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Healthy Inspirations Joondalup


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25.01.2022 Theres no excuse for not doing this workout. It can be done anywhere but why dont you challenge the staff at Healthy Inspirations to do this with you? Well relish the challenge! Whos up for it??

24.01.2022 Hows the planning going for this week? Running round like a headless chook or are you completely on top of things? Just in case you havent been able to give your full attention to your exercise regime we couldnt resist posting this exercise tip!

24.01.2022 Party Tip: EAT FIRST, PARTY LATER Having a healthy snack about an hour before you go to a party will mean you wont be craving food and will be more likely to make better food and portion control decisions. Take a plate of chopped vegetables & low-carb dip some of the others will be thankful for it too! RECIPE IDEA - Cucumber and goats cheese rolls... Cut thin strips of cucumber length ways Combine goats cheese, 1 tbsp of sour cream, 2 tbsps chopped chives, salt and pepper. Spread onto cucumber slices and gently roll. Secure with a toothpick.

23.01.2022 REINDEERS STORY AT CHRISTMAS According to the Alaska Department of fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santas reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl. We should have known.ONLY a woman would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.

23.01.2022 Happy New Year to all our friends and members! Wishing you all the best for 2015! May this year bring everything that you wish to achieve!

23.01.2022 Here's a few pictures from some of the recent Christmas themed classes! It's great seeing everyone getting into the festive spirit!!

23.01.2022 Check out the link below to test your chronological age - are you as young (or old?) as you think you are?

21.01.2022 ohhhh..... how exciting.. I wonder which centre & which member!!! Can't wait to find out!

19.01.2022 Party Tip: Drink Lots of Water! Drinking water will prevent fatigue and give you more energy to stay active. It will also flush out any alcohol (if you choose to have some!) that may be lingering in your system! Have a large glass of water before your first alcoholic drink and ensure you have a glass of water in between each subsequent drink!

19.01.2022 Social Situations: If you are the host you can serve plan compliant food and if you wish; simply serve a lot of them! Prepare loads of salads and non-starchy vegetables. Thin soups or salads are an excellent start to the meal and act as natural appetite suppressants.

18.01.2022 Final week in the 12 week Pre-Summer slim down competition. We've saved the best until last. Not only complete the Week 12 Exercise challenges, but also the "12 Days of Christmas" challenge also. Yep - repeating 12 (yes 12) of the most challenging exercises from the last 12 weeks! Bring it on!!!

18.01.2022 8 Week "New Year, New You" Weight loss and/or Exercise deal - now available at Healthy Inspirations Joondalup! Your choice of the very successful low-sugar Reset program or the more flexible Great Shape eating program. Or join for 3 months and get the first 2 weeks free! For more information FB message your contact information to us, call us on 08 93012188 or email [email protected]

18.01.2022 A Tip for Social Situations: If you are going to a function where everyone brings a plate, take a plate that is on your plan. For instance, a chicken and lettuce salad with a separate container for dressing and a bowl of fresh fruit will be enjoyed by you and probably extremely welcome to many others looking for healthy selections!

17.01.2022 Christmas Protein Ball Recipe (an alternative to Rum Balls!) 2 Scoops Choc Proti powder 1 x Choc-Mint Procrunch Bar cup hazelnuts chopped... 1 Tblsp LSA tspn Chia seeds cup desiccated coconut 1-2Tblsp warm water 1 tspn stevia (sugar substitute) 1 tspn Rum Essence (optional!) Extra coconut 1. Combine in separate bowl all dry ingredients (except bar) 2. In glass bowl add chopped bar and microwave for 20-30 seconds. 3. Combine all ingredients adding warm water as necessary (best to do with hands) 4. Roll into balls then into extra coconut. If mixture dries out just microwave for 15 sec

16.01.2022 Party Tips: A standard alcoholic drink is 100ml wine, 30ml spirits or 375ml light beer or low-carb beer. Wine, spirits or a low-carb beer are recommended choices as they have the lowest carbohydrate content compared to other alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is metabolised very quickly in the body as it requires little digestion. It cant be stored in the body, so when you drink alcohol it is metabolised first at the expense of nutrients. This means that alcohol metabolism stops wei...ght loss and, in fact, causes weight gain due to other nutrients being stored as fat for metabolising later once the alcohol is out of the system. Start your session off with a large glass of water, then between each alcoholic drink ensure you have another glass of water. Top your empty wine glass up with sparkling water so it looks like alcohol to avoid others topping your glass up for you.

