Hillside Legal in Baulkham Hills, New South Wales | Lawyer & law firm
Hillside Legal
Locality: Baulkham Hills, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 9836 1447
Address: Level 5, 4 Columbia Court 2153 Baulkham Hills, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.hillsidelegal.com.au/
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25.01.2022 On 27 August 1902, the Women's Franchise Act gave women the right to vote in state elections in New South Wales. Here are some arguments that were made both in favour and against womens suffrage: ... "We are, in my opinion, running counter to the intentions and to the design of the Great Creator, and we are reversing those conditions of life to which woman was ordained." "The main ambition of a woman's life should be to become the wife of an honorable and honest man." "I have a mother, and I have a wife and a sister and daughters, and I wish to continue in the position of their supporter and their protector, and not to place them under the necessity of protecting their own political position. I do not wish them to have extended to them the right not only to vote, but to sit in this Chamber. It is man's duty to be here, and it is woman's duty to attend to the family." William Knox (Kooyong, Free Trade) House of Representatives, 23 April 1902, p.11941 "The very men who say that giving a woman a vote would degrade her, have not the slightest compunction about making her a drudge. They do not regard it as degrading for a woman to black a man's boots. Oh, no! It is not degrading for her to scrub a floor or to be turned into a stuffy kitchen to cook for a man, or to be put into a factory where she will have to work nine or ten hours a day for a wretched pittance. None of these things will degrade a woman, but to give her a voice in the government of the country will degrade her! That is what the opponents of female suffrage tell us." James Stewart (Qld, Australian Labor Party) Senate, 9 April 1902, p.11499 "I, and many others, believe that woman has higher and more sacred functions to fulfil than those presented in political life." Thomas Skene (Grampians, Free Trade) House of Representatives, 23 April 1902, p.11945
25.01.2022 Sir Thomas More was an English lawyer. After refusing to swear allegiance to the monarch as Supreme Governor of the Church of England, he was convicted of treason and beheaded in 1535. 400 years later he was canonised and is often referred to as the patron saint of lawyers. We have always had this Sir Thomas More inspired poem in our office. ...
25.01.2022 This has made us very happy today! #smallbusinesschampionawards
24.01.2022 ALLURE REMOVALS | We often have clients ask us if we can provide removalist services after they see the professionalism that our team display when moving our cl...ients and our own items. So after trialling this in the last 6 months we are excited to announce this new service. Contact us for a quote on your moving needs Insured | Reliable | Experienced | Affordable 0298366015
24.01.2022 Is it really that time of year? Our office will close at 3pm on Thursday 19 December 2019 and we will be back at 9am on Monday 13 January 2020. As always, our solicitors are available right throughout the Christmas holiday period (all days except public holidays) to attend to urgent matters - just send us an email or leave a voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as we are able to. ... Thank you so much for all your support throughout the year. From all of us at Hillside Legal, we hope you have a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
24.01.2022 Public health authorities, both internationally and in Australia, have been monitoring international outbreaks of COVID-19 and, as most of you are aware, a number of public health orders have been issued, since 16 March 2019, in an attempt to reduce the spread of the highly contagious virus. The bans on gatherings and on what we can and cant do have been gradually introduced by our government, and then increasingly widened. Last night, the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrict...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Fun Fact Wednesday Leslie Joseph Hooker was born on 18 August 1903 at Canterbury, Sydney. In 1925 he changed his surname from Tingyou to Hooker, in what has been described as an attempt to disguise his Chinese heritage as a response to the social climate in Australia. His first real estate business, operating out of Martin Place, failed in the mid-1920s and in 1928 he opened a real estate agency, LJ Hooker Ltd at Maroubra. Surviving the Depression, Hooker's agency flouris...hed and by the mid-1930s he had hired his first salesman and opened an office in O'Connell Street in the city. Two years later he moved his headquarters to 98 Pitt Street and in 1939 opened another office at Randwick. In 1955 he formed what became Hooker Rex Pty Ltd and in 1965 Hooker-Rex co-built Australia's largest private residential development project, comprising 2200 homes, at Winston Hills. He has been described as the most efficient selling agent of urban real estate in Australian history and in 1973 he was knighted and became Sir Leslie Hooker in recognition of his services to commerce and the community.
