Herbert River Pony Club | Brand
Herbert River Pony Club
Phone: +61 437 110 296
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25.01.2022 Happy New Year!
24.01.2022 Sorry for the late notice team - rally tomorrow, 4:00pm tack-up, 4:15pm gear check. We will start in the ring, and then head cross country to finish the day, so paddock horses will need to be locked up.
24.01.2022 Merry Christmas all!
23.01.2022 The programs for our events on the 8 & 9 of August! To nominate, please log in to your My Pony Club accounts, click on ‘Events’, our competitions will be listed. Please email or text if you have issues. Looking forward to seeing everyone after such a long time
23.01.2022 Rally Notice! See below. Don't forget to arrive a little earlier, to sign in and get your horse settled before your session time.
22.01.2022 Rally Notice! Could the paddock horses please be locked up by 1.30pm?
21.01.2022 Hi Pony Clubbers If you nominated for (or wanted to book lessons for) the Evan Parker jump clinic this weekend - and HAVEN’T received a message/email from Adrienne tonight - please get in touch ASAP (as scheduling is turning her slightly grey and crazy). Thanks guys!
21.01.2022 Cross country sessions Sunday! Hey team, so far I have the following people booked for the following times: 8am: Micaela and Abby 10am: Dayna, Bernadette, Barb and Kate 2pm: Simone, Lynda, Trin ... If I have talked to you about a lesson, and not added you to the list - my apologies, please let me know! A reminder that jump vests are advisable (mandatory for competition - so a good idea to train in them). Please try to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your lesson time - we will need to complete some paperwork before saddling up. Note: it is proper cross country at the moment - jumps are cleared but tracks are not, so expect some long grass, wallabies, and a bit of mud! See more
20.01.2022 The long-awaited programme for our 2020 Regional Training Camp is here! Please contact your Club Secretary for the official nomination form (I have included ima...ges of the relevant forms here for reference). Club Secretaries - if you haven't received an email - please let me know! A sign in process will be implemented (as per COVID-19 plans) for the duration of the event - stay tuned for how this will look. A reminder that if you are sick, or displaying any of the COVID symptoms - please stay home! Remember to maintain social distancing and good hand-washing/personal hygiene practices. Non-Hendra vaccinated horses will be required to wear a purple ribbon as an identifying mark, at all times on the grounds. This can be plaited into mane/forelock, and/or attached to halter/bridle. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or concerns!
20.01.2022 Rally Thursday 19 November, ready for gear check at 4:15. Some flatwork, gymnastics and cross country planned! Agisted horses will need to be locked up please :)
17.01.2022 Finally - some photos! We had a great afternoon today, completing our year in Christmas costumes, working through some Christmas tree and Christmas cracker pole activities. Lots of smiles today!
16.01.2022 HRPC PIC No.: QIHC0367 Queries to: [email protected]... Membership applications through: www.pcaq.asn.au/ and scroll down to follow the steps through the Join Pony Club option.
16.01.2022 Don't forget we still have COVID conditions to meet!
12.01.2022 Working on direction using our position at today’s rally! Many thanks to club Chief Instructor Simone for giving up her time to coach our riders
12.01.2022 A reminder to get your nominations in!!! Hey guys - see photo below! If you haven’t received an emailed copy, and would like one - please comment below with your email address, or send us a PM Looking forward to a great weekend!
12.01.2022 We’re a bit excited to have a painter in our midst! A big thank you to one of our wonderful members - Matteo - who has done a brilliant job of painting our toilets and showers this week!
12.01.2022 On a happier note - well done and THANK YOU to the wonderful person who replaced the wash bay hose - the new hose is great!
09.01.2022 Ahh. There’s just something about a freshly slashed arena that makes us happy! Looking forward to our rally tomorrow - could all riders (and helpers) please meet on foot at the clubhouse at 2.00pm for a brief update and induction, prior to saddling up.
09.01.2022 Hey team! Rally this Thursday afternoon - we’ll try to be there around 3:30pm for a 4pm kick off. All welcome. Please RSVP to let us know if you’ll be there - email [email protected] text 0437110296 or pm us here! Agisting members - can paddock horses please be locked up for the duration of the rally? Thanks!
09.01.2022 It’s been a while since we’ve been able to get out on the cross country course at Herbert River! Stay tuned for an update after our impromptu working bee today!
