Hello Sunday Morning in Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Hello Sunday Morning
Locality: Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia
Address: 487 Elizabeth Street 2010 Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.hellosundaymorning.org/
Likes: 43585
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25.01.2022 On Thursday it was R U OK Day. Have you checked in on your friends & family? What did you say?
25.01.2022 From despair to hope and possible recovery, the new SBS Australia documentary follows the lives of 10 Australians living with addiction and their journey through a six-month treatment program. First episode is tonight, 8.30pm. Rethink Addiction... https://youtu.be/ToEhFR016EA
25.01.2022 Have you downloaded our DAYBREAK APP yet? If youre looking to change your relationship with alcohol, why not give it a try? This is Rob Mills experience:... "I used the free Daybreak app by Hello Sunday Morning which has an amazing community of people who were all going through what I was trying to change our relationship with alcohol. Most importantly, I wasnt alone and neither are you if you need it." https://hellosundaymorning.org/daybreak/ See more
25.01.2022 "Being single and sober during a pandemic is interesting and to many people would sound like I must be having the worst pandemic experience that you could ever imagine. Funnily enough, the exact opposite is true." https://www.seabeyondmountains.com.au//single-sober-and-th
24.01.2022 "After one particularly bad binge, I stumbled across the story of a news reader whod gotten sober through a program called Hello Sunday Morning. I signed up to quit for three months, and when it was over I felt so much better. "Its been over 2000 days now. Im fitter and healthier and happier than Ive ever been in my life. And its all because of my daughter. ... She has a little brother now. Hes never known me drunknot even in the womb. And Im determined that he never will. Humans of New York
24.01.2022 It wasn't easy for Chantal to admit she had a problem. "It takes a lot of courage to admit that you don’t have control. But it doesn’t mean you’re broken. Alcohol is an addictive substance, and addiction is NOT a personal defect. If we drink enough of it, we will get addicted. I know this now, and I don’t chastise myself for not being able to moderate or drink ‘normally’.... I wish I had known it years ago, as it may have reduced the pain and confusion I felt, but I know it now, and that is enough. On the note of struggle, let me let you in on a little secret no matter what you hear and see, a lot of people aren’t doing it easy. They might choose not to share the hard bits, or the ugly bits and perhaps they do find it easy. And that is perfectly okay too. Because here’s the beautiful thing about sobriety. It’s YOUR thing. Your creation. And whatever it is that works for you is right, there is no wrong way, if it works. For the full story https://hellosundaymorning.org//milestones-meltdowns-and-/
24.01.2022 Parents have shared an influx of memes on social media about using alcohol to cope with the stress of the pandemic such as maybe it takes a village to raise a child, but I swear its gonna take a vineyard to homeschool one, Dr Leung said. These posts risk normalising the use of alcohol as a coping strategy and promoting the false belief that alcohol is good for mental health. It is questionable how well Australias regulatory system protects parents and other target...ed populations at risk from exposure to constant encouragements to drink during these challenging times." What are your thoughts on normalising drinking and alcohol ads? Is it harmless or could it lead to more serious consequences? https://www.uq.edu.au//covid-19-cocktails-push-tighter-alc
23.01.2022 Emerging research is showing that sleep is actually the foundation for our physical and mental health and poor sleep is associated with really negative outcomes, like chronic disease, lower life expectancy, and lower wellbeing. Many people aren’t aware of how alcohol affects our sleep and energy, so here's a quick recap: - Worse sleep quality... - Early morning awakenings - Hangxiety - Less energy If sleep is an issue for you, we’d recommend visiting your GP and talking through the issue. Often there is a source of sleep problems, whether this is stress or habit, and small behavioural changes can make a huge difference.