24.01.2022 When our principal solicitor Alexia started Hillside Legal, one of her goals was to support her local community wherever possible. Our firm model includes a commitment to both improving and giving back to our community. Aside from her dedication to the practice of law, Alexia has always aimed to evolve it as a means of assisting those in need. The Women in Law Awards is regarded as one of the legal profession’s most prestigious accolades. The awards pinpoint professional development and innovation, showcasing the firms who are leading the way in the industry. This year, Alexia has been named as a finalist in the Women in Law Awards for Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year, by fulfilling the role of helping people, providing access to justice and upholding the rule of law in society.
23.01.2022 The HomeBuilder scheme has been extended to 31 March 2021 and applications need be lodged by 14/04/2021. For new build and substantial renovation contracts signed between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2021, the grant payable is $15,000.00. The construction timeframe has also been extended to 6 months for all HomeBuilder applicants and where the new build contract is signed between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2021 the property price cap for NSW is $950,000.
22.01.2022 Telstra has admitted staff at five stores in WA, SA and NT took advantage of the strong bargaining position it was in when selling post-paid mobile products to 108 Indigenous customers who did not know they couldn’t afford it.
22.01.2022 I am so excited to have been named as a finalist in the Women in Law Awards for sole practitioner of the year. The Women in Law Awards recognises female solicitors who have demonstrated outstanding performance, strength and excellence in their field women shaping and influencing the legal industry. It provides a platform to celebrate the females driving the profession forward. Through their hard work, determination and tenacity, the finalists of this awards program are dom...inating the business of law, advising on some of the most noteworthy matters the country has seen over the past year said Lawyers Weekly editor. *** When I was 5 months pregnant, I decided to go solo and start my own law firm. Despite many people telling me that I was crazy for going out on my own when I was about to have a baby, I threw caution to the wind and continued to do what I knew with all my heart was the right thing. It was hard. It meant going to court whilst dealing with morning sickness. It meant drafting documents whilst trying to put my baby to sleep. It meant leaving him in a room while I ran out to take a call. It was very hard - but it was worth it. My children have been with me from the very beginning. They have had to deal with not having mummy around all the time. They have had to sit quietly inside my office while I take calls and draft letters. They have had to, sometimes, come along with me to client meetings (and even court). Without their patience, without their understanding and maturity, I would not have been able to continue doing what I love. I am so glad I made that risky move all those years ago. Although I work crazy hours and am often locked inside my office downing extremely high levels of caffeine, it has given me the ability to offer legal services my way a way built on a foundation of compassion, efficiency, and a constant fight for justice. A way which allows me to focus on my work, but also provides me with the flexibility to be with my children as much as possible. 8 years on, I am humbled to be recognised and proud to be a part of such an exclusive network. Alexia
22.01.2022 We are all in the midst of truly unprecedented times. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, it is clear that many of us are facing challenges and being forced to make changes challenges that were not present, and changes that would have been inconceivable a few months ago. Children are being home-schooled. Some businesses are looking at ways to adapt to meet the needs of their customers. Other businesses, sadly, are being forced to close. We are spending little to... no time with our elderly parents. Grandparents are missing their grandchildren. Mothers who have just given birth are having to accept strict maternity visiting protocols. Many of us are scared, anxious and overwhelmed. The waters we have been thrown into are uncharted. We have not been here before. A large number of our clients are now needing help to traverse the turbulence caused by the pandemic and we have been providing free advice in relation to the legal issues arising from this challenging situation. In an effort to protect the health and safety of our team, our clients, and the broader community, we made the decision to work from home and to move all face-to-face meetings to an online platform from 17 March 2020. A desk, a telephone and a laptop, (and a very pregnant me) set up in a small home office, is how this firm began over 8 years ago - so we're accustomed to working remotely, we're familiar with utilising digital solutions. Thankfully, the transition to a full time work from home model has been seamless. We will, of course, continue to assess the advice of public health authorities and will introduce further measures or amend current ones accordingly. *** In the meantime, please: Take measures to mitigate the spread of the virus; Be kind; Try to read as much as you can; Be kind; Wash your hands; Be kind; and Take care of yourself and those around you - we are all in this together.
