HighStreet GypsyCobs | Pet
HighStreet GypsyCobs
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25.01.2022 Fun and games this afternoon with the babes ... Delilah was running amok!!! Nobody was hurt ... my heart was certainly in my mouth though! https://vm.tiktok.com/EBJFdX/
23.01.2022 We are happy to let you all know that all of our mature horses have now been SOLD. It’s been a long time dispersing to get down to just a handful of horses at High Street. Thank you for all the enquires for our beautiful horses, they have all found their forever humans!!! Our keepers are SWEETCHEEKS... LITTLE LIONHEART YOOTHAPINA GUMNUT (Clydesdale Mare) BLUE SUEDE THE GRUFFALO FLASH MAN (Drum Horse) At some stage we may part with Gruffalo so we only have one stallion, but at this stage, Suede and Gruffy run together and are best friends. We are expecting a Drum foal from Gruffy and Suede will cover SWEETCHEEKS + Lionheart. We are now at our perfect size to enjoy our horses. We will have the occasional foal from our heart horses, and are very greatful the days of foaling down many mares is well and truly behind us. Parting with the youngsters is simply heartbreaking, as it’s impossible not to fall in love with each and every one. It takes a certain kind of character to breed horses commercially, and I for one, am far too soft. It’s been an incredible decade, and I’m very proud of the horses I’ve imported, bred and loved over this time. I’m excited for the future, but more importantly, just so content with my NOW! Thanks for your ongoing support! I will now have more time to get back behind the lens and enjoy taking photos of my beauties, as well as riding (you should see the trails here at the new farm - WOW!) 2020 has been a crazy year, but strangely, it’s been really good for me. Permission to be slow, to smell the roses, to enjoy what we have, and be greatful for it. Have a beautiful weekend everyone! Thanks, Talitha xxx This photo is an oldie, but one of my faves .... Taken by Katy Driver
22.01.2022 New offerings just listed at High Street. A Treasured mare in foal and delightful Imported Stallion. These smashing mature horses won't last long. Visit their profiles at https://highstreetgypsycobs.com/category/for-sale-2/
21.01.2022 Congratulations to Sharon and High Streets Eva - F1 Drum by ITS Boester IMP X Yoothapina Gunnut. These fabulous ladies went to their first show on the weekend . Winning every phase and went on to win Champion and also Supreme Champion. Eva went so well and everyone there absolutely loved her.
21.01.2022 SWEETCHEEKS the Supermodel!
20.01.2022 SD THE GRUFFALO IMP UK ~ quite arguably the coolest, quietest Stallion on planet Earth. Photo by Emily Atkinson
20.01.2022 Lovely when he jumped out and was like oh hey mom I lost ya Van Diego & Rico
20.01.2022 A stunning little fella - ready for his new family! https://highstreetgypsycobs.com/high-street-morpheus/
19.01.2022 SD Blue Suedes Family Tree. The ever lovely Josy @ SD Farm made this up for me when I purchased Suede. Such a quality boy with lines to boot!
18.01.2022 Yoothapina Gumnut Clydesdale Mare - IDHA Registered In foal to SD The Gruffalo IMP for a 2021 F1 Drum Foal. Proven broodmare with plenty of height, Bone and colour. ... Current pics on the way. Please contact for more info. Profile is here https://highstreetgypsycobs.com/yoothapina-gumnut-clydesda/ See more