22.01.2022 Making friends sober - how difficult is it to bond without booze? drunkmummysobermummy #alcoholchange #sobercommunity https://www.drunkmummysobermummy.com/p/making-friends-sober
22.01.2022 Today is RED SHOES ROCK day The 9th day of the 9th month recognises the importance of staying alcohol-free throughout the 9 months of pregnancy. The aim of this International Awareness day is to give voice & support to those affected by prenatal alcohol exposure and share info about the risks of alcohol use during pregnancy. https://youtu.be/CsqHVR7AeBU ... National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Australia See more
22.01.2022 Our HERO OF THE WEEK is Alexandra Alex is just starting her journey to change her relationship with alcohol, and needs some encouragement from the HSM community! This is her story:... "Here I am, Alex, the 37 year old introvert, at the beginning. Terrified by starting an Instagram blog about a journey, a journey to be alcohol free for 8760 hours or more simply, 365 days. This photo sums up a lot of why I find myself here today. This is my husband looking at me and shaking his head. My relationship with alcohol needs to change, I am not dependent but I’ve got the hots for a wine a little too much. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited to start, I am feeling strong, but I am also fearful that I might disappoint myself again. Breaking self promises and promises to others. So to help I’ve tapped into a network inspiring stories and motivational pages on Instagram. I have found myself relating a lot with @themindfulmocktail. Nat has expressed so much of how I have felt about my relationship with alcohol. So let’s do this! I’ll race you ... lol who am I kidding, those that know me know I can’t run! Let’s take a stroll together; a long walk, barefoot on the beach " Do you have any tips for Alex, or words of encouragement? See more
21.01.2022 LIVE MUSIC & BINGE DRINKING In our blog this week, Erin talks about her experience with drinking in the live music scene. "Music, specifically live music, has become drenched in a culture of binge drinking. Especially in Australia. Drinking at gigs was a way to come out of my shell, to belong, and to escape my own feelings of deep sadness and loss while listening to others living their dreams of playing music to an audience.... For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org//02/drinking-and-live-music/
20.01.2022 Jacintha used to DRINK TO ESCAPE. Now that shes sober, she gets asked why she decided to quit alcohol, and this is often followed by a comment like well, you must not be much fun. "I like to challenge that question by saying I now get to have fun with my friends. I get to remember my night. I get to play with my baby boy the next day and go for a run because I feel fresh. Whats not to love!?... #alcoholchange #hellosundaymorning #drinkingculture #alcoholfreelife #nohangover For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org/2020//17/drinking-to-escape/ See more
20.01.2022 Whats your go to alcohol-free drink?
19.01.2022 "For 31 days I have abstained from alcohol. Not even a sip. I’ve experienced countless benefits associated with abstinence throughout the month, but I had to build up resilience against the culture of drinking that is so firmly established in Australia." George had a Sober October, and this is his experience ... https://hellosundaymorning.org//gen-z-social-sober-pressu/ #soberoctober See more
19.01.2022 Our HERO OF THE WEEK is Chantal who has recently been focusing on gratitude. "Ive been thinking a lot about what Im grateful for, and what I am celebrating leading up to the incredible 365 days sober... well, 366 this year Its pretty incredible what we are capable of. I think we spend so much time beating ourselves up for drinking too much in the first place, that we dismiss the unbelievable strength it takes to get and stay sober.... I have met so many amazing People through my sober journey. People who, like me, ended up needing alcohol. I have seen with my own eyes, the strength and determination that my fellow sober peeps have. And its something that should be celebrated So today, I devote my gratitude to those who are travelling the same path. Celebrate your amazing strength. Celebrate your determination to be the best version of you. Celebrate the fact that you continue to fight, every, single, day to move forwards. Today, I want to celebrate the beautiful hearts that take this journey, and who give so much of themselves to help others do the same. When it comes down to it, I can never express just how grateful I am for my tribe. I cant adequately describe the beauty of these peoples hearts To my fellow sober peeps, today I celebrate YOU because you have shown me that being sober is not something to be ashamed of " Gratitude is so powerful! For more Heroes stories, sign up to our newsletter https://us1.list-manage.com/subscribe #alcoholchange #soberaussie #gratitude
17.01.2022 Nick: How GIVING UP ALCOHOL Turned His Life Around "Some things helped me get to where I am now, but some things didnt. One thing thats really important is to be aware of who you surround yourself with. In the past, I had the wrong people around me and I was consumed by wanting to please too many people. I had people leading me in many different directions, and I became overwhelmed.... It wasnt a clean break for me after I decided to stop I was falling in and out, and still discovering how I wanted to live my life. And the people that I was around would be dragging me back into it." For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org//nick-bracks-giving-up-alc/ See more
17.01.2022 So, youve started your booze-free period, and things are looking up. What you werent expecting was to be flummoxed by the first question: Why arent you drinking?. Worry not! Weve put together some easy replies that will stop the line of inquiry! #hellosundaymorning #alcoholchange #nohangover... for the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org///excuses-for-not-drinking/
