Hemmant Spiritual Church | Landmark & historical place
Hemmant Spiritual Church
Phone: +61 413 482 332
Address: 69-73 Hemmant-Tingalpa Rd 4174 Hemmant, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Nether a truer statement made....
25.01.2022 It is with regret, we will be cancelling tonight's Service due to the unpredictable weather, better to have everyone safe in their homes than on the road. Take care and hope we will see you next Sunday for the Christmas Carols Margaret
25.01.2022 Archangel Raphael Be still Dear child of God, such interesting timesboth exciting and challenging. Much healing is called for nowyour planet and all of huma...nity. Your physical vehicle is being damaged by all the negative thoughts and emotions bombarding you from without and from within. Call a halt to this. Be still and know that you are God. Breathe in this energy and feel yourself bathing in it. The light has much to achieve so it is very helpful if you distance yourself from all that is not of love. Do not listen to, read or watch your media feeds as they are toxic to your light. Spend time in nature at least once a day. Feel its immense peace. Really notice all that nature surrounds you with. Immerse yourself until you are no longer aware of separation and your gratitude enhances the love that you are. When you live this way, you become illuminated with the grace of God and this shines forth for all to share in.
24.01.2022 Welcome to our chruch service on Sunday 22nd Nov. Our special guest is Clarrie whom we havent seen for months and we welcome him back. Our xmas carols night will be on the 20th Dec. Love and Light.Rev Patricia and Rev Margret.
23.01.2022 Legions of Light Beings are here. posted by Edith
22.01.2022 This Sunday 15th Nov my special guest is Avril. It is so great to be back again and seeing everyone attending the services, covid19 safety measures are in place. Hopefully good weather prevails. See you there minister Carleen Walsh
22.01.2022 Happy Wednesday
22.01.2022 Hope everyone is well missing you.hope to be back soon?????
21.01.2022 You can sense this within... An ancient memory. A sense of knowing something. A sense of knowing we were meant to be free.... Unlimited. To be joyous. To be prosperous. To experience beauty. To be adventurous. To go anywhere. Be anything we wish to be. We are here to remember these things now. And to remind others to remember. Many lifetimes we have swam through the depths. We are nearing the breakthrough to the surface. Take my hand and we will rise together.
20.01.2022 Sunday the 20th December Hemmant Spiritual Church Will be holding Their Christmas Carols Evening at 6.00pm Please bring a plate to share. Looking forward to seeing you all. Covid restrictions still apply.... Rev Patricia, Rev Carleen, Rev Patricia and Rev Margaret See more
20.01.2022 Jennys e.mail. [email protected]
19.01.2022 special Tuesday
19.01.2022 Archangel Raphael The divine will prevail All is well and on track dear one. The light will prevail and very brave leaders are helping us to ensure this. All ...will be revealed so that humanity will make sure it never happens again. Do not worry that this will not be. We ask you to be part of the solution with your light and trust in the light of God. Just as in your past, when crimes against humanity were proven without doubt, the world ensured they would not be repeated and so it will be again with the present situation. We will not elaborate as those who are not ready to know will be enlightened as proof becomes widespread. Do not be frustrated with their blindness. Instead be the love of your essence as they are dearly beloved and have deep kindness and compassion embedded in their nature and cannot conceive of the human depravity in their midst. Many are awakening to the extent that they suspect they are being lied to and that is the opening to light. You have all come with an individual intent for this life and we see the light all over your world with great joy. Know that all will be well. This is the intent of the divine. Blessings dear ones. I am Raphael the healer.
19.01.2022 Jesus lead the way Keep up the good work you warriors infusing life with loving care for all. Your light is assisting the present process in infinite ways. A...ll is well. Know this. The misguided ones will be contained. They have forgotten who they are. There is no order of magnitude in terms of straying from the lightonly the depth of lost love. Judge not for you have been many aspects of lost love while on your soul journey. It was love that healed you and love that brought you to your present level of light. You have evolved ever higher and are here now to birth the new world of freedom and plenty for all. You are here to assist the sleeping ones to awaken and then to guide them when they feel somewhat lost in unfamiliar territory. Force nothing. Simply be the living example of your divine Self, reaching out with loving, compassionate care. Every one of you intended being awake in this life so do not see any around you as a lost cause. All will respond to love that you project even though you may not see the evidence. Love is never wasted or lost. Take my hand beloved one and let us walk together in joy as we sing the song of love in glorious unison. We are one, now and forever, and one is all in perpetuity.
