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25.01.2022 I’ve mentioned this a gang of times already But fat gain is a SYMPTOM. A symptom of a deeper problem.... The problem 90% of people make, is trying to exercise and diet the weight off. Sure, it’ll work initially But it’s often short lived, especially if the behaviour leading to fat gain is still around. Having worked with many clients, I can tell you we have more in common than we think. Especially when it comes to the topic of improving health and body composition. If this is your goal, and you are struggling with it, here are is a list of things that could potentially be behind it 1 Limiting Beliefs You believe your own BS. It’s my genetics I’m meant to be fat I don’t have enough time All this stuff, it’s all a story, made up by YOU. Just think, if you can make all this up, what else could you make up that can lead to the body and health you want? 2 Self-sabotage If you’re out of shape, you tend to have low self-confidence (its common for these to go together). To go away from what you know to be safe, is scary and risky, And self-sabotage is an easy way to protect yourself. Find what they are and ELIMINATE them! 3 Trying to be perfect This is essentially the behaviour of the insecure. And a form of self-sabotage. Everything needs to be perfect, or else you look bad when it fails a.k.a INSECURITY. And when it doesn’t go to plan, you now have reason to go back to old habits. Eliminate the idea of perfect. It doesn’t exist, but it is keeping you from progress! 4 Boredom This may seem silly, but it’s true. Not in the plain sense that boredom itself causes you to eat more and gain (although that does happen) But more importantly because you have NOTHING TO DO. More accurately, YOU ARE DOING NOTHING. And you are escaping with food. Solution what are you passionate about? Focus on and go after that! #herocoaching Do any of these four things sound familiar? Drop a message and let me know!

21.01.2022 Protein. If there was a magic macronutrient, PROTEIN would have to be it. Besides containing everything we need to build lean muscle tissue, not to mention neurotransmitters and hormones, 30% of its energy is lost as heat during digestion.... Basically, anyone that’s looking to be lean and muscular, this is what you want! Just like the last couple posts on fat and carbs, not all proteins are created equal either. Complete proteins are those that contain all the amino acids our body needs, including the essential ones that our body cannot make. Now, obviously there has been a big plant push as of late. And I not against the use of them as part of a (pardon the word), balanced diet. They just don’t contain all the amino acids. And even to get enough of the protein it does contain, would mean having to eat A LOT. Which means more calories; more eating; more digestive load and stress etc. In terms of getting adequate protein, avoid trying to get it from Tofu (high phytoestrogen content) Plant proteins pea, rice, corn etc. Again, I’m not saying you can’t eat these. They just shouldn’t be seen as the main protein source. When it comes to our health, building muscle, staying lean, I bring it back to staying objective. The foods to left contain high amounts of highly bioavailable protein that are easy to digest and assimilate. Beef Salmon Eggs Eat well my friends. #herocoaching

19.01.2022 To me, the pandemic has kind of taken attention away from the REAL PANDEMIC sweeping the place. SOFTNESS Everything has become too easy, all people have left to do is complain about how everything is so hard.... Is it Mr and Mrs home with heating and cooling, 3x square meals with snacks a day, medical services, Netflix and Ubereats? We’re becoming SOFT! And let me tell you right now, if your goal is to lose fat, build a stronger body, improve your health, improve your CONFIDENCE. The soft snowflake mentality is not going to get you there. Look, I was not in a war or escape some dangerous country I think I have had a very privileged life in fact! And shit, I too will catch myself complaining in my head, wishing things were different. But I also remind myself If you are not happy with something, YOU have to change it. If you are ready to complain, be ready to take responsibility for it. If you are fat and unhappy, do something about it! Heck some people are fat and own it They know that’s the choices they’ve made, and they accept it. But, for the people that want to change, but are busy pointing the finger at everything standing in their way, or things that are too hard It’s time to pull your finger out and start doing something for yourself. Its go time! PS if this is coming across as harsh, then you likely needed to read it. If you are ready to get to work and start doing something about your health and fitness, send me a DM and let’s chat more about getting the program set up right for you.

12.01.2022 When struggling to lose fat, people often resort to extreme measures to get results. The obvious problem with this, is the results don’t last! And what’s more stressful than not losing weight, is going through hell to finally move a couple kilo’s, only to gain twice as much back.... Forget all that! If your goal is to lose body fat and improve your body comp, here are five things that are effective and easy to implement. 1 Cut calories by 20-30% When it comes to fatloss, people use the kitchen sink approach! They throw everything at the body at once, including drastically cutting calories. The problem is when fat loss slows down, it’s hard to eat less when you’re already eating nothing. The trick is to create a small deficit 20-30%, and combine this with training and activity levels to optimally burn fat. 2 Have a PROTEIN SHAKE before meals Helps to increase protein intake, as well as help eat less calories at your meal. 3 10 min of CONDITIONING You don’t need hours of cardio a day. 10 min of sled pushing, push-ups, rower, kettlebell swings and loaded carries will be enough 2-3x per week will be plenty. 4 10K+ STEPS We don’t often hear this, but our daily activity levels is where a lot of our calories are expended and fat is burned. Shoot for 10k+ steps a day. 5 Lift to BUILD MUSCLE & STRENGTH After the brain, muscle is the most metabolically expensive tissue. More muscle increases resting metabolism making you better at burning fat ALL DAY. Let’s get it #herocoaching Trying to lose fat? Send me a DM INTERESTED and I’ll send you more info on setting up your program to match your personality to get real, PERMANENT RESULTS!

07.01.2022 We are all in pursuit of looking, feeling and performing better. And in that pursuit, there will plenty of things appearing to be the solution FAD diets, teas, fat burning workouts, powders, pills etc.... If these things are popping up in your ads, clearly sorting out your health and improving your body is important to you. But right now, EMOTION is dictating your actions. Pain, more accurately. I know what this is like I had a friend who owned a supplement company who provided me new stuff every few weeks because I was unhappy with how I looked. The truth is, the things we need to get the body, the health, the RESULTS we want, is in front us RIGHT NOW. They are often free or cost very little. But they do require a couple of things WORK & CONSISTENCY More importantly, work and consistency on the things that matter Nasal breathing helps to manage heart rate and stress levels Walking improves cardiovascular fitness, energy expenditure, lowers cortisol, improves posture Eating less variety allows the body to become more efficient at assimilating the nutrients, improves digestion and consequently appetite and satiety signals. Getting strong basically makes everything else easier. Spend more time outdoors, getting sun, fresh air, improves all markers of health. Gratitude not that we need research to show the importance of it, but there is enough backing it as well, showing how it impacts state of mental and physical health. Focus on the things that matter, turn up everyday and trust me, you will get results! #herocoaching For those would like help getting on top of their health and fitness, send me a DM INTERESTED and I will send you more info on coaching.

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