17.01.2022 What advice would you give to a SOBER CURIOUS friend?
17.01.2022 Do you feel AA isn't for you? Or you need to supplement your existing recovery program with another community? In this list, you'll find many alternative options, including HSM https://www.thetemper.com/sober-communities-beyond-traditi/
16.01.2022 Jacintha used to DRINK TO ESCAPE. Now that she's sober, she gets asked why she decided to quit alcohol, and this is often followed by a comment like well, you must not be much fun. "I like to challenge that question by saying I now get to have fun with my friends. I get to remember my night. I get to play with my baby boy the next day and go for a run because I feel fresh. Whats not to love!?... #alcoholchange #hellosundaymorning #drinkingculture #alcoholfreelife #nohangover For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org/2020//17/drinking-to-escape/ See more
16.01.2022 This week is WOMENS HEALTH WEEK Jean Hailes for Womens Health are encouraging women to put their health first by sharing health tips, tools and information. Check out their schedule https://www.womenshealthweek.com.au/ #WomensHealthWeek
16.01.2022 "This is not your typical story of struggle with alcohol. My story stems from being on the flip-side of this issue: the criticism & stigma surrounding non-drinking in a rural community." #OK2SAYNO #alcoholchange #nohangover https://www.soberinthecountry.org//nsw-country-uni-student
15.01.2022 As South Australia went into a six-day lockdown, many people questioned why alcohol shops remained open. SA Health’s chief public health officer Nicola Spurrier said the decision was based on people who depended on drinking. Unfortunately, we have many people dependent or addicted to alcohol in Australia, and when they can’t access alcohol they can become very moody and have increased depression or anxiety and it could be a significant clinical problem, she said.... https://www.news.com.au///6d34aa5c44cf21357d714077a022003b
13.01.2022 Our HERO OF THE WEEK is Vicky This is how she describes herself "Vicky lives in the Sunshine Coast with three annoying children, a very patient husband and a confused dog. She has been writing about her zig zaggy journey to sobriety for 2 years and is currently writing a book about sober parenting." About her relationship with ALCOHOL, she says... "This was one of my first sober kids parties. It was hard work. But each one is getting more bearable. Choosing not to drink at childrens birthday parties certainly isnt the easy option but its definitely better than throwing up over the pass the parcel." Great job Vicky For more Heroes stories, sign up to our newsletter https://us1.list-manage.com/subscribe #hellosundaymorning #drinkingculture #soberaussie #alcoholfreelife #nohangover See more
13.01.2022 10 TIPS FOR STAYING ALCOHOL-FREE (save the post for future reference!) Although it can be a simple process to begin your alcohol-free journey, there are the inevitable temptations that will make this journey much more challenging. Weve all been through these situations so what better than for us at Hello Sunday Morning to give our best tips to keep you on track?... These are practical tips that you can start implementing right now! Would you add anything else to this list? For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org//10-practical-tips-for-sta/ #alcoholfreelife #nohangover
12.01.2022 Our HERO OF THE WEEK is Erin "Ive never had an issue with alcohol, Im very much only a social drinker & cant drink alone (hello binge drinking!) but I wanted to see if it changed how my body and mind was feeling. ... Today marks 8 weeks of being alcohol free & I have to say, I feel pretty bloody GREAT. Crazy energy, motivation to workout every day and better quality sleep - not to mention the bonus of the kgs coming off Cheers to you from me with my bubble water+lemon " Well done Erin, and good luck on your journey! For more Heroes stories, sign up to our newsletter https://us1.list-manage.com/subscribe
12.01.2022 Molly Stroud offers a different perspective on an ALCOHOL-FREE life, by sharing her personal experience. "Here is the truth about my SOBRIETY journey; Ive never really gotten to the pink cloud. The truth is, Ive never really managed to get to that place where Im comfortable enough in my skin to not miss booze. The truth is, there are many occasions where I DO miss it." For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org//dry-july-four-reflections/... #alcoholchange #alcoholfreelife #nohangover See more
11.01.2022 Interesting article by Untoxicated Booze Free Fun and Friendship about the normalisation of alcohol consumption in the Australian workplace. "If you scroll through Seek looking for work, particularly in tech startup companies, which by their very ‘culture’ try to attract young people in the workforce, you’ll find a proliferation of ‘beer keg in the office!’ and ‘well stocked beer fridge’ offers within the job adverts. It’s not just the startups though. It’s all over the pla...ce, but all in places trying to attract a young bunch of employees. Many business leaders have the belief that a drink or two is a way of fostering team cohesion, of reducing stress, of keeping people back at work longer, of stimulating creativity and ‘culture’." https://bit.ly/3rB98Md
