Hey Hoe Let's Grow | Gardener
Hey Hoe Let's Grow
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25.01.2022 Pierre de Rosand really showing off this year. And why not - it is a statement plant. Do you have a jaw dropper in your yard - shrub, bush, vine, veg, tree, flower etc...that you just love so very much?
24.01.2022 My cactus. He’s a bit of a prick.
23.01.2022 Borlotti Beans (also known as Cranberry Beans). This lot will go in a hearty Autumn soup
22.01.2022 All the steps of transplanting a Spider Plant (aka Ribbon Plant) I grew from a cutting as well as a cutting I planted in a pot that needs upsizing pot size in photo form. Tips - Ensure roots are well formed and is so, it’s time to transplant. Only go one pot size up from the last one if you are transplanting from pot to pot. Like any transplanting do it with a good potting medium and put plant in middle of pot with a bit is soil in bottom, backfill and pat down semi firmly a...s you go to remove any air pockets. Then backfill to top and leave top soil light & fluffy (not patted down). I then tap the pot onto a table or flat surface just to settle the soil in a little. Then water in well and spray with @munashorganics Indoor Plant foliage spray, and feed with Munash Organics Indoor Plant Soil Food (yes indoors need food!) and place plant in good position for the plant type (Spider Plants like indirect sunlight so a bookshelf near a window in my bedroom is perfect). Happy transplanting. It’s a great time of year to do it. x
22.01.2022 Helped these little ducks off the road back onto safe green land on my morning walk. They don’t normally hang round my good but have noticed their visits this time of year for a few years now. Cute little new residents but I wish they’d go back to safer spot like our local lake and waterways. A car will take them out if not. ... Little Cuties.
22.01.2022 Handpicked homegrown
21.01.2022 This might look like a boring postbut it also might be a game changer for you. Do you grow bulbs? Do you hate when they look withered & horrible when they are dying off in your garden after blooming season but you can’t snip them back as bulbs foliage need to die naturally to replenish the bulb’s energy for next season? If you answered Oh hell yes, then here’s a red hot gardening tip. ... Do what I do...grow them in pots, and when the blooming season is over, move them to the side of the house (stack them on top of each other if you have hundreds like me!) where no one sees them to store for another year. They happily die off naturally without being an eyesore. No more horrible dying plants in your garden ruining the ambience. Genius right?! You’re welcome. See more
21.01.2022 Handpicked homegrown
20.01.2022 DIY worm farm. Drill holes into Plumbers pipe and insert in soil and you are done!
18.01.2022 September is a busy time in Ballarat gardens!! But don't fret, the Summer planting season has only just begun and the good news is - you have a quite a good window of opportunity to get your seeds in and your seedlings reaching for the sky as the soil and weather warms up. But that window only lasts for a month or two, so think about succession planting each week now until Oct/Nov the following green goodies to have an abundant Summer crop that continually rewards you.
17.01.2022 I’m a first time mushie grower - got any tips please folks?
17.01.2022 Tomorrow (Sun 27 Sept) I’ll be on Costa’s Live Edible Garden Odyssey at 9am AEST having a live Facebook chat at Food Is Free Green Space with the beautiful human being that is Costa Georgiadis. Also appearing with me will be 3 other remarkable community green hearted initiatives Cultivating Community @cultivatingcommunity, Knox Community Garden @knoxcommunitygardens and 3000 Acres @3000acres Tune in 9am - 10am (I will be on around 9:45am but make sure you tune into al...l of it via Costa’s Facebook page View via the Sustain Australia Facebook page @sustainaustralia who is hosting this event OR @costasworld Facebook page See you tomorrow (Sunday) coming live from the Food Is Free Green Space #foodsystems #sustsinablefoodsystems #growyourown #growyourfood #gardentotable
15.01.2022 This is my favourite houseplant foliage (don’t tell the others or they get jealous). It’s very tall and turns my bedroom into a jungle feel. It also soothes me just looking at the leaves. Did you know That house plants are great for your home environment because they purify the air, pump out oxygen so are great to help our respiratory systems and also make us more intelligent! That’s a lot isn’t it?! ... This is why plants are so good to have in an office. With so many of us working from home since lockdowns, maybe consider getting some more house plants? They are fantastic for mental well-being. Does anyone know what this one is called please? I lost the tag! See more
14.01.2022 First of the season is always the sweetest, ammiright?!!!
13.01.2022 It’s crude, but it works! My first go at DIY espalier job on my apple tree and I’m damn happy with the results. P.S. this is a four year old Jono Gold and it’s damn delicious.
