Helen Fraser Artist | Arts & humanities website
Helen Fraser Artist
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22.01.2022 Some people just go above and beyond. Thank you so much to my friend and art collector @thomasajohns. He instigated the purchase of the Australian South Sea Islander flag to fly at his Sydney property to bring further recognition to our ASSI community as a distinct cultural group in this country. I know this means a lot to Waskam Emelda Davis and the @assi.pjofficial community. If you too would like to fly the flag for ASSI you can purchase one as a fundraiser for SugarFest 2020 at the cost of $150 including postage. Just DM your interest or email [email protected]. #community #communityengagement #fundraiser #sugarfest #sugarslaves #assi #assipj #flag #australianhistory #yumiolgeta #craftivism #sydney #australianartist #artcollector #whiteaustraliahasablackbirdinghistory #flyone
22.01.2022 I am excited and honoured to be one of the Community Advocates for the Australian South Sea Islanders Port Jackson @assi.pjofficial in Sydney. Their deep commitment to gaining further recognition as a distinct cultural group is admirable along with their willingness to engage in cross-racial discussions and projects to heal our nation. I am currently collaborating with the community and the Napen Napen cultural women in Port Vila Vanuatu to create a space at this years SugarF...est on November 21st for a quilt centrepiece to be designed and made by members of the community. This will join together with the chain stitched quilt blocks from the Yumi Olgeta:Crafting a More Inclusive Democracy Workshop in August 2019 at the Museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse to create a commemorative quilt to highlight the 25th-26th Anniversary of commonwealth recognition and the 40th Anniversary of Vanuatu's Independence this year. The finished quilt will be donated to the Museum next year. As a white artist it is very humbling to be assisting to coordinate this project and I'm learning every step of the way to be mindful of what my whiteness may be bringing to my interactions and reactions. Thanks for following the journey as the project unfolds and thank you @assipj for this incredible opportunity. #assi #assipj #moad #canberra #sydney #whiteaustraliahasablackbirdinghistory #blackbirding #australianhistory #healing #racism #antiracism #welcometothework #community #advocate #sugarfest #embroidery #quilting #white #whiteartist #commemorativequilt #learningasigo See more
21.01.2022 Here's a sneak peak into this year's Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser. This 48" x 32" acyllic painting will be available in the silent auction as part of the virtual The Big Roast @thebigroast for CF at 12 noon on Sunday 26th July 2020 with Rob Dolan Wines @robdolanwine. This cause is dear to my heart as my friends Kirsty and Stephen have two children with CF. They created this fundraising organisation that have raised over $98,000 for CF research. The work is called '65 Roses' as ...a young girl many years ago called Cystic Fibrosis '65 Roses' and it has become an important symbol for the CF community. And right now with Covid-19 those with CF are particularly vulnerable. So lets support this amazing family and community. Go to https://www.robdolanwines.com.au//big-event-for-cystic-fi/ for the virtual roast on Sunday 26th July, 2020. #thebigroast #cf #cysticfibrosis #lianandgrace #mycharity #silentauction #artforcharity #hostaroast #medicalresearch #65roses #acryllicpainting #fabric #indigo #rosesfabric #blue #bigpainting #australianart #australianartist See more
19.01.2022 Progress on Quiet Restoration 2, a commission from The Jefferson Grid show which now feels like a million years ago at Hume Global Learning Centre Gallery @humecitycouncil in Sunbury in Feb-Mar 20. The slow stitching has given me quiet time to reflect on who I am during covid-19 and the many losses we are having to bear. Maybe this quiet time of isolation will restore us at some level. I like to think so though it can be very uncomfortable at times. This dreamcatcher textile ...is being created for Julie in Sunbury. Her husband died last year and this work is being created to match the colors in her favourite work The Great Wave by Japanese ukiyo-e artist Hokusai. This work is one of the most popular works in the NGV Collection and depicts a wave and mountain. The wave may represent man made disaster/external circumstances and the mountain our unwavering spirit or soul. The image became a symbol for man-made and natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and the 1996 Pan Am Flight 800. Relevant to The Dust Bowl in the 1930s as explored in my show and relevant to the Pandemic right now. Read more at www.ngv.gov.au/hokusai-and-the-great-wave/. I feel honoured to be making this work at this time in history and to be an australian artist. #honoured #history #commission #australianartist #dreamcatcher #thegreatwave #indigo #mustard #mountainandsea #hokusai #japan #japaneseart #ngv #hume #humegallwries #artcollector #specialwork #textile #slowstitch #covidart #spirit See more
