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24.01.2022 I am just curious are there 10 SERIOUS people whose New Year Resolutions included those listed below!! How long before you QUIT!!! ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE THE SA...ME RESOLUTIONS THIS NEW YEAR? If You ARE why not seek a MENTOR who will Coach and ENCOURAGE YOU: - To drop some excess weight #Weight Loss - Drop a dress or pant size or two - Have more energy #Energy - Lead a healthy lifestyle #Life Style - Meal Skippers What you will get: - A FREE Wellness Profile - Coaching - Full Support PM me for more info or call 0407940056
23.01.2022 I feel that luck is preparation meets opportunity. Preparation and Opportunity With all the twists and turns on life’s highway, being prepared can become a daun...ting task when we don’t know what’s waiting for us just around the next bend in the road. Oftentimes, preparation is a benefit we gain through living, loosing, and learning what it takes, not only to survive but to succeed. We learn what unique attributes we as individuals possess, that will keep us moving forward when our feet get weary and the road gets long. These trials in life are an essential opportunity to get to know ourselves, our talents, and our strengths a little bit better with every win or loss. They give us personal preparation and know-how to succeed when faced with new trials in the future. After all, it’s only after we have tasted defeat that we know what it takes to win. Through passion, drive, hard work, and preparation we can ensure that we are in the right place, at the right time, when fate comes knocking on our door. When opportunity finds us, the preparation, strength, and knowledge of self, gained through overcoming the trials of the past, will allow for us to take hold of our own destiny, and venture far beyond anything we ever dreamed possible. By being prepared for when the time comes, and by taking steps toward our dreams every day, we can put ourselves on the path to opportunity. Fortune favors the bold. Boldness comes in taking risks. Being prepared for the road ahead, overcoming hurdles in life, and moving beyond the person we were, into the person we are to become. When preparation and opportunity collide we are given moments to completely redefine ourselves, and our lives for the better. When we have learned from our losses, prepared ourselves for a future we want, chosen to move toward it every day, then the opportunity will find us. Herb Ratsch. See more
23.01.2022 Everything is Possible - Think Possibilities We are the sculptors of our destiny. We have the ability to drive our future into any direction we desire, but ofte...n we give up on our dreams for fear of failure and fear of the unknown. But you can achieve anything you desire by having the right mindset and a strong will to pursue it. Some of the greatest individuals, past or present, neither had an exemplary childhood nor did they attend the best colleges or universities in the world. They have one thing in common though, a commitment to their dreams. Achieving anything you desire does not depend on the school you went to, your family background, your race or religion, your height, or your performance in school. Dare to live your dreams, and you will realize just how easy it is to achieve what you earlier thought was impossible. The story of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc, shows just how much you can achieve despite lacking the necessary backing in terms of education and family. Having dropped out of college, many would have expected Steve to get a day job, and live an ordinary life. However, he joined Steve Wozniak and together they revolutionized the technology industry. If you have such a dream or an even bigger dream, do not let the thoughts of impossibilities or failure cloud your mind, develop and maintain a positive mindset and let your dream give you the desire and a strong will to succeed. Failure is an inconvenience towards achieving your goals, but failing should not be taken to mean impossible. It is just a setback that means you should review your strategy, learn from it, and bounce back into the race to the top. When we were children, we had big dreams and we had a conviction that everything was possible, we did not know any different. Now that we have grown up, we need to reclaim the same conviction that we had as children. That conviction will give us the drive to achieve everything that we set our mind on. We can achieve anything! Herb Ratsch. See more
23.01.2022 I strive to be self-disciplined. Self-Discipline is Crucial to Success in life When we were younger, our parents were always on hand to keep us in line, when we... did something wrong. In a way, because of our very nature as children, we got used to acting properly around them, but being total brats when they were not around. Some will say that it is a stage that everyone goes through. That is true, however, when we grow older, will we still wait for someone to watch over us, in order to act properly? Growing up means taking responsibility for our behavior, and our life. Self-discipline is very important in leading a successful life. When we are able to control ourselves, we can avoid many bad situations in life, that could bring us misery and failure. Even at school, one requires self-discipline to know when to study and when to play. When we are lacking in that department, we may forget the real reason why we went to school in the first