22.01.2022 Many tenants are facing financial stress as a result of COVID-19. Unable to pay their rent, some of these tenants will no doubt approach a real estate agent for advice. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has stated that they are aware that some real estate agents are advising tenants who are unable to pay their rent, or who may find themselves in such a situation in future, to consider applying for an early release of their superannuation. ... Such conduct may constitute unlicensed financial advice in contravention of section 911A of the Corporations Act (and there are significant penalties for doing so - a maximum of 5 years imprisonment, and/or a fine of up to $126,000.00 for individuals and a fine of up to $1,260 million dollars for corporations). Financial advice must only be provided by qualified and licensed financial advisers, or financial counsellors. Real estate agents should not be offering financial advice - specifically pointing to a recommending that a person considers the possibility of accessing superannuation is likely to amount to a breach of the Act. Instead, agents should give guidance to a tenant on where they can get financial information.
21.01.2022 I went to the shops yesterday to pick up some hand soap. The only things left on the shelf in the toiletries aisle were a few hemp seed oil soap bars. I was so angry! Were in the middle of an epidemic. How are we going to make sure our hands are clean? And then I saw this.... A perfect, yet heartbreaking reminder of how lucky we are, of just how much we have, and of how low we have crawled into the realm of ungratefulness. North-western Syria, where a million people have taken shelter in muddy tent camps and abandoned buildings after fleeing the civil war. North-western Syria, a place far from our minds, but dangerously close to the virus we are all attempting to flee from. A place where the spread of Covid-19 would mean disaster for this already shattered region. Health authorities around the world are recommending social distancing and relentless hand washing - yet in these camps, there is barely any running water, and up to a dozen people live in the same tent. You want us to wash our hands? asked Fadi Mesaher, the Idlib director for the Maram Foundation for Relief and Development. Some people cant wash their kids for a week. They are living outdoors. Syrian doctors believe the virus has already entered the camps there have been deaths and illness that bear its hallmarks - but no one cares because as long as we, the privileged, have copious amounts of toilet paper and hand sanitiser and pasta and minced meat, and as long as we and our loved ones are able to run our hands under clean, running water to shield ourselves from this lethal virus, everything will be ok.
20.01.2022 I dont get frustrated very often, but receiving an email or letter which has Dear Sirs as the salutation makes me .
20.01.2022 This has made our year! Hilarious.
18.01.2022 On this day, in 1916, Prime Minister Billy Hughes took the issue of conscription to a public vote, after two months of feverish campaigning. The plebiscite sparked a divisive debate that split communities across the country (and the Labor Party) in the process. The question put to voters was:... "Are you in favour of the Government having, in this grave emergency, the same compulsory powers over citizens in regard to requiring their military service, for the term of this War, outside the Commonwealth, as it now has in regard to military service within the Commonwealth?" The result was not as the Prime Minister had hoped - a very close, but clear rejection of the measure. In New South Wales, 57% of voters were against conscription. Nationally, it was a 52% no vote. Considering the entire apparatus of government had been campaigning for yes it was a significant victory for grassroots activism. After Hughes was re-elected in the 1917 election, a second plebiscite was carried out dealing with the same issue. this was also voted down, but by a larger majority. Peace was finally declared on 11 November 1918. More than 420,000 Australians volunteered for the AIF, the Navy and the Nursing Corps during the 4 years of war. 60,000 died serving their country.
18.01.2022 CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) ANNOUNCEMENT: UPCOMING CHANGES TO SITTING PROCEDURES The Court is implementing special sitting procedures from Monday, 23 March 2020 to ...minimise the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). The primary aim is to minimise the need for parties to come to the Court in the near future. Registrars' Lists will be conducted as much as possible either by the online court, where available, or by telephone link and, in the case of contentious matters, by videolink. A similar approach will be taken in Judges' Lists, subject to specific directions given by the judge administering the list. In relation to appeals or first instance matters, consideration will be given to dealing with the matters by telephone or Audio Visual Link (AVL). There will be no changes to the way the Criminal Lists, such as Bails and Arraignments, and current Supreme Court Jury trials are currently being heard. For further details see: https://bit.ly/2xxmNxJ
16.01.2022 NSW businesses must follow COVID-safe measures and public health orders or risk a penalty of up to $55,000. To download a safety plan, visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/covid-safe-businesses where you can complete a COVID-19 Safety Plan and register as a COVID Safe business.