10.01.2022 Our HERO OF THE WEEK is Kiara "Yesterday marked 3 years sober for me, not a milestone I was ever expecting to experience. I am now trying to develop a healthy relationship with alcohol. One where I am in control. I want you to know that you do not have to drink to fit in. I know that sounds really cliched, but it is true. Listen to your body and your mind. How do you handle alcohol? Everyone has different thresholds so it is important to tune in with how much you can ha...ndle. Make the choice for yourself. : When I was 38 weeks pregnant and went out for drinks with the boys. Proof that you dont need alcohol to socialise." Great job Kiara, 3 years sober is a great achievement! For more Heroes stories, sign up to our newsletter https://us1.list-manage.com/subscribe
10.01.2022 Our HERO OF THE WEEK is Carey, who recently celebrated 3 years alcohol free "A whole lot can change in a matter of time. If only you give yourself the chance to fully embrace the rollercoaster of life and not let it get the best of you. I made the decision 3 years ago today to stop drinking alcohol, and although there have been hardships to overcome - I know I am right where Im supposed to be. Ive retained better memories of each day, my concentration and ability to ha...ndle adversity has grown tremendously... and I have so much more love and time to give to others, and most importantly, myself." Well done Carey and good luck on your journey! For more Heroes stories, sign up to our newsletter https://us1.list-manage.com/subscribe
10.01.2022 This week is WOMEN'S HEALTH WEEK Jean Hailes for Women's Health are encouraging women to put their health first by sharing health tips, tools and information. Check out their schedule https://www.womenshealthweek.com.au/ #WomensHealthWeek
10.01.2022 Good morning peeps! What are you up to today? Reply with an emoji
10.01.2022 Removing alcohol from Parliament won’t solve its toxic culture, but it should be part of the approach... Do you agree? https://bit.ly/2PQz2Pa
09.01.2022 ARE YOU OK? Today is RUOK? Day. Its a chance to check in on everyone around you by asking them the question: Are you okay?. Asking isnt always easy, but it could potentially change a life. ... We get a lot of questions around how someone might approach their loved ones about their drinking, and in our latest blog post, weve come up with some tips that could help R U OK Day #RUOK #RUOKDay https://hellosundaymorning.org/2020/09/08/are-you-okay/
09.01.2022 This years DRY JULY was more relevant than ever against the backdrop of reported increases in COVID-driven home drinking, and a number of initiatives coincided with the month to make it a bigger and better experience all round. One that we were very pleased to be involved with was Australias first Zero Proof Festival run by our friends at Altina Drinks. Alan and Christina summarise the festival and choose their highlights in this weeks blog post. #hellosundaymorning #alc...oholawareness https://hellosundaymorning.org/2020//17/drinking-to-escape/ See more
09.01.2022 Erin STOPPED DRINKING in March this year She thought that along with the booze, she would have to sacrifice music, too. "I thought this would be the end of live music for me. I’d need to sacrifice one of my favourite things in the world to live this wonderful new life. ... Blues music is really special to me, and so Ash Grunwald’s gigs were perfectly timed to coincide with two different milestones in my journey of sobriety. Today I found out that Ash and his wife Danni have been sober for two and a half years. To think that while I was watching Ash’s live-streamed gigs, and feeling concerned about never being able to experience this kind of music live again, he was sober with me the whole way. " For the full post https://hellosundaymorning.org//02/drinking-and-live-music/
08.01.2022 Our HERO OF THE WEEK is Alexa "This year marks the 12 year anniversary of my Dads death probably the single saddest moment of my life to date. But on the other hand, it symbolises a new beginning because his death essentially rewrote the rest of my life. Without alcohol. And this was probably the best, albeit most challenging decision, I have ever made.... For me, arguably the most empowering day of my life was the day that I fully realized and understood the truth that I would not be giving anything up by not drinking. I wouldnt be giving up the black outs. Or the hangovers. Or the self loathing Sundays where I couldnt face myself, let alone those around me. I wouldnt be giving up the people who wanted to enable me because that was all they knew how to do. Or the Monday morning Im never drinking again conversations. Or the perceived judgements. Lifes too short to spend it at war with yourself. Soon I will be 12 years sober. 12 years of finding myself. 12 years of healing. 12 years of learning to be kind to myself. And 12 years of battle scars and life experience under my belt. "This year marks the 12 year anniversary of my Dads death probably the single saddest moment of my life to date. But on the other hand, it symbolizes a new beginning because his death essentially rewrote the rest of my life. It took me a long time to give up and an even longer time to appreciate what a pivotal choice Id made. But heres the thing; the goal isnt necessarily to be sober. The goal is to love yourself so much that you dont need to drink. And Ill cheers to that!" Thank you Alexa for sharing your inspiring story. For more Heroes stories, sign up to our newsletter https://us1.list-manage.com/subscribe #alcoholchange #hellosundaymorning