09.01.2022 Attention members: Please DO NOT ALTER JUMPING EQUIPMENT that has been set up in the arena, unless you are a current, qualified instructor. There are safety considerations to be aware of, especially when building spreads/oxers and combinations. Thank you.
08.01.2022 Could Your Club be the PCA Club of the Year? Nominations are now open for the annual PCA awards, and Club of the Year is a highly sought after category. Each ye...ar there are nominations of clubs that are being innovative, inclusive, and involved in their community. Last year's winner Cudal Pony Club NSW had very active and involved members and supporters like the pair below with their ANZAC Day driveway tribute. It is not just clubs - the awards recognise contributions and achievements over the past 18 months, in the following categories: Rider of the Year 12 years and under Rider of the Year 13 - 17yrs Rider of the Year 18 - 25yrs Coach of the Year Volunteer of the Year Club of the Year Anyone with a connection to a Club can nominate a person or Club. The online entry form and criteria are on the website, and in coming weeks we will be featuring here, some past winners and why they were successful. HINT: The entry questions will guide you how to answer, but remember to be specific, not vague. NO - 'Rider X always helps younger riders.' YES - 'Rider X saw a young member struggling at a competition and offered her some help with . . .' NO - 'Our club raised money for the bushfire victims.' YES - 'Our Club held a raffle and car wash over three weekends and raised $2000 for bushfire victims.' Entries close on August 10, 2020. Nomination forms and details http://www.ponyclubaustralia.com.au/Events/PCAawards.aspx #pcaawards #ponyclub[proud #alifewithhorsesstartshere
08.01.2022 Rally Thursday 5 Nov @ 4:00pm. Please RSVP. Most likely plan will be some flatwork, some jumping, and finishing on the cross country course (as there were a few requests we didn’t get to complete last week).
08.01.2022 Edit: Change of plans, sorry guys - it’s just too windy for yelling at riders cross country. Will keep everyone in the loop for the next cross country plans. Is anyone interested in a cross country session this afternoon, around 3pm? Comment here!
08.01.2022 A big thank you to a few of our members for their efforts this weekend! Savannah and Adele for helping to move the equipment in the ring, so it could be slashed. Mark and Levi for sharing the slashing duties, preparing our grounds for upcoming rallies and training events Matteo for making our Picture Frame cross country jump safe... Many hands make light work - we love and appreciate our volunteers!
07.01.2022 It’s that time again folks. We have a few considerations: - agisters, please keep an eye on river heights - the paddock will go under water in the event of a flood, and paddock horses will need an alternative place to live for a short time if this happens. - the remaining gear in the ring (and rails in the dressage arena) needs to be packed away - rails need to go into the heavy trailer under the old shed, wings and standards need to go onto one of the concrete verandahs (...middle or top shed), white jump blocks and cups need to be collected and put up on the top shed verandah If you have some time free, if you would be able to either move some/all the gear to the locations listed above, or stack near either gate to the main ring, or the gate to the sand dressage arena (to be collected onto the back of the Ute to be moved), that would be most appreciated! *Adrienne will have a Ute there Sunday 3/01 around 3pm to move gear if anyone is keen to come along then.
05.01.2022 Hello everyone, hope your all enjoying the holidays if anyone is thinking about nominating for the Sumer School, positions are filling quickly now, if you would... like to attend please send your request through asap to -: Mackayzone10.events @gmail.com Nominations will be closing Friday 8th Jan 2021 See more
04.01.2022 Is anyone keen for a cross country session Sunday morning (6 Sept), 8.00am? Comment here!
03.01.2022 2021 Memberships now live! A reminder that agisting members, committee members, and anyone wishing to ride on the grounds between now and sign-on day will need to renew memberships prior to January 1st, or prior to entry to the grounds after January 1st. Please contact Adrienne if you have problems entering your 2021 membership applications (comment here or pm this page). ... Follow this link to join: https://osm-pony.omnisportsmanagement.com/Memberships/(S(fd2uy1idpbjst3llq0eq4ath))/OSMMbr_LoginPony.aspx
01.01.2022 Hey All For anyone attending our Rally or Cross Country sessions this weekend - we will need a completed Horse and Human Health Declaration (see image below) for all attendees - also available under the Forms secion of the Pony Club Queensland website.