16.01.2022 We, at the Lisa Harnum Foundation, are very happy to announce the opening of our third Safe Room, located within the Rouse Hill Town Shopping Centre. The Safe R...oom offers security, privacy and confidentiality where you can access help from one of our caseworkers. We realise that at this time, it is difficult for women experiencing domestic abuse to access help. We are here for you, if you need help and are able to make contact call 1300732848 which connects directly with our caseworker. See more
15.01.2022 Heres my business partner (also known as my husband) When hes not busy being a lawyer and helping clients, he is out there responding to accidents and fighting fires Hes also our puppys favourite person.
15.01.2022 We have arrived in Melbourne - and its cold (well, colder than Sydney). Very much looking forward to attending the Women in Law awards ceremony tonight and celebrating all the women (including our very own principal solicitor Alexia ) who are shaping and influencing the legal industry.
15.01.2022 No matter how or why you celebrate, we hope you all have a peaceful and restful Christmas. It’s definitely been a weird and difficult year, but we are, no doubt, the lucky ones. For those who may be feeling overwhelmed by everything that is happening, here are some places you go can to for advice and a listening ear:... Lifeline 13114 Beyond Blue 1300224636 Family & Domestic Violence Helpline 1800943539 Our office is now closed and we will be back at 9am on the 11th of January 2021 but as always, our solicitors are available right throughout the holiday period for all urgent matters. Stay safe and be kind
14.01.2022 A #Sundayshoutout A shout-out to the people who make the world that extra bit better. The people who let you in ahead of them at the checkout when you only have a few items to scan. ... The people who say thank you. The people who make you feel welcome in a room full of strangers. The people who smile at you knowingly when you are trying to calm your tantrum throwing toddler. The people who give you their time, even though their time is scarce. The people who acknowledge you. The people who give with no expectation of receiving. The people who give genuine compliments. The people who stand up for justice, even though the injustice doesnt impact them. The people who call just to see how you are doing. The people who support and encourage, even their competitors. The people who let you in when you are trying to join traffic. The people who go out of their way to pick up something you have dropped because your hands are full. The people who just listen. Be these people
14.01.2022 Today is the last day of National Reconciliation Week. It is also Mabo Day - a commemoration of the courageous efforts of Eddie Koiki Mabo to overturn the fiction of Terra Nullius. Terra Nullius, literally land belonging to no-one, was used to justify the dispossession of the original inhabitants of this country. Essentially, it was deemed that Australia was unoccupied, without settled inhabitants or settled law - that the Indigenous people never actually owned the land (de...spite the fact that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had been living on it for tens of thousands of years, spoke their own languages and had their own laws and customs before the British arrived). Koiki Mabo and his legal team fought hard to dispel the lie of Terra Nullius, to demonstrate that he and his people had traditional land ownership systems on Mer. On 3 June 1992, the High Court overturned more than 200 years of domination of land ownership. The judges referred to the policy as "the darkest aspect of (our) national history" and one that left "a legacy of unutterable shame". As always, there were those who fuelled hysteria - Jeff Kennett, the then premier of Victoria, said that with the judgement, suburban backyards could be at risk of takeover by Aboriginal people. Unfortunately, Eddie Mabo died 5 months before the landmark decision of the High Court was delivered. He was posthumously awarded the Australian Human Rights Medal in the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Awards. In 2015, Tony Abbott was the first Prime Minister to visit Eddie Mabo's grave.
14.01.2022 Australian banking and financial services giant Westpac has reached an agreement with AUSTRAC to pay $1.3 billion for breaching anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing laws. In an agreed statement of facts being lodged with the Federal Court Thursday morning, Westpac has admitted to over 23 million breaches, including a failure to report international funds transfers greater than $11 billion.