15.01.2022 Next time you are at a party, pay attention to the slim partygoers compared to the overweight ones. Generally, slim individuals are pickier when it comes to food choices. Each time food comes around ask yourself: "Do I really feel like eating this?" It's often all you need to keep in control. Make a conscious effort to sit beside someone you know will be making healthy choices and follow their lead. Rather than mentally writing off this time of year in terms of your food intake and activity patterns, image how you would feel at your goal weight. Enjoy good-quality, tasty treats in controlled amounts, but balance them with nutritious summer foods including salads, seafood and seasonal fruits. Look at any time off over this period as an excuse to move your body more and you will be well on your way to a fitter and healthier 2015.

15.01.2022 Social Situations: Whenever possible, it is helpful to be honest with the people you will be with and, in fact, elicit their co-operation. If you let them know that you are losing weight, not being anti-social, you will find most people will be co-operative. Good friends respect and encourage your efforts to improve your health and your figure.

15.01.2022 CHRISTMAS RECIPE - LEMON, LIME & MINT PUNCH 4 lemons & 4 limes, chopped & crushed in mortar & pestle Fresh mint, chopped Ice cubes & diet lemonade... Mix lemons, limes & mint together. Put ice cubes in serving dish, add the lemonade & stir in the lemon lime mix. Can use larger pieces of lemon, lime & mint for garnish.

14.01.2022 Welcome to the Healthy Inspirations Facebook advent calendar! Each day for the next 24 days a motivational quote, a healthy eating tip or exercise tip will be winging its way to you. The important thing over the Festive season is to not throw all the good work youve done this year out the window by thinking oh what the heck! If you do indulge, keep the number of indulgent days to a minimum. Sure you may celebrate Christmas Day and New Years Eve but be aware that a month-long feeding frenzy will take a toll on your weight, waist line and general well-being!

14.01.2022 ROASTED VEGETABLE SALAD 1 onion 1 aubergine, about 225g 1 red capsicum, deseeded ... 1 yellow capsicum, deseeded 1 large zucchini, about 175g 2-4 cloves garlic 2-4 Tbsp olive oil salt & pepper 1Tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp shredded fresh basil freshly shaved parmesan to serve 1. Preheat oven to 200c. Cut all vegetables into even sized wedges, put into a roasting tin and scatter the garlic over the top. Pour over 2 Tbsp olive oil and turn the vegetables in the oil to coat. Add a little salt and pepper. Roast for 40 minutes, or until tender, adding the extra oil if becoming to dry. 2. Meanwhile, put the vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and salt and pepper to taste in a screw top jar and shake until blended. 3. Once the vegetables are cooked, remove from the oven, arrange on a dish and pour over the dressing. Sprinkle with the basil and serve with shavings of Parmesan cheese. Serve warm or cold.

14.01.2022 DONT FORGET TO EXERCISE! As if that would happen, eh!!!! Regular resistance & cardio exercise is essential though out the entire year, but probably more important at this time of year to burn off any extra festive calories you may have consumed!

12.01.2022 Happy Christmas! But if you end up feeling like this at the end of today then you definitely need to visit Healthy Inspirations at your earliest opportunity!

10.01.2022 Getting your 'head-space' right for weight loss is one of the keys to success. Here are 10 steps that can help.

09.01.2022 Party Tips: If you're dining at a buffet or smorgasbord, don't use it as an excuse to eat everything in sight or 'get your money's worth'. Survey the spread first and decide what you absolutely must have and what you can leave. Just have a small taste of what you really fancy and leave the rest. Use your eating plan. Follow the 'one-plate-rule' and don't go back for seconds. Above all, we all know how good it feels when you wake up having not over-indulged. Go out and enjoy the company of your friends and family with a positive mindset and be mindful of your choices!

09.01.2022 Let friends & relations know you dont want food as gifts especially chocolates, lollies, biscuits etc! Revert to your childhood and take time writing out your Santa Wish List! What do you wish for? What sort of presents would make you feel really good for the long term? Post or comment your wishes below.!