place. The same goes for business. When are run a sole enterprise, we must have the ability to run our business professionally, for it to turn a profit. This will involve a great deal of self-discipline because there are no boards of directors or management to report to. It is our business, so it is up to us how well we run it. More often than not, many start-ups fail because the owners lacked the discipline required to guide a small business to great success. In our adult lives, we become responsible for ourselves. The decisions we make are our own, with no one to tell us how to act, and what to do. This gives us a lot of freedom, which also requires a lot of responsibility. If we do not have the self-discipline required to take action when necessary, success in our lives may be hard to come by. We can have exciting goals and dreams, but if we lack self-discipline, one of the most crucial elements of success is missing. Herb Ratsch See more
21.01.2022 I am curious, are you a single Mum or Dad? Are you looking for an opportunity to work from home around your children, running your own Business? Minimum Start u...p cost, (around $83.00 including 1 Free Product), free face to face and online training at startup/ongoing, free support, opportunity to earn part-time/ full-time income, opportunity to travel and the opportunity to trade Locally and/or Globally. Would $100- 500/month part time, make a difference to the family budget? Your income is governed by your own hard work and dedication. Serious inquiries in comments below, Call/Text +61 409 383 978 See more
20.01.2022 He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. Tips On How To Find Your Life's Purpose We face many challenges in our lives every day. Most of them are minor..., but major challenges can make us feel like giving up. At a time like this, we are really tested and can show what we are made of. People with a strong purpose in life have a much better chance to get through rough spots in their lives. When we have developed a purpose in our life, we are less likely to feel discouraged. We will remain optimistic, and stay focused on life. What is your purpose in life? If you are still working on finding your purpose, here are a few points that may help you: 1. Develop self-awareness We have to figure out who we are as an individual, and what we want to achieve during our time here on earth. Listen to what your heart tells you. Be aware of the things you think about most. 2. Ask yourself some questions - What’s the one thing I want most and can’t live without? - What excites me when I think about my future? - When I die, what kind of legacy will I leave behind? Put your answers on paper, to better analyze them, and have a clearer perspective. The answers will become the driving force in your quest for a better you, and a better life for you and your family. 3. Avoid negative people and any negativity in your life One of the things that we need to do when establishing our life's purpose, is to stay away from anyone who does not support our efforts in finding our purpose and build a better life for ourselves. Negative people can hinder us in our process of finding the key to a better life. However, not everybody is negative. There are those who have greater wisdom than ourselves and can be of great help to us. If we, for instance, do not know exactly what we want in life, these people can direct us toward finding our purpose in life. Once we have found our purpose in life, it will become our motivation, and our reason to get up in the morning. It will give us the strength we need to battle through obstacles. With our purpose in mind, we can lay out a plan for our lives, with the necessary steps to achieve our goals. If you do not have a purpose for your life, start the process today. You have nothing to lose, but a whole new life to gain! Herb Ratsch See more
20.01.2022 I am curious would you not be interested in learning how you could earn extra income around your present work or activities? You may assist others to improve their wellness and their overall lifestyle to a financially free and active lifestyle by your endeavors. This opportunity may not be for you and you may not be for us. The Opportunity Meeting will give you the facts on which to make your decision. The Meeting will be held at 15 Maris King Street Casey at 7.30 for an 8.00pm start on Wednesday 7th November 2018. Phone or Text Mervyn: 0409383978, Email [email protected] Phone or Text Steve: 0431674012, Email [email protected]
18.01.2022 I accept myself wholly and completely. Accepting yourself wholly and completely entails valuing every part of yourself unconditionally. You have to be able to v...alue both the good parts and those parts that you think need to be strengthened. Unfortunately for many people, self-acceptance is a hard thing to do, especially when they look at the mistakes they make. But the good news is that self-acceptance is something that can be nurtured. It is a process that starts with acknowledging the judgments you usually make about yourself and then being able to soften those judgments. We have to recognize that this process is a skill that you can practice, as opposed to being an inborn trait, that you either have or do not have. To accept yourself wholly and completely, you need to watch how you get affected by comments from other people. When people say things about you, do you often tend to internalize those things? And do you let them form your opinion about