Highmount Preschool in Mount Waverley, Victoria | Nursery
Highmount Preschool
Locality: Mount Waverley, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9802 2812
Address: 36 Lechte Road 3149 Mount Waverley, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.highmountpreschool.org.au/
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24.01.2022 Some great ideas to get your children practicing counting numbers.
23.01.2022 We hope all our dads had an amazing Fathers Day.
23.01.2022 Playgroup at Home LIVE. Songs, stories and an interactive activity. This week they are making snow dough. You can book to join the live group here - https://www.playgroup.org.au/playgroup-at-home/ Playgroup Victoria
21.01.2022 Hi Families The Positive Parenting Conference is coming up. FREE & ONLINE: 16 New Masterclasses + 13 Quick Win Tips... By Experts in Parenting and Psychology to Raise Happy Well-Adjusted Kids ONLY at the FREE & ONLINE Positive Parenting Conference Sept 22nd - 29th, 2020 You can register here. https://afineparent.com/positive-parenting-conference Highmount Committee
20.01.2022 The Letter of the Week is 'R'. The /r/ sound is a particularly tricky letter to teach because the way your mouth produces the sound changes depending on the other letters it is combined with. There are 8 different vocalizations of the letter but we will be focussing on the simple /r/ sound. The simple /r/ sound is made by bringing the tongue up and to the back of the mouth. While the bulk of the tongue rests on the roof of the mouth between the hard palate and the soft palate..., the tip of the tongue hovers just below the hard palate. The /r/ sound is voiced, which means that the sound is produced by the vibration of the speakers vocal cords. The website SayItRight.org is a great resource devoted entirely to understanding and facilitating the pronunciation of the /r/ sound if you are looking to learn more about this complex sound! Despite the complexities of the /r/ sound, it can be lots of fun for you and your child to play with together. A great activity to practice articulation is pretending you and your child are wild animals. You could grrrrowl like a bear, rrrroarr like a tiger, and bark like a dog, rrruff, rrruff! Think of other fun characters that are known for their /r/ use, such as pirates (Arrgh!) or use the weather/household appliances/tools to incorporate the sound, such as brrrrr, its cold! Let your imagination and articulation GO WILD This week we encourage the kids to go hunting around their house and finding things that start with 'R'. Don't forget to share them on Storypark, we loved to hear what exciting things you found in your home.
20.01.2022 PREPARING MY CHILD FOR SCHOOL DURING A PANDEMIC Starting school can be exciting and challenging. During a pandemic, these emotions may be heightened due to continual uncertainly for parents and children.... Families may be asking themselves; What if my child has missed a lot of kinder? What does school readiness mean? What can I do to support my child? Families of children transitioning to school in 2021 are invited to join us online for an informative session with guest speaker Louise Dorrat (Early Childhood Consultant). This session will explore families questions and discuss how they can prepare for a smooth and positive transition to school. Wednesday 23 September 5.00pm 6.15pm Zoom Meeting https://monash-gov.zoom.us/j/88925253358 Meeting ID: 889 2525 3358 One tap mobile +61861193900,,88925253358# Australia +61370182005,,88925253358# Australia Dial by your location +61 8 6119 3900 Australia +61 3 7018 2005 Australia +61 7 3185 3730 Australia Meeting ID: 889 2525 3358 Find your local number: https://monash-gov.zoom.us/u/keEnXcG2eb
20.01.2022 The Letter of the Week is 'E'. Here is a great Youtube video the kids will enjoy watching, teaching them about the letter E. ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beaUUPPUT2Y Fun With E Cut out large letter E shapes. Make a collage of pictures of things beginning with E. Let the children cut out the pictures and glue them on. Elephant Place several pieces of white paper between two pieces of grey paper and cut out an elephant shape. Teach a lesson on elephants that are an enormous size. You can talk about sizes big/little. Glue on pictures of elephants and other enormous animals. Eggs Decorate egg shapes cut out of wrapping paper or construction paper. You can also play a matching game if you cut out 2 egg shapes out of each type of wrapping paper, wallpaper sample, or construction paper. Envelopes Decorate envelopes and let the children draw an elephant, or decorate a paper egg to mail to a friend or grandparent. E is for Eggs Distribute an empty egg carton and twelve small paper eggs to each group. Have children cut E-pictures from magazines, glue the to the eggs, and place the eggs in the egg carton. Help the children label the backside of the eggs