14.01.2022 NSW SECURITY OF PAYMENT LEGISLATION AMENDMENTS In November last year, the NSW Government passed the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill 2018. The Bill received assent from the Governor on 28 November 2018 becoming the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Act 2018 (the Amendment Act). Earlier this month, it was proclaimed that the Amendment Act will commence on 21 October 2019.... With just over a month until the legislation amending security of payment laws commences, heres a quick overview of some of the key changes that will apply to construction contracts entered into after 21 October 2019: *payment claims will once again need to contain the words This is a payment claim made under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act. This was the position before the 2014 amendments if you have changed your templates, you should start including these words on payment claims moving forward. * the concept of a Reference Date is to be removed, meaning the availability of a Reference Date will no longer be a precondition for a valid payment claim. The reform includes providing a statutory minimum entitlement to make a payment claim at least once per month, for work done within that month. * claimants will be able to make a payment claim after a construction contract has been terminated. * the due date for progress payments to be made to a subcontractor has been shortened from 30 business days to 20 business days after a payment claim is made. *a company in liquidation will not be able to serve a payment claim or enforce an adjudication determination. In addition, if a company has a liquidator appointed whilst an adjudication application is on foot, the application will be deemed to be withdrawn. *subcontractors will be able to inspect the retention money trust account records.
13.01.2022 Rejection of the Privatisation of Australias visa processing system Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the proposal to privatise Australias visa processing syst...em has been rejected. This current outbreak has reminded people of the importance of Australias ability to retain control of its borders and visa processing. The government is now trying to introduce a broad new policy approach which aims to change how it acquires and delivers workflow processing capabilities within the Department. During a review by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, the Department of Home Affairs said the private provider would not contribute any involvement in considering visa applications. However, the committee rejected this proposal as it was decided that privatising the visa system would create a tension between integrity and profit and overall undermine Australias national security. https://www.zdnet.com//plans-to-privatise-australias-visa/ For any further visa application queries please contact our friendly team of lawyers at York Immigration by calling (02) 9283 5290.
12.01.2022 END OF YEAR Property Management Offer Call the team on 8882 9922 for an obligation free appraisal!
12.01.2022 [Deferred/Delayed Gratification] - The ideological principle which encourages individuals and groups to postpone immediate consumption or pleasure in order to w...ork, train, invest, to reap the benefits of a greater later reward (Oxford Dictionary, 2020). June.. end of financial year.. tax benefits.. discounted dealer car prices.. low car loan interest rates.. Don't fall into this trap if you are not completely financially ready to take on new monthly repayment commitments. I get clients and friends asking me [Vache] all the time, why don't you drive a nicer car? The simple answer is, I have better places to invest my money which will assist me to grow my business faster, and when I realise these milestones, then I will enjoy the luxury of a nicer car. We recommend our clients to always to live within their means. Stick to your long term goals and don't let short term pleasures ruin you financially for the years to come. "The decisions you make now will either set you up or set you back for years to come" (George Zenon - Best selling author & business coach) If you are uncertain about the cash flow of your business or the cash flow of your household then don't be tempted to rush out there and take out a car loan to purchase a brand new car this month only because dealers have shaved 20% off the price. You may receive a higher return if you invest this monthly repayment amount into your business, e.g. into Facebook / Online advertising, content marketing etc. Would love to hear your opinions, comment below!
11.01.2022 A business eligible for JobKeeper remains eligible for the duration of the measure.
11.01.2022 Following yesterdays National Cabinet, PM Scott Morrison has outlined the three-step National roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions. Cabinet will review the three-step roadmap every three weeks and easing of restrictions will continue to depend on three criteria - testing, tracing and tracking. The Prime Ministers goal is to reopen the economy completely by July. ... Step one of the roadmap will see restaurants, cafes, libraries and playgrounds open. Children will return to schools and childcare and local and regional travel will no longer be prohibited. The implementation of the plan, however, will be decided by the individual state and territory governments. Yesterday, Premier Gladys Berejiklian confirmed that NSW will not be rushing to ease restrictions just yet. There will be no immediate changes and the two-visitor rule in NSW still applies this Mother's Day weekend.