yourself? To achieve self-acceptance you have to challenge or quiet your inner critic. It may tell you things like: "You can never do anything right", "You do not have the ideal body size", "You don’t look good", and many things like it. To be able to challenge your inner critic, you need to develop the habit of catching negative thoughts as they come up, and then replacing those thoughts with forgiveness, compassion and acceptance. In doing so, you will stop reinforcing the negative thoughts about yourself, and turning your self-talk into your own support mechanism. One last thing you need to consider is the people you surround yourself with if you want to accept yourself wholly and completely. If you always hang with people that speak negatively of you, it is going to be so hard to achieve self-acceptance. Internalize this sentence, "What other people think of me, is none of my business!" You see, when other people constantly criticize and complain, they have issues with themselves and are hell-bent on taking others down with them. Their behavior is rooted in their own circumstances. Do not let them get to you. Begin and end each day with, "I accept myself wholly and completely"! Herb Ratsch See more
18.01.2022 I am the greatest; I said that even before I knew I was. Like many people, you might be confused when you read, "I am the greatest; I said that even before I kn...ew I was". I mean, how can you possibly be great, before you even achieved anything? To a lot of people, it may appear like wishful thinking, or too bold of an attitude, or even arrogant. But the truth is that the quote is actually true. Unfortunately, many are yet to understand it. You see, it is all about positive thinking. Every human being will go through ups and downs in life, twists, and turns, and bumps on the road. There will be times when nothing seems to work. And yes, you will have to deal with imbalances in your body, mind, and soul. But by thinking positively, you draw the inner energy that inspires you to move on, no matter what the challenges are. Mohammed Ali was one of the greatest boxers who ever lived. He may not have been the fastest, although in his younger years he dazzled a lot of opponents, he may not have had the best training, but he still shook the world with his victories. Not because of the circumstances he came from, or any special privileges, but by believing that he was already great even before he set foot inside the ring. A positive attitude is what distinguishes success from failure. Being great, before it actually happens, is about having the right mindset. Seeing yourself achieving your goals, and visualizing the success you desire. It could be true that you don't have the best resources or the right support, and perhaps the timing isn't quite right. However, if your mind and attitude isn’t fixed on your success, then you’ve already failed even before you’ve started. Some called Ali arrogant, others said it was his pride. But before entering the ring, Mohammed Ali believed he had already won the fight and wasn’t ashamed to show and say it. The same way you will display your belief when moving towards your goals and dreams. It does not mean that you will not lose, and have failures along the way. Embrace them, see them as stepping stones, fix them, and carry on. Remember, there is no room for self-pity on the highway to success. Believe you are great, and say it before you will experience it! Herb Ratsch. See more
17.01.2022 Most people make decisions on opinion; why not attend an informative meeting focusing on giving you the facts on the Herbalife Company, its Products and the Bus...iness Opportunity available here in Australia so that you can make an informed decision based on facts not opinions. Chance to also try a product or two FREE. The Meeting will be held at 15 Maris King Street Casey at 7.45 for an 8.00pm start on Wednesday 10th October 2018. For additional information and seat booking: Phone or Text Mervyn: 0409383978 or 0407940056, Email [email protected] Phone or Text Steve: 0431674012, Email [email protected] See more
16.01.2022 Even If You Fall On Your Face, You're Still Moving Forward. One of the most common attributes that successful people share in common is the virtue of perseveran...ce. If you are going to look into the lives of high-achieving people, you will realize that they had to go through a lot of failures before they gained their current status. What does this teach us? Well, first of all, falling flat on your face doesn't mean it's the end of everything. The road towards success is filled with potholes and roadblocks. What you need to do is keeping on moving forward, no matter what. Always keep in mind that if you fall, you can still get up and continue your journey. Don't treat your failures as if they are going to hold you back. Instead, treat them as necessary steps in reaching your goals. Like the richest and most powerful men today, you have to start somewhere. All successful people fell flat on their faces numerous times during their journey. Some of them went bankrupt. Some of them lost their businesses. Some of them saw their plans go to waste. But they did not give up. They simply shrugged their shoulders, learned from their mistakes, and kept on moving forward. In your journey towards success, you are going to encounter a lot of failures. This is part of life. Where you end up will depend on how you treat your failures. Are you going to give up or are you going to keep on moving forward? Needless to say, those who chose to move forward are going to reap the rewards of their patience and determination. In a nutshell, it's a matter of keeping a positive and enthusiastic attitude amid all those challenges. Keeping a positive attitude enables you to see the good side of your failures, and use these to your advantage. Keep on moving forward! Herb Ratsch. See more
