Hepburn Shire Council | Government organisation
Hepburn Shire Council
Phone: +61 3 5348 2306
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23.01.2022 The AMCS Art and Craft Café is a popular place for seniors to share some skills and learn some new ones, including some in our own community. Click through onto the AMCS page to learn more... Australian Multicultural Community Services Inc.
23.01.2022 As COVID-19 restrictions ease and we return to our new ‘COVID-normal’, are you feeling tired or run down? See key tips from CHRH psychologist Namita in regard to how to get a sound and restful sleep. #comingoutofCOVID #healthyhabits #healthyhepburnshire #helpinghepburn
23.01.2022 NATURE WATCH Summer! Fascinating critters can be found on sapling wattles and gums at this time of year. On an unremarkable roadside remnant red-eyed Black Gum Leaf hoppers suck sap and attract ant guardians with their sweet secretions. The young leafhoppers sport a range of colours and patterns. Caterpillars and pupae of Imperial Hairstreak butterfly also secrete fluids that attract ants, while a lone adult waits for mates to emerge. ... Young Shield bugs suck sap from gum-tips while a tiny Common Bluetail damselfly uses a Candlebark leaf as a lookout to hunt even tinier insects.
23.01.2022 Hepburn Hub at The Rex Tours The Hepburn Hub at The Rex is a project many in the community are excited about, and so are we. Building works will commence in the new year, so we thought we would open the building up for tours again before it becomes an active building site. We’ll be advertising tours over the coming weeks, so if you would like to see what’s happened so far and what will be delivered by the transformational project, stay tuned. Registrations and a short induction will be necessary due to COVID and OHS obligations. You’ll also need to wear a fluro vest and hard hat (supplied) (but that’s’ cool! ).
21.01.2022 Human Rights Week 2020 (3 to 10 December 2020) is just around the corner and you're invited to get involved in a virtual program of human rights related events and activities. Check out the program
18.01.2022 Respect Is... The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence campaign aims to support people to understand what respect looks like, why respect is important and how we put respect into practice in our everyday lives. Our Councillors and employees have produced this video to promote gender equality and respect and take a stand to end family violence and violence against women. ... #16dayscampaign #Respectis #Callitout
17.01.2022 COUNCILLORS HIT THE GROUND RUNNING Our new Council has been busy in their first week since being sworn in. Last week they spent two days with our senior staff to work on community engagement - which will see a new community engagement policy as well as a plan on how Council engages with the community when developing the new Council Vision and Council Plan. We will have more details about this before Christmas, so watch this space! ... If you are so inclined, you can read the media release about this at our Media Releases page where we post all the releases we send to the media. See: www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/media-releases
16.01.2022 Daylesford! What are you up to next Wednesday? Get down to the Neighbourhood Centre and take part in the activities (bookings are essential, see below).
13.01.2022 Hepburn Girls Can Try something a little different and join our This Girl Can Victoria ambassador Jagriti for 45 minutes of Bollywood movement you can do from your living room, kitchen or even your outdoor deck! Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 5pm... Book here www.trybooking.com/BMOCO #HepburnGirlsCan #ThisGirlCanVIC #VicHealth #healthyhepburn
13.01.2022 FIRE DANGER PERIOD The CFA (Country Fire Authority) have announced the starting date for the Fire Danger Period in our Shire - Monday 14 December. For more details about what you can and cannot do during this period, check out https://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/war/about-the-fire-danger-period
12.01.2022 VINCENT ST UPDATE Today was pretty busy - we are definitely seeing more visitors in town. Let’s remember to be kind, be patient and always COVID-safe. A few more questions/comments to talk about:... Helen and Lee asked about car parking and the speed limit. We are exploring whether to introduce more 15 minute parking at the northern end, and will let everyone know if and/or when it happens. We do see the benefit in this idea. We are also in regular conversation with our local VicPol and have passed on concerns about speeding. Car parking is time limited on Vincent Street however during the closedown, Council has, like all Councils, let that slide to not add more stress to people’s lives or to discourage any shopping. That said, closedown is all but done, so you can expect our inspectors to be out and about more often. Peter asked if police will stop people reversing out of centre parks. Wouldn’t it be great if all drivers just obeyed the rules? It’s illegal and dangerous. We can expect to see a VicPol presence over the weekend and we have no doubt if they see this behaviour, they will be taking the appropriate action. On signage our Works team have installed some new P signage, pointing drivers to alternate areas to park. More new signage is coming next week. As Anne said, this weekend is like being on our L plates. Except we are learning with our residents and around 20,000+ visitors watching no stress! Which is why we need everyone to stay kind and patient. Safety comes first. Enjoy your weekend. #helpinghepburn
