BODY BEING in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Personal coach
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Address: Giralang 2617 Canberra, ACT, Australia
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25.01.2022 Our breath is the cornerstone of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. It can also be a key to unlocking our potential and discovering all that we are capable of being in this world. Or simply restoring our vitality and coming home to ourselves. . Consciously using our breath to connect to the deeper aspects of ourselves is one of the most effective ways of unlocking our psyche of unhelpful patterns or beliefs, releasing tension, trauma or stress, processing o...ur emotions and working towards a felt sense of wholeness, acceptance, self understanding and vitality. . This event is an opportunity to use the power of your breath to journey deeply within, explore your inner world and unlock aspects of your potential and knowing. . You are invited to come share an evening of diving deeply into self discovery and inner unfolding using the modality of 'Conscious Connected Breathwork'. . What is Breathwork? . Conscious Connected Breathwork is a powerful modality that uses conscious and dynamic breathing, awareness and relaxation to access our subconscious world through inducing an altered state of awareness. . In this state we can journey beyond the mind and access images, memories, energy, feelings, sensations, thoughts and experiences that we can not ordinarily access in our everyday life. . Any questions please contact Amber on [email protected] (or private message) . Link in profile
24.01.2022 Brutal perhaps but often totally appropriate and humbly true. Liberating our health potential requires us to: - explore how we sabotage ourselves.... - investigate how we turn a blind eye to our destructive habits. - unpack our assumed ‘ways of operating’ which are undermining our vitality. - take radical responsibility for how we are turning up in life. - believe we have the power of choice but that maybe we need support to make new choices. This kind of honesty is not easy. It is not always obvious either but if we start with curiosity we are well placed to evolve and expand into greater and deeper experiences of wellbeing. I got a good dose of humble pie lately. Blinded by my denial, arrogance and shame. Once I let the defensiveness settle, once I leaned into my unknowing, once I reached out and asked for help and let my shame and fear by seen. Only then was I gifted upgrades to my experience of my self, life, vitality and love. Being a human is confusing and amazing, isn’t it. What parts of yourself are you unwilling to really look at? Where are you unable to reach out and how come? Where does your body speak and are you ignoring it’s message? Can you be so kind and loving towards yourself to dare to be more curious? #humblepie #radicalhonesty #upgrade #deepening #paulchek #deephealth #selfresponsibility #bodybeing #holistichealth #cbr
22.01.2022 Next Group Breathwork event Sat 19 Dec. Details to come.
22.01.2022 ...Open the door of your heartache, step through the door of your betrayal, pass through the hole in your heart,... Pass through! It is a door. ¡Abre la puerta! Open the door. Abre la puerta, Open The Door. Clarissa Pinkola Estés. #clarissapinkolaestes #openthedoor
22.01.2022 Hi breathers Current Breathwork students are seeking clients for their final practical hours. Lisa Atherton (linked below) is one of these wonderful people.... There students are training under the same lineage as me which is of exceptional quality with very high standards of practice. If you want to try Breathwork this is a great way to try some very affordable sessions. Check Lisa out.
21.01.2022 New date announced. Upcoming Group Breathwork journey. Rego is open. A practice in resetting and coming home to yourself....
21.01.2022 Honouring my womb. Honouring the darkness there, the fear and shame that has penetrated into my body through generations of shut down, of oppression and denial. Honouring the gift of life and creativity and vibrancy and deep deep knowing that wrestles with the wounds, the disconnection.... Honouring the wild within that scratches at my skin from the inside, the dark feminine who wants to burn it all down and from the ashes create new life. The dark goddess within who rages at what has come to pass and says No More. Honouring my lower heart (my womb) and what is birthing through me into my world. The knowing that is beyond anything I could make up with my mind. The heart that bleeds and creates and brings my deep love forward again and again. Deep inside I feel her, the wild one, she crawls and roars and scratches. She is coming and my ego is fearful but also ready. I’m surrendering again and again as the contractions start. I don’t know what is coming, but she is fucking coming.