08.01.2022 HAPPY SUNDAY morning! What are you up to today? Are you spending time with your family, out exploring the world, or having a quiet one and getting ready for the week ahead? Whatever way youre spending your Sunday, we hope you have a good one! ... If youre sharing pictures of your adventures or your domestic bliss, make sure you tag us and use the hashtag #hellosundaymorning so we can repost. by Aaron Burden #hellosundaymorning #alcoholchange #nohangover
08.01.2022 As a non-drinker/moderate drinker, would you still like to be invited to social occasions even if they involve alcohol?
07.01.2022 "It is with some tinge of sadness ... It is a bit of a landmark pub ... but in some ways it's moving with the times," said St Vincent's clinical director of mental health Dr Nick Babidge, describing the project as "bittersweet." Dr Babidge said the idea is to turn an alcohol-based recreational site into an alcohol-free community facility, but maintaining all the best elements of the local pub. "That concept of meeting and talking is key to that space. The challenge is going t...o be to make this useful, both as a part of the bigger fabric of mental health services but also as a helpful evolution of the space," he said. Sad or welcome news? https://www.smh.com.au//127-year-old-inner-city-pub-sold-t
07.01.2022 3 MONTHS ALCOHOL-FREE Brad reflects on the corporate culture of drinking and his 3 months without alcohol. "What can you expect if you join the experiment? I am sure it will vary dramatically by person but I have described a few of my own surprises" ... For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org//surprising-results-three-/ See more
07.01.2022 In recent years, we've been introduced to some new terminology around booze, like 'sober curious' and 'mindful drinking'. If you've heard these terms before, but aren't fully sure of their meaning, the founder of Club Soda UK offers an easy explanation. https://www.cosmopolitan.com///a33535082/mindful-drinking/
07.01.2022 Faye was terrified she would LOSE HER IDENTITY and her friends when she quit drinking. "My next challenge when I got sober was, or so I thought at the time, reinventing myself or at least discovering who I was. I mean, who the hell was I without booze? I had no clue. Id been a big boozer for three decades, my whole adult life. I didnt know how to operate in the world without it. It was terrifying."... (Spoiler: Faye ended up reinventing herself and starting a successful sober social group called Untoxicated Booze Free Fun and Friendship ) For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org//the-fear-of-socialising-w/ #alcoholchange #hellosundaymorning #mindfuldrinking See more
06.01.2022 Last week, our friends at the Alcohol and Drug Foundation(ADF) launched a media campaign called BREAK THE HABIT to warn that temporary changes in drinking during isolation can become entrenched, and hard to rid ourselves of. When lockdown lifts, these new habits wont just disappear, but the good news is that they can be tackled, and this weeks guest blogger, the ADFs CEO, Dr Erin Lalor AM, walks us through some of the more successful approaches and points to where support services (like our own Daybreak program) can be found. For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org//break-the-habit-behaviour/ #alcoholchange #alcoholawarenss #Covid19
05.01.2022 Have you ever heard of the term, asleep at the wheel? This is how Rob Mills was feeling a couple of months ago, just before being hit with the loss of two friends and deciding that something needed to change. "I chose to detox. Detox from the booze. And I detoxed from social media and my phone. I had so much more time. But most importantly, I found the joy again. I used the free Daybreak app by Hello Sunday Morning which has an amazing community of people who were all go...ing through what I was trying to change our relationship with alcohol. Most importantly, I wasnt alone and neither are you if you need it." #alcoholchange #hellosundaymorning #drinkingculture #soberaussie #dryjuly #takeabreath https://hellosundaymorning.org/20//12/asleep-at-the-wheel/ See more
04.01.2022 Episode 3 of Addicted Australia airs at 8.30pm tonight on SBS Australia. If you haven't watched the first two episodes, you can catch up on Sbs on demand. The documentary is bold, revelatory and inspiring, putting a spotlight on Australia’s addiction crisis in the most powerful and deeply personal way.... Read more about the campaign and the program at: www.rethinkaddiction.org.au/addictedaustralia #RethinkAddiction.
