Intuitive Wellness For Women | Brand
Intuitive Wellness For Women
Phone: +61 416 088 117
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25.01.2022 Maybe you’ve seen this powerful story on social media too? I know from talking to women every day about their food and body stories, their LIFE stories, that she is not alone. That is sad, and frankly too bad for us, BUT the power that lies in recovery is real and that’s what you can hear in her voice. So read on and be inspired..... ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 #maskoff #nofilter We are up against a full on insidious #waronhumanity. Our spirit to live on this earth enjoying the stages of #growth and #maturity are being exchange at the counter for #botox, #fillers, dyes, #transplants, #injections, #lowselfesteem and #comparisonitis. The majority of social media is taken up by the #maskwearers with their purchased followers and make-up-deals who contribute not much except shiny pretty #selfies for their gullibly loyal followers. Those... of us who live by another credence, something akin to a preference for #elnatural and #authenticity ... aren’t even on social media. So the viewfinder is skewed for the majority too weak to make up their own mind. Here let me say it, enjoy your #wrinkles... you look so stupid with that Botox face, enjoy your grey hairs, how on earth do they stop you living your #bestlifeever?! (No ma’am that’s your lack of #confidence doing that.) Enjoy the sag because along with it comes experience, wisdom, grace and a true perfection of the human form. Don’t get me wrong I spend good money on self care, but a needle in my eye bags to impress you I will not do. I don’t now, nor will I ever understand the fixation to looking the same, sounding the same, being the same as everyone else. Snap out of it and show your true self. #letitallhangout Let the goddamn world world #avit when it comes to your true contribution. And please, #contribute. #livingmybestlifeever #powerful #intelligent #independentthinker #anticonsumerism #slowdownmovement #selfrespect Thank you to the recent article in The Australian (swipe) #faceworld #marionzilio for giving me clarity to express these deeply held feelings I’ve had. And I say these words as much for myself as anyone who needed them.
24.01.2022 Having a bit (understatement) of a fab time at the Mind Body Spirit Expo in Launceston. Look at my beautiful stand! I’m here talking all things FOOD & BODY related. Did you know about 999999% of people tell me they need my services? we should be better at this food and body thing right? But it’s hard Anyway, If you can’t make it to #launceston check out I have up to 40% off services if you book your FREE FOOD & BODY ASSESSMENT this w...eekend. x Intuitive Wellness For Women
21.01.2022 When it's time to do a shop. When it's time to make dinner. When it's time to sit and eat food..... ... Who are you then? Are you constantly critical of yourself and food? Scared of making the wrong choice, scared of fat on your body, scared of losing control? Or are you excited to enjoy tastes, share the experience and feel nourished in your body? It's THIS difference that you need to focus on first, NOT the calories, NOT the superfoods, NOT anything else. When you know who you are as an eater, everything else around food and body is a breeze. Eating Psychology Coach
20.01.2022 This really made me smile bc it's so TRUE! The best things in life are free and never cancelled <3
18.01.2022 #LAUNCESTON #TASMANIAN folks! the :MIND|BODY|SPIRIT: Expo is on this weekend and you will find me there talking all things related to: EATING PSYCHOLOGY MIND-BODY EATING DYNAMICS DISORDERED EATING ... WEIGHT LOSS WEIGHT MANAGEMENT HOW TO EMBRACE YOUR NATURAL WEIGHT TIMELESS AGING SOUL LESSONS AROUND FOOD & BODY HAVING A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP TO FOOD BINGE, EMOTIONAL AND OVER EATING TRIGGER FOODS! SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND OTHER TOXINS ALLERGIES, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS & MORE..... Come and have a chat and meet me, the other presenters and stall holders and have some fun because we can finally gather and GATHER WE SHOULD! Connection is healing. Spread the word
17.01.2022 USE THE POWER OF YOUR MIND TO DIGEST FOOD! People think they need to use their mind to control eating, and subsequently think they have a willpower issue, laziness issue or self control issue when diets do not work for them. All of that is wrong and outdated ... Check out my latest video talking about the Cephalic Phase Digestive Response (CPDR) and how you can harness it's power to optimise your metabolic power, and give yourself a healthy dose of permission to enjoy every plate of food you ever eat! No matter what you're served! Check it out, share it far and wide and let me know what you think.
15.01.2022 What was it....? . What was it that you so craved and enjoyed looking forward to with baited desperation as a child? . Was it fresh strawberries plucked straight from the garden? How about grandmas pie? Toasted sandwiches after school? Fish and chips? Lollies? ... . Let’s go down memory lane together and reminisce on the good old days of food and body total freedom.... . Tell me below what you loved to eat as a kid and I’ll tell you my guilt free childhood secrets too See more
14.01.2022 There may be many people experiencing trauma as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (food and body related stress being one of the traumas I am personally seeing) and in the end it could overtake the virus as a medical focal point, with resulting mental ill health and suicides for example. What I love about this article is the subtle but very present mention of preventative mental health strategies and how they’re not really a part of our system (yet). I found I was very luck...y during the pandemic to have a wide toolkit of resources to turn to, and quickly realised there are so many without! If you don’t have resources to help with your stress levels, make this a priority in your life. There are so many free, cheap, easy techniques you can try out to find the one that works for you. I personally love deep breathing, long silent walks in nature, yoga or mindful stretching, mindful conscious cooking and meditation.
12.01.2022 Driving on my way to yoga and talking about the impact our environment has on mental health, happiness and overall wellbeing Whatever is missing from your space or routine I want to encourage you to go for it and really make the space, finances and time for your needs to be met Don’t wait for later, figure out your non negotiable a and start taking steps towards surrounding yourself with what you need to feel good inside and out. ... Hope this helps.
11.01.2022 Can you guess what one of the best aids to healthy digestion is? No it’s not lemon water or laxative pills IT’S ENJOYING YOUR FOOD! ... There’s no point being stressed around food, it only does you damage. It increases your #cortisol levels, meaning you’re in the worst mode for absorbing nutrients and it tells your body to store fat Working on releasing stress with my super easy doable techniques like slowing down is one of the main strategies I effectively use with clients. They’re quite often amazed really, swap a restrictive diet plan for a de-stress plan any day PLEASE! It sounds so simple, but it’s actually scientifically proven, backed by research. Whereas studies show diets fail. So ladies, let go of the stress and eat for pleasure instead! #permissiongranted If you want to know how stressed you are around food, take my FOOD & BODY ARCHETYPE QUIZ. Find it here And I’ll see you there
09.01.2022 Haven't ever done anything like this before but feeling like NOW IS THE TIME to get my message of Intuitive Eating Psychology OUT THERE in a BIGGER WAY! #launceston style big..... so keeping it real folkies..... Mind Body Spirit Festival Launceston, here I come! ... WHY? To be honest about 99% of women that I meet and talk to have some kind of disordered eating, they cope, live, deal, tolerate and ignore it..... Until one day, like what happened to me, they wake up and say, life should be better than this.... ....or at least something as simple as EATING FOOD (needed to survive) SHOULD NOT be so insanely stressful The confusion around WHAT & WHEN to eat has gotten out of control The lifestyle diets, miracle pills, slimming smoothies and influencers have got most women desperately lost, hopelessly comparing themselves and let's be honest... if any of it worked, we would all be in the magical land of perfect bodies (what ever that means). INTUITIVE EATING PSYCHOLOGY is a scientifically backed, yet creative method to arriving at eating without stress, with more love for you body, what it is actually designed for, understanding who gets the right to critique it (no one does), how you can safely shape shift it to equalise a neutral set point weight AND importantly.... HOW TO COPE with the never ending changes that the female body will go through in a life. I love to say "DO NOT go through this life without knowing what it's like to live in a body you truly love or accept and to eat confidently like it's your last banquet ever!" I'll be banging on about this stuff and at the Launceston Mind Body Spirit Expo this weekend Please tell your friends and come say hi! Here are the details: Friday 24 - Sunday 26 July (This Weekend) Best Western Hotel 3 Earl Street, Launceston p.s. not in Launceston? This weekend only I will be offering up to 50% off my services. Book a FREE Food & Body Assessment this weekend to get your paws on this dealio
07.01.2022 What are you obsessing about? . My clients (my beloved clients) come to me with one maybe two obsessions: food and their bodies. . When we drill down what I often find is that apart from work and looking after their families they have nothing to spend mental energy on. ... . So what to eat and how my fat rolls look is THE BE ALL AND END ALL OF LIFE. . If all the energy we have as humans goes into others and then thinking you’re not good enough of course proportionally it will seem a big deal that you’re not slim and beautiful, like the realistic photoshopped models. #sarcasm . So one of the things I guide people to explore is their hobbies, passions and interests. Tie up your precious time with fun things! . It’s a simple strategy to enhance life beyond what am I going to eat and wear today. It gives you something to talk about, be proud of and mostly it fills your soul up. . When your soul is full, you don’t have time to compare yourself to unrealistic and unhealthy standards portrayed in the media. You don’t care that you’re not on a detox. . Instead life is full, focused and hobbies pays dividends not to mention build confidence. . Personally I have a bunch of hobbies, one’s I’m actively pursuing and others I’m dreaming about. But one of them will soon no longer be a dream. . I’ve always wanted to try calligraphy and see if it’s something I enjoy. Because I have a desk job mostly I try to find hobbies that get me moving but art calls! So thanks to @thehappyevercrafter and her FREE online course starting in a week, I am getting started on this hobby dream. . This is my accountability post. Made public to boost my motivation. . Now it’s your turn... what new hobby are you going to explore? Let’s have some fun with it, tell us all in the comments below . . . #ShowMeYourDrills #hobbiesareimportant See more
06.01.2022 3 THINGS I'VE LEARNED FROM TALKING TO WOMEN ABOUT THEIR FOOD & BODY IMAGE CHALLENGES at the Mind Body Spirit Expo this past weekend..... 1. Women are being led down stressful rabbit holes when it comes to what and when and where and if to eat! #confusion 2. It takes a courageous woman to step into my space in front of everyone to admit she has an issue with food or body! #respect ... 3. People find it confronting to take #organic fruit from a stall holder at an expo! :P #notetaken The learning experience from hosting my space has been tremendous and I would do it again... differently Really grateful to have met so many interesting stall holders, Jason Betts the expo organiser and all the gorgeous gals that were bold enough to come up to me and have a pow wow. You can book a FREE Food & Body Assessment on my site or contact me on 0416 088 117. x Miriam Eating Psychology Coach p.s. shown with gorgeous model (non client)
02.01.2022 It can be so frustrating trying to rewire your body, mind and soul at the intuitive eating level. Cravings, the addiction to dieting and restriction, the fear of weight gain.... all have such a strong patterned pull on our subconscious. That's HABIT after all. ... Intuitive eating doesn't supply you with intoxicating binge / restrict hits. It's slow.... methodical and a sometimes boring road to eating as we are meant to. Like a toddler for instance, unafraid of food for its fat content, eating for pleasure, eating when and only if the wanting is there, never scared there won't be enough for later or that she HAS TO eat everything on the plate. Intuitive eating gets us to the magical land of choosing healthy food, almost all of the time. Not because it's healthy. But because finally finally, we are so in tuned with the true cravings of the body that we feed it what it's looking for. No longer are we feeding the loneliness, despair or shame. So instead of taking another diet on, breathe, eat slowly, shop slowly, cook slowly. Slow down. Let your body catch it self. Let your soul have a rest. See what happens next.
01.01.2022 Are any of you feeling really anxious about the COVID19 pandemic? I am curious as to the thoughts my community is having about this current global situation. Also, I thought this was a well written round up of the scientific statements and research coming out over the last week on Coronavirus.
01.01.2022 Secret Tasi beach on location (can you guess where?) to shoot this professional expensive promotional video ad...... Come to the #mindbodyspirit Expo this Friday to Sunday @bestwestern #launceston, I’ll be there banging on about intuitive wellness for women AS ALWAYS #bodypositive #eatingpsychology #womenshealth #foodandbodyfreedom #pleasurewithfood #healthateverysize and more! Diets are a waste of money and time. Coaching invests for a lifetime Miriam Pires EATING PSYCHOLOGY COACH