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Healing Ground Collective

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 421 424 754


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25.01.2022 Primal heart xx

25.01.2022 Please note this event is booked. If you have officially registered to attend - you will have received an email explaining required preparation and other details. If you have any queries please email [email protected] Much love Deanna xx

24.01.2022 HGC Members! Online Cheers & Chat with Quiz, Tues 15 Dec 7pm - beautiful prize #giveaway from SeedStar Co hope to see you there! X

23.01.2022 Lisa Drury offers a unique, guided process of Geomancy - using a hand-embroidered Medicine Wheel Cloth and Crystal Runes to show the patterns of your life. Casting the runes helps you to make decisions on your future path by being able to view the key stones and holistically understand how life is unfolding for you. The Medicine Wheel is orientated to Gaia’s (Earths) four directions to pay homage to the planets actual position in the solar system. This ensures the patterns t...hat form; fall in perfect synchronicity, offering us great cosmic wisdom. This unique type of Geomancy has developed over three decades. The Crystal Runes have always had the same meaning, since the very beginning of this system and the only thing that changes is where YOU randomly cast the Rune Stones onto the Medicine Wheel Cloth. "I do what I do because in this way I am working for the greater good. The more we beautiful humans can understand our self and our motivations, the better our choices can be. I am a lightworker and I love to do what I do helping people, spirit and ultimately our mother Gaia who gives us all." Lisa is also a founding member of the @healinggroundcollective To contact Lisa -

22.01.2022 Judy, founder of Connective Energetics Massage has always been interested in bodywork, even when she was in the corporate world. Using a combination of #modalities, working on the physical and #energetic bodies, releasing and relieving both physical and energetic restrictions - Judy is powerful healer. "Our bodies provide us with so many signs of where attention is needed - whether it’s on the mental, emotional or #spiritual levels. If we ignore these, our bodies will set up ...compensatory patterns to deal with it. It’s when we get to a point where our compensatory patterns are exhausted, that we find ourselves in pain and sometimes dis-ease. At this point, we either listen and following the cues, or continue to ignore them and become deeper and more painful." Judy is a Founding member of the Healing Ground Collective. To connect with Judy -

