Help Has Arrived with Kym Meure in Glen Huon, Tasmania, Australia | Medical and health
Help Has Arrived with Kym Meure
Locality: Glen Huon, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61 429 856 212
Address: Pine Lodge Road 7109 Glen Huon, TAS, Australia
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24.01.2022 Are you feeling like you just wanna snuggle up with your Soul, go within and shake the world from your feet? If not now, you may do soon... just want to cocoon and allow the transformation to take place. We will all go through this stage, and other stages I've talked about before, but at different times. ... That's why I share these things with you. In the hope that you either find comfort or confirmation of what you're feeling, either now or you may remember these words in the future. Go with this feeling if you can, go within, to the stillness and the silence. If you can't, ask your Higher Self to assist you with this process. THIS IS what you have come here for... you and everyone else on this beautiful planet are going through major changes, whether you are ready or not! Much love to you
23.01.2022 If you could step through a curtain and magically be renewed, what would you leave behind? And more importantly, what aspects of yourself would you be happy to bring with you? Photo by Egor Barmin
22.01.2022 #selfacceptance Just wondering.... are you the same person you were when you were a teenager or in your twenties? Have you grown with time and through your experiences? It's funny how we judge ourselves for the things we did back then. I imagine you have more knowledge about yourself and life now, so much more than you did back then. ... When you were younger, you did what you did with the knowledge you had then, and in ten years time you will know more and act differently to how you act now! It's a part of life! You weren't born with the knowledge you have today, you had to learn it as you experienced life, with all it's challenges and joy. Perhaps it's time to let go of the judgement you hold for who you were! It would be nice if you could see yourself for who you are today, not who you used to be! When you let go of the judgement, you will be able to move forward into more of who you really are and not be held back in your past you. Take some time to think about how far you have come and what you have learnt. What skills have you obtained, what gifts do you have now, what are you grateful for now! How do you respond to life now? I hope you can see how far you have come and how well you have done, give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it! Blessings to you!
22.01.2022 #energyshifting The energy shifted last night and my body is still feeling it. How are you going with it? I'm experiencing heightened awareness, faster manifestations, increased body sensations, more downloads and greater knowing of what is truth. ... We will all have this experience to varying degrees and at different times so we can support each other. The next few weeks will see this experience heighten again and I feel stillness and asking your Higher Self to support you may be very beneficial for you. Please share anything that helps you in case it helps someone else.
21.01.2022 Hi there, I've been avoiding Facebook for a few weeks now and scrolling through today I'm reading there's a lot of people (including myself) feeling the energy changes in different ways. Some are depressed or very low, some feel like life has to change completely, some feel physical sensations through their body, buzzing and heat. None of these people are able to heal this, fix it or move on from it..... yet! ... If you are feeling out of sorts, I sense it's because of the energy increasing, so hang in there. Your body is changing and will adapt to the new vibrations. The sadness and feeling low will go too. I feel that's the old stuff coming to the surface to be released because you're strong enough to deal with it now. Please be kind to yourself, support yourself and speak lovingly to yourself and all that you are feeling. You can do this, you're not alone, trust me! I wish you could see this as a big sign that you are moving through the channels required to move into 5D. This old stuff, this low vibration stuff is being released, and that's a good thing, because then you'll have more room for more higher vibrations. Stay with it, don't resist it or squash it. Feel it, express it and release it. Journal your thoughts to get them out of your head if you can, just an idea.... But, this is just my interpretation, it may not resonate with you, and that's fine too. I wish you well, blessings and love to you all
19.01.2022 #thankyou Social media gratitude! I’ve been looking at a few groups and pages on Facebook lately and noticed how little people are showing their appreciation for the work being shared for the humanities benefit. We are reminded by the Spiritual Community to practice gratitude daily, and feel grateful for the people in our lives, and for what we have and experience. Doing this will give us more to be grateful for and I fully believe this as our thoughts create our reality a...Continue reading