18.01.2022 Get in quick for these limited edition lapel pins...
18.01.2022 One of my top collectors Lauren @the_ranges_renovator commissioned a large fragment drawing. I love this photo of it peeking out on the right side. If you like to renovate and want some inspiration I recommend her page to see how she transforms each property. And if you would like a large fragment of your own just DM me anytime. #artcollector #artcommissions #paper #drawing #commission #homedecor #renovation #transformation #macedonrangesart #framedart #commissionme #australianart #australianartist
15.01.2022 Here's another work from my Australian Sky Series started during Lockdown 2. With restrictions eased this week and the USA election result clear I've noticed myself experiencing a mixture of emotions. Deep relief as well as exhaustion at times. A longing to keep a slower pace and fear to losing this. Anxiety about seeing people and about covid numbers increasing. Overwhelm at more to do and anger about greater demands. Now we are freer, some disappointment and sadness that we... aren't free in the 'old' way. A sense of hope and new possibilities on the horizon. I look at this painting and recall a time of great distress in my psychology practice, when it felt like life as we knew it was disintegrating. These paintings are now a precious reminder of that unique time that hopefully we will never return to again. For Melbourne folks - absolutely well done. Enjoy your freedom wherever you may find it this weekend and beyond. Much love x #australianart #australianpainting #painting #acrylicpainting #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #sky #australiansky #blue #pandemicart #freedom #hope #change #process #adjustment See more
15.01.2022 As Melbourne eases restrictions and there's talk of borders opening up I am thrilled to share the developments of the Yumi Olgeta;Crafting a More Inclusive Democracy collaboration with the amazing @assi.pjofficial community and the City of Sydney @cityofsydney. While we were developing our first workshop with the creative team at the Museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse in Canberra Waskam Emelda Davis, Chairwoman of the @assipj Board came up with the name Yumi ...Olgeta which means 'you, me, all together' in Bislama. This was the language developed between south sea islanders blackbirded to Australia between 1847-1908 and is now the official language of Vanuatu. I came up with the additional 'Crafting a More Inclusive Democracy' as we are creating spaces for cross-racial discussion while engaging in craft. The team at MoAD facilitated a rich space for Emelda and I to live the spirit of Yumi Olgeta in our connection and for this I am truly grateful. With the support of a grant from @cityofsydney, @assipj have invited me to conduct embroidery workshops over the next three years during SugarFest, a celebration of Oceanic Culture, History and Music. So it's with great excitement that we share our new logo for the collaboration, designed by Lisa Christensen of @threebranchesdesign in Melbourne. #assipj #assi #collaboration #sydney #embroidery #australianartist #craftivism #sugarfest #workshops #moad #blackbirding #australianhistory #craft #joinus #contemporaryart See more
15.01.2022 Finally making time to complete several commissions from The Jefferson Grid show @humecitycouncil. This is Quiet Restoration 2, commissioned by a Sunbury woman who just missed out on Quiet Restoration 1 which was purchased by @bikosmaria and @dajeffree . She wanted me to include some mustard coloured fabric similar to that seen in a Japanese print she loves. I purchased this contrast fabric from @patchnquilt which is still open with restricted hours. Her husband died last year and the work is to support her quiet restoration as she lives with her grief. Such an honour to collaborate and another example of the healing and nurturing power of art. #artcollector #commission #sunbury #thisissunbury #humegallery #hume #thejeffersongrid #fabric #dreamcatcher #gratitude #macedonrangesart #australianartist #studio #wip
14.01.2022 Thank you @humecitycouncil for this commendation for my solo exhibition The Jefferson Grid earlier this year at the Hume Global Learning Centre Gallery in Sunbury. Congratulations to the amazing array of artists who won an Award or received a commendation. I am very honoured to be part of this group. #excited #honoured #humearts #humecitycouncil #humeartaward #recognition #australianart #australianartist #artaward #commendation #soloexhibition #quilting #drawing #textiles
14.01.2022 Great news! My painting raised $500 for CF Research @thebigroast @robdolanwine. 92 Roasts and 450 participants. Here are the new owners of '65 Roses' - a painting I've been wanting to do for years now. It couldn't have gone to a better home as Kirsty and Stephen are dear to me and started this charity. I'm very honoured to support their journey to find a cure for CF with my annual donation. Thank you to all participants. #cf #65roses #cysticfibrosis #friendship #heARTideas #heartandsoul #robdolanwines #thebigroast #hostaroast #australianart #mycharity #thankyou #australianartist