20.01.2022 Conscious Connected Breathwork is a path into your subconscious world. This inner world is a place of profound wisdom and power that the thinking mind can not comprehend. It is a modality that honours the body and it’s inherit intelligence, allowing transformation to happen at the essence of you rather than just appealing to the tactics of the mind. ... Want to drop into your body, let the mind chatter soften and connect with your innate wisdom? Come along to my next Group Breathwork journey (17 July) or inquire about one on one Breathwork ([email protected]) Bam
19.01.2022 I NEED TO BATHE MORE... To bathe in hot water To bathe in sunlight... To bathe in moonlight To bathe in deep connection with my loved ones To bathe in cold rivers To bathe in my conscious breath To bathe in celebration of the gift of life To bathe in the presence of trees To bathe in the sounds of birds To bathe in the smells of the soil To bathe in my tender heart To bathe in the arms of my tribe To bathe in spaciousness and stillness Where do you crave to bathe? Photo by & with @gigiamazonia featuring @camillalivelovelife (so many types of bathing going on with these sisters of my soul).
18.01.2022 Josh (Transition Breath) and I are excited to open registration for the first TRANSMUTE Group Breathwork for 2021. Register your interest by emailing us ([email protected] or [email protected]) #transmute #groupbreathwork #consciousconnectedbreathwork #breathworkcanberra #breath #cbr #canberra #alteredstatework #innerhealing #healerwithin #subconsciousdiving #innerwilderness #transitionbreath #bodybeing
17.01.2022 Your breath is a powerful transformational tool available to help you explore your body & being. Consciously using your breath to connect to the deeper aspects of yourself is one of the most effective ways of creating space for a transmutation to occur from deep within, bringing your mind, body & heart into greater alignment with your true nature. Body Being (Amber) & @transitionbreath (Joshua) join together for this transformational breathwork experience on: - Sunday, 29 No...vembe2020 - 2pm to 5pm - Substance Dance Studio, Kingston. We will use Conscious Connected Breathing, body awareness & relaxation to enter a meditative & altered-state of consciousness. In this state, participants may access memories, thoughts, feelings & sensations from their subconscious world, which are then amplified towards release & integration. Group Breathwork is a useful practice for: - working with unhelpful held or stored emotional material; - unlocking your life force & sense of vitality - discharging stress, tension, anxiety or stuck energy; - understanding limiting behaviours; - using the group energy to go deeper into your own process; - addressing relation material & being held in a group setting; - exploring consciousness & life questions; & - improve general well-being. Limited spaces are available. The exchange is $70.00 (including booking fee). ***It is recommended you book your place early to avoid missing out. We expect this event to sell out. This event has strictly limited numbers to ensure adequate support is provided to participants*** Breathwork is not suitable for: people with cardiovascular problems, pregnancy, some psychiatric conditions, psychosis, recent surgery or fractures, acute infectious illness or epilepsy, severe hypertension, glaucoma, or active spiritual emergency. Strict COVID-19 policy applies. Both Amber & Joshua are qualified one-on-one & group breathwork practitioners. They are registered practitioners with the Australian Breathwork Association & the International Breathwork Foundation. Please contact Amber at [email protected] or Joshua at [email protected] for further info
17.01.2022 Yo Canberra peeps Conscious Connected Breathwork is continuing to explode. Check out this Tuesday's Group Breathwork by Meditations in nature - Freedom to Breathe.... There are also many student Breathwork Practitioners who are looking for clients for their one on one student clinic hours. If you would like to try a one on one session with a student get in contact with RisingVines Breathwork and Integrative Therapies for details. Students in Canberra, Braidwood and Byron Bay area. We are totally spoiled for choice.