18.01.2022 This Sunday 1st Nov my special guest is Patricia Strong. It is so good to be back again and see everyone attending the services, always with covert safe measures.Hopefully we wont have a storm tomorrow. See you there Rev Patricia Marshall
17.01.2022 Yes definately a valuable learning!
16.01.2022 church services Sunday!
15.01.2022 Archangel Gabriel acceptance A powerful way of being is acceptance of what is. Whatever is present in any moment is there for a reason. Acceptance is the firs...t step followed by investigation. There may be a need to give to another or perhaps there is a learning for yourself being presented. Acceptance removes any stress around what is. A sense of peace becomes your reality and this gives you clarity and understanding. Some events feel very painful and there is an instinct to push them away with distractionsto obliterate all recognition but as you know my dear friends, this only causes escalation. Your soul wants to grow and so will not allow denial. The ego may succeed for a while but this is futile as you all know. Sometimes an event is minor on the stress scale and without really being aware, you simply bypass it until it becomes more intrusive as it will if there is a learning to be integrated. Decide that you will remain open to all that is present in every moment. In that way, you will stop, breathe and enter stillness where wisdom is immediately available. We have often said that you are never given more than you can cope with. Please know the truth of this beloved ones. In our realm we are always in acceptance. We accept your choices and never interfere but we will guide you whenever you ask for our assistance. Dear hearts, in love I am Gabriel the communicator.
15.01.2022 A song from our church services. Happy Easter and stay in peace until we meet again. Patricia
15.01.2022 Tomorrow Good Friday, Jenny Fitzgerald is having her Good Friday Meditation via Zoom at 9.30 aest. At this time it is very necessary to meditate for our planets and its people and send our love vibration around the earth. Register on Zoom or contact Jenny on [email protected] or just sit in the space at that time and join with the meditation in you own space Love and Light Patricia
14.01.2022 Mary Magdalene be here now Relax into your divine Self and feel gratitude for the realization that what you used to see as important or part of your to do lis...t no longer features on your internal radar. A sense of glorious peace and tranquillity has superseded the past. There is a greater appreciation of the nature around you and the wild life is venturing into your former noisy spaces. All of this enlarges your heart love and you look on life with gratitude. You become aware of feeling compassion for those who must make decisions, for you see that their roles are difficult as they try to operate in a fog of divisive information. Use this time wisely to raise your vibrational frequency as you live heart centred. Use this time to live with gratitude for this reprieve from frenetic activity. Use this time to reach out to others with loving care and support. Listen not to judgemental rhetoric against those in other countries. You only become part of the dark forces when you join this throng. Nothing is as it seems at the moment and you are being deceived from many directions. Joining in lowers your frequency so remove your attention from such energies. As you see the many gifts of this event, decide there will be no back pedalling. Decide that you will be part of heralding the light infusion which will lead to the New World Era. Those who have chosen to leave are to be honoured for they will return as the new Earthlings and they are filled with joy in our realm, as they rest awhile in the Kingdom of love. All is as it should be at this time. Take care of all those in need. Give your all without counting the cost to yourself.
13.01.2022 Hearts are Open and receiving
12.01.2022 Archangel Gabriel destiny Here we are again, delving into word wisdom. We shall look at this word from the perspective of your soul point of view. You do know... that your destination is full realization as the Christ did in human form. Some have achieved this and many have been well on the path over many lives. To reach your desired destiny, you need to move away from ego generated mind influence. Your destiny is blocked by fear, judgement of self, others and events. At this time on Earth, it is important to be aware of not judging the controllers or the events in progress. Your soul destiny requires you to move out of any self-judgement, guilt, anger, sorrow, superiority, low self-worth, pride etc. The list of ego driven emotions is endless. Your destiny requires a level of selfishness in that you must do your shadow work. However, it also requires you to give up wanting and accumulating. Your destiny requires you to focus every day to being in service to othersto giving on all levels of your being. Your needs will always be provided when you follow your divine path. Life will venerate you when you live in humility and peace. To achieve your designated destiny, be aware in every moment of keeping your heart open and in charge of your life. Welcome challenges and know they have a growth purpose. You are only given what you can cope with so fear not beloved ones. I am Gabriel the communicator.