14.01.2022 And thanks for these photos from @lsb1159 showing my painting on wood framed. I've decided to offer acyllic paintings on wood or canvas to #artistsupportpledge via Instagram stories at $200 plus postage and handling. This is a total bargain considering their usual value but it is giving me a chance to explore and offer something affordable during these times. Once I sell $1000 I pledge $200 to another artist. So watch Instagram stories to be the first to purchase when I post the work finished. If it doesn't sell there I will post it to my feed. First in best dressed. Good luck! #artistsofinstagram #affordableart #artforsale #artistsupportpledge #painting #acyllic #australianartist #artcollector #getinquick #freedom #home #framedart #collector
13.01.2022 Exciting to receive the first International chain stitch embroidery block for the Yumi Olgeta Commemorative Quilt Project. This stunning intricate block was created by Ximena Ortiz Medina @cosystitch of Los Angeles. She writes "Do you know that my native country was involved too in this slavery situation with Easter Island natives? Chile and Peru too. For this reason it's important for me to help you. I am Chilean." Her work is a homage to the people who were enslaved on Eas...ter Island. Thank you so much Ximena for sharing this history. On behalf of @assi.pjofficial and @oldparliamenthouse we are grateful for your time, energy and care. This block along with 39 others will form a decorative border for a large quilt to be donated to the Museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse in Canberra. The quilt making process is a cross racial collaboration that aims to support and bring further recognition to the Australian South Sea Islanders as a distinct cultural group and through personal connections to bridge the divides in our community. We hope you will join us for an Applique and Embroidery workshop on Saturday 21st November 2020 at Sugarfest; Oceanic Culture, History and Music to help create a patchwork centrepiece for the quilt. Thanks to all who have been involved so far. I can hardly wait to see what happens next #assi #assipj #assicommemmorativequilt #australiahasaslavehistorytoo #whiteaustraliahasablackbirdinghistory #community #socialart #participatoryart #joinus #sugarfest #moad #collaboration #vanuatu #napennapen #embroidery #applique #workshop #embroideryworkshop #australianartist
12.01.2022 In response to experiencing profound loss at being separated and isolated and losing our old way of life, I have channelled this pain into a new body of work called Australian Sky. It explores the fear of disintegration that myself and many Victorians are feeling right now and the idea that the beauty of our expansive blue sky may offer some solace as it has to me at this time. When I walk around my neighbourhood and look up at that unique blue I think about the people and pl...aces I miss in Australia and how arbitrary divisions are; borders, Metro vs Regional, Labour vs Liberal, elderly vs young. Because as Australians we all live under the one Australian sky and noone can take that away from us. So next time you feel overwhelmed, lonely, depressed, angry, scared, hopeless, enraged, or vulnerable look up at the blue Australian Sky and know that it connects us all as one. I will certainly be glancing that way often too. #inspiration #covidart #australianartist #psychology #change #newwork #painting #matisseaustralianskyblue #matisseacylic #acylic #acylicpainting #hope #sky #skyblue #nature #pandemicart #connection #community
11.01.2022 This is the first artwork in my Australian Sky Series. I created this before I knew it would become a series. There was something different about this painting. A new sort of tension that captured how I was feeling being a therapist in the midst of a pandemic. A sense of what we knew crumbling and disintegrating into chaos. My painting has helped me cope during these months. I'm very grateful to have this outlet. #australiansky #australianart #australianartist #blue #acylic #painting #matisseacylic #uncertainty #unknown #newterritory #newseries #chaosandorder #weareallconnected #connection
10.01.2022 Thanks for the promotion and great framing for my collector! (First 2 photos are of my work)
10.01.2022 As an artist it i's always a joy to receive a photo from a collector. As a lot of my work is sold unframed it is fun to see how collectors choose to frame my work. This photo is from one of my oldest friends @emgaykelly in Tasmania. The drawing was created on my first Art Research Trip to Sydney, before I met Waskam Emelda Davis and some of the @assi.pjofficial community in 2018. The lighthouse in front of the @sea.museum in Sydney was built with the help of Australian South ...Sea Islanders and this history is not known to the general public. So much has happened since this research trip so its a great marker of my journey learning about Australia's Slave Trade history and the power of just turning up. Thanks for becoming a collector Em. It means a lot. #artcollector #drawing #framedart #artforsale #assi #artresearch #australianartist #sydney #seamuseum #sydneylighthouse #maritime #socialart See more
