Hi-Grow in Caringbah, New South Wales, Australia | Businesses
Locality: Caringbah, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 404 859 280
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25.01.2022 PESTICIDE AND CHEMICAL FREE PRODUCE? Hi-Grow's produce is chemical pesticide and chemical fertilizer free! Our produce is completely chemical free, naturally fertilized, efficiently grown, little carbon emissions are created during growth, handled once by a clinical farmer and most importantly, Hi-Grows produce is the most freshest produce available to urban areas, with the freshest, most flavorsome produce delivered to you the same day of harvest! No storage and no food mile...s and because Hi-Grow's farm is local to you we grow for you and your family fresh produce needs. As a city dweller, you too can now #knowyourfarmer Support our goal of setting up a farm local to you. 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' our Facebook page and register your interest in our farms and produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au
25.01.2022 We are priced cheaper than the major supermarkets! Save on pantry goods and enjoy the luxury of having them delivered to you! Shop our broad range of raw and wholefood products today! www.taiaoorganix.com.au
24.01.2022 Thanks to the guys @Tailor Made Fish Farm for showing Hi-Grow behind the scenes of their awesome operation at the weekend. We will be back for a beer and a Barramundi with the kids ASAP!! :)
24.01.2022 IT'S BEEN A WHILE, WHAT'S BEEN GROWING ON?? Thought we would share some shots of what we have growing on currently. All this produce and more is being grown for a special Hi-Grow project and it is some of the best quality produce we've seen! We have Strawberries, Tomatoes, Cos, Butter Crunch, Red/Green Mescalin, Blue Curled Kale, Basil, Parsley, Dill, Chinese Cabbage, English Spinach, Baby Spinach, Broccoli, Beetroots, White Onions, Spanish Onions to name a few! All powered ...by my 12 x 15cm+ Goldfish and their 50 mates the baby Silver Perch! Please LIKE and SHARE our Facebook page and register your interest in our produce @ www.hi-grow.com.au
24.01.2022 OUR LATEST GROW MODULE UP & RUNNING!! Recently we completed the design and build of our new awesome grow module for something to be announced in coming months, so stay tuned!! The module is now up and growing in our system, test growing our latest round of fresh produce. GROW YOUR OWN! As well as growing fresh produce for cafe's and the public, Hi-Grow now also offers custom design and builds of aquaponic systems for the home and hobbyist. Whether you want a small herb arrang...ement in the kitchen or to grow all out in the backyard or garage, we can design a system to suit your requirements and your aesthetic taste, build the system for you, then we can help you get up and growing with some basic knowledge of how to care for your system. Its easy! Contact Hi-Grow today to see how we can help you provide better and more sustainable food for your family. #knowyourfarmer Contact us via our website www.hi-grow.com.au See more
24.01.2022 HOW FRESH PRODUCE WAS MEANT TO BE! :) Below are just some of our recent vegetable, herb and leafy green harvests. For over a year now we have been comparing the flavours, textures, size & quality of Hi-Grow grown produce to the produce available at local stores. The difference is unbelievable! Due to societies current food growing and transportation systems, we have truly forgotten how food is supposed to be! Hi-Grows produce is superior in every way! #knowyourfarmer Register your interest at www.hi-grow.com.au Remember to LIKE and SHARE our post! Thank you
24.01.2022 SYSTEM UPDATE AND A THANK YOU TO OUR TESTERS!! Potatoes have sprouted in our custom potato module (It works!!) Look at the beautiful white potato roots where the potatoes will form. And the 3 varieties of tomato have really started to take off, already producing their first round of flowers! Thank you to everyone who has registered through our website to trial our produce. Our lettuce trials have been a success and we look forward to being able to offer a variety or produce g...oing forward. If you would like to sample our test produce and would like to register for future promotions please register through our website www.hi-grow.com.au and LIKE and SHARE our Facebook page!! Thank you! #knowyourfarmer
23.01.2022 Some more shots of Tailor Made Fish Farms outdoor aquaponics operation. Leafy greens as far as the eye can see. Thanks again for showing us around guys!
23.01.2022 Make your meals spicey!!! Shop our range of spices!!! www.taiaoorganix.com.au. Our products are 15% cheaper than the major supermarkets, so you can't afford not to shop with us!!
21.01.2022 ITS BEEN A WHILE, WHATS BEEN GROWING ON?? Thought we would share some shots of what we have growing on currently. All this produce and more is being grown for a special Hi-Grow project and it is some of the best quality produce weve seen! We have Strawberries, Tomatoes, Cos, Butter Crunch, Red/Green Mescalin, Blue Curled Kale, Basil, Parsley, Dill, Chinese Cabbage, English Spinach, Baby Spinach, Broccoli, Beetroots, White Onions, Spanish Onions to name a few! All powered ...by my 12 x 15cm+ Goldfish and their 50 mates the baby Silver Perch! Please LIKE and SHARE our Facebook page and register your interest in our produce @ www.hi-grow.com.au
21.01.2022 Hi-Grows structural techniques being utilized by a UK company who have successfully started their farm in an underground bomb shelter! As you can see Hi-Grow is part of a handful of companies world wide who are on the cusp of changing our food systems for a growing population. These systems use 95% less water, a fraction of the land, no pesticides, provide fresher food to the consumer with no damage caused to the environment. #futurefarms #futureoffood #knowyourfarmer... Register your interest in Hi-Grow today and help us to become one of the first Australian commercial urban farming companies! www.hi-grow.com.au
20.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!! From the team at Hi-Grow, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy new year. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support through 2015. 2015 for us was a big year of testing our system designs and planning. We look forward to 2016 with another big year in the pipeline.... Please 'LIKE' & "SHARE" our Facebook page and register your interest in our produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au
20.01.2022 Creative Tuesday!!
20.01.2022 Its raining outside, but its a beautiful day inside the Hi-Grow Test Facility! All weather farming!! Rain, hail or shine Hi-Grow's produce continues to grow unaffected! No crop losses due to weather here! #knowyourfarmer Register your interest in Hi-Grow and its produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au and please LIKE and SHARE our Facebook page!! Thank you!
20.01.2022 Hi-Grow's structural techniques being utilized by a UK company who have successfully started their farm in an underground bomb shelter! As you can see Hi-Grow is part of a handful of companies world wide who are on the cusp of changing our food systems for a growing population. These systems use 95% less water, a fraction of the land, no pesticides, provide fresher food to the consumer with no damage caused to the environment. #futurefarms #futureoffood #knowyourfarmer... Register your interest in Hi-Grow today and help us to become one of the first Australian commercial urban farming companies! www.hi-grow.com.au
20.01.2022 NASA test growing food using methods very similar to Hi-Grow. Hi-Grows urban farming facilities are the future of ethical and efficient farming for a growing population. Please support Hi-Grow by LIKING our Facebook page and registering for our produce via our website. www.hi-grow.com.au #futureoffood #knowyourfarmer... http://food.ninemsn.com.au//astronauts-to-eat-space-grown-
20.01.2022 This recent article outlines perfectly what Hi-Grow foresee for the future of our food production. Hi-Grow's answer is simple, many localised urban farms dotted throughout our cities that feed the community in the immediate vicinity. Our goal facilities utilize a clean and efficient production method that uses 95% less water, little to NO greenhouse emissions, NO pesticides and NO food miles, that results in the cleanest, freshest most sustainable produce known to man. Incorporating a variety of green energy and onsite recycling methods, our facilities are the answer to the damming forecasts made in this article and its supporting government reports. Support us today by 'SHARING' & "LIKING' our Facebook page and registering for our produce and future news via our website www.hi-grow.com.au
19.01.2022 Tonight we enjoyed a meal completely grown by Hi-Grow. Everything except the cheese, lemon and egg is produce out of Hi-Grow's test facility. Although the Trout were a bit small for harvest, they tasted brilliant! They also gave us a good idea of our current standing Trout stock. #knowyourfarmer Like our facebook page and register your interest in our produce through our website www.hi-grow.com.au
19.01.2022 This is a prime example of the problems facing our current food production system. Do you know your food is sprayed with chemicals, washed, handled by multiple machines and people, gassed and also stored before you eat it? Hi-Grow's produce is never sprayed with chemicals and handled only once by one skilled, clinical farmer, then packed once and given to you the same day. NO Chemicals, NO storage, ABSOLUTE MINIMAL Handling, NO gassing AND NO GASTRO! Only fresh, great tastin...g & clean produce. SHARE & LIKE our page today and register you interest in our urban farming facility via our website www.hi-grow.com.au #knowyourfarmer
17.01.2022 FISH UPDATE!! Its been a little while since we have done an update on how the powerhouse of our system is going... The Fish! The Rainbow Trout are going well. In a month or 2 we will start to harvest the some of the fish. Some of these trout are 25-30cm long currently and weighing around 250g! Fresh Fish and organic vegetables!! #knowyourfarmer No chemicals or pesticides, locally grown using 95% less water in a controlled beneficial Eco-system! Farming natures way for the fu...ture! Register your interest in our produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au and remember to like and share our Facebook page!! Thank you
16.01.2022 RAINBOW TROUT HARVEST! Recently we started harvesting our Rainbow Trout from our system. Most of the fish we have harvested so far were dinner plate size and around 500-600 grams each with beautiful pink flesh. In coming posts we will show you some of the methods we used to prepare and process the Trout and how we combined the Trout with some of the fresh produce grown alongside the fish in our test facility. Please Like & Share our Facebook page & register your interest in our produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au #knowyourfarmer
14.01.2022 Great to hear feedback from a happy customer!! ;)
14.01.2022 Any body have an indoor or even outdoor space they would like to sub-let? Factory/warehouse space or even the unused outside carpark/loading dock? Send us a message!! This is how we plan to use it... A great video from the US by Pentair AES of Urban Organics awesome setup and showing the setup and methods we also use. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRGM2nh-U6Q
12.01.2022 OUR SYSTEMS GROW EVERYTHING!! We harvested this variety of vegetables from our test system the other day. Almost all of our test plants have produced results, proving our systems are capable of growing a wide variety of leafy greens and vegetables. Grown with NO pesticides, NO soil, NO sun, 95% less water and NO environmental affects!! #knowyourfarmer "Like" our Facebook page for updates on our test system and future developments. Register your interest in our business via o...ur website www.hi-grow.com.au See more
11.01.2022 FRESH & LOCAL, CHEMICAL FREE, AQUAPONIC PRODUCE A quick update to show you what we have growing on in our small urban test farm! Mixed Lettuce, Basil, Chives, Spring Onions, Apple Mint. We also have a new run of tomato plants and a few beetroots #organic #fresh #chemicalfree #aquaponics #local #goodfood #local
11.01.2022 CANCER FROM FISH?? Much ocean seafood has tested positive to having digested micro plastics from our washing products and clothes, of which have been found to cause cancers in the fish. Eventually the cancer causing plastics make it onto your plate. Fish farmed in Hi-Grow facilities live in a clean, quarantined, optimum closed looped environment, free from cancer causing plastic particles and other adverse environmental effects. Hi-Grow farmed fish are totally unpolluted and ...sustainable. Farmed fish will likely be the only healthy and environmentally friendly option in the future! #knowyourfarmer Remember to LIKE and SHARE our Facebook page and register your interest in our produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au
11.01.2022 SERIOUSLY WINDY & RAINY OUT THERE!!! But all is calm in the Hi-Grow test facility
10.01.2022 It was getting a little full in the lettuce module! So we harvested some lettuce and dill, just in time for the next round of seedlings to take their place. The dill and lettuce will go well with the first fish we have harvested. We harvested a middle sized trout to calculate the average weight of the fish. So far we have an estimated range of fish weights of 180g - 300g. #knowyourfarmer Like our Facebook page for updates and register your interest for our produce through our website www.hi-grow.com.au
09.01.2022 We are about to harvest some of our fresh, locally grown, organic lettuce and basil. We have Cos, Butter Crunch & Sweet Basil. Going for $3/head. Contact us to let us know if you are interested. Harvest will be over the next few days. Email [email protected]
06.01.2022 LEAFY GREENS CREATE HEALTHY GUT BACTERIA!! Another great article that outlines the importance of quality leafy greens in your diet. Ensuring the greens you eat are the absolute freshest they can be will mean they are not only more enjoyable and flavoursome, they contain a higher nutrient content. Our current food production and transportation methods greatly reduce the nutrient content of our leafy greens. Hi-Grow's produce is the absolute freshest produce that urban dwellers... can access allowing people from the city fresh produce delivered the same day of harvest. Meaning the nutrient content of our produce is at maximum when your produce arrives on your plate! #knowyourfarmer Register your interest in our produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au and please 'LIKE' and 'SHARE' our Facebook page and support us in creating a healthier food future!
05.01.2022 Try our fresh ORGANIC Hi-Grow Rosemary! Just in time for the perfect Christmas roast. 70g for only $10. Pickup only Or FREE with the purchase of any of Taiao Organix Christmas Packs!! Available from Taiao Organix Contact us @ www.hi-grow.com.au or via our Facebook Page to purchase. Merry Christmas
05.01.2022 ONIONS & BEETROOTS BIGGER THAN SOFTBALLS!! Just some shots of a gigantic onion and beetroot we recently harvested from our systems as well as a recent mixed onion haul! Aquaponics not only produces better performing leafy greens and vegetables, but the taste is fantastic! Our testing has proven, from flavour to fragrance, texture and freshness to nutrition and shelf life, Hi-Grow's aquaponic produce has performed better in almost all cases than supermarket bought produce. #knowyourfarmer Support Hi-Grow and our plans for a network of indoor farms that help secure our fresh food future. Please LIKE and SHARE our Facebook page and register your interest @ www.hi-grow.com.au
05.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/clint.ralph.79/posts/10157788966555393
05.01.2022 Inside Lendleases new corporate headquarters in Barangaroo, Sydney. Living walls improve the offices air quality and create a calming experience for staff pas...sing through the area. Open areas with natural light and a connection to nature encourage movement, belonging and creativity. A great example in corporate leadership, using spaces as a vehicle to improved employee wellness. See more
04.01.2022 THE TERTIARY PREPARATION & SMOKING OF OUR TROUT! Our trout are soaked in our Hi-Grow special brine for 10 hours. The next day the trout are left to dry slightly on cooking paper for 1/2 hour. We then prepare a wood fire to hot smoke the trout for 5 hours at around 120 degrees. We use a mix of specially selected wood chips for the authentic smokey flavour and regularly glaze with our Hi-Grow special glaze. We then add the smoked trout fillets to our very own Hi-Grow designed &... grown salsa. Remaining fillets are vacuumed sealed immediately & cold stored for following meals lasting up to 30 days in the fridge. Absolutely awesome tasting!! Please LIKE and SHARE our page and register you interest in our FRESHEST produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au #knowyourfarmer
03.01.2022 EAST COAST STORMS RESULT IN HIGH FRESH FOOD PRICES!! As you are all aware the east coast of Australia experienced a major storm system that devastated some area...s. What you may not know is your fresh food prices are going to rise because of it. A key reason Hi-Grow came into existence, is to ensure our food supply is not disrupted by future climatic events. As our population steadily increases and as does the climatic events, the demand on the food chain will become immense. You may head to the supermarket one day to find empty shelves or expensive sub-standard produce due to a natural event. Support Hi-Grow and our plans for a network of indoor farms that help secure our fresh food future. Please LIKE and SHARE our page and register your interest @ www.hi-grow.com.au #knowyourfarmer Thought it is worth a mention, Hi-Grow suffered no crop loss or farm failures during the recent east coast storm event! It was just another day for us ;)
02.01.2022 PESTICIDE AND CHEMICAL FREE PRODUCE? Hi-Grows produce is chemical pesticide and chemical fertilizer free! Our produce is completely chemical free, naturally fertilized, efficiently grown, little carbon emissions are created during growth, handled once by a clinical farmer and most importantly, Hi-Grows produce is the most freshest produce available to urban areas, with the freshest, most flavorsome produce delivered to you the same day of harvest! No storage and no food mile...s and because Hi-Grows farm is local to you we grow for you and your family fresh produce needs. As a city dweller, you too can now #knowyourfarmer Support our goal of setting up a farm local to you. LIKE & SHARE our Facebook page and register your interest in our farms and produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au
01.01.2022 GREAT RESPONSE TO OUR PRODUCE!! We gave a variety of our homegrown, pesticide free, aquaponic lettuces and herbs to an older tradesman who worked on our house just after harvest. It is so great to hear feedback on our produce like the SMS sent by our tradesmans wife pictured below. Register your interest in our produce via our website www.hi-grow.com.au and show your support by 'LIKING' & "SHARING" our facebook page! Thank you... #rewarding #knowyourfarmer #futurefarms
01.01.2022 Day 1 - lunchtime Pentair Aquatic Systems aquaculture course
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