17.01.2022 - My worth is innate and not dependent on meeting the needs of others. - My true value is drawn from within and can’t be given to me by others. - It is NORMAL to seek validation, acknowledgement and connection outside ourselves.... - The last two points seem to contradict each other but both are valid. - The work is in finding balance and understanding when unprocessed wounds are running the show. - I am so fucking lovable in all my messy humanness. - Sometimes I need help to learn to love myself fully again. - I am worthy of support and have the courage to be curious about my patterns, thoughts, feelings, reactions. - I am more than the story I tell myself.
17.01.2022 We had a late cancellation so there is a spot free for tomorrow afternoon’s group Breathwork session. Let us know if you want it.
16.01.2022 Open your breath Open your mind Open your heart ... Open your body Open your life For more info on opening see #breathwork #consciousconnectedbreathwork #breathworkcanberra #meditation #bodybeing #openup
16.01.2022 Two spots left. Come breathe & be.
16.01.2022 Witnessing, permission & celebration of all that is you. The fuel that nourishes us in the desert of fixing, saving and telling. #breathwork #consciousconnectedbreathing #permissiontobeyou #witnessingofallofyou #celebrationofyou #alteredstatework #repair #soulnourishment
14.01.2022 Check out this awesome online workshop offering by GinaChick -Gigi- 5Rhythms Dance. Gina’s Archetypes of Power is an incredible map for relating to power, relating to each other, ourselves and our times. Gina’s teachings have transformed my life and that of my family. I highly recommend.... More details in event post.
13.01.2022 It is such an honour to hold space for these kinds of experiences. . 3 spots left.... . Pm or email me to register ([email protected]). . #consciousconnectedbreathwork #consciousconnectedbreathing #breathwork #shamanicbreathwork #innerwork #alteredstate #beyondthemind #subconsciouslandscapes #bodybeing #breathe @ BODY BEING
13.01.2022 RECLAIMING THE PELVIC FLOOR I’m becoming more aware how common pelvic floor issues are for women. I’ve been speaking to a lot of women about this lately and not only is it usual for women to have pain/leaks/prolapses/general numbing it’s also usual that they have not reached out for help.... I get it. I hear the taboo culture around our sexual organs. In this post I don’t want to get into the deeper trauma held in our bodies or the cultural oppression of female sexuality and ownership of ALL of our bodies (that is another bigger post). I just want to share that while these symptoms are common they are not inherently shameful or untreatable. There are many many practices for dropping into our vaginas, vulvas, yonis, pussys, vajajas! And they can change our relationship, ownership and function of our most delicate and sacred parts. Having a healthy, vibrant and orgasmic relationship with our yoni is a birth right. Pictured here is me doing a simple and more physical body practice on strengthening and relaxing my pelvic floor and surrounding pelvic tissues (boring video but exciting practice). There are also practices to deal with the emotional, energetic and spiritual aspects too. Want more info on restoring your base. Hit me up. #pelvicfloorparty
12.01.2022 HUMBLED I’m so humbled and grateful to the beautiful humans that came out yesterday to breathe into the deeper aspects of themselves and take the time and have the faith to journey within. I’m truly grateful and moved by the courage and warrior hearts I witness in these groups and in individual sessions. ... It is not always easy to turn up for this kind of process. In fact often it’s bloody scary or there are a million ‘reasons’ why we don’t have time to rejuvenate ourselves with our own breath. Somehow though we hear the deeper voice that calls us out and we decide to do it anyway. Incredible. It’s such an honour to midwife the breath in another and witness the movement of our inner intelligence as it flows as it needs to. Our body wisdom is truly ‘mind blowing’ and I’m again reminded of the power of our conscious breath. Thank you fellow travelers. #consciousconnectedbreathwork