21.01.2022 Great conversation about the Ego, Free Will and ultimately Love. Enjoy :)

20.01.2022 How the 1% stole the world

19.01.2022 Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Meditation November 30th at 7pm Join us here at where for a small annual fe...e you get to attend all 26 meditations for the year and have access to so much more besides in a safe and private platform. And so we begin this astrological overview of the eclipse cycle beginning now - with the associated intensity for year’s end - from an easing of ‘lockdown’ here in Adelaide. It has been somewhat controversial [22 cases so far to shut down the entire state of 1.7 million people spread over 940,00 square kilometres of land] and came about from the same failing in quarantine hotel management that we watched in Victoria 5 months ago the incompetence beggars belief as does the difference in how lord moloch and spawn are treating the liberal gumment here in charge and how they treated the labor gumment in charge in Victoria we all ought to observe all of this. It has not been helped by someone bullshitting about where they were and how long they were there however that too should have been anticipated [they could have checked his phone before shutting down the whole bloody kit and kaboodle] We are entering a new world era as witnessed by the major dance of the spheres of our heliosphere and foretold by them and along with the advent of the coming Sun’s Grand Solar Minimum and the accelerating collapse of the Magnetosphere this really is a good time to take stock of where you plan to be over the next few years. As the new age is unlocked by the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction at Zero degrees Aquarius on the Summer Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere on January 21st 2021. The Planets are so closely aligned here it will appear to the naked eye as though they have morphed into one single ball. They are also conjoined to the famous Fixed Star Altair in the Constellation of Aquila the Eagle. This conjunction finalises the last one occurring in 2000 and begins a whole new era and generational influence that will last until 2040. Here in this Solar year of 2020 the transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn continue to shape and influence major events to do with the collapse of the old age of pisces and authoritarian patriarchal brutalism. As the climate accelerates its change outbreaks of disease will continue to rise as clearly recorded throughout such times in human history. This one has been helped along by the release/escape of the wuhan virus from the lab in china - with its extra protein spikes from HIV and Malaria magically built in - however sudden variations of temperature and weather and climate are renown for plagues also. Interestingly the study of plasma theory and the electric universe [everything is electric including how your body works chemically] can demonstrate how endemic pestilence is associated with the loss of positive electricity in the atmosphere and the mortality of such disease is in inverse ratio to the amount of positive charge in the air. And during times of Grand Solar Minimum added to by the collapsing magnetosphere new viruses and mutated ones and other microscopic biological beasties penetrate the interplanetary magnetic field around the earth and reach the stratosphere and then return to earth where the air is thinnest over east Himalayas and regions of china. We really do need to remember as the fear mongering of control and the plan for the great reset unfolds that there is no cure no vaccine for the common cold never mind the ccp virus. These gremlins stick to the cells of the adenoids at the back of your throat. This patch of tissue along with your tonsils are a vital part of your lymphatic and immune system. That which clears asway infection and keeps your bodily fluids in balance. They trap germs coming in through the mouth and nose teach your immune system about them while they sit there rapidly mutating trying to get in. Ergo any vaccine is virtually obsolete by the time they want to inject it into you [thereby bypassing your body’s natural defences and compounding the problem further] and the whole process is just another way for corporations to milk money from the masses. And I am still to hear a single medical officer or health official say a single word about strengthening immune systems with food, sunshine, exercise and supplements while avoiding certain foods that are known to compromise the immune system and create inflammatory responses. The fact is these viruses are going nowhere soon and this one like all the others will join the ranks of all the other coronaviruses that have been with us for millennia. Viruses have been moving from animals to humans for thousands of years since we started domesticating and butchering them. Measles originally from cows, rabies from dogs, influenza from birds. They are a vital part of what makes us human and within our genome we contain innumerable bits of viral genetic material held over from our ancestors. Astrology suggests that this one will be with us ongoing and mutate as merrily as all the others over the years to come until its ability to infect wanes like they all do. What it has done to us as a society with the insane isolation of healthy people and the whole debacle here in SA which turns out to have been unnecessary will continue to have dramatic and powerful impacts on lives for years to come. We are being softened up dear ones now is not the time to rebel but it will come for now observe and play the game but they have not done with us yet. And building pressure and diversity is the coming Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 30th. The Sun moves into Sagittarius tomorrow allowing us to rise above the diverse agendas and reach for common ground. Eclipses are revelatory peeling away the lie and illusion to allow us to see things as they really are. Personally and globally. Remember we are starting a brand new Lunar Node 18.6 year cycle of influence with this eclipse now and will expose what beliefs are the driving forces of our world. Most of which are false and so eclipses show the lie and lift the vibration to a more aware alignment with what is actually real. Also impacting on the Lunar Nodes and final days of November is the reality of Neptune stationing direct on November 29th triggering a crisis of belief in humanity bringing a huge shift for humanity. Planet of illusion and delusion compassion and empathy. It will also add here to addiction and psychosis so both are at play here as the boundaries are dissolved and awakening to what is real becomes more likely. Following alignments to come trust that we will be in a new world profoundly shaken up by the end of January 2021. As I said the Sun enters Sagittarius tomorrow and we get to explore wider horizons higher truths dive into our spiritual wisdom and to reach for the stars. We develop greater tolerance for others of difference to us to see the sacred light in everything. To expand our knowledge and allow that to leech into all elements of our lives expanding and uplifting our quest to moral and ethical considerations. From the 21st November to 15th December Venus transits into Scorpio and is one of the most sensual of all the planetary placements beautiful, pleasurable, exotic exploration of sensuality, sexuality and intimacy in an ‘in your face’ kind of way. Physical and intensely emotional this watery depth madness can strike in strange ways but you can bet it will be intense. Obsessive, possessive, jealous and controlling where ever it lands had better be open to it or all that intensity can just as quickly turn to rage and revenge lol. If you feel the need to become manipulative and controlling or feel that energy being directed your way I suggest you move along quickly. This is a great transit for getting in touch with your fecund, instinctive nature and wisdom. On the 29th Neptune stations direct in Pisces again as it continues its long sojourn in its home sign until March 2025. For five months we have plumbed the depths and now as we emerge it can have us feeling slightly more weird than usual, depressed, sluggish, discombobulated. What has been going on in the unconscious now emerges for examination and the appropriate changes and we will be more intuitive and emotional in the first week or so. Don’t be surprised if you start dreaming vividly now providing insight and intuitive understanding into situations and people that may have been eluding