19.01.2022 The other day we looked at the fear of being judged negatively, but have you ever had the fear of being judged positively? It's a real fear and also incredibly strong. This fear keeps you small and wanting to hide just the same as the fear of negative judgement can. Some people don't dress or act the way they really want to because they get so many compliments and a lot of attention. Some don't do as well at their profession for fear of outdoing others and upsetting people f...or being good at what they do. It's interesting isn't it. You stay small and undervalue yourself so you don't hurt others! The thing is, it's just the same as negative judgement, a persons judgement is only their opinion, perspective or feedback and neither of you are right or wrong and really, the only persons opinion you need to take on, is your own and what ever anyone else says is only a reflection of how you think and feel about yourself anyway! If you feel uncomfortable being all that you know you are, try coming out in increments, stretch your comfort zone instead of stepping outside of it. Take small steps, so you feel comfortable and get used to being who you really are or just go for it, be bold and brave and proud of who you are! Shine baby, shine! The best part about this is, when you are being authentic and accepting of yourself, you are actually healing others at the same time, by giving them permission to be authentic too! I think that's pretty cool, don't you? So if you want to help others, help yourself first! Give yourself permission to be authentic and all that you know yourself to be! You may be surprised as to how liberating it is and how good it feels! Have fun with it and let me know how you go! I'm interested to know. Blessings to you, Kym
18.01.2022 Gosh! I just caught myself thinking I felt the same as I used to. I caught myself looking for a solution to a challenge that's no longer with me. I didn't notice it wasn't there, until now. And then I heard "Be mindful of your words and ask if they are true for you now, or if you are going on who you used to be? " We've been through a lot this year, whether your experience has been challenging or not, we've all changed SO much! Have you noticed how much you've changed this... year? I really appreciated hearing those words, thankful for the reminder to be more aware of what is and isn't required in my life any more. We are releasing the old ways of being and it can happen without even knowing it. I guess I'm surprised because I didn't have to work on it! Can you see how you've changed? Have a great day! Kym KYMMEURE.COM
18.01.2022 I keep talking about Universal Energy, but do you know what it really is? Do you know you're using this vast and powerful energy every minute of every day? Bit of a surprise hey.... Would you like to know more about Universal Energy and how to use it more productively and purposefully to create the life you would really like to be living? If so, I invite you to one of my workshops titled - How to raise your vibration. There's one on Monday the 3rd of May, and then Sunday sess...ions on 30 May and 27 June, so you have time to book in. These workshops are very informative, enlightening and inspiring. There will be a maximum of four attending so if you feel funny about being in big groups, don't worry, it's just not gonna happen! You wont be tested so you breathe a sigh of relief there... Life tests you enough without me giving you another test Any way, I'd love to see you here, especially if you are looking to learn about something Spiritual (not religious) and how it all works. This workshop is great for beginners just starting out on the Spiritual Path! You can book your position from my website or give me a call and I'll book you in. This will be fun! #universalenergy #spiritualawakening #raiseyourvibration #selflove2021
13.01.2022 #Hanginthere Hang in there, you can do this! Right now you may be going through a rough patch and feeling down, maybe even wanting to give up on what you've been working on for some time. Hang in there and feel what you're feeling, stay with it if you can and really feel it, because it's part of your process, your growth, as we all move with the energy for our collective healing.... This may feel quite deep and something you've been struggling with for a long time, for as long as you can remember really, and that's because it's the Soul wound you came into this life with. The wound that's been with you for life times. That's how big it is! But at this particular time in this life, you have more support than you've ever had, in any life time. The planets are aligned for your healing, there are more gifted people on earth to help you than ever before, you have access to more knowledge and assistance than you've ever had in any life time before. You simply need to access it and do the work to heal. Chiron in your natal astrological chart, will show you where your Soul wound is so you have further insight to know exactly what to work on. If you don't have your chart it's easy to obtain through the internet, but I can also help you understand it a little better and help you work on healing your Soul wound. Right now you may also be feeling strange nerve sensations as our nervous system is being upgraded to live in the higher frequencies upon earth right now and as they increase further in the coming weeks ahead. It's so important to stay on the side of love right now, because this will create your future within the New Humanity upon the higher vibrational planet Earth! This post is purely my opinion based on my experience and knowledge. My intention with love, is to share this information with you, in case you are feeling this as well and unsure of what's going on. This may resonate with you and it may not and that's ok. Blessings to you my friends. Kym