13.01.2022 ABCTV's Australian Story is always gold. Tonight's ep was just that smidge more golden with this story featuring Charles Massy, forerunner of the regenerative farming movement. What was once regarded as a fringe insurgent movement, is now gathering mainstream power. Watch it here if you missed it.
13.01.2022 My health has been up and down lately - a batch of home made nettle tea will sort it out, always does!
13.01.2022 The gals love a little sunflower seed snack treat.
10.01.2022 Hands up who can relate
09.01.2022 Fruit blossoms are my latest obsession. Watching flowers slowly turn into fruit - just like magic. What sorcery is this?!
08.01.2022 Toms are happy. Yay! Growing in tomato & strawberry punnets is a great start to life as it creates a little enclosed humidicrib plus is a good recycling system for your food punnets which normally would be single use plastic. Growing food + recycling - my two great loves.
08.01.2022 Today is my birthday and for some reason when I’m really missing my Mum (she passed 8 years ago now) she just appears in surprise flowers in my garden. Today I woke to let the chooks out to see this beautiful orchid, which was my mum’s and hasn’t bloomed for about three years now, suddenly decided to bloom on my birthday. I’m not religious and don’t personally believe in an afterlife but for some reason Mum appears in my garden in special ways. It also happened on the day of her funeral when a storm lily bloomed after years of never blooming for her. I love that.
07.01.2022 Food of the future grown in non-fertile soil....that's some freaky corn! With ever-worrying climatic changes, rollercoaster rain fall recordings, and soil fertility proving more and more problematic on a large scale if regenerative agriculture practices aren't considered, looking towards other solutions as to how we grow food on Planet Earth are a must.
07.01.2022 Autumn, I love you.
06.01.2022 Mini Me egg production from the gals yet again! Any other Chook owners have this phenomenon happen to them? Seems to happen to me every early Spring when my girls get back on the lay. It’s like they are practising. I’ve given them more access to shell grit in case it’s a calcium deficiency. Curious, does this happen in your chicken coop too? Or are my chickens freaks?
05.01.2022 Last nights roast was perfected with sprigs of lemon thyme on the veggies. Do you have a go-to herb you love on a roast?
04.01.2022 Do you like my DIY bird feeder made from a hanging basket frame and pot saucer 100% repurposed? Rosie loves it and visits often.
04.01.2022 One of my fabulous clients is Fifteen Trees who I dearly love working with. We are aiming to hit the 100 members mark before closing off memberships for 2020. Did you know that the average Australian lifestyle produces 15,000kg carbon every year? Over a lifetime a tree can collect and store this much carbon. Therefore 60 trees will reduce your carbon footprint for 12 months. ... Trees cost $4.30. More details at ... https://15trees.com.au/individuals/memberships/ Help us plant 6,000 x this spring! Please support the planet by supporting us if you can. x
03.01.2022 Shared some of my Cavolo Nero Kale with my Uncle Chris today, and turned him onto kale chips. Reckon he will view kale in a new light once he eats them. Kale chips for those not in the know are dead easy to make - just strip off cavolo Nero kale leaves into individual leaves from the plant and place on a baking tray with drizzles of olive oil. Salt & pepper and place in oven until crispy. Usually about 10 mins on high heat does it. Some people like to add chilli seeds on top, I like them plain.
03.01.2022 2020 has been a great bulb year. For me when the freesias & tulips bloom like they are right now I know it’s coming to an end. It heralds warmer weather and Spring bulbs only thrive in the cold. Oh how I do love the Spring Bulb Wonderland that comes every season in my backyard! ... This year I chose to pick every single bloom and bring them inside for a vase. This meant I had cheer in every room for weeks on end. I figured if we are in lockdown at least I can admire cheerful beauty all day long around me. And that’s exactly what bulbs are - cheerful beauty. The best bit - they are dead easy to grow, need little to no maintenance. The second best thing is they don’t cost much and bloom for years & years, so have good long term investment returns. Grow some for next Spring if don’t have any bulbs. And bring the cheer! Plant in Autumn for Spring flowering. P.S There are also bulbs you can grow all year - so think about popping in some Summer & Autumn bulbs too! See more
02.01.2022 My gardening companion Fred loves to use the blueberry bed as his scratching post. Restful moments like this is what gardening is all about. Working from home has hopefully made us appreciate little moments like this more - the elimination of the hustle and bustle of commuting to work frees up time to have a cuppa in the garden in the morning when normally we would be beating the traffic, being stressed because the tram is late and competing with all the other commuters to get to work on time. COVID has had some good lessons- it’s definitely taught me to slow down a lot.
02.01.2022 No space to grow a proper garden? It can be as easy as growing lettuce on your porch or balcony in a polystyrene box! This is on my back doorstep and it’s easy access to use makes it perfect for a quick lunchtime salad.
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