12.01.2022 Spring garden delighting @ BODY BEING
12.01.2022 New date announced. Come join us.
11.01.2022 A huge expression of gratitude and appreciation to the amazing humans that came out yesterday to take the time to journey deeply within (using conscious connected breathing). It was such a beautiful group to support and we are totally humbled by the courage and authenticity the group showed. What an honour it is to create space for people to drop within, express what needs to be expressed, feel what needs to be felt and find what was lost. I could not be more grateful to ge...t to do this work with others and witness the amazing capacity we humans have for growth and expansion. What a delicious joy it was to co-create with Josh from Transition Breath. Can't believe we get to do it again next month. If you are interested in coming along to our next Transmute Group Breathwork session tickets are now open (see below for info). Reach out to myself or Josh with any questions -- #transmute #groupbreathwork #consciousconnectbreathwork #breathwork #breathworkcanberra #bodybeing #transitionbreath #cbr #innerwork #innerwilderness #towardswholeness
10.01.2022 Parents! Lee Tree of Rapport Based Relating and Bluegum Bushcraft is doing regular Sunday calls to support parents to do our parent thing as best we can. Lee’s approach is so refreshing and supportive and has always given me perspective and accessible options for navigating my approach as a mother. Lee provides much needed clarity in what often feels like a chaotic storm of survival and competing needs. ... Parenting well in the modern world without the support of our village behind us is a very difficult almost impossible task. We all deserve support. Details on the calls below if you are interested. Amber
10.01.2022 CONNECTING IN A simple & regular practice to connect to my physical body, nourish my joints, balance my body over time, drop the mental chatter and open myself to my day. 20mins in 20secs... #bodyconnection #bodycare #bodybeing #bodyopening #dailypractices #movetofeelalive #breathwork #canberra
10.01.2022 #winter #seasons #seasonsofyou
09.01.2022 TRANSMUTE: Group Breathwork Experience Tickets still available for Saturday’s transformational experience into body, breathe and being. Your breath is a powerful transformational tool available to help you explore your heart, your body and your being.... Consciously using your breath to connect to the deeper aspects of yourself is one of the most effective ways of creating space for a transmutation to occur from deep within, bringing your mind, body and heart into greater alignment with your true nature. Ticket link #breathwork #breathworkcanberra #transitionbreath #bodybeing #consciousconnectedbreathwork #canberra #cbr #transmute2020 #transformation #breathe #innerwork #subconscious #alteredstate #nonordinarystatesofconsciousness #innerhealer #processoriented #lookwithin #towardswholeness
08.01.2022 Surrender... It’s the simplest and hardest movement to make. It is also the most potent movement our psyche can make to enable growth. Without internal surrender to our the needs of our process we are really just treading water. ... Surrender, letting go and releasing was what we witnessed in the beautiful humans who came out yesterday to journey within using Conscious Connected Breathwork. They travelled alone but also together into the unknown within to sift through what was no longer needed and embrace the new. What a powerful and open group. Thank you for your courage to turn up, your commitment to your process and trust to let us hold space for you all. Josh (Transition Breath) and I are humbled and honoured. An incredible way to finish up our Transmute Group Breathwork sessions for 2020. Watch this space for our first #transmute session in 2021 (Sat 23 Jan) #Transmute #groupbreathwork #transitionbreath #bodybeing #consciousconnectedbreathwork #breathwork #alteredstate #subconscious #innerwork #innerwild #surrender #nonordinarystatesofconsciousness #breath #letgotheold
07.01.2022 TWO SPOTS AVAILABLE I’ve had two late cancellations for tonight’s event. Email me ASAP if you would like one ([email protected])... You are welcome to join us for a beautiful evening of breath and being.