12.01.2022 Hi everyone. I've been talking to people about my recent posts and they've told me they haven't been receiving notifications that I've posted and today a client and I made a discovery. If you search for the page you are interested in and click on the 3 dots, you will find "following settings". Here you can decide how often you would like to receive notifications and what you would like to see regarding that page. If it is set to "highlights" you will only receive videos and ...not notifications. Set this to ALL and STANDARD and then you will continue to see all posts. Please share this information as it will help local business as well as help you to see all posts, or the amount you wish to see. My page reach has been reduced by 95%. This is a significant reduction. I would love to see you all back here, if you are interested that is, as my goal is to share information, not overwhelm you with information you may not be interested in. Thank you for your continued support and I wish you all well. Blessings to you! The attached photo is of a local business I follow (Goddess Natural Perfume) which shows what the settings should look like if you want to receive notifications for all posts. Click on the photo to see all settings. Thank you xx
11.01.2022 Breathe out, long and slow. Breathe out all the tension and energy of fear you've been holding onto in your body for most of your life. Shake it off, let it go, release, release! You are here now, not there. "You can let go now my beautiful inner child, you're safe now because I've got you. I'll look after you, I'm responsible for you now, no one else, and I'll do my best to love and support you. You can let go of all that fear now, because we are not dependent on others for our survival, love and acceptance any more. I've got you and I've got this now!"
09.01.2022 Hey guys, how are you? I hope you’re going well. The energy and planetary alignments are really bringing up some stuff for me, are you feeling it too? They seem to come and go as soon as I am aware of them and others stick around for hours. Physically, my body feels like it’s going through an electrical storm, with the nerves activated and forming what’s similar to lightening forks, creating a circle outward from the lower spine to the hips. Legs ache and shooting pains lik...e hot needles piercing my skin in different areas of the body. I feel the blood moving through my veins like an army marching to the beat of my heart. Suddenly I sense each tooth individually and fully aware of my entire body. As I try to sleep, all of these feelings intensify, so I focus on each sensation and it dissipates to a level where I can sleep, but it takes time to go through the entire body. I wonder if I sleep because I’m exhausted, because an hour or so later, the intensity is peaking again. Emotionally, I feel the need to be around people, which is opposite to my normal of needing to be alone. I understand more deeply, the importance and value of community spirit and spending time with those that are alone and doing it tough. Fear, so much fear is rising, so I allow it to be there because I am grateful that this fear has shown itself. It feels like this fear has been hiding in the depths of my being and now it feels safe enough to be heard, now it knows I wont squash it anymore, it knows it will be held and nurtured and understood. This way it can become aware of what the truth is and always has been, that you are loved. Mentally, I see the truth more clearly, that the truth is my truth and not necessarily anyone else’s. My process is my process and your process is yours. You have your answers, just as I have mine and we journey through this life learning about our own truth, our own life, our own feelings, decisions, finding our own information and living our own lives, but together. All that I share with you comes from my life experiences and learning, you will have your own life experiences and learning, perhaps we resonate, perhaps we don’t. It’s all ok, in fact more than ok. The most important thing I see is that we are to love ourselves and others, take judgment out of it and just let it be. If you do what you need to do in order to be loving of yourself, then you have full power and responsibility of yourself in your life, not anyone else. Peace be with you. Kym KYMMEURE.COM
09.01.2022 I was just reading some notes from the past 5 years and realised how much I've changed. Wow, even this year has been a big life change for many of us and mostly it's a change that's come from within. Look what you went through this year and previous years and look at who you are today, how much you've changed! How much more do you know about yourself now? How much more do you trust yourself and the universe?... How much stronger is your faith now compared to 5 years ago? Do you have faith that you're going to be alright now, no matter what? The past has been and gone, it grew you and made you stronger. You've done so well and I'm proud of you! The tears that you cried watered the seeds for your future and now the sun sets on the day and a new day begins. A new day, a new week, a new month, a new year, and a new era, as the age of Aquarius begins on 21.12.2020. Everything will be new, fresh and new. Enjoy! I wish you well.