08.01.2022 Congratulations Tania Marinkovich for winning the Grand Prize of a fabulous Vitamix in the recent Rise Up competition. Tania is a thoroughly deserving winner as she used the competition to kick start in losing 10kg since it started. She completed all exercise challenges and sent through a great selection of photos of her low-carb meals. Well done Tania. You absolutely deserve this... and here's to your next goal....!!!

07.01.2022 Lyn D has just blitzed her best distance rowed in 5 minutes. She's leapt back up to the top of the leader board! Way to go Lyn - awesome work.

06.01.2022 (Tune of Good King Wenceslas) Good Queen Weight-loss-lass looked out On the feast of Christmas, Where the food lay round about, Rich and fat delicious.... Tucking into food that night, Diet starts tomorrow, When a slim girl came in sight, The queen watched in sorrow. Come young girl and join with me, If you want some feeding: Tell me young girl, how do thee Keep control of slimming?" "Ma'am, I eat what I need now, And stop before I'm full, Right before I clear my plate And can't get off my stool." "Bring me meat and bring me wine. Bring me cake and mince pies. You and I will drink and dine This feast before our eyes." Queen and slim girl, ate some food, Drank wine, had a natter Slim girl stopped ere she was full Pushed away her platter. "Ma'am, the wine is wonderful, And the food approving. But right now, I've had my fill I need to start moving." Shock passed over the queen's face, "There's food left on the plates But if I eat at this pace It'll settle on my waist." So she followed the young girl Laid down her knife and fork, Pushed away her plate, half full Went walking in the park. Therefore weight loss comes, you know, From your diet trimming, Exercise and move some more Success is yours in slimming.

06.01.2022 Footprints in the Sand, Walking/Pedometer competition. We are pleased to announce the results of the recent 7 week walking competition. The Joondalup winners are: 1st - Glynis S - 83 laps 2nd - Kim W - 68 laps 3rd - Tatum Z - 47 laps 4th - Lynn Delahey - 44 laps... 5th - Kerry F - 40 laps 6th - Viv C - 25 laps Congratulations Ladies and everyone else who took part. Keep up with the walking, especially over the Festive Season! We're waiting with baited breath to hear the National results to see if any of our girls have won the grand prize of a Lorna Jane voucher! See more

05.01.2022 A great twist on a Reset favourite!

03.01.2022 Christmas recipe: SEAFOOD SKEWERS AND LIME & CORIANDER DIPPING SAUCE 16 medium (600g) green prawns in shell 300g firm white fish fillets 300g clean baby octopus ... 2 garlic cloves crushed 2 tsp olive oil 1 quantity Lime and coriander dipping sauce (see recipe below) 1. Preheat a barbecue grill to medium-high 2. Peel & devein prawns, cut fish into 3cm pieces, halve the octopus. 3. Thread the prawns, fish and octopus evenly onto 16 small metal or bamboo skewers (If using bamboo soak in cold water 20 minutes before using to stop burning on barbecue). 4. Combine the oil and garlic in a small bowl. Brush the oil mixture over the seafood. Place the skewers on the barbecue grill and reduce heat to medium, 5. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until cooked through. Serve the skewers with the dipping sauce. Lime and Coriander Dipping Sauce 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice 1 Tbsp white wine vinegar 1 Tbsp unsweetened apple juice small red chilli, finely chopped tsp finely chopped ginger 1 Tbsp chopped coriander 2 tsp salt reduced soy sauce or gluten free soy sauce Put the lime juice, vinegar, apple juice, soy sauce, chilli, ginger and coriander in a small, Mix well to combine. Put dipping sauce into small individual bowls to serve.

02.01.2022 Aim to keep up with your normal exercise routine. Once or twice a week at the gym is still better than no workout! Schedule it into your diary as a non-negotiable appointment! It has to happen!

02.01.2022 Here are some of the pictures from our Members Christmas Breakfast at Jetty's on Sunday 7th December. It was brilliant to see so many of you there! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends if we don't get to see you again before Christmas.

02.01.2022 OK, the first week of December is out of the way 16 days to go to the Big Day! Whats your plan for this week? What do you mean, what plan? How are you going to fit in the 8 laws of weight loss this week?

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