04.01.2022 Our blog this week comes from our friends at NOFASD.Australia who have been campaigning tirelessly for funding, to support the diagnosis and care of babies with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. "I am a birth mother of a child with FASD. I will carry the guilt of unknowingly harming my handsome teenager for the rest of my life. He has a lifelong disability and will need our support for the entirety of his life. I will advocate for my son, for a womans right to information ...about the potential harms of alcohol to a developing fetus, to help reduce stigma of FASD and to raise awareness". For the full article https://hellosundaymorning.org//i-didnt-know-alcohol-coul/
03.01.2022 Did you know almost a Third Of Men in the ACT want to CUT BACK on their DRINKING? Does this sound like you? Join TOM, follow his story and find tips, tricks and tools to help support you achieve your goals http://fare.org.au/tom/... FARE Australia #alcohoholchange
02.01.2022 Have you downloaded our DAYBREAK APP yet? If you're looking to change your relationship with alcohol, why not give it a try? This is Rob Mills' experience:... "I used the free Daybreak app by Hello Sunday Morning which has an amazing community of people who were all going through what I was trying to change our relationship with alcohol. Most importantly, I wasnt alone and neither are you if you need it." https://hellosundaymorning.org/daybreak/ See more
02.01.2022 In recent years, weve been introduced to some new terminology around booze, like sober curious and mindful drinking. If youve heard these terms before, but arent fully sure of their meaning, the founder of Club Soda UK offers an easy explanation. https://www.cosmopolitan.com///a33535082/mindful-drinking/
02.01.2022 "If anybody had told me when I was drinking that there was going to be a pandemic and I was going to go through it sober, it would have seemed impossible. If I hadnt already had a period of recovery and I didnt have all the tools, I dont know what I would have done. But I have come to accept life as it is, and I have not wanted to pick up a drink, which is a miracle. I have got myself to a place where I think it will all be all right." https://www.theguardian.com//i-was-terrified-lockdown-woul
02.01.2022 When watching a movie/tv series, do you feel triggered when the characters have a drink? If so, did you put together a safe to watch" list?
01.01.2022 "My husband’s mental health was declining so rapidly before my eyes yet for a long time I was unable to see it. Slowly at first, then at full speed, alcohol stole all of the joy from his life, and it almost stole him from our lives. As his dependency on alcohol increased he pulled away from me, I watched on helplessly as my beautiful husband began to sink into a deep, dark hole.... I worried for my future, what it would look like and I worried for our precious children. While I wish our family didn’t have to go through the heartache of those painful years, I know the lessons our journey has taken our family on have given greater meaning to our lives and have a built a resilience I didn’t know I could find and for that I am forever grateful." For the full story https://bit.ly/303BHGS etchsparkling
01.01.2022 What's your go to alcohol-free drink?
01.01.2022 Our British friend Will is passionate about rugby, music, and beer . He had always thought giving up on any one of them was going to be a big deal, but he managed to be SOBER for two years and focus his energy on his HEALTH and WELLBEING. "THE DECISION TO STOP came about through a combination of factors. Health-wise, the hangovers were taking longer and longer to recover from, and I felt for the first time that alcohol was probably the main contributing factor to fee...lings of anxiety and depression. So, I left the drinks industry and stopped drinking. For the full post https://hellosundaymorning.org//dry-july-four-reflections/ #alcoholchange #hellosundaymorning #drinkingculture #nohangover See more
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