Hillsong Hills Campus | Sydney in Baulkham Hills, New South Wales | Pentecostal Church
Hillsong Hills Campus | Sydney
Locality: Baulkham Hills, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 8853 5353
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25.01.2022 Sowing and reaping are an eternal principle. Sow good seed in good soil and wait for your summer harvest. God is faithful - @brianchouston
25.01.2022 Sunday morning with Pastor @brianchouston. We cant wait to gather with you online tomorrow for an incredible morning in church! hillsong.com/online... #hillsongathome See more
24.01.2022 Thank a father in your life (literally, figuratively & spiritually) this Fathers day.
24.01.2022 "The Church that I see is committed to...a mandate that drives us to do all we can, to bring help and solution to a needy world." - @brianchouston, The Church I Now See In 2019, we were fortunate to partner with several organisations who provide specialised support to some of the most vulnerable in our community, including the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. Hillsong's donations of essential items and fresh produce to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre's Foodbank, played a cr...itical role in helping provide food security to people seeking asylum. - Read about our community partnerships that have made a positive impact here: hillsong.com/annualreport
24.01.2022 This world is Yours My God this world is Yours All You made to be Yours I know You love us all... What was your favourite worship song last weekend? Listen to the full Sunday morning worship set now on YouTube.com/hillsong and more songs from @hillsongworship on YouTube.com/hillsongworship
24.01.2022 A revelation of Jesus and who you are in Him will increase your capacity to trust Him above how you may feel. You cannot grow your capacity without growing your trust in God. If you look down you will be defeated, if you look around you will be distracted and discouraged, but if you look up and beyond the challenges, you will see God above it all. @brianchouston
24.01.2022 Spring is here Join us this weekend as we begin an exciting Spring season at Hillsong Church!
23.01.2022 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29 NIV Watch Pastor @brianchouston message That Suspended Space Called When now on YouTube.com/hillsong. ... Who is ready to hear part 2 of this series with Pastor Brian next Sunday?
22.01.2022 How good is it to be in church together? Join us online THIS SUNDAY morning as we hear the word from our Global Senior Pastor @BrianCHouston You don’t want to miss it.... hillsong.com/online See more
20.01.2022 Who is ready for church tomorrow? Join us online for Part 2 of Pastor @brianchouston message That Suspended Space Called When. We cant wait to gather with you online! hillsong.com/online #hillsongathome
20.01.2022 SUNDAY NIGHT SERVICES LIVE with @sangasamways Join us online as we gather for a live and encouraging evening in church! Tag someone and invite them!... hillsong.com/online See more
20.01.2022 Our morning services are about to go LIVE. ARE YOU READY? hillsong.com/online
19.01.2022 Join us tomorrow morning as we celebrate Fathers Day and hear an inspiring Word from our Global Senior Pastor @brianchouston. SEE YOU ONLINE! hillsong.com/online #hillsongathome
19.01.2022 Joy To The World! Christmas is a season of joy! A time to celebrate the matchless gift of love extended by our Heavenly Father at the birth of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Our ultimate source of JOY is the gospel; the message of a Saviour born over two thousand years ago. As we enter this 2020 holiday season, we extend to you an invitation to join us for 'Christmas at Hillsong. - @brianchouston @bobbiehouston... Visit hillsong.com.au/christmas for details on everything planned at Hillsong this December. #ChristmasAtHillsong
19.01.2022 Join us as we take communion together. As they ate, Jesus took the bread and blessed it and broke it and gave it to his disciples. He said to them, This is my body. Eat it. Then taking the cup of wine and giving praises to the Father, he entered into covenant with them, saying, This is my blood. Each of you must drink it in fulfilment of the covenant. For this is the blood that seals the new covenant. It will be poured out for many for the complete forgiveness of sins. The next time we drink this, I will be with you and we will drink it together with a new understanding in the kingdom realm of my Father. Matthew 26:26-29 TPT
