Hersey Strength | Fitness trainer
Hersey Strength
Phone: +61 457 968 351
Address: 235 Darby St, Cooks Hill, NSW 2300 2300 Newcastle, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 How much ya press? Here’s why you should worry more about this than ‘how much ya bench?’ 1. Bigger, stronger, healthier shoulders.... Boulder shoulders! Much greater activation of the shoulders, and typically less wear and tear on the shoulder joint than bench press. 2. Leads to more advanced movements. Unlike bench, with a good overhead press you can progress to push presses, then jerks, and hoist some serious weight overhead with these more technical movements. 3. Putting big weight overhead is cool. Before barbells even existed people (OGs) were putting heavy stuff over their head. Definitely cooler than lying down on a bench. How much ya press? @brent_ubf @nicorette_quick_mist No seriously, how much #overheadpress #strength #weightlifting #olympicweightlifting #crossfit
23.01.2022 Do less, get more What is your attitude towards training? How about equipment and supplements? I’ll put forward that using the least training aids possible for most of your training is ideal (equipment, supplements, caffeine etc). Listen to what your body is telling you, dial in your training program and become more robust/resilient. All good benefits.... However, most important is your attitude towards training itself. To paraphrase a quote from Mikhail Kokylaev, one of the greatest strength athletes ever: ‘training is foreplay for competition’. This means, among other things, the focus is not on the max weight you can lift this session, it’s the max weight you can lift long term- this training cycle, this year and beyond. Do a bit less today, get a bit more tomorrow. For more, check out the latest episode of the Big Friday Podcast on herseystrength.com Anybody recognise this all-time great snatching in sandals? #weightlifting #olympicweightlifting #crossfit #strengthandconditioning #strength
22.01.2022 What’s your warmup? Personally I move around a lot, do 3 or so rounds of a circuit and get a sweat on before I touch the bar. However every so often I’ll save time and warm up just with the bar. - do some presses, squats, rdls and rows to get warm and then hit a sequence like this until it feels good.... The advantage of warming up with the barbell, other than saving time, is its specificity. As you raise the core body temperature, you can also start grooving the movement, feel the balance during the pull etc. You can also use the barbell for a bit of light loaded mobility and work yourself into positions you’ll need to hit. What’s your warmup- what do you use and how long does it take? #olympicweightlifting #crossfit #strengthtraining #warmupgames
21.01.2022 Are your snatch balances helping or hurting your snatch? Too often I see snatch balances become a weird power jerk/ overhead squat hybrid. I.e. catch high, ride it down slow. Lifters will usually do this to try and get more height on the bar, and put more weight overhead in this exercise. In my opinion this isn’t the right execution, because this is not the purpose of snatch balances. The purpose of snatch balances is to train the aggressive punch under the bar, and the abili...ty to get into a solid bottom position as quick as possible (with control). That’s why snatch balances need to be trained with an aggressive punch UNDER and with real SPEED into the bottom. NOT trying to get the bar high, like in a jerk, and riding it down. Sure it’s harder. Sure it will limit the weight you use initially and your balance will be off. But remember, when you actually snatch from the floor it’s a rapid movement. If you train your snatch balances with proper speed/ aggression under the bar, the punch under during the snatch will become more natural. You’ll be more solid in the bottom, and will also have improved your ability to save some of those snatches that get a little bit out of the groove. You’ll need that little bit less height on the bar to make a good lift, and you’ll improve your snatch numbers. Hit me with any questions #olympicweightlifting #snatch #crossfit #snatchbalance
21.01.2022 Recover harder, train harder, get stronger! Check out the first episode of the Big Friday podcast where I go over the recovery hierarchy- my top 4 methods. Spoiler alert: most people are worrying too much about the little stuff and not getting the big stuff dialled in first. https://www.spreaker.com/user/12677098/episode-1... And check out my latest blog post on the balance between fitness and fatigue. Recovery=progress www.herseystrength.com/blog/fitness-fatigue-and-performance What are your top 4 recovery methods? #recovery #weightlifting #crossfit #strength #programming
17.01.2022 Do you want to lose fat? Gain muscle? Cut through all the hype, misinformation, and fad diets, and focus on what actually works. What is actually supported by the scientific evidence. Energy Balance, or ‘Calories in- Calories out’.... This is your top priority. It doesn’t matter style of eating you follow. If you understand this principle and put it into practice, you can improve your body composition with less stress, less confusion, and have a healthier relationship with food. Check out my latest blog post for more: https://www.herseystrength.com//calories-and-energy-balanc #flexibledieting #nutrition #caloriesincaloriesout
17.01.2022 Boulder shoulders and big triceps without a barbell Pike pushups lie just below handstand push-ups in difficulty, but they will still stress the front deltoids and triceps plenty when performed correctly. Focus on tucking the elbows in close throughout, which will generate more strength and stability at the shoulder by generating external rotation torque.... You also want to reach the head FORWARD of the hands. Further than you think. You should feel the load through the triceps spike as you do this. Ideally the forearms will be vertical at the bottom. The higher you can get the feet and the hips, the harder this will be. To increase strength and size, choose a variation you can do 5-10 reps with. #handstandpushup #calisthenics #gymnasticsstrengthtraining
15.01.2022 Post PB Blues? Have you ever experienced this? You tick off a goal, life is good, and clear skies ahead. But then, all of a sudden you hit a block. Progress seems to just stop. You might feel like you regress and actually get worse.... I’ve noticed this myself at points. Whether it’s your first handstand or your first 100kg snatch, you can’t assume that you just ‘have it’ now. It takes time to build consistency. Resist the urge to keep testing- focus on getting back to what you were doing before- putting in consistent work with your head down. Improving what you can. Refocusing and looking long term, not worrying about what number you are hitting right now. Then when the time comes and you test again you can see more progress. What plateau are you sitting on?