with the picture name. Ears Use a large sheet of paper on which is written the following statement, I have two ears to hear with. The children can paste pictures of things, which make a sound that they can hear. Pattern Eggs Draw and cut out six large cardboard eggs. Glue a different pattern of fabric or wallpaper to each egg. Cut the eggs in half. Let the children take turns matching the egg halves. Eight spider leg hats Make bands that will go around each students head. Cut eight black strips of paper for each student. Have the student count the strips. Staple four legs on each side of the hat. On eight small circles write or trace the numbers one to eight. Glue the circles to the end of each leg. Eyes can be added to the band. Color a spider and number/trace a number on his legs. #Preschool #EarlyLearning #Kindergarten #MonashCity #CityofMonash #MountWaverley #Burwood #MountWaverleyNorth #GlenWaverley #Ashwood #3yearsold #4yearsold #ChildhoodDevelopment #4yearold #3yearold
18.01.2022 So true. @cleowade
17.01.2022 A great reminder for both children and adults! @oh_sograceful #Preschool #EarlyLearning #Kindergarten #MonashCity #CityofMonash #MountWaverley #Burwood #MountWaverleyNorth #GlenWaverley #Ashwood #3yearsold #4yearsold #Kindergarten #ChildhoodDevelopment #4yearold #3yearold
17.01.2022 We have some resources on our website to help you get your child preschool or school ready. GETTING READY FOR PRESCHOOL https://highmountpreschool.org.au//Highmount-getting-ready... GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL https://highmountpreschool.org.au//Highmount-getting-schoo Highmount Preschool
16.01.2022 Monash Carols by Candlelight is online this year.
16.01.2022 Hi Families CALM PARENTS HAPPY KIDS A Parent Building Solutions Program for Parents of Children aged 2 to 12 years.... Anglicare Victoria are holding some training for parents. WHEN :: Thursday evenings for 6 weeks, from 15th October to 19th November 2020. TIME :: 7:00pm - 8:30pm WHERE :: Online via Zoom COST :: Free To register please contact Sharon as per the flyer. Thanks Highmount Committee
15.01.2022 Some activity ideas for this next lockdown.
14.01.2022 Wow, look at the live feeding of the koalas. How amazing
14.01.2022 Hi Families There is a free online program by Triple P - Positive Parenting Program /Official Global/ called "Resilient Children Cope Better". This program is designed for toddlers through to tweens. Positive interactions are important building blocks for resilient strong children. Triple P Online shows you simple but proven ways to create the circumstances that help your child reach their potential - 12 months free access!... The program is designed to help you encourage good behaviour manage misbehaviour settle tantrums parenting during covid-19 teach your child new skills take the stress out of shopping You can check it out here. https://www.triplep-parenting.net.au//online-parenting-co/ Highmount Committee
13.01.2022 2020 has definitely been a challenging year. We want to acknowledge today 'R U Ok?' and check in on our families. If you are struggling please know that you're not alone and there is support available for you. ... Beyond Blue is available. Here are some details on their services. Funded by the Australian Government, the free service is available around the clock. It offers easy access to a broad range of support, from online wellbeing tips and self-help tools, to phone counselling and peer-to-peer support. You can access the free service now at bb.org.au/3gWCwIu or speak to a trained mental health professional on 1800 512 348. Their mental health professionals are available at beyondblue.org.au/getsupport for online chat (3pm-12am AEST) and email (responses within 24 hours). For immediate support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 and in an emergency, always call triple zero (000). If you want to check in on others, and here is how you can do that. www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask
13.01.2022 Hi Families An important notice has been emailed and posted to Storypark for families regarding the Premier's recent announcement on Stage 4 lockdown and the preschool. Please check your inbox, if you didn't receive, please let us know via Facebook Messenger and will get a copy to you. Highmount Committee
13.01.2022 Hi Families Here are some free online activities for kids these school holidays. https://www.together.vic.gov.au/school-holidays-activities... Highmount Committee
13.01.2022 Some important information for families especially as we head into the summer months. Don't forget to Slip Slop Slap Seek and Slide
12.01.2022 Hi Families For those who may be interested. Monash Carols By Candlelight will be an online event this year. Details below. Highmount Committee
12.01.2022 We are so excited for the new adventures of school life our Class of 2020 will take next year. Next week is graduation week.