12.01.2022 Have a great long weekend. Stay safe until we all meet gain.
12.01.2022 Archangel Gabriel abiding Just the sound of this word is blissful. Abide in me is the instruction from God. When you abide in the Lord, you are deeply embedde...d in your heart love where God is to be found. When you abide in the Lord, you make wise decisionsthose that are guided by Spirit. When you abide in the Lord, you receive guidance for whatever challenge is before you in the moment. As you awaken in the morning, feel yourself abiding in your heart love and as you lay your head down at night for sleep, abide in the Lord to ensure a peaceful, restful, rejuvenating sleep. As you abide in the Lord when you interact with others, their hearts are warmed because your light has surrounded and interpenetrated them. As you abide in the Lord, you are free from ego control. Its voice cannot penetrate your light and so it remains silent. Whenever you feel disturbed mentally or emotionally, recognize that you have moved out of abiding in His light. As you move back into your divine nature, you find answers to your disturbed state and set yourself free. Sit a moment now, dear ones, in the deep bliss of abiding in God. Feel yourself floating in this natural state. Thank you for these word exercises. Until the next time, I am Gabriel the communicator.
08.01.2022 This Sunday the 29th November Service will begin at 7.00pm. We have as our Special Guest Sarah, it will be good to have her back again after such a long time away because of Covid Restrictions, we still have to comply with them until we are told otherwise. It has been wonderful, seeing you all again at Church, so thank you for your support.... Rev Margaret Mionnet
08.01.2022 Hi Jenny, Wow, what a year 2020 has been already! I hope youre keeping safe in these uncertain times. I thought Id have to cancel this years Good Friday medi...tation because of COVID-19 but Ive realised we can hold it virtually via the Zoom platform! Never heard of Zoom? Its a place online where we can have a meeting with lots of people from our living rooms. We can all connect even though were not physically together. The only thing we wont be able to do is hug and share hot cross buns and a cuppa at the end....although if everyone gets their own, we can still enjoy. So, I would like to invite you to this years Good Friday Meditation - 10th April 2020 at 9.30am AEST via Zoom. To join us just click here to REGISTER We come together at this time because metaphysically, the higher planes of consciousness are open to us collectively. Initiation into these realms is a journey we must make alone but are supported in doing so by one another. This is a time for deep connection and contemplation allowing yourself to receive insights for your own spiritual progression and how you might be of service to humanity in the coming months/years. We will enjoy: a morning of deep connection to Self to get you back in touch with your spiritual aspect so you can be an instrument for "sanity" in this uncertain world a unique experience at this special time (Good Friday) to let go of the energies that hold you back so you can live on purpose a beautiful connection to a community that celebrates our innate nature as joy and peace. In this community there is a real sense that we are held and supported by a loving universe. If youd like more information give me a call on 0410 135 495. We usually offer this event on a donation basis, and this year is no different. If youd like to make a donation wed really appreciate it, but if you cant or dont want to thats perfectly fine with us. REGISTER Places are limited so please register as soon as you can. Kind regards, Jenny & Harry Fitzgerald Twitter Facebook Website Copyright 2020 Jenny Fitzgerald - Life Transformation Coach, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you are a valued client or associate of Jenny Fitzgerald. Our mailing address is: Jenny Fitzgerald - Life Transformation Coach 11 Lawnton Street Daisy Hill, QLD 4127 Australia Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
06.01.2022 beautiful meditation music
06.01.2022 call on him for healing
05.01.2022 How to enjoy a happy life explained perfectly in 2 minutes!! Please feel free to share.
04.01.2022 Have a happy Monday
04.01.2022 Church Service at Hemmant this coming Sunday the 25th October, starts at 7.00pm Special Guest Jenny Fitzgerald, Ministers Pat Marshall & Margaret Mionnet will be taking the Service. We are working in a Covid Safe environment, so please sign in at the door when you arrive hand sanitizer for your use also at the door. No Supper provided.... Looking forward to catching up with Every one soon. Rev Patricia Marshall / Rev Margaret Mionnet
03.01.2022 Inspirational thoughts
03.01.2022 then energy over Easter is very strong. Spend time in meditation, Enjoy this beautiful song.
02.01.2022 Looking forward to a new start in the near future. Love and light to everyone.
02.01.2022 This surprise "Stairway to Heaven" flashmob from Kirschgarten, Mainz in Germany is incredibly beautiful.
02.01.2022 Here once more are the awesome Dad & Daughter (11 years) team Adrian and Emma-Jean Music from South Africa this time singing Simon & Garfunkel's classic 'The So...und Of Silence'! Really being noticed now & very well deserved! Check them out: Adrian and Emma-Jean Music https://themusicman.uk/adrian-emma-jean-galliard https://youtube.com/c/AdrianEmmaJeanGalliardMusic/ See more
02.01.2022 And well, its just bloody beautiful ( by @thedodo)
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