06.01.2022 Spirit is working overtime with me lately and of course I am happy to pass on their messages. They are so calm and peaceful, and their messages minimal, but for me they are profound! I asked Spirit if they had a message they would like me to share on Facebook this morning and today's message was "What are you focusing on? " This took me on a tangent! My focus has been on what is in front of me, what is in my world and how happy I am, how grateful I am for the support and I receive and am blessed to be able to give as well. I feel change is coming but I also feel safe knowing the Universe has my back! I have enormous TRUST in this team consisting of Me, Spirit and the Universe. I have faith in myself and the process/journey of life within this major transition for Humanity. I tune into my body and feel peace, strength and a knowing that I will be ok. Then I started thinking about those that are stressed and anxious, unsure of what their future holds and how that must be for them! Then again Spirit said "what are you focusing on?" Yes, of course! If you knew someone who was experiencing a great challenge in their life, what would you be thinking about regarding them and their situation, because your thoughts have power and if you were to have faith in them, think that they will find strength and courage to learn what they need to learn from this situation and have faith that they are protected and guided and that they will be provided for, then you are focusing on love rather than fear. These thoughts will create higher vibrations to surround them, your thoughts will project more of what they need rather than what they don't need! If you think, "poor things, how terrible" etc. then that will be the energy you send to them. Yes it is tough and challenging, but please don't focus on the lower vibrations of life, raise your thoughts to the side of love and send them high vibes. Send them light and love, because this is what a Faith Keeper does! In times of war and illness in American Indian Tribes, the Faith Keeper would sit in stillness and bring in the light and love for all. They would focus on Peace and strength, love and courage. If you hold this vibration for your loved ones, family and friends, you will be doing them a great service! Remember, "What are you focusing on?" fear or love? I hope this message sparks your memory of something you already know. Blessings to you (Please comment on this post so you continue to receive them in your feed. Your comment can be an emoji if you don't want to say anything.)
04.01.2022 A couple of people have asked me to help them understand their Astrology chart, so I thought I'd have a small group session for a couple of hours one afternoon. It'll be the basics because that's all I know, but what I do know has been so valuable in understanding myself and the aspects I'm learning in this life time. I also use Astrology with my clients and it's been so accurate. You would benefit from having your time of birth because without it your chart wont be accurat...e but you can still gain some insights from the outer planets because they move so slow. Let me know if you don't have a print out of your natal chart so I can get one for you. I'm thinking Saturday 24 April, 1pm to 3pm. Cost $25.00 I think this will be a fun afternoon! What do you think? Are you keen to learn more about yourself through Astrology?
03.01.2022 The fear of being judged! The fear of being judged negativelyoh boy, holding this fear can be immobilizing. It can stop you from doing just about anything where other people are involved, rendering you lonely and afraid, or perhaps trying so hard to be accepted and doing all that you can to be worthy of a good judgment from yourself and others that you are always on the lookout and react to any slightly negative feedback. It’s an exhausting and heavy weight you carry wit...h you 24/7. This is such a powerful fear because of what it can do to you and it will take a commitment to yourself to regain your power and confidence or attain it if you haven’t had it before. I’ve been here, I know what it feels like and how damaging it is to your heart and Soul. First, I want you to know that I accept you completely and hold no judgments, only empathy and love for you. Second, you will need to take your power back because you are giving it to those people that you feel are judging you. Third, are you judging yourself negatively? If you are, then people will mirror back to you how you think and feel about yourself! So, judge yourself as being good enough and start being nice to yourself, please! I know it’s not as easy as that just be nice to yourself, like, how do you even start? Well, you start by stopping! Stop being nasty to yourself. You don’t like it when other people are nasty to you so why is it ok for you to be nasty to yourself? You will actually achieve more growth and receive more love and far less judgments when you give love to yourself. When you speak to yourself like a caring loving person would, being supportive of yourself, kind and patient as well. After all, that’s how you would like others to treat you, and if you begin, you will feel more love for yourself and the world around you in general. Judgment lives in 3D consciousness, which is a life lived in duality, and we are now rising up into 4D consciousness (understanding and acceptance) and then into 5D consciousness (love and bliss). I’m here if you would like to start changing your world and grow further into 5D consciousness. It’s an awesome way to live I can tell you, it’s full of bliss and love, 90% of the time. I can't wait to clear your energy field of the old and support you to bring in the new! You wont look back! You can book online today at Looking forward to seeing you Blessings to you Kym
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