19.01.2022 "What God is looking for in men and women, it's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate and loyal in your love..." - Micah 6:8 MSG In 2019, we continued our support of Vision Rescue, who work to free children from exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education.... We were able to distribute $368,940 to connect children with formal and non-formal education pathways, giving them the opportunity to end the cycle of poverty for themselves and their families. Read more about our support of Vision Rescue here: hillsong.com/annualreport
19.01.2022 But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4 NLT
19.01.2022 Those who are loved by God, let his love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love 1 John 4:7 TPT
19.01.2022 So many people in our church booked an appointment at the beginning of the month to donate blood and the mobile blood bank is coming back to the Hills Campus next month - have you booked your appointment yet? Lets do our part - tag someone below to encourage them to book. DonateBlood.com.au ... #lifebloodau See more
19.01.2022 "A special night is in store for YOU as the girls gather for our first SISTERHOOD UNITED NIGHT ONLINE! Im bringing the Word and a lot of love through the screens! See ya TONIGHT! Love always, @bobbiehouston xox Tues 22nd Sept... 7:45PM Pre-party 8PM Start Hillsong.com/Online #SisterhoodUnited2020 #StillSmiling #LovePrayEatCake #BetterTogether #FriendshipCommunityCause
18.01.2022 While you rest, God works! Who needed to hear this perfect reminder from Pastor @JudahSmith last weekend? If you missed the service you can watch it now on youtube.com/hillsong
18.01.2022 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. James 4:10 NLT
17.01.2022 Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God. I am the God above all the nations, and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth. Psalm 46:10 TPT
17.01.2022 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.... Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT
17.01.2022 If youre disappointed with yourself, dont presume for one moment that God is also disappointed and angry with you." Pastor @brianchosuton full message God Is There is available now on YouTube.come/hillsong
15.01.2022 Tomorrow morning with Pastor @BrianCHouston Who is ready for Church online? hillsong.com/online
15.01.2022 "At the heart of Hillsong, our desire is that every young person has a sense of hope and expectation about their personal future... We are a Church that is committed to raising and releasing younger generations." - Hillsong 2019 Annual Report Our Youth programs seek to empower young people to thrive and have a positive impact... in their spheres of influence. In 2019, Hillsong youth participated in Mission Australia's youth survey. According to unique Hillsong data, over 50% of Hillsong youth surveyed are engaged in student leadership activities, over 50% in arts, cultural or music activities, and over 60% are engaged in volunteer work. Read more about our youth programs here: hillsong.com/annualreport
14.01.2022 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. Praise him, all his angels;... praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Psalm 148:1-4 NIV See more
14.01.2022 R U OK? Day is a day of mental health awareness and a reminder to us all to ask those in our world "Are you OK?" This year the focus is There's more to say after R U OK? and it means asking that next question, listening intently and showing empathy. Be courageous. Make that call. Send that text. ... One conversation can change someone's life. Read our blog on Hillsong.com/Collected and for further resources head to www.ruok.org.au And if you are struggling personally, dont despair, stay in hope. There are pathways of help available. Reach out today. Please visit Hillsong.com/Help HELPLINES AUS Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 Lifeline 13 11 14 #RUOKDay #AskTheQuestion #TheresMoreToSay
13.01.2022 The girls are gathering! Join us for our first S.HOOD UNITED NIGHT ONLINE! One heart. One Sisterhood. One faith. ... One hour. Tues 22nd Sept 7.45pm for pre-party & fun before an 8pm start Hillsong.com/Online Pastor @BobbieHouston is bringing the word and a whole lot of love through the screens! Tag and invite others and make a cupcake or two... #SisterhoodUnited2020 #StillSmiling #LovePrayEatCake #BetterTogether #FriendshipCommunityCause
13.01.2022 He is great enough to heal your deepest pain and answer your biggest prayer! Watch part 2 of Pastor @brianchouston message That Suspended Space Called When now on YouTube.com/hillsong.