13.01.2022 Good things happen to me every day. In life, there are times when negativity seems to surround us, smothering our dreams and destroying our hope. But if we beco...me more observant, we will see that the present moment is filled with a lot of beauty. We can either allow this negativity to saturate us, and hold us back, or we can let our positive attitude propel us forward. When we allow negativity to suffocate our dreams, we start to accept it as a way of life. It is very true that we cannot control what happens to us, but we certainly can control how you react to it. If we take a moment and think about the things around us, how do we perceive them? Do they provide a delightful experience every day? Our partner comforting us, a neighbor helping us start our car, or offering to ride us to work. Perhaps someone brings us a sumptuous dinner, how do we feel, how do we respond? A positive attitude toward the thing happening to us, or being done to us, can shift our entire life. If we infuse our minds that good things are happening to us every moment of our lives, then we will become tremendously motivated to achieve our goals and dreams. When facing an annoying situation, look for a positive benefit, and learn from it. Do not get irritated by the sun, but enjoy its warmth. When you see snow, view it as a beautiful panorama. See good each day, find the positive side in each moment, and in every experience. Strive to notice and appreciate all the good that comes your way, every day of your lives. Open your eyes and your soul and see all the good thing around you, remember life proceeds the way you allow it to proceed. There are beautiful things to be seen in every imaginable direction, but you have to be willing to see them and help create them. Good things happen to me every day! Herb Ratsch. See more
13.01.2022 Being successful is my natural state. Does Success Come Naturally? Ever taken the time thinking about how your subconscious mind manifests itself in your daily ...life? All goals you want to achieve, start as an idea. Having positive thoughts and visualization prepares your mind to turn the goals to a successful conclusion. Sometimes you may wonder why other people have success in life, while you fail in some of your undertakings. Does this mean that you are cursed? No one is cursed unless you call "stinking thinking" a curse. I am talking about a negative mindset because everything starts in your mind. Success comes naturally only if you are prepared for it, if in your mind and in your actions you are a success. That is before you actually succeed. How can you set up your mind for success to come naturally? Manage your thoughts. Did you know that your brain is incapable of telling an imagined event from a real event? Their physical responses are similar. Think success. Think positive. Visualize yourself being successful. Your thinking and your actions have to show positivity all the way. You have to eliminate anything negative in your life. Use auto suggestions for success. Auto-suggestions can help train your mind to be positive. If you have a "money challenge", visualize yourself having all the money you need, a bank account "overflowing" with cash. Use affirmations to support that picture. Make sure that unpaid bills do not appear in your picture, it will nullify your effort. Appreciate your little successes. Those little successes will breed greater success! They give you a positive feeling and motivate you to carry on with your efforts. Smile. Smiling will improve your general mood. Your facial feedback has a great impact on your thinking. Frowning can elicit a bad mood. However, when you smile, you reinforce positive thinking in your mind. This will set your mind ready for more positive action. With a positive mindset, you set yourself up to expect positive results from the actions you undertake. You are ready to be successful because in your mind you are already successful. Herb Ratsch See more
12.01.2022 Everything you can imagine is real. The power of imagination The power to imagine is an inherent gift within every person. Each one of us can imagine. All great... paintings, buildings, cars, songs, or movies begun with an image in somebody's mind. The ability to create something in our minds is one of the most powerful tools man has been given. Think about a world where there is no imagination! What a dull world that would be. People sometimes call dreams imaginations. And rightly so. Dream, imagine, the kind of life you want to live, and the world you want to belong to. Then make all your dreams come true. The mind is your most potent and powerful tool. Our brain has infinite capabilities. The most important of these capabilities is the ability to imagine. Unfortunately, we rarely utilize this ability. It is time to awaken this sleeping giant. Begin to imagine, start dreaming about your life and where you want to go. Then make your dreams come true. Bring your imaginations to life. Combine your ability to dream with your ability to create with your hands, and with the resources around you. The world is conquered