10.01.2022 A fantastic offer from Allure Property Styling. They have over 5 years experience in the Sydney and Central Coast property markets with 89% of their styled properties selling within the first 2 weeks on the market. Make sure your home looks its best - so you can achieve the highest selling price possible.
09.01.2022 When you are buying or selling property, you want an experienced solicitor holding your hand throughout the transaction - all the way until you pick up or release the keys to your home. Dont just think conveyancing. Think personalised service. ... Think fixed, affordable fees. Think a dedicated solicitor handling your file from beginning to end.
09.01.2022 The Bull and Bush Inn 1937. Photo from Australian National University Archives.
06.01.2022 The practice of law is hard. Long hours, stress and sleep deprivation are common but nothing has hurt me as much as the metal of these fasteners have. #pleaseusetubeclips
05.01.2022 Happy Diwali to all our clients and colleagues celebrating today. To victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.
05.01.2022 We love it when our clients receive $$ that's owed to them. Today, our client who was owed $200,000.00 and was having no luck recovering this amount for the past 6 months, had $200,000.00 deposited into their account by the person who owed them the money. The Building & Construction Industry Security of Payment Act is extremely powerful stuff - one of my favourite pieces of legislation!... Claim issued a week ago and payment received today A very happy Thursday! If your business is suffering from cash flow problems, call me for a free chat about your legal options.
04.01.2022 Here’s my business partner (also known as my husband) When he’s not busy being a lawyer and helping clients, he is out there responding to accidents and fighting fires He’s also our puppy’s favourite person.
03.01.2022 Who is building your home? Check out this custom home by Executive Building Group. We are in love!
03.01.2022 A sad day for the legal world. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday due to complications of metastatic pancreas cancer. She was 87. A beacon for equality and fairness, and a forceful advocate of women's rights and gender equality, ... she faced workplace discrimination in the 1960s despite graduating first in her class at Columbia Law School in 1959. Days before her death, she told her granddaughter: My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed. I hope the remaining justices place the law above party politics. RIP Your Honour. "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made
03.01.2022 We had such an amazing night celebrating the fifth anniversary of StreetMed Incorporated. StreetMed provides street level first aid, mental health and advocacy for the homeless and at risk in Western Sydney. They have been doing this tirelessly for five years, and in that time, have provided assistance to over ten thousand people. The work they do is truly amazing and I feel incredibly honoured to have been recognised last night. ... Thank you for all that you do. Thank you also to La Bionda Cafe for the beautiful food and service.
02.01.2022 As comedian Celeste Barber’s online bushfire fundraiser attracted millions of dollars, she told her social media followers: I’m going to make sure that Victoria gets some, that South Australia gets some, also families of people who have died in these fires, the wildlife. It’s clear Barber’s Facebook fundraiser, which raised $51.3 million for the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) at the height of the catastrophic bushfires, was full of hope and good intentions. But the NSW Supre...me Court recently ruled the donations cannot be distributed to other charities, or to interstate fire brigades as Barber had hoped. Barber’s fundraiser, titled Please help anyway you can. This is terrifying, clearly listed the Trustee for the NSW RFS and Brigades Donations Fund as the recipient, via the PayPal payment service. As donations flowed in from around the world, Barber proposed sharing the funds with other charities, but did not change the written terms of the fundraiser. The money was sent to the RFS Fund, whose trust deed stipulates donations can only be used for certain purposes, including firefighting equipment, training and resources. The RFS Fund trustees asked the NSW Supreme Court to interpret the deed and advise on whether the funds could be shared to help provide relief to people and animals affected by the fires. The trustees also asked whether the donations could be used to support injured firefighters, the families of those who were killed, and to provide additional training and trauma counselling. While Justice Michael Slattery ruled the money could not be shared among other charities or interstate brigades, he said donations could be used in the other proposed ways.
02.01.2022 It is always a pleasure to see good people being recognised! Michael is one of the most honest and approachable agents we have worked with. If you are selling or buying in the Central Coast, speak to Michael.