you. much can be illuminated here and you will have the ability to apply what you have learned into your daily world. It is a wonderful time to create new projects or if they have been on hold for a little while to bring them forward now. Trust and ride the wave of creation. Then the first Lunar Eclipse of this Nodal cycle of the next 18 years begins with the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini on November 30th. It brings uncertainty and change to relationships and wealth issues in your life. It is not just the polarity of the Sun opposite Moon but also Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Aries aligned with the powerful fixed stars Aldebaran and Antares. Simply put the heart of the scorpion opposed the eye of the bull and so this highly charged Lunar Eclipse arrives with high tension, angst, upset and insecurity. You will need to be on your toes to adapt to rapidly changing situations and to make this energy work for you. The symbol of Gemini is the Twins representative of the soul and the persona linked together as the two are in incarnation. Evolving over time the initial power house is the persona but over countless cycles, then the soul starts to respond to growth by extending and flexing until it has a much higher influence over the human experience. It is then that the purpose is understood that the life is the vehicle for the expression of the soul’s intent and Gemini rules this development right into the self-knowledge of the I Am that I Am awareness. Of the mortal being’s awareness of its service to the soul in perfect symmetry and synthesis. Reflecting the power of the pairs of opposite signs in the Zodiac this one is more acutely described as the magnetic interplay between them all and governing the nature of this process in form as the two become the one. All these energies reach a peak at an eclipse as opposing forces create inner tension along with external pressure all of which can lead to conflict within and without that has you feeling drained. It’s all here at this Moon intense and not rational a lot of energy will come to the surface now from the last 6 months since the last Eclipse Cycle for clearing and reset. So a good moon for facing your demons, travelling inter-dimensionally, reading the stars, being Zen, road trips and relaxing. Not so good for freaking out to your old relationships, trying hot yoga, meeting up with twins, tossing your plaits and gnashing your teeth. Arriving in Decan 1 in Gemini this brings forth the dark and devilish aspect and it’s all about the shadow realms here. With all the intensity of it though and with other alignments it would be very easy to do what we normally do with shadow and project it onto the other in a hissy fit of some kind or other. Everything will be really intense at this Moon and that can have us run away in other ways even though some of it can feel really good. So stay away from peeps from your past seriously there is a reason they are in your past and if you start messing about with that then any unresolved homicidal tendencies are likely to rise! Your need for freedom, as you cast off the shackles here, may have you being guilt induced all the way to the man shed or woman cave however if that is what you need to do just do it. The mirrors will be everywhere at this moon and we won’t have much patience for other peeps volatile nutbaggery while we work at trying not to project our own. We are much more likely not to personalise anyone’s usual guilt inductions or BS at this Moon so if you need to walk away for a time then do it. The good vs evil of Gemini is enhanced here also due to the fixed stars at this Moon but more on that later. At this time there can be missionary zeal and wild eyed activists on the streets or in your lounge room trying to convince you that the light they have seen is the light to save the world and they are personally here to slay the demons so avoid the dramatic nature of this should it arise. Gossip and scandal will abound here keep your head down where you can so some rambunctious knight in shining armour doesn’t lop it off. We must all become our own saviour dear ones no one is coming just us remembering lol. Lunar Eclipse Moon quincunx Venus can have us all touchy feely but also more tense and confused if there are issues unaddressed in your relationships, they are likely to rise now and if one side is doing and giving more than the other there is likely to be a need to address that with this energy. This can possible be linked to your relationship with your mother [or theirs] and if so, it will be highlighted and that is where the sorting out needs to happen. Walk away if needed. For your own sake and the sake of any children here. Sun quincunx Uranus adds to the stress here and can have us feeling that anticipatory anxiety without knowing what it is that is coming. You just know something is and it is not particularly pleasant. If you are held in in any way freedom will beckon here. In relationship, in work and an unexpected event may turn things upside down. Try and be flexible here and look for the silver lining to any clouds on the horizon they are always there and there may be a real opportunity within this one. Venus [in Scorpio] opposite Uranus means romantic relationships as well as financial dealings may be getting a shakeup. It may be that if you want to initiate change that the other side can behave quite erratically in the face of this. Any flirtatious behaviour with someone outside of the relationship and lead to dramas of a very volatile kind so do be careful. If you are on the prowl then internet dating can provide quite an exciting and volatile energy however it is unlikely to end in anything serious. Windfalls are as likely as losses here if this tension does not play out in your love life so do be careful. I am serious the alignments here and the rectangular aspect that is produced can really wind things up and it will be hard if not impossible to escape the tension find ways to calm the system down. The fixed stars here shine brightly in the sign of Taurus [the precession of the equinoxes remember] and Moon conjunct the regal Aldebaran in the Eye of the Bull this portends riches and honour, strength and integrity and also sedition, calamity and danger of violence. It leads to restlessness and riotous behaviour which can have positive as well as negative benefits depending on how mature you are. Sun Conjunct Antares exposes falsehood and corruption and exposure in religion and lead to disgrace and ruin, treachery, violence given or received, illness and fevers. In the Heart of the Scorpion it feeds malevolence, openness, lack of care, ravenous appetite and self inflicted injury. Important to the military minded it can presage tough and pugnacious inclinations and lead people to fight for what they believe. So all in all volatile with lots of Karmic resolution and financial hiccups possible and it all creates a potent tension that can explode in any direction depending on your own personal life. You will need to think on your feet, be ready to act quickly, not personalise things and get out of the way where you need to. Nervous breakdowns relationship breakups financial upheaval riots and anarchy are all up for grabs here. It is great for business if you are flexible and adaptable and are continuing to work for the greater good. Like the twins themselves good or evil you decide. The energies unfolding here and on the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th truly set the tone now until May next year. This Lunar Eclipse Moon will be seen [ and therefor have the greatest impact on] much of Europe and Asia, Australia, the Americas, the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic. And then the next day as we enter December on the 1st until the 20th Mercury in Sagittarius ensures that whatever we have witnessed, seen, realised, intuited, divined or foretold we will be able to see them clearly and act quickly and decisively to move in the direction we need to move to grow. As the Messenger God reaches the sign of wisdom and philosophy we all start waking up and thinking clearly. We will be articulate, concise, broad minded and clear and we will be guided by our principles as we move forward. If you wish to join us for this meditation you can join us here at Where for a small annual fee you can access all the meditations for the year and much more besides and it is strictly private with no one from the outside able to come in no ads and we do not share your details with anyone period.