and ruled by men and women who dared to dream, to imagine and were bold enough, courageous enough to bring their dreams to life. People who were bold enough to chart new countries, pioneered new thinking, launched new products and services, created what was otherwise thought of as impossible. You can be one of them. A great place to begin at is with the dreams you have right now. I am sure in your wildest imaginations there is something you want to achieve, to bring to life, to create. Go for it! Do not shy away! If you had the courage to imagine it, you have the power to create it. A dream, a thought, is a small, almost minuscule thing. But it has the potential proportionate to a nuclear reaction. Do that, unleash all the potential you have in you by imagining and being courageous enough to bring your dreams, your imaginations, to life. Herb Ratsch See more
10.01.2022 I check my pulse and if I can find it, I know I've got a chance. Finding Hope Even When The Odds Are Against Us. Sometimes in life, we get knocked down by trage...dies or adverse circumstances. The normal reaction for most people is usually to give up, viewing their setbacks as the final straw. Some people choose to focus on the bad things rather than finding hope in the unlikeliest of situations to overcome setbacks. Challenges will always be with us because I doubt that there is anyone in the entire universe who has a perfect life. Even if we are rich in material wealth, there is always the possibility that we can still suffer physical and emotional pain, and in some cases, money will not even be the solution to those challenges. But life is all about rising from the ashes, having a mindset that we can always come back from any tragedy, as long as we are alive. Do not lose hope, because we never know how soon our situation or circumstances may change. It's all about keeping faith and working towards solutions, being aware of what goes on around us, because we never know where our help will come from. When we give up and are still breathing, it means that we have condemned ourselves to misery. We have basically given up on life, and even if we don't realize it, a part of us is already dead. So why would anyone take for granted the gift of life, and sacrifice it at the altar of defeat? Look at some of the most successful people in history who at some point had suffered great losses. They never gave up because they knew that as long as they were alive, they could always overcome their challenges. It is necessary that we are thankful for being alive because that in itself is a gift. We can use that gift to soldier on and prosper in order to have a better life. Herb Ratsch See more
10.01.2022 If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. The Art of Real Honesty Truth! A five letter word that we wish would make the world run! A clear word... that wins you respect, trust, and favor. A tiny word that brings to your friends that are worthy of your character and your direction in life. Truth is a virtue that will help you live a stress-free life, with no fear of repercussions. Many people have had to live a life of mastering lies upon lies, in order to escape the disgrace of being found out. Yes, some may have succeeded at it, and still survived up till now, but they live in constant fear of what might happen to them the next day, or hour or minute. People who tell lies put a huge burden on their backs and have to twist words and use tricks in order to get through the day. Liars have to remember the lies they told originally, and have to memorize the same lie so that they don't contradict themselves. What a burden this must be! What a waste of time and energy! Here is the beauty of honesty... When you understand what is right, you run no risks of tension and fear of people. You live a free life that may frighten some people. Evil people will avoid you like a plague because they know you carry the sword of truth, that cuts through many of their falsehoods. Learn to live a truthful life and always be sincere in your ways. You will enjoy the company of many honest and worthwhile friends. And all this starts with a clear conscience and a determined mind. You become honest by making it a habit of telling the truth, already starting with little things. When you take pleasure in doing little things right, not distorting or embellishing the truth, you take the first steps to the truth and real honesty. And from there it becomes a part of you. It becomes an essential part of your being, that is inseparable from you. You can freely enjoy the gift of liberty and the highest degree of peace that it gives you. Life presents us all with an opportunity to choose ... Do we want to live a truthful life, that might be a little bit harder, but forever fruitful, or a dirty dishonest life full of lies with limited sweetness and endless fear of destruction? Life gives us the liberty to choose either life or death. Choose truth and get a life sentence of freedom. Herb Ratsch