02.01.2022 #shoutout The solicitor acting for the OS in one of my matters is one of the nicest solicitors I have ever dealt with. The first email I received from him started off a little like this Hi Alexia, hope you’re having a good day. ... It was a very pleasant greeting compared to the few dear sirs that had been thrown my way earlier that day. In another email, he included a smiley face emoji, and boy did that put a smile on my face. Ah, he must be quite young I thought, and looked him up on the LS website. Admitted in 1983 (the year I was born)! Here was a (likely) 60 something year old solicitor keeping up with the times, discarding ancient norms - that he had probably accepted as the correct way to do things for many years - and just being a really good, kind, and efficient solicitor. Every time I receive an email from him, I smile. And that’s a good thing.
01.01.2022 The NSW property industry has just been given some very good news. On March 25, bans on public open homes and on-site auctions were put in place. Listings fell and Sydneys auction clearance rate hit its lowest level in 15 years. The State Government has now announced that the ban will be lifted from next weekend. ... Thank you to all those in the property industry who have adapted. We look forward to welcoming new confidence and optimism.
01.01.2022 Following yesterday’s National Cabinet, PM Scott Morrison has outlined the three-step National roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions. Cabinet will review the three-step roadmap every three weeks and easing of restrictions will continue to depend on three criteria - testing, tracing and tracking. The Prime Minister’s goal is to reopen the economy completely by July. ... Step one of the roadmap will see restaurants, cafes, libraries and playgrounds open. Children will return to schools and childcare and local and regional travel will no longer be prohibited. The implementation of the plan, however, will be decided by the individual state and territory governments. Yesterday, Premier Gladys Berejiklian confirmed that NSW will not be rushing to ease restrictions just yet. There will be no immediate changes and the two-visitor rule in NSW still applies this Mother's Day weekend.
01.01.2022 If your home was destroyed during the 2019/2020 NSW bushfires, and you choose to purchase a replacement property (or vacant land on which you will build your new home) rather than rebuild the home that was destroyed, you may be eligible for the NSW bushfire transfer duty relief scheme. Those who meet the requirements for receiving this assistance will either: not have to pay duty... pay a reduced amount of duty, or receive a refund of all (or some) of duty paid. Transfer duty relief will be available up to the value of $55,000.00. If the value of the home you are purchasing is over $1.25 million, duty will be reduced by $55,000.00. You will require evidence that your home was no longer habitable as a result of the disaster. If you have already purchased property to replace your destroyed home and have paid duty, and you are eligible for the scheme, you may apply for a refund up to a maximum of $55,000.00. The duty relief scheme application period is open until 2 March 2022 which will provide some relief to those who are not yet in a position to purchase a replacement property.
01.01.2022 As comedian Celeste Barbers online bushfire fundraiser attracted millions of dollars, she told her social media followers: Im going to make sure that Victoria gets some, that South Australia gets some, also families of people who have died in these fires, the wildlife. Its clear Barbers Facebook fundraiser, which raised $51.3 million for the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) at the height of the catastrophic bushfires, was full of hope and good intentions. But the NSW Supre...me Court recently ruled the donations cannot be distributed to other charities, or to interstate fire brigades as Barber had hoped. Barbers fundraiser, titled Please help anyway you can. This is terrifying, clearly listed the Trustee for the NSW RFS and Brigades Donations Fund as the recipient, via the PayPal payment service. As donations flowed in from around the world, Barber proposed sharing the funds with other charities, but did not change the written terms of the fundraiser. The money was sent to the RFS Fund, whose trust deed stipulates donations can only be used for certain purposes, including firefighting equipment, training and resources. The RFS Fund trustees asked the NSW Supreme Court to interpret the deed and advise on whether the funds could be shared to help provide relief to people and animals affected by the fires. The trustees also asked whether the donations could be used to support injured firefighters, the families of those who were killed, and to provide additional training and trauma counselling. While Justice Michael Slattery ruled the money could not be shared among other charities or interstate brigades, he said donations could be used in the other proposed ways.
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