09.01.2022 SugarFest is a festival of Oceanic Culture, History and Music run by the Australian South Sea Islanders Port Jackson @assi.pjofficial and supported by @cityofsydney. This year's event was originally planned for Saturday 21st November 2020 but due to covid this is now the soft launch. The main event will be on Tuesday 26th Jan 2021. Next Saturday at 10am there will be a short procession till 10.20am with Torres Strait Performers. The Pyrmont Heritage Boating Club will sail i...n with the procession to Pirrama Park in recognition of a shared history between First Nations people, Torres Strait and the South Sea Islands. There is also a fundraising event at the Zebra Lounge Restaurant (booked out) with Torres Strait customary performances, former The Voice contestants Steve Clisby and Illisavani Cava as well as world-renowned jazz artists Johnny Nicol and Shabha holistic healing and Bollywood performer. Unfortunately I can't attend due to border restrictions but look forward to being at the Survival Day event to run three Yumi Olgeta: Crafting a More Inclusive Democracy workshops. I will be collaborating with @threebranchesdesign to create a free PDF so anyone can create four culturally meaningful motifs for the ASSI Commemorative Quilt or for yourself. I will provide more information closer to the event. Thank you for supporting my collaboration with ASSIPJ and the Napen Napen Cultural Women to craft a more inclusive democracy at this important time in our history. www.assipj.com.au. #assi #asdpj #community #cityofsydney #sydney #festival #craftivism #advocacy #excited #australianartist #joinme #yumiolgeta
08.01.2022 So pleased the banner arrived safely...
08.01.2022 This small acrylic on canvas was one of the first in the Australian Sky series. Through my regular painting practice I am documenting my experience of going through the pandemic as a Victorian psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist in full time practice via Telehealth. I've had and still have the privilege and challenge of containing a group of people through this crisis while managing my own mental health and self care. My painting has been like a meditation and a p...lace to spill out my own pain for it to be contained and held. Working in acrylic has allowed me to create before and between clients as it dries quickly. My obsession with Matisse Australian Sky Blue has come to represent the overarching connectedness between us all no matter where we live and how we are separated. This idea has been a great comfort to me as I look up at the sky on my walks. I hope you gain some comfort and containment from these images too. I look forward to the day I can exhibit these in person. #pandemicart #therapist #psychology #australianpsychologist #psychoanalysis #container #painting #acrylicpainting #artseries #covid19 #australianpainter #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #arttherapy #journeyofatherapist See more
05.01.2022 A heartfelt speech by Emelda Davis at the 26th Australian South Sea Islander Anniversary Flag Raising Event yesterday at the Sea Museum in Sydney.
05.01.2022 Congratulations Melbourne! You have done it. Well done to all Victorians for your efforts so far to "stay the course". It's been an intense ride to say the least. Here's another small acrylic on canvas created during lockdown. This series explores the idea that we are all under the one Australian Sky no matter where we live or how we are separated through this time. It features Matisse Australian Blue in every painting. I hope you enjoy some of your newfound freedoms today as we move into the next step... #australia #australianartist #acrylicpainting #pandemicart #melbourne #victoria #contemporaryart #painting #relief #freedom #connection
04.01.2022 Very excited to receive this photo from the Napen Napen Cultural women in Port Vila, Vanuatu. With the support of the @assi.pjofficial Board I have commissioned the Napen Napen weavers to create three traditional weavings to add wording and decoration to the Australian South Sea Islander Commemorative Quilt that is the first Yumi Olgeta project. The finished quilt will be donated to the Museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse in Canberra. During Sugarfest 2020 (now... on 26th Jan 2021 due to the pandemic) I will be teaching applique and embroidery workshops where culturally significant motifs will be created to add to the centrepiece of the quilt around the weaving. It is such an honour to be working with such a diverse, passionate and creative team to bring further recognition to ASSI as a distinct cultural group as well as creating spaces for cross racial connection and learning. I would love you to get involved. ..more info coming soon! #yumiolgeta #vanuatu #assi #assipj #collaboration #moad #australianhistory #quilt #quilting #craftivism #traditionalweaving #napennapen #community #commemmorativequilt #whiteaustraliahasablackbirdinghistory #joinus #contemporyartist See more