12.01.2022 LETTER OF THe WEEK IS 'A' ARTICULATING SHORT /A/! In contrast to consonants, where voice, manner and place of articulation serve as descriptive categories, vowels are differentiated by their position of the tongue and the lips.... This week we are going to be focusing on the short /a/ sound. Vowels can be produced by raising the tongue high, keeping it in the middle, or low in the mouth (height, or closeness/openness). The short /a/ sound is made when the tongue is kept low in the mouth. Furthermore, when articulating a vowel sound the tongue can be moved to the front, centre or back (frontness/backness). Thus, vowels can be classified into front, central, or back. When articulating short /a/ the tongue is in a central position. The lip posture for short /a/ is 'neutral'. Please refer to relevant attached image. When practicing the short /a/ sound with your child try the following techniques to support successful articulation: Practicing the short /a/ sound at home: (Best done at standing the bathroom mirror) Dip your index finger in some water and draw an 'A' on the mirror. Then make the short /a/ sound together while looking in the mirror. Talk about what your moth is doing and what it looks like when articulating the short /a/ sound. Ask your child if /a/ is a noisy letter? Have them check by resting their hand gently on their larynx and see if they can feel the vocal chords vibrating when they form the sound. Happy learning friends!
11.01.2022 Something fun you can do with the kids at home. Homemade Microwave Puffy Paint
11.01.2022 Here are some fun activities to do at home with your child/children over the school holidays using paper plates. https://www.youtube.com/embed/PMWVM17kUPw Click here to get your instructions. ... https://www.officeworks.com.au//paper-plate-crafts-for-kid See more
11.01.2022 Hi Kinder Families The State Library Victoria is hosting Storytime for children every Wednesday mornings at 9:30am. Click the link below for details and further information. Highmount Committee
11.01.2022 Hi Kinder Families Another great free event for the kids! National Gallery of Victoria is hosting "Under 5s: Art and the Environment... Share in a childs early art experiences and discover artworks from the NGV Collection together with online sessions designed for children aged 2 5 years and their parents or carers. Families can enjoy a discussion about an artwork, followed by an art-making demonstration. Discover how Argentine artist Alexandra Kehayoglou creates extraordinary carpets to resemble real life landscapes and draw attention to the threats these environments face. This program includes an art-making demonstration using recycled materials to make a collaged landscape that can be done at home. Facilitated by Stephanie Pohlman, Youth and Families Coordinator and Kayla Clinch, Childrens Programs Administration Assistant, NGV Kids. https://www.facebook.com/events/301984524562402/ Highmount Committee
10.01.2022 Hi Family & Friends Due to COVID-19 and as per DET guidelines and restrictions, we are unfortunately unable to provide tours for prospective families (including individual parents and after hours) nor are we able to provide on-site parent information sessions. Therefore, we are bringing you our virtual tour along with answers to frequently asked questions. https://highmountpreschool.org.au/virtual-tour/... If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team on 9802 2812 or email [email protected] Highmount Committee PS. If you know anyone who would be interested in learning about Highmount, please feel free to share this post or tag them below.
10.01.2022 The world is full of kind people... If you can't find one, be one Unknown #worldkindnessday #makekindnessthenorm
09.01.2022 Our learning continues remotely, so please families make sure you're checking out your Storypark for updates from Bec and Hilda. Letter of the Week... This week we will be learning all about the letter O. O is one of five vowels in the English alphabet and like all vowels, this letter represents a number of different sounds. Collectively, there are approximately 19 vowel sounds spoken in Standard Australian English. Vowel sounds are made with a relatively open or unobstructed mouth and throat. Vowels are not described according to voicing, place and manner the way consonants are. Vowels are described according to their length (long or short), tongue position, and lip rounding. As a beginning sound, the letter O can represent four different sounds! I encourage you to focus primarily on the short /o/ sound. When making the short /o/ sound your mouth is open, tongue is sitting flat, lips are rounded and relaxed. It would be a good idea to practice this sound with your child while looking in to the mirror so they can see exactly what their mouth is doing when they produce the sound. Other activities that you can try at home to support your childs speech development and understanding of letter-sound relationships include reading books that use alliteration and singing songs that include the different /o/ sounds throughout! Going on a letter walk and seeing how many os you can spot is lots of fun and also helps to develop your childs print awareness. If your child enjoys making a letter of the week word list, I encourage you to make one together for the letter o. Happy letter learning friends!