11.01.2022 Please join Council in celebrating International Day of People with Disability on Thursday 3 December 2020. Watch out for promo banners around the Shire and see the Daylesford Town Hall lit up purple and orange during the week. Keep an eye out for pop-up meet-and-greet tables around the Shire on Thursday. Come and say hi and grab a free pencil or magnet. ... We will have some interviews going up on Facebook with our Disability Access Committee members over the coming weeks, and a special celebration message on the day from our newly appointed Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt. Stay tuned
09.01.2022 NEW LIBRARY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE HOURS Good news! From Monday 16 November, we are expanding our Library and Customer Service hours. We have added an additional day to each site, giving you more choice when you need to come and see us in person.... Library services: Home delivery, meetings room hire and public events and programs are not yet ready to return. And remember to wear a mask, maintain physical distancing and don't pop in if you are sick. #helpinghepburn
08.01.2022 Over the coming weeks you might see this vehicle stopped on the side of the road or driving around the Shire. We are carrying out a road condition survey. Done every five years, the survey of sealed roads, unsealed roads, kerb and channel and footpaths provides valuable data to be used in planning for future capital programs. The data is also used in assessing the value of Council’s current assets. For all you numbers people out there, this survey will provide us with some interesting statistics
08.01.2022 Free Victorian Government QR Code Service Business owners and venues across the state can now access a free QR Code Service which will help them to keep records of visitors. Business owners will only need to register their business, download and print a poster containing a Victorian Government QR Code, and display it prominently. ... Find out more and sign up at http://ow.ly/D8dP50CyWH7 Visitors simply need to scan the QR code using their smartphone, and their data will be held securely for 28 days unless it is requested by the Department of Health and Human Services. Use of the Victorian Government’s QR Code Service is not mandatory, and businesses or venues that are currently using an existing market-led QR code solution may continue to do so. The Government is working on a system which will allow these systems to link directly into DHHS Contact Tracing systems as needed. By using QR code software, businesses will make it possible for contact tracers to obtain their required details within minutes of a positive case. Businesses may also continue to keep records using a non-QR-code method if preferred, except for smaller hospitality venues wishing to increase their density quotient to 1 person per 2 square metres which are mandated to use QR codes.
05.01.2022 VINCENT STREET UPDATE We’ve had three weekends of visitors from Melbourne and so far so good! Our officers have been out and about and had some really positive chats to local businesses, we’ve had feedback from the community and of course we’ve been in regular contact with VicPol, DHHS and other agencies. With all that feedback in mind, we are making some changes. We will be removing barriers from parts of the street before this weekend and reopening the car parking where ...they were. Some barriers will stay in place in a number of locations to help provide the space necessary for physical distancing and promote outdoor dining. The barriers that do stay will have covers installed over them so they are not so visually hard on the eye. We want to again thank everyone not only for their patience but also for their feedback and ideas, as well as all those who have used Vincent Street since the ‘ring of steel’ ended. No one was sure what would happen we made the decision to be cautious as health comes first. A combination of factors, including weather, crowd numbers, a month of zero new COVID-19 cases in Victoria, parking concerns and feedback from our businesses means now is the time to make these changes. You can be sure we will keep on listening to our community and we will make more changes when they are needed. Until then, keep on staying COVID-safe and being kind to one another. #helpinghepburn
04.01.2022 Our mates at Cobaw Community Health Services Ltd and CHIRP Community Health are hosting an end of year celebration on 14 December for Trans and Gender Diverse people. Interested? Give them a call on one of the numbers below for more deets. Transgender Victoria
02.01.2022 Interesting information from DHHS this morning... #helpinghepburn
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