07.01.2022 For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. Tips On How To Manage Your Anger There are many encounters in our daily lives. Some of them ...make us happy and others leave us with frustrations or even outright anger. Living a life full of anger is a waste of our own time and energy, that would be better spent on something more productive. Prolonged anger can be very detrimental to our health. How can we avoid anger, or deal with it?. The following tips will help us tame our anger, so we remain happy most of the time: 1. Silence This is the first and the most significant tool to overcome fury. We should refrain from reacting to the verbal abuses and sneer remarks. Some situations may be very provocative but exercising some self-control will go a long way in mitigating them. We should keep our cool and let the dust settle. That will help us in countering uncalled-for provocation. 2. Listen to soft or slow music Music can be a therapy to our mind in most situations. We should listen to soft or slow music whenever we feel angry at something or somebody. We will discover that the musical notes are refreshing, and leave a greater effect, on both our brain and heart. 3. Meditation Taking time to meditate will give us peace of mind. Meditation is normally an effective tool of anger management since it gives us an opportunity to remain calm in an extremely volatile or violent situation. 4. Practice forgiveness Some people can really hurt us to the extent of feeling like we want to strangle them. However, if we practice the art of forgiving those who step on your toes, we most likely will remain a happy person. The longer we hold on to the grudge, the more painful emotions we will experience. We have to learn how to forgive those, who trespass against us. In summary, anger really does not serve any purpose. It will do us more harm than good. Choose happiness and avoid anger. Do not let anger rule your life. When you choose happiness, your life will truly be enriched. I hope that some of the above-mentioned tips will help you in controlling anger, thereby making you a happier and more productive person. Herb Ratsch See more
06.01.2022 Self-Discipline is Crucial to Success in life When we were younger, our parents were always on hand to keep us in line, when we did something wrong. In a way, b...ecause of our very nature as children, we got used to acting properly around them, but being total brats when they were not around. Some will say that it is a stage that everyone goes through. That is true, however, when we grow older, will we still wait for someone to watch over us, in order to act properly? Growing up means taking responsibility for our behavior, and our life. Self-discipline is very important in leading a successful life. When we are able to control ourselves, we can avoid many bad situations in life, that could bring us misery and failure. Even at school, one requires self-discipline to know when to study and when to play. When we are lacking in that department, we may forget the real reason why we went to school in the first place. The same goes for business. When are run a sole enterprise, we must have the ability to run our business professionally, for it to turn a profit. This will involve a great deal of self-discipline because there are no boards of directors or management to report to. It is our business, so it is up to us how well we run it. More often than not, many start-ups fail because the owners lacked the discipline required to guide a small business to great success. In our adult lives, we become responsible for ourselves. The decisions we make are our own, with no one to tell us how to act, and what to do. This gives us a lot of freedom, which also requires a lot of responsibility. If we do not have the self-discipline required to take action when necessary, success in our lives may be hard to come by. We can have exciting goals and dreams, but if we lack self-discipline, one of the most crucial elements of success is missing. Herb Ratsch See more
04.01.2022 Each and every day I feel fulfilled and joyful. How to Feel Fulfilled and Joyful Every Day. Feeling fulfilled and joyful each day is something that everyone thr...oughout the world regardless of their background yearns to achieve. Call it bliss, joy, happiness, delight, ecstasy, elation, euphoria, the name does not matter, it is THE feeling we want to experience. In achieving the highest fulfillment, we first need to ask ourselves these questions: What makes me joyful now? How fulfilled am I on a daily basis? What can I do to increase the feeling? How do I react to negative happenings? Let's dive right in and find out how we can add more joy and fulfillment daily: Be yourself It is important to appreciate yourself and know that there is something within you that can never be duplicated by anyone else. Embrace yourself with confidence and let that positive feeling spread to others parts of your life. Live life to the fullest, regardless of the challenges of life, knowing that it is not always that you win, or things always go your way but realizing that you always, after any setback, come back a better person. Make the right choices Having appreciated the person that you really are, it is important to note that life’s fulfillment and joys are the results of the choices we make. Make sure you take time before you decide on any path you want to follow in your life. Make choices that support your highest priorities, and your purpose in life. These choices will result in positive outcomes, adding more joy to your life. Focus on the positive side of life Let your heart and mind be surrounded by important and positive things. Never let any negative thoughts, even for a second, enter your existence. If you discover any negative thought replace it with something positive instead. Seek the things that fill you with positive experiences. Negative things may happen from time to time, but do not dwell on them. Forgive life, forgive other people, and forgive yourself. Spend your time well Spending your time in a worthwhile manner brings a lot of fulfillment. Always focus on the good things around you, and look for the best opportunities to bring joy into your life. Every day upon arising, be grateful and make the decision to have the happiest day of your life. Herb Ratsch