18.01.2022 Voices of the Future

17.01.2022 Ky Alecto-Mukari is the founder of SeedStar co - an artisan, micro-business offering creations that are inspired by the care, wisdom and great #generosity of the Plants. "Everything we make is based in relationship in listening, care and tending to the earth, with a focus on the #connection between people and the earth. Our offerings carry the teachings of the plants embedded in every step." Ky has trained and worked professionally in various therapeutic modalities over dec...ades #kinesiology, art therapy, #ecoarttherapy, narrative therapy, fine arts, meditation and mindfulness, energetic healing, plant spirit medicine and alchemical herbalism. Becoming aware of the underlying training of those modalities, Ky works with our innate healing abilities, our #somatic wisdom and the wisdom of the natural world. For Ky, there is no greater teacher than the body the human one we are born into and the larger earth body. Growing down into this and supporting others to remember and rediscover this innate wisdom is her current focus. Ky’s services include #alchemical plant makings incense, oils, healing balms, plant wisdom cards, flower essences, custom made offerings for ritual and healing purposes. Ky is also a founding member of the Healing Ground Collective. Contact details -

16.01.2022 A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader, deeper, and more pr...ofound than anyone could have ever imagined! 'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore... So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.' Rebecca - age 8 'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.' Billy - age 4 'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.' Karl - age 5 'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.' Chrissy - age 6 'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.' Terri - age 4 'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.' Danny - age 8 'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.' Bobby - age 7 (Wow!) 'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.' Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet) 'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day.' Noelle - age 7 'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.' Tommy - age 6 'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.' Cindy - age 8 'My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.' Clare - age 6 'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.' Elaine - age 5 'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.' Chris - age 7 'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.' Mary Ann - age 4 'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.' Lauren - age 4 'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image!) Karen - age 7 'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross...' Mark - age 6 'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.' Jessica - age 8 And the final one: The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.' Now, take 60 seconds and post this for other to see. And then be a child again today!

15.01.2022 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini - Mirror mirror on the wall. Online meditation for #healing, #clearing and #transformation streamed live via our member platform Mon 30 Nov 7PM UTC +10:30 Join us for a small fee, includes annual membership to our network -

13.01.2022 Under the new moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Thanks Andy

11.01.2022 Fabulous fun. Ego. Will. Awareness.

09.01.2022 Infinite Fractals for your viewing pleasure as we move closer to the great conjunction. much love. #weknownothing

06.01.2022 Missy Higgins, The Cat Empire, Emma Donovan, The Teskey Brothers, Yirmal, Gina Williams (MC) & Guy Ghouse - online fundraiser Thurs 10 Dec 7.30pm AEDT

03.01.2022 Enjoy your day travellers, new days are dawning

02.01.2022 How power was stolen from the many - at gunpoint - by the few.

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