15.01.2022 Are you recovering? Or are you just fatiguing? It seems like recovery now is all ice baths, lacrosse balls and moon boots. These are all inconsequential compared to properly planned training. Part of a good program is planned deload weeks to reduce fatigue and promote adaptation. Here’s how I think you should implement them:... Plan a deload week for every 3-6 weeks of training (depends how hard you’re pushing training) Reduce volume. Most athletes and coaches are in agreement on this point. Less volume, less fatigue. Classic way to reduce volume is to just cut the number of sets. Reduce intensity. You’ll get different opinions on this one so I’ll give you my personal take. If you are training hard you will need to drop intensity, and I personally drop it quite a bit. For me the main reason for this to refresh mentally. Higher intensities are taxing on the nervous system, and whether it’s conscious or not there’s a certain amount of mental stimulation that has to come with them. I’ve found dropping the intensity that extra bit (below 75% of 1RM) helps me relax, recover and reset, and come back the next week keen to train and feeling strong. A lot of people will instead drop volume and keep intensity pretty close to normal, and if that works for you then run with it. Part of training is about getting in touch with your body. What’s your deload strategy? #olympicweightlifting #crossfit #deload #strength #strengthtraining
12.01.2022 Should you wear a belt? It depends! A belt lets you increase intra-abdominal pressure, increase rigidity of your trunk, and lift more weight. However, if you ditch the belt, you’ll build extra core strength just by doing your heavy lifts.... So what are your goals? Are you a strength athlete, or looking to maximise the amount of weight you can lift? Then you should definitely use one, BUT save it for lifts above 80%. When you are still a beginner just don’t use it. Go beltless for as long as you can, and do your ab/lower back work. Get strong first, then start incorporating it. And for more experienced lifters- remember that it’s a tool and not a crutch- you shouldn’t need it to lift heavy or feel that without wearing it you’ll get injured. You want to make your core as strong as possible without it, so do at least some lifting beltless and don’t be dependent. Deload weeks, lighter days, warm-up sets are good times to go beltless. With all that said, throw it on for heavy sets! Learn how to brace with a belt on, and take advantage of that boost. We’re looking to lift as much weight as we can after all. There’s no medals for being good at lifting less weight without a belt. If you are just training to get fitter, stronger and leaner, or to improve performance in another sport, I’d be even more conservative. Staying healthy is more important than hitting a certain number. I won’t say you should never use a belt, but you should be beltless almost all of the time. That way your abs are as strong as possible and you’re less likely to attempt weights you aren’t ready for. Then you can chuck it on every once in a while when you are going heavy. How often are you belting up? Are you hitting big squats raw like Clarence Kennedy or do you not leave the house without the strap? #raw #weightlifting #liftingbelt #crossfit #strength #strengthtraining
12.01.2022 Want to clean more weight? Here are 3 keys to a stronger clean. In the full YouTube video below I cover how to improve all 3. Check out the full video here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ky1VqP6Lwp8&t=1s... What’s your current clean PB? Comment below Have you got a different 3 keys to the clean? Let’s hear them. @genesisfitnesscookshill @lisamillscoach @jacobhodson @brent_ubf @hunterbarbellclub @nswwa @awfcomau #clean #weightlifting #olympicweightlifting #cleanandjerk #crossfit
11.01.2022 Front squats, ratios and weaknesses. Squats are important in weightlifting. Strong legs strong lifts. However as with anything there can be diminishing returns. Generally it’s accepted that whatever you can front squat for 3 reps you should be ideally be able to clean and jerk. (CJ= 85% 1RM F Squat)... Here’s a triple with~ 10kg more than my best clean and jerk. Pretty smooth, more in the tank. What does this tell you? Answer: in my clean and jerk squats are not the weakness, and leg strength is not the problem. When you can identify where you are weak and where you are strong, you can best plan your training, and prioritise your time and effort. Don’t ignore your strengths, but prioritise your weaknesses. For me, time is best spent working on strengthening the jerk specifically, so I do. I also make sure I’m always getting my upper body stronger. What are your weaknesses and what are you doing to address them? #frontsquat #cleanandjerk #olympicweightlifting #crossfit
11.01.2022 Are you looking to build size and strength? Maybe you’re coming back into training after a lay-off, or maybe you’re just sick of the same old bodybuilding splits? Try out this FREE program from @herseystrength ! RELOAD has been designed to maximise strength and hypertrophy, whilst also progressively building the training intensity, and using joint- friendly exercises for the main lifts, ensuring that you make the best progress whilst staying injury-free, especially if you are... coming back from a lay-off. Long story short, if you want to set some PBs and get more jacked, then download this program from herseystrength.com and give it a whirl! Link in bio. @herseystrength Be sure to check out out my last Instagram post for a demo of some of the main lifts from the first block.