16.01.2022 Good morning mum Gruffalo is a cuddle bunny!
16.01.2022 Princess Delilah!
15.01.2022 Grab yourself a gorgeous, imported mare in foal!
15.01.2022 High Streets Little Lionheart. Mature mare going well under saddle. Imported in utero, world class lines. Dam: The Lioness IMP IRE Sire: Larry Murphy’s China Doll IRE... Two blue eyes. 13.3hh. Tobiano & Sabino colour genetics A rare gem offered to a 5 star family. More photos available shortly. Video available on our Stud Page HighStreet GypsyCobs Please only contact via stud page or phone call. Thank you See more
14.01.2022 Beautiful SD Blue Suede as a young fella!~
13.01.2022 High Streets Flash Man F1 Drum Colt Sire: ITS Boester Dam: Yoothapina Gumnut EHM 17hh... Rising 1. Sweet as syrup, this massive boy is just such a pleasure. Getting groomed and oiled up for winter. Just an update with dodgey IPhone Pix! Enjoy! www.highstreetgypsycobs.com See more
11.01.2022 I have decided to take the final leap & disperse the last, most prized 6 of my Stud & move Into next phase of life. Some amazing Imported Gypsy Cobs & Drums available to the best of homes. HIGH STREETS LITTLE LIONHEART - Imported Mare under saddle - has been running with SD BLUE SUEDE 13.3hh... SWEETCHEEKS OF HIGH STREET - Imported mare under saddle - has been running with SD BLUE SUEDE 13.3hh SD BLUE SUEDE - Imported proven blue roan stallion 13.3hh SD THE GRUFFALO - Imported proven stallion 13.3hh HIGH STREETS FLASH MAN - 2019 F1 Drum Gelding Tri Coloured to make 16.3hh YOOTHAPINA GUMNUT - Clydesdale Mare about to foal to SD The Gruffalo for an F1 Drum Horse Foal 17.2hh. Prices are reflective of quality, imported, purebred, top quality, extremely well handled, quiet, healthy horses. No payment plans. Genuine buyers only thanks. Ph: 0433453998 www.highstreetgypsycobs.com
09.01.2022 STANDING AT STUD TO LIMTED APPROVED MARES for 2020 SD Blue Suede, imported 13.3hh Blue Roan Gypsy Cob Stallion, located far north coast, NSW. If you would li...ke to breed for type, temperament, correct confirmation, bone, feather and the addition of roan check out www.highstreetgypsycobs.com See more
09.01.2022 It’s with an extremely heavy heart that I announce the tragic death of my beautiful Dutch stallion ITS BOESTER IMP NL. Boost gave all of himself lovingly, courageously, with charm and endless quirk. I imported this glorious man from Holland and he grew into a marvellous, incredible and loving Stallion who produced such wonderful progeny. Never did I imagine I’d be writing this ...... Truth be told, I’m far from ready to announce it, let alone talk about it, I am utterly shattered. If you have an ITS Boester Foal ... hold them in your arms today xox Tell them the story of their majestic Sire. And majestic he was. He was certainly a one in a million. Boost is now the gatekeeper of my farm. We are holding a tree planting in his honour this week. Forever loved my dearest of hearts, Boost Man, etched deeply into the cockles of my heart. Please respect the need for privacy and space at this tim
09.01.2022 Gorgeous F1 Drum Colt High Streets Flash Man. DOB: 2019 EHM: 16.3+ Sire: ITS Boester IMP Dam: Yoothapina Gumnut ... Bay Tobiano Colt Please contact directly if you’re looking for a quality Drum boy. See more
08.01.2022 Flashback to Appleby Horse Fair 2013.
07.01.2022 High Street’s Little Lionheart has made a new friend!
07.01.2022 EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST NOW OPEN FOR HIGH STREETS STALLIONS AT STUD FOR 2020 SEASON. Stallions on offer are as follows. SD BLUE SUEDE IMP - 13.3hh Blue Roan ITS BOESTER IMP - 14.3hh Bay Tobiano SD THE GRUFFALO IMP - 13.3hh... This is our first offering in several years, and our last for the foreseeable future. All Stallions are proven, and progeny are available to view on our FB page. Contact us direct with your Application of Interest via our Facebook page or email: [email protected]. Approval is at High Street Gypsy Cobs discretion.
07.01.2022 High Streets Little Lionheart has been in training to boost her confidence, get her balance and soften to a lady rider. Thank you so much Daz at Amour Performance Horses for your amazing skills.
06.01.2022 High Streets Flash Man - is now a gelding
05.01.2022 High Streets Lilac Wine Solid blue roan Gypsy Cob Sire: SD Blue Suede IMP UK
05.01.2022 High Street Gypsy Cobs 2020 Stallions Standing at Stud. *SD Blue Suede IMP UK *SD The Gruffalo IMP UK Two exceptional, pure bred, Imported Gypsy Cobs available for Live Cover + AI to approved mares. Located far North Coast NSW, Australia.... PH: 0433453998 www.highstreetgypsycobs.com See more
02.01.2022 Expecting our first Drum Foal from SD THE GRUFFALO! Super excited to see how this bubba comes ...
02.01.2022 SOLD: Lucy Locket of High Street IMP UK Stunning, big 14.3hh red and white mare in foal to High Streets The Horseshoe Stallion. The sweetest, most kind, quiet beautiful girl. A genuine asset to your family DOB: 2011 Colour: ee... Visit her profile here https://highstreetgypsycobs.com/lucy-locket-of-high-street/ See more
02.01.2022 SD GRUFFALO IMP carries two copies for the W20 gene which explains the white boost .... His colour has always mesmerised me! This lovely stallion is standing at public stud this year. He is a proven breeding stallion and produces heavy, chunky, sweet headed, short backed, and absolutely darling foals with his gentle and curious nature. Height: 13.3hh... Colour: One red gene, one black gene and two W20 Agouti pending. Service Fee $1500 Live Cover to Approved mares. More info at www.highstreetgypsycobs.com See more
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