need some encouragement or would like to take a look, check it out and also visit my FB/Insta page or website....

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