13.01.2022 God is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t worry. Deuteronomy 31:8 MSG
13.01.2022 JESUS For now he towers above all creation, for all things exist through him and for him. And that God made him, pioneer of our salvation, perfect through his sufferings, for this is how he brings many sons and daughters to share in his glory. Hebrews 2:10 TPT
10.01.2022 There is no time like now to learn about Gods word. Take the next 7 Wednesday nights, starting from October 14th to grow in the word. Those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength - Isaiah 40:31
10.01.2022 TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. How has His love transformed your life?
10.01.2022 Share this with someone that needs to be reminded of this today.
09.01.2022 LIVE SUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE Join us online tonight LIVE with @petertoggs, @jdougy & @sangasamways as we continue celebrating Fathers Day. SEE YOU ONLINE... hillsong.com/online See more
08.01.2022 Our morning services are beginning now with our Global Senior Pastor @brianchouston! Grab your coffee and bible and come expectant for an inspiring morning in church! hillsong.com/online
08.01.2022 S.HOOD this Thursday is one not to be missed! The one and only @ChristineCaine is joining us. Shes one of us and we couldnt love her more or be more excited! 10am AEST over on @BobbieHoustons IG See ya then girls! All welcome! #ThursdaysGirls #BetterTogether #Sisterhood
08.01.2022 Go aheadpraise him, all you his messengers! Praise him some more, all you heavenly hosts! Keep it up, sun and moon! Dont stop now, all you twinkling stars of light! Take it up even higherup to the highest heavens, until the cosmic chorus thunders his praise!... Let the entire universe erupt with praise to God. From nothing to something he spoke and created it all. He established the cosmos to last forever, and he stands behind his commands so his orders will never be revoked. Psalm 148:2-6 TPT See more
08.01.2022 SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE @nathanaelwood Join us online for a great evening at church! Tag someone and invite them!... hillsong.com/online See more
07.01.2022 We have services all morning with our Global Senior Pastor @brianchouston and they are just about to begin! Grab your coffee and bible and get ready for a wonderful morning in church! What's your go-to coffee?... hillsong.com/online
06.01.2022 With arms held high Lord I give my life Knowing I'm found in Christ In Your love forever
06.01.2022 Be encouraged by this today! ..."My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV
04.01.2022 Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. ... Isaiah 25:1 (NIV) What are you praising God for today?
03.01.2022 HE IS WITH YOU Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you,... Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 NKJV See more
03.01.2022 Every new day is a new opportunity! - @brianchouston
02.01.2022 In everything our God is faithful!
01.01.2022 SISTERHOOD WITH THE TWO SARAHS! This weeks S.Hood IG Live is with these two fabulous women... @SarahKhiroya (Brisbane) & @SarahSparey (Melbourne). Theyll be full of life, wisdom, fun and gold. Cant wait to see you 10am (AEST) on @ColourSisterhood IG. All Sarahs and EVERYONE welcome! ... #Sisterhood #ThursdaysGirls #BetterTogether #CampusPastorChicks #TheSarahClub
01.01.2022 Tag a friend and encourage them with this prayer from Pastor @bobbiehouston ---------------------------------------- Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. James 1:2-4 (NLT)
01.01.2022 This Thursday is our LAST S.Hood IG Live for the year... before our Global S.Hood United Night! Join us on @ColourSisterhood’s IG where the altogether lovely Angela Bachtle (Hills, Sydney), Elida Turner (Gold Coast) and Kety Samways (Newcastle) will be tag teaming and sharing gold. See you then at 10am (AEDT) #ThursdaysGirls... #Sisterhood #BetterTogether See more
01.01.2022 We are so excited to join together for church this weekend! Theres no better place to be. hillsong.com/online
01.01.2022 HAPPY FATHERS DAY! Its time for church with our Global Senior Pastor @brianchouston! Grab your coffee, Bible and dad - you dont want to miss it! hillsong.com/online
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