04.01.2022 Now I'm totally overwhelmed. Josephine Gideon and Rosa Vatu from Port Vila, Vanuatu have coordinated this weaving commission for the centrepiece of the Yumi Olgeta Commemorative Quilt that will be donated to the museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse . Using the traditional weaving style the Napen Napen Cultural women have woven their magic into this stunning piece. It reads 'Honouring South Sea Islanders blackbirded 1847-1908, Resistance -Freedom -Resilience - H...ealing to Democracy'. Working closely with the @assi.pjofficial Board and Elders I designed three weavings to add wording and decoration to a large quilt commemorating Australian South Sea Islanders as a distinct cultural group as well as bring awareness to Australia's Slave Trade history. I couldn't be happier with this outcome which started as an idea and sketch. Thank you Napen Napen women for your creativity and generous spirit of yumi olgeta. I look forward to running applique and embroidery workshops during Sugarfest where participants will create frangipani and hibiscus flowers, sugar cane plants and turtles to surround the weaving. There will be a chain stitched border of squares depicting the conch shell, calling the community together. #yumiolgeta #assi #assipj #excited #community #craftivism #blackbirding #quilt #weaving #vanuatu #vanuatuweaving #quilting #participatoryart #australianhistory #whiteaustraliahasablackbirdinghistory #joinus #sugarfest #moad #napennapen See more
04.01.2022 I must say that I'm really enjoying creating some colourful paintings for the fun of it. It's a real soul balm in these difficult times. This one is still available for $400 plus postage and handling. It's created with Ink, Acyllic and Oil Pastel on Board, 77cm x 54cm, unframed. Kerbside pickup can be arranged if you are local to the Macedon Ranges and payment plans are available. Check out my Instagram Stories to see my new work and get first dibs. Just DM if interested in having more colour in your life x #artforsale #artstudio #australianartist #fastandfurious #acryllicpainting #affordableart #colour #newfocus #painting #abstractpainting #macedonrangesart
04.01.2022 If it wasn't for this embroidery sampler Yumi Olgeta wouldn't exist! On a whim I flew to the Museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse in Nov 2018 for a workshop with the talented embroider and craftivist Rebecca Ray @serendipity_for_days. She designed this intricate sampler for us to start, inspired by the 70th Anniversary of the United Declaration of Human Rights that year. We are both participants in the UDHR Quilt project by @talfitzpatrick and @illuminatembroid...ery. At this workshop the creative staff offered us a chance to meet in their creative space and I suggested that I invite the Australian South Sea Islanders to have a conversation with us. This led to the mindblowing, moving Yumi Olgeta: Crafting a More Inclusive Democracy Workshop in August 2019 with @assi.pjofficial. So it is an honour to finally be near to completing this design which led to life-changing events for me. Contact me or Rebecca for a copy of the design if you wish to have a go yourself. It is a delight to stitch. Thank you @serendipity_for_days @talfitzpatrick @illuminatembroidery @oldparliamenthouse @assi.pjofficial See more
03.01.2022 Save the Date! Saturday 21st November 2020 for the annual Sugarfest in Sydney. This festival of Oceanic Culture, History and Music is run by the Australian South Sea Islanders Port Jackson @assi.pjofficial in collaboration with many community advocates and supporters including the City of Sydney. SugarFest will be a covid safe event and I will be running three Applique and Embroidery workshops on the day. You can pick one or enjoy all three which will gradually progress your ...skills. You will also have the opportunity to contribute your work to the Yumo Olgeta Commemorative Quilt which will be donated to the Museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse in Canberra in 2021. I'm really honoured to be part of the festival for the next three years and look forward to seeing what we can create in the spirit of yumi olgeta ('you, me all together' in Bislama) #savethedate #sugarfest #sugarslaves #assi #assicommemmorativequilt #socialart #covidsafeevent #embroidery #embroiderystitches #appliqué #appliqueart #quilting #quiltproject #moad #australianartist #community #communityadvocate #festival #excited #joinme #joinus #learningasigo #whiteaustraliahasablackbirdinghistory See more
03.01.2022 I've just come off a zoom chat with the amazing Chairwoman of @assi.pjofficial Waskam Emelda Davis. I'm super excited to announce that I will be running embroidery workshops over the next three years at Sugarfest in Pyrmont, Sydney. We have some inspiring things planned for you to get involved with to join in the fun and continue your learning about Australia's Slave Trade history. The festival is going to be huge! This year I will be working with Australian South Sea Islande...rs, Torres Strait and Indigenous Australians to finish the centrepiece of a commemorative quilt that will be donated to the Museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse next year so their voices can be heard more strongly in this institution. I may also be participating in some conversations around Black Lives Matter from a white perspective. We have a contingency plan in place for covid-19 so I may be working via Zoom. Thank you to all those Yumi Olgeta embroiderers who have contributed a chain stitched block as these will form a stunning border for the quilt. Blocks are due back by the end of July 2020 to Helen Fraser 139 High Street Prahran Victoria Australia but please don't panic if you are a few weeks late. Your efforts are making a real difference to Australian South Sea Islanders. And special thanks to Emelda for her time and hard work in making this festival a reality under very difficult circumstances We will keep you posted as the schedule unfolds. I am honoured to be involved. #yumiolgeta #quilt #moad #sugarfest #commemorativequilt #learningasigo #youmealltogether #vanuatu #assi #assipj #partnership #honoured #socialart #australianhistory #australiahasaslavehistorytoo #whiteaustraliahasablackbirdinghistory See more
02.01.2022 Some good news! This year $22, 421 was raised for The Royal Childrens Hospital Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust in The Big Roast @thebigroast @robdolanwine last Sunday. Congratulations to the Bowness Family, Rob and Jude Dolan and Tayla McKay along with the rest of the team and supporters. CF is a life threatening genetic disorder that severely affects the lungs and digestion. This money helps fund new drug trials and further research which is making a difference to thousands living with CF including Liam and Grace Bowness. Thanks for your interest in this cause dear to my #friendship #thebigroast #liamandgrace #cf #65roses #australianart #artdonation #medicalresearch #royalchildrenshospital #mycharity #hostaroast #joinme #next year
01.01.2022 Bidding started last night for my painting '65 Roses' in the silent auction for The virtual Big Roast for Cystic Fibrosis @thebigroast run by Rob Dolan Wines @robdolanwine. From 12 noon today participants will be holding Roast lunches in their homes to raise money for CF research. This charity was started by my friends Kirsty and Stephen Bowness who have two children with CF, Liam and Grace. Liam is currently participating in a trial for a new CF drug which is looking positiv...e in halting the diseases progression. Many years ago a little girl called CF 65 Roses so its now a symbol within the community. For a while now I've wanted to create an artwork around this symbol, creating a vintage rug with roses and frayed edges representing the ongoing pain, uncertainty and chronic sorrow those with CF and their families live with daily. It is an honour to support this charity each year as it is dear to my . Have a great day everyone !! #mycharity #cf #65roses #painting #blue #indigo #cysticfibrosis #cfaustralia #thebigroast #medicalresearch #rose #roses #heartandsoul #australiancharity #australianartist #macedonrangesart #symbol @ Royal Childrens Hospital See more
01.01.2022 The Napen Napen Cultural women of Port Vila, Vanuatu have just finished the third traditional weaving for the Australian South Sea Islander Commemorative Quilt. This particular weaving will hang at the bottom of the quilt to show off the long fringing. The quilt will commemmorate the 25th and 26th Anniversary of Commonwealth Recognition for Australian South Sea Islanders as a distinct cultural group along with the 40th Anniversary of Vanuatu Independence this year. The Napen ...Napen women attended our first workshop in Canberra in August 2019 at the Museum of Australian Democracy @oldparliamenthouse where they shared moving stories about the impact of blackbirding on their families and culture. They have also been advising us on the new Yumi Olgeta; Crafting a More Inclusive Democracy logo by @threebranchesdesign. We really look forward to seeing the three weavings in person at my Embroideryand Applique workshops in Pyrmont, Sydney at SugarFest 2020 on 26th Jan 2021 (delayed due to covid) sponsored by @cityofsydney. #asdi #assi #sydney #ilovesydney #blackbirding #vanuatu #napennapenwomen #portvila #quilting #craftivism #yumiolgeta #craft #democracy #inspiration See more