02.01.2022 I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots. The Greatness of Human Interaction. It is impossi...ble to deny how the new technology has literally transformed the way the human race lives and communicates. Right now, as long as we have an online connection or a smartphone, anyone can instantly reach another person around the globe, thanks to the various social media platforms. All these electronic approaches of interaction have different ways to facilitate effective communication. However, along with the ease of communicating comes the immense threat to our personal human interaction. First, a number of internet applications have proven to be addictive, and have become an imposing threat to the younger generation. This has greatly affected the quality of our relationships. While it is possible to reach people thousands of miles away, others have made it a habit of communicating via platforms such as Facebook, or Twitter, rather than meeting physically. People have begun to forget the essential communication elements carried by a simple physical interaction, and how these elements are meaningful and powerful in defining ourselves. Second, it is challenging to exactly express whatever one means electronically. We use symbols to bring across emotions, that may, or may not, be a close substitute to how one is saddened, angry, joyous, or enchanted. Another impediment to electronic communication is a delay in answering. Constant feedback is essential in developing a lively conversation. Having several conversations going, or being distracted by other things, will end up in frustration, or feeling offended when ignored. The beauty of human interaction is that our spirits are inflated or deflated depending on the circumstances. The internet is undoubtedly an excellent way of transmitting information, but human interaction is special. In case of a conflict, we need to sit down and dialogue to come up with lasting solutions, and it is difficult to assess commitment on such occasion over electronic media. Therefore, human interaction is necessary for humanity to come together, or even survive. Technology has interconnected the world, shrinking it into a global village, by improving communication, however, despite the tremendous impact on our lives, it has hit us hard. It has encouraged laziness, and to some extend rudeness, that can be the downfall of human interaction. We must continue to embrace physical human interaction, and never allow technology to replace human interaction. Herb Ratsch See more
01.01.2022 The Master Key To All Round Success - Self Education Let me ask you, would you rather be a person with seven diplomas, or more, and a relatively low wage job, ...with a jerk for a boss, or would you fancy to be a self-made millionaire, who carves the road to his own destiny, unhinged from the mediocrity of formal education? Don't get me wrong, highly educated people might be able to afford a decent meal at a posh restaurant, but wouldn’t you rather own the entire restaurant? The fine line between these two scenarios is only separated by countless years in a mundane education system, and getting a head start in life early on. From the time we speak our first word, our parents and teachers never ceased to stress the importance of education. But how many times did we stop to consider alternative forms of education? Can one be successful without formal education? Is there a limit to our potential? If you appreciate knowledge gained from self-learning and are not stuck to academic credentials, then you will probably consider learning something new at every opportunity. From a practical viewpoint, I think one should be eager to learn, not merely from the basic idea of obligation, but because you want to be a game changer. The promise of self-education Gone is the era when the only way to learn how to fix a broken car would be to get someone to teach you. We are living in an age where information is available at our fingertips. College is not as relevant is used to be. You do not have to be burdened with student loans, just because you want to further your education. Why self-education? A self-educated individual strives to master a subject of interest. The freedom of being in control of your own success is one that leads to our financial breakthrough. When you are in full charge of your destiny, you can steer it in the direction that favors you. You do not have to be dependent on a boss who could fire you whenever they feel like it. What more could you desire than being able to control when and how much you want to earn? What does the future hold for Self-Educated people? We live in a rapidly changing world, we have to be able to navigate the complexities of an unknown future. Self-education as the backbone of the world we live in is rapidly gaining popularity among open-minded, and motivated individuals. Great minds are not born out of being stuck to one curriculum. They are born out of an endless thirst for knowledge, a limitless desire for success, and the freedom to unfold all our possibilities. Herb Ratsch
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