06.01.2022 What if we started being present to this emotions we normally mark as wrong or in the road? Sadness is not something you need to fix, cure, or transform. It has come not to be healed, but to be held, to be allowed safe passage in order to reveal. It need not be shifted into some higher state or operated upon so that it will yield into something else. For it is complete and pure on its own. Thanks for this beautiful reminder Matt Licata
06.01.2022 SHAPES OF ME. I’m bored with chasing shapes that aren’t me. Bored with this shape being right & this one wrong. ... I'm not just speaking about my physical body but more about the shapes I make in the world. I am speaking of the shapes I make as I express myself in this world & make ripples out into it. I won’t make myself into a shape that isn’t true anymore. I just can’t be bothered. It no longer serves me to bend this way & contort that way in order to be acceptable or consumable. I will tell the truth with my shapes. I will take up space with my shapes. I will be seen & witnessed in my true shapes. I will not take care of others who can’t see the beauty of my shapes. I don’t have time for that anymore. Did you ever see a cloud that was the wrong shape or a tree that tried to be a different kind of tree. I am what I am. The shape of me is incredible. Is etched with my essence, my life choices, my ancestors, my tribe, my pain & my love. My shape is my truth & my truth is my shape. Let's claim our shapes together. Let’s stand for the right of us all to inhabit & express our authenticity in the world. Let’s stand for those whose shapes have been denied in the world. Let’s make room for all the shapes, colours, forms & ways that had expression & place denied to them for too long. Let's be the change we want to see in the world. Let's speak the truth, take up space, adore ourselves & share this bumpy road together. I give thanks to the repairing modalities of breathwork & conscious dance for opening me up to myself. For giving me a way to explore my shapes so safely & freely. For providing a way for me to face the fear & shame that has kept them small & unexpressed. I say thank you to those who have witnessed my shapes become. To those that loved my shapes till I could no longer deny them. To those who stood for the parts of me that I refused to give shape to, to those unowned fragments I wasn't able to bring into the whole. Thank you to those wholehearted humans who saw into my wounds & saw grace. May I have the courage to be the same for the tender parts of those I share a path with. #Iclaimmyshape #yourshapematters photo by @gigiamazonia at NZ Heart of Huntress Retreat. Gina is the ultimate alchemist for shapes. This post is deeply infused with her wisdom & heart.
06.01.2022 Taking time to unravel. #babyrolling
04.01.2022 Hello breathers Canberra is exploding with Breathwork opportunities and here is another great Group Breathwork event that might interest you. Josh from Transition Breath is a dear friend and colleague and is a beautiful safe Breathwork facilitator. I recommend checking him out.... Spots are always limited for these events so get in early as there is only a few left. Contact Josh directly for more info ([email protected])
02.01.2022 Sometimes our pain, our hurts and our traumas tell us to hide away. To burrow into ourselves and not been seen in our tenderness. This tends to reinforce our self doubt, our self loathing and all our shame filled narratives. We aren’t solo creatures. We are pack animals. We are built on the fabric of whole hearted connection and eroded by disconnectIon. ... The pain tells us to hide but the truth is we are mended in the kind eyes of others. Our hearts are tended to in the presence of love and compassion. There are hearts out there just wanting to teach us how to love again. There are hands ready to unbind us from our old stories and help us build new ones. We are not alone. We have just forgotten. Let’s remember together. From my remembering heart to yours.
01.01.2022 As the weekend starts I hope you remember....
01.01.2022 So looking forward to sharing the incredible power of Conscious Connected Breathwork tomorrow morning with this group. There are two spots remaining if anyone feels called last minute. Email [email protected]
01.01.2022 Once you start approaching the body with curiosity rather than fear. Everything changes Bessel Van Dee Kolk. The body keeps the score. Curious about your body? ... 1. Stop, breathe and notice what your body feels like. 2. Leave judgement, analysis and meaning making behind and be curious and open. 3. Keep breathing. Use your breath to support you to follow the loudest sensation/feeling. 4. Notice if that sensation has a colour, shape, texture, feeling, movement. 5. Breathe and notice what you notice. Can you just allow what is there to be witnessed. Relax often. 6. Your body holds deep wisdom, beyond the comprehension of the mind. This wisdom is available but it starts with breathing, listening, noticing. 7. Stop when is right for you. Find your feet on the ground. Be kind, gentle and befriend what is there. Photo by Gigi Amazonia at Heart of the Huntress NZ #consciousconnectedbreathwork #5rhythmsdance #heartofhuntressretreats #breathwork #besselvanderkolk #thebodykeepsthescore #bodybasedhealing #bodywisdom #breathe #dance #listen
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