09.01.2022 Some fun cupcakes to make with the kids. Check out the cockatoo.
08.01.2022 The letter of the week is 'C'. Our kinder kids are hunting around their homes to see what they can find starting with the C. The letter C is a short letter sound that cannot be stretched. Although you'll see its /c/ sound at times represented as 'cuh', you should NOT pronounce it as /chuh/ - that is not correct. This /c/ sound is made by a quick puff of air pushed through your mouth, and the ending 'uh' part should not be voiced. ... Some examples of letter C and the /c/ sound CAT - /c/ /a/ /t/ CLAM - /c/ /l/ /a/ /m/ CANDY - /c/ /a/ /n/ /d/ /y/ Here is a little video on sounding 'c'. https://youtu.be/LnDxp5QNxmA Happy learning!
08.01.2022 Hi Kinder Families Tonight at 6pm a very exciting event is happening. You can watch the Penguin Parade Live from Phillip Island. Highmount Committee
07.01.2022 Do you have your Spoonville friends in your garden? Send us a picture and well share it here. These guys are hanging out at the Clark familys front garden.
07.01.2022 Are you looking for a Preschool placement for 2021 for your 3 or 4 year old child? We are a play-based learning program for 3 & 4 year olds with the focus of preparing children for their school years. You can learn more about us here ... https://highmountpreschool.org.au Our 2021 timetable is outlined here. https://highmountpreschool.org.au/2021-timetable/ Contact us today to find out more about our play-based early learning program. Highmount Preschool #Preschool #EarlyLearning #Kindergarten #MonashCity #CityofMonash #MountWaverley #Burwood #MountWaverleyNorth #GlenWaverley #Ashwood #3yearsold #4yearsold #Kindergarten #ChildhoodDevelopment #4yearold #3yearold
07.01.2022 Great suggestion. @biglifejournal
06.01.2022 #spring #Melbourne #MountWaverley #MonashCity #Kinder #preschool #3yearolds #4yearolds
06.01.2022 LETTER OF THE WEEK! This week at Kindergarten we will be tuning in to the letter Z. The /z/ sound uses the same mouth position as the /s/ sound, but the /z/ sound is voiced whereas the /s/ sound is unvoiced. The passage of air through your mouth combines with the vibration of the vocal cords to create the /z/ sound. To make the /z/ sound, place the tip of your tongue behind your teeth and very close to the roof of your mouth but not touching it. The sides of your tongue... should rise to meet the roof on your mouth. The middle of the tongue does not touch the roof of the mouth. Instead, leave a passageway for air through the middle of your tongue. Keep your teeth closed and part your lips slightly and pull back the corners, as though you are beginning to smile. When both air and vocal vibrations pass through your mouth and teeth, you have the /z/ sound! There arent a huge amount of common words that start with the letter z. I wonder how many you can think of? Amazing /z/ Activities: The /z/ sound shows up in many fun words that you can act out with your child. Try buzzzzzing around the living room like bees, or zzzzzooming around like race cars, or zig zagging and saying the sounds as you go. A game of Freeze is another interactive way to incorporate the words freeze! and unfreeze! several times in a single activity. Try coming up with your own games that use the /z/ sound for even more practice!
05.01.2022 Hi Kinder The letter of the week is D /d/ ... D is a short sound consonsant where it's made by a quick puff of air coming from your mouth. Here is a video of a child demonstrating the sound. https://youtu.be/0Zsn79oPYz0 Now for the fun part. Go on a treasure hunt to find all the things in your home that starts with the letter D d. Happy hunting!
02.01.2022 It was wonderful to see so many families enjoy the Penguin Parade event. We are excited to see that Melbourne Zoo is holding a virtual tour too.
01.01.2022 Last night many of our families were able to enjoy the live streaming of the Penguin Parade by Explore Melbourne. It was amazing to watch and the penguins were adorable. We have found some fun activities families may like to do at home. If you would like to share your masterpieces with us to share on Facebook, please PM them to us. ... Have a wonderful happy learning day. Highmount Committee
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