10.01.2022 Get better: find and train your weaknesses Another ratio for you guys: power snatch: full snatch. The old Soviet research points to a ratio of about 80% being ideal. Maybe you are like me- this is roughly 60% and we’re already entering power-or-nah territory... In this case your power generation/ explosiveness and aggression at the top of the pull could use work- power snatches, work from the hang, etc. Basically lighter weights and trying to some some speed on them. Maybe you go the other way- your power snatch is close or even (gasp) above your full snatch. You need a solid bottom position, and confidence/ aggression getting into that bottom position. Mobility/ stability work will help, as well as maximising time spent in the bottom. See my snatch balance post too- will help you heaps if you are in this camp. So the question is... how much ya power? #snatch #powersnatch #olympicweightlifting #weightlifting #crossfit #powerornah
02.01.2022 When do I deload? (And more) Thought I would chuck in a bit more detail from last week. When to put deloads in a macro cycle is an individual question. Generally after every 3-6 weeks, but it depends on how you’re training- if you are working at higher intensity or volume it should be closer to 3 weeks. Can you feel when it’s time? I think so. There are physical factors, like resting heart rate etc, but I think the psychological factors are a great indicator.... How do you feel when you walk in the gym? What’s your mood? Focused and ready? Or lethargic. Do you want to be there? A good indicator for me I’m getting fatigued is being annoyed at everything and being a general grouch. If your lifts are starting to come down/ performance decrease then it’s definitely time to step back. Was missing snatches lighter than this two weeks ago. Deload to decrease fatigue and reset the head worked wonders. Training is essentially a balance between fatigue and fitness. Too much fatigue relative to fitness will lead to performance decrease. Short term and slight=overreaching (acceptable). Drastic and chronic- overtraining (avoid at all costs). Check out the page tomorrow for a podcast on my top 4 recovery methods. Who else turns into Oscar the grouch when fatigue sets in?
01.01.2022 Want to jerk more weight? Here’s a grab from my latest YouTube video- 2 keys to jerk more weight. In this clip I cover the importance of alignment during the dip. Check out the full video below for more tips on how to jerk more weight. Link in Bio... @herseystrength @genesisfitnesscookshill @lisamillscoach @lukeherdegen @hunterbarbellclub @brent_ubf @jacobhodson @nswwa @awfcomau #jerk #cleanandjerk #olympicweightlifting #weightlifting #crossfit #techniquetuesday
01.01.2022 What’s your warmup? Personally I move around a lot, do 3 or so rounds of a circuit and get a sweat before I touch the bar. However every so often I’ll save time and warm up just with the bar. - do some presses, squats, rdls and rows to get warm and then hit a sequence like this until it feels good.... The advantage of warming up with the barbell, other than saving time, is its specificity. As you raise the core body temperature, you can also start grooving the movement, feel the balance during the pull etc. You can also use the barbell for a bit of light loaded mobility and work yourself into positions you’ll need to hit. What’s your warmup? #olympicweightlifting #crossfit #strengthtraining #warmup
01.01.2022 Do you want to get stronger, stabler, and more jacked? Are you coming back into training post isolation? Try tempo work! I’ve included a block of tempo work in my FREE program- Reload. Here’s how it should look, and why you should do it. 4:2:x:1 is a 4 second lowering, a 2 second pause at the bottom (or at the top for pull-ups), coming up as quick as possible, resting for a second and repeating.... As you can see, some of my pauses are highly dubious Tempo work builds extra time under tension, creating a big stimulus for your muscles to grow. It will lead to greater strength gains- when you can move at regular speed again you’ll feel twice as strong. You get extra intensity with less weight, making it a perfect way to get back into lifting heavy. And it will build mobility/stability, in the squat especially. Utilise tempo work for greater gains! Check out my FREE program, downloadable from my website (link in bio) @herseystrength
01.01.2022 Want to clean more weight? Here are my three keys to the clean: 1. Bottom Position 2. Technique/Timing ... 3. Position- Specific Strength Check out the full YouTube video below for how to improve all 3, and